Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1940 BIG BEND Wade P. T. A. met Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. Elmer Prosser with Mrs. Ellen Sparks and Mrs. Anna Sparks assistant host esses. New officers elected for the coming year are Mrs. Clyde Steel man, president; Mrs. George Elfers, vice-president and Mrs. F. A. Miller, secretary-treasurer. The county council of P. T. A. will be held in Ontario Saturday, April 13. The May Festival will be held in Big Bend Park. This is sponsored by Adrian high school and all grade schools will take part. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts re turned to their home in Baker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Patch of Adrian were dinner guests of the F. A. Millers Saturday evening. Mrs. Clyde Riggs of Parma vis ited her father, B. G. Roberts, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee and son of Nyssa were guests in the Phelan home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hickox of Cald well were calling on friends Thurs day. Miss Grace Johnston of Boise arrived Thursday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnston. Miss Ruth Swigert of San Fran cisco is spending her vacation vis iting in the George Swigert and Elmer Prosser homes. Miss Virginia Miller was a dinner guest of Miss June Clark Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Haworth accompanied the Parma high school students who took part in the declamatory con test to Meridian Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Riggs and B. G. Roberts accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts to Baker on Sunday. Mrs. Henderlider returned to Nampa Friday after a few days stay with her daughter Mrs. Dyre Rob erts and family. Mrs. Roberts went to Nampa with her returning home the same evening. Mrs. Jean Whitney and baby of Boise were guests of her sister Mrs. Arch Parker. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bert LaRue of Vale were dinner guests in the Parker home and the Whitneys returned to Vale with them. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker were Ontario visitors Monday. BONITA Barney Dunn of Bonita and Miss Rebt Beattie of Rexburg, Idaho, were married at Weiser March 30. Their atendants were Mr. and Mrs. James McDHoe. The couple will make their home at Bonita. Several gathered at the J. H. Car- ico home Saturday night. March 30. for a charivari and dance in honor of the newlyweds, Mr and Mrs. Barney Dunn but due to the heavy rain and bad roads Barney and his bride didn’t arrive until the next day. However, all those who braved the weather enjoyed their visit and the refreshments served by Mrs. Carlco along with Barney’s treats. Oliver Sandy made a trip to the railroad on business March 28. He was obliged to leave his car four miles from home and come on horse back. The car is still there due to rain, hail, sleet and snow falling each day since. This is the wettest spring old timers say this country has had for many a year. Rankin Crow foreman for Gus Davis’ holdings in this vicinity is staying at the Eastern Oregon Land company’s house in Cow Valley. Mrs. Pumphrey, who was serious ly 111, was taken to Mrs. Deen’s in Ontario the morning of March 30 by J. H. Carico. Dr. Palmer thinks she can come home in two weeks unless complications set in. James McD’Roe and family are at Nyssa visiting Mr. and Mrs. Good rich, parents of Mrs. McD'Roe. They expect to leave for Juno, Alaska in May. Louis Pratt moved to James Mc- D'Roe’s holdings March 28 which he has rented for one year. Pratt had some milk cows trucked up from near Nyssa to Cow Valley March 31. Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cari co, Barney Dunn, George McCraw, Colbert Patterson, Mrs. Pumphrey and Mrs. Hesser enjoyed ice cream at the John Lewellen home. John Corbit and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawrence were Monday dinner guests at the J. H. Carico home. John Lewellen had dinner at Oli ver Sandy’s home Friday. CLUB CELEBRATES THIRD BIRTHDAY OREGON TRAIL—In observance of the Merry Matrons club's third anniversary a party was held in the basement of Oregon Trail school house on Wednesday afternoon, April 3rd. Past members were invit ed as guests o fthe present members. A program prepared by Mrs. F. Byers, Mrs. G. Holmes and Mrs. A. Adams was presented as follows: Singing of “America” by all; wel come address by President Alta Gregg; response by the first presi dent, Maude Cooper; piano solo by Miss Lillian Gregg; club mother, Elizabeth Ashby; group song, "Old Spinning Wheel” ; club history, Vir ginia Rookstool; group song, “When I Grow Too Old to Dream” ; Reci tation, Peggy Campbell; group of school children played on tonettes; piano duet, Miss Stein and Mr. Stokes; closing song. At the close of the program Mrs. Gladys Davis had charge of the games with a number winning prizes. Refresh ments were served by the committee Bonnie Gregg, Agnes Knowles and Jessie Chard. 42 club members and guests attended. Club meets Wed nesday afternoon, April 17, at the home of Alberta Bowen with Ola Chard, co-hostess. White elephants will be exchanged. Mrs. F. C. Fry and Mrs. Geo. Mc Kee were hostesses at a party on Thursday afternoon at the Fry home honoring the birthday of Mrs. W. S. Jones. OUR NEW LOCATION 2nd Street and Goode Avenue • Our entire plant is being moved to our • new location. Our equipment and sales room is now under one roof— to save our customers time. • W e Still Feature PURINA CHOWS and FEEDS FOR LIVESTOCK and POULTRY SEED CLEANING AND TREATING SEEDS of ALL K IN DS Let Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Knowles and children were Friday evening din ner guests at the J. E. Bowen home. H. J Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holm.s, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Toll, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes and Mr and Mrs. F. S. Byers attended a birthday party honoring Austin Goodson at the Goodson home in 'ten Davis last Monday evening. Earl and Ewen Chard have pur chased a new tractor. KINGMAN KOLONY Follyanna club met at the home of Mrs. Dale Ashcraft this week. Mrs. Robert Clark and Mrs. Don Clark had charge of the entertain ment. At the close of the afternoon Mrs. Ashcraft served refreshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Lily Bach on April 17. Mrs. Robert Clark entertained the Kingman card club this week. Mrs. Don Clark played with the mem bers. Mrs. C. C. Cotton and Mrs. William Toomb received prizes. Mrs. Clark served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill were in Kuna on business one day this week. Rev. Raymond Chandler of Cald well was a caller in the Kolony on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Elliott and sons and Mike and Bill Elliott spent Sunday at the Hot Springs. Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Mary Nichols, Mrs. C. C. Elliott, Nadine Nichols and Nadeen Wilson were among those attending the 4-H leaders meeting in Ontario Satur day. Mrs. Frank Newbill attended Sun shine club in Nyssa Friday after noon. r> William Toomb was ill with the flu the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson for dinner on Sun day. Milo Lamberson is painting for Iver Peterson this week. Don Clark was in Nyssa and On tario on business on Friday. Robert Clark accompanied George Scheimer to a seed meeting held in Nyssa Thursday evening. Charles Newbill attended the sale in Nyssa Saturday afternoon. James Nichols, Leslie Schafer and William Toomb have been planting potatoes. ARCADIA The Arcadia Sunshine Club met at Mrs. Pearl Bullard's Friday with rMs. Anna Dail as assistant host ess. There were 23 members and one visitor, Mrs. Sam Caldwell. The club is now selling tickets on their quilt which will be given away April 24 after a program. The one selling the most tickets will receive a prize. The Arcadia school played ball Wednesday with the Cairo school at Arcadia. The Cairo teams won, boys 4-1 and girls 12-11. Mrs. J. N. Hickey and Mrs. J. L. Brady attended the Declamatory contest at Nyssa last Friday. Mrs. Elmer Hill and Mrs. Glenn Dowers visited school last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Wagner is able to be up now. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garren visited D. F Don at Emmett Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris went to Burns Thursday with a load of spuds. Granton Easons had a telephone installed last week and purchased a davenport and chair. Miss Ruth Wallace of White Set tlement, who has been staying with Mrs. J. M. Wagner, returned to her home last Thursday. The H. L. Brooks family have been confined with the measles. Ben Shaw had some x-rays taken last week after a fall from his horse which caused injuries in his back. His uncle is doing the work. Ellis Warner butchered a hog on Monday. Mr and Mrs. Carl Hipp of Boise visited at Bill Hipp's last Wednes day. Elmer Stradleys have rented their place to Martin Osborne. Ira Robert Ure, Jr. has been down with tonsilitis for the past week. Buel Hickey and family had din ner and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hickey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris attend ed the sale at Payette Saturday. The 4-H club girls met at Mrs. Ure's Monday evening. After the business meeting and sewing was done Wanda Ure served them a lunch. Lloyd Marshall of Nyssa was at Bill Hipp's Tuesday morning on business. Several women from this district attended the meeting and pot luck dinner of all the clubs at the CCC camp Tuesday. Miss Wanda Ure and Mrs. Jack Schenk took part in the program. The others were Mrs. Ure. Mrs. Bybee. Mrs. Otis Bullard, and Mrs. Anna Dail. Mrs. Ira Ure attended the dem onstration for 4-H club leaders giv en at the Ontario high school last Saturday afternoon. us grind your grain-- PURINA and Mix It with GRAIN BALANCING SERVICE PURINA APPROVED Balancers for More Pork, Milk and Eggs AL TH O M P S O N 6• SON COAL— GRAIN— FEED Phone 26 Acro»s From Telephone Building A , .V .V ., .V ., .V PROGRESSIVE SEWING CLUB By Virginia Orr All of the girls have now started their work, the girls of the first year have finished their dresser scarf, which was their first project. All work is progressing rapidly. The last meeting’s work was to be judging, but due to the fact that very few had finished their work it was postponed until all have at least one article. After the business meeting ad journed the group took a short walk to the home of Mr. Earl Strickland to practice the club songs with the piano. This will be done frequently in the future. In answer to the roll call it was discovered that the largest percent age of the club’s favorite flower was the rose. CLOVER CALF CLUB The 4-H Clover Calf club of Al berta Valley and Nyssa Heights met at the home of Jerry Bybee Friday evening with their leader, Andrew Boersma. Twelve of the 14 mem bers were present. After a short business session it was decided to match a baseball game with Mr. Dimmick’s club members. The eve ning was spent in making rope calf halters. The club will meet at the home of Mont Corbett on April 19. LINCOLN HEIGHTS Lincoln Sunday school was well attended Sunday morning. Joseph J. Miller, a visitor of the Sunday school spoke. A Sunday school con vention is to be held Wednesday, April 10, at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and son visited at the Chris Rookstool home Thursday evening. Three Lincoln pupils, Alda An derson, Dolly Hawkins and Gerald ine Pettet spoke in the declamatory contest held in Nyssa Friday aft ernoon and evening. The teachers, Mrs. Ingrahm and Mrs. Weaver al so attended. Each speaker received a medal as an award. The Jack Pettet and Tom Pettet families wen to Kuna a week ago Thursday to attend the funeral of a brohter-in-law, Mr. Mitchell. On Saturday the Jack Pettet family were called to Midvale by the death of Mrs. Pettet’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Dale. Mr. Pettet and daughters re turned the same evening, but Mrs. Pettet remained until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeGross of Richland spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith. Tom Whitlock has been employed by Jack Pettet this week. The monthly meeting of the Lin coln P. T. A. was held Thursday afternoon. The White Settlement school pu pils played ball with the Lincoln school pupils at Lincoln Wednes day afternoon. The boys game and the girls game were both won by Lincoln. Mrs. Ivan Findley and Mrs. Mrs. Joe Blahnik both of this commun ity, are employed as census takers. They began this week. Jim Hawkins ployed for Mr. Sink this week. Mr. Sink bought a team of horses in Ontario last Wednesday. Joseph J. Miller spent Sunday at the George Markham home. Miss Dorette Kielhom was an ov ernight guest of Miss Geraldine Davis of Ontario Wednesday night. APPLE VALLEY | The road from the highway west to the Apple Valley church is re ceiving attention. The grader is building up the center of the road and doing away with the washboard doing away with the wash board condition. Telephone and power have been reinstalled at the place recently pur chased from HOLC by Mr. and Mes. Kiser of Vale. The place built by E. A. Summy has been vacant a year. Mr. Kiser has a government job being ditch rider on the Black Canyon in this district. They expect to finish moving Sunday. E. A. Summy and son Ross went to Emmett Friday. Because of the rainy weather orchardists are find ing it hard to finish spraying. Growers planted their early po tatoes the past week and a scramble for corrugators began. Grain is well up. Alex Wagner went to Homedale for a corrugator after spending a half night trying to locate one here. Pastures are fine. If the rains con tinue with no days of sunshine pollenation for peaches, apricots, cherries and other fruits will not be good. Mr. Grow arrived Wednesday night from Utah and left again on Thursday night. M. A. McDonald of Los Anegeles arrived Thursday to attend to busi ness in Apple Valley and spent Thursday night at the R. S. Mc Intyre home, leaving Friday for Weiser on business. Mr. and Mrs. William Fretwell and son Elbert, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Planting of Boise were guests for Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Leigh. Mrs. Sam Caldwell of Yakima is visiting at the Lloyd Caldwell home. She has also been visiting her brother Jack Van Landlngham and wife at Marslng Mr. and Mrs. Walter Iiams and son Walter spent Friday evening at the Ray Danforth home in Far go. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Danforth went to Mountain City where their son Bill Danforth and John Iiams are employed. Arthur Mauser is working on his farm buildings. Robert Edison and Cloyd Sample are living on their recently pur chased acreage. Arlie Scott spent the week-end with the Sparks family at Arena Valley. Mr. MacFarland who la employed at the sugar factory in Nyssa has rented his land to M. S. Blrckes. Mrs. C. D. Vertrees and Mrs. Al len Reed spent Friday afternoon in Payette. Ladies Aid met Thursday at the home of Mrs. John Poage. Mrs. Wal do Smalley was assistant hostess. About 20 ladies were present. The seventh and eighth grades of the local schol enjoyed a party on Friday evening at the Jed Gooing home when Mrs. Gooing and daugh ter Billie entertained the two grades. Imogene Wood celebrated her birthday Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and children were guests for dinner. The Otani family were visitors in Boise on Saturday. The following pupils were on the honor roll the past six weeks in the Apple valley school: Grade 1, Lor raine Fritts, Beth Whlsler, Beverly Wagner; grade 2, Edna Fritts, Don na Gooing, Barbar Smith, Lois Ann Ricks; grade 3-4, LaVern Ferguson, Jack Huffman, Lois Gee, Beverly Booing. Stanley Leigh, Virginia Turner, Barbara Wagner; grade 5, Betty Tuttle; grade 6, Wanda Lar kin, Donna Rae Nichols, Alvin Grif fin; grade 7, Dan Henshaw. Margie Nichols, Irene Blessinger, John Whisler; grade 8, Billie Gooing, Mabel Henshaw, Homer Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crossley of Wilder are the parents of a baby boy born Saturday. Mrs. Crossley wil be remembered here as Miss Lucelle Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Fehrer and children of Nampa visited at the Alex Wag ner home Sunday. Miss Serena Norland spent Sun day at her home in Apple Valley. Miss Norland is employed in Parma. Ralph Stevens is going to farm his parent’s place this season and Tom Porterfield has been helping him put In the crop. They finished planting potatoes Friday. Mrs. Bess who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nicholaysen, re turned to her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Porterfield have been looking for a house in this immediate neighborhood and have rented the Lewis acreage. Mrs. Mary Hicks and Miss Ger trude Hicks were guests for Sun day dinner at the Fred Miller home. Herbert Fisher of Nyssa and Don ald Fisher of Apple Valley have rented the land on the place for merly operated by Fred Osterkamp Bowman and Yulah Vertrees of Caldwell spent the week-end at the PAGE FIVE home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. again called home and Mrs. C. C. O. D. Vertrees. Meltvedt, the daughter who lives in A room and a porch are being Boise, is staying here. added to the Fox home on the Geo. M. A. MacDonald returned to Ap Meinzer farm. ple Valley Monday and visited for Mrs. Butherus, Miss Helen Buth- mer friends and neighbors. erus, Wesley Butherus and Miss Elizabeth Dunn, all of Homedale, visited at the Alex Wagner home on ANNOUNCEMENT Sunday. I hereby announce my candidacy for The school board of Ind. Dist. No. 40 met in regular session Mon day evening. Among the business transactions was the selection of for Malheur County, subject to teachers for the coming year. Prior the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Election, 17 May, to the meeting board members stat 1940. ed that the present teachers would I have been a resident and be given a chance to fill the same farmer in Malheur County, at positions next year. Adrian for the past 34 years. Levi Stephens, father of Mrs. ZACH WALKER Tom Porterfield, is suffering with Adrian, Oregon continued hiccoughs and growing much weaker. Halton Stephens was | Pd. Pol. Ad. by Zach Walker SHOES DYED Keep Up With the Modern Colors! Bring your shoes to us for Dyeing Inexpensive and Guaranteed A B B O T T ’S SHOE SHOP Next to Nyssa Cafe COUNTY COMMISSIONER THE MOTORIST W HO DRIVES WITHOUT A SPARE TIRE is no more foolhardy than the one who1 drives without insurance. BEFORE STARTING ON A TRIP SEE US AB O U T INSURING YOU R AUTOM OBILE (Insure in SURE Insurance) FRANK T. MORGAN Phone 97 Nyssa, Oregon N O TIC E ! • The NYSSA SALE YARD has changed hands and we are changing the sale day to Friday, starting April 12. W e urge all the stockmen and farmers, if they have anything to sell, livestock, machinery, or furniture, to bring it in. • Will have buyers here for all classes of live stock, including fat hogs, and will get the high est market price. If you are wanting dairy cows, you should attend this sale, as we will have some nice springer dairy cows and a good line of ma chinery. • The sale will start promptly at 1 o’clock. • There will be a drawing after the sale and the following merchants will each give a prize: Nyssa Sale Yard Gate City Journal Wilson Merc. Co. Eder Hdw. and Groc. Owyhee Barber Shop Wray’s Dime Store Golden Rule Store Brownie’s Cafe Paulus Jewelry Store Food Mart Gamble Store Nordale Furniture Store Towne Garage Norcott Service Nyssa Packing Co. Baldridge Imp. Co. Peggy’s Pantry Lawrence Serv. Station Smoke Shop Smitt’ys Place Thompson Oil Co. Nyssa Sale Yard W. F. Simmerman, Auctioneer Floyd Robison, Owner CHECK THESE POINTS I Heating System Does It give you correct temperature, humidity and circulation every day of the year? Is it wasting your money on fuel costs? The Kitchen Does it make your housework a pleasure and leave you rested at the end of the day? The Bathroom How does it look? Does it give you the most in convenience? How are sanitary conditions? The Appearance Does it need new paint on the out side? Or new wallpaper, paint or varnish on the inside? W H A TEVER Y O U NEED- FINANCE IT WITH AN A.B.C. LO A N Don’t put it off any longer. Your home probably needs only a little remodeling and some new equipment to make it a really modern home. We offer you the finest ma terials and skilled workmanship—that can be paid for at your convenience. See us today and enjoy living In a home that gives you all the modem conveniences, comforts and pleasures. NYSSA LUMBER COMPANY The Roofing Does it leak water or heat and how does it look on your house? John E. 0»trom, Prop. Phone 118 Goode Ave. & Hiway 201 COMPLETE BUILOINC SERVICE IN A LL ITS PHASES