Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1940)
7VieNYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, G ATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF O REGON'S SUGAR EMPIRE V O L U M E X X X V , NO. 19 NYSSA, Where To Vote In Nyssa With such a large influx of new voters in Nyssa the Nyssa Journal gives below the various voting places in the city Precinct 1. For all persons living south of the center line of Alain street to the city limits: VOTE AT THE CITY HALL. OREGON, t k u R S D A Y , M A Y 16 , 1940 Warning Issued Politics Confined On Fire Hazards To County Issues Councilman Carlas Buchner, com missioner of public health and safe ty issued a warning to all residents of Nyssa on the hazard of cheat grass growing near buildings. Buch ner asked that all residents make a concerted effort to keep the grass cut away from all buildings to a sufficient distance to enable the fire department at a later date to burn off the grass with little or no dan ger to buildings. Buchner said that this danger was particularly great this year, due to the heavy growth of the grass and also weeds. “The fire department will, when the grass and weeds be come dry enough, bum them off, but will not do so where there is the slightest possibility of a build ing catching on fire during the process,” Buchner said. A s Vote Nears Census Shows Nyssa Leads County In Population Gain Interest in politics, in Malheur county, is confined almost strictly Census Figures to county offices, and a compara BUILDING PERMITS Show Gain of tively light vote is expected tomor TOTAL $7650 row, Friday, May 17, the date of the 1031 Persons Applications for building permits primaries. Precinct 3. For ail persons living north of the center line of About the hottest contest is that on file in the office of City Record Nyssa leads the county of Mal EmisOn street to city limits: VOTE AT RESIDENCE OF MRS. between Grover Francis and Mur er M. F. Solomon total $7650 and heur in gain in percentage of popu ADD1E WILSON (Third and Park avenue). ray Morton, incumbent county as Include two residences, the remod lation, for the past ten years, ac sessor. Both are running on the elling of two business buildings and cording to figures released Wedne Democratic ticket. Morton has done one residence. day by Dr. Charles M. Tyler, dis Washington. D. C. News Bureau of The two new residences will be trict supervisor of the census. On very little campaigning while Fran the Nyssa Gate City Journal glow ers produce cis has been out over the county built for A. V. Cook and F. L. tario is second and Vale is thrd in — , MOVES TO NEW meeting the voters and expounding Kirkham, the Cook residence being gains. WASHINGTON, D. C —Every LOCATION his views on the very touchy sub on south Fourth street and that of The population in Nyssa. the fig where in the national capital the ject of equalization of taxes between Kirkham’s being on north Third ures for which are preliminary and The Clowf rs Produce, cash buyers principal topic is war. This talk has The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce city and country property. Anoth street. subject to correction, is 1852, com been renewed since the German in voted to pay the salary of Jay Ston of cream, eggs and poultry, will The two business buildings to be pared with 821 in 1930. This is a er office, the election of which will vasion of The Netherlands, Bel er, director of the Nyssa City band, move to their new location, on be settled at the primaries, is that remodelled are owned by Lotta E. percentage gain of 125.8 per cent. gium and Luxembourg. It violates for the month of June, when it was Monday, May 20, in the post office of county superintendent of schools. Phillips at Good and First street Population figures for Ontario show no confidence to say that the high learned that the city budget was not building at the corner of Good This is a non-political office and is south and the Ralph Castater pack a gain of 1941 persons over the 1930 command—White House, state de sufficient to pay for more than the Avenue and First street south. being sought by A. M. Highsmith ing shed. The residence of Arthur census, bringing the total of that Wiley Clowers, owner of the con partment, war and navy depart month of May. Stoner's salary is and the incumbent Mrs. Kathryn Wilson is to be remodelled also. city to 3547. Vale shows a gain of cern, said that the move was made ments and congress—is apprehen $40. per month. Claypool. Both have been out cam 160 persons, or a total of 1082. necessary through the expansion of sive of the future and that national The budget committee last fall paigning hard for the office and Dr. Tyler asked that the readers the business of his cream station FIVE GRADUATES AT defense has taken on new signifi discussed the matter of the money along with the office of county as of the Nyssa Journal be thanked for for the director's salary at great and the contemplated addition of a cance. their splendid co-operation with the ONTARIO—Home economics ex- sessor should prove the more inter JORDAN VALLEY President Roosevelt will never fa length, appropriated $105, of which line of popular feeds. Clowers said hibitsand contests will feature the esting of the primaries. Bureau of Census, and that he was vor an expeditionary force, but it $220 was to be used for back salary, that he would have an announce 4-H Spring Fair to be held at the By Phil Thomberg Sheriff C. W. Glenn has announc well pleased with the evidence of is persistently rumored that while the result being that there is only ment to make next week that would Conklin school in Ontario on May ed that all of the polling places in JORDAN VALLEY—Graduation growth of the three cities. the president opposes dispatching $25 left in the budget for the month be of interest to every person in 24 and 25. this area will be the same as at exercises were held Saturday night Figures on the total for the county an army overseas, lie might sanc of May. And to add further finan Nyssa and to the local farmers as for the class of '40. Five students wil be released at a later date. All exhibits must be entered by the last election. well. He declined to make known tion the use of American flyers, cial worries to the supporters of the Little interest has been shown graduated and for the first time On the back page of this issue of noon of Thursday, May 23, as these who could enlist with the allies. In city band, there is a bass horn yet the “secret" but said that he was will be judged by Miss Helen Cow- here in state or national office- since 1930 an outside speaker gave the Nyssa Journal appears a form sure everyone in this area would be fact the allies are short on flyers to be paid for, which cost $210. of gill, assistant state club leader, dur seekers, with the possible exception the commencement talk. E. C. Pres in which those who are on small and the United States has a limited which the band members have, pleased with the announcement. ing the afternoon and put on dis of Rex Ellis, state senator, who is ton, head of the history department farms and who may have been miss The store building, owned by Lotta number of trained men despite the through outside concerts, payed off play for the opening of the show on seeking the Republican nomination of the College of Idaho, was Invited ed may fill out and return to Dr. Phillips, is now undergoing a very drive in the past year to build up $75, leaving a balance of $140. for congress, who has been well re in from Caldwell for the occasion. Tyler. Friday, May 24. The Civic club is planning on an thorough remodelling job and will a great reservoir of airmen drawn The contests relating to the vari ceived in this part of the county. The subject of Mr. Preston’s talk from colleges. It requires three years entertainment some time the first be ready in ample time to allow for ous 4-H projects are scheduled for If successful in his nomination, he was “Neighbors.” part of June to help the band out. the new tenants. to develop a modern birdman. David Mallea opened the exer different times during the two days will be opposed by the Incumbent, A suggestion was made at the As the war is prolonged, it is be of the fair to give club members a Congressman Walter M. Pierce on cises, the salutatorlan address was Chamber of Commerce meeting that given by Loretta Fretwell and Rae lieved that an attempt (probably chance to participate in all activi the Democratic ticket. The Republicans will have a Skinner with success) will be made to ex perhaps a popular subscription could LIONS TO NOMINATE gave the valedictorian ties connected with the projects chance to endorse Senator Charles speech. Herschel Hon gave the will tend credit to the allies and this be taken up to finance the band NEW OFFICERS they have carried. Three Nyssa high school athletes, would mean abandonment of the through the conrert season which The dollar dinner contest will be McNary by voting for the delega and prophecy and David Mallea The Nyssa Lions club, through its gin Friday morning with the first tion, to the national convention, closed with a prayer. Mrs. Lee, in all outstanding performers in the cash and carry neutrality. Before ends in September. If this does not credit can be given to belligerents meet with support among the citi board of directors, have set Tuesday, contestant scheduled to prepare and committed to his election for presi the absence of Billy Helm, award Snake River and Eastern Oregon track meets, left today for Corvallis the Johnson act must be repealed or zens of Nyssa, the band will then May 28, as the date for the annual serve her meal in the three-hour dent. The Democrats will have two ed the diplomas. amended. This law prohibits the disband until the first of the year nominating meeting, which will De period from 10:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. choices on their delegation, one for After the ceremonies the town to compete in the state tournament giving of credit or foreign govern when it is hoped the budget will be held at 7 p. m. in Brownies Cafe, ac Other contestants wi^l be scheduled Vice-President John Nance Garner turned out for the graduation dance which will be held Friday and Sat ments selling their securities in the sufficient to pay for the director cording to an announcement by K. throughout tne two days as they and that committed to a third term sponsored by the student body. urday. The three are Stanley Ray, United States if they still owe this and buy music, which at the present K. Lienkaemper, secretary of the send in their request for entry. In for President Roosevelt. Among those who attended gradua who has not only smashed the Three county newspapers, the tion from out-of-town were Mr. and Snake River record, but that of the country war debts from the first time is being furnished by Director club. this contest each club member Stoner. A nominating committee, as yet plans, prepares and serves a meal Nyssa Journal, the Malheur Enter Mrs. Ambrose Maher from the state at the Eastern Oregon con World war. Last year the Chamber of Com unnamed, will present the names of to four people at a total cost of not prise and the Ontario Argus, will Cliffs, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Con ference, for the 440-yard dash; In the Washington scene it has merce advanced $120 toward the di candidates for the various elective to exceed one dollar. Contestants join together Friday night and ex way of Harper; Miss Ansotegui, Miss Duane Weeks, who will compete in offices. Nominations from the floor are judged on the balance and suit change information on the results Lola Jansoro, Mr. Lewis Jansoro, the high Jump and Jerry Warren been apparent for weeks that there rector’s salary. will also be in order, according to ability of the menu, palatablllty and of the election. As soon as this in all of Nampa, who stayed at the in the 880-yard run. is a planned propaganda to change the announcement. All three youths are conceded to skill in preparation, appearance and formation has been tabulated, per Mallea home; Mr. and Mrs. Henry public sentiment to the point where haps by midnight, information will Fretwell and children, and Mr. and have a mighty good chance to bring skill in serving and cost. the American people will consent MUSIC WEEK COMES The home economics judging con be available to those interested from Mrs. Cliff Attlg, who were guests to the Nyssa high school plenty of to congress voting for war. It re TO BRILLIANT at the Fretwell home. Those who honors. The group Is in charge of test will be held Friday afternoon, any of the three newspapers. quired several years of propaganda CLOSE May 24, starting at 1:30 p. m. Club came especially to see Rae gradu Coach Bob Parke. to involve America in the other war. ate were Gar Skinner, Mrs. Dun members taking the cooking project When and if Hitler bombs London On Thursday evening the final —VOTE FRIDAY, MAY 17TH— will judge classes of bread, cookies, can McKenzie, her two sons and —VOTE FRIDAY, MAY 17TH— (as some army officers believe he program in music week was given cakes and biscuits while clothing daughter Janet. The town's own or will) the shout for the United States at the school gymnasium before an Following an illness of only three club members will Judge classes of chestra played for the commence to "come in” will be deafening. audience of about four hundred days Mrs. Gerald Hibbert passed garments. All home economics club STATE TAXES ment dance. Mr. Markee, Mr. Lar SENIOR PLAY Congressional leaders are saying persons. away at the family home in Nyssa son, Mr. Jones, and Mr. George FRIDAY NIGHT that they expect the president to Nyssa’s first contribution to this Heights at three o’clock Tuesday members may compete as individ SHOW INCREASE uals in this contest. Perkel, call congress back into an extraor national program was an outstand morning. Demonstration teams composed of SALEM—State tax levies within dinary session during the summer, ing success and all of the credit for The annual senior class play of Mrs. Hibbert suffered a cerebral two members of the same standard the constitutional six per cent ¡im the Nyssa hlh school is sheduled for if events in the meantime do not the smoothness and perfection of hemorrhage early Sunday morning tomorrow night at 8 p. m., Friday, warrant keeping congress in contin each concert is due to the untiring from which she never regained con- club will compete in the demonstra itation are growing at the rate of TRUCKERS PLAN tion contest Saturday morning, May approximately a quarter of a million CHANGE IN TAX May 17. uous session until the new congress efforts of Mrs. C. L. McCoy and ciousness. 25, starting at 10:00 a. m. This con dollars a year, according to figures opens next January. This gives an Mrs. Andrew Boersma who person This play, according to Harold Burial services were held at the SALEM—The Oregon Association Holmes, Is one continuous riot of idea of the gravity of the situation. ally contacted the musicians, pro L. D. S. chapel at noon on Wed test will be divided into three sec compiled by the state tax commis tions, one for teams from cooking sion. The Increase in the 1940 levy of Truckers with headquarters at fun, puns and comedy. vided transportation for those tak nesday with Bishop D. L. Ander clubs, one for teams presenting over that for 1939 was $246,103. Next Eugene is back of a move to change A special attraction, and accord National defense if far from be ing part living in the country with son in charge and Luther E. Fife clothing subject matter, and one for year it will amount to more than the basis for licensing and taxing ing to the notices out on the eve ing perfected. The first line of de no means of getting to and from speaking. teams from miscellaneous home ec $276,000 if full advantage is taken of commercial trucks. A proposed ini ning's program, will positively be its fense is the navy, and before the the concert, made all stage arrange Song service was by the ladies onomics projects. Teams will be the constitutional “ restriction” tiative petition filed by this group last appearance, is the quartet com excitement is over the United States ments and decorations, leaving quartette under the direction of scored according to presentation of which now appears probable. That with Secretary of State Snell this posed of Mayor Thompson, Princi will have two navies one for the At nothing undone which was necessary Mrs. Nelda Schenk. Interment was subject matter, appearance and or means that every four years an week would convert the present pal Bushong, Bernard Frost and lantic and the other for the Pacific. for the entire success of each mu- at Victor, Idaho. ganization of team work, skill in other million dollars will be added one-man public utilities commis Editor Thomas. Mayor Thompson A two-ocean navy is now insuffi sicale. even to the little usherettes, Mary Alice Scheiss was born at presentation, results secured, and to the tax burden for state pur sion, into a three-member commis refused to divulge the song that the cient. lovely in their dainty formal eve Monti, Utah, on February 7, 1896 practicability of the practice dem poses without any further action by sion, tax trucks at the rate of $10 quartet would sing, but suggested Greatest weakness of land de ning gowns. and was married to Gerald Hibbert onstrated. the voters, assuming that the cost per ton of carrying capacity per that anyone who contemplates get fense is the shortage of materials. Mrs. McCoy stated that everyone at the L. D. S. Tabernacle at Salt The style revue is scheduled for of state government continues to year instead of the ton-mile basis ting rid of last year's eggs or vege One million Garand semi-automatic was more than gracious in doing Lake, Utah, October 3, 1923. Saturday afternoon in the auditor grow. ns at present and collect six per tables would be foiled by a special rifles are needed. The army hasn’t what he or she could do to make Besides her husband, Gerald, Mrs. ium of the Conklin school and all Tax commission figures show that cent of the gross Income of bus invention that he plans to use for 50,000 yet. There are not more than the programs the success that they Hibbert Is survived by five minor girls enrolled in the upper division 200 anti-aircraft guns. For London were and that without such co-op children, Ned, Delvan, Alden. Joan, of the clothing projects are eligible in the 23 years since the constitu lines for the privilege of operating protection. tional “restriction" has been In ef over state highways. Engineers of alone the British have several thou eration Nyssa would have been un and Arlon Dick. to compete in the contest. The club fect the state levy subject to that the public utilities department say sand Much of the ammunition on able to participate in this new na members will model the garments limitation has increased by more that the proposals would result In a SECOND MEETING hand is left over from the World tional cultural activity. Former Nyssa Matron Stops Fire— they have made in their project than $1,797,000. In the past ten years material reduction in the revenues FOR FALL FESTIVAL war. Shells are shipped from Hono Perhaps no greater example of Word was received in Nyssa this work and will be judged on the gen the increase under the stimulus of of the motor transport division. lulu to a spot in the desert in the the importance of music in the The Second Annual Nyssa Fall week that Mrs. Robert Long, now eral appearance of the costume, the six per cent Increase has ex southwest where they are emptied daily life of a people nor what hard suitability to the individual, suit ceeded $1,774,000 Festival committee met last Mon living at Jordan Valley, narrowly es and refilled when found still service work and application can accom GUERNSEYS SOLD ability to the intended purpose, ec day and after an Informal discus able. There is a shortage of mechan plish to secure it can be given than caped serious injuries from burns onomic factors, and ethics of the sion adjourned td meet again next TO NYSSA FARMERS and perhaps a badly burned home. ical equipment (infantry moves by the outstanding performances of the Hortens«- Returns— Monday night at 8:30 in the Nyssa When filling a kerosene controlled costume. truck making 50 miles a day nlstead Nyssa high school band under the If the person who picked up the Two registered Guernsey bulls city hall. ice box, Mrs. Long by mistake pick of three days to cover that distance). direction of A. E. Templer on Tues wire haired terrier on Nyssa's Main have been reported sold to Nyssa Due to the small attendance at ed up a can of gasoline which, when To Teach In Hood River— Insufficient pursuit and bombing day evening and that of the Adrian street last Thursday evening and farmers this past week, according to the first meeting the election of o f it came In contact with the burning Lucille Gilmore, who is graduat drove off with him, though that planes—the army waiving its deliv high school band on Thursday eve an announcement from the Ameri ficers was put o ff until this next oil in the ice box, immediately burst ing this year from the Eastern eries in order to supply the allies. ning with de Lespinasse directing. they had acquired a thoroughbred can Ouernsey Cattle Club, Peterbor meeting. into flames and ignited Mrs. Long's College of Education at LaGrande. In short, measures for national This was the first year for each and clothing. She was able to get the will teach at the Parkdale school in wire hair at little cost, they reckon ough, N. H. (Continued on back page) each one added a beautiful and de ed not with Hortense. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wilson Son Bom— flaming pan into the middle of the Hood River, according to an an lightful bit to the evening’s mu Hortense, be it known, is no mere of Meridian have sold Sequel's King room and cover it with a canvas nouncement from the college. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. sical treat. sissy, but a pugnacious fighting THE WEATHER of Hagerman to Carl Sebum, while Walter Corbett, living near Parma, and to extinguish the fire on her Tire children’s string ensemble un terrier with an arm-long pedigree, With .05 of an inch of rain which Everett Shurts sold his Honorary's on Thursday, May 16th. Dr. K. E. self. She then called the Jordan and guards the Texaco Service sta Kingman to F. A. Powell. fell on Sunday afternoon the pre der the direction of Charles Wilson Valley fire department, but the fire —VOTE FRIDAY. MAY 17TH— Kerby reports both mother and of Payette was also proof of the tion in a truly manly fashion. But cipitation for this area was ended, was out when it arrived. Outside of babe to be doing “nicely”. Hortense has a weakness for candy and on last Friday when the ther importance of music in child de minor bums about her arms and and it was while succumbing to the NYSSA SPORTSMEN mometer reached 89 degrees was the velopment. a little damage done to the room | —VOTE FRIDAY, MAY 17TH— After such a successful first ef nothing was injured. lure of this delicacy that a stranger MEET GAME BOARD hottest day so far in 1940. Follow was seen to lead him to a waiting ing are the thermometer readings fort surely Nyssa will continue each But Mrs. Long's excitement for MARKETS Three local sportsmen met in Nomination for the best looking car and whisk Hortense away. But as given by the Nyssa office of the year to take her place In the na the day was not ended for late that Thanday Quotations U. S Reclamation for the week end tional observance of music week and night she heard a constant calling new truck in town, that blue cab- Hortense knew that when darkness Ontario last Saturday night with the By Wiley Clowers will give all children an opportun and crying from the street and on over engine that was delivered at came It was time to be home so set Oregon State Oame Commission ing May 15: Low High ity to develop their musical talents investigation found that a man had A! Thompson's door step from Oak about getting there from wherever and discussed the trout situation In Cream, Premium Date .25 the Owyhee river. and ability in our public schools. Cream, Grade 1 ............ 86 May 9 ___ .......... ........... 44 .24 been struck by a passing car and his land last eve . . . . and there's noth he wax. At least early Sunday mom The promise was made by the Cream, Orade 3 ......... ing slouchy about that two-tone lng a road-weary and hungry little 89 .......... 53 22 Mav 10 leg fractured in two places. green Job that Charlie Paradis is pooch scratched on the home door game commission to stock the Owy May 11 ... 83 In Portland— CASH PRICE 47 driving about . . . . nomination for for admittance to the delight of the hee river with approximately 100,000 Hens, heavy colored May 12 „. 83 ______42 .10 On Saturday Miss Vera Garrison To ______17 74 .. left with Mrs. Ray Garrison, Mrs May 13 Mr and Mrs. Herschel Thompson gayest gardens, the Dwight Smith whole Taylor family. It was several fall spawning rainbow trout this Hens, light and Leghorn .......... 06 Springs, heavy 74 May 13 _____ 37 Walter Morey and Miss Abbie Wood plan to leave the first of the week and Doc Norcott’s . . . . now that days before Hotrense was able to fall. .12 Those In the Nyssa delegation Springs, light and Leghorn___ 10 _____ 45 78 May 14 ard of Jamieson for a trip to Port for Salem where they will assist school is out, almost, the city band get about his dally activities In his were Dr. E. D. Norcott, Bernard better start tuning up . . . . don’t old form. Stags 05 48 73 Ma» 15 land. Mr and Mrs. Ralph BeuUer move Frost and Artie Robertson. Cockerels ....... Water impounded In the Owyhee 06 their household furnishings to forget to vote. Trade-In Eggs reservoir Is now 699.790 acre feet. —VOTE FRIDAY. MAY 17TH— Nyssa —VOTE FRIDAY, MAY 17TH— —VOTE FRIDAY, MAY 17TH— | Large .13 Preeinct 2. For all persons living east and west of the rail road, from the center line of Main street north to the center line of Emison street Ithrec blocks north of Main street): VOTE AT TIIE EAGLES HALL (Third and Bower streets). C of C Funds To Help City Band ^ TT V* Program For 4-H Spring Fair Nyssa Athletes A t State Meet Mrs. Hibbert Dies Tuesday I ROUND TOWN