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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1939)
PAGE TWO NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1939 mmm BIRTHDAY DINNER A group of the younger set gave a no-host dinner at the Moore ho On Friday, December eighth, the tel in Ontario on Monday evening engagement oi Miss Jean Lorensen complimenting the birthday anni of 8unset Valley to Mr. Willard versary of Miss Charlena Crawford. Whitman of Oregon Trail was an nounced at a dinner party at the CARD PARTY home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. The third in the series of card Kenneth Lorensen. parties sponsored by the Odd Fel Christmas season favors and lows and given at the Legion hall decorations with lighted candles was poorly attended on Tuesday were used at the table where cov evening. ers were laid for fourteen. Prizes at contract were won by Mrs. Ethel Crawford and Miss Char lena Crawford and at pinochle by J. W. Hughey and Mrs. Cliff Greer. BETROTHAL ANNOUNCED W in te r Energy SUNDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. William E. Schire- man entertained at dinner on Sun day Mr. and Mrs. James Bushong and Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. Clarence Brewster entertain ed a foursome at dessert and bridge on Wednesday. - — Build up your chil dren’s energy against winter with G ate C ity Dairy M ilk and Cream Morning and Evening Deliveries Phone 104W 5 - V. F. W BANQUET The annual V. F. W. banquet was held on Friday evening at the Par ish hall. The Parma post were guests for the evening and there were several non-members in the city invited. L. E. Fry was chairman in charge of arrangements and was assisted by Mrs. Charles Paradis, Mrs. Geo. McKee and Mrs. Fry, members of the auxiliary. Elmer E. Cloninger was toastmas- | ter for the evening and following j the dinner and program Chinese checkers and pinochle were played. Announcing a New Service $ 5 Autom obile Accident Policy and $ 5 Medical Reimbursement Policy NEW REDUCTIONS on P. D. & P. L. Insurance • You cannot afford to be without this new low cost protection FR A N K T. MORGAN Nyssa Phone 97 SHOP E A R L Y - < £ and be sure to Or der Your M c C lu re Bakery Fruit Cake NOW ! Made from selected spices and fruits —our FRUIT CAKES are truly tempt ing—giving added zest to holiday meals. 1 to 5 POUNDS • V * V -*<• r #1 7 Keep Your Home Cozy-Warm With GORDON CREEK COAL • It’» ALL FUEL— giving you MORE FOR YOUR FUEL DOLLAR Not a clinker in a carload A L T H O M P S O N 6- S O N COAL— GRAIN— FEED Phone 26 FFA Banquet Postponed— The Future Farmer's parent and son banquet originally scheduled (or December 14. has been postponed until Monday. December 18, due to the sudden death of the mother oi Robert Sawyer. Smith-Hughes in structor. Oscar Williams is taking charge of the Future Farmer activities dur ing the absence of Mr. Sawyer. ning. Mrs. A. P. Goodell won wo men's high prize and Ed Topliff won Men's high prize. Mr. and Mrs.-M. Davis and family were callers at the Larkin home in Ontario. TO HOLD FIRST AID CLASSES BIG BEND—The Jolly Janes met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Joe King and plans were completed for a first aid lesson project which opened Monday evening at Wade school house with Mr. Crowley of MAKES COSTUMES FOR CANTATA All Kinds of Pies— Cake*— Pastries— Cookies • 8 - Robert Sawyer left for the family home in Delake on Monday morn ing after receiving word that his mother had passed away there on Sunday. Phone 20 >. - r> MR AND MRS CLUB Mr and Mrs Arthur Boydell en tertained the Mr. and Mrs. club at a dinner and contract on Wednes day evening last. High scores at cards were made by Mr George family left Sunday for their old Mitchell and Mrs. Buraall Brown. home in Nebraska. They have been working for Jake Groot since last GUILD ENTERTAINED spring. Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell was host Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marostica ess for the Guild of St. Paul's Epis attended the annual bazaar and copal church on Wednesday after dance of the Catholic church in noon at her home. A short business Vale Saturday night. session at which the plans for the Ira Ure went to Ogden, Utah, on Sunday school Christmas party were Thursday. completed, was followed by a social Miss Mary Gardner oi Nyssa spent hour. Coffee was poured by the Sunday with Wanda Ure. hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnhart and son returned to their home in TUESDAY NIGHT CLUB Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Boydell entertained Mary Lou, daughter of Mr. and the Tuesday evening contract club Mrs. Jack Schenk, has been out of at her home this week, inviting Mrs. school for two weeks because of ill A. C. Sallee as guest for the eve ness. ning. Prizes were won by Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Mitchell and D. Norcott and Mrs. Frank Morgan. family spent Sunday at Ira Ure’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duyn called on WEDNESDAY NIGHT BRIDGE Angelo Marosticas Thursday after Mrs Charles Leuck entertained noon. the Wednesday night bridge club Jake Groot had a load of young this week and only members at steers shipped in to feed Friday tended. Prizes were won by Mrs. evening. Klaas Tensen, Mrs. Robert Thomp Mrs. Ira Ure and Wanda went to son and Mrs. Aden Wilson. Ontario Tuesday to do some shop ping. Miss Evelyn Zittercob was one oi LINCOLN HEIGHTS a group of young folks that left for Threshing was in progress in this La Grande Friday morning to rep- community the past week until it reesnt the Ontario student body at was stopped by the rain. Ed John the student council meeting. Harold Turner, son of Mrs. Ge. son threshed clover, Ray Whitsell and Ralph Barnes threshed grain Brooks, was taken to the Shriner's and there are some farmers who hospital in Portland last week for treatment. have grain left to thresh. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Garrion went Vem Smith was a business visitor to Ellis Warner’s last Sunday for in Nyssa Saturday. Therm on Johnson has been trap dinner in honor of Mrs. Garrion's ping coyotes in this community the birthday. past few weeks. Emil Frank and Roscoe Brannon WILLING WORKERS were in Boise Monday. Orla Bishop's mother and brothers HOLD MEETING have returned to their home in Colorado. MITCHELL BUTTE—The WilUng Avery Anderson has completed a Workers club met with Mrs. Anne four-wire fence around his farm. Mitchell. A pot luck dinner was Faye Smith of Ontario spent the served at noon and sewing was week-end with her parents. done for the hostess. Lincoln P. T. A. met Thursday Russell Talbot has started dig afternoon for a business meeting. ging a big barn in the side hill. Chris Rooks tool has wheat plant Tom Lowe is building a tenant ed and corrugated for next spring. house. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Whitlock are Mr. and Mrs. Houston have mov at the home of her parents, Mr. and ed up to their ranch house near the Mrs. Ed Johnson. dam. They will stay there and fin Mrs. Sayers has been quite ill and ish repairing the ranch. is now recovering from a recent State trappers are camping near operation. the river. They have been trapping Orla Bishop and Mr. Eighme have coyotes. been clearing land. Mr. Paige and Alvan Marrs returned home last son. who moved onto the Ray Whit week from visiting with his grand sell farm this fall, have been busy father. I. A. Marrs at Star. Idaho. clearing. Mrs. Ida Kielhom has had some RICHLAND prospective renters reecntly. Several farmers in this community hav. The Chatterbox club met at the land for sale or rent. home of Mrs. H. V. Maw Wednes William Me Elroy Sr. has been ill day afternoon. at his home here. He is in bed part Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams enter of the time. tained at a card party Saturday eve Mother Passes Away— McClure Bros. Bakery r % V- —I — BRIDGE DINNER Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan en- 1 tertained at dinner and contract on Tuesday evening. Prizes at cards were won by Mrs Ray Larson and Mr. Kent Morgan | ARCADIA—The Arcadia Sunshine club met Thursday at the auditor ium of the school building. There was a large attendance. The guests were Mrs. Frank Rogers. Mrs. Chas. Barnhart. Misses Evalena Brewer and Nadine Maynard. The afternoon was spent in cutting out costumes for the characters in the school cantata to be given Thursday eve ning. Dec. 21. The next club meet ing is the Christmas party at Mrs. Darrell Williams on Wednesday, Dec. 20 Bill Hipp and Mrs. Lloyd Orris were the hosts of this last meeting. Mr and Mrs Angelo Marostica and family attended a birthday sur prise party at Mr. and Mrs Abe Borberis' Thursday evening in hon or of Mr Borberis' birthday. O. F Oarrion and Theo Matherly j went to the hills this week after poles and wood. Miss Leona Fanner spent Mon- I day night with Arlene Savage of Ontario. Mrs. Howard Salser of Nyssa call- I ed on Mrs. Elmer Stradley Thurs- I day afternoon. Mrs. Fanner and Martin went to Emmett Saturday evening to get Clifford Farmer, who works there The county is working the road on the western end of Oem avenue. Ben Eason, who has been living with Oranton Eason, has gone to Caldwell. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Eason, who have been working for Ira Ure. I went to LaOrmnde the first of the week on business. Mrs Charles Splawn spent Satur day with Mrs. Ray McIntyre of On tario. Mr and Mrs Lee Davenport and basement Thursday afternoon, Dec. Caldwell acting as instructor. Meet- : OREGON TRAIL 21st, to help fill candy bags ings will be held Monday and Wed P. T. A. MEETS nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Roberts and OREGON TRAIL—Oregon Trail , Mr and Mrs. Dyre Roberts attend ed the Adrian Grange bazaar Friday P. T. A. held their December meet- , ing Friday evening at the school evening. house Plans were made for the Mrs. Roy Moore and Ralph spent Christmas decorating and treats. A i last Sunday visiting her daughter short program followed with Mrs. ' Velta in Boise. Wm. Duffy reading a paper “For j Mr and Mrs. Walter Bishop and Want of a Nail," in connection with j Mr. and Mrs. Virl Bishop transacted American youth. A round table dis- j business in Boise Friday. cussion followed. Refreshments were | Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were served at the close of the meeting, j Herbert Jones is visiting with his shopping in Caldwell Wednesday. Several different buyers have been parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones. I Leonard and Elmer Olson are I in this vicinity the past week buy building a house on their farm near j ing scrap iron. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker and Malheur Butte. Iola and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and j Parker and children of Adrian were Estelle of Ten Davis visited Sunday I shopping in Caldwell and Nampa at the F. G. Holmes home. Wednesday. Ben Ashby is building a new house | O. V. Packwood is building a large on his farm. addition to his home. Helen Shoop. who has been seri Walt Bishop is driving a new ously ill. is recovering. sedan. Erie Mausling, who is working in Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers and chil TRI-PLEX Cleaning McEwen's sheep camp on Bully dren were Sunday dinner guests at Creek, was an overnight guest of the F. G. Holmes home. will revitalize your Arch Parker Sunday. The Merry Matrons club will hold winter clothing. Guests in the E. E. Parker home a no-hostess Christmas party at Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hanry the F B. Rookstool home Wednes Hatch and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred day afternoon, Dec. 20. All mem Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon bers should plan to attend and bring Parker and children of Adrian. Pollyanna gifts an dcookies. DELIVERY s e r v ic e Arch Parker spent Sunday in the Ladies of the community are ask PHONE 74 Bert LaRue home in Vale where ed to please come to the school his wife is caring for her mother. Mrs. LaRue will have the cast re moved from her neck this week, but will have to remain in bed for some time. Walter Bishop transacted business BROKEN AUTO GLASS IS DANGEROUS in Nampa and Nyssa Monday. Don’t put o ff having that broken glass replaced Mr. and Mrs. George Swigert were Thursday guests in the B. G. Rob — the cost is very reasonable. erts home. The 8-20 club met at the home of Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerff in Adrian Friday and since Thursday was her birthday, she was presented a show K. M. Newell er of handkerchiefs. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eachus and Nyssa North of the “ Y’ children were shopping in Caldwell Saturday. Mrs. Homer Brewer and daughter spent Wednesday visiting her sis ter Mrs. Applegate in Wilder. Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerff and Mrs. Vernon Parker wee shopping in Boise Monday, while Mrs. E. E. Parker took care of her grand children. READY FOR WINTER /I r N V S S A T A ILO R SHOP DANG ER! BEW ARE! N YSSA A U TO CO. »I « YOUR PORTRAIT- The Perfect Personal Gift that only you can give H. E. C. BAZAAR HELD AT NEWELL HEIGHTS NEWELL HEIGHTS—On Friduy night, Dec. 8. the H. E. C. of the Grange held a bazaar, also the M. and M. circle gave a supper and joint program. Later a group from Ontario with Mrs David McAuley as the committee chairman of Christmas seals, and members of the dramatics class of Ontario high school presented a program Mrs. Palin and Mrs. Parker were shopping in Ontario last Tuesday. Mrs. Wood took their son to Dr. Kerby for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harris took J. E. Walker to Fruitland ond Pay ette Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E Harris. Joe Deffenbaugh and J E. Walker of Newell Heights attended a farewell party for Eugene Pratt last Sat urday night. Mrs. Joe Wistos of Alturas, Calif., is visiting her brother, Alvon Mc Ginnis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith attend ed the Farm-All show and program in Nyssa Tuesday. Tommy Russell has purchased a new John Deere tractor. Maurice Judd's mother and brother. Gordon Judd, wife and son were dinner guests of the R. R. Overstreets Sunday. Eugene Pratt is the proud owner of a new 1940 Chevrolet. ) ------ 9 ------- PORTRAITS from $3.50 per doz. ------ 9 ------- • SPECIAL UNTIL 6 CHRISTMAS 1-8x10 Enlargement with each dozen 3x5 or larger ------ C l ------ V /7 SNOOK STUDIO Raymond Nations, Manager Across From Journal Office NYSSA G ifts F o r E v e r y o n e The Nyssa Pharmacy is well-stocked with gifts for persons of all ages. Come in and make your selection early TOILET SETS WRIST WATCHES ] ^ — *» : STATIONERY PEN and PENCIL SETS >1 ' COMB and BRUSH SETS F U R N IT U R E SOCIETE Chocolates KODAKS ALADDIN FLOOR LAMPS Approved by Under writers laboratories As Low As *8 .5 0 CHILDRENS OVER STUFFED CHAIRS * 3.65 Ci OTTOMANS BILL FOLDS SMOKERS SUPPLIES WRIST WATCHES COFFEETABLES Removable Glass Tray Top. Walnut Finish - - ELECTRIC SHAVERS /I * w PEN and PENCIL SETS LEATHER BILL FOLDS n -9- CHRISTMAS CARDS CORN POPPERS TOYS END TABLES Inlaid Woods *1.3 5 to »3.85 MAGAZINE RACKS *5 .2 5 to * 6 .9 0 -------------9 --------------- ---------- 9 ---------- Nordale Furniture Store PHONE M -------------------------------------- SHAVING SETS " 9 TREE DECORATIONS 9 9 -9 -n - Compartment for SQ JC Storing Books, etc W - >3 ri NYSSA -s --------------o ---------------s - NYSSA PHARMACY Your Rexall Store Phone 14 NIGHT PHONE— Mr. Adkinson— 71