Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1940)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8 , 1940 PAGE SIX ALBERTA VALLEY Mrs. I. L. Cooper visited her daughter, Mrs. Dick Butcher, who U ill in the hospital at Boise Sun day. O. Z. Matthews was in Payette on business Sunday and Monday. George Jensen was a business vis itor in Boise Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Sweet visited at the R. H. Johnson home in Nyssa Heights Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. M. Tensen is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mar jorie were in Ontario on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey visited C. C. Hunt Friday who was injured Wednesday. Thelma Cooper returned to school Monday after an illness. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sweet com pleted moving to Ontario Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Schiemer of Big Bend were Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rock Shelton were in Caldwell on business Friday. Marjorie Groot attended a meet ing of 4-H members at Annex Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vander Oort and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling and son spent Thursday afternoon at the Lult Stam home in Newell Heights. Bertha Sweet was an overnight guest of Leona Johnson in Nyssa Heights Tuesday. Donald and Ronald Jensen who have been staying at the C. M. Ten- sen home during their mother’s ill ness, left Saturday for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife were in Weiser on business Monday. Don Lankford of Ontario spent Saturday with Mrs. E. O. Lankford. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox of Owyhee visited at the W. H. Fox home Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk were business visitors in Vale Tues day. Pete Tensen attended a merchant and farmers banquet at the Boule vard Grange Friday. He was one of the main speakers of the eve ning. Rickus Van Twisk of Valley View was a Sunday dinner guests at the Jake Van Twisk home. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife visited at the Angus Bishop home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellibee visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran- clsDeffers in Adrian Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk and family were in Parma Sunday. Mrs. Luther Fife, Mrs. Roy Elli bee, Mrs. L. T. Chambers and Mrs. Floyd Thompson attended a hand kerchief shower given for Mary Gardner and Mrs. Barbara Zim merman at the home of Ellen Brower In Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lomax and daughters of Nyssa visited at the Guy Sweet home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were Sunday afternoon guests at the Pete Tensen home. Woodrow Bogart spent Sunday afternoon at the Henry Gannon home. Mrs. Stanley Little and son of Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests at the John Lackey home. Mr. and Mrs .Andy Boersma, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Marjorie attended the entertainment, “The Man Who Came to Dinner” at the L. D. S. church in Nyssa Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sweet and daughters spent Friday evening at the R. H. Johnson home in Nyssa Heights. Klaas Tensen was bowling in Ontario Sunday. Gerrit Groot was in Ontario on business Friday. ARCADIA Mr. and Mrs. Herta Rose of Me ridian called on Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenig Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweep and son of Homedale were at Joe Dirk- sen’s Friday for dinner. Thursday was Kris Van Zelf's birthday. Mrs. Jake Groot Bill Van Zelfs, Mrs. Q. Van Zelf and sons spent the afternoon with him and his family. Sam Henry visited Ed Dewey on Monday afternoon. Mr. Dewey is re covering after a week of illness. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams re turned to their home at Amity Sun day after a months visit with his £ « i\a V alue a t na C vc I sig . Cadi ! VALLEY VIEW MOHH) THIGH-MOLD SILK STOCKINGS U te tf u te a A * f Mojud silk stockings seam to have nine lives, because the Thigh-Mold top insures them for lo n g e r wear. 4 m a g ic strips guard their beauty and give you longer stocking mile age a t n o • x tra charge. MAGIC STRIPS SI .25 ATKESON’S STORE Men’* and Ladies' Wearing Apparel Third and Main NYSSA Phone 108 absorb strain check garter runs hold garters firm keep seams straight '",OSRA“ THEATRE DOUBLE FEATURE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY— FEB. 9-10 Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in “ ROVIN’ TUMBLEWEEDS” George Raft and Humphrey Bogart in “ INVISIBLE STRIPES” Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10e-30c Admlmlon Matinee I0e-25e SUNDAY AND MONDAY— FEB. 11-12 Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy and Helen Mack in “ HIS GIRL FRIDAY” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee Ite-tSe son Darrell Williams and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hubert and daughter Leona of Valley View dis trict called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duyn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler at tended the progressive bridge party given at the Guild hall in Ontario Tuesday evening. George Moeller bought a team of horses Tuesday. Erma Lee Orris spent last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Carr of Weiser. Mrs. Joe Dlrksen and son spent Thursday evening at Mrs. Jake Groot’s while Joe was in Ontario. Marvin and Dale Dewey helped Bill Gardner butcher Monday. Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Dar rell Williams, Mrs. Ernest Barker and Mrs. John Westfall went to Twin Falls to attend the funeral of their grandfather, W. H. Brewer. Mrs. Henk Van Egmund of Vale called on Mrs. Bill Duyn Friday evening. Vernon Butler attended the din ner the farmers gave for the busi ness men at the Boulevard Grange Friday evening. Mike Dilly of Eugene went to Michigan and drove home a new car. He stopped at J. M. Wagners last Monday to visit with Truman Wag ner and left for his home Wednes day. Bill Hipp lost a nice steer Sat urday morning. It got in a ditch | during the night and Mr. Garrison found it the next morning, but too late to save it. Bill shipped a load of cattle to Portland Friday. The Arcadia Sunshine club met at the school house last Thursday with Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Wagner as hostesses. There were 24 mem bers present and three visitors, Mrs. ers and Mrs. Fairchild. The after- Clarence Strong, Mrs. Frank Rog- noon was spent in picking out a quilt pattern. A committee of three women, Mrs. Homer Ernest, Mrs. Anna Dail and Mrs. Ira Ure were chosen to cut the quilt pieces. The next meeting will be Feb. 15 at Mrs. John Zittercob’s with Mrs. Theo Matherly assisting. Elmer Stradley’s father, William Stradley was taken to the Veteran’s hospital at Boise Monday. Charles Englesby of Meridian came Thursday to visit Martin Farmer. He returned home Sunday evening. Walter Hahn returned to J. M. Wagners after spending two weeks in Portland. He said he didn't like it there. Evening 10e-S0e PAL NIGHT—DOUBLE FEATURE TUESDAY—FEB. 13 “ OUR NEIGHBORS, THE CARTERS” John Howard in “ BULLDOG DRUMMOND’S BRIDE” WEDNESDAY And THURSDAY— FEB. 14-15 Priscilla, Rosemary and Lola Lane, Gale Page, Jeffry Lynn, May Robson, Frank McHugh and Claude Rains in “ FOUR WIVES" =Jl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sevey have a daughter, Beverly June, born on January 30. Joe White hauled chopped hay to Mr. Herd over south of Nyssa on Thursday and Friday. Oscar Bratton went with the high school band to Weiser Thurs day and Friday. They played at the tournament. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer mo tored to Vale Friday on business. Doris Stoneman visited her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ami- don over the week-end. Charlie Stewart accompanied by Max Anderson returned home after several weeks work in California on Wednesday. Mrs. Hamilton. Leon and William Reece are ill with the flu. The Jolly Janes held their regu lar meeting at the home of Irene Amidon Saturday, eight members being present. Doris Stoneman of Star. Idaho, was a visitor. Stanley Penn purchased a car on Friday. Rev. Scherich of Nyssa and Dwight Wyckoff of Buena Vista were Sunday dinner guests at the Bratton home. Walter Hahn returned from Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wagner and sons motored to the Bones ranch near Jordan Valley Sunday. The Kansas oyster supper was well attended Monday evening. BIRTHDAY OBSERVED AT NEWELL HEIGHTS NEWELL HEIGHTS—A dinner party was given at the Maurice Judd home January 26. honoring Miss Ellen, who celebrated her 12th birthday. The guests Included the sixth grade girls and teacher, Mrs. Walter McPartland, and Mr. Mc- Partland and the Judd family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood are the parents of a son born January 28. He was given the name Carl Wilson. Mrs. J. E. Parker is caring for the family. Merle Kurtz was a guest of Hollis DeGrofft last week-end. He attend ed the basketball tournament at Weiser, where the Nyssa boys par ticipated. Glenn McGinnis of Mitchell Butte spent Monday night with his brother and family the Alvin Mc- ginnises. The Cecil Smith family are con fined at home with the scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling and Mr and Mrs. Piet Vander Oord of Alberta Valley visited at the Louis Stam home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J a m « McGinnis and children of Adrian spent Sunday with his parents in Newell Heights. Miss Rose McGlnls. Messrs. Miles Wallace. Leroy Parker and Marion Loftus were among the young peo ple who attended a party at teh Lynn Kygar home in the Owyhee neighborhood Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray were shopping in Nyssa Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston vis ited in the Andrew McGinnis hoaoe \ in Nyssa Sunday. Mrs. Louis Stam visited in On tario Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Koopman, who plan to leave Mr. and Mrs. Ross Healy and for California Wednesday, children were guests of the M. L. Kurtz family Sunday. The occasion was Joyce’s birthday. Alvin McGinnis made a business trip to Ontario Tuesday. H. B. Williams made a trip to Payette and Ontario on business Wednesday. Jimmie Campbell of Alturas, Cal., visited in the Alvin McGinnis home the past week. The two men, ac companied by Walter Pinkston, drove to Nampa and Caldwell Tues day. RICHLAND Mrs. Luella Leuck of Nyssa spent Thursday night with Jean and Ann Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nielson, who have resided on the Marshall ranch for several years, have moved to a farm near Adrian. Mrs. T. C. Johnson spent Satur day afternoon with relatives in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin en tertained at a pinochle party Sat urday evening. Guests were Messrs, and Mesdames Lloyd Adams. Ed Nielson, Harlan Maw, Alva Goodell, Leslie Topliff, Jess Ford, John Bar- tholoma. High prizes were won by H. V. Maw and Effie Nielson. Myrtle Bartholoma and John Adams won consolation prizes. Jean Johnson was pleased to learn of the birth of a cousin on her birthday. The baby was born to Mrs. Norville Leuck of Nyssa. Winona Henderson is recovering from sinus trouble. Idaleen Maw spent Tuesday night with Willa Fern Rogers of Nyssa. The Cloverleaf 4-H girls met at the home of their leader. Mrs. John Ridder. Club members attending were Bernice Whipple, Donna Good ell, Eunice Powell, Mary and Ellen McGee, Winona Henderson and Idaleen and Aloha Maw. The after noon was spent in sewing on pro jects. The next meeting will be Feb. 17 at the A. P. Goodell home in the Buena Vista district. Richland Chatterbox ladies at tended an all day meeting at the home of Florence Bybee. Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin visited pri mary grade school Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams were hosts to a Sunday dinner. Guests were George Shafer and Mrs. Vir gil Ricket and daughters of Em mett, Emmett Corbin and sons of Boise, John Adams and family, Adrine Ward and children and George Adams and family of Nyssa. M. W. Davis has been in bed with the flu this week. Claude Marshal returned home Friday from Nampa where he has been staying, but the illness of his father called him back. CCC HOOPSTERS ARE CHAMPIONS JORDAN VALLEY—The camp basketball team of Co. 3690 are the zone basketball champions. They won this honor by defeating Givens Springs Saturday. In the basketball tourney held here last week, the Rated men won over Barrack No. 2. The camp men nosed out the high school's second stringers and the high school's first string won over the alumni. Mr. and Mrs. Aratola and chil dren were week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Aratola’s mother. Mrs. Acordagotia. Mr. and Mrs. George Parks are vacationing In Danner at the home of Mr. Parks’ brother. Jack Dunning has gone to Home- dale for a few weeks to build a bam for his brother. He has sold out here. Victor Barr and son Ferrell were business visitors in Boise Monday. Mr. Newell, the new camp me chanic. returned from Bums Fri day. His family are now living in Jordan Valley. L. H. Thornburg was a Boise vis- itor Saturday. Olen Nichols was in from the Cawgil ranch Sunday. Lieutenant and Mrs. Lars Ruud and Dr. Ferrara were in McDennitt Saturday evening. Mrs. Lawrence Chestnut has been 111 the last few days. Guy Wise, Norman Wise, Elmer McConnel and Miss Marie Ander son attended Grange at Cow Creek Saturday night. Norman McKenzie of Succor creek was in town Saturday. Miss Gwen Stults was a Boise visitor Sunday. A dance was held In the high school gym Saturday night. The proceeds will be given to the J. V. Mustangs so that they can attend the basketball tourney in Hunting- ton. Music was furnished by Ev erett Jones, Norton Larson and Mr. Markee. Mr. and Mrs. George S. Parks at tended the Grange dance at Danner Saturday night. Jack and Ora Raynor have re turned from their trip to Nebraska. The girls of the 4-H cooking club entertained at a dinner party for the first string basketball team on Monday night. Mrs. Robert Bennett, Miss Yudeth Victor and Mrs. Scott accompanied the Camp Fire Girls to Boise Sat urday. Those who made the trip were Dorothy and Patricia Laca. Opal Parks, Jerry Staples, Geraldine Palmer, Inez Elordi. Darlene Den tal and Margaret Fenwick. RIVERVIEW urday. The guests present were: Ruthle Johnson, Joanne Hlbbert, LaVonne and Estelle Osburn, Lu Anne Gonnason and Betty Black burn. Refreshments were served aft er the games. Mrs. Floyd Hirst of Nyssa Is re cuperating from an operation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Clowers. Dee Hibbert is out of school, due to flu. BUILDING PERMITS The following applications for building permits have been filed with the City Recorder: 314 John Thomson, Erect Dwell ing, Lts. 3 and 4. Blk. 148. Ward Addition. $350. If no written protests have been filed within ten (10) days from the date of this publication by owners of property in the City of Nyssa, the above applications will be ap proved. M. F. SOLOMON, City Recorder. Too Late to Classify For Sale f $19.50 STUDIO Couch with bedding compartment. Clean fumigated mattresses $2.00 and up. Beds $1.00 and up. Springs $1.00 and up. The Nyssa Trader, main highway north at Alberta Ave. 8Flxc Mrs. Earl Blackburn are $9.75 SEWING Machine. $8.75 wash ing machine. $4.95 kitchen cab and painting the inside inet. 35c coal bucket. The Nyssa of their house. Sunday school will be at E. C. Trader, main highway north at Al berta Ave. 8Flxc Johnson’s next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Armstrong and NATIONALLY ADVERTISED — sons. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fisher, Sr., ADRIAN STUDENTS Famous name linoleum rugs 9x12 Bob Fisher, Jr., and Ed Sanders AT WEISER MEETING $4.45 and $5.50. The Nyssa Trader, left Thursday for Emmett. A surprise party was given by main highway north at Alberta ADRIAN—Jim Miller, John Tim Ave. Highest prices paid for hides, merman, Dorothy Hamilton and LaVonne Osburn and Lu Anne Gon- pelts, wool, metals. 8Flxc Betty Eachus attended the meeting nason for Betty Blackburn last Sat of the Snake River Valley High School Student Body officers at J Weiser. Problems of current inter- j est to student bodies were discuss ed. Following the meeting they at tended a dinner for the officers and the basketball game. School was out Tuesday to al low the faculty to attend Dr. Kil patrick’s discussion in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Frank de Lespinasse and Mr. and Mrs. Patch attended the basketball game at Weiser Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McConnell and Ellen visited relatives in Boise Sunday. Ray Thrasher’s brother-in-law, Verne Boren, visited him Monday. 600 - 800 CHICK CAPACITY, THERMOSTAT Lee Thrasher of Kingman Kol- ony, visited their son Ray Thrasher CONTROL Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Deffer and children were guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler Friday SAVE FREIGHT COSTS evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson. ----1 A U T H O R I Z E D A G E N C Y 1 ---- Donna, Arlene and Mervin, were the Tuesday evening guests at the Tet- ( wiler. home Mr and Mrs. K. I. Peterson. I Donna, Arlene and Mr. and Mrs. p. 1 . ,, I N D I V I D U A L I ? OW N I Q AMD Q P t M A T I l> ______________ H. R. Otis and Emily were the din- j Geo. C. Henneman, Owner ner guests of Greelings in Kingman j Kolony Friday evening. Phone 106 Nyssa Dickie Rohland is back in school | after three weeks absence. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Patch and I wa sons David and Donald spent the I week-end near Weiser. Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis and children spent Sunday with the Alvin McGinnis family of Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch spent j Sunday with the Heckathomes of Arena Valley. The 8-20 club entertained their husbands last week. Those attend- I ing from Adrian were Mr. and Mrs I Vernon Parker and Mr. and Mrs. I Gerrit Muntjewerff. A telephone is being installed in the Adian high school. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY— FEB. 9-10 i Mr. and j plastering ! MAIL ORDER PRICE ON CHICK BROODERS [UTILITY OIL BROODER *13.95 GAMBLE STORES iPEcmis ^XL BUENA VISTA W. L. Jameson of Nampa spent several days this week with his son, E. L. Jamison and family. Miss Vivian Higby spent Wednes day evening at the Ralph Boyles home and accompanied the Boyles young folks to an operetta at Adri an. Dwight, Burl and Dean Wyckoff, FIRE AUTOMOBILES TRUCK OWNER’S ATTENTION FOR LONG AND SHORT HAUL INSURANCE SEE DON M . G R A H A M BONDS Edward and Irvin Topliff, Harold, George, Ray and Lloyd Boyles at tended a Leap Year party at the Community church Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jopliff and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attend ed a party at the O. E. Cheldelin home Saturday evening. Gayle Bruhm of Grand Island, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and children of Wilder, Idaho, were Sunday dinner guests at the H. L. Day home. Frank Savage, C. C. Wyckoff, H. L. Day, Leslie Topliff and Alva Goodell were Ontario visitors on Wednesday. Jean Wyckoff and Glenn Boyles were absent from school Monday be cause of illness. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff, Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mrs. Alva Goodell at tended a surprise pot luck dinner given by the Chatterbox club at the Bybee home near Ontario Wednes day. Donna Belle Goodell attended the regular meeting of the Clover- leaf 4-H sewing club at the home of Mrs. John Ridder Saturday. The next meeting will be at the Alva Goodell home Feb. 17. Phone 53 FARM RENTALS CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! N Y S S A P A C K IN G CO. PHONE 6 1 _ Carnation large packages 1 1 5c W h e a t Flakes S S X - t 5c Crackers p « ^ ,« 1l 8c C atsu p '¡Z b<,“ le‘ 2 3c Ç -,,- Campbell’s Tomato OOUp 3 cans for / 5c CAMPBELL’S TOMATO JUICE 14 oz. cans, 4 for ....................... 7c O x yd o l s r 2 2c Toilet S o a p “ ” 2l 6c H am bu rger S S t f T 1 "1! 5c S a u sa g e S r U S ________ J] 5c Bacon Squares per p°und || Dc H o n ey f c . 7! 9c > O L 4 W ilson G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON *