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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1939)
PAGE POUR NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28, 193!) The Gate City Journal /W + ~ i 6- ca . 0 R E Gioii P u b l i s h PER I ATION W IN IF R E D BROW N THOM AS - - - - Owner LOUIS P. THOM AS - - - - Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O L IT IC S AND R E LIG IO N . O P T IM IS T IC IN D IS P O S IT IO N —W IT H NO INTE R ESTS T O SERVE EXCE PT THOSE O P M ALHEUR C OUNTY most part. No communist in the United States will be able to put forth any argument in favor of the action o f their pet form o f government and it is with a great deal o f pride that real Americans are showing their resentment to this ruthless and imperialistic butchery against the Finns, by do nating funds for the relief o f the tiny nation, that has been the only one to honor their war debts to the United States. I f there is anything wrong with imperialism, the communists can take their full share o f it. F A L S E L Y INDICTED Q h il n ell Ministers or others interested in church pubheity are invited to use the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of eaCF IR STt CHURCH OF U ITE in line with precedent, Mr. Ickes has spoken out o f turn again. His indict One Year ___________ $1.50 Six Months ................... $100 ment o f the truck driver as the bad boy of 81ngle Copies -------------- .05 American highways is illogical and not a true (Strictly in Advance) bill. Mr. Ickes, speaking before the Washington session o f the American Automobile Associa Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. tion, denominated the truck driver the “ lord of Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission the highway,” and a pest, and the vehicle he op through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. erates, “ at reckless speed, regardless, generally speaking, o f the rights o f mere motorists,” a menace. True enough, the Secretary o f Interior scolded all motorists, as most motorists should be scolded, but the great weight of his wrath fell on trucks and their operators. ------+ ------ Possibly Mr. Ickes has not kept up with the Co-operative Marketing Association trend o f transport traffic and fails to appreciate for Malheur Farmers the program of safety and courtesy which in re A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp cent years has made these operators of truck A City Park fleets the safest and usually the most consider A Comprehensive Street Improvement ate drivel's on the open road. True they drive Plan cumbrous vehicles but also true their record of accident and road death has declined most im L E T ’S RESOLVE portantly in the last ecade. A National Safety HROUGH our editorial columns we have Council graph shows that the fatal accient rate consistently advocated the principle that for trucks decreased 29 per cent from 1927 to taxpayers should take more o f an active part in 1938, while the passenger car rate mounted ap their government. Our advocacy is based upon proximately 50 per cent before dropping last the proposition that it is wrong for us to elect year to an advance of 21 per cent over 1927. men into public office, then forget not only them Such betterment on the part of trucks was no but our government as well. Every man is hu doubt a direct result of careful and considerate man, he may look at a problem differently than operation o f the lumbering vehicles by their you would— so how is he going to know what drivers, a change of viewpoint which has escap stand to take on an issue if you do not taken an ed the attention o f many a motorist apparently, interest in your own problems, which is exactly Mr. Ickes. what all governmental problems are. Safer and more considerate operation of mo On January 15, the taxpayers of Nyssa will be tor vehicles is an accomplishment of fleet man asked to vote upon the proposition of a bond is agement more than anything else and trucks not sue totalling over $25,000. Our city council and subject to fleet direction have not been slow in mayor feel that this bond issue should be passed. catching step. It will surprise Mr. Ickes to know And we do too, for it means an eventual saving that no less than nine operators o f truck fleets to the city of a considerable amount of money, were recorded last spring as having run their besides the fact that we will cut about five years trucks from 1,000,000 to more than 4,000,000 o ff the time of our indebtedness. miles each without accident, and that as many companies had records o f “ no-accident miles” It is up to you, Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa, to share from 500,000 to 1,000,000. These records could your load of the city government, so let’s resolve not have been achieved by trucks or drivers who to talk this thing over and then turn out Monday, hogged traffic lanes without consideration for January 15, at the city hall and vote for those drivers o f private vehicles. bonds— it means money in our pockets, through In preference to laying our chance for safety the saving of interest that we are now paying. before the average driver of a private automo bile, including the “ Sunday driver,” and even A SEMI-PUBLIC IN S T IT U T IO N Mr. Ickes, we will take the trained truck driver, O U R N A LISTS for a long time have con even though we have trouble in getting around tended that a newspaper is a semi-public his mighty vehicle in traffic.— Intermountain institution. This contention has been based on a Transporter. lot o f things, but a recent happening in Nyssa brought this forcibly to our attention. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz, Just a few days before Christmas a lady drop Charles and Virginia, and Henry Polzin are spending several days ped into our office and informed us of the sad with Mrs. Schultz’ people in Napa, plight of a little family that was living in a tent, California. with very little food, no fuel and a father and John Peterson of Riggins is spend husband sick in a hospital— truly an unhappy ing his Christmas leave with his Submitted by readers of The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Peter approach to Christmas. Journal and the opinions may son. or may not agree with the W e are most happy to announce, that through Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson spent policy of The Journal. You are a story published in our columns, this family re Christmas with her parents, Mr. Invited to send In your ideas and Mrs. Harvey Hatch at B ig Bend. ceived not only food and fuel, but toys for the on current questions. Ross Summy returned Friday youngsters as well. And we mean we got lots of from Chatcolet to spend Christmas Editor's Note: The following each! with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. letter was sent to us for publi A. Summy. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. But that is the part that a newspaper should cation as an appreciation. We Summy and Ross went to Boise and play in a community, and it is one that we have think that it tells a real story, spent • the afternoon with Ralph a story of the fine friendship Summy. tried hard to maintain, and we feel sure that ev between our fanners and our The Christmas program present ery other editor in the country does the same. Nyssa merchants. ed by the Apple Valley school at the Your home town paper is your paper, and the Nyssa, Oregon M. E. church was very well attend columns of the Nyssa Journal are open to any Dec. 26. 1939 ed. B. T. Osborne, pastor of the church, opened the service with Golden Rule Store. one with a worthwhile idea, be it helping an Mr. Carlson. (Carlos Buchner) Mgr. prayer, then followed the reading unfortunate family, boosting the home town or of the Christmas story by Mrs. Sum Dear Sir: bettering our lot. I am writing you to thank your my, followed by the school program. SU BSCRIPTIO N RATES AD VE R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per inch........... 30c National, Per inch ---------30c Classifieds, Per word ......01c Minimum 25c NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM T J OPINIONS BY OUR READERS store and you in particular for the fine bicycle I received last Satur W H O SAID “ IM PE R IA LIS M ” ? day and which we all. as a family OR ages past we have read and heard there’s four boys, three younger charges of imperialism levelled against than I, do appreciate so much. every other form of government, by the Com We have wanted a bicycle now each Christmas several years, so of munists. course to receive one so easily and These charges grow out of wars, principally. such a fine one is more than we hoped, dreamed or Imagined we'd do. So we are wondering what excuse the Commun Thanks from all of us and wish ists are going to' use about their invasion of Fin ing you a prosperous New Year, ' land. O f course thev have already said that Fin Leroy Parker. F land had attacked Russia — which sounds a whole lot like a mouse attacking a lion. However, it will be interesting to hear some of the American pinkos and communists try to condone the invasion o f their idol, Joseph Stalin, a product of “ proletarian government” , and who has proved in the last month or so that he and the government he represents, is as imperialistic as the worst government in the world— the Nazi. Not only has the thing that stands for com munistic government proven itself imperialistic, but barbarous as well— witness the bombing of Finnish cities, none o f which have even been claimed to be military objectives. And these bombings represent the butchering o f innocent non-combatants, women and children for the APPLE VALLEY Mrs. Osborne took Mrs. W itt to Caldwell on Thursday where she boarded the bus for Sacramento, to visit her brother during the Christ mas season. Apple Valley Ladies Aid met with Mrs. J. H. Correll Thursday after noon. There was a very good at tendance. The devotionals consisted of the singing of carols, prayer, and accordion solos by Miss Vista Gib son of Parma, and the telling of the story of the other wise men by Mrs John Poage Pollvanna Christmas gifts were exchanged and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess c h r is T ^ M ETH O D IST C O M M iffiff COMM® CHURCH Millard Scherich, Pastor Regular meetings as follows: Sunday 10 a. m.—Church School. 11:15 a. m.—Morning Worship. 7 p. m.—Junior and Senior Ep- worth League. 8 p. m.—Class study of special topics. Thursday at 8 p. m.—Choir prac tice. Second and fourth Thursday a ft ernoons of each month—Ladies Aid. First Tuesday of every month at 8:00 p. m.—General official board meeting. Special Announcements A t eight o’clock Friday evening, December 22, the annual Old-Fash ioned Christmas Program will be P A R M A LU TH E R AN CHURCH given by the Sunday school. Mrs. A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Wolfe, superintendent of the junior 10 a. m. Divine Service. Subject: department, is in general charge. ’’Even to Your Gray Hair.” Mrs. Clyde Teters and E ffie Ellen 11 a. m. Sunday school. Counsil, co-superintendents of the 8:30 p. m. Congregational close- Junior Epworth League, are assist of-the-year social. ing. 11:45 p. m. Close-of-the-year Sunday evening the young people service. of the Senior Epworth League plan January 1st 11 a. m. Divine Serv to sing Christmas carols about ice. We invite you to come and wor town. They will assemble at the ship with us. T o all, a Blessed and church at the usual time of their Prosperous New Year. meeting. There will be no evening “A Changeless Christ for a worship. Changing World.” SC IEN TIST 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho A branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, S can t iest, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Wednesday evening meeting, at which time testimonials of Christ ian healing and remarks on Christ ian Science are given, is held at eight o’clock. the The Reading Room is located in the Church Building, where the Bible and authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, bor rowed or purchased, and is open eveiy day from two to four p. m., ex cept Sunday and holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and make use ol the Reading Room. 240 sacks of candy and nuts were given out to the children. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wagner and family are spending Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Middle- ton, near Meridian. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Boston are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boston at Ontario for Christmas. Mrs. Jed Gooing and two young est daughters are visiting in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson and Star were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thompson at Chirstmas dinner. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reed enjoy ed dinner at the Gene Reed home in Lincoln Heights on Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Poage. Mrs. B. T . Os borne and several Apple Valley girls sang carols at the home of shut-ins Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Summy are taking their son Ross, Dale and DeWayne Conyers and Albert Baxter back to their CCC camp at Chatcolet. Ida ho on Tuesday. M r and Mrs. Ura Robinson and Star spent Sunday nfternoon at the Gene Reed home. Carl Pielstick has been sick for several days with a severe cold. M r and Mrs. Gene Van Landing- N O TICE FO R P U B L IC A T IO N D E PAR TM E N T O F T H E IN T E R IOR. G E N E R AL L A N D O FFICE A T T H E DALLES, OREGON. Dec. 6, 1939. NO TICE is hereby given that Burton B Burroughs, assignee of Clara J. Smith, of Homedale, Idaho, Rt. 1, who on March 1, 1920, made Desert Laud Entry Act March 3, 1877, No. 030973, for Lots 3, 4, WhsSWti, now Farm Unit "B ” , Section 7, Township 22 S., Range 47 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H. Coad, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Ore gon. on the 20th day of January, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis Ashcraft, Mrs. Otis Ashcraft, both of Adrian, Oregon; Ed Miller, Barkley Cram, both of Homedale, Idaho. W. F. JACKSON, Register. First published Dec. 14, 1939. Last published Jan. 11, 1940. NO TICE FO R P U B L IC A T IO N D E P A R TM E N T O F T H E IN T E R IOR, G E N E R AL L A N D O FFICE A T TH E DALLES, OREGON. Dec. 6, 1939. N O TICE is hereby given that Thomas J. Davis, assignee of Clara J. Smith, of Corvallis, Oregon, who, on March 1, 1920, made Desert Land Entry Act March 3, 1877, No 025517, for Lots 1, 2, WMsNW1/*, now Farm Unit “ A ”, Section 7, Township 22 S., Range 47 E., Willamette M e ridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl H. Coad, Notarw Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the reth day of January, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Leonard King, of Homedale, Idaho; B. B. Burroughs, of Homedale, Ida ho; Evan Gheen, of Ontario, Ore gon; Wm. Davison, of Homedale, Idaho. W. F. JACKSON, Register. First published Dec. 14, 1939. Last published Jan. 11, 1940. N O TICE FO R P U B L IC A T IO N D E PAR TM E N T O F TH E IN T E R IOR, G E N E R AL L A N D O FFICE A T TH E DALLES, OREGON, L. D. S. CHURCH CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Dec 5 1939 Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School Sixth near Main N O TIC E is hereby given that meeting. Pliny W. Case, of Parma, Idaho, Vern W. Martin, Pastor who. on December 16, 1924, made Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood Ed Wild, Superintendent Desert Land Entry, Act March 3, meeting. Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. 1877, No. 025805, for W M S W H , or Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament now Farm Unit “ E ” , Section 19, Come and bring the family. Township 22 S., Range 47 E., W il meeting. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. lamette Meridian, has filed notice Monday, 7:30 p. m. Geneology. N. Y . P. S. 7:30 p. m. of intention to make final Proof, Tuesday, 2 p. m. R elief Society. to establish claim to the land above Prayer meeting every Wedneesday Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. M. I. A. described, before Carl H. Coad, at 8 p. m. Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on Thursday, 4:30 p. m. Primary. W. F. M. S. meets every second the 19th day of January, 1940. Claimant names as witnesses: Thursday of the month, Harry Sipes, Thomas Nedbalek, A l ASSEM BLY OF GOD GOSPEL fred Costley, Oda Sipes, all of TABERNACLE K IN G M A N C O M M U N IT Y Homedale, Idaho. Ernest C. Knull, Pastor CHURCH W. F. JACKSON, Register. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Classes Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor First published Dec. 7, 1939. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G for all, and everyone welcome. Last published Jan. 4, 1940. Osborn, superintendent. Morning worship at 11:15 a. m. SUMMONS FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Morning worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic meeting at 8 p. m. Mid-week meeting Wednesday at IN TH E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F TH E Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. STATE O F OREGON FO R M A L Evening worship 8:30 p. m. 8:00 p. m. HEUR C O U N T Y Young People's meeting Friday at O W Y H E E IR R IG A T IO N D IS T R IC T , A Municipal Corporation, N YS S A GOSPEL TAB ER N AC LE 8:00 p. m. P lain tiff II. B. Talbot, Minister W e invite you. vs Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. B A N K O F C A L IF O R N IA , National Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. association, a National Banking ST. P A U L ’S EPISCO PAL CHURCH Evange%listic Service, 8:00 p. m. Association, as Executor a n d Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor Trustee under the last W ill and Midweek services, Tuesday and Prayer and sermon 9:30 a. m. each Testament of Hattie Herrman. Thursday at 8:00 p. m. Deceased: Malheur County, a Sunday except the fourth. Municipal Corporation and Sub A t 7:30 p. m. the fourth Sunday. division of the State of Oregon; SUNSET V A L L E Y CHURCH Junior Y. P. F. first and third Simon Herrman, Henrietta R o Ditty’s Corner senblatt; Richard Henry Baer; Mondays. G. Allquist, Pastor Anna Leah Chotiner; Miriam Ze- Senior Y. P. F. second and fourth Sunday school, 10 a. m. Classes man; Estelle Schwartz; Freder Mondays. ick Friendly Harris; Minna M ay for all ages. Guild second Wednesday. er; Arline Weinshenk; Vera G old Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. smith; the unknown heirs, If any, Evangelistic Service, 8 p. m. of Sampson W. Herrman, Deceas ed; the unknown heirs, if any, of K IN G M A N K O L O N Y L.D.S. Prayer service in homes Friday at Ella Herrman, Deceased; the un 8 p. m. SU ND AY SCHOOL known heirs, if any, of Emanuel Come and worship with us. Ev Meets in Kingman Kolony school Herrman, Deceased; and also all eryone welcome. other persons or person unknown, house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. claiming any right, title, lien or interest in or to the real property ham arrived Friday to spend the in the complaint herein describ holidays with relatives. ed, Defendants Mrs. Lenis Wilson, her brother, T o Anna Leah Chotiner, Miriam Tom Crosswhite, and Mr. and Mrs. Zeman, Estelle Schwartz, Frederick N O TIC E OF ELECTION Friendly Harris, Minna Mayer, A r Sherman Wilson and children spent S T A T E O F OREGON ) line Weinshenk, the unknown heirs, Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. George County of Malheur )ss if any, of Sampson W. Herrman, C. M iller at Melba. Deceased, the unknown heirs, if any, City of Nyssa ) of Ella Herrman, Deceased, the un Miss Norma Stout of Boise spent Notice is hereby given that an known heirs, if any, of Emanuel Christmas day at the home of her election of the legal voters in the Herrman, Deceased, and also all parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stout. City of Nyssa, Malheur County, other person or persons unknown, will be held at the City claiming any right, title, lien or in Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood and Oregon, Hall in the City of Nyssa on the sons are moving from the Wilson 15th day of January, 1940 between terest in or to the real property in the complaint herein described, of farm to a new home in the Black the hours of 8 o’clock, A. M. and the above named Defendants; 8 o'clock, P. M. of said day, for the Canyon. IN TH E NAM E OF TH E STATE purpose of submitting and there Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stephens en will be sumbitted, to the legal vot O F O R E G O N : You and each of you hereby are commanded to appear In joyed a fam ily gathering at their ers of the City of Nyssa, the three the above entitled court and cause, home today, with Mr. and Mrs. Hal- questions as follows, to wit: within four weeks after the first ton Stephens of Portland, Mrs. (1) As to whether or not bonds in publication of this Summons, which the amount of $7,252.40 principal date of first publication is Decem Meltvedt and daughters of Boise and $112.39 interest, shall be issued ber 28, 1939, then and there to an and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed of to fund outstanding warrants of the swer or otherwise plead to the com Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Step City of Nyssa in said principal plaint filed herein, and if you fail hens and son Levi Jr., of Parma and amount and interest thereon to De so to do, and for want thereof the cember 11, 1939; plaintiff will take Judgment and Billy Stephens of Oregon present. (2) As to whether or not bonds in decree against you and each of you Miss Irene Poage is leaving this the amount of $14,000.00 shall be as follows: (1) Requiring you and week to continue her work at the issued for the purpose of refunding each of you to set forth the nature a like amount of “ Town of Nyssa of your claim or interest in and to University of Oregon. Refunding Water Bonds” issued the following described real proper M ay 1, 1933, being bonds No. 6 to ty in Malheur County, State of --------- --------- Oregon: 19 inclusive; and An undivided one-half interest (3 ) As to whether or not bonds in in and to: Lot 1 or the N E ti- the amount of $4,000.00 shall be is N E H , and the S E H N E ti, and sued to refund a like amount of the N E 'iS E R , all of Section 2, Edwin Gonason has purchased a "City of Nyssa Refunding Improve Township 20 South of Range new mower, rake, cultivator and ment Bonds” dated October 1. 1937, 46 E. W. M. No. 1 to 8 inclusive, each in the and determining all adverse claims plow. amount of $500.00. that you may have thereto: (2) De The power line from the Idaho The vote will be by ballot, upon termining and adjudging that you Power company is being put which will appear the three ques and each of you, have no interest, through. Holes for the poles are be tions to be voted upon as separate estate, lien or claim whatever, in questions as follows, to wit: or to said described property, and ing dug. ‘‘City of Nyssa Warrant Funding decreeing and determining that the Quite a crowd were at the W o lfe’s Bonds Yes” and “ City of Nyssa plaintiff has a good and valid fee simple title therein and thereto, N o" Sunday for the covered dish lunch Warrant Funding Bonds superior in right to each and all eon there. A program was given and “ Refunding Water Bonds Yes” “R e of your claims; and (3) that you treats of candy and nuts were giv funding Water Bonds N o” and each of you shall by decree of “Refunding Improvement Bonds this Court forever be enjoined and en to the kiddies. Yes” "Refunding Improvement debarred from asserting any claim Dee Hibbert is ill with flu this Bonds No'.’ or interest whatever in or to said week. And the voter will place a cross (x) land and premises adverse to the The Community Sunday school between the word “Bond" and the plaintiff: and (4) for such other word “ Yes” or between the word and further relief as to the Court will meet at E. C. Johnson's on Gray “Bond" and the word “ N o” , on each shall seem proper, and for plain boulevard next Sunday. of the three measures, which shall t iff’s costs and disbursements in this cause made and incurred. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Snyder and indicate his choice. You will take notice that this The polls for the reception of the son B ill visited with Mr. and Mrs. ballots cast for or against the summons is served on you under and by virtue o f and pursuant to Geo. Clowers Saturday afternoon. measure will, on said day and date an order of the Hon. R. J. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gonason. and the place aforesaid, be opened Circuit Judge of the Tenth Judicial Mr. and Mrs. Rommell Moss, and at the hour of 8 o'clock. A. M. and District, assigned to this cause, remain open until the hour of 8 Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson o f V al o'clock, P. M. of the same day. when made the 23rd day of December. 1939. directing that the summons ley View were Christmas dinner the same shall be closed. herein be published for four suc By order of the Common Council cessive weeks, including five publi guests of Mr. and Mrs Keith Moss of the City of Nyssa, Malheur Coun cations in the Nyssa G ate City in Nyssa. ty. Oregon, this 21st day o f De Journal, published at Nyssa. Oregon M r and Mrs. W iley Clowers. Mr. cember. 1939. C A R L H. COAD. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst, and Ralph Attorney for P lain tiff M. F. SOLOMON. Church of Nyssa were Christmas Residence and address City Recorder Nyssa, Oregon guests of M r and Mrs. George First Published 28 December. 1939 First publication Dec. 28. 1939 Clowers. Last Published 4 January. 1940 Last publication Jan. 2S. 1940. Legal Advertising m RIVERVIEW