THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. APRIL 25,1940 PAGE SIX Returns From Boise— Wayne Abbott returned on Satur­ day from a weeks visit in Boise Wayne is now assisting his father at the shoe shop. Patient Improves— Mrs. W S Jones of Oregon frail In Boiw— In Emmett— who has been ill for the past two Mr and Mrs. George J. Mitchell months, is reported to be improving Mrs. Ella Smith was a week-end spent the week-end in Boise. visitor in Emmett. each day. In Nampa— Lloyd Wilson Honored— Visit From Wilder— Mr and Mrs. Emil Paulus and Lloyd Wilson, Nyssa, has been Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong and their son of Wilder visited at Tommy spent last Sunday visiting elected into Beta Gamma Sigma, the George MsKee home on Sunday relatives in Nampa. national commerce honorary at the University of Oregon Wilson, a Candidate In Nyssa— Visit At Coulee— Bob Davis a candidate at the May graduate of Nyssa high schol, is a Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Wray are visiting with friends at Grand Cou­ primaries for the sheriff’s office junior majoring in business admin­ was a visitor in Nyssa Wednesday istration at the University. He is lee this week. the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wil­ in furtherance of his campaign. Townsend Club To Meet— son. The next meeting of the Town­ Club To Meet— send Club will be on Monday eve­ The Sunshine club will be enter­ Visit From Wyoming— On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs May­ ning. April 29, at the Eagles Hall. tained at the home of Mrs. Betty nard Thomason of Parko, Wyo., re­ Move To Vale Area— Forbes on Friday, May 3rd. turned to their home following a Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blanke, On Health Association S t a ff- who recently sold their ranch in Dr. F. S. Weir, Nyssa dentist, has ten-day visit with Mrs. Thomason's the Richmond district, have pur­ been appointed to the Malheur sister and brother-in-law. Mr and chased a farm on the old land near County Health Association, to rep­ Mrs. John Murphy. While here Mr. Vale and are now living there. resent the dental profession of the Thomason bought forty acres of new land on the Black Canyon from county. Herschel Thompson. In Nyssa— CHRISTIAN CHURCH J. Richard Smurthwaite. Vetreans Leaves For Portland— Legion Hall J T. Collins, regional director of Placement Supervisor for Oregon, 2:30 p. m. Sunday School. was in Nyssa the first three days of migratory labor camps of Oregon 3 p. m. Communion and preach­ the week on business concerning and Washington who has been in ing services in charge of the Gos­ Nyssa since the opening of the veterans employment. pel Team from Payette, Idaho. Nyssa camp, left on Saturday eve­ Visit From Emmett— There wil be special music. Ser­ Mr and Mrs. CJias. Thompson ning for Portland. Mrs. Collins, who mon by Payette minister. Rev. J. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shaw of had visited with her husband for 8. Beam of Ontario will preside ov­ Emmett visited at the R. A. and several days, left the same evening er these meetings. Jesse Thompson homes on Sunday j by motor for their home in Portland. Former Nyssa Girl Marries— evening. Word was received in Nyssa this White Elephant Auction— Members of the Townsend club ! past week that Marble Flemming will hold a white elephant auction 1 had become the bride of Joseph at the corner of First and Main on Wardle of Boise. Mrs. Wardle is I hereby announce my candidacy Saturday afternoon. May 11. begin­ i the youngest daughter of Mr. and ning at 1 o'clock. All persons hay­ ! Mrs. J. J. Flemming of Boise. Mr. for the office of Sheriff of Mal­ ing articles for which they have no Flemming was minister of the Nys- heur County. Oregon, subject to use are asked to bring them in for | sa Methodist church several years the will of the Democratic voters auction to the Nyssa Realty office I ago j To Attend Festival— at the primary election to be held on or before the date of the sale. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Willson will May 17th, 1940. Proceeds from the auction will go towards defraying the expenses of I be among those from Nyssa who sending a delegate to the National will attend the blossom festival at Payette. They plan to leave for Townsend convention to be held in St. Louis from June 30th to July 4th, Payette on Friday evening where they will be guests at the George Present Sheriff—Experience is both dates inclusive. Fetter home and will remain until essential for efficient and econ­ after the weeks festivities are end­ omical service in this office. Too Late to Classify ed. ROOM WITH private bath in mod­ Dr. Millar Speaks to P. T. A.— Vour support will be appreciated. Dr. James Millar, professor of re­ em home. Evan Jones. 25Alxp Pd. Pol. Ad. by C. W Glenn ligious education at the College of Idaho, addressed the Kingman P. BUILDING PERMITS The following applications for T. A. last Friday evening at the I building permits have been filed Adrian gym. About a hundred par­ i with the City Recorder: ents and young people were present I 342 Ezra Morton, erect hen house, to enjoy his talk on the subject I Lots 13-14. Blk. 142 Wards. $90 | "Training for Family Life.” If no written protests have been At the beginning and close of the filed within ten (10) days from the date of this publication by owners S program, the Adrian high school of property in the City of Nyssa, ' band played several numbers. the above applications will be ap- Stork On the Job— I proved. The stork has certainly located M P SOLOMON, City Recorder 1 Nyssa on his map and is making frequent stops with new citizens for ' this city and its environs. \ This week at the Nyssa Nursing See Us For home on Sunday, April 21st. a son W H Y MISS OUT was bom to Mr and Mrs. Basil I Jones of Nyssa. ON PLEASURE? On Wedensday, April 24. a son If your radio reception has been was bom to Mr. and Mrs Homer bothering you, there s something wrong with the set! We guaran­ Cates of Nyssa. Neither boy has tee to correct all faults at a been named so far. Dr. K. E. Kerby minimum of expense I reports both hte mothers and their SEE Prices Reasonable sons to be doing "nicely.” GENE SEYBOLD A baby girl was bom to Mr. and j Mrs. Ernest Smith on the new land AT THE with Dr. Kerby caring for mother Nyssa Electric Shop and babe. I Flower Vandals Busy— Evidently some people are labor­ ing under the misapprehension that cutting and pulling blossoms from another's garden without their per­ mission is not a misdemeanor and is punishable by law. So many complaints have been j made this past week by Nyssa home and garden owners who have | suffered at the hands of flower thieves that the police are making a concerted effort to find the van­ dals and if apprehended the culprit or culprits will not find any mercy FRIDAY AND S A T U R D A Y — APRIL 26-27 if found guilty. The large amount of rainfall and Holly later the sunshine have brought the spring blossoms out In early profu­ 3 cans sion and their beauty, delightful scents and gay colors have turned All Brands every garden into a living picture, 3 cans that cause all passers by and visi­ tors to remark of their loveliness. 2 lb. Examinations To Be Held— packages Charles Paradis of the regional I office of the State Unemployment 4 lb. | Compensation Commission at On­ tario announced this week that ex­ packages aminations for the following offices will be held at specified points on | May 1st, 1940 Particularly needed in this area are persons wishing to qualify for Junior Employment Of­ Cold Bar ficer and Receptionist, Mr Paradis 1 lb. can said. Manager. Grade I or Field Super­ Gold Bar visor. $2.580-$3.180 per year: Man­ 2 lb. can ager. Grade 11. *2,100-$2.580 per year: Senior Employment Officer. $1.740-$2.100 per year: Junior Em- ployment Officer. $1,500-11.740 per year: Receptionist. $1,200-$1440 per year. SHREDDED W H E A T , Field Auditor. $1.800-12.100 per National Biscuit, 2 packages year: Junior Accountant. $1.680- $2.160 per year: Senior Accounting Quart cans and Clerk. $1.440-$1.680 per year: Junior applier, all for Accounting Clerk. $1 200-$l .440 per year: Telephone Operator; $1.200- $1.440 per year. The final date for filing applica­ tions Is May 1. 1940. All communications should be ad­ Energy granulated 0 C a dressed to Professor William G rif­ «j O c t p giant size packages UWU fith. Supervisor of Examinations. 701 Spalding Building. Portland. FOR SHERIFF Charles W . Glenn S iC /3iA ti RAOI R Ì p a i K Idaho Egg Producers Chick and Laying Mashes Nyssa Flour Mills {Reim- Cleanser Milk Crackers Raisins Syrup X l °c.Gn °.'d ' n Coffee Coffee Salad Dressing q*. j»» Glo-Coat Soap „ Ä r * 10c 20c 18c 23c 59C 25c 49c 23c 19c 98c 19c ILSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store N YSSA OREGON LINCOLN HEIGHTS The Ladles Club met at the home ' of Mrs Edith Rookstool Thursday. April 18. with 35 members present. Mrs Green. Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Good- ell. Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. Findley and Mrs Marshall helped entertain. The club decided to hold a bazaar later in the year. A lew seeds and plants were exchanged. Mrs. Bertha Hawk­ ins became a new member of the club, making a total of 56 members. The May meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dolpha Clement and stte will be assisted by Mrs. Geor­ gia Me Neal. Mis. Audra Strong, Mrs. Myrtle Ledgerwood and Mrs. Kay McCarty. Mrs. Walz suffered with a sprain­ ed ankle the first of the week. Roberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Roy McNeal spent the past two weeks with her grandparents in Meridian. Cleone Pettet spent Wednesday with her friend, Donna Rookstool. Tom Whitlock has been employed on the Kielhom farm the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes were entertained at dinner Sunday at the Jule Houston home. Bill Malloy, enroute to his home in South Dakota, spent the week­ end at the Avery Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers went, to Boise Sunday to visit their son, Martin, who is in the hospital there. A birthday dinner was held at the- Ray Whitsell home in honor of both Mr. and Mrs. Whitsell’s birthday anniversaries. Those present were Mrs. Whitsell’s mother, Mrs. Annie Harris and sons Wayne and Clif­ ford and Mr. and Mrs. Vem Smith and 6on. Mr. and Mrs. Jule Houston and daughters visited at the Ralph Barnes home Wednesday evening. Lincoln Sunday school met Sun­ day afternoon with all teachers and officers present. Rev. Honeyford of the Baptist church of Ontario de­ livered a sermon, “A Wise Invest­ ment.” A special number was sung by Aurda and Alda Anderson, Fran­ ces Page and Betty Leavitt. Sunday school will be held at the regular hour, 10:30 a. m. next Sunday. Chris Rookstool has been in poor health for the past week, but is im­ proving. Leverett Goodell worked for him several days. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Blood from Meridian were Sunday dinner guests at the Emil Frank home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winslow en­ tertained at a waffle supper Fri- Mrs. Emil Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Levi day night. Guests included Mr. and Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Felt- man and son. Sunday guests at the J. W. Pet­ tet home were Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Dale, and W. W. Dale and children from Midvale, Idaho. NYSSA HEIGHTS Fifteen girls of Mrs. G. E. Web­ ster's Sunday school class at the Methodist church in Nyssa hiked out to her home Saturday and enjoyed dinner on the lawn prepared by Mrs. Webster, the occasion being Mrs. Webster's birthday Sunday. She was presented with many use­ ful gifts. The 4-H Cloverleaf Calf club met at the Dan Corbett home Friday evening. Eight members were pres­ ent with their leader, Andrew Boers- ma. Lawrence son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keyser, celebrated his fifth birth­ day Saturday. The following chil­ dren were present: Wayne, Bill, Ruby, Jimmy, Bob and Barbara Ann Baker, Jimmy Joe Corbett and Alice Eileen Keyser. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Maw and Grandma Maw of Richland district spent Monday at the Glen Suiter home. John Lake of Nyssa Golden Rule store was calling on the ladies re­ cently purchasing L & H electric stoves presenting each with a gift. Mrs. Roger Tucker and mother, Mrs. E. E. Botner, were in Ontario on business Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma, Dortha June and Johnnie were among those en­ tertained at dinner at the Pat Ben­ nett home in Richland district Sun­ day. the occasion being Mr. Ben­ nett's birthday anniversary. In the afternoon all went down to the Morgan park and planted trees. Sunday dinner guests at the Roger Tucker home were Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Nyssa. Rodney, son of Mr and Mrs. R. C. Smith, who has been in the On­ tario hospital the past three weeks with an injured back, was placed in a cast by Dr. Kerby Monday last and removed to his home Wednes-. day afternoon and is reported to be doing well. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma accompanied I. B. Allen to Ontario Wednesday to attend the auction. Francis Hight was an overnight guest of Mont Corbett Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mearse were dinner guests Sunday at the David McGee home at Fargo, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Selser spent Tuesday evening at the E. R. An­ derson home. Mrs. G. E. Webster called on Mrs. Sweaney in Richland district Tues­ day afternoon. Mr. McGinnis, the census taker, was canvassing this part of the com­ munity the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs Henry Baker and daughter Esther of Rupert, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Baker and daughter Charlene of Burley and Mrs. Elvira Mitchell of Ogden, Utah, were house guests Saturday and Sunday at the S. P. Bybee home. Carl Sebum of Albert Valley lev­ elled new ground Monday for O. J. Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Salisbury of Lewiston, Idaho, visited Saturday at the R. C. Smith home. The Jolly Janes -H Sewing club met at the Floyd Mearse home with Corrine Mearse as hostess Saturday. April 20. At the close of the meet­ ing refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the James Malloy home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wolfe and children and Grandma Woods of Meridian spent Sunday at the R. C. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Botner and family drove to Weiser Sunday and attended church and spent the re­ mainder of the day with the Rev. Fermon Harris and family. O. J. Kurtz set out fruit trees last week. The Morgan Park Graden club members had their family evening meeting at the Jess Huntin home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Webster and June and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Webster were guests at the D. M. Corbett home at dinner Sunday, it being Mrs. G. E. Webster's birthday anniversary. Individual cakes with candles decorated the table. Corrinne and Bennie Mearse join­ ed Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hudspeth and family and their aunt, Mrs. J. O. Vance and family at Wilder and went picnicking on the I-O-N road Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma and children were Ontario shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boersma called at the Bybee home Sunday afternoon and too kthe 4-H club boys that had gathered there to the CCC camp where they matched a baseball game with Mr Dimmick’s 4-H club, the score being 6 to 17 in favor of the 4-H Clover Calf club, Boersma leads. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster. El­ eanor, Francis and Grade accom­ panied by Anne Marie Johnston of Riverview community, were callers at the Dan Corbett home Sunday afternoon. T. T. Elliott home on Wednesday evening. Mike Elliott left for Yakima, Wash., by stage Friday morning. He has employment with a construc­ tion company. Rev. Waiter Knowles, pastor of the Roswell Baptist church and Rev. Eilers. who is holding meetings in Roswell at this time, were din­ ner guests in the J. G. Lane home Thursday evening. Charley Bowers is building a house on the Thomas Goodier farm. When completed Mr. Bowers and his fam­ ily will occupy it. Mrs. J. G. Lane entertained Sat­ urday afternoon in honor of the birthday anniversary of her son, Ross. The Anderson boys, Miller boys, Donald Elliott and Francis Thiel were guests. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Henderson of Boise held a class for painting plaques at the Kolony school house. On May 2 they will be at the home of Mrs. Harvey Hatch in Big Bend. This will be an all day meeting and anyone attending is asked to bring a coveerd dish toward the lunch­ eon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toomb and Gordon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb. In the afternoon the men and Betty Jean Toomb went fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Nichols of Emmett were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Nichols and family. Pollyanna club met with Mrs. Lily Bach at the J. G. Lane home on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Nichols and Mrs. Charles Wilson had charge ol the games for the aft­ ernoon. At the close of the after­ noon sirs. Bach served refresh­ ments. The next meeting will be on May 1st with Mrs. Don Clark. The Kingman Card club was en­ tertained this week by Mrs. Ray Holton. Mrs. Dave Mitchell and Mrs. C. C. Cotton received prizes. Mrs. Holton served refreshments. J. G. Lane and Mrs. Lily Bach were in Nyssa on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lane and family went to Succor creek for a picnic on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corn are the parents of a baby daughter born at the Ontario hospital on Friday morning. Bother and baby are re­ ported to be getting along all right. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and children were guests of Mr and Mrs. William Toomb on Wednesday evening. FALSE TEETH ANNOUNCEM ENT I am a candidate for NO— we don’t make C O U N TY ASSESSOR them, but we DO IN­ Subject to the will of the Re­ SURE FALSE TEETH publican voters at the Primary Elections, May 17, 1940. against Accidental I was born and raised In Mal­ Breakage, Theft. heur, and will if elected inau­ or Loss. Fire • gurate an equal distribution of taxes. BERNARD EASTM AN A U D R E Y J. W A R D Pd. Pol. Ad. by Audrey J. W ard. Complete Line of Insurance NYSSA PHONE 64 FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of COUNTY ASSESSOR of Malheur County, subject to the will of the Demo­ cratic Voters at the Primary Election, May 17, 1940. GROVER FRANCIS If elected I will see that there is an equitable valuation of both farm and city property. AND W ILL CONDUCT THE OFFICE IN AN EFFICIENT AND BUSINESSLIKE MANNER. QUALIFICATIONS: Resident of Malheur County 12 Years. Graduate of Willamette University, College of Law. Understands the problems of the business man and the farmer. Paid Political Advertisement by Grover Francis. Ontario, Oregon ■ v .v .w .- .v This Year Plant KINGCROST H Y B R ID SEED CORN KINGMAN KOLONY The Kingman Grange H. E. club met at the home of Mrs. Francis Deffer in Adrian on Tuesday. The next regular meeting will be with Mrs. Alvon McGinnis in Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francis of Depoe Bay. who are staying in Nys­ sa for a few weeks visited in the PROGRAM N YS S A Phone 108 THEATRE DOUBLE FEATURE FRIDAY And S A T U R D A Y — APR. 26-27 Joe Penner and Linda Hayes in “ MILLIONAIRE PLA YB O Y’’ Cesar Romero and Jean Rogers in “ V IV A CISCO KID’’ Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10c-30c Admission Matinee 10c-25c SU N D A Y And M O N D A Y— APR. 28-29 Jean Arthur, Fred MacMurray and Melvvn Douglas in “ TO O M A N Y HUSBANDS” Andy Clyde Comedy and Cartoon Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10c-30c Admission Matinee 10c-25c PAL NIGHT T U E SD A Y— APRIL 30 Joel McCrea, Nancy Kelly and Mary’ Boland in “ HE MARRIED HIS W IFE ” Cartoon and “ The Shadow” W E D N ESD AY And T H U R SD A Y— M A Y 1 -2 The feature length color cartoon “ GULLIVER’S TR AVELS” Leon Errol Comedy and News Movietone News i 10e-M e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good Grain Corn Good Sized Plant All Yellow Uniformity Good Forage Yield 6. Dependable Early Maturity 7. High Yield 8. Good Type Ear 9. Large Per Cent of Soft Starch 10. Ears Well Held W e Alto Stock I0WEALTH AND IDAHYBRID -------------------— # ------------------------ OPEN POLLINATED SEED CORN Minnesota 13 and Idaho Yellow Dent AL THOMPSON Cr SON FEED— SEED— COAL Phone 26 Our New Location 2nd and Goode Awe. Across From Telephone Building . v . v . v . v ; . w