Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1940)
PAGE TWO mmm THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1940 day evening. Guests included Har Hoffman and Lee and Mr. and Mrs. old Taylor. Lloyd Wilson, Jack Claude Day attended a house warm Wray, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson, ing given on Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Virgil E. Johnson. Mrs. Hoffman. | Maiy Rumple and Everett Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell enter Following the dinner the boys at tained with a pinochle party Sat tended the alumni dance at the urday evening with the following guests: Messrs, and Mesdames Ed high school gym. Nielson, Harlan Maw, Jesse Ford, 6 DeOROSS-SMITH group were entertained at an eve CHILDREN'S PARTY John Bartholoma, E. Cheldelin, ning of music and dancing at the On December thirtieth Mrs. Zim Lloyd Adams and O. Edward Before an altar decorated in home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howe. merman invited five little friends of High prize was won by Mrs. Toplif. Christmas holly and lighted candles Lloyd at the Methodist church in Fruit- Adams and John Bartholoma. Con her daughter Colleen in to celebrate DINNER PARTY land, Miss Faye Smith, daughter of Colleen’s seventh birthday anniver solation prizes were won by Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Smith of Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster en sary. Harlan Maw and Lloyd Adams. Heights became the bride of Robert tertained at a dinner party on Sun Alva Goodell Sr., Alva Jr., and 8 DeOross. son of Mr. David DeGross day. Their guests included Mr. and NEW YEARS DINNER Edward Topliff were Ontario vis of Richland on Sunday at three Mrs. A. A. Bratton, the Misses Eula, Mr. and Mrs. George Nein at their itors Wednesday. Gladys and Ruth Bratton, and Mr. home in Owyhee entertained Mr. o'clock. Spitze of Lincoln Heights, Rev. Allen, pastor of the church, Melvin Mrs. William Peutz, Mr. and and Mrs. Raymond Sager and and read the single ring service and Mr. Mrs. Werner Peutz and William Mr. and RICHLAND John Bartholoma their two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Allen played the wedding Howard Foster of Gooding, Idaho, Peutz Jr. at New Years day dinner. and family Mrs. of Nyssa Heights were march. Miss June Webster was the Curtis, Eleanor, Francis, Grace and diner guests at the O. E. Cheldelin bridesmaid and Bert Sandy was best Tom Foster. DINNER GUESTS Monday. man. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parke were home A group of young people from this The occasion was complimenting Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and The bride chose for her wedding the seventh birthday anniversary of district and surrounding districts Mrs. Heinz Sonnekes. costume a street ensemble of blue Tom. charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Clifford with black accessories and Miss Nielson. Mr. Nielson was recently NIMBLE FINGERS Webster's costume carried out the ENTERTAINS STUDENTS of this district. The last meeting of the Nimble David same color combinations. and Bob Moffitt In honor of students home for the Fingers club was held Saturday at spent the Powell holiday at the Rev. F. A. Following the ceremony Mr. and holidays, Miss Effie Ellen Counsil the Ewen Chard home. Powell home leaving Mrs. DeGross left for a short visit gave a party her home on New Each member brought a guest and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tesday. Higby of Ap in Boise and on Thursday left for Years night. at House were the afternoon was spent in playing ple Valley were Monday dinner California where they plan to spend played and a late lunch games was served. house games with winners receiv guests at the F. A. Powell home. the winter. On their return in the ing prizes. A lunch was served at Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson were on the DeGross farm in the Rich- DINNER GUESTS of the day. Monday dinner guests at the H. V. spring they will make their home Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Giezentanner the The end next will be with Maw home. land district where the bridegroom had as New Years day dinner guests lone Benson meeting on January 2th. At the R. Cornell home in the is engaged in farming with his Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schireman Richland district on December 26, father. EVENING PARTY was held a family reunion at which Mrs. DeGross has lived in the and their family. Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. all the children of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Heights community for the DINNER PARTY 8 E. Ostrom were hosts at a din Cornell weer present except daugh last three years, coming with her Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott enter John ner and pinochle party to which ters living in Los Angeles and Cin- parents from Nebraska. She has tained at a New Years day dinner were invited Mr. and Mrs. Gottfred cinnattl. been employed both at Nyssa and in for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boydell Johanson, and Miss Lillian John Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ontario. son of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rio Tinto, Nexada, Mr. and Mrs. and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mr. DeGross came with his par iam Feinen and Mr. and Mrs. Artie Frits of Fruitland, Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul Buchanan and infant son of ents about five years ago from Robertson E. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jamieon and two daughters, and their family. Salem to the ranch in Richland. Charles Ostrom of Emmett and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cornell and and Mrs. J. E. Mellman of Nyssa. their chree children, Mr. and Mrs. DINNER GUESTS BUFFET DINNER AND DANCE Prizes at card were won by Miss Lawrence Cornell, James Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher and Complimenting the first wedding Mrs. Emma Quinby had as New Johnson, Mr. Peterson and Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. C. Cornell, all of anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Years dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mellman. the Richland district. Klnster and the birthday anniver Eubanks and their daughter Irene RETIREMENT PARTY sary of Lee Miller, a buffet dinner of Homedale. COW HOLLOW was served at the McKinster home Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ostrom By The Happy Farmer on New Years day. After dinner the FAMILY DINNER 8 were among the twenty-four guests Us Cow have been do a dinner party at the ing a great Hollowltes Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thompson en attending deal of boasting about Owyhee hotel in Boise on New Years tertained at New Years dinner Mr. wonderful climate. Last Satur given for John Caldwell of our and Mrs. Bob Thompson and their evening day we left Cow Hollow with its Nampa who that day was retired children and Mr. and Mrs. Dell from active service with the rail blanket of snow and air full of fog and arrived at our fair city of Nyssa Taylor and their sons. road and put on a pension for his and The found the snow most all gone 8 many years of duty with that com and the sky clear all day. Then THEATRE PARTY pany. ROSEBUD Nobert Sarazin was host at a came home in the evening and found the snow still here and that and house party to several YEARS DINNER BARBER SHOP of theatre his friends on New Years eve. NEW fog, too. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nordale enter this rain is mighty fine for Roscoe Findley, Prop. TUESDAY BRIDGE 8 tained at a family dinner party on the All Irrigation districts where they In Rosebud Tavern New Years day. Their guests in Mrs. J. J. Sarazin was hostess to cluded Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sterling were afraid for their next year’s Formerly next to the Tuesday bridge club this week and three daughters Magery, Dortha water supply. Four or five of us which prizes were won by Mrs. and Betty and Mervin Harris of Hollowltes on the south side would Abbott’s Shoe Shop at Sidney Burbidge and Mrs. Sarazin. Payette, Mr and Mrs. Cecil Sterling like to see it cut loose and rain hard enough to make some water and Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Young run and fill our stock ponds again. DANCING PARTY their small son of Boise, and All the ponds on the south side are One of the largest parties of the and Mr. Leonard Huseby of Nyssa. dry but Clarence Niccum's. and it New Year was that given by the 8 has only a little over a foot of Nyssa dancing club on New Years at VALLEY VIEW water in it. None of the ponds on the Eagles Hall. Besides the regu the north side are dry as yet. lar members there were many guests Shef White chopped hay for Virgil We all appreciate now the fore both from Nyssa and out of town. Belisle Thursday. sight of Chuck Share. He has more At Your SHOES Mrs. Gerold Goodfellow has been than enough sagebrush piled up for DINNER GUESTS 8 Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Whitaker entertaining her aunt the past week. to run him all winter and there is Others Do! were New Year day dinner guests of A. A. Brattons and Melvin Spitze always plenty of it nice and dry and for were Sunday dinner guests at the while most of the rest of us are Mr. and Mrs. George Daley. Expert Repairing W. W. Foster home in Nyssa. begging, cussing, or praying to get The Will Brown family are mov a little fire out of drenched stuff. Bring Them To SUPPER GUESTS ing to the Jess Brown ranch and Only those who have had to depend Mr. and Mrs. Louts P. Thomas Hipps from Arcadia are mov on soaked sage brush to cook break were Sunday supper guests at the Mr. fast and get the kiddies off in time George Neln ranch on the Owyhee. ing where Browns lived. Loie Belisle is wiring his house for school can really appreciate what 8 for electricity. DINNER PARTY ABBOTT’S Gerald Goodfellow hauled corn Complimenting the twenty-first SHOE SHOP A. A. Button from the John anniversary of their son Donald. for Magnuson place in Lincoln district Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willson enter Next to Nyssa Cafe tained nt a dinner party on Thurs- Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Shef White are on the sick list this week. Oscar Bratton was an overnight guest of Berl Wyckoff Sunday night and A. A. Brattons and Melvin Spitze were New Year's dinner guests at the Wyckoff home. - - - - - - - - Announcing - - - - - I - - - - TRIPLEX CLEANING /Hew s/ - BUENA VISTA Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie and daughter returned to their home at Wilder Sunday after spending the past week at the home of Mrs. Ritchie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B Hoffman. Irvin Topliff is improved from his recent illness. Jack Brodie returned to Corvallis Friday where he is attending col lege. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and children attended a holiday party given at the Parish hall by the VFW auxiliary Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day, Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Limbaugh. Mr and Mrs. S. B NYSSA Delivery TAILOR SHOP Service Phone 74 WE PAY CASH for OLD GOLD and JEWELRY MORRIS JEWELRY Atkeson Bldg. Nyssa LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian......Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST "See McFall and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Assures you of money when you need it the most. TALK OVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS WITH— Bernard Eastman REAL ESTATE FIRE and AUTO INSURANCE Phone 61 Nyssa ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Office: 331 West Main St. Phone 25 13th ANNUAL DRY CLEANING m is essential for winter health because it builds up body resistance. Gate City Dairy Milk and Cream Morning and Evening Deliveries Phone 104W STARTS JAN. 8th (¡«rm-Fr« CLEANERS; Send in Three Jobs Together NYSSA AMBULANCE FUNERAL HOME SERVICE TA# Seal that iSa/e-Guardi I Your Wealth ! STOPS FEB. 29 th Send in Three Jobs Together ONE JOB DONE FREE People have often complimented ns on our rapable funeral direction, the secret of which Is this: our services for the dead arr handled to please the living . . . we concentrate on encouragement and. at the same time, at tend to every detail appropriately and smooth I t . PHONE 7JW for a while. After « while here came a whole string of cars and settled all around here, Limbaugh, Hea tons, Sages, Howells, Frank Parkers. Wlxons. They called it a 'new hoi&e warming' or something and stayed until about three In the morning. We burned up all my dry wood I had covered up with a canvas and next morning I had to go out on the hillside and pull up some of this ----- ----- wet sagebrush before I could even build a fire in the stove." Gate City Dairy Milk Cleaning and Pressing SPECIAL BRING IN 3 GARMENTS AND HAVE ONE ciated. For they would have driven range cattle in here to feed them and that is just what this country wants. Cow Hollow farmers are getting "hog minded” now. There is far more hogs in Cow Hollow now than there has ever been before. We guess that Russell Howell has the most but this is the first time that there was not a farmer in the Hol low that did not have some pigs. And there is not a farmer in the Hollow, unless it might be Dale Lim- baught and Earl Heaton, that has enough grain to feed out what pigs he has. Us Hollowites sort of made a “sorry fizzle" on grain last year, but we all hope to do better this next year. Most all of Cow Hollow called on Homer Cates and family New Years Eve and stayed to watch the old year out and the new one in. Jack Parker said “we was crowded in there until if you wanted to talk to some one across the room you had to back out the door and go around the house to the other door and go in.” Homer Cates said “Cow Hollow came in New Year’s eve. We was never so surprised in our lives. Just as we were getting ready to go to bed Dude and Bill Parker and their families came in and I just sup posed they just came over to talk ST M J LO O K AHEAD Never BACK TRIPLEX CLEANED AND PRESSED FREE! it would mean to have the "patience of Job." When Chet Sage's horse died a while back Elza Niccum dragged the carcass up above the canal into the brush and set coyote traps around it and caught two coyotes. Bill Parker shot a coyote up on the canal above his house and it had a trap on its foot.' Bill said that it was about ready to lose the trap, foot and all, for it had chewed it until it was about off. There is still so many coyotes left that we will never miss those three. You can al ways get plenty of coyote music over the air without "tuning in.” And when you get tired of it you can’t shut it off, either. Homer Cates is building a set of improvements on the north side of his father's (Sam Cates) homestead. He expects to clear and put in the rest of Sam's homestead. Russell Howell ran a concrete floor a few days ago. Which re minds us. Last fall Clarence Niccum wanted to get his house moved and set on a concrete foundation. It turned cold and was freezing every night and he was advise "You will have to wait until spring now for the freezing would ruin your foun dation.” He carried his canned fruit into the house to keep it from freez ing. Then the weather changed and we had most a month of nice weather. Then Dude Parker was planning to run the concrete for a basement house and we had another cold snap. Mrs. Sam Cares returned home Friday from a visit in Oklahoma. She had written that she would ar rive Friday evening, but owing to the holiday season and overloaded mails, the letter did not arrive and Mrs. Cates did and no one there to meet her. It just so happened that she ran across Bill Parker and fam ily who were down to a delayed vet eran’s Christmas program and they brought her out home. Dale Limbaugh’s kiddies both have pretty severe colds. In fact most everyone in Cow Hollow has. Clarence Niccum made a trip to the vicinity of Emmett, Idaho, last week with the idea of selling hay. The Tschudy Brothers, a cow out fit, told him that early in the fall they made a trip on this reclama tion project around Nyssa, Vale and Ontario. They were representing their cattle association. They had heard that there was lots of hay over here and it could be bought cheap. But they never saw so much hay and everybody asked $8 per ton. Upon questioning they admitted that they never got off the oiled road. In other words they never got back where the hay was and where we really wanted to sell our hay. 'Tis too bad that while in Ontario they never thought to look up our county agent as their order would have been large and greatly appre Ontario Laundry & Cleaners NYSSA PHONE 99 ONTARIO, O R E. /