Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. MAY 9, 1940, a party. The T. B. clinic was held Tuesday The Modern Pioneer club met morning at the Kingman Kolony with Mrs. George Schlemer on Tues school. Mrs. Betts, the county nurse, day with Mrs. Lult Stam assisting. and Dr. Maulding of Nyssa gave the Twenty-three members were pres tests to 55 school children, teach ent with three guests who were: ers, parents and pre-school chil Mrs. John Timmerman, Mrs. John dren. Mrs. Betts and Dr. Maulding son and Mi's. George Elfers of Big returned Thursday morning to see Bend. The next meeting will be held how many cases proved positive. May 28 with Mrs. Alvon McGinnis. None were found in the grade The Pollyanna club of Kingman school. Mrs. Jesse Sugg entertained at a Kolony will meet with the club for birthday party Saturday for her daughter, Carol Jean's, fourth birth day. Guests were Mrs. Lester Gou let and children, Kenneth, Delores and Rollie and Mrs. Fred Davis. Democratic Candidate for Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mausling of Big Bend visited at the home of C O U N T Y ASSESSOR their son Dudley Mausling and wife Wednesday night. at Primary Election May 17, 1940. Mrs. Bill Van Zelf, Mrs. Carl Hill A resident of Malheur County for and Mrs. Stanley Hill spent W ed 30 years. Served 3 years as Depu nesday afternoon shopping in Nyssa. ty Assessor. Has exceptional Mr, and Mrs. I. W. Firestone left knowledge of real and personal for their home in Yakima, Wash., property values. Monday morning. They had spent I f elected, promises to maintain the week-end visiting their daugh an equitable and impartial serv ter, Mrs. Leo Farnworth of Adrian. ice to the taxpayers of Malheur Mr. and Mrs. Firestone are well County. known in this community, having VOL B SU PPO R T W IL L BE i just recently moved to Yakima. G R E A T L Y APPRECIATED The Help-One-Another club has postponed their meeting until May P d . Political Ad by Roy McNulty, 16th at which date Mrs. McAbee is •'V a lr, Oregon- to entertain at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hardman and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Healy and two children enjoyed a picnic lunch at Snively hot springs. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith were business visitorsin Nampa and Cald well Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Alvon McGinnis attended the plaque picture painting class at Mrs. Harvey Hatch's Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Eachus and children were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bicandi of Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods vis ited Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McAbee. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Mausling called at the home of his parents Sunday in Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young at tended the Blossom Festival at Pay ette Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brunt vis ited at the Leslie Young home Sat urday and Sunday. Mrs. Frank Ray and Mrs. Albert Welch were in Nyssa the first o f the week shopping. Maurice Judd, Ted Rogers and Mrs. Ross Healy, the grade school board, met with the high school board Monday at which time the For Reducing grade school board agreed to pay W ater Rates the Unin High school to transport the grade school pupils to and from I have never seen a county have school. more possibilities than Malheur W alter Hazzard, who has been county. I t is my prophecy that working for Maurice Judd, was within the next ten years it will called“ to Milner, Nebr., by the ser rate next to Multnomah in taxable ious illness of his brother. wealth, providing we could get the The College of Idaho is bringing cost of reservoir and water that is a play and music to the Adrian high charged against the land reduced. school Thursday, May 16, sponsored $185.00 per acre is too much money by the Kingman Kolony P. T. A. per acre and if I am elected to Three years ago the college brought Congress, I will try to do the same a play here, which was very popular thing that they did at Bonneville. and had a splendid crowd. This is The federal government charged i the only play or program the P. T. o ff millions of dollars worth of the I A. has had this year to raise money. cost of Bonneville dam in order that P. T. A. meets Friday afternoon. Portland eould have cheap clectri: | A health program Is planned. power. By the government doin r J.ike Borge was a dinner guest of this they set a precedent and I will Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods on do my best to get them to charge Sunday. o ff part of the cost of the Owyhee Mrs. Fd Ccstlcy and son Allen, project so that the farmers of this and Mrs. C liff Ccstley visited at the community will have equity enough j Earl Wcrdsn home Saturday. in their land to get a loan from the Merle Kurtz spent the week-end federal hanks and give them lower home with his parents. water rates. Miss Ida Mae Prouty spent the Senator Ellis said that there is week-end at her parents' home in no comparison in the merits of the La Grande. She went to help cele two cases because it is of much brate her mother's birthday. She more importance to have a home, tcr.k as her house guest one of her food and clothing and a farm which school pupils. Zelma Stam. is creating new wealth and purchas M ary and Martha club will meet ing power, than a cheaper electric with Mrs. Tetwiler Thursday. light rate in Portland. Sam and James Shaw, Glenn Os Paid Pol. Adv. by R E X E LLIS born, Clarence Case and Ronald Lane spent Sunday afternoon at the Kurtz home horseback riding. N E W E L L H EIGH TS ROY McNULTY Rex Ellis Seeks Seat In Congress -» 1 * * Professional Cards C A R L H. C O A D A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon L. A . Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building O R E G O N T R A IL Anna Whitman and Virginia Rookstool were hostess to the M er ry Matrons club Wednesday after noon at the Whitman home. Tea j towels were embroidered for the hostess. Roll call was answered by something pertaining to M other’s Day. Sixteen member and one guest, Mrs. Cannon, Were present. Mrs. Cannon joined the club. Following the business meeting a handkerchief shower honored the club mother, Elizabeth Ashby. The next meeting will be held at the home o f Viola Adams with Gladys Davis assisting. Wednesday May 15. Roll call will be something pertaining to nature. The children from the upper rooms and the 4th and 5th grades SHOES D YE D TO W N SEN D CLUB M EETINGS N Y S S A A E R IE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAGLES H A L L Vial ting Eagles Welcome H A R R Y M INER, Sec. C L IF F GREER. Pres. SCOTT TREASURER A ll Oregon M a n ” J.N. JONES STATE SENATOR Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth vis ited in the Roy Warren home on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson and children were all day visitors in the Chas. Wilson home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Landreth and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lan dreth and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schweizer and fam ily were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verle Lan dreth in Ontario Sunday evening Don Parker of Cow Hollow and Louis Davis returned Sunday from Lakeview, Oregon, where they had spent a week looking for employ ment. Miss Gladys Leach and a friend of Boise visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Leach, Sunday in the afternoon they motored to the dam sightseeing. Clinton Thompson of La Grande called in the Chas Ditty home Sun dry morning on his way to Boise. Clinton is Mrs. Ditty’s nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jonrs and fam ily were Sunday evening supper guests in the Chas. Ditty home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gee and family were Sunday visitors in th L. R. Kendall home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan T iffa n y were Ontario visitors Monday. Irvin, Clifford and Dorothy Wolfe and Ethel Dalss attended a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Watson in Nyssa Thursday evening. The Sunset Sewers 4-H club met with Darlene Robb Saturday. There were seven members present. The afternoon was spent making pot holders. See Us For Idaho Egg Producers Chick and Laying Mashes Prices Reasonable granddaughter, all of Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Morehouse of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Clark and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Gibbons and family, all of Nyssa, were guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sampson on Sunday. U P P E R SU N SE T Pete Cloninger and Roy Shores attended the dance at Adrian Sat urday night. * ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hintz were Ontario visitors Thursday afternoon, bringing Viola home from the Holy Rosary hospital where she has been the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gee and fam ily and John Lawson were Sunday guests at the Lester Kendall home. Mrs. E. E. Cloninger was hostess at a shower given for Mrs. Lawrence Shores Monday afternoon. Rcbert and Frank Tosch and Janies Chadd made a trip to tha i j w; R O B E R T L. (B O B ) D A V IS is a candidate for the D E M O C R A T IC N O M IN A T IO N for the office of M ALHEUR COUNTY SH ERIFF He says: “ I promise, if elected, to devote my undivided attention to the administration of the o f fice, that I will serve the county faithfully and well, and that I will extend courtesy to all and partiality to none.” Pd. Pol. Ad. by R. L. Davis \ • Fair Consideration of problems of cities and school districts. HIS RECORD • Has lived all of bis 42 years in M al heur county, most of the time on a stock ranch, is an ex-service man; now president of bank; married; home address, Vale, Oregon. T O B U IL D B A SIC BUSINE SS OF EASTER N OREGON Vote For J. N. JONES FOR S T A T E SE N A T O R Paid for by Jones-For-Senator Committee, C. L. Burrow, sec- letary, Vale, Oregon. ’i n g a Measure All Cars, Regardless of Price, By % CLICK ! "THE LEADER'S LINE UP and you’ll kndw why Chevrolet leads all cars in sales How Much is Your CAMERA WORTH? WHY PAY M O R E? WHY ACCEPT LESS 7 Would you feel it in your pocket- book If your camera were lost or stolen or hopelessly damaged and you had ,to dig down for the money to replace It? W hy not play safe and insure your camera? Doesn’t cost much— and oh, boy, what peace of mind! The same with shotguns, fishing tackle and other costly hobby equipment. Phone for the * MODISH royal a m t SOUM No other car, regardless of price, r combines all these Chevrolet quality facts. Nyssa Flour Mills features Frank T Morgan No other car, PHONE 97 regardless of price, can match C he v rolet in public PUBLIC SALE demand 6 Miles North and East of Harper or 18 Miles South and W est of Vale Thursday, May 16 On Special Da L m and Mador Da luxa S a l .1 £u¡e It** T/uf It** Bu«| Iti Sale Starts at 1 p. m. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Eagles Hall A. L. M cC lellan____President Don G ra h a m ______ Secretary The P u b lic Is Invited Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDaunel of tlber Thursday returning Saturdiy th.-, district last yecr. 'ih e lighth gvedo pup is \ i Caldwell were Sunday visitors in the night with a truck load of stackers. Bob R effett had the misfortune ts the junior high school in Ontario Roy Warren home. r tc c n f'V T r ai Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gueck visited lose his F. F. A. calf Monday. FOR STA 1 £ Mrs. John Case, Mrs Chat. Ditty two girls In the graduating class in the Otto W olfe home Sunday. Jim Warren and Hakin Anderson and Tressa Ditty visited Sunday F ifty-tw o attended &una:>. :.h made a trip to the Owyhee dam on afternoon at Henry Hintz'. Sunday. A song "Jesus Laves M> Sunday. was sung by Alda and. Au. : , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Osborn of near L IN C O LN .. rjvtld in s P.ttit. L»e Adrian visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ^iriiih recently made an attendance T iffa n y Sunday. Lincoln P. T. A. met at the chart and it was used for the first school house Thursday afternoon. - i '.' b Sunday. K IN G M A N K O L O N Y Plans were made to hold the an nual school picnic in observance of The Pollyanna club met with Mrs. the close of the term. Friday, May ANNOUNCEM ENT Donald Clark on Wednesday. Mrs. 10. Everyone is to bring a basket I hereby announce my Clyde Bowers had charge of the dinner. candidacy for program. Mrs. J. G. Lane and Mrs. The Lincoln baseball team prac William Toomb received prizes In ticed on the school diamond Sun guessing games. The next meeting day. The team has not Vet found a for Malheur County, subject to will be at the home of Mrs. Lee ball diamond. SU N SE T V A L L E Y the will of the Republican voters Thrasher with Mrs. Bruce Pinkston at the Primary Election, 17 May, Lincoln school was dismissed on 1940. The Worthwhile club was enter as hostess on May 15th. Friday so that the pupils of the up I have been a resident and / LESLIE M . S C O TT Mi's. Charles Newbill was hostess per room who wished might attend tained at the Rhoda Landreth home farmer In Malheur County, at Thursday with 17 members and Mrs. to the pinochle club on Thursday Play Day at Vale. Adrian for the past 34 years. “ An Leona T iffa n y joined the club. The afternoon. Mrs. Ray Holton receiv The George Markham family Z A C H W A L K E R ed the traveling prize and Mrs. afternoon was spent sewing quilt Republican Primaries May 17, 1940 were entertained at the Avery A n Adrian, Oregon Ad paid for by Scott foe TrcMursv Connaît:::«. blocks. The roll call was answered William Toomb received high score.' derson hame Sunday. Pd. Pol. Ad. by Zach Walker Elmer Dutton was in Vale on Sat with a household hint. Plans were Mr. and Mrs. Avery Anderson completed for a others and daugh urday attending to business. and fam ily visited friends in Nam Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and pa Sunday. ters party to be held at Annie Gregg’s May 11. The club adjourned Donald Clark were in Caldwell on Mr. and Mrs Tom Whitlock mov to meet May 16 with Mable Bolitho. Saturday. ed their trailer house to the K iel- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Piercy visited horn farm Tuesday. Mr. Whitlock Viola Hintz returned home on Thursday from the hospital in On with Mr. Piercy’s uncle, J. W. Ben- will farm part of the farm this year. for tario where she underwent an op net of Weiser on Wednesday. Mrs. Annie Harris visited at the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olson of Nys Page homes Thursday. eration for appendicitis. Visitors in the Henry Hintz home sa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Clarence Page and infant Sunday afternoon were: Vera and E. Piercy Friday evening. daughter returned home Saturday Mrs. Elmer Dutton, Mrs. Clarence from the Brittingham maternity Virginia Orr, Donna Chadd, Mrs. Earl Heaton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elliott and James Nichols attend home in Ontario. The child has been Ditty, Tressa and Robert Ditty, Mrs. ed 4-H club leaders council in On named Janice Lee. 22nd District (Grant, John Case, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fos tario Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeGross of Harney, a n d Malheur Dave Mitchell is plowing with his Richland visited Sunday at the ter and Virginia. Counties) Peggy and Teddy Langton and tractor for C. C. Cotton this week. home of the latter’s parents, Mr. Subject to will of Repub Helen Schweizer visited in the Ace The tuberculin test was given in and Mrs. Lee Smith. The George lican Voters at Primaries the Kolony and Adrian schools on Markham fam ily also visited at the Schweizer home Sunday. May 17, 1940 Mrs. Carl Mitchell returned to | Tuesday. Smith home Sunday. As Stockman, Business her home in Nyssa Thursday after ' Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Bada McKenny of Vale spent the Man, Banker , knows needs spending several days at the home children of Adrian called in the week-end with her friend. Audra of Eastern Oregon, and of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto William Toomb home on Thursday Anderson. Bada attended school in will use every legitimate evening. Wolfe. means to reduce burden of | Arlie Scott of Apple Valley spent Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin, Miss Be Snre T o Attend The taxation that now Is great- I _________________________________ the week-end In the L. E. Newgen Jeanette Martin and Betty Jean C H R IS T IA N CHURCH est obstacle to prosperity. home. Mr. and Mrs. John Vander- Toomb were in Caldwell on Satur SERVICES pool called in the same home Sun day. at the . day afternoon. Beth Mitchell spent the week-end FAVORS AM E R IC AN LEG IO N H ALL 1 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hallock and with Betty Newbill. She attended EVERY SU ND AY A T 2:30 P. M. ! 9 Elimination of quarantines on farm family of near Nyssa visited in the play day at the Big Bend park. Bible School and Preaching j Henry Hintz home Saturday eve Conrad Martin, Vernon Parker commodities. ning. Mrs. Hallock’s father, Henry and W illiam Toomb spent Sunday • Advancement of livestock and lum Beyle, who has been employed at fishing at the Owyhee dam. To the Voters of Malheur Hintz’ returned home with the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lammers bering. County: Hallocks. Mrs. John Lammers, daughter and enjoyed play day at Vale Friday. Miss Alien and Mr. Stokes accom panied them. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen made a business trip to Ontario Wednes day Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Chard were in Ontario on business Wednesday. Cecile Whitman is rapidly recov ering from a recent appendicitis op eration. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes were Sunday dinner guests at the A. M Goodson hame near Ten Davis. Beet thinning is under way in this community. Most of the farm ers are beginning to irrigate. Donald Byers was ill with the flu several days last week. Keep U p With the Modern Colors! Bring your shoes to us for Dyeing Inexpensive and Guaranteed A B B O T T ’S SHOE SHOP Next to Nyssa Cafe 1 T E A M W E L L M A T C H E D M A R E M U LE S 10 years old, weight 2800 pounds 22 H E A D D A IR Y C O W S A N D HEIFERS Extra good with average cream test of 5.3 1 B R O O D S O W A N D 7 PIGS CHCm UTS >659 FIRST AGAIN! M ASTI* SS •USINISS COUPI All models priced at Flint, Mich. Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if an y), optional equipment and accesso ries — extra. Prices subject to change without notice. TERM S: C ASH JACK LINVILLE Owner W . N. Young, Clerk Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon