Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL On Jury Duty— Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trlalwlll convince. RATES: One cent per word for eac h issue. Minimum cash In advance is 25c. For Sale SEED POTATOES Wanted WANTED—All your welding jobs. We promise good work and (air FOR SALE—SEED SPUDS prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone NETTED GEM seed potatoes, one 56W. year from certification. Cow Hol low, 2 miles above CCC camp. Jim Trommel. 25Alxp Work Wanted er sells for less—main north at Alberta Ave. highway 25Alxc NEW DOUBLE Deck platform bed springs with side stabilizers, alu mlnum finish, "Famous Name, $8.75. The Nyssa Trader sells for less —main highway north at Alberta Avenue. 25Alxc EXPERIENCED OUTSIDE sign WHITE ROSE seed potatoes, 1 year from McKay certified. Klaas Ten- NEW UNPAINTED Panelled baby painter, John Weeks, 5 blocks 7Mtfc bed, large size. This bed is well north on Second. llA3xp sen. constructed, has excellent springs and a special foot lever to raise and For Sale For Sale or Trade lower sides. (Many stores sell this Poultry bed at $12.95 finished). The Nyssa FARM LANDS BABV CHICKS—N. H. Reds, R. I. Trader sells for less—main highway 123 ACRES, IMPROVED, near Vale. 25Alxc Reds, Barred Rocks, W. Leghorns. north at Alberta Avenue. Bernard Eastman. 28Mtfc Bloodtested and culled. Price—9c each, 200 or more 8 Vic. Patch Bros. THE NYSSA Trader pays cash for furniture, hides, wool, pelts, met Hatchery, Payette, Idaho. 14M7xc Miscellaneous als. The “useless junk" you don’t BRAKE WORK—Let us put your BABY CHICKS. Hatching every want may help buy the things you 25Alxc car or truck brakes in first class Tuesday and Friday. We do cus- do want. condition. Special equipment and tom hatching. Get our prices, 25 FT. NEW garden hose bought to trained men at your service. Pruyn Thompson's Ontario Hatchery. sell at $2.25—Special at $1.29. 50- Auto Repair. Phone 56W. llJtfc ft. $2.59. Used baby bed, large size, BABY CHICKS: Blood tested $9.00 $1.95. Wicker baby buggy, $3.50. Set For Sale per hundred, 200 or more $8.50 4 golf clubs $2.25. The Nys-a Trader MACHINERY per hundred. Hatches every Mon main highway north at Alberta 25Alxc day. Custom hatching done. Vale Avenue. SMALL CENTRIFUGAL Pumps. D. Electric Hatchery, Box 382, Vale. Peters, Ontario, Rte. 1. llA5xp 8Ftfc $4.45 HEAVY felt base linoleum rogs 9x12 (made to sell at $8.95). Dis 2-ROW POTATO planter and two- BABY CHICKS—popular breeds. continued patterns. The Nyssa Trad way plow. At Cables Implement Under 209, 9c each. 200 or more er sells for less—main highway and Tractor Co., Ontario llA tfc 8',-c each. Custom hatching, chicken north at Alberta Avenue. 25Alxc. or turkey eggs. Special machine for 2-WAY TRACTOR Plow, and single turkey hatching. 1V4 miles north of LARGE ECONOMY King Cream row horse potato planter. Klaas Fruitland. Phone Fruitland 8-21. Separator, guaranteed to skim as Tensen. 29Ftfc Payette Valley Hatchery, Payette, good as a new separator, $19.50. Idaho. lFtfc Cream cans 59c. The Nyssa Trader, main highway north at Alberta Ave. For Sale 25Alxc For Rent CITY PROPERTY CITY PROPERTY LARGE BUSINESS Corner. Park Ave. and Hiway. Suitable for TWO MODERN furnished houses, close in. G. E. Bertsch, Star Hotel Drive-In Market, Service Station, or block. llA lx c Auto Cabins. Bernard Eastman. 25A3xp LARGE TWO room modern cottage, just remodeled. Like new. Rent CITY LOTS, $5.00 down, $5.00 per month. Bernard Eastman, phone $14.00. Adults only. Will furnish for 64. 14Mtfc permanent and reliable tenant. In quire at any lealtor’s or Journal of fice. 4Atfc. For Sale FARM LANDS Stray Animals STRAYED ON my farm, 1 smooth mouth brown gelding branded Bar E.T., 1 roan filly. Owner may have same by identification, and paying for this advertisement. R. G. Boyles, Journal office. 25Atfc For Rent ABOUT APRIL 15, 3 large rooms, IRRIGATED PASTURE, 75 cents and $1 per head for cattle. 1 Mile modern cottage. Like new. Rent WILL SELL all or part of 100-acre $.0.00. Adults only. Call Journal of West Owyhee Bridge. G. F. Doug 25Alxp ranch. Good house, cellar, barn fice. 21Mtfc las. and fences near Adrian. Small down payment and easy terms. Call Jour MODERN FURNISHED apartment. For Sale 162 East First St. 22FtfC nal office. 7Mtfc STOCK MIRRORS Made to Order or Old Ones Resilvered FURNITURE Repaired & Refinished Clyde Teters Methodist Parsonage Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. Prices right Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 18Atfc THREE ROOM modern apartment. DAIRY COWS, fresh and springers. Furnished. Dr. J. C. Bowman. All breeds. Midway Stock Farm, 21Mtfc on highway between Caldwell and Nampa. 1st house east of Midway For Sale Pie Factory. Glen McWilliams, Cald MISCELLANEOUS well. 18A4xp TRACTOR CORRUGATOR and Cultivator attachments for all tractors. Olsen Blacksmith shop, Nyssa. 4Atfc 25, 1940 [ R. A. Thompson and Jesse Thompson of Nyssa, John Lackey of Alberta Valley, Frank Fry of Ore gon Trail and Max Dunaway of Mitchell Butte were in Vale on Jury duty the first three days of the week. R1VERV1EW The Riverview Community Sun day school will meet at the Ernest Johnson home next Sunday. Those having birthdays in April will bake and serve their cakes. The Christian Endeavor will meet at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. George Ray and small son Harold of New Plymouth visited wall Mr and Mrs. Tom Loe Saturday aiternoon. Visitors at the V. L. Kesler home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Loy Be- lisle and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goodfellow from Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. Alma White from Nyssa; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gahan from Nyssa Heights and Mr. Gerald Hibbert. Harlan Gonnason was sick over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perkins and family of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers and son of Nyssa were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Osborn and family from Ontario were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank of Greenleaf, Idaho, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Loe Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barrett’s daughter Ruth and son Ronny of Salem Oregon, arrived for a two weeks stay. Mrs. Edwin Mourson's father, Mr. V. Bunch, of Merrill, Oregon, vis ited the Mourson’s for a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. McGinnis vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schnei der in Nyssa Tuesday. Violet Clowers was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clow ers of Nyssa Saturday night. Don Toombs worked for Mrs. C. W. Barrett a few days this week. The frost in this district did no apparent harm to fruit trees and from the way the trees are blossom ed out it looks as though we will have good crops of apricots, cherries and peaches. able source, does not have the dreaded scarletina, but toxic poison ing. Chet and Margaret Sage gave a farewell party Saturday night for Mort and Hazel Wixon. Mort and Hazel have been living in Boise since the sugar campaign ended here. Mort has been working on a construction job there. They now have gone to California Her folks all live down there. Mort expects to work there until the sugar campaign starts again. Mr. Session got word that his horse had been found. Mr. Sessions loaned his horse last winter to Lee Hoffman for to ride in the hills The horse got loose and this is the first Mr. Sessions has heard of him. He got Homer Cates and his car to take him up there Sunday morn ing. He expected to be back in a couple of days. Mort Wixon rigged up a home made attachment to take electricity off the power line and put it on the barbed-wire fence for Doc Raffing- ton to keep the cows in the pas ture. Mort burned up five fuses (all they had) before he finally O. K.ed the fence. Here is hoping that Doc doesn’t burn up too much stock be fore he finally K. O.’s the fence. Fridays mai lbrought word to the Parker brothers that their 91-year- old grandmother at Hood River had passed away. Earl Heaton took Mr. and Mrs. Dude Parker, Bill and Frank Parker to Hood River to attend her funeral. They left Friday evening, attended the funeral Saturday afternoon, drove home Sunday night and arriv ed Monday morning about nine o ’clock. Bill arrived home to learn that his much-prized Holstein bull had bloated and died Sunday. Dude arrived to learn that one of his cows had bloated and died just about an hour before. “When it rains it pours.” Mr. and Mrs. George Gabriel are losing more time over bloat than anyone else in Cow Hollow. Sam and his son Homer Cates now have all their small grain in. They are great believers in corn, even on new land. They are going to put quite an acreage of corn on new land again this year. Last year the rabbits got all Sam's com. The rabbits give promise to lots of trouble again this year. PAGE PIVE Cow Hollow heard the first songs of the frogs Sunday. The little fregs in Clarence Niccum's pond were quite happy again. Of the seven stock pond in Cow Hollow only two, Dude Parker's and Claience Niccum’s made^ it to hold water until the canal came on. Dude's pond was built in a seep that supplied water most of the winter before. It ran water most of this winter. Clarence’s pond would have went dry in February if we hadn’t of had so much rain. Noah Howard now has his land leveling outfit at home and is pre paring to put in a crop for himself. Most of the Hollowites say that is real news. Mrs. George Gabriel's old white hen died last week. The old hen was only 12 years old. “She always laid fine up until last summer, but last summer she never did so well,” Mrs. Gabriel declares. When the Gabriels get attached to a pet, only death can take it away. They have a sow that is too old to bear pigs any more. They say she has paid for her feed for as long that is close to 23 years old, and as she lives. They have a Jersey bull “The Colt,” that suffered with a broken leg before it was a year old and has never been very well, is 23 years old and has never yet been broken to ride or work. Elza Niccum’s old friend, Fred La Shons, came up from California on Monday. Mr. La Shons and Elza are thinking of starting an extensive hog farm. Hogs look rather dis couraging riht now, but if our bar ley sells at 80c per bushel at thresh- in time again, then hogs won't lock so bad. Mrs. Rinehart, our census taker, has been “ working out" Cow Hollow the last few days. “Mr. Rinehtrt will be out of the ball games for a few days,” she thinks. TRIPLEX CLEANING is not just a catch-word — it is a system design ed to REALLY do a bet ter cleaning job. You pay no more for TRI PLEX CLEANING than for ordinary cleaning. .. NYSSA TAILOR SHOP DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 74 ANNOUNCEMENT DR. R. S. KETCHUM CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Ontario, Oregon Office Across from Ontario Post Office OFFICE HOURS 9 to 5 Phone: Office, Ontario 252; Res. Ontario 591 COW HOLLOW By The Happy Fanner Just happened to get away from home Sunday afternoon, to try to borrow a grain drill to use Monday. Found that upper Cow Hollow was fairly steaming with news. Goes f ; Plan Now— * For Sale AUTOS and TRAILERS * * 1930 FORD Coach. Norcott Service. 25Atfc 1938 WILLYS 4-door Sedan. A -l condition. See Norcott Service. llA tfc Lost YELLOW MANX tom cat, natural bobbed tail, tufted ears, in neigh borhood of Third and Reece. Find er please return to Warren Blod GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd gett or Mrs. Will H. Beam. 25Alxp jobs by hour day or week. Prices reasonable Call J. O. Coll. A1 For Sale Thompsons feed store. 20Atfc PETS NYSSA PLUMBING & HEATING 2nd house north Star Hotel lSJttc CITY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone II C. KLINKENBERG Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and Barnett 4Mtfc INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATOR Free Estimates andy M c G i n n i s Phone 39M FOR SALE—by quarters or more, state inspected, corn fed. prime beef, by licensed dealers. Call Jake Fischer, 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. 25Jtfc For Sale Musical Instrument COCKER SPANIEL pups for sale. $7 for females, $10 for males. Call 68J or write Box 307 Ontario. 18A2xp For Sale Garden Flowers PINK, RED and White Water Lily bulbs. 50 cents each. Mrs. C. W. Barrett. 18A2XC To Serve FRESH FRUITS and VEG ETA BLES ALL D U RIN G NEXT W INTER! CERTIFIED GRIMM Alfalfa seed. Bill Peutz, Rte. 2, Nyssa, or phone 03J2. ISAtfc Our “ QUICK FREEZING” unit and cold storage lockers will keep Garden Fresh Fruits and Vege tables on your table ALL W IN TER ! Quick freezing seals in all of the health-giving vita mins, the cold storage lockers keep the vitamins sealed in until you are ready to serve them. PLAN N O W TO H AV E YO U R EARLY VEGE TABLES and FRUITS STORED FOR WINTER USE For Sale or Trade Pint To 6 Quart Containers 500-CHICK SIZE Electric Incuba tor. Will trade for chicks, pouits, or livestock Mrs. Charles Thomason, Rte. 1. 18Alxp for storage in lockers at very reasonable prices. Containers can be used many times Found SMOKING and CURING D E P T . For Sale Farm Produce CULL POTATOES for stock feed. $3.00 a ton. Ira Ure. Phone 06R2. 15Ftic RED FEMALE hunting dog. April 16 in Nyssa. Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying for keep of dog and for this advertisement. Journal office. For Sale FURNITURE HARDWOOD CHAIRS $100. New dropleaf tables legs bolted on. *3 45. New gateleg tables $3.75. New high chairs. $1.75. The Nyssa Trader sells for less—main highway north at Alberta Ave. 25Alxe FOR SALE—Small upright piano. Mahogany finish. Beautiful tone. WOOL RUG. 9x12. $950 This rug Will sell for balance due. Write: originally sold for $150. It has Factory Adjuster. 101 No. 6th. Boise many years of wear left Beige and 25Alxp blue predominate. The Nyssa Trad- CLOSED U N TIL FALL 24 HOUR SERVICE ~ Polar Cold Storage Cr Locker Plant . with Automatic Hot Water HEATED ELECTRICALLY Sparkling windows, shining woodwork, clean floors and spotless walls— all Spring cleaning goes through so much faster when you have lots of hot water on hand. An automatic electric water heater gives you water that is always steaming hot, always ready at the faucet's tip. And with Idaho Power's low "step down" electric rates it costs so little to operate. Installed on a sm all down payment— balance at easy terms ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP Thete are many Stores near you Featoring Electric Wbtcr Fleatevs SAVE Through Scientific Refrigeration PHONE 124 Summer Delicacies on Yonr Table All Winter 3 Block. North of “ Y” I O A H O Y p o ire »