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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1940)
T SUPPLEMENT OF THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL * i ________ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, TH U R SD AY, APRIL BAND RAISES MONEY FOR UNIFORMS Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each issue. Minimum cash in advance is 25c. Wanted For Sale SEED POTATOES Help Wanted SALE REPRESENTATIVE for Nys- WANTED—All your welding Jobs. sa and vicinity. Year around po We promise good work and fair SEED POTATOES, grown from M. prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone B. McKay blue tag seed. Jake sition for a proven, aggressive sales 56W. Fischer, Alberta Ave. 21Mtfc producer. Must have car. Only man of high character and proven abil WHITE ROSE seed potatoes, I year ity considered. Give all particulars Work Wanted from McKay certified. Klaas Ten- in hand-written letter to Montgom llA lx c EXPERIENCED OUTSIDE sign sen. 7Mtfc ery Ward, Nampa, Idaho. painter. John Weeks, 5 blocks For Sale north on Second. llA3xp For Sale AUTOS and TRAILERS PLOWING, DISKING and leveling. Poultry Irwin J. Callahan, Rte. 2, Nyssa. 1938 WILLYS 4-door Sedan. A -l 21M4xp SETTING EGGS. Rhode Island condition. See Norcott Service. llA tfc Reds. Chicx from blood tested certified hens. 50c setting. Dutton, For Sale or Trade CARD OF THANKS Kingman Kolony. 28M3xp FARM LANDS I wish to take this opportunity of 123 ACRES, IMPROVED, near Vale. BABY CHICKS—N. H. Reds, R. I. publicly expressing my thanks to Reds, Barred Rocks, W. Leghorns. the many who displayed their sym Bernard Eastman. 28Mtfc Bloodtested and culled. Price—9c pathy for me, and their esteem and each, 200 or more 8'Ac. Patch Bros. regard for my father after his pass Miscellaneous Hatchery, Payette, Idaho. 14M7xc ing last week. I am especially grateful to those BRAKE WORK—Let us put your BABY CHICKS. Hatching every who, during the past three years, car or truck brakes In first class Tuesday and Friday. We do cus while he was sick, had a kind word condition. Special equipment und tom hatching. Get our prices. for him and a cheery greeting as trained men at your service. Pruyn Thompson’s Ontario Hatchery. he strolled around the streets which Auto Repair. Phone 56W. llJtfc he knew so well. There are many BABY CHICKS: Blood tested $9.00 such people whom I don't know For Sale personally. There are a few who per hundred, 200 or more $8.50 MACHINERY have gone further than their line per hundred. Hatches every Mon BEET CULTIVATOR ill good con day. Custom hatching done. Vale of duty called for in such cases. I dition. Fred Harvey, mile east of Electric Hatchery, Box 382, Vale. refer particularly to Arthur Cook, 8Ftfc our chief of police and to Loring New Plymouth or phone 11J3. Taylor, his guardian. llA lx p BABY CHICKS—popular breeds. A.O.Hinsch SMALL CENTRIFUGAL Pumps. D. Under 200, 9c each. 200 or more Peters, Ontario, Rte. 1. llA5xp 8'Ac each. Custom hatching, chicken or turkey eggs. Special machine for SIX INJURED IN 2-ROW POTATO planter and two- turkey hatching. miles north of AUTO ACCIDENT way plow. At Cables Implement Fruitland. Phone Fruitland 8-21. and Tractor Co., Ontario llA tfc Payette Valley Hatchery, Payette, JORDAN VALLEY—Six people lFtfc were injured, two quite seriously, 2-WAY TRACTOR Plow, and single Idaho. when a car driven by Pearl Dun row horse potato planter. Klaas QUALITY CHICKS of Caldwell can callided with another driven Tensen. 29Ftfc Hatchery. Chicks hatched weekly. All standard varieties. Call 0J51 or For Sale Mrs. Andrew Boersma. 21M4xp the highway about one mile wast of CITY PROPERTY CITY LOTS, (5.00 down, $5.00 per month. Bernard Eastman, phone 64. 14Mtfc For Sale FARM LANDS For Sale STOCK TWO GUERNSEY springers, fresh after the middle of May and June. Test 5.7 and 6. Each 6 gallons when fresh. Call 72J, Nyssa. llA2xp Jordan Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Duncan and Mrs. McCain werein the Duncan car. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hatten and Olin Nichols were in the other machine. Mr. Hatten had two ribs broken and Olin Nichols suffered a broken foot, leg and four fractured ribs. Both Mr. Hatten and Mr. Nichols were taken to a Cald well hospital. Nichols also received WILL SEI.Ii all or part of 160-acre For Sale ranch. Good house, cellar, bam and fences near Adrian. Small down Farm Produce payment and easy terms. Call Jour nal office. 7Mtfc OATS AND Barley. Garrett Stam, wrecked. 2 miles west on Alberta Avenue. Ed Morisette has been telling ev llA lx p erybody that he’s afraid there are CULL POTATOES for stock feed. going to be a lot of cattle lost this summer. Such a statement coming $3.00 a ton. Ira Ure. Phone 06R2. 15Ftfc after all this swell feed-growing weather takes everybody by sur Made to Order prise. “How come?” they ask. “Be For Sale cause of the drouth?” Ed says, “No, or Old Ones Resilvered Musical Instrument it's because the grass is going to be FURNITURE so high a guy won’t be able to find FOR SALE—Spinet piano. Beauti them.” Repaired & Refinished ful walnut case. Party in this vi We saw Mildred, Shorty and cinity can assume contract for un Toodles Wise trying to take their paid balance. Write: Factory Ad cow out to pasture. The cow had juster, 101 No. 6th, Boise. llA lx p other ideas and was doing its best Methodist Parsonage not to co-operate. About every third For Rent step the animal's knees would fold CITY PROPERTY up and she would skid along on her GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd jobs by hour day or week. Prices TWO MODERN furnished houses, chin for a while. Then Shorty would slap her good and she would get up reasonable. Call J. G. Coll, A1 close in. G. E. Bertsch, Star Hotel and repeat the process. Edith (the Thompsons feed store. 20Atfc block. llA lx c cow) Is quite famous for balking. LARGE TWO room modem cottage, She has been known to fall into NYSSA PLUMBING & just remodeled. Like new. Rent the ditch by the road side and lay HEATING $14.00. Adults only. Will furnish for there and groan just because she 2nd house north Star Hotel permanent and reliable tenant. In doesn’t want to do a little walking. Dealers for Advance-Hydro quire at any realtor's or Journal o f Another trick she uses is to walk fice. 4Atfc. along for a while and then suddenly Ejector Pressure Pumps let her knees wobble and her head 13Jtfc ABOUT APRIL 15, 3 large rooms, sag, all the while groaning so loud modern cottage. Like new. Rent ly that everyone is sure she is death $20.00. Adults only. Call Journal of ly sick. It usually take about an fice. 21Mtfc hour or an hour and a half to lead CITY TRANSFER her two miles to pasture, but she TRANSFERRING MODERN FURNISHED apartment. comes back in nothing flat. and 162 East First St. 22Ftfc. Mr. Barker from Nyssa was in TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 THREE ROOM modern apartment. town over the week-end selling cars. Miss Opal Parks celebrated her Furnished. Dr. J. C. Bowman. C. KLINKENBERG 21Mtfc eleventh birthday last week with a dinenr. Billy Helm, Dorothy Stults. Mr. and Mrs. George Parks, Lucile For Sale Scott. Mrs. Stratford, Palar Corta- Local and Long Distance MISCELLANEOUS bitarte. Mr and Mrs. Chestnut and HAULING TAX PAYERS. Read Frank Hall’s son Mike were present. Phone 72W Mrs. J. J. Miles visited Mrs. Dun letter on the editorial page. Lawrence and Barnett llA lx p can and Mrs. Anawalt here in Jor 4Mtfc dan Valley last week. The Catholic girls are going to ORDER YOUR new linoleum now, from our new 1940 catalogue. We hold a pastry sale this coming week will get you any pattern and size, end. They plan to sell cakes, pies Long and Short and guarantee to save you from $2 and cookies. The sale will be held at Distant Trucking to $6.00 on nationally advertised Helm & Yturri’s. Dick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gulovson are in this "Famous Name” linoleum rugs. The Phone Nyssa 43 Nyssa Trader, main highway north district for a few days. Mr. Gulovson 2F10xp at Alberta Ave. 21Mlxc is the range examiner. A stock meeting was held in Jor NEED CASH? Spring Is here. Clean dan Monday at the J. V. hotel. It out the attic and basement. The was a joint meeting of District 4 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Nyssa Trader, main highway north in Oregon and the adjoining Idaho DECORATOR at Alberta Ave., pays cash for district. The purpose of the meeting household goods, furniture, hides, was to discuss problems arising from Free Estimates pelts, wool, metals. 21Mlxc mutual use of grazing land. a n d y M c G i n n i s Mr. and Mrs. 8 R. Bennett and TRACTOR CORRUOATOR and Phone 39M Cultivator attachments for all son Richard spent part of last week tractors. Olsen Blacksmith shop. in Bums where Mr Bennett attend Nyssa. 4Atfc ed the grazing service educational FOR SALE—by quarters or 1 meeting. A shower was held for Miss Jo more, state Inspected, com Found sephine Oluch whose marriage to fed. prime beef, by licensed 1 FOUND—Tire and rim in Nyssa. Mr Carson will take place soon. dealers. Call Jake Fischer, Owner may have same upon iden The shower was held in the Danner 05R1 or Polar Cold Storage. tification and payment of this ad. Grange hall and was given by Mrs. 2SJUc j Call Journal. 4A3xc Hall Parks MIRRORS C ly d e Teters ADRIAN—The band concert giv en by the Adrian High school band on April 5th brought in (57. This money is to be used for capes for band uniforms. The band and glee club will at tend the music festival at Caldwell Saturday, April 13. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch and Miss Rosa Del Curto visited at the Frank Miller home in Big Bend on Saturday. Adrian lost to Ontario 20-1 in a baseball game at Big Bend Park on Friday. While leaving the school house late Wednesday night Mr. Patch slipped on the steps on the terrace south of the school house and was knocked unconscious. He was dis covered by Elbert Fret well, who took him home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points went to Fruitland Sunday afternoon and bought fruit trees. The dance at the Legion hall Sat urday night was attended by 200 or more people. All are looking for ward now to the old time dance next Saturday night. Frank Bicandi has moved into his own beer parlor. It is quite an im provement over the old one. Mr. Patch’s mother, Mrs. W. D. Patch, his sister, Miss Della Patch, her friend Elizabeth Kenthill and Mr. Patch’s aunt. Miss Kistie Patch, were guests at the D. W. Patch home Thursday. Lorraine. McFate of Owyhee spent the weekend at the Everett Points home., * ^!iss Clark and Ellen McConnell .„tre dinner guests at the D. W. Patch home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis and family spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. McGinnis’ grandparents, the S. H. Starks of Roswell. Mrs. Tetwiler, who has been ill for quite a while, is recovering. Rev. Tetwiler was in Ontario with K. I. Peterson Wednesday. Mrs. Howard Hatch and children Duane and Barbara and Ethel Diasse were in Boise on business Wednesday. Those from Adrian attending the funeral for Mrs. Roberts which was held at Nyssa Thursday were Mrs. James McGinnis, Mrs. Howard Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. John Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly and Mrs. Duke Rohland. Mrs. J. E. Parker of Newell Heights visited at the Rev. Tetwiler home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerff visited at the C. Muntjewerff home in Big Bend and attended a birth day dinner in honor of Mrs. C. Muntjewerff. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnworth and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Mausling vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson of Big Bend Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler were in Nyssa on business Monday. Miss Rosa Del Curto had Sunday dinner at the Claude Cook home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker vis ited at Mrs. Parker’s sister's home, Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt in Owyhee. Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler were Sun day dinner guests at the Alvin Mc Ginnis home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker vis ited Mrs. Parker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toombs of Nyssa on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler were Sun day supper guests at the Wilson home in Kingman Kolony. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker of Big Bend visited at the home of their son, Vernon Parker, Tuesday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown were in Weiser over the week-end visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch, Mrs. Frank deLespinasse, Miss Rosa Del Curto and Mr. and Mrs. Cook were in Ontario Friday. SUNSET VALLEY Lucille Kendall entertained the Worthwhile club on Thursday with 12 members and two visitors, Miss Lillian Gregg and Mrs. Tiffany, present. The afternoon was spent embroidering tea towels. A flower exchange was also a feature of the afternoon. After lunch the club ad journed to meet April 18 with Edna Landreth. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kendall and family were Sunday dinner guests in the L. E. Newgen home. Alma Hintz, Viola Schneider, Don na and Lucille Chadd,' Marjory, Georgia and Glendon Hillis visited Bob and Bonnie Newgen Sunday afternoon. Those attending the Jolly Jacks meeting at Dude Parker's Saturday night from Sunset Valley were: Bob and Bonnie Newgen, Jack and Bob Reffett, Oeorgla. Marjory and Olen- don Hillis. Viola and Alma Hintz. Robert Ditty. Donna and Jim Chadd, Howard Schneider. Frank. Donald and Robert Tosch The club will meet with Bog Newgen April 20 Robert Ditty and Viola Hintz were Sunday diner guests In the Leslie Ditty home Ouests in the Cash Turner home Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Burt Turner of Vale. Leslie Ditty and family. Robert Ditty and Viola Hintz 11, 1940 John Vanderpool had 12 cows | ing Friday evening at the Bybee spent the week-end in Portland vis bloated Saturday evening. Several j home. iting relatives. Lewis Skinner mad: neighbors went in to help him and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Towne of the trip with them, visiting several he only lost one. ! Coquille. Oregon, were Saturday eve- cousins and their families. Mrs. Mamie Given and childen j ning visitors with their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith of Unity Melvin, Eima and Patsy of Boise j Howard Selser and family. were overnight guests at the Chas. called in the L. E. Newgen home At the Glen Suiter home are Mts Bradley home Thursday. Friday. | Suiter’s nephew and niece while Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Chandler will Henry Hintz lost three cows from their mother, Mrs. John Lake is in be at the school house Thursday bloat and the horses kicked a calf the Nyssa nursing home with a new evening with Bible study services. causing its death. Pasturing alfal daughter. They will be at the rcliool house Miss Norma Suiter visited Sunday also in the afte.nocn to hold classes fa this rainy weather is proving ex afternoon with Mrs. Martha Smith. ofr the school children. pensive for faimers. Mrs. O. L. Brown returned to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill attend Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Culbertccn her home in La Grande Friday af ed a birthday party for Mrs. John and children were dinner guests of ter spending the past three weeks Stafford Saturday evening. the Arnold Slippys Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodward, Gene with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Ditty Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin mad ' and family. .md Gale spent Tuesday evening at a trip to Prairie City Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper and j the D. M. Corbett home. take Richard McIntosh, who has Mr. and Mrs. Henry McNeil of been working in this community, I son Ellis were dinner guests in the Meridian visited at the J. E. Key- his home. H. H. Whitman home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Landreth of ser hame Sunday morning. Messrs. Eldon Klingback and Ron Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson, ald Rekow and Anna Klingback of Ontario were overnight guests in the parental L. B. Landreth home Fri James and Martha Rose were Sun Emmett were week-end guests of day dinner guests at the Jake Her- their aunt, Mrs. Martha Klingback day night. Chas. Schweizer purchased a car gert home of Nampa. Freddie Klingback, Virginia Fos Mrs. Jim Moss was hostess at her ter, Richard Boness and Lulubelle at Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and home to the Just-a-Mere club on Wilson represented the Owyhee Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Friday afternoon. 18 members an school at the Declamatory contest Gueck and Larry were Sunday swered roll call. Refreshments were in Nyssa Friday afternoon. Udith served by Mrs. Moss. On April 18 Douglas and Bonna Rea Franklin guests in the Roy Warren home. Lillian Gregg visited her brother the meeting will be at the home of went from the 7th and 8th grades in the evening. Wallace Gregg and family over the Mrs. E. R. Anderson. Last report is that Rodney and Glenn Strickland had his tonsils week-end. Miss Martha Smith are recovering out at the hospital In Ontario Fri day and was brought home Sunday. as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters were VALLEY VIEW Alberta Valley called at the Bybee dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal Mr. and Mrs Derwood Derry of home Sunday afternoon and took ter Fox c f near Nyssa on Sunday. . Honolulu are visiting Mrs. Derrfy’s the members of the 4-H Clover Calf Miss Georgia Dennis of Nyssa and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Derry. club to the CCC camp where they Frank Campbell of Boise were call Mrs. Hervey Reynolds attended a played a baseball game with Nell ers at the Wm. Peutz home Sunday Wm. Maine had his tonsils remov 4-H meeting in Ontario Saturday. Dimmick’s 4-H club members. A. H. Boydell of Nyssa is build ed at the Sarazin clinic Saturday Eulah, Gladys and Ruth Bratton attended the Bailey-Wolery wedding ing a house on his ranch occupied and was cared for in the Ellis Buck- land home over the week-end. in Fruitland at the Methodist by the G. E. Webster family. Webb Pennle and son-in-law Bill Parent-Teacher meeting will meet church Friday evening. Mrs. Martha Amidon and Mrs. Willis are plastering for L. E. Fry at the school house Friday evening. April 12. Alva Amidon attended the Grange of Nyssa. Howard Selser was confined at Owyhee Community club will Home Ec club meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Huffman of Cairo home for a .few days following a meet with Mrs. Neil Dimmlck on the dental operation. regular date, April 18. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Hite organized a can H. E. Noah and George Moeller ning club at the school house last sheared sheep Saturday at the Noah week with 7 members. ranch. OWYHEE Coy Brown had the misfortune of running a screw driver through his Eloise Crocker has been In the In Boise— hand while shearing sheep. hospital since last Tuesday receiv Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Wray were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds ing treatment for flu complications. Boise business visitors on Tuesday. spent the wee-end visiting in Baker. She is better at this writing and is Mrs. Knox Alexander entertained expected to be home soon. Sunday at dinner Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. Dwight Burke had an op S. Rees and Mrs. S. J. Rees. eration for appendicitis at the hos Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McClure of pital in Ontario Friday. Mr. and Caldwell and Mrs. Alma Cochrum Mrs. Oral Hite and Mr. and Mrs. and Ruth Campbell called at A. A. Werner Peutz called at the hospi Bratton’s Saturday afternoon. tal Sunday and found her doing Eugene Spahn came from Nevada well. Friday and is visiting at the Ed Little Maxine Kygar fell down a Ingraham home. flight of steps Sunday while visit Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rees, Mrs. S. ing at the home of her aunt Mrs. J. Rees and Mrs. David Rees at Ace Roberts, knocking several teeth tended the declamatory contest in loose. One tooth had to be taken Nyssa Friday evening. out. Coy and Win Brown attended a Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan M. W. A. meeting in New Plymouth Wednesday evening. The Wiley Frake family of Cairo Ask Your Grocer for Keep Your Family visited at the Paul Stevens home WHITE DOWN Healthy and Vigorous Sunday. Mrs. Ora Bonser and three daugh with plenty of PANCAKE FLOUR ters visited in Parma Thursday. The John Kolbab family have GATE CITY DAIRY Maunfactured by the moved from Cairo district to Mrs. Milk and Cream miller that made “ The J. P. Schall’s house. H. E. Noah vaccinated his horses Old Homestead” against brain fever Thursday. You Will Find It Good! Bill Downs and Ed Ingraham Morning and Evening shipped a carload of cattle to Port Deliveries land Friday. Mr. Ingraham went PHONE 104W with them. Francis Foster of Nyssa was an overnight guest of Ruth Bratton Thursday. Mrs. Lesley Major motored to Nyssa for baby chicks Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Leffler and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Curtis in Caldwell Sunday. John and Nova Turner are ill with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rees visited at the N. A. Peacock home in Fruit Save time and money. Don’t throw broken ma land Thursday. chinery parts away! Bring them in to our weld The Clifford Anderson family, who have been ill with the flu are ing department— they’ll be as good as new when now improving. you take them out: Clarence Barrett has been assess ing in this neighborhood. “ No Job Too Small— None Too Big” G a te C ity Dairy Nyssa Flour Mills ELECTRIC or ACETYLENE WELDING NYSSA HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill were dinner guests at the I. K. Peterson home Friday evening and then at tended the band concert at Adrian. Mr. and Mrs Harry Gahan and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Key- zer spent Monday eevning at the V. L Kesler home in Rlvervlew com munity. D. M. Corbett accompanied by Joe Woodward and R. C. 8mlth drove to the Ontario hospital Fri day evening and visited Rodney Smith. Mrs. O. J. Kurtz was hostess at her home Thursday afternoon to the ladies of the Morgan Park Oarden club. John Bartholomaa are setting out vines of various kinds and shrubery. Miss Florence Liplston of the Idaho Power company was through this neighborhood Tuesday demon strating and explaining with elec tric stoves to those purchasing stoves recently. Grover Willis helped J E. Keyser the first of the week with his team on the ditches Mr Keyser will soon have them ready for water. Mrs. E. R Anderson. James and Leona Lunger were In Ontario and Fruitland on business Tuesday 4-H Clover Calf Club held a meet- OLSEN BLACKSMITH SHOP On Goode Ave. Next to Telephone Bldg. Congratulations- INLAND OIL COMPANY On Your MODERN SERVICE STATION Constructed in Nyssa W e are proud to have had a part in the construction of your building. Nyssa Plumbing & Heating Co. 451 North First St. Nyssa CRANE PLUMBING AND HEATING FIXTURES