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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1940)
r^Jàsssx, JOURNAL The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS _________________ IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE_____________ VOLUM E X X X V , NO. 12 Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, TH URSDAY, MARCH 28, 1940 Relay Meet To Open Tomorrow Weather permitting, the Nyssa High school track squad will make their 1940 debut here Friday when they meet Adrian in a dual relay meet. Six events will be run off on the program which is scheduled to begin promptly at 3:00 p. m. Running in the 440 relay for Nys sa will be Percy Kelch, Clyde Smith. Blair Hendricks and Dean Wyckoff. In the distance medley Norbert Sar azin, Gerald Warren, Frank John son and George Turner will carry the colors for the home team. In the sprint medley will be Hen dricks, Sarazin, Bill Fagan and Stanley Ray. Eddie Frost, James Chadd, Tur ner and Warren will run the two- mile relay. Fifth on the program will be the 880-yard relay with Kelch, Hendricks, Wyckoff and Ray participating. The shotput relay will complete the program with Harold Taylor, Herb Smith, Joe Counsil and Junior DeGrofft on the team. Asked as to the prospects of pull ing a surprise out of his bag of tricks in tomorrow’s meet. Coach Bob Parke was non-commital. An “Oh, I don’t know," was his only comment, but a deep, mysterious smile might indicate a big surprise for the Adrian Pirate squad. Weather conditions have serious ly hindered practice this week, and so the Nyssa squad is not yet in top condition. A series of meets, however, should put the boys In shape soon. NYSSA DROPS OUT OF BALL LEAGUE Nyssa and Boise dropped out of the Idaho-Oregon baseball league at a meeting held last night in Pay ette, leaving a six-team league which will include Ontario, Vale, Payette, Nampa and Caldwell in the league with either Emmett or Weiser tak ing the sixth place. Lack of players, and the constant cost of a team is ascribed to the lack of an entry from Nyssa. The team last year costing the local Chamber of Commerce $200 and playing only half of the scheduled games. Last Minute Rush Livens County Politics $1.50 PER YEAR DECLAMATORY CONFERENCE APRIL 5 The Malheur county declamatory conference will be held in the Nys sa grade school auditorium Friday, April 5, with an afternoon and eve ning session, according to Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, county superin tendent of schools. The afternoon session will begin at 2 p. m. with entrants from third to sixth grades inclusive compet ing. The evening session will start at 8 p. m. with the seventh and eighth graders competing. The com petition will be the finals for the county, according to Mrs. Claypool, who invited the public to attend. There will be a small charge made at the door to pay for the expenses. Nyssa this year is not participat ing in the declamatory. Seed Growers To Hold Series O f County Meet Health Ordinance Is Under Fire The health ordinance, which re quires all food handlers in the city Irwin' ( Troxell, retired Ontario A series of four meetings have of Nyssa to have medical examina hardware merchant, is out with pe been called by the newly elected di tions, 1s under fire, and will be dis titions this week for his nomination rectors of Malheur county small cussed at the meeting of the council at the primares in May for county seed growers. This series of meetings Monday night. commsstione* on the Republican will be for the purpose of discuss One business man has been out ticket. John Molenaar, Vale, is an ing the purchase of the Mlchael- getting signers on a petition to have other candidate for county com Leonard Seed company plant in On the law repealed, the argument be missioner. His name will be placed tario. This company has recently ing that the law as it now stands on the Democratic ticket. Ivan withdrawn from the seed business puts too much of a financial burden Oakes of Ironside is another re and has offered its plant to the co on those who have to take the ex ported aspirant for the Job now held operative. Washington, D. C. News Bureau of amination. The fee as set forth in by L. P. Peterson. Peterson this The Nyssa meeting is to be held section three of the ordinance is not the Nyssa Gate City Journal week in a written statement said tonight at the school gymnasium at to exceed $1.50. Dr. J. J. Sarazin, that he would be a candidate for 8 p. m„ while a like meeting will be city health officer, arbitrarily cut WASHINGTON, D. C. — Food re-election. held in Adrian. Friday, March 29 this to $1 provided all those sub stamps will be extended to several at 8 p. m. in the school auditorium; ject to the ordinance would have Harry D. Wells, Democrat of Vale, more Oregon and Washington towns in Ontario in the Moore hotel Fri their examinations made on Tues is one of the latest to have filed within a few months and if the de day. March 29 at 8 p. m„ and in day and Wednesday of this week. his declaration for county commis pression continues and surpluses ac Vale in the court house Saturday, cumulate the stamps may be made Dr. Sarazin pointed out that since The Nyssa Farm Security Ad sioner. Summed up, leaving Oakes March 30, at 8 p. m. available in several hundred com the ordinance has been in effect, ministration transient family labor out of the picture inasmuch as he Those on the board of directors at least six cases of syphilis have munities. camp will open April 1, according has not at this time made formal for the county co-operative are; been uncovered. “In those cases that The stamp plans works like this: to Harold Hoxie, who has been care announcement, the county commis Chairman, Evan Gheen, M. W. Os were discovered through the opera Anyone on relief can purchase a taker since the closing of the camp sioner's job has attracted four can didates, three from Vale vicinity born, Alva Amldon and Tom Mc- tion of this ordinance, the victims book of the orange colored stamps last year. Elroy. The Blue Mountain Seed Co were unaware of the fact that they for $1. In the book (they come like The camp is open only to fam and one from Ontario. John Wade Robinson, 59, a pio Three county officers, who have operative will act as the marketing had the disease,” Dr. Sarazin said. regular books of postage stamps) ilies who are migrant laborers, and neer of the Nyssa community, died are blue stamps with a value of 50 is definitely not for single persons, either announced their candidacy at his home Tuesday night as the agents for the Malheur county grow He also added that these persons for re-election, or intention to do ers, It was voted at the meeting held were immediately given treatment cents. With the orange stamps the Hoxie said. result of complications from a long March 19. and any danger of spreading the reliefer can buy any food essential The camp has facilities for 200 so, are Harry S. Sackett, county illness. disease was stopped, in fact were In the store but the blue stamps families who pay a small charge for clerk; J. Edwin Johnson, county Mr. Robinson came to Nyssa to allowed to continue their work. can be exchanged only for certain tent space, must devote two hours surveyor and Mrs. Ira Hope, coun make his home in 1916, and for a In any event members of the commodities which are listed as labor each week toward the main ty treasurer? No opponents have time was engaged in farming on the council are looking forward to a surplus which vary from time to tenance and care of the camp site. shown up against these three. Idaho side. About two years ago While Audrey Ward, Nyssa. has a large delegation at the Monday time. By this method, for every dol The purpose of the camp is to he purchased the Swan apart night meeting to enter their pro lar of stamps bought the reliefer eliminate haphazard location of indicated that he might seek the ments. tests against the ordinance. has purchasing power of $1.50 for tents and trailer houses in a com position of county assessor, he has Funeral services will be held Fri * 1 . munity, providing in its place a not as yet made a formal declara day at 2:30 p. m. in the Commun Dealers (grocers) obtain their sanitary, supervised camp, and to tion of his candidacy, and until this ity church in Parma, with interment The Malheur County Farm Bu supply of surplus commodities which local farmers may go for is done Murray Morton, democrat in the Parma cemetery, under the reau, through its beet committee, incumbent, will be unopposed for his through regular channels and re farm labor. direction of the Nyssa Funeral has adopted a resolution asking that ceive their normal profit. It Is now It is the hope of those in charge third term. It is known here, how Home. congress, at this session, appropriate proposed in congress that Federal of this branch of the FSA, to select ever, that Ward has obtained the John Wade Robinson was born Surplus Commodities Corporation worthy farmers from this group of necessary papers for filing and as March 1, 1881 in Mountain City, sufficient money to conduct a thor purchase surplus at the source and migrant farm laborers and locate there are still two more days be Tennessee and is survived by his ough investigation of the “contracts and marketing agreements between fore the date for filing closes, it is at wholesale and thereby the money them on suitable farm lands. widow, Elsie, and two sons, Earl, The Malheur County Sponsoring for removing surplus through the James T. Collins, supervisor of expected that a statement will be of Glendale,* California, who is due the growers and processors of sugar beets”, according to Erling Bervtn, committee, of the People’s Utility stamp plan will go further as it will migratory labor for Oregon and made before the week closes. to arrive today for the services, secretary-treasurer. District has called a public meeting eliminate profits of the middlemen. California, will be the active man Mrs. Claypool, incumbent super This investigation would be con to be held in Boulevard Grange hall, Frank Johnson, Nyssa High school ager of the camp, until a perman intendent of schools and A. M. and Edward, who is In the U. S. Navy and stationed at Norfolk, Vir ducted by the Secretary of Agricul Cairo Junction, Saturday, March 30, Turkey growers of the Pacific Future Farmer, speaking on the ent one is picked out, according to Highsmith, Brogan school principal, ginia. ture under authority of section 511 at 2 p. m., according to an an Northwest have been given a hint subject, “Reciprocal Trade Agree George B. Herrington, in charge of appear to be the only ones seeking of the Sugar Act of 1937, and would nouncement released by T. F. Dona by the bureau of agricultural ec ments Raise a Controversy,” placed all FSA labor camps, both of whom, that county position. follow through all the transactions hue. chairman of the committee. Charles W. Glenn, incumbent NO ACTION ON onomics to raise 10 and 12 pound second in the sectional public speak accompanied by Roy C. Lane, camp of sugar from the processor to brok The bringing of Bonneville power birds. Of the stocks of turkeys now ing contest held at Wallowa, Ore supervisor of Idaho and Oregon, sheriff, has.filijt his candidacy and SUBWAY YET er to wholesaler, to determine a uni to Malheur county will be one of will probably be unopposed. This in cold storage 65 per cent weigh gon, March 23. Johnson competed were visiting in Nyssa today. form and fair base for the grower's the subjects discussed at this meet 16 pounds or over. These are birds against nine Future Farmers from Herrington said that Hoxie would will be Glenn’s fourth term In his No action has yet been taken, price. to which Morton Tompkins and which consumers passed up during other sections of Eastern Oregon to be promoted to being in charge of present office. either by the Commissioner of Pub Bervin said that the Malheur ing, Mr. Trommershausen, both of Bon the holidays. Practical reasons for win the four dollar prize awarded the generating plant at the camp. lic Utilities Ormond R. Bean nor County Farm Bureau favored the administration will speak 10-12 pound birds include such mat by the Oregon State Grange and the highway department on the continuation of the Farm Credit neville and answer questions. ters as smaller families and the ribbon awarded by the State Fu closing of the Park avenue railroad NYSSA FARMER WINS Administration as an independent A similar meeting is scheduled for size of ovens found in modern ture Farmer organization. crossing, the opening of the one at bureau from the Department of Ag Vale for 8 p. m. of the same day. in The parliamentary team compos SPUD GUESSING homes, especially in apartment the east end of Reece avenue, nor riculture, which Secretary of Agri the community hall. houses. The 16-pound and over ed of the officers of the Nyssa Fu the construction of the subway on culture Wallace ls bringing under turks are in demand only for the ture Farmers, Frank Johnson, presi Andrew Boersma, Nyssa farmer, George H. Enyart, 39, itinerant Main street. Such is the construc his absolute jurisdiction. hotel and restaurant trade. The bu dent; Marion Osborne, vice presi was the only Oregon farmer who tion of a letter received by the Nys The Bureau feels that there is too NYSSA FFA’S TO reau also predicts that porducers dent; Wayne Haroldsen, secretary; guessed the correct number of po laborer, died in the city jail some sa Chamber of Commerce this week much opportunity for regimentation HOLD SOCIAL, and tatoes in a sack on the Union Pa time before 8 a. m. Monday, of acute will raise 4 to 5 per cent more birds George Turner, treasurer; from Commissioner Bean. if too much power is given to the SMOKER in 1940 than in 1939. Oregon stands Lloyd Boyles, reporter, placed fourth cific “Spud Special” train, accord dilatation of the heart, according to The highway commission will in competition against ten teams ing to Earle G. Reed, supervisor of Coroner R. A. Tacke, who viewed the meet April 5, according to Informa one department. The Nyssa chapter of the Future fifth in turkey production. The Bureau, so Bervin said, has from Eastern Oregon. agricultural and industrial develop- body. tion reaching here, and It Ls expect decided to take up with the Oregon Farmers of America has announc Chief of Police Cook Saturday of This was the first time that Nyssa ---------------------------- . ment. ed that they are holding a smoker All six senators of the Pacific ed that some action will be taken In Northwest are participating actively has been represented at the sec-1 Boersma was one of the 22 out of fered Enyart a place to sleep in the regards to the subway construction. State Tax commission the possibil and basket social Friday. March 29, ities of conducting a re-appraisal at 8 p. m. In the school gymnasium. in the debate on the proposal to ex tional contest. The Smith-Hughes the 20,000 that visited the special jail after he had been evicted from Negotiations, it has been learned, Thirty rounds of boxing will pre tend for three years the act author department was established at Nys who guessed the correct number a local rooming house for failure are still going on between officials of property for tax purposes as soon as a satisfactory arrangement can cede the basket social. to pay his rent. On his usual round in the sack, which was 216. izing reciprocal trade treaties. These sa this school year. of the Amalgamated Sugar company be worked out. Monday morning Chief Cook found This ls the first of such an en senators, with practically all other Enyart dead and summoned the and the Union Pacific over the pur deavor for the local chapter and senators west of the Mississippi, chase of the private property lying MORTICIANS. HOLD coroner. the committee In charge are work regardless of political affiliation, are SIRE SERVICE between the sugar company property BAKER MEETING This is the first death to have and the railway right-of-way. No ing hard to make it a bang-up suc opposed to the extension. This is CO-OPERATIVE occurred in the city Jail in the 16 cess. the battle which was predicted in definite word has been received as Eastern Oregon funeral dierctors years that Cook has been a police to the progress of those negotiations. Everyone ls urged to bring a bas this space last year. It actually af Nine Malheur county farmers ket for the social. fects the paycheck of every worker have organized the Dead Ox Flat held a dinner meeting in the Baker officer for the city, he said. Graveside services were under the in the land and the housewives, too. Stud Service Cooperative near On hotel in Baker last Thursday night Another Pension Tile debate will probably end in a tario, under the sponsorship of the and approved the dates set for the direction of the Nyssa Funeral compromise. Practically everything community and cooperative services 37th annual Oregon Funeral Direc Home and were held at the Nyssa SALEM—Unless President Roose SALEM—Another old age pension produced In the northwest is involv section. Farm Security administra tors Association state convention, cemetery at 10:30 a. m. with the ed in trade agreements with foreign tion, according to W. N. Young, June 9-10-11, 1940 in Portland, with Reverend Vem Martin officiating. scheme was dumped into the hopper velt in the meantime withdraws his headquarters at the Multnomah Enyart is survived by his mother this week when preliminary peti name from the Oregon primary the county supervisor. countries. Services of a Percheron stallion Hotel. Harold K. Lounsbury and and father in Enterprise, and a tions were filed with Secretary of third term issue will probably have Japanese buyers are arranging to Its first real test of public senti The case of Mabel Cancelmo, State Snell by F. L. Austin. contact Oregon packers of canned will be made available for use on Kenneth W. Holman were elected brother, Lester, in Boles, Idaho. Austin's plan calls for the In ment when the voters of this state charged with driving while drunk goods for export to Nippon. This member farms and a limited num convention and program committee crease of the pension level to $40 go to the polls on May 17. was continued today by Justice of deal is the result of a tour made ber of other farmers in the com and given power to select the addi Brother 111— Anti-third term Democrats are the Peace W. J. Williams, until an a month for persons who have last year by Japanese business men munity may be enabled to parti tional members they desire to help Howard Wiggins brother of Mrs. reached the age of 65 years with rallying around the standard of indefinite date next week, at the cipate. The new cooperative is set with convention details. Officers of through the Pacific northwest. up on a joint ownership plan with the National Funeral Directors as Charles Paradis has been seriously an extension of credit, whatever Vice-president John Nance Oamer request of Tony Yturri, Ontario a t (Continued on Page Six) ill at a Caldwell hospital, but is Im that means, to those in need over whose candidacy is being managed torney, who Is defending Mrs. Can members signing patronage agree sociation have already indicated their attendance at this annual proving again. Mr. and Mrs. Paradis 50 years of age. The program would by former governor Chas. H. Martin, celmo. ments on a fee basis. Monday Guests— Franklin Schroeder is treasurer event and presidents of state asso visited him at the hospital on Sat be financed by a stamp tax of two ably assisted by a group of the Mrs. Cancelmo was arrested on Mr. and Mrs. William Donnelly urday. per cent on checks, drafts, war state's most prominent Democrats. Main street Tuesday night by Night and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClim- of the service. Other members in ciations in Idaho. Washington, The fact th at the Roosevelt nom rants and any other evidence of Officer Kenneth Langton. She ap onds of Council were Monday vis clude Hubert W. Tschirgi, M. M. Montana, Utah and California are From Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hinch of Se credit and a three per cent tax on inating petitions in this state were peared before Justice Williams Wed itors at the George J. Mitchell home. Hull, J. W. Williams. M. Holton, to appear on the speaking program. Discussions on professional and attle visited over the week-end with cash sales. Any surplus after pay filed by Commonwealth Federation nesday morning and asked for time George Bartshe, M. O. Butler. Adam Daughter Born— ment of pensions would go toward leaders rather than "regular” Dem in which to secure an attorney to educational subjects were led by A1 Mr and Mrs. Loring Taylor. A daughter was born on Monday Wagner and Fred A. Browning. the reduction of property taxes and ocrats is expected to cost the presi represent her. Williams placed the Schroeder of Baker; H. L. Peterson, Nyssa Boy Makes High Rating— to Mr. and Mrs. Miller Cordova at to bolstering the common school dent much support in this state bond at $200 on motion of District To Attend Regional Encampment— Ontario; Lot Snodgrass. La Grande Word has been received by Mr. fund. the family home in Nyssa. Dr. J. J. from Democrats who would other Attorney Max Taggart. and Bert Lienkaemper of Nyssa. A group of I. O. O. F. encamp and Mrs. Ernest Wilson th at their Sarazin. the physician in charge, re Austin’s measure ls the fifth for wise support him. On the other ment members from Nyssa will at President A1 Schroeder of Baker son. Lloyd, a students at the state ports the mother and babe to be tend the regional encampment of presided. which preliminary petitions have hand this radical alliance can be Home For Easter— university, was one of 19 in the been filed so far. doing nicely. expected to attract some additional the order to be held in Baker this Miss Isabelle Sarazin spent the whole university who made straight support for the New Deal champion. Easter week-end at home. Operated Upon— coming Saturday, according to M. Move To Nyssa— On Monday Lewis Mitchell, son F. Solomon. The Royal Purple de Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Corbin of “A’s” in the winter term work. Lloyd is well known In Nyssa and In Midvale— of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mitchell, liv gree will be conferred upon candi California have rented the W. H. THE WEATHER REPORT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paradis White Replaced— is a graduate of the 1937 class of ing on the Owyhee, was operated dates by the Umatilla encampment Beam house on south Third street. When the deluge of Monday night spent Easter day with Mrs. Paradis’ Hugh J. Devlin of Boise has been Nyssa high school. He Is now a upon at Holy Rosary hospital in On from Pendleton. family In Midvale. Mr. Corbin is employed on the con Junior at the university. employed by the Nyssa office of the had finished, It left a two-year rec tario by Dr. Sarazin for an emer J. G. Coil received his first two struction work at Black Canyon. Mrs. Towne Improves— United States Reclamation to take ord for rainfall in any twenty-four gency appendectomy. He is reported degrees in the encampment at On From Ontario— Dr. L. A. Mauldlng reports that the place recently vacated by El hour period behind. During the 24 to be recovering. tario last night. He was accom Miss Lulu Irwin of Ontario was Mrs. Herman Towne is much im mer White. Mr. White left to as hours ending March 26 a total of panied to Ontario by Solomon and an Easter day guest of Mrs. Hazel proved again. sume his duties at O am d Coulee on .59 of an Inch of rain fell. The great MARKETS Parents Visit— James Caldwell. Gildea. March tenth, but Mrs. White is re est fall since December, 1937. In A. E. Templer putting his high Thursday Quotations this year to date a total of 5.24 Mr and Mrs. O. L. Gren of Cald maining temporarily at Nyssa. Family Home— By Wiley Glowers Mr. and Mrs. George Haycock school band through its paces and well visited with their daughter, Mr. Devlin Is living temporarily at inches of rain has fallen. Return To Jerome— Following are the thermometer .26 Mr and Mrs Ronald Burke with had Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haycock giving Main street a musical treat Mrs. Ernest McClure and Mr. Mc the Oeorge Jensen home and will Cream, Premium _________ not immediately move his family readings as given at the Nyssa of .25 their infant daughter and Miss Sue and their two sons of Emmett and . . . . Easter over and the end of Clure on Easter afternoon. Cream, Grade 1 ---------------- fices of the U. 8. Reclamation: from Boise. 23 Reiser returned to Jerome on Sun Mr and Mrs. E. B. Haycock of Cald school In the offing . . . . a little School Principal I l l - Cream, Grade 2 ................... more liquid sunshine in this section D a te Grade School Principal Leo Hol- Low H ig h P l t f . day. Mrs. Burke had visited at the well home with them over Easter and Uncle Sam can send up the CASH PRICE Mrs H a n t s ' III— March 21 ____ ____ 26 70 lenberg has been ill for the past 00 .11 parental C. J. Keizer home the past Sunday. Hens heavy colored _______ Mrs. J. R. Hunter has been con March 22 battle fleet to get the barnacles off .......31 71 .00 week. Visits From Portland— .07 week. Hens, light and Leghorn — fined to her bed with an attack of March 2 3 ____ ____ 3 9 74 JO 0 Clare Peterson, a medical student . . . . hear the "Knights of the Son Expected— .10 In Middleton— S p rin g s__________________ Road" seriously object to Klaas 45 66 .20 Boyd Brown, son of Mr. and the flu since the last of the week. March 24 .05 Mr and Mrs. Harold L. Bayer of the University of Oregon at Tensen removing their rooming Stags ___________________ March 75 ____ ___ 43 64 Mrs Bumall Brown Is expected on V isits From H u n tin g to n — .27 .03 and family spent Easter Sunday in Portland, spent the Easter holiday house . . . . Cockerels________________ Saturday to spend his spring vaca Mrs. Ed Dllley of Huntington was March 2 6 .......... ......... 38 52 .59 Middleton with Mrs Bayer’s grand as a house guest in the J. J Sarazin Trade-In Eggs March 27 _____ ____ 35 tion from the University of Idaho. a visitor in Nyssa on Wednesday. 55 .01 home. mother. Mrs. Julia Post. .12 Large F.S.A. Camp To Open April 1st Wade Robinson Dies Tuesday Investigation O f Sugar Contracts Asked Congress P.U.D. Sponsoring Committee Callsi Public Meeting Nyssa FFA Takes Second Place In Contest Itinerant Dies In City Jail Oregon May Be Third Term Test _ Drunk Driving Case Continued ’ROUND TOWN