Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1940)
I PAGE SIX Webb Pennie and son Dannie with visiting relative* drove to the Owy hee dam Saturday. Howard Choate and Robert Smith NY8SA HEIGHTS—A blanket of Jr made a trip to Weiaer Thursday three to four inches of snow cov- j evening. M issionary Society— ! ered the Heights Monday morning.! Mrs. Dan Corbett spent Saturday The Womens Foreign Missionary T n aid Clint— - terriee Hour* ( hanged— Mrs. Bill Willis and children1 with Mrs Tom Weeks in Nyssa. Society orf the Nazarene church County Health Kune Mr* Oer- , There till be > change in the P. J. Cahill has been quite ill. spent the week-end at the home of will meet at the home of Mrs akhne Betts has announced that hour for church services at the Hpts- Mr and Mrs. Dan Corbett and Dwight Seward on Thursday after her parents. Sir and Mrs. Webb there will be a clinic held at Ihe coP»l church. sons called at the Carl Sebum home noon. Pennie while her husband is moving Sunday afternoon and found Ger- Sunday school will be as usual at grade school house on Tuesday. FaUent Improves— 4 30 a. m but church will be held from Pruitland to Ontario. January 14th A. L. LLNDBECK j old greatly improved. Mrs Morris Solomon, who has The clinic will be for the pur at 7:30 p. m Ilia Bother entertained her Sun been ill with threatened pneumonia State Capitol News Bureau pose of administering the second On Tuesday evening erf this wees day school class erf the Nazarene shots of toxoid for diphtheria im there will be a parish meeting and and under the care of Dr. L A T church of Nyssa with a taffy pull munization and for small pox im pot luck dinner held at the Parish Mauldmg. is now much improved. at the home of her sister, Mrs. munization "Hie clinic will be un hall to which all members are urg M oving T o New Homes— SALEM—Coat of operating Ore- Woodward who contends the act is , Many Nyssa residents are moving der the superrieitsi of Dr. K E ed to attend as the year s reports gocis public school system during invalid because it confers non-judi- i Hoger Tucker into new homes within the next few Kerby with Mrs. Betts and mem will be read and plans outlined for E. Gaston of Redmond has been 1338-39 increased more than *1,- clal powers upon the state supreme days. bers of the Civic club assisting. the coming year’s activities 220X100 over the costs for the pre- court, has indicated that he will in our community the past week ■ Mr and Mrs George Daley have There will also be available im .Vyma Hospital— rented the Sarazin house at Third \ vious year—from $17,663,167 to *18.- carry his fight on up to the state's making arrangements for a sale munization for pre-schcayl children At the Nyssa hospital the stork and Park; the Grendelis have pur- 385990—according to figures com- highest tribunal, or, Friday. Jan. 12th. if their parents desire it. called twice this past week, both the house vacated by the ! piled by Rex Putnam, state super Home from California— Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wright were in stops were on Saturday, Jan. 6th Daleys: Mr and Mrs Grant Lewis intendent of public instruction, from Another Early Bird Mr?, LHck Tenaen returned on A daughter was bom to Mr and have taken the apartment in the reports filed by county school super Mrs. Joe Rogers. Sr., of Inde Boise the first of the week. Sunday from Van Nuys. California Mrs. James Keith, who has been Peterson building to be vacated by intendents. pendence is the second candidate Mrs. John Bartholoma was host where she was called shortly before named Jaqueline Marie and to Mr Mr and Mrs. Giea Billings, who are This increase in school costs came to file her declaration of intention ess to the Just-a-Mere club at her Christmas to be with her daughter and Mrs E M. Clubb a son was moving into the new Pile duplex at too in spite of a smaller school en , to enter the 1940 campaign with home Friday afternoon. Fourteen Mrs. Wm. Bothalmey 'nee Tlena bom. Dr K E. Kerby attended both Fourth and Goode Mr and Mrs rollment and a reduction in the Secretary of State Snell. Mrs. Rogers members were present. The next Tenaen! who underwent a serious mothers Malcolm Crawford have leased the number erf teachers employed. While | a Republican, who wants to repre meeting will be held at the home of The greatest posible care Is operation there. Mrs. Bothalmey At the hospital also Elmer Allred other duplex in that building and there was an increase in the num- sent Polk county in the lower Mrs. J. E. Keyser on Friday, Jan. exercised when prescriptions was well on the road to recovery is a patient of Dr L. A Ms aiding w 1 jj m0ve in this week, their pres ber erf children on the school census House of the state legislature, was 19. are compounded at tbe Owy when Mrs. Tenaen left her in California— ent home will be occupied by Mr rolls from 296 663 to 270,397, there defeated for that honor when she Mr. and Mrs. I. Bjugln of Oregon hee Drug store. Only regis Htop To Visit Word was received from H F and « « Harold L Bayer. Mr. and was a loss of nearly 3000—from 210,- ran as an independent two years Slope were Sunday dinner guests at or and Mrs J W Bowman vis Brown, who left Saturday noon on Mr?- tered pharmacists fill your Sample are moving into 219 to 207546—in the public school ; ago. the E. R. Anderson home. ited from Monday until Wednes the Boise-Winnemucca stage from the Fisher apartment across the enrollment. This enrollment lots : --------------------------------- prescriptions! Visiting relatives at the Webb day morning with Dr. and Mrs. J was reflected entirely in the eie- FRIENDS THANKED Caldwell via the I-O-N for Calif or- j tracks Pennie home over the week-end C Bowman The visitors were en- mentary school figures where the | --------- nia, that he had arrived in Santa --------------“ Phone 29 were Mr. Pennie’s brother Leslie and rcsite from Baker to Oklahoma City enrollment dropped from 148.715 to Loren W. Miller, of Kingman Kol- so nand his daughter of Elexandra, M am the following afternoon. He MITCHELL BUTTE where the doctor has an appoint reported the Jordan Valley road to j Mr and Mrs. Houston Dunaway 144,794. Enrollment in the high ony, who was seriously hurt in a Minnesota. ment with the U. 8 Veterinarian schools of the state at the same combine accident last November, be in good condition. returned home this week from time showed a small increase from Bureau Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ford were sent into the Nyssa Journal this Non Leave*— Portland. W. C. T. U.— 62.063 to 62,752. note of appreciation for the help hosts Saturday evening to a group Next to Idaho Power Jack Wray, son of Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mettlen are The next meeting of the W. C Paralleling this reduction in given him and his family while he of their friends at a pinochle party Is ! Lucian Wray, who has been in Nyssa staying at the home of their daugh- T. U planned for January 16th school enrollment there was also a has been recuperating: uncertain due to the prevalent colds on a 25-day leave from the hospital ; ter. Mrs Ernest Smith “We wish to thank the many reduction in the number of teachers Mr. and Mrs. Don McGinnis and ... f m and the muddy weather. There will corps of the U. S. navy, returned to friends in Kingman Kolony for San Diego on ^ I returned be an announcement made from the h i. station their kindness and help during day. church pulpits on Sunday. our misfortune." r*iifnmia red entirely in the ranks of elemen- Winter Beading— From Ontario— • Signed! Mrs. C L. Mitchell entertained at £ r y school teachers Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ward are Mr. and Mrs. Loren W. Miller The Nyssa library located at the cards Friday for her husband. ! bers declined from 48 olto 469T The moving from Ontario to Nyssa on City Hall has a fine lot of books for and family. Guests were Russel Talbot and son. number of Ugh Saturday and have rented the winter reading. Library hours are _ . Miller, whose leg was badly , __H T arcAn rvd- zamed from 2001 to ¿024 wnue mere Bob and Buster and Larsen Col- 6 ^ # ^ of u m tbe number of Thomas house at Fourth and Em- on Saturday afternoons from 2 un crushed in the combine accident, is mjkor Mr Woods is relieving Ed til 8 and cards may be obtained man junior high school teachers, from now able to walk with the aid of DOUBLE FEATURE Charlene Linville was an over Hilary at the Idaho Power. Ed Is be from the librarian at that time, crutches, and said that he expected night guest at the Jim Langtoa 325 to 337. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—JAN.12-13 ing tranaferred Id Huntington. to be well enough to take care of « v ie «O b — The per capita cost of educating home in Owyhee Friday. his spring farm work. Live At Nutsu— Cesar Romero and Marjorie Weaver in Civic club will hold Its next regu high school students shows an in Loretta Mitchell spent the Christ Mr and Mr*. Glen Zink are now lar meeting at the Parish hall on mas vacation with lone Benson in crease from $105.77 to $109.62 while “ THE CISCO KID AND THE LADY” Too Late to Classify living at N o « » Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 17th. the cost of educating pupils in the Oregon Trail. Jack Holt and Patricia Ellis in , AM. members are urged to be pres ! grades increased from *90.34 to ap Mr. and Mrs. Talbot and daugh FOR SALE—Creap. 30 gal. hot wa ent a n i all those interested in civic ter Nadine and Jack Dunaway re proximately $94 ter tank, complete with stand. “ FUGITIVE AT LARGE” NEED MONEY? afaflrs are Invited to attend. More than *450.000 was whittled Practically new. Call Star Hotel. turned to Hood River last week aft .Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. H i u l r Meet*— Admission Matinee I0c-25c Evening 14c-34e er spending the Christmas vacation from the bonded debt load of the llJtfc Oregon Ttau Orange met on at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. school districts whose aggregate out WE BUY OLD GOLD Tuesday *v*nlng and it was de Dunaway. standing bonds weer reduced from WANTED—LARGE, clean cotton SUNDAY AND MONDAY—JAN. 14-15 rags. Journal office. llJtf rided at that time to give a public *15,086,003 to *14,672,954. Outstand and JEWELRY Melvyn Douglas, Joan Blondell and pinochle party at the Ed Neilson ing school warrants at the same FOR SALE LOWER BEND home on Thursday evening, Jan. 18. time were reduced by more than BABY CHICKS. Hatching every j Ruth Donnelly in Mr. and Mrs. Miles Teter and *225,000 from *1.484,679 to *1,- Cattle To Market— Tuesday and Friday. We do cus “ THE AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS” family and W. W. Teter were In 258,657. George Nein left on last Friday tom hatching. Get our prices. | Nyssa Saturday evening. J. W Scott Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. with a carload of cattle. He return Thompson’s Ontario Hatchery. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-30c MORRIS JEWELRY accompanied them. ed on Tuesday reporting the price Court Building Remodelled llJtfc j Miss Florence Russell spent the they brought as being very satis PAL NIGHT—DOUBLE FEATURE Remodeling of the supreme court Atketon Bldg. Nyssa week-end working for Mrs. Howard BUILDING PERMITS factory. biulding, authorized by the last leg Hatch of Adrian. TUESDAY—JAN. 16 The following applications for islature, was completed this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abbl, Mrs. Carl building permits have been filed I Arthur S. Benson, clerk of the su with the City Recorder: Irene Dare in Rains and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rus preme court, who was formerly 305 J. T. Long. Remodel. Lot 18-19, b sell were Nyasa and Ontario callers “ EVERYTHING’S ON ICE” quartered on the third floor of the Blk 15. Teutsch Add.. *400 00. Tuesday. 306 K M. Newell. Erect & Re building now occupies offices on the model, Donald Barry in Assessor's Tract. Arcadia Mrs Carl Rains and sons have first floor, sharing the space for Blvd.. $2000.00. moved to the place vacated by Bob “ CALLING ALL MARINES” 307 Basil Jones. Erect. Lot 10, merly occupied by the state library White. with four assistant attomeys-gen- Blk. 79. Green Add., *100 00 Miss Mary Ann Schnelter took the 308 Emanuel Brown, Move, From WEDNESDAY And THURSDAY—JAN. 17-18 eral. I. H. VanWinkle, attorney gen Lots 8-9 Blk. 14. Orig. to Lots 19-20. school library books to Ontaiio on eral, with his corps of clerks and Blk. 16 Orig. James Cagney, Priscilla Lane, Humphrey Saturday. If no written protests have been stenographers and three or four Mrs. Guy Oclsnica and Richard filed within ten (10) days from the Bogart, Gladys George and Frank McHugh in other aides, occupy the west half of date of this publication by owners were in Nyssa Saturday. the first floor. The seven supreme of property in the City of Nyssa. “ THÉ ROARING TWENTIES” Cecil Cases have had a new floor court justices will remain on the the above applications will be ap Movietone News put in their house this week. Harry proved. third floor but will enjoy greatly Admission 10c and 30c Russell did the work. M F. SOLOMON. enlarged office space by reason of City Recorder. the transfer of the clerical force to the first floor. VALE G R A N G E About 60 Grangers met last Fri day night for the first meeting of To Consider 1940 Fair Exhibit the new year. Sarah Musgrove was Oregon's participation In the San voted Into membership. J. Edwin Francisco fair during 1940 will prob Johnson, purchasing agent, report ably depend upon the attitude of the ed a small refund on the last car State Emergency Board. The legis Here’s the event you have been waiting for. Hun FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—JAN. 12-13 load of coal. William Jacobsen, ag lative appropriation for the state dreds o f Fall and Winter Garments— all the sea ricultural committee chairman, exhibit at the big show on Treasure 4 lb. packages gave a report on gopher control in Island was practically exhausted son’s newest— now at your disposal. other localities and discussed the during 1939 and no provision was each feasibility of obtaining WPA or CCC made for a repeat performance. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF help In this county. The resolutions Governor Sprague has indicated Bisquick committee were advised to draw up that he will present the situation package a resolution on this matter. He also to the Emergency Board for con summarized the talks at the last sideration. Shurfine, ground to sugar meeting held In Nyssa. suit you, fresh, 2 lbs. J. Edwin Johnson reported on the One More Payment recent meeting held by the land use Only one more payment remains Plain sugar top committee. James Flier and Kthryn to wipe out the loan negotiated in per lb. Claypool, legislative committee, led 1929 to finance the state office a discussion on the reciprocal trade building. When the state makes this Nobility, 1 lb. treaties and social security. Chas. final payment of *11,740 plus Inter I Howell urged Grangers to keep est on July 1 the building, con packages, each ] themselves posted on national and structed ten years ago, will be debt are marked down for this political affairs. free, according to State Treasurer Oregon Tom Donahue reported that the Walter E. Pearson. sale and placed in three 4 lbs. R. E A. committee had been bond large selling groups. ed In order to receive their appro Jobless Insurance Drops Large size priation from national headquar Temporarily unemployed workers FIRST GROUP dozen ters in Oregon drew an aggregate of Wallace Tromlly was elected as *4,042,888 from the unemployment Ivory, medium size steward to fill the vacancy of Gor compensation fund during 1939 Value* Up To SALE don Griffith, who has moved to compared to *5.916,398 In jobless In bars, 5 for PRICE Idaho He was Installed after the surance paid out by the Oregon * election. Mrs. Lucy Johnson was al commission during 1938 it was re large so Installed as sercetary. vealed this week by the Unemploy package A challenge was received from ment Compensation Commission SECOND GROUP Wlllowcreek grange to a debate. The figures reflect a substantial 5 lb. bricks Pomona Grange will be held at improvement In the employment SALE each Vale on Saturday. Jan. 27. situation in this state, a condition PRICE which is also reflected In a reduc ADRIAN P. T. A. tion of the active file of unemploy p*r lb H e At the next meeting of the King- ed persons from 85,827 to 42,071. man P T. A., which is to be held THIRD GROUP at the Adrian gym Thursday night. Young roasters Truck Fee« Increase January 18. a mock trial will be held. Truck and bus jperators In Ore per lb. Two parents are to be tried for gon paid a total of *1.203.531 In . SALE failurr to develop in their children fees during the past year, accord- | Pure pork PRICE a well-rounded personality Some tng to a report by O. R. Bean, pub- i per lb. of the younger members of the com 11c utilities commissioner. Of this j munity will be witnesses for the amount (879.116.46 was turned over j These Suit*, Overcoats and Topcoats are all from our regular «lock. High prosecution to the state highway fund. This ly I ailored and produced in America’s foremost looms. On the afternoon following this was an Increase of nearly *145.00f | meeting, a dentist from the county over the 1938 figures. will present pictures and a talk to both parents and children about To Continue Suit care of the teeth. This win be at The suit brought by William F. the Kingman schoolhouse. Woodward of Portland in an effort i ONTARIO A Dependable Food Store Everyone in the community who to block printing of the new Oregon 1 is Interested is invited to attend codes was thrown out of court by | NYSSA OREGON both of these meetings Circuit Judge Lewelling this week. | SNOW COVERS NYSSA HEIGHTS On Monday Mrs Buchner took her Boue where be underwent a operation upon his eyelids. They returned to Nyssa that esenmg ST A T E C A P IT O L N E W S ACCURACY Owyhee Drug Co. PROGRAM NYSSA Phone 108 THEATRE A ■ I January clearance sale 25c 29c 45c 14c 33 c 19c 23c 29c 22c 95c Raisins Flour C o ffe e C ookies C ookies Prunes G ra p e fri So ap O x yd o l Cheese Bacon Squares Chickens S a u sa g e 18 c 15c G rocery SUITS and O' COATS 22.50 $1885 $2185 ALEXANDER'S » I V