PACE TWO mima NŸSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1989 Mrs. Page’s parents arrived on Wednesday to spend the holiday season. Jack Pettit and Roscoe Branom are among the many in this com munity now ill with the flu. The Terrel family, who recently moved onto the Pennington farm, have built a new house and Mr. Ter rel's parents will occupy that re cently vacated by the Penningtons. Ralph Barnes purchased a team of horses in Ontario this week. SURPRISE PARTY A wedding of much interest to On Wednesday evening compli their many friends in Nyssa was menting her fifteenth birthday an that of Miss Zeola Benton, daugh niversary, Mrs. C. L. McCoy invited ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ben seven of Gayle’s friends to a sur ton, to Clifford Nielson, son of Mr. prise party and Mrs. Edward Nielson, which The guests assembled at Mrs. Mc NEWELL HEIGHTS took place at a one o’clock cere Coy’s home and from there attend mony at the home of the bride’s ed the theatre. Afterwards they re The H. O. A. Club met with Mrs. parents Sunday afternoon. turned and the remainder of the McAbee Thursday, Dec. 21st The double ring nuptial service evening was spent in singing and Stanley tacked a comfort for her, after was read by the Rev. Millard Scher- doing justice to the refreshments. and which refreshments of pie and cof ich of the Methodist Community fee were served. 5 church. Mrs. Elwin McCready, sister Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz went to Banks, of the bride, was matron of honor At the Odd Fellows card party Idaho, Tuesday and attended the given at the Legion hall on Tues and the bridegroom's twin brother, funeral services of an uncle, A1 day evening only a very few of the Church. Clifton Nielson, was best man The bride chase for her wedding mo6t enthusiastic players were pres Mrs. C. B. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. dress an afternoon frock of blue. ent. Prizes for the evening's play Stanley Hill were shopping in Cald Following the ceremony a dinner were won by Mrs. E. J. Powell and was served to the bridal party and L. P. Thomas at contract and at well Tuesday. guests at the Benton home, which pinochle John Ostrom was the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and included Mr. and Mrs Edward Niel lucky player. Refreshments were Miss Grace Hill visited with their son, Lois and Elver, Mr. and Mrs. served after the games were ended. parents Tuesday night, Mr. and Elwin McCready, Nadine Crocker, High scores in the series to date j Mrs. C. B. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Nielson, Mr. are held by Roy Pounds at pinochle, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Firestone’s son and Mrs. Edward Pruyn. James and by Mrs. Ethel Crawford at contract and daughter and family were down Ronald, and Rev. Scherich. Out-of- and by Mrs. Nick Rudlick in auc from Yakima, Wash., over Christ town guests were Mr. and Mrs. tion. mas. Douglas Benton of La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Williams were The three-tier bridal cake which Leaves To Be Married— shopping in Caldwell Wednesday. the bride cut at the end of the din Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson and ner was a gift of her sister, Mrs. E. Miss Nadine Maynard announced | family were shopping in Boise Sat j before she left for Los Angeles last W. Pruyn. afternoon. Following the dinner Mr. and Mrs. | week that she would be married in urday Mrs. Ted Rogers and son Buddy Nielson left for a three days trip | that city on Wednesday. have been sick for over a week. to Boise and are now occupying the The Modern Pioneer club will apartment at the Dr. J. C. Bowman meet on January 3rd with Mrs. R. j DINNER GUESTS residence. R. Overstreet. Mrs. Nielson is a popular member A family dinner was held at the Will Woodruff and son Bill of the younger group and graduated P. M. Warren home on Wednesday. of Mrs. Union, spent Thursday afternoon from the Nyssa high school in the Those present were Mrs. Leon Bing- night at the H. B. Williams class of '38. She has been active in man and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Ed and church activities and for several Warren and their children. Miss home. Mrs. H. B. Williams and son months has attended to the office Mary Warren of Ontario, and Mrs. Ralph went with D. L. Anderson duties at Dr. Norcott’s dental office. Warren’s brothers, J. E. and Roy and family night to Nyssa Mr. Nielson was a member of the Haley of Prairie City and Merid and attended Friday the L. D. S. Christmas class of ’35 at the Hansen Idaho, ian. program. high school and is employed here In Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGlnis vis Nyssa. ited at the Willie McGinnis' at EVENING GUESTS Butte Thursday. THEATRE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot were Mitchell Henry Slippy received word this Mrs. H. R. Sherwood treated the Wednesday evening guests at the week his father had passed girls of the 4-H cooking Club, the Andrew Boersma home and enjoyed away in that Sacramento, Calif. Cheerful Cooks, to a theatre party several games of Monopoly. The Glascock family are home on Saturday afternoon. from La Grande for Christmas. Mrs. Cecil Smith was shopping in SUNDAY BREAKFAST Nyssa Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner en Dean Eachus, Francis, Audrey tertained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and Floyd Gossard were supper at a Christmas breakfast on Sunday guests in the W. E. Harris home morning. Friday evening and spent the re mainder of the evening playing cards. COOKING CLUB PARTY The Jitterbugs 4-H cooking club Qf Alberta Valley had their final JORDAN VALLEY meeting of the year at the Andy DR. J. C. BOWMAN Boersma home Friday evening. A A capacity crowd flocked to the Veterinarian Christmas party was enjoyed after theatre to witness “In Quest the meeting. Names were drawn and Cozy Santa Claus” and “The Inn at gifts exchanged among the mem of Bethlehem." The plays were under bers. Catherine Van Twisk and Lu the direction of Mrs. Scott and Miss cille Calvert won the two contests. Victor. Phone 39W To round out the evening, A taffy pull and games completed Santa Claus appeared and presented the program for the evening. gifts to everyone. Music was fur NYSSA LIBRARY nished by Mrs. Lawrence Chestnut Miss Dorothy Laca. OPEN SATURDAY LINCOLN HEIGHTS and Richard Rementaria, Sheldon 2:30 to 7:30 Tucker Skinner and Irene ALL PATRONS WELCOME I The Patch and Chat club met at Parks, Yturri are home from college for Librarian Mrs. S. B. Davis the Ralph Winslow home Thursday Christmas. afternoon for a Christmas party. Mrs. Donald Smith of Arock is in This was the beglnnilng of the sec Idaho visiting her mother. OPTOMETRIST See MeFall and See Better” ond year of this club. Mrs. Annie The J. V. Mustangs suffered their Harris, the new president, took defeat of the basketball season charge. Other new officers are Mary first when they lost 20 to 26 to Home- Winslow, vice-president, and Ruth dale. The Mustang scrubs topped Smith, secretary-treasurer. Games the Homedale second string 22 to 20 were played after which Christmas The high school had their annual gifts weer distributed. Christmas party Friday. Mr. Markee Marie Frank. Neva Barnes and the principal, received two gifts Smith served lunch. The next from the students. DR. J. A. McFALL Ruth meeting will be held January 18 at The high school Is being repainted the Archie Hawkins home. and the ceiling kalsomined. The EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON A pre-nuptial shower was held at work is being done by Mr. Lee and the Vern Smith home Saturday Mr. Burns. honoring Faye Smith, a bride-elect. For the first time this year the WYCKOFF Games played and advice was high school boys topped the girls JEWELRY STORE written were for the bride. Many gifts in scholarship. The honor roll was were received. Luncheon was served. as follows: Bee Skinner, Lee Stan Official Time Inspector for Guests were Mrs. Andrew Boersma, ford. Frank Loveland, Clarabelle Le Union Pacific June Webster. Betty Osterkamp, and Roy, Pete Araquistain. Gordon ONTARIO OREGON Irene Weeks of Nyssa; Fern Rook- Thornburg and Richard Bennett. stool, Leta Goodell, Ruth Branom, Mr. and Mrs. Elrodi returned from Kielhorn, Marjorie Ward, Boise on Friday. ROBT. D. LYTLE Dorette Eileen Findley, Mrs. Lee Smith and The high school gave its Christ mas dance December 25th in the Mrs. Ralph Barnes. ATTORNEY school gym. It was one of the And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Vern Smith bought a cow from high largest dances of the year with First National Bank Building Orval Green this week. Belle LeRoy in charge of all com Many from here attended a farm mittees Phone 86 and music being furnished sale west of Vale Saturday. VALE OREGON by an outside orchestra. Will McElroy. who has been con Marian Eigyren awarded first to hi shome because of illness. prize for selling the was most tickets to DR. C. A. ABBOTT fined Is Improving. Chiropractie Physician Lincoln school held its Christmas Office: 331 West Main St. program and party on Friday eve ning. Phone Í5 The effects of a fall confined Mr. Minlcke to his bed for several days. B E N T O N -N IE L S O N - - I - - Professional Cards -s- pleted at the camp are new floors in Ritchie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Melvin Spltze, Gladys and Ruth the senior play. and Oscar Bratton attended the Charlotte Mills and Mrs. Mills are Barracks 1 and 2, the re-painting B. Hoffman. of the mess hall, remodeling of the Donna Belle and Alva Goodell, jr carol singing at Nyssa Sunday eve visiting in Jordan Valley. educational building and the build were among those who attended the ning. Chris Shea is a Jordan Valley vis ing 4-H Christmas party at the Powell of a dry house. itor for the holidays. Add Huey, camp mechanic, has home Friday afternoon. The MacKenzies are spending been Topliff is ill in bed. VjECg 6 0 IMÓTO Christmas vacation in Boise Valley. gon. transferred to Pendleton, Ore Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman CONTINUE ÙIVIKIÛ They returned from a week-end in Harry Timmons bought and deco have moved in their new home. Aid. FEcE UNTIL Boise last Monday. THEV PUTA Live gifts were numerous in the rated the camp Christmas tree. T -iT Valley this Christmas. Among the Enrollee Art Townsend has been TA* OH IT VALLEY VIEW "animal gifts” were two Belgian chosen as the new assistant educa tional advisor. He replaces Kevin hares for Gordon Thornburg and a Shetland pony for Ethel and Opal Gillogly, who has returned to Chi A. A. Brattons got their electri city Thursday and John Paulson cago. Parks. drilled a well for them and struck Miss Helen Stults was a Christ About 110 new enrollees are ex water all of which made mas dinner guest at the home of Mr pected early in January to those a very Thursday nice Christmas present. recently discharged. The company and Mrs. L. R. Falen. Shef Whites and H. L. Brooks A large crowd attended the spe strength now stands at 83. will get their electricity the first of cial Christmas eve dance at the 5 the week. Marks hotel. Wilbur Holcomb is helping Mr. Thenon Elordi has left for Port BUENA VISTA Noah build a shed. land to study welding. Victor Acarregg has gone to Se Christmas dinner guests at the Mr. Wagner’s two sons from Wes attle where he will attend school. He H. L. Day home were Messrs, and ton, Oregon, are home for the holi Mesdames A. J. Sorensen and son, days. will stay with his brother. Sam Scott returned to Jordan Cecil Florea and family, Howard Walter Hahn was a Christmas Valley last Saturday from a weeks Day and daughters, Harold Robbins, dinner guest of the H. E. Noah fam Allen Thompson, all of Wilder, Ida ily. business trip to Portland. Miss Lucille Scott and Miss ho, Gayle Bruhn of Grand Island, W. E. Brown passed away Tues Schneider were Boise visitors re Nebraska, andMr. and Mrs. Alfred day evening. Jess Brown was here Scottand son of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. from McMinnville, Oregon. cently. Lawrence Del Grosso who has Claude Day and Ronnie were sup Mr. Erickson from Dead Ox flats bought some Ladino clover seed of been working on a dredge near per guests Christmas evening. Nampa, is in town visiting his folks. W. L. Jamison of Nampa, Chet A. A. Bratton this week. Mrs. Scott is being visited by her Jamison of Portland were Christmas Violet Turner visited home folks mother from Minnesota. the week-end. at the E. L. Jamison home. over from Recent out-of-town visitors have guests Vemor Deery left for Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage called at been Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bennett, the Jamison home Christmas eve the 17th of December. He has work ED and the “BOYS” there and his brother, Durward Orville Fretwell, Mr. and Mrs. Sa- ning. at bino Madariaga, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff had Deery lives there. Stearns, Vic Del Grosso, Mr. and as their Christmas dinner guests Shef Whites are enjoying a new Pruyn’s Garage Mrs. Paul Arritola, Lenore Madari Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Goodell and car. aga, Louis Yturri and Just Eisa- family of near Vale, Misses Fern Mr. Cochrum from Portland and Phone 56W Gerald Goodfellow called at the guirre. Rookstool and Ramona and Winona 2nd and Main Sts. Mr. Markee has secured additional were Christmas dinner Bratton ranch. games for the Mustangs to play in family guests at the Alva Goodell home. several nearby towns. Jack Brodie returned home Sat Part of one wall was slightly dam urday from Corvallis and is visiting aged in Louis Yturri’s new pool hall his parents, when the flue did not function Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. properly. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Toni Yturri is visiting his parents Jamison. for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Mrs. Wise narrowly escaped seri boys, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff ous injuries when an oil stove ex and family and Mr. and Mrs. Alva ploded. No one was hurt and very Goodell and children attended the little damage done. party of the Chatterbox club Stanford Bennett is home from annual held at the CCC camp Wednesday Burns. S. K. Skinner and Bob Gulch were evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and in town on business Saturday. Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks and and Garnet Belle, Mr. and Mrs. ¿A jj family, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parks, Glenn Hoffman were Christmas Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Parks and fam dinner guests at the S. B. Hoffman (j ily and Guy Parks were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. home. Harold and Archie Wells of Home- S. Parks. Kenneth Pierce were Ed Smith, son-in-law of Domingo dale and dinner guests at the Yturri, is in Jordan Valley for the Christmas Ralph Boyles home. holidays. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sorensen of Shirley Scroggins has sold the Wilder week-end visitors at “Welcome and Lunch Club” to Mrs. the H. L. were “Satisfaction With Every Day home. Joyce Palmer. Transaction” Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and The J. V. Mustangs and their Dean were Caldwell visitors Friday. Southwest of “Y” coach took in the exhibition bas Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Phone 110 Nyssa ketball game of the Harlem Globe Garnet Belle are visiting with Mrs. Trotters at Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hahn of Arock took in the basketball game here. Jordan Valley is undergoing a mild flu epidemic. Among those who are ill are Virginia Elrodi, Robert Elrodi, Mrs. Joe Yturraspe and Del- ? *4 phinia. CCC Camp 3690 News improves your bargain The enrollees of camp 3690 ate 120 lbs. of turkey for Christmas din ner. They also made away with 75 under ^Step-Down77 Rates lbs. of fruit cake. Among the alterations being* com- NEW YEAR We wish to thank our many customers for their Patronage yfcfliP duringthepastyear Stunz Lumber Company 4 As you use more electric service, you buy it at decreasing rates. That means that each day’s use of electricity added to the others, helps make a bigger bargain of the bill that comes at the end of the month. LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK And in the same way, if you reduce your use of electric service, with the idea of making a saving, you also sacri fice the best part of your bargain, for the reduction comes at the lowest rate you have earned. Idaho Power’s electric rates are among the lowest anywhere in the nation, and rates have been reduced 21 times since 1927. The people of southern Idaho and eastern Oregon have taken full advantage of the privileges of Cheap Electricity, for they use more elec tric service than almost any other group. Use your electric service freely. It’s a bargain that grows better as you buy more of it. PROPER INSURANCE PROTECTION Assures you of money when you need it the most. TALK OVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS WITH— Bernard Eastman REAL ESTATE FIRE and AUTO INSURANCE Phone 64 Nyssa Our Job Is Furnishing Homes Nordale Furniture Store Nyssa > I EACH DAY HAPPY NEW YEAR Geo. C. Henneman, Owner Phone 106 r Phone 94 After You’ve "STEPPED D O W N " Your Electric Rate D O N ’T STEP BACK Your electric rate be comes cheaper as you use more electric service IO A H O V POWER lS oU T U £ t ií;Í I \ J