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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1940)
PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. APRIL 25, 1940 according to the unofficial asses District of the tracts of land here is coming to show how to make and sons Harold and Bobby spent Sun Gerrit Muntjewerffs have moved sors is designated as Lot inafter set forth and that the own day at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. into their new home recently built 19, ah plate furnish the material for plaques. of the above parcels of ers of said of land and peti Clarence Fritts at Lake Lowell. by J. W. McFate. land being plated from and a part tioners Mrs. Kenneth Vanderpool of On are tracts as follows: of the Nortnwest (Quarter iNWÜ) Mrs. Ray Thrasher was in Boise The Gate City Journal tarlo spent Thursday at Vernon Mrs. Sylvester Myer is Improving SEt4SE(4 Sec of the Northeast (Quarter iNE1») Gordon 9, T 17 S Anderson, Rug 47 EWM. Butlers and stayed with the chil steadily after seriously cutting her on business Friday. of Section 32, Townhslp 19, South /PÏ«++ l 6- csl Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker of Big Range 47, E. W. M. W. J. Sellards, Elizabeth Sellards, dren while Mrs. Butler served at right forearm with glass. Malheur County: That part of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Schultz and Bend visited at the home of their This summons is published by or and club. WttWtuSE* 2 T 18 River. 8 Rng 46 der of the Honorable Robert M. EWM Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hipp of Boise son Charles motored to Boise Sun son, Vernon Parker, Monday eve uuncan, 0 R E Glori iN E/WS'fÀPER North of Sec Malheur Circuit Judge, made and Clarence day evening and visited their daugh ning. spent Sunday at Bill Hipps. A. Welty, Bertha Welty, entered the 17th day of April, 1940, and Malheur and Mrs. Charles Bullard, the ter and sister Virginia. That part of prescribing that this thereof summons once be EV4WM.SEK County: P ub l i s h e trv 4 u i o c i a t i o n Otis Mr. Bullard and of EMiSEi* Sec Miss Mildred Fisher is spending served by publication family and the Lloyd 2 Tp 18 S Rng 46 EWM North of each week for four successive and Legal Advertisement Orris family went fishing on the the next three weeks here visiting River. in the Nyssa Gate Malheur Owyhee Sunday and visited the dam her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE consecutive Malheur County: NE14NE14 Sec City Journal, weeks a weekly newspaper WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner Fisher, and other relatives. also after catching their fish. 17 and NE'.SWi» Sec 16 all of Tp of general circulation published at Notice is hereby given that the Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. 18 S Rng 45 EWM subject to con LOUIS P. THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher The Arcadia ball teams played at Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reed spent the undersigned, by an order of the tract of sale to A. H. Chester. A. L. FLETCHER, Valley View last Friday. Valley View week-end with his parents, Mr. and County Court of the State of Ore Annie D. Harris, a widow: SW14 Attorney for the Plaintiff for and the entered County on of Malheur, duly won both games. Mrs. John Zitter- Mrs. E. E. Reed at Lincoln Heights. gon Sec 33 Tp 18 S Rng 46 EWM. First publication April 18, 1940. INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC the 22nd day Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly of made cob, Miss Gladys Bratton and Mrs. Adolph P. Schneider: NE*4NE& Last publication May 16, 1940. of April, 1940, was appointed Ad IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE Sec S 23 Rng and 45 SW!48E»4 Glenn Dowers each took a carload Roswell called oil Mr. and Mrs. ministrator of the and estate NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 20 EWM. Sec 14 Tp EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY of children to the game. They went Schultz Sunday afternoon. Hinsch, deceased, that of he Albert has DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER Ferdinand L. Finklea, Anna T. qualified as such Administra to Cairo Tuesday for a game. The Mr. and Mrs. Earl Summy and duly lOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE Finklea, and Clarence tor. All persons having claims AT THE DALLES, OREGON. SEiiNWli Sec 36 Tp 22 McKague: Cairo boys team won 15-3 and Ar Ross went to Succor Creek Sunday. against said estate are hereby noti April S Rng 46 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING RATES a, 1940. Many farmers are fairly well fied to present the same, duly veri NOTICE is hereby given that Ida J. EWM. cadia girls won 23-3. Open rate, per inch........._..30c P. Dunaway and Rosella One Year . . .......... *1.50 as required by law, to him at B. Ward, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on way: That part NEtiSWVi Duna Leo Wagner has returned to Pow caught up with then spring work. fied National, Per inch _____ .30c South Six Months .................... *100 the office S. Taggart, ers, Oregon to work In the Coos Bay Ground is being prepared for com 9, Entry, 1909, Act made Original Desert of Owyhee River; that part SW 't- Classifieds, Per w ord___01c Single Copies ........ .05 gon, within of six Max months of the Ore date April Land March 3, 1877, No. lumber company. and irrigation ditches are being SWt4 North and East of Owyhee Minimum 25c this notice. (Strictly in Advance) Farm 14, Unit “B” or 22 the Company Canal: that part Mrs. J. M. Wagner called on Mrs. cleaned. Some water is already in of Dated this 25th day of April, 1940. 025435, ^E 'j, for Section Township S., Ditch SEWSWVi Canal; East of that Owyhee Ditch LORING TAYLOR. E Range Ellis Warner Sunday afternoon. the canal, ready to be used as soon 40 E., Willamette Meridian, Company part SW Administrator of the Deceased. Estate has tiled notice of intention to make se k West of Owyhee Miss Hazel Hickey will teach in as ditches are ready. River; all in of Albert Hinsch, Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. final Proof, to establish claim to the Sec 7: and that part NEtiNWK Apple Valley again next year and Mr. and Mrs. Porterfield have Max S. Taggart, Entered at the postoifice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission land above described, before Aubrey East of Owyhee Ditch Company the Misses Gladys and Eulah Brat moved into the Lewis house. Elec Attorney for Estate, through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under L. F'letcher, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Canal and that part NWtiNEti Ontario, ton will return to Arcadia for the tricity has been installed there. on the 23rd day of May, West of Owyhee River in Sec 18; the act of March 3. 1879. April 25, Oregon. 1940, first publication. Oregon, next term of school. Apple Valley Methodist Aid met May 1940. all in Tp 21 S Rng 46 EWM. 23, 1940, last publication. Mrs. Van Zelf and Mrs. Jake at the home of Mrs. B. T. Osborne W. W. McFall, Mildred G. McFall Claimant names as witnesses: H. and Andrew Et4SE!4 of Homedale, Idaho; SV4NEV* Groot spent Wednesday at Nampa. Thursday. Mrs. Severt Fox assisted NOTICE OF PLAT AND STREET L. W. Hiddieson, OUR HIGH SCHOOL STEPS OUT Sec. Jensen: 31 Tp 17 S Rng and 45 B. Hoxie, of Nyssa, Oregon; Will Mrs. Van Zelf went to a foot spe Mrs. Osborne. There was a nice at NOTICE VACATIONS EWM. iam Coleman, of Nyssa, Oregon; IS HEREBY GIVEN, OST of us for the past week or two have cialist for treatment. tendance and a pleasant meeting. That the Common Council of the Audrey Ward, of Nyssa, Oregon. That the prayer of each of said Williams planted beets Mrs. Reed Moody of Nampa spoke City of Nyssa on the 19th day of noticed our high school band marching last Darrell is that an W. F. JACSKSON, petitions Order be and made petitioners by the Board of Di week and Norman Hipp and Register. April, 1940, adopted a Resolution de to the ladies explaining a canvass claring it to be the intention of the First published April 11, 1940. down our streets—and a great deal of us either Ira Ure planted potatoes. rectors of the the Owyhee Irrigation in of Apple Valley which will be made City of Nyssa to initiate vacation Last published May 8, 1940. District that lands described attended the recent conceit or have heard the J. M. Wagners have purchased an later. The next meeting will be held proceedings and to vacate Front each of such petitions and as here youngsters play at the baseball games. electric range. Norman Hipps, Theo at the new home of Mrs. Forerst Street and three unnamed streets NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION inabove set forth, be included with in the boundaries of said Owyhee Matherleys and E. Brattons have Reed on Thursday afternoon, May 2. in the Emison Addition to the City DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER Irrigation That so much could be accomplished in about purchased of Nyssa as well as the plat of said IOR, GENERAL LAND OF’FTCE NOTICE District. electric refrigerators. IS GIVEN Emison Addition. nine months toward the organization and Mrs. Granton Eason visited Otis DALLES, OREGON. THAT said FURTHER petitions will be heard The streets to be vacated being AT LOWER BEND March THE 19. 1940. training of a band speaks very highly of the abil Tibbitts in Nyssa Friday. Tibbitt’s and considered by the Board of Di described as follows: is hereby given that Ed rectors of the Owyhee Irrigation small son has pneumonia, but is Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyatt, Bill Coe Front Street in the Emison Addi na NOTICE ity of Alvin Templer, the band instructor. What improving. M. Baker, formerly Edna M. District at its regular meeting and being the street extend Wareham, Widow of Lloyd Ware- held on Tuesday the 7th day to be Betty Schweizer of Elgin were tion, ing from Main Street southerly ham, is more, every band student that this writer has Mr. and Mrs. Abe Barberis and and deceased, of Nyssa, Oregon, May, 1940, at 8:00 o’clock P. M. at of the right-of-way of the callers Sunday at the Harry Russell along who, on July 6, 1936, made Original the District office at Nyssa, Oregon, talked to has been enthusiastic about “their” called Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marostica home. Oregon Shortline Railroad Com Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. and all persons Interested or desir on Settino Marosticas Sun Mr. and Mrs. Dwight FJeshman pany to the southerly terminus of Homestead band. 030317, for Farm Unit "A" or the ing to object thereto, are notified to said Front Street as now laid out day afternoon. NUNEU, Section 22 , Township 19 appear at the office aforesaid, at the and platted; also the unnamed S., Range 46 E„ Willamette sons were luncheon guests at streets And as if this is not enough, “The Bulldog”, Wednesday evening all the young and Merid time and place above stated, and or parcels of land, each the H. C. Young home in Ontario cause, in writing, if any they ian, has filed notice of intention to show the high school paper, has stepped out twice, folks in the neighborhood met at Saturday. sixty feet (60’) wide, lying between make final Proof, to establish claim have, why the prayers of said peti Blocks One (1) and Two (2); and to the land above described, before They enjoyed a huge bonfire Misses Eloise Russell and Ethel Blocks during this school year to cop third place hon Ure’s. tions granted. and each of them should not Two Three (2) and (3) Three (3); Aubrey L. Fletcher, Notary Public, be and weiner roast. About 50 were Case accompanied Miss Mary Ann and Blocks and Four ors in its division of high school newspapers. present. at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 7th day (4) of said Emison Addition and Of May, 1940. 2nd Board day of of April, 1940, to Ontario Saturday extending Truly Wesley Sheiman, journalism instructor is Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schenk visited Schneider by Dated order this of the Directors. easterly from said of Front where they all spent the week-end Claimant names as witnesses: Mr. Street to the property the FRANK T. MORGAN, Secretary his uncle, Ed Larsen and wife of to be complimented. Miss Emma Young. Tom Lyle, Mr. D. W. and McGinnis, Mr. Amalgamated Sugar Company, all Walter Sunday afternoon. with Mr. George First publ. Owyhee April 11, Irrigation 1940. District shown on office the official plat on Clowers, Tnompson, In the field of sports our athletes have made New Mr. Plymouth Mrs. Geraldine Betts, county as and Mrs. Dick Groot and health all oi Nyssa, Oregon. Last publ. May 2, 1940. file in the of the County nurse, and Dr. L. A. Mauld- Clerk of Malheur County, Ore a good showing for their school, our Future Marjorie were guests of Mr. and ing of Nyssa W. F. JACKSON, held a 4-H club health gon. Register Jake Groot Sunday. Farmers of America are also gaining honors. Mrs. Clarence First published Mar. 29, 1940. clinic at the Big Bend school Mon AH persons interested are notified To the Voters of Malheur Barrett went to Jordan Last published April 25, 1940. that of said resolution and the and mat And how about our “Girls’ Octette”—to us they Valley Monday morning and return day morning. County: ter vacating said streets the 6-year-old son of ascertainment of damages to any NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF are about tops as vocalists. ed Tuesday evening. He is assessing Mr. Carl and Fleshman, ROBERT L. (BOB) ACCOUNT Mrs. Dwight Fleshman, property affected by such vacation IN THE FINAL the county. All of these things do not come by themselves, for Marie COUNTY COURT OF THE be heard by the Common Coun stepped on a piece of glass Friday will Smit of Vale is spending DAVIS OF OF OREGON FOR THE on the 27th day of May, 1940, STATE they are the result of a well-managed and pro this week with her cousin, Mary and cut his foot. He was taken to at cil the COUNTY MALHEUR hour of 8 o'clock P. M. on is a candidate for the Nyssa to the Sarazin clinic where said day at the Council Room in the In the matter of the estate of perly staffed school, for which our principal, J. Smit. they found it necessary to take a City Hall in Nyssa, Oregon, at which SARAH A. WHIPPLE, Deceased. DEMOCRATIC Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dowers of W. Bushong, and the board of directors can feel Wilder spent Friday evening with few stitches and give a lockjaw shot. time or prior thereto written re NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, or objections to such that George E. Whipple, Adminis that they are doing a good job. NOMINATION Miss Mary Ann Schneider, Mrs. monstrances Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dowers and Cecil vacation of streets and Emison Ad trator of the estate of Sarah A. Case, Mrs. Harry Jergens and dition for the office of The above may seem a bit Chamber of Com- family. may be presented and filed Whipple, deceased, has rendered a hearing will be held and the and presented for settlement and MALHEUR COUNTY and Mrs. Chas. Witty provided and Mrs. Elmer Stradley and Ethel Mr. merce-ish but it would do a lot of us a great went matter considered by the Council. filed m said Court his first and final transportation of the Big Bend Dated to Caldwell shopping Friday school April 19. M. 1940. F. SOLOMON, account of his administration of deal of good to take stock of what our fellow and visited to the music festival SHERIFF her sister Mrs. Harley at Vale children estate, together with a petition last Thursday. Recorder said citizens who are serving on our various gov Diven. for distribution; He says: 'I promise, if elected, First publication April 25, 1940. summer round clinic for Wade Last publication May 23, 1940. And of that Saturday, the hour fourth Schenk, Mrs. Ira Ure and The Big to devote my undivided attention ernmental boards, without pay, are doing and and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Murle day May, 1940, at the of be held May 7 to the administration of the of Eleven o'clock A. M. of said day, pass on the bouquets while they can smell them. Weiser Saturday. Thomas went to at the Big Bend Bend will school house at SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION and the Court Room in the City of fice, that I will serve the county THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has faithfully and well, and that m. All parents with pre-school IN STATE Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hickey called 9 age a. children I OF OREGON FOR THE are urged to come. Mrs Wm. Peutz took a load of cattle been duly appointed by the Judge on Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly Geraldine Betts with Dr. Kerby and COUNTY OF MALHEUR UPPER SUNSET will extend courtesy to all and of said Court as the time and place to Portland Friday. The young peoples club of Sun and Donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dr. F. S. Weir will have charge. B. B. Lienkaemper, Plaintiff, vs. for the settlement of said account partiality to none.” Otto Hinsch and the of unknown set Valley and Cow Hollow enjoyed R. G. Chandler gave a very in Downs Sunday afternoon. Pd. Pol. Ad. by R. L. Davis hearing of said petition, at and devisees Albert at and which Bend P. T. A. is sponsoring heirs a party at the Leonard Newgen teresting talk on present day con Mrs. C. W. Barrett spent Monday a Big time and place any per Hinsch, deceased; Loring Taylor, program and chili supper at the ditions as prophesied in the Bible with Mrs. Fred Bailey near Vale. interested in said estate may home Saturday night. estate person, of Al son appear and file exception in writing house Saturday evening. The as bert guardian Hinsch, of an the insane Viola Hlntz underwent an opera Thursday evening of this week he Miss Mary Smit and her father, school to said now deceased; John Ennis same. account and contest the will be an old fashioned who is Jane tion for appendicitis Sunday night will give his concluding talk on the Nick Smit, spent Sunday at the A. program Doe Ennis, his wife; literary society with each family and at the Holy Rosary hospital in On- subject. J. Smit home near Vale. GEORGE E. WHIPPLE, Sanford Emison and Jane Doe putting on a number. Chili will be Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Reagor of tarlo. Emison, his wife; Mary A. Green Administrator of the sold for 10c per person. Come and estate of April Sarah A. Whipple. and Allen Green, wife and hus Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jungquist and New Plymuoth called on Mr. and bring the whole family. Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett and First published 4, 1940 band; The City of Nyssa, a muni sons of Ontario »»ere dinner guests Mrs. Ira Chadd were Ontario vis Mrs. Elmer Stradley Sunday. corporation: Malheur Coun Last published May 2, 1940. of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow on The 4-H club girls met at Mrs. Jolly Janes met at the home of cipal itors Saturday. ty, a political subdivision of the Mrs. L. Eeachus with Mrs. Ray Sunday. Ure's. All members were present and Cartwright as hostess. Next meet State of Oregon; and all other James Chadd had the misfortune NOTICE OF HEARING persons claiming some right, title, OWYHEE IRRIGATION to get a piece of emery stone in his Miss Georgia Dennis of Nyssa after the meeting Mrs. Ure served ing lien, or interest in or to any of NOTICE HEREBY IS DISTRICT GIVEN will be an all day meeting at the lots or parcels of real proper That there have was a week-end guest In the Wm. lunch. eye while working in the Ag shop Peutz been filed with the the H. R. Hatch home and the day ty described in this complaint, Board of Directors home. Mr. and Mrs. Keefe of Nyssa spent will at school. of the Owyhee be spent painting plaques. A Defendants. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murle Mr. and Mrs. Orland Black and Irrigation into District petitions Irrigation for In BUENA VISTA covered dish luncheon will be held To: Otto Hinsch and the unknown clusion the Owyhee Thomas and family. Mrs. Black's mother of Nampa vis- heirs and devisees of Albert as Hinsch. lted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Manard Thompson Mrs. Angelo Marostica has been at noon. deceased; Loring Taylor, guard suffering with the tooth ache and A. Black. Be Sure To Attend The ian of the estate of Albert Hinsch, of Parko, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. John an insane person, who is now de Prank, Robert and Donald Tosch Murphy were Tuesday evening din had sevefal teeth pulled Monday, CHRISTIAN CHURCH ADRIAN ceased; John Ennis and Jane Doe and Barbara Parker, and Virginia ner guests at the Leslie Topllff Eric Boenigs moved to their gov SERVICES Ennis, his wife; Sanford Emison ernment farm Wednesday. and Vera Orr took in the show at home. Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler were and Jane Doe Emison, his wife; at the Nyssa Sunday night. Mary A. Green and Allen Green, guests at the Walter McPartland wife AMERICAN LEGION HALL Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and and husband; corporation; the City of Mal Nys EVERY SUNDAY Wednesday 15 children were in Dean were Ontario visitors Satur home Wednesday evening. AT 2:30 P. M. APPLE VALLEY a municipal vited to the Heaton home after day. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cook and sa, Bible School and Preaching heur County, a political subdivision school for a surprise party on Lois of the State of Oregon; and all Mrs. Martha Norland, Mrs. Ralph George and Ellen McConnell visited other persons claiming in some on her 11th birthday anniversary. family were Sunday dinner guests Castator, Ellen's parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles title, lien, Mrs. Robert Edison, and or interest or to right, any Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Maw and Mrs. Heaton served a 5:30 supper McConnell, near Nampa Sunday. Mrs. Earl Summy attended the Girl the lots or parcels of real prop after which game swere enjoyed un at the Alva Goodell home. The din Reserve banquet at Parma Wednes Claude Cook, Dennis Patch Prank of SHOES DYED erty described in this complaint, til dark when all were taken home ner was in honor of Alva, Jr.'s 14th day evening. The ladies were guests deLespinasse and Walter McPart Defendants: birthday. THE NAME OF THE STATE In the Dale Limbaugh pickup. Ida Norland, Mary Castator, land attended a school masters OF IN OREGON: To the Republican Voters of Mal hereby re Earl Heaton took Bill, Prank and Irvin Topliff left Wednesday for of meeting at Emmett Monday night. quired to appear You and are answer Thelma Wallace, and Axella Nor heur, Grant and Harney Counties, Dude parker to Hood River Friday Corvallis. He was chosen out of the land. Mona Gee also attended, and Rev. and Mrs. Tewiler were in complaint filed against you in the the comprising the 22nd Senatorial entitled suit within four weeks night to attend funeral services of Junior class to represent the Future was on the program. Nampa Sunday where Rev. Tetwiler above District of Oregon: from the date of the first publica their grandmother, ehld Saturday Farmers. performed a double wedding cere tion of this summons: and if you Seniors of Parma High school, afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman en who come from Apple Valley this mony. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MY fail so to answer, for want Mr. and Mrs Chet Sage, Mr. and tertained at a birthday dinner on year plaintiff will apply for thereof, the re Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Patch, and Mrs. the are Mary Castator, Ida Nor CANDIDACY FOR Keep Up With the lief demanded in the complaint on Mrs. Earl Heaton and Leola made Wednesday evening honoring Mrs. land, Marvin Stout and Mona Gee. deLespinasse entertained at a stork file in this suit, to wit: for a de a business trip to Boise Friday. Claude Day. The guests were Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Thompson, Star shower for Mrs. McPartland at the cree adjudging the plaintiff to be Modern Colors! There was a farewell party given and Mrs. Claude Day and Mr. and the true and lawful owner of the and Florence Whisler were Cook home Tuesday. for Mr. and Mrs. Mort Wixon In the Mrs. S. B. Hoffman. LelanA and Robinson lands described in the complaint Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newton of Ore shoppers in Caldwell Friday. Bring your shoes to us for Subject to the will of the Republi and hereinafter described; Sage home Saturday night. A large Dave. Goolng spent gon Slope visited their daughter, herein Dyeing that all adverse claims of the de can voters at the Primary Election crowd attended Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff called two Roy days and of Nadine past w-eek in Boise Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerff Sunday. fendants and each of them be ad Inexpensive and Guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Share spent at the L. E. Ooodell home near Vale on business the to be held on May 17, 1940 judged to be invalid and that the Mr. and Mrs. deLespinasse and regarding an accident title thereto be quieted Tuesday. Monday In Caldwell. which their car was injured ear Mr. and Mrs. Patch were at the plaintiff's all the defendants Mrs. Sam Cates has been on the Friends and relatives of Wilder in Cook home for pot luck supper on against Charles M. Crandall ly this spring. Mrs. Gooing returned ABBOTT’S or either as of claims them, of said lots being sick list the past week. surprised Cecil Florea Tuesday. home Monday from a few days stay Thursday. described follows: SHOE SHOP Vale, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Mort Wixon plan to Those present were Mr. and Mrs. at Boise. 12. Original 13, 14, 15, Townsite and 16 of of Block Mr. Patch attended an athletic Lots the Nvs- ! Political adv. *10.50 paid for by Next to Nyssa Cafe and Sunny, Mrs. Harold Robbins. The Ten Davis mixed softball association meeting in Baker Sat 5 sa of and leave for California Monday. Lots 13 and 14A of Block Charles M. CrandalL Fred Ronjue, Mrs. Frank Glllings team met defeat at the hands of the urday. 8 as shown by the revised gen Mrs Ellen Thompson, Mrs. Floyd Apple Valley team, at Apple Valley, Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis eral map of Nyssa. further revsed OWYHEE Mrs. Howard Day and Ger dated 19, December 21. The score was 19-16. Sat and family and Rev. and Mrs. Tet by The Owyhee Community club met Furrow, 1911. dedication, filed August 1913, and and Sandra Kay. Miss Gayle Friday. wiler were at Snlvely hot spring for also urday the ball team went to Cald at the home of Mrs Nell Dimmick ry irregular shaped tract of Bruhn, Mr and Mrs Claude Day well and were again victorious. lunch and swimming Thursday eve land an with Mrs. Don Pax as assistant and Block 8 end fourteeen feet Ronnie and Mr. and Mrs. H. A cousin of Mrs. Martha Norland ning. wide in at said the North and twen hostess. Roll call was hints on rose L. feet wide at the South end Day. Mrs. Edison surprised them last Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rohland and ty-five culture. After the business routine Alva and being the irregular shaped Goodell was an Ontario vis- and week. They had not seen one an children returned home Thursday tract the guests were passed different itor Saturday. carvd of and a part of Block 52 of Park Addition from a weeks visit with Mr. Roh- the original out other for over 30 years. cooking ingredients to test their Lot 14A and which Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley have land’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. sense of taste and several bottles of to the City of Nyssa and which is situated on the moved off the place next to C. P. Rohland of Dayton, Wash. liquid to test the sense of smell. ARCADIA ANNOUNCEMENT hill north of Locust and South of Elm, with the Leigh and are staying with his Mr. and Mrs. John Brower pf Those receiving prizes were Martha my candidacy Kllngback. Oral Strickland and Mrs The Arcadia Sunshine club met mother until they can find a house. Roswell were callers at the Ellen I hereby announce for West line Fifth Street and the East Line of the Van de Wall Twenty ladles enjoy last Thursday at the school house Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woods and chil Sparks home Friday. Oregon Trail is STATE SENATOR ed the afternoon. Refreshments with Mrs D Brady and Mrs V dren and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson A bridal shower for Mrs. Leo for the 22nd district, comprising Butler as hostesses. The afternoon enjoyed a picnic at Arrowrock dam Freel home Wednesday. were served. Grant a n d Harney Private Property Farnsworth was held at the Prank Malheur, Mr. and Mrs G. L. McMillan and was spent getting ready for the Sunday. counties, subject to the will of Mrs Ellis Buck land have been re- program that was given Wednesday- Mr and Mrs. Gene Honey enter Mrs. Howard Hatch and Mrs. the Republican voters at the pri and REMOVAL OF ANY DIRT FROM SAID hired as teachers In Owyhee school night. There were 2* members pres- tained at dinner Sunday. Guests James McGinnis attended Jolly maries. May 17, 1940. ent and two visitors. Mrs Murle were Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Com- Janes at the home of Mrs. T. for another year. PREMISES IS FORBIDDEN. Anyone found re JOHN W. PORTER Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker enter Thomas and Mrs Ada Butler. Mrs. I well and family of Parma, Mr. and Each as in Big Bend Thursday. moving any dirt or soil is subject to ARREST Long Creek Oregon tained at dinner Sunday for the Sam Caldwell joined the club. The ] Mrs. M V. Honey and family of Dr. Polling of the state board of Louts Skinner family, the R. Cham- next meeting is May 2nd and the s Boise and Mr and Mrs Prank Evans higher education spoke to the stu Political Advertisement paid for and will be punished to the full extent of the law. John W. Porter, Long Creek. dent body and later to the seniors by berlain family and the Prank hostesses are Mrs. Frank Lewis and j and family. Oregon. W. B. THOMAS. Mrs. Ellis Warner. A lady from Boise j Mr. and Mrs. Emil Vertrees and of Adrian high school Monday. Crocker family. V i M Announcement State Senator NOTICE