PAGE SIX Community Christmas Activities NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1939 and spent Christmas day at their home in Emmett. Home From School— new home recently remodelled for Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz spent Miss Ruth Warnock is among the them after it was purchased from the week-end with relatives at college students home for the holi Dewey Ray. Horseshoe Bend and Cascade. Ida days and is assisting with the work and had Christmas dinner at at her beauty shop. One of the larger family gather- i Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Will- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Main spent ho, Visits Patents— lngs was that entertained by Mayor iams and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook Christmas eve and the day at Mrs. Horseshoe Bend. Main's parents home in Eagle and Due to the absence of Mr. Leo Margaret Hunt was home from and Mrs. R. A. Thompson at a and their family. to spend Christmas day Christmas tree party at their home Mrs. Anna Larsen of the Owyhee on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Hollenberg, who left on Christmas Pocatello with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. on Christmas eve and at a dinner had members of her family with her George Henneman joined them day to attend the teacher’s con C. dinner. vention as a delegate from Malheur Hunt. at which were seated twenty-two the holiday. Prom Nyssa were there Mr. at and in Vale— given at the Brown cafe on Christ on Mrs. Theo Moore of county, Christmas day was a quiet Realtor Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan and from James Graham is spending a few mas afternoon. entertained at a family one at that home. Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lar Ontario holiday season with his Relatives attending from coastal sen and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lar Christmas dinner at which guests Mr. and Mrs. James Bushong left days of the Andrew, in Vale. cities arrived on Sunday. These in sen; from Redmond Mrs. Larsen's attending from Nyssa were Mr. and Immediately after the closing of brother, III— cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. J. Powell and Mr. and Mrs. school for Forest Grove where they Merchant Wray, who has been ill and their daughter of Salem, Mr. Cottingin with their daughter, Mrs. Herman Towne and their daughters. will spend the Christmas season and Lucian In bed with an attack of the flu and Mrs. Golden and their two Guy Duncan and her six-months Others present were Mrs. Mary with her parents. was able to be up again on Wed daughters from Lebanon; Mr. and old daughter. The little one is Mrs. Morris and Tommy. At the Wm. Peutz home in Owy nesday. Mrs. Abe Vaughn and Gerald of Larsen’s first great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toomb had hee there was a family dinner with Boise— Portland; from Jordan Valley, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Graham as Christmas dinner guests Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Neln and their In Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Fisher and Mrs. Robert Long and Evelyn had their family with them. Ray- Mrs. H. B. Holmes. daughters as guests. Mrs. Werner Mrs. Emma Quinby spent were present and those attending tended. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nordale spent Peutz has recovered sufficiently to with Wednesday at Boise where they from Nyssa were Mr. and Mrs. J. mond, home from school at Cor Christmas at home with Leonard be up and enjoy the festivities too. visited with Mrs. Quinby’s sister and T. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Hershel vallis, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Laurence, Huseby as their dinner guest. At the Charles Garrison home the her family. Thompson and Ronnie, and Mr. and also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laurence, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Osterkamp and holiday spirit was dimmed a bit due Matron 111— Mrs. C. W. Long. Colby Poage, Dean Byram and Miss their family of Apple Valley, fol to the illness of Mrs. Garrison but Mrs. Charles Garrison has been lowing their annual custom, were those of the family there to eat the confined to her bed for the past Mrs. C. L. McCoy with Gayle and Anne Johnson were guests. Bob spent from Sunday until Tues At the C. J. Keiser home the guests at the R. H. Carman home Christmas bird were Miss Vera week a severe attack of flu. day in La Grande as guests of Mr. guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ron in Wilder. Others present were Mr. Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles From with and Mrs. John Greulich. ald Burke and their infant daugh and Mrs. George McKlnnis and Newbill and their family of King- Tom Portland— of Portland is family, also of Wilder. man Kolony and the Ray Garrisons spending Fishburn Due to the hazardous roads above ter of Jerome, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. their the vacation with his Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt with from Jamieson. Wm. Keizer of Cody, Wyoming. The Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bur- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and their daughter Margery and Mr. latter family left the following day At the George McKee home in Mrs. John Young. bldge and their daughters, who had and Mrs. Prank T. Morgan, held a for Walla Walla where they will a quiet Christmas day was planned to attend a family dinner joint dinner at the Morgan home. Owyhee ------ m ------ observed with Mr. and Mrs. Max at the Mark Robertson home in visit Mrs. Keizer’s parents. Guests at the Louis P. Thomas Umatilla, remained in Baker as Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Greer were home were her mother, Mrs. Clara Schweizer and their children, Mr. ADRIAN guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray. hosts at a large dinner party on M. Brown of Boise and Mr. H. F. and Mrs. Dougal and Miss Ellen McConnell guests for the day. On their return Sunday Leona Ray Christmas afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher and accompanied them for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willson Brown. Jean Everett and Erma Points Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schire- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClure and were and her grandmother, Mrs. Stella Butler spent a quiet day at home with man In Ontario on business Tues entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. their children were guests of par day. their children and Mr. Willson’s and her brother Stanley. B. Giezentanner with their daugh parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Will- Mr. and Mrs. Vern Boren and and relatives in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper ter and Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott ents Lumir Svancara spent from Sat son were visiting the Ray and Lee had as their dinner guests Mr. Lien- son, and his sister, Mrs. Mary and Mary. until Wednesday of the holi Thrashers over Christmas vacation. kaemper's father, P. A. Lienkaemper ! R“™PIe her Tom ‘wo children^ Mr. and Mrs. Coward with Dr. Millard Scherich, pastor of urday day season with his parents in Buhl, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry visited of Portland, who arrived that day Mrs. the Methodist Community church, Ethel Crawford and Charlena friends in Kuna, Idaho,'Christmas. Idaho. on the Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Omer and Twila was a guest at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl The James McGinnis family spent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall enter Adkinson and Kermit Lienkaemper. Dodson were and dinner and Mrs. W. H. Kniefel of Rosewell guests of the Christmas with Mrs. McGinnis’ par tained Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davis Another big family party was held Audrey Wards in Kingman Kolony. on Christmas day. ents, the Harvey Hatchs. and Mrs. Ella Hilton at Christmas at the B. P. Rookstool home in the Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Goshert were Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Bayer had dinner and a ride around town to Raymond Tetwilcr, Tetwiler’s Oregon Trail district, where 43 sat Christmas dinner guests of friends as Christmas day guests her par see the holiday decorations was es son, returned home Rev. for Christmas down to a Christmas dinner. Fol in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Post and from Weiser last Saturday. pecially enjoyed. lowing the dinner was the Christ Sales and their children also at- family of Boise, mas tree and much visiting. All at Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Olsen had Mr. and Mrs. William Pliley en At the C. Klinkenberg home was The James McGinnis family spent tending were from the Lincoln, with them for the holiday season tertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. the scene of another annual family Christmas eve with his grandpar at which were present Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Richland, Kingman Kolony and their daughter Mrs. John W. Met Simianer, John Kline and Kenneth reunion and Mrs. J. W. Lewellen and their J. W. McFate, daughters Ardis, Sunset districts. Pierson at dinner on Christmas. and Dr. Metcalfe of Seattle. family from Bonita, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine and Shirley, and Erma The Wes Brownes were guests of calfe family dinner was enjoyed on Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mitchell Marion Klinkenberg chil Points were shopping in Nampa and relatives In Caldwell on Christmas. A Christmas day and Dr. and Mrs. entertained Mrs. Mitchell’s sister, dren and Mr. and and Mrs. their Gilbert Caldwell Saturday. Except for their eldest son Ar Metcalfe returned to their home on Miss Doris Koontz of Boise over Klinkenberg and their child. thur Vernon, who is in the U. S. Tuesday. the week-end and had Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fisher with --------- 0 --------- navy and stationed in Asiatic Mr. and Mrs. George Haycock Dorsey Donnelly, of Caldwell as Mrs. Emma Quinby were guests at OWYHEE waters, all the children of Mr. and with them at dinner and for breakfast guests. These later left for a family reunion and dinner and Mrs. A. V. Cook were home for the had Council where they spent the day party at which forty were present The teachers and pupils of the the day Mr. and Mrs. W. Haycock holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis Emmett and Mr. and Mrs. E. with Mrs. Mitchell's sister, Mr. Don in Emmett. On Christmas eve a Owyhee school entertained the par of North Powder and their children. of nelly’s mother. Haycock of Caldwell. and friends of the district with and house party was given by a ents Miss Thelma Cook, employed at B. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norcott were tree and and Mrs. M. Peterson had Christmas program Thursday eve Mrs. Fisher at which those ning. Boise with Bud McGovern also of with them at Christmas dinner and dinner guests of Mrs. Norcott’s par Mr. play entitled “Up on the included Mrs. Quinby, Mr. House A Top,” Boise, and of course, Jimmy. There as house guests Mr. and Mrs. M. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geoge Kaylor present was given by the pri and Mrs. Fred Fisher and Mr. and was a family dinner at home in the Peterson of Enterprise, Mr. and of Owyhee. Other guests were Mr. Mrs. H. A. Meier with their son mary room and a play, “The Toy afternoon and the whole group were Mrs. Bob Perry of Grangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn, Jr., and and his new bride, Mr. and Mrs. Shop,” was given by the two upper breakfast guests of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. L. C. Chadwick of Nampa son of Payette. tableau of the manger Meier visiting from Johns rooms. was A next Lloyd Marshall. and Mr. and Mrs. G. Peterson of Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Brown Melvin while a vested choir town, Colorado, all from Apple Val scene had for Christmas day guests Mrs. ley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marshall en- j Caldwell. the Christmas carols. A read tertained at a Christmas breakfast.1 Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Atkeson had Brown’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. At the Wm. DeGrofft of Oregon sang ing, “Learning a Piece to Speak,” Their guests included Judge W. J. I most of their family with them W. Caldwell of Fruitland, and Earl Trail home for Christmas dinner was given by Keith Garner. On Fri Bopp of Ontario. day afternoon the children had Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Boersma and Mrs. Addie Wilson had Mr. and their family were guests. their Christmas party and were giv Mrs. Aden Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle en a treat. Morris Solomon and Mr. and Mrs. happy to have their daughter The Owyhee Community club held Frank Ward as Christmas dinner were Christmas party at the home of Marilyn home from Ogden over the Its guests. and besides the immediate Mrs. Jessie Skinner. A covered dish Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Findling were holidays Christmas dinner was luncheon and gift exchange was en hosts at dinner to Mr. and Mrs. family at the joyed after the business meeting. Sharon, also of Ogden. The Bernard Frost and their children, Woodrow meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Buchner were Mrs. January Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling, Mrs. Christmas Bradley. of her parents, Mrs. Chas. Stella Butler and Mr. E. P. Frost. the Rev. E. day P. guests Bertha Culbertson and chil At the James Huffman home Mr. of Caldwell. and Mrs. Lawrence dren Elmer Dale, Juanita and J. V. and Mrs. Dean Fife were Christmas Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowman had and Mrs. Loga Allen and three chil dinner guests. dren left Friday for Mar as their Christmas day and dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson en guests Dr. J. W. and Mrs. Bowman tinez, Calif., for morning a visit with rela joyed a quiet Christmas day at home of Baker, Lee Lindquist of Nebraska tives. with sons Calvin, Robert and Lloyd. and William Estes from Rio Tinto, The two latter boys are home for Nevada. Legal Advertising the vacation from Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hunter and NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson spent We express our thanks to all of and Mrs. Charles Drewitz were IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Christmas quietly with their fam Mr. OF OREGON FOR THE Christmas breakfast guests at the STATE ily. our 1939 customers for their pat OF MALHEUR Eldon Jensen home. A Christmas IN COUNTY Dr. Francis S. Weir spent from tree THE MATTER OF THE ES party and exchange of gifts was TATE o f jo h n c. M c C o n n ell , Saturday until Tuesday with his also enjoyed. ronage—and resolve to merit your DECEASED. parents at Milton. Notice J. is McConnell, hereby the given Executor that Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherwood had m ------------- Charles trade through 1940. as their Christmas dinner guests THEATRE PARTY of the estate of John C. McConnell, deceased has rendered and present Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and Miss Lucille Sallee entertained ed in said of court, his I on Saturday eight of her high school first for and settlement their daughters. account his ad Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher were friends at a theatre party. Following ministration final of said estate, together a petition closing of | of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey L. the theatre the group returned to with estate, Phone 113 Nyssa guests and for final the distribution Fletcher and their family at Vale. the A. C. Sallee home where they said therein: and that Saturday, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Maulding are nejoyed a dessert and house games. ruary 3rd, 1940 at the hour of Feb spending the Christmas holidays in o’clock A. M. of that day and the 11 I County Court Room in the appointed City of JUNIOR FELLOWSHIP Portland with relatives. Vale, Oregon, have been At the Dwight Smith home there About twenty members of the by PRO G RA M the Judge of said Court as the was a large family dinner when the Junior Fellowship League were en time and place for the settlement of account, approval of said report at Ray family gathered for Its annual tertained at the A. C. Sallee home said and hearing on said petition, at a Christmas party. feast and get-together. which time and place any person Dr. and Mrs. Sarazin with Miss interested In said estate in may ap | pear Eva Boydell and Mr. Blaney Boydell LADIES AID and file exceptions writing Phone 108 entertained at a family party and The annual Christmas party of to said account and contest the dinner at the Sarazin home. Those the Ladies Aid held at the home of same. C h a r l es j . M c C o n n ell . DOUBLE FEATURE attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. C. Klinkenberg was well at Executor of the Deceased. estate of Feinen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boy tended on the evening of the 21st. John C. McConnell, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—DEC. 29-30 of first publication. Dec. 28, dell with Ed and Helen, Miss Isobel The evening was spent in an ex Date 1939 Sarazin, home from Boise for the change of gifts and playing house Date Charles Starrett and Sons of the Pioneers in of last publication, Jan. 25. week-end. Miss Harriet Sarazin and games. A supper was served later. 1940. “STRANGER FROM TEXAS” Norbert, Helen and David Sarazin. The Warren clan met at the home Joan Bennett and Adolphe Menjou in of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren for their “HOUSEKEEPER’S DAUGHTER” annual Christmas feast with Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Warren and Mrs. Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening I0c-30c Leona Bingman and Dale there. W. F. Jones home in Owy SUNDAY AND MONDAY—DEC. 31-JAN. 1 hee At the the dinne rguests included Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones of Califor Bing Crosby, Louise Campbell, Ned Sparks nia, Hubert Jones of Provo, Utah, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duffy and and Linda Ware in their family. “THE STAR MAKER” Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee had as their Christmas day and dinner Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-30c guests. Mr. Sallee's sister. Mrs. M. Brandt of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. PAL NIGHT George Sallee. TUESDAY—JAN. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Dell Taylor enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thomp Irene Dunne and Fred MacMurray in son and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomp “INVITATION TO HAPPINESS” son and their children at Christmas day dinner. Admission 10c-30c Phone U Nyssa At the Jesse Thompson home open house was held on Christinas WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY—JAN. 3-4 morning. Sonja Henie, Ray Milland and Robert At the Bob Thompson home on Christmas eve was a Christmas tree Cummings in party and open house for the many relatives. “EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT’ Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ostrom Movietone News spent the day and ate their Christ Admission lOe and 30c mas dinner at the Charles Ostrom Mrs. Georgia Heusser and three children of Preston, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Huffman and son Raymond of Weston, Idaho, and Mr. Theron Teeples of Rexburg, Idaho, are guests at the Lynn Kygar home and they with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Roberts were dinner guests on Christmas. Others who entertained at din ner on Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin, who had as house and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nelson and guests Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ator, daughter Arleen of Tule Lake, Cal. Gerald Slippy was also a dinner guest. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner en tertained for the Earl and Frank Crocker families, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Marty Mc- Kim and two children and Russell and Clayton Patton. Mrs. Ira Chadd Is staying In Nyssa at the J. E. Bowen home caring for the children while the Bowens are on a visit to Coulee dam. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen and children of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Dal Whitehead visited at the Ira Chadi home Sunday afternoon. R. W. Blothlo spent Christmas at Kuna, Idaho. Rae Gilbert was a visitors at the Roy Rookstool home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nothels spent the holidays at Portland visiting with their daughter. Too Late to Classify LAND FOR SALE UPPER SUNSET GOOD 5-ACRE ranch, 3-room house, bam, chicken house, good well, shade, easy terms. 3 miles to Nyssa. Olsen (the Land Man) 28D2xp Robert Tosch is home for Christ mas vacation from Forest Grove where he has been employed. The young people of Sunset Val ley and Cow Hollow enjoyed a roll er skating party at Payette Satur day evening. Another is planned for this Saturday evening. BETWEEN NYSSA and Hope Sta tion, a white enamelled Westing- house refrigerator top. Finder please return to Journal office or Mrs. Margaret Justice, Rte. 2, Vale. 28Dlxp --------------- Lost E A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION TO PAY YOUR BILLS If unable to pay in full when due, go to those you owe and make satisfactory arrangements. YOU will write your own credit rating for 1940 11133081 Phone 394 . CREDIT ASSOCIATION Ontario, Oregon WISHING ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR BALDRIDGE IMPLEMENT CO. NYSSA THEATRE ■HapPf. ,year Nyssa Implement Co. OLIVER FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—DEC. 29-30 PINEAPPLE JUICE, 46 oz. cans Gold Bar, 2 for No. 2% cans Pumpkin Gold Bar All brands Milk 4 cans Shurfine, ground Coffee fresh, 2 lbs. 55c 10c 27c 49c Marshmallows ^ bo rce" ° b,8‘23C Cleanser 4 Old cans Dutch for 29c Palm Olive Soap 3 bars 17c Large giant Dash size, each 48c Salad Dressing qts. 23c Bacon Squares Carstens No cereals 1 Hamburger per lb. I5c Pure pork 1 Sausage per lb. 1 15c For roasting 1 Hens per lb. 1 8c Young Hens Turkeys per lb. !5c W ilson G rocery A Dependable Food Store i NYSSA OREGON