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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1940)
7V j <?NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTb IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE VOLUME XXXV, NO. 20___________________________________________NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1940 BAND CONCERTS Forty Seniors Red Cross Makes Poppy Days MalheurCounty IO START Plea For Help Friday And The regular weekly band concerts will start in Nyssa on Wednesday, June 5, by the Nyssa City Band, according to an announcement of A. V. Cook, business manager for the band. The concerts will begin each ev ening at 8 p. m. and will continue for an hour. In Graduation txcercises Election Results JOURNAL Faites: Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR Slide Tears Out 500 Feet Of Ditch On North Canal J After 20 years of peace when Red Saturday Below is a list of the candidates Cross relief was carried on by the receiving the most votes In the funds derived from their annual Mrs. Wesley Browne reports that An even 40 seniors will comprise county at the primary election last drive, comes the call again for em the Legion Auxiliary will hold their the first class to graduate from the Friday: EQUIPMENT BEING Milk Board Sets ergency relief in war-stricken areas. annual poppy sale for Disabled Vet new Nyssa Union High School at Democratic RUSHED TO SCENE With the threat of war coming eran relief at the sales yard Friday its commencement at 8 p. m., Wed National Committeeman: OF BIG BREAK ever closer to this country, the sym afternoon and on the streets on New Prices On nesday, May 29, in the public school Flavel Temple pathy and care of foreign sufferers Saturday. g> mnusium. LaTourette leads state) One of the worst breaks in a main should be great indeed and the de Mrs. Charles Paradis announced Baccalaureate will be held 8 p. m. (Howard Committeewoman: Milk And Cream canal In the history of the Owyhee sire to give unstinted. It is no earlier that the Auxiliary of For Sunday, May 26, in the public school National Nora Mitchman project occurred this morning at 4 longer a duty but a privilege to eign Wars will hold their annual gymnasium with Rev. Millard Sher- (Mrs. Edson on incomplete state re The Oregon Milk Control Board, o’clock, when 500 feet of the north care for the stricken peoples of the poppy sale at the same time and icn delivering the sermon. following a series of public meet canal, about turns has a small lead) a mile and a half north world. Louise Tcn.-^i has been selected Delegates to National Convention: ings in Nyssa, Vale and Ontario, of the Owyhee places. syphon gave way. The first call for money from the Library to Close— valedictorian for the class and June have Issued an order establishing (State at Large) Damage to farm lands below this American Red Cross has given Mal Mrs. S. B. Davis, City Librarian, The state re-employment offices Marie Wilson has been named sa- Clarence Hyde marketing areas and uniform min has not yet been determined heur county a quota of $400 and announced that the library will be at Nyssa and Ontario, according to lutatorian. imum prices for milk and cream in break L. Langley but It is estimated that it will am to the City of Nyssa, $100. closed all day, May 30, Memorial Charles Paradis, regional director, the class of 1940 decided to take Lotus Malheur county, according to an Mahoney ount to considerable. With committees working under day. complete charg? of the program J. Willis and B. P. Thorsell, in charge of nouncement received here by Mayor R. J. Newell, project engineer. the direction of Nyssa's Red Cross Mrs. Davis also announces the the Nyssa office, continue to be and not invite any outside speaker. From W. 2nd Morrow Congressional District: R. A. Thompson. Fred Schlopkohl, resident engineer, leader, Mrs. Dick Tensen, Saturday addition of several new books to doing a rush business. The Baccalaureate program is as Will M. Peterson The marketing area No. 1 takes and George Haycock, watermaster, has been set aside for Red Cross the library shelves, “How Green Paradis reports that so far this follows: Harry D. Bolvln in Nyssa, Ontario and Vale boun making arrangements to bring Day. when workers will call at the Was My Valley", Llewellyn; “Their month there have been 926 place Processional—Nyssa High School President Roosevelt lead by bet daries of which begin on the Ida-; are In every available piece of equip business houses before the business Own Country", Hobart; "Trees” by ments made with the greater num Band; ter than 5 to 1 in the county, over ho-Oregon state line at a point ment from the Black Canyon pro rush hours for contributions and Richter; "Kitty Foyle”, by Morley; ber being made at the Nyssa office. Invocation—Bishop Anderson; Vice-President Gamer — receiving three miles north of Ontario thence ject to reconstruct the ditch. Just in the afternoon high school girls "Wind Blows West” Bower. Hymn — “Come Thou Almighty 1102 votes to Garner’s even 200. north of the County Court House how On Wednesday of this week 61 per this break can be re will be available on Main street for Move From Wendell— King’’—Congregation; sons were placed on jobs. Over the state the President was west to a point three miles due paired soon none of the officials would these who wish to give. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wernicke Paradis also stated that instead "The Lost Chord"—Glee Club; shown a 9 to 1 favor. in Vale, south to a point three hazard a guess, except to say that Arrangements have also been moved to Nyssa from Wendell, on of a shortage of work there now Scripture Reading—Rev. Sherich; Electors about for President and miles west of a point three miles It would undoubtedly made for school children and stay- Sunday and are occupying the H. exists a shortage of labor and that Vocal Solo—"I Will Lift Up Mine Vice-President: south of Nyssa from the Idaho- longer than the repairs take to much the at-homes to give their bit. F. Brown cottage at Third and Lo at least 100 extra workers will have Eyes"—Helen Stevens; Oregon state line. Area No. 2 takes break that occurred last year at the Amanda J. Hart Every penny is acceptable and no cust. Wernicke relieved H. L. to be brought into the area to care Sermon—Rev. Sherich; in the balance of the county. John S. Marshall south entrance to the Owyhee sy one is asked to give more than they Bayer at the linotype at the Jour for the beet and general harvest Hark, Hark My Soul"—Glee club Lawrence A. Tronsdale The minimum price clause In the phon, which was some 12 days. can afford, but give a little. It is nal office. Hymn—“I Neeu Thee Every Hour” season. The onion thinning and Mary G. Walker official order does not force the Three crews will be at work con the little drops of water that fill haying are already well under way. —Congregation; Earl F. Groblebe dairies to that level, but does for tinuously until the repairs have the barrel. Benediction—Rev. Moore; Beet thinning is now at the peak. Congressman Pierce, unopposed bid from selling milk or cream been completed. Sewing is also needed for Red EARLE REED TO BE Recessional—High School Band. Not only have the offices supplied nomination on the Democratic below them that set in the price schedule. The break, coming at this partic Cross aid and while there has been ASSOCIATION GUEST farm labor but have filled many The commencement program, as for ticket received a fine complimen The minimum prices lor area one ular time may cause serious dam much accomplished by local groups announced by Mrs. John O. Young, types, particularly have they tary vote of 1180. as set by the board are: for milk, age to crops, unless water is made and women there Ls still a great Earle Reed, supervisor of Agricul- other placed many women in domestic who is in charge of arrangements: State Treasurer; single quarts, 9 cents; 3 quarts de available in a comparatively short deal needed, layettes, and children’s tuarl and Industrial Development work. Processional—Nyssa High School Lyman Ross livered at one time, 25 cents; 4 or time. clothing and sweaters. Materials department of the Union Pacific According to a report made by Band; (A. L. Brown leads the state) more quarts delivered at one time, may be obtained from Mrs. Tensen railroad will be the guest of honor J. Richard Smurthwaite, veterans’ Invocation— Spaulding was unopposed 8 cents per quart. On cream the and any contributions may also be at a dinner to be tendered him by placement representative, the offi "None But the Lonely Heart"— for Bruce the State Treasurership, the prices are: half-pints, 15 Sidewalks May Be given to her. the Vale-Owyhee Land Settlement ces in this area led the state in the Glee Club; same applying to Victor J. Benoe minimum cents; pints, 27 cents; quarts, 48 Incidental solos — Laura Chad supplementary placement classifica Association, in Ontario on Monday, for State Senator from the 22nd cents. tion for veterans with a total of 174 wick, Phyllis Poage; 27, according to Frank T. Mor Senatorial district. set by the local dairies are, Built Under COUNTY OFFICIALS May gan, secretary for the association. unemployed veterans being placed. Salutatory—June Marie Wilson; In the voting for county officers, for Prices milk, per quart, or four Selection by Boys’ Quartettte; John Molenaar and Harry D. Wells quarts for 10 35 cents TO MEET IN VALE Reed, through his department has cents. Cream prices, W .P .A .__ Class History; been of material help in the settle tied with 646 votes, while Sheriff locally, have been set at half pints Word has been received by Mayor The annual meeting of the Asso ment and development of the Vale NYSSA SUGAR IN "Valse Brillante" — Laura Chad Glenn bested his rival 2 to 1 with 15 cents, pints 27 cents and quarts R. A. Thompson, from H. A. Scott, ciation of Eastern Oregon County and Owyhee projects, and this din SHAMROCK, TEXAS wick; 959 votes to Robert L. Davis’ 462. at 50 cents. “These prices, Judges and Commissioners will be ner was arranged for when it was Class Will; Murray Morton, incumbent assessor slightly higher than that set by while P. A. supervisor in Ontario that the W. held in Vale on Friday, May 24, at learned that he would be in this Mrs. I. B. Allen, who recently "Un Bel Di”—Girls' Octette; received 558 votes, while Grover board are as low as we can make Individual property owners in Nyssa 10 a. m., according to an announce vicinity. Incidental solo—Helen Boydell; Francis received 424, Roy McNulty use W. P. A. labor for the con made a trip into southwestern Uni "An Old Violin" In view of the sanitary regu may ment from Countj) Commissioner 224 and James V. Graham 193. An them, struction of sidewalks without nec ted States, was in the city of Sham Class Prophecy; lations and equipment that the con Charles Marshall. The counties rep 1HK1LLS PROMISED rock, Texas, feeling rather home “The Gypsy T5>il’ — Hollis De- thony Yturri, Ontario attorney re trol require of us”, Rock Shelton, essity of going In with other prop resented in the association are Un ceived enough votes as state repre local dairyman, said, In commenting erty owners to form an Improve sick, and imagine her surprise when ion, Baker, Umatilla, Grant and A l BIKE RACE Grofft; sentative (Demacratlc) to assure on the local rate which will go Into ment district. All the owners will she waiked into Snell's Grocery of Malheur. Valedictory—Louise Tensen; his place on the ballot for the gen to pay for Is the materials to that city and found White Satin June 1. Herb Fisher agreed have Charles E. Baker, president of Don A. Gamble, Harley-Dividson sugar well displayed and advertised Indian Legends—Girls’ Glee Club eral election this fall and will op effect be used and to make arrangements with Shelton’ s comment, adding the association, will preside and F. motorcycle dealer of Boise, and a all over the store. Mrs. Allen said "Fallen Leaf" pose Virgil Staples, Republican In for the necessary equipment. Grade that dairymen are put to a much L Phipps of The Dalles and Earl member of tlie Owyhee Motorcycle that the sight of the home product “Pale Moon" and lines will be put in by larger expense than most people levels B. Day, former county judge of club was in Nyssa Tuesday and an ersed her homesickness a bit and Presentation of American Legion cumbent. Republican the Mayor said. realize, milk bottles, for Instance the The city, average Medford will be the principle speak nounced that his motorcycle club Graham; National Committeeman: cost for materials Is her feel that she was not so Awards—Don cost about twice what they do in ers. Day will report on his recent would pay their annual visit to made Presentation of School Awards— Ralph Cake, leads also in state the coastal areas. about 10 cents per square foot. Ap conference in Washington. D. C„ at Nyssa Sunday, May 26, and put on far from Nyssa. J. W. Bushong; National Committeewoman: plications for the laying of side which was taken up the problem a two-hour show of races and stunt Vocal Solo—June Marie Wilson; Florence Runyon walks may be given to Mayor of trying to obtain revision of taxes ridmg beginning at 2 p. m„ on the SPECIAL DAIRY Presentation of Diplomas — Wm (Mrs. George T. Gerlinger leads the Pastor to be Honored Guest— Thompson, at which time a deposit taken out of county funds by the grounds just west of the Nyssa HERD ON SALE M. DeGrofft. Friends and parishioners of the on the materials to be used must state) newly irrigated lands. Legislation, dales yard. Delegates to National Convention Methodist Community church are be made. to be presented at the next state Of especial interest this year will Floyd Robison, owner of the Nys Visits Parents— (State at Large) Invited to a covered dish dinner The Mayor has several suggested legislature, affecting the counties be the fact that the riders will be sa Sales Yard, announced that he Mrs. William E. Botholmey, Los Archie McGowan Sunday, May 26, complimenting projects in mind as Is hopeful that will also be discussed, according to competing for the American Motor Rev. Sherlck who will deliver his the property owners will avail arrived yesterday for a Phil Metschan have the Marion Shobar herd Angeles, County Judge David F. Graham. cycle association trophy, which is would last sermon on that date. Bring, themselves of this opportunity. with her parents, Mr. and Peter Zimmerman dairy Jersey's and Guernseys up visit nighly prized by all motorcycle of a generous covered dish and san- Those in the Mayor’s mind are the Robert A. Elliott Mrs. Dick Tensen. for sale on tomorrow’s (Friday) Visits riders. wiohes enough for your own family south side on Main street, from Metschan, Tooze, Farrell and Stan in Boise— sale. Frizes have been put up by vari The herd consists of 30 head of Mrs. A. V. Cook is spending the field appear to be leading. F. F. A. CONFERS one extra guest. Dinner will' Third street to the school property Nyssa merchants, in addition cattle, nine of which are nine- week in Boise visiting with her From 2nd Congressional District: and be served at 1:00 o'clock, according and on the south side of Good HONORARY DEGREE ous to the trophy. Avenue from First street to the to the committee in charge. mother, Mrs. Mary Lyles, and her Arthur W. Schuapp month-old heifers, the remainder high school property. “For outstanding help to the Fu Harriet W. Ryan daughter, Thelma. being heavy springers and fresh. (Mrs. Ryan and W. E. Saylor lead Auctioning Increases Livestock— ture Farmers of America during Townsend Club Elects McClellen— Dillon— are T. B. and Abortion tested, In Mrs. According to Floyd Robison of Labor Camp news the past year", such was the rea At the regular meeting of the All A. L. Atkeson spent the state, on incomplete returns) according to Robison. The sale son for the bestowal of the honor Townsend Club on Monday evening will start at 1 p. m. week end in Dillon, Mont., and on Only five candidates were on the the Nyssa Sales Commission com ary degree of Future Farmer on t-ies. . L. McClellen was elected her return was accompanied by Mr. ticket for electors for President and pany whose sales yards are at the T h e Labor Camp Community Frank Parr, high school teacher to attend the St. Louis national Attends Graduation— Atkeson. Mr. Atkeson and Jack Vice-President with five to be elec south end of Second street, the meetings have been changed from and Louis P. Thomas, editor of the convention as delegate from this Mrs. Tom Nordale attended the will return to Dillon today. ted. The candidates were J. O. prices of livestock have been boosted night to Wednesday night, chapter. McClellen will be in St. graduation exercises at Payette on Children 111— Nyssa Journal. Johnson, Robert W. Sawyer, Ed. G. since the weekly auction sales have Monday according to Roy Searle, the camp Louis from June 30th to July 4th. been established In the local area. Boehnke Kern Crandall and Claude The honorary degree was voted Glen Schlreman was ill over the director. At this week's meeting a Friday when her granddaughter, At the report of the final account Stockmen and farmers are turn program of musical on by the entire membership and week end with an infected throat E. Ingalls. and Audrey Sterling, was a member of conferred by Marion Osborne, pres of proceeds obtained from the Sat the graduating class. and Dickie has been out of school Senator McNary’s “favorite son” ing more and more to this method readings provided by numbers the Nyssa L. ident at the meeting Tuesday night. urday White Elephant Auction it Mother Visits— the past two days with a similar candidate for nomination as Presi of disposing of their animals than D. S. church, was very much en- Four regular degrees of Future was announced that $35.00 had been dent and unopposed, received 1251 the old method of direct selling Joyed and appreciated. Arrange • Mrs. Anna Sonnekes is a house infection. votes, while Thomas E. Dewey re from pastures or feed lots. Com ments were made for the program Farmer was also given. Those re cleared. A Son Born— petitive bidding when stimulated by ceiving the higher degree being A picnic to be held in the near guest of her son, Heinz and Mrs. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. ceived 32 write-in votes. the camp committee chairman, Dwight Wyckoff, Irvin and Edward future to which neighboring clubs Sonnekes. Last week Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Morehouse May 20th at Mrs. Rex Ellis received 758 votes for the chant of the auctioneer Is by Horace Potter. will be invited was also decided up Herbert Vogel of Los Angeles were Morehouse’s sister’s home in Nyssa. Congressman from the county and bound to bring better prices. Topliff and George Turner. At present there are 32 families on. The time and place will be an also house guests at the Sonnekes The young man weighed 8 lbs. and Roy W. Rltner 615. Ellis’ lead In enjoying the facilities of the camp home. nounced later. Return from Visit— Malheur as the last Information has been named Irvin Claire. Dr. a total population of about FORMER RESIDENT Family to Visit— Look for Location— J. J. Sarazin attended the mother. reached here, has been maintained Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Qool and with persons. DIES WEDNESDAY Mrs. Anna Boersma and daugh Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bair, Klam- Remains with Father— throughout the entire second con small son returned home Monday 120 Once this week Dr. Sarazin had ters of Yakima are expected at the math Falls, arrived in Nyssa on Mrs. Hazel Fellon of Bear, Idaho, gressional district. from a short trip to Colorado to be called to extricate a fish hook Walter C. Rice, former telegra Andrew Boersma home for a visit Wednesday and have rented the who For State Treasurer, county vot visit Mr. Gool’s father who Is 111. to came from her home to be with which had caught in the eyelid of pher for the Union Pacific at Nys over the week end. Higgins cottage on the highway un her family during the illness of her ers gave Earl Hill 677 votes; Leslie Home from Hospital— the 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. sa and Parma, and who two years, til they find a suitable farm loca mother, Mrs. G. C. Hibbert, is re M. Scott, 543; and Floyd J. Cook Frank Oraham returned the first Dewey Jones. Another accident ago operated a mattress factory in House Sold— tion for sale. of the week from the Veteran hos 178. Over the state however Scott maining to help her father. which was cared for by Mrs. Mat Nyssa. died Wednesday in Ontario’ The Dennis Toombs home at From California— has received a comfortable margin pital at Boise where he had been Business Man Improves— the nurse, was a bad gash in from a heart attack. Sixth and Reece was purchased this Mr and Mrs. Floyd Carol with Bob Freeman who was operated and appears to have been elected. under treatment for two weeks. tox, the forehead of one of the Russell Funeral services will be held In past week by Floyd Robison, owner their infant son and Mr. Carol’s upon at a Boise hospital two weeks In the race for the State Senator- Picnic on Lawn— received when he slipped and Ontario tomorrow at 2 p. m„ with of the Nyssa Sales Yard. Robison brother, returned to Nyssa late on ago has recovered sufficiently to ship from the 22nd senatorial dis Mr. and Mrs. Dell Taylor and boys, Interment taking place at the Celd- is remodeling and modernizing the Wednesday night and are at the plan on returning to Nyssa the first trict, J. N. Jones, Vale banker, their sons and Mr. and Mrs. Perry fell against a tent post. well cemetery. house before moving his family in home of Mrs. Carol's parents, Mr. of the week. polled 898 votes In the county; Ward and Ronald enjoyed a Sun to it. Charles M Crandall, Vale attorney, day picnic on the Taylor lawn. At E. Mine— and Mrs. Ben Thompson. To Leave for Portland— J. Powell Is at his mine near Civic Club Awards Scholarship— Member of Nyssa Family Visits— WEATHER REPORT Miss Joan Bannister plans to of Long Creek and incumbent ap- Visits in Portland— Prairie City for the next few weeks. Tile Civic club announce this Mrs Sid Smith with her father, W. L. Teusch. from Corvallis was leave Nyssa for Portland on the 404 and John W. Porter, rancher Yesterday registering an even 90 Dinner Guests— week that the 4-H club member to a visitor in the county this week 29th where she will become the pointee, 215. This by no means Jacob Vandermeer, of Nampa, left Mr and Mrs. Perry Ward were on the thermometer was the hot test day of the year to date, and receive its scholarship to this year’s and a caller at County Judge David bride of Warren Bailey at a church gives the election to Jones as It on Tuesday for a week’s visit with dinner guests at the Joe Daniels seemingly all rains have gone into summer school at Corvallis will be F. Graham's office on Thursday. ceremony on June 2. Mr. Bailey has been learned here that Porter relatives and friends In Portland. home Saturday evening In Payette. their summer hibernation for no Betty Rust with Dottie Booth as Teusch Is working in conjunction left for Portland Monday morning. received a large vote in Grant and Family III— Mrs Wesley Browne and two of (Continued on Back Page) with county agents of the state. precipitation fell during the past alternate. MARKETS Week End at Lakes— the children are 111 at the family To Investigate Crickets— week. Thursday Quotations home In Nyssa Heights with a Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs. Breazeale Improving— Following are the thermometer On Monday County Judge David By Wiley Clowem streptococci Infected throat. with Miss Joan Bannister of Nyssa Breazeale who has F. Graham and the county commis readings for the past week ending " ’ROUND TOWN been Mrs. very Harold Cream, Premium ...... 26 Moved to New Home— 111 following a recent op May 22. as given at the Nyssa of and Warren Bailey, Miss Sally sion will go to McDermitt to inves ' " Hear that there are five hand eration Is slowly recovering. Cream. Grade I ...... ...............— .25 Mr and Mrs. Malcolm Crawford Cowan and Earl Bope of Ontario tigate the Mormon cricket control some temporary fices of the U. 8. Reclamation: bachelors on the Visits from Nebraska— .23 moved this week from their apart Cream, Orade 2 .................. Date Low High were among those enjoying a week in that area. Judge Graham stated loose. A1 Thompson, McClure, Bill Matlock of Gearing, Nebras ment CASH PRICE In the Fife apartments to that reports of the new spray be Art Cook. Myer Gorrel Lex and Mav 16 7» end outing at Payette Lakes. Sid 11 ing used are more than satisfactory. Smith . . . . A1 says he start ka, is a house guest of his brother, their new home Just completed on Hens, heavy colored ........ May 17 ............. 38 79 Illness Prohibits Visit— Hens, light and Leghorn _____ .07 Park near the highway. Dr. John Long and Mrs. Long Sister Expected— Everett, and Mrs. Matlock this May 18 _______ 41 81 out to enjoy Father’s week but Springs, heavy ........ 12-.14 Home from Boise— May 19 ............50 88 who were expected this week to ar Mrs Harold Gregg is looking for ed has got no farther so far than just week. Springs, light and Leghorn___.10 Miss Doris Smith is home from In Portland— May 20 ............._______ 45 82 rive in Nyssa for a visit with the ward to a visit over the week end sprinkling a few ashes on his lady's Mrs. E. Oorrel left Monday morn Boise to work In the City Record S ta g s_______________________.08 May 21 ............. 44 88 doctor's parents. Mr. and Mrs J. with her sister. Miss Margie Lap- parlor carpet . . . . that beau ing for Portland where she was er’s office for a few weeks and Cockerels _________ .08 May 22 ______ _______45 90 T. Long, were forced to postpone pier. Yakima, who is making the teous new ptek-up of I. B. Allen's. called Trade-In Eggs by the sudden and critical while here la living with her par Water impounded at the Owyhee their trip on account of illness In trip with Mrs Annie Boersma and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith. Large_______________________ .11 Illness of her mother. her daughter. reservoir measures 682.880 acre-feet. the family. State Office Places 9^6 a