Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1939)
/ NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1939 PAGE EIGHT T bt - - C s k ot th* R t- *■—■ »>« w d a d d » rooked ¡ x í i» > u ¿ bu u mg » as t a aéd bank e c jd - Society Saturday D e o s a r I t e MORO AS M U GARDEN CLCB b aatsx ot the Tt *r ir!gn - t j tea- i tear, toe lu t ot the I t e ja t P 1 .1 G artea c b k bead at the G iec Stete? u s » bo Nywa H eight' cm Thxrvdaj n t s x ( te s ts axis a 9 « H am s pneaadexii; M rs Scanty H dl n ce-presdent Mrs. Carl H ill trea surer and Mrs Jtaa Sugg seere- iary The next meeting will be 00 January 2nd. The Judd family cele brated their second Thanksgiving Thursday at a family dinner in Parma Idaho The regular December P. T. A. meeting will be held at Kingman Kokxty school December 14 at 8 p. m A doctor and nurse will speak cn contagious diseases Mr. and Mrs Kurtz and Merle went to Will Gobiey’s for the Idaho Thanksgiving Mary and Martha group supper will be at the Kingman K olocy school December 8 Also there will be a free program. Mrs. Dorothy Cummings and in fant son of Meridian Ida., are vis iting at the Alvar. McGinnis home Secu Smith took Mr and Mrs W W Smith to Ontario Saturday. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Harris and Joe Deffenbaugh spent the day on Sunday as the W W. Deffenbaugh home p a rr o c Thunday. S o i W Their ra te s gsftoded Mr and Mrs W is e Pox of Nyiaa Mr and Mrs Carey Eco. asad P ili of Apt,-* Val- > 7 ash Mr and Mrs Ctarexsce Bet ta* of Wesse? « U n o » PARTY Mr s o r Mr * l n .it P Thcenas tu n tsia e d wani tx e tabea of o cc- tracs cat Proas; mxUDg. Tfaeir guana aere Mr u c M r. James lo ck e n tr e r th e a t . t <hac b e te « a j o t c j Mr and Mrs A L F e tc r - HOLLOW n u t tt jc c a (tin u iu d i d p r tjtr- s arad Mr arsa Mr and M n Htmz By The H s y r F sraarr , ed by she la t t a . a rm et Mr B u ib K f and Mr 1 At the sa u n e » secete« fei D r t ? so rte e s« xsade ' Must of thie Com Hztxrm fanners acería piana Of the hau u c i « ar-T-ng poet are ya*n "peacefully abiding". Oar to be b a i; m the rea ; funere aere SUNSHINE CLCB pazn years crop tt Harvested and The Scm rtm e elise neies an ali , j a h eg u k je : unUl spnng The next m ettrt? r ¿ be o c De- l i 7 meeting ar the Toes Jocrtsoo and la s* so pul m anomer crop teetbe? I4th at the Bennett ¿rene cosDXij .itene o c Tseadaj si ter- Jan Trummei n a n « : U) piow ta d n ie and all pericets | ~ * of ina e-over g ri.n d but u is interested m te e a e rr-tj gardai de A ro .', tri teer, n e cs e rs aere pcea- r a r e r dry and be said it is too .h o ç t a t ; are s » .'. sestease to at- en: 10 enjoy the covered ianeh- a^aeh for just two horses. so be «OD *rei x prepare for Use ■ «"» • baas.; make ¿be raise of another __|__ bone. o r n a s g te sts •WEDDING a w r w p jta p y Bbl Parker is p io r r ^ scale of bis Mr and Mrs Cîdîord Pta enter In aiebrau oc oi -.berr lin e wed- bc«c«n Mad. He wants to do seme tained at a T s m t r r r t dmner annrrersary Mr and Mrs. ierebng c c tt. Tins particular field Harold P X ch er «neream ec wk L he says "I bare pat a crop ca it three la b ia of bridge on Monday twice now b e; earid n l water It. so ereciag. now I am going to fix it so I can JUST-A-MERE CLUB X ^ r G / ve St//c ¿3 P rats were won by Mrs. Bernard water it-" Bill epects to seed a lot MEETING HELD r s i-M r Mr and Mrs Charles ot alfalfa ¿ext spring He says be tbmt l o o k s h e m e p ' Paradis and Mr. Lyle Fullmer. is done with red clover NYSSA HEIGHTS—The Just-a- n f W EA R LO G G E R —|— E io r o o e expects td seed a lot of Mere club met at the home of Mrs ad alia next spring. DINNER GUESTS V. L. Kesler with Mrs. Harry G a- y • d $ & i Most e-reryooe in Cow Hollow han hostess. Friday The Misses Harriet and Isabel afternoon. C fifP fS wen; into town T-esday nigh; to Sarazm had as their Sunday dinner There were 16 members present. sign up for their 1333 soil conserra- guests. Miss Katherine A .,m m of Guests were Mrs. Dan Davis of • h 'j Hidir ipacial hrrvt-coiafr**f-lwiit Boise Miss Marzerte rg and aon checks. We will neve? know, Homecale. Idaho and her mother. bu; would place a be: that ’-¿ere Mrs Wright of Pwin Falls. Idaho. crepe cOM inictfon that gives th è « Miss Irene Poage was not one half as many acres of long«? Gfe **d treerer too 4 — end A V v f The afternoon was spent cutting —3— • A* ^ alfalfa seeded in Cow Hollow in and sewing blocks for Mrs Howard they’re not the <*vonte* of « I the LEAGUE MEETS iv 3 wo'nmm 0*1 your Chrittm es Est, it's The Junior Good PeDowiinp 1338 as we signed iniennocs to seed Saker A miscellaneous shower was only because they haven't tried them! League met at the Sarazm home on when we filled out car blanks las; also given to Mrs, Jim Moss. Mr and Mrs. Leon Wright spent Monday evening with their gifts for spring Every -senen »ho ge*s Mojud Crepes Clarence Niccum has made an Thanksgiving Nov. 30 with relatives the mtssicnary box sent each year •rii be especieRy pleased »itti their agreement with Ben Cleaver (an a; the Dan Davis home at Home- to needy children of other ctaunun- HoEyw bod-styied Screenfit* Shades other ¡isserm a n • to have him help dale. ithex end «itfc you. for the esce Sent teste Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Botner ac There was also an election of o f until the 1 MC crop is harvested for you've displayed ' ficers a : which Jean Taylor was a share of the crop. Clarence says companied by their daughter, Mrs. chosen as president. Margaret Sara- -This land will p m too valu Roger Tucker and Mrs. Vernon s n as vice-president and Jimmy able a crop to keep cn letting it lay Martin of Nyssa. made a business id> ' Now they are as busy as bees trip to Nampa Saturday. Pror. as secretary railing and burning Teeds «oh those Mr and Mrs. P J Cahill. Mr M O JU D —3— ternble tumble weeds so they can and Mrs. Will Clemens and Mr. TUESDAY BRIDGE i level and prepare the balance of Cahill s sister of Hollywood, visited Mrs George Sallee entertained ! the place for next spring's seeding Men’s and Ladies' W earing Apparel at the John Quigley home Sunday the members of the Tuesday con Third and Main street« Arch Eastman has a very nice tract dub at a prettily appointed pile of fine poles that he has haul evening. Mr and Mrs. Ivor Peterson of dessert bridge Tables were decorat ed down front the r:Tte He says ed with lighted candles and the most every day someone stops and Adrian were Sunday guests at the Christmas decorations carried out pries to talk him out of some erf John Quigley home Mer.diola has a band of sheep in the reems Guests for the after them. They sure are a fine thing noon were Mrs Carl Coad and Mrs to have around to use for a thou stationed on the Quigley and An Herbert Fisher and nigh score was sand different purposes or. a new derson ranches. Made with the famous Mr and Mrs. W ill Clemens and won by Mrs George J M itchell land farm. Mr Cahill's sister from Hollywood W H IT M A N ’S Chocolate Chuck Share has a load of about are visiting at the F J. Cahill EASTERN STAR a hundred of thoee dandy poles in home. The regular meeting and election his barnyard, too He also is the and O W Y H E E -M A ID Ice Robert Smith Jr. is helping John of officers held by the members of only farmer in Cow HsUow to have Quigley with the building of his the E aston Star in the Masonic enough sagebrush for wood hauled new bouse. Cream— hall on Monday evening was voted and piled near his chopping block Mrs Dan Davis and children of by those present as one of the most to do rum until spring But with a Energy-building - delicious Homedale and her mother. Mrs. pleasant in a long time life's companion in the hospital Wright of Twin Palls. Idaho, were — Other Fountain Services A pot hick dinner proceeded the facing a major operation, it is hard house guests at the Leon Wright regular meeting for even Chuck to feel cheerful. HOT COFFEE home the last of the week HOT CHOCOLATE Officers elected for the ensuing Several of our Cow Hollow farm Mr and Mrs. John BarthoSoma CHILI-CON-CARNE year were: Worthy Matron. Mrs. ers are going to try to get some were Monday dinner guests at the SOUP Bernard Pros’ ; Assistant Worthy more cows through the P S A Silas Hoffman home in Buena Vista PIES SANDW ICHES Matron. Mrs William E Schirem an: loan and in the afternoon all went to Worthy Patron. Bernard Frost, As- Kay Hunter says “I would like Nyssa.; Worthy Patron. Leo Hollen- for someone just to try to get my Delbert Malloy and Jim Gahan W H I T M A N ’ S CHOCOLATES berg: Treasurer, Mrs Fred Sessler; goat." A while back a nice young went to Emmett Saturday and pur cecretary. Mrs Dick Tensen: con billy goat of the milking strain chased each a thoroughbred sow for ductress. Mrs. E D N orcott: assist came to Kay s place and just took their P P A project They ac ant conductress. Mrs Eldon Jen up his home there He has tried t o ; companied their teacher, Mr. Saw sen. run him o ff but it doesn't do any yer There will be an installation of good. Phone 29 Jess Ford and son Jack, while officers on Monday evening. Dec Dude Parker is getting lots of trapping for coyotes, caught two 18th weeds burned this fa ll He surely Next to Idaho Power Ny»*a bob cats about *, mile west of the had a generous supply to work on canal. but he has a couple of Missourians THURSDAY BRIDGE Mrs Ray Larson was hostess for to help him. too. Mr and Mrs George Gabriei have Add Months of ( the members of the Thursday after noon bridge club and Invited Mrs gone to their old home in Sumpter Wear to Your Shoes! j Bumall Brown. Mrs A. C. Sallee Valley on a business and vacation ; and Mrs Bernard Pros’, as guest ’.rip. They have about decided to | players. dispose of the old home. They think High scores were made by Mrs Cow Hollow is good enough for Sallee for the guests and by Mrs. them. Most of us Hoilowites on the south Arthur H Boy dell for the member! side thought that those on the THURSDAY EVENING BRIDGE Dorth couldn’t have stock The Thursday evening bridge club P°nds. We thought that sand would was entertained by Mrs E. J Powell 1301 hokl wMT ior wlnt« ' last week with Mrs Charles Leuck Parker, Elza Niccum and Dude playing as a guest Prizes were won P lrk fr b»** « « * P°o<is <® the by Mrs George Sallee Mrs Omer north ^ and darned if the poorest Adklnson. and Mrs R O. Whitaker. coe “ »‘t b « * 1' than the best one Have them REBUILT _____________________ on the south side and there are six the modem wav with U D. S. Bazaar— them on the south side cow Stockings M OJUD $1 Atkeson’s Store Hot FUDGE SUNDAES Vernon Walker moved the first of the week u> CaidwelL Carl Choate and Ray Seiser spent ThankJgmng with home folks. They are attending the youth school at Welier. Veraon Walker and William BiakesMe of Nyssa spent Thurs day evening at the E P. Anderson home Those enjoying a basket dinner Thanksgiving day. Nov 30 at the O J. Kurtz home were Mr and Mrs. O. E Mitchell, daughter Louise and granddaughter Bettle Jean. Mr and Mrs Jim Wheelock and Shirley Joe of Nampa. Mr Ray Benedict, Roy and Claude of Rlverview vicin ity. Mr and Mrs. Carl Roth and son Ronald. Mr Mary Roth of near Nyssa and Mrs Dan Corbett Mr and Mrs. Meyers from Bead- man, Oregon, visited at the John Quigley home and Mrs. Quigley ac companied them to Bone. Mr and Mrs Virgil McGee and children of Richland spent Sunday Will Get This Beautiful Bicycle for Christmas? ! church will hold * ,o f b £ a i Da ^ i cooked food sale in the old Cash ! Grocery store building on Saturday | December 9th. READY FOR WINTER m ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS '* ’• * 11 I Santa Clause G O LD E N RULE S T O R E ‘Make It Right Store” N jtmb Oregon _____ NEWELL HE1GHT8—The M od em Pioneer club met with Mrs H B Williams on Tuesday. Nov 28 New officers were elected for the coming year as follow s: Mrs W E. A B B O T T ’S SAT. DEC. 9 Nyssa Realty Office by W A H I N E CLUB P H O TO and CAM ERA SHOP IN N Y S SA Featuring the New FLO RESC EN T Light—Cool-Comfortable-No Glare W e are equipped to do all types of Portrait and Commercial work, and have in stock a COMPLETE LINEof CAMERAS and CAMERA SUPPLIES Your Portrait Is a Perfect Gift! Your portrait is a gift that remains long after the Christmas season is past. It will grow in value as time passes . . make fondest memories more vivid. Come In! Ask About Our OPENING SPECIALS! ------------------------O ------------------------ SNOOK STUDIO Raymond Nations, Manager Across From Journal Office NYSSA FURNITURE fir C h rist J° 9 * Every home can use furniture or home acces sories. Below are a few of the many articles suitable for the home that we have in stock. Come In! Look them over! ■UM I SAMPSON BRIDGE TABLES SAMPSON Quality is well known and is always an ac ceptable gift. I. B. Allen S r SPFX1AL $2.50 MIRRORS Mirrors c a n always _ * be used. W e have a rrom *1 large stock of plain . A $<i l c and etched mirrors. n SMOKING STAND Chrome and Enamel. A gift that every man will en^oy^ $ 1 1 C . $ q C C Specially Priced I * I u J* J J Delicious Pies and Cakes For Real Enjoyment! •> OUR FRU IT CAKES Have a delirious Fruit Flavor . . . a doveri Last j fruiti go into theur rich fruit rakes. ..... DELIVERY SERVICE t h o n e :« BAKED FOOD BAZAAR SHOE SHOP 3 Oc NYSSA TAILOR SHOP and ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE OPEN ING OF THEIR— Next U Nyssa Cafe PUMPKIN and MINCEMEAT Pies that will please every taste! Fresh baked, each TRI-PLEX Cleaning will revitalize your winter clothing. FANCY WORK S N O O K S T U D IO BRIDGE AND* TABLE LAMPS Don't hesltate any looger to get the best dessen in town Come in and choose right now ' Write A Letter To Santa Clause TELLING HIM W H A T YOU W O U L D LIKE, OF THE M A N Y BEAUTIFUL GIFTS ON DIS PLAY AT THE GOLDEN RULE. You might also make a suggestion for Dad and Mother. Anv age is eligible. Lloyd Adams. YOU R LETTER W ILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE AT THE DR AW IN G ON SA TU R D A Y BE FORE CHRISTMAS. MAIL YOUR LETTER T O : N E W INVISIBLE SOLES MODERN PIONEERS HOLD MEETING PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR ONE NOW McClure Bros. Bakery Phone 20 All Kinds ml Ptau—Cakuu—Pastries—Cuukies 1 Announcing - - - OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY WHO afternoon at the James Malloy .tome Mrs MaDoy is a sister of Mr McGee Harold Choate came home front Twin Palls. Idaho, after narrowly escaping from oesng senously in jured when the driver of a tractor backed over him X -rays showed only a very badly brassed hip. $3.50 to $8.75 NEW! CHROME BAKELITE 5 Piece Dinette Set Words cannot describe this beau- tiful set. Come in and expect a surprise— in Q U A L I T Y ' AS W ELL AS PRICE! Regular $53 SPECIAL at $48.95 Nordale Furniture Store PHONE 44 NTSSA * *