TUË NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1940 PAGE THREE on Dec. 27. these new buggies and let Art tell the M. L. Kurtz home Wednesday small son, Mr. Raymond Marshall at a banquet given by the Nyssa BUENA VISTA and Miss Martha Marshall arrived Chamber of Commerce for having j Kathleen Loe is helping Mrs. Wil them the sweet story of how easy evening, it is to make one of these beauties Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Tetwiler and this past week from Alberta, Can won special awards in the 4-H and Eris Jamison. Edward Toplllf, bur McGinnis this week Gerald Hlbbeit's have bought a their own. And didst know that now son Raymond of Adrian were Sun ada, and are visiting at the home FFA corn projects. Wilbur Stewart Dwight, Dean and Burl Wyckoff. the Hudson has a model, slick in day dinner guests at the Earl Park of their aunt, Mrs. Susie Johnson, was presented with two silver cups, George and Lloyd Boyles were Chevrolet sedan. one for having won sweepstakes and among those from this district who and cousin, Mrs. Dolly McCreary. The Community Eunday school performance and easy on the eyes er home. Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Clar the other for having won first. The attended the party at the CCC camp will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin in the lower price bracket. Take Mrs. Joseph Bingman and chil Gonnason next Sunday. a look see at Art's before making dren and Mrs. Loren Goates and ence Elliott visited in the home of other boys were presented with rib on Friday evening. Mrs. Tom Loe, Dorothy and Har that final and binding decision on children of Nyssa spent Tuesday Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Corrine bons. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neilson, Elver the new heap. Virgil Belisle sold a team of young and Lois were Sunday dinner guests old, have been ill with the flu the visiting with Mrs. D. L. Anderson. Ward of Roswell. last week. Fred Snively had the misfortune mules last week. Snow and slush. Rain and mud. Carl and Stanley Hill, Leslie at the Alva Goodell home. Tis a merry round of weather we Young, Stanley Macabee, George to lose a team during the holidays. several irom tnis district attend Sunday visitors at the Bratton have been getting. But it all ends Schiemer, Maurice Judd and Ted They ran away and into the river home were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. ed the Wlxon sale In Cow Hollow up in the same thing. Muddy, mus- Rogers hauled gravel Saturday and with their harness on. Noah and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb of on Friday. sy clothes if one but pokes the pro- put in the road at the railroad Harvey Holton returned to Cor Nyssa and Walter Hahn. Irvin Topliff is able to be out of boscus out the door. But even this crossing and the bad place at the vallis Tuesday after spending the Mr. and Mrs. Shef White and A. bed again following a recent severe Things About Nyssa's Shops ist not such a sad state of affairs Schiemer corner. holidays with his paernts, Mr. and A. Bratton motored to Ontario on | illness. Mrs. Maurice Judd entertained 20 Mrs. Ray Holton. While he was at Monday. ---------------------------— ■-------- - -» when here m Nyssa we do have such Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Mrs. Al a fine cleaning service and now es Girl Scouts at a party Wednesday home his mother entertained at din Ben Strange got chopped hay of va Goodell attended the first meet pecially that the three for two spe evening. ner for him. Guests were Dorothy ing of the Chatterbox club in the Bert Bratton on Monday. Ail those who showed so much cials are on. For at both the Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet and and Ward Nielson of Ontario and interest and kindness to the little Mrs. Gerald Goodfellow enter new year at the home of Mrs. John Tailor shop where Don and Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd and Miss Gladys Holton of Payette. family who found itself stranded in tained the pinochle club with an Bartholoma on Wednesday. Morgan do a neat job always and children were New Years dinner Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb were oyster supper Sunday evening. The H. E. C. of Oregon Trail met the sagebrush of a strange land at at the Main's Cleaners on Main near guests in Parma. hosts New Years day for Mr. and at the Ed Neilson home on Thurs Christmas time will be happy to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet Third where Cliff Main knows all learn that arrangements have been that it takes to turn out a clean spent several days last week in Boise Mrs. Robert Clark and Jean, Mr. Irene Amidon, Nellie and Dave day. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Mrs. completed for them to be returned garment from what resembles the with their son and daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Conrad Matrin and Miss Stewart went through the sugar Alva Goodell of this district attend Jeanette Martin, Clifton Beaumont ed. to their own home in Nebraska. worst that the cat drags in. who brought them home Saturday. and Miss May Beaumont and Obid factory at Nyssa Thursday evening. Their meagre belongings have been Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schrum and Mr. and Mrs. Duwayne Anderson Rea. And what with the dampness disposed of and the homeward trek children returned from Canyon and family had Sunday dinner at RIVERVIEW The members of the ladies pi will be on the train, as the father seeping into everything a warm fire the Malcolm Crawford home. City, Oregon, to live in their home nochle club entertained their hus is too ill to be out of bed. But the glowing ist a most welcome thing on the Chas. Overstreet ranch. Maurice Judd, Jr., spent the week Born, a son. named Ray Neeland, wife paid us a visit again on Sat in any homestead and especially end in Nyssa with Clayton Morgan. bands at a New Years eve party at W. W. Foster and Raymond Sager j weight 8% lhs., to Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad urday to express her thanks for the so when made with that Aberdeen Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill hauled a load of alfalfa Wednesday Wilbur McGinnis of Eureka, Ave., friendliness the community has coal that the Williams coal com pany doest traffic in at the old were guests of the club. Prizes were from the A. A. Bratton ranch. shown to them. Jackson Lumber yard. T is clean, FUNERAL SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. Shef White have won by Mrs. Hill and Dave Mitchell. To be cold and hungry, homeless long burning, and with a minimum HELD FOR MRS. RUST Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill and been ill the past week. and friendless with the bread win of ash for any John to dispose of. children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oscar Hickey did some carpenter ner too ill to work and without And no better way there ist to OWYHEE—Burial services for Newbill returned Tuesday evening work for Mrs. Loie Belisle Thurs hope in a strange countryside was keep these ever-prevalent colds and Mrs. Mary Rust, who died at her from a weeks visit with friends and day afternoon. stark tragedy. Then suddenly to flu germs at a proper distance than home January 1st, were held at the relatives in California. Donald Bird Is employed at the 15 Miles West of Vale on Highway 54 in Little find love and charity expressed in to nourish the body properly and Owyhee school house Friday after Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell and Darrell Williams home while Mr. I the form of food, raiment, fuel and Butch says that the best way to do noon, Jan. 5th. Services were con children and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure and Mrs. Williams are visiting rela Valley children’s Christmas joys through so this ist to eat more meat. And at ducted by Bishop A. L. Anderson of many channels, surely ’twas proof the Nyssa Packing where Butch the L. D. S. church and burial was and family of Nyssa were guests of tives and friends in Portland. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton on New and Mrs. Williams left Saturday indeed of the Infinite loving care doest wield a wicked knife they do in the Owyhee cemetery. Years day. and plan to be away a week. to its creation. have fine meats at fair prices and Officers elected in the Owyhee There are new 136 children en Miss Sybil Penn was an overnoght ’Tis sale and mark down time in the cheaper cuts are always avail Christian Endeavor Sunday evening guest of Neva Helt in Ontario on the Nyssa stores and a fine time able for those with many mouths to were as follows: William Gregg, rolled In the Kolony school. 3 Head of Horses for the home maker to do a bit of feed and a ever shortening purse president; Don Strickland, vice- Pollyanna club met at the home Wednesday. W. H. Davis is building a new 12 Head of Jersey-Holstein Milk Cows budget stretching. string. Of a truth these cheaper president; Louise Klingback, secre of Mrs. William Toomb this week. There were 18 members present. garage. At the Atkeson clothes mart at cuts oft do carry within them more tary and treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ingraham of Farm Machinery Main and Third 'twas a fine time food value and vitamins than the Faith White of Missouri arrived Bunco was played during the after this past week for all thrifty shop more tender and more easily cooked Friday to look over the country and noon with Mrs. C. C. Cotton win Ontario and Otis King of Lincoln 1 New Granary, 10x12 feet pers who took advantage of their ones. perhaps find a location. He Is a ning high score. The next meeting district were New Years day dinner marked down prices on winter But when one is sick and every brother-in-law of Mrs. Earl Strick will be with Mrs. Mary Nichols on guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ingra ham. stocks. And the sale ist not yet step a misery then ’tis sweet to know land and is visiting at their home. January 10th. David Rees has purchased a trac ended and those who are a bit be that a reliable drug store with only Dick McIntosh arrived from Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft enter lated in starting canst still get the finest of compounds put up by Prairie City Saturday and is to work tained at a pinochle party on Sat tor. A. A. Bratton sold 18 hogs on first class merchandise at but a registered pharmacists is ever ready ior John Bearanoga on the Mendi- urday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wednesday and Shef White sold a fraction of the original cost. Many to serve the sick and help keep the zona ranch. 7 Miles West of Vale on Graham Boulevard of things can be laid away gainst well, well. And such a one is this. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walter arrived Cotton and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad cow and some hogs at the Ontario another season for they will not That Owyhee Drug store next the home Saturday from a visit to Martin. Mrs. Mitchell won high sale. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Derry visited deteriorate with a few months theatre on Main near Third where friends and relatives in California. score for the ladies and Mr. Cot Sale Starts Mr. and Mrs. Swartz of Payette on packing. Outing flannel pajamas Sid E. Smith doest get the name Mrs. Ellis Walters and Mrs. Mil ton for the men. at 12 Noon Thursday. and woolen underwear, f ’r instance. of “Boss” . dred Hite and children were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simmons Mrs. Tom Kennedy visited Mrs. With just a bit of precaution ’gainst Shop , in Nyssa with Journal ad callers at the T. M. Lowe home at were dinner guests in the J. G. Lane 2 Head Good Work Horses Clarence Rees Friday afternoon. moths they can be packed away and vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy Mitchell Butte. home on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton spent be taken out come winter again time and thy gas going farther. Mrs. Geo. Nein was a Sunday On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. J. G. 13 Head Jersey and Holstein Milk Cows the evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. guest at the Wm. Peutz home. as good as the day they left the Lane, Mrs. Lillie Bach, Mrs. Mary factory. And right now when the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley were Nichols and James Nichols spent Russell Cochrum in Nyssa. Farm Machinery Mrs. Velma Amidon and son Har mud doest turn all thoughts to MODERN PIONEERS dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Frank the day in Emmett visiting with old visited Mr. and Mrs. John Lein- rubbers and galoshes and other shoe HOLD MEETING Cawley in Ontario. relatives. 8 Tons of Hay hardt in Nyssa Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Liddle were savers, sure ’tis a pretty penn or Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Greeling Miss Esther Funk, student of the more that the smart shopper canst Boise visitors Saturday and were in were guests in the Robert Clark All Cows of Both Sales Recently T. B. and NEWELL HEIGHTS—Modern Pi University of California, is visiting save on them at this Atkeson Ap- oneer club met Wednesday at the Jordan Valley Thursday. home on Saturday evening. ______ Abortion Tested______ her aunt, Mrs. Arthur King, and parrel shop. Mrs. Chas. Bradley will be host Beverly Dre of Nyssa spent the home of Mrs. R. R. Overstreet with also visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. And every week at Barney W il Mrs. Maurice Judd as assisting host ess to the Owyhee community club week-end with Beth Mitchell. sons their week-end specials on ess. After a business meeting and on the regular date, Thursday, Jan. j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliott of Vale and Mrs. Clarence Rees. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kanady and foods ist not to be sneezed at. For installation of the new officers 18. There will be an election of of- ' spent Sunday evening in the par Mrs. A. S. King visited at the Rees the home maker who must figure games were played and a lunch was ficers. ental T. T. Elliott home. They have The Owyhee P. T. A. will be held rented a ranch over near Vale and home Friday. betwixt and between to make both served. W. N. Yo«ng, Col. Bert Anderson, Ed Ingraham had his hay chopped at the school house Friday evening, are waiting for a house to be built. the budget ends meet ’tis the num Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill and Mr. Jan. 12. A1 Interested in the school last week. Dale Garrison did the ber one place for food purchasing. Auctioneer Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell were and Mrs. Stanley Hill and son Carl should plan to attend. work. Verily the old dollar does seem a guests in the Duke Rohland home Lee were Sunday dinner guests of Chas. Culbertson and Geo. Nein in Adrian Friday evening. bit more elastic when the table Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sipes of Home- left for Portland with carloads of needs are purchased at Barney Wil- Club leaders from the Kolony at dale. cattle last Friday. tending the county club leaders Dean Eachus, Francis and Audrey And at the Nyssa theatre 'tis a meeting In Ontario Saturday after fine show they do always have at Gossard ate New Years dinner with noon were Mrs. Clarence Elliott. MANY PARTIES HELD bargain prices. As the youngsters Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harris. Mrs. Florence Gowey, Pauline Gow- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harris were AT KINGMAN KOLONY ey, James Nichols, Mrs. Charles do know from the Saturday mat dinner, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis inees. Wilson, Miss Prouty, Emily Otis KINGMAN KOLONY—Mrs. Ray and Stella Dunbrasky. And now that astute and per Eachus of Nyssa New Years eve. Holton was hostess at a one o’clock Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and spicacious gentleman. Art Norcott, T. T. Elliott is serving on jury with his eye ever on the needs and family were Sunday dinner guests luncheon on Thursday. Guests in duty this week. cluded Mesdames Dave Mitchell, desires of the denzins of this com at the Will Gahley home of Ten Charles Newbill, C. C. Cotton, Dale munity has connected himself with Davis. BOYS HONORED AT the Hudson automobile people, as Earl Leach came frfom Weiscr Ashcraft, Conrad Martin, William Toomb and Miss May Beaumont, j C. OF C. BANQUET their salesman in this territory and Tuesday for a load of hay. The afternoon was spent playing j if it’s a new car one has in mind Charlene Harris entertained some ’twill pay them to have a look at of her little friends at a birthday pinochle at which Mrs. Conrad } VALLEY VIEW—Wilbur and Joe | Martin and Miss May Beaumont j Stewart. Homer and Donald Brew party Thursday. tied fo rhigh scores. er and Gene Amidon accompanied Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Prouty of La Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marshall and J by George Stewart, were honored Grande brought their daughter Ida- ^ ^ à ÈÈÈÉÈÉ ì mary back Monday. Bill Kurtz re turned to La Grande with them and will enter school there and live with the Prouty family and Miss Prouty will make her home with the Kurtz r— ■ family. SSES^ Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler and son ; ’ m * Raymond of Adrian and Mrs. Ni Dr. Francis S. Weir chols of Kingman Kolony visited at ■sg?~ b ____________ • • Y e S n ooper’s C o lu m n 2 PUBLIC SALES 2 tti& Z TUESDAY. JAN. 16 FLEMING BROTHERS, Owners THURSDAY. JAN. 18 W. H. BRAMLEY, Owner CHEVROLET TRUCKS ^ FO R ' 5 I M s V îft 2 ? P r o f e s s io n a l 5“ > Jfe§ÉÉfl C a rd s I vMHSaMHMfl Dentist Office: BUY A Sarazin Clinic Bldg. Phone 5W Best H a u le r s ...B e s t Savers and "BEST SELLERS" in the entire truck field! CARL H. COAD ATTORNEY- AT-LAW PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 D aily- Except Sunday Fry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Eagles Hall A. L. M cClellan President Don G ra h a m _____ Secretary The Public Is Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER. Sec. CUFF GREER. Pres. CHCVROLCT— PROFIT f V C R Y WA Y Only Chaunlal Truth Br All Plata Famout Fuat Now Da L u is Truck Ca CSawolaTa Famoua V a lv a ln -H a a d Truck Em Now Hypold Rear A lla WHAT Y Chevrolet—world’s largest builder ot truck.—now offer, it. new line for 1940 — 56 model, on nine wheelbase length., all selling in the lowest price range! HAVE o INS. CO . N . A. A N expert survey of your pres- /% ent fire tnd other property A A . insurance policies may dis close serious loopholes in your pro tection that you may not he aware of or may enable us to tell you methods by which you can reduce your pre mium cost. GO ON A UNION PACIFIC TRAIN Forget about the weather and highway hazards! Enjoy real com fort as you relax in a ioft-upholstered reclining Coach seat or a sleep-inciting berth on a Union Pacific train. Oelicioua Dining Car meals are moderately priced. Fares are low; there are no unexpected expenses. It’s the pleasant, economical way to travel. LOW FAKES Round Trit>from In any event, such a survey will cost you nothing. It is part of the expert service we render. Bring your policies in or telephone when you would like us to call. (Phone No.) • F ran k T . M o rg a n Phone 97 Nyssa, Oregon EjcV a -S lu rd yV ru ck Fras JmCkaOmigui In tuliman Nyssa to Los Angeles $38.10 $46.20 $53.50 Chicago . $57.18 $62.16 $96.21 For further details cornu!. E. C. CRANDALL Phone 27 Nrw». Or*. •■orth Sim ilar law iarM to sthor patota. Libarsi ratura limita. Alao Tory law o n .-w a y ia rM . Extra-powerful Valve-In-Head Engines . . . extra-strong Ilypold Rear Axles . . . extra-sturdy truck unit, throughout . . . make all these new Chevrolet, gluttons J ot work, whether you choose a Sedan Delivery or a Heavy Duty Cab-Over-Englne model. Full-Vlalon Outlook W o t y Plato Glaaa W lndaN Pcrfaetad Hydraulic Truck Br * 4-W ay Lubricali •*»« as*l< __ _ Mparate parkin« M« And Chevrolet's famous six-cylinder economy . . . plus the exceptional dependability and long life of Chevrolet trucks . . . means that all of them are misers with your money when It comes to gas, oil and upkeep. SKSWia S rrr-'*'*’ Choose Chevrolet trucks for 1940 and you choose th . nation’s greatest truck values . . . the best haul«*, best savers and f sellers” in the entire truck Held I Ater« than »v o r , thm of • ntm roof.) T H R IF T - C A R R IE R S POR THE N A T IO N ” See the New 1940 CHEVROLET TR U C KS on sp ecial display NATIONAL TRUCK WEEK at your C h evro le t d e a le r s JAN. 8 to 13 Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon