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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1939 PAGE FIVE to Christmas and its needs. Already wise mother who has a bottle of tlie gay trimmings are beginning to a something T 1 « « ■> » . o ut Oakum h ™ Patient Improved— close by to prevent the Beaumont " were in Ontario on I busl Mrs. Glen Suiter show in window decorations and burn from blistering. was hostess to » Sunday. medicine ness last Tuesday. i the Chatterbox club Wednesday the Christmas pretties finding their shelf be lacking in this If the Mrs. Artie Robertson, who has to the Mr. and Mrs. Qlen Suiter enter- been way to the display counters and the Owyhee Drug store canst a trip at home for the past two soon rem Ralph Haworth chopped hay for Eighteen members were present, tained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamilton wise merchant telling all through edy it for there they do have on C. C. Cotton. Beaumont and Toomb omcers for the new year werelof Wllder at dinner 8unday eye_ weeks, ill was improved enough to be the advertisements that he has not hand some fine first alders of all Friday and Saturday. up and able to enjoy the Thanks elected been found wanting, but has a spe sorts. I ning, the occasion being Mr. Suit Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston re Tevus Sweet, who is attending er s birthday. giving holiday. cial stock of everything a body "Tis scarce more than there weeks turned home Sunday from Cali could wish for or need. now till comes the shortest day of fornia where they spent Thanks sch°°l at Caldwell, visited at the O. W. Daniels. Jim Daniels. A. I. Daughter Visits— And just this past week we saw the year and of a truth the dark giving with Mr. Pinkston’s sisters. home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. Morgan of Holcomb and Ray Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black of on the counter at the Wilson gro ness doest set in early and stay late and Mrs. John Quigley over the son of Deerfield, Kansas, visited at Yakima are visiting with Mrs. cery bazaar a counter stacked high these days. And what with the f(* r u i i p f u P F I F R P A T F ^ weel£-end the O. J. Kurtz home Sunday after with a particularly excellent brand of early morning seven o’clock seems | noon and were over night guests at Black's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 Mont Corbett was an overnight of English plum puddings in cans in the middle of the night. But if | FIRST ANNIVERSARY guest at the Carl Sebum home in the Dan Corbett home. A Wimp and didst remember that last year one bums that Williams coal which Things About Nyssa's Shops we ------- Alberta Valley Sunday. didst wait too long and had to Mr. Hughey sells at the old Jack- NYSSA HEIGHTS—The Com- dish luncheon, quilt go puddingless on Christmas day. son lumber yard a bit of extra dark munity school celebrated ing The and covered miscellaneous shower for didst lay in a store then and ness is not noticed, the old home their first Sunday 'Twas a day of warm sunshine So anniversary Sunday with Jim Moss at the John Quigley rand clear skies and had been the there gainst the time of need. stead ist ever so toasy warm. And a basket dinner at the Edw. J. Mrs. home on Friday was well attend .autumn through, yet our tarsal dig At the Atkeson apparel shop they cheery 1st the glow it sends from Wolf home. Missionaries from Cald ed. Members of the club returned on its cJidst creak and ache in the do have many things—chenile bed an open fireplace. well were present. W E E X T E N D an to complete the two quilts joints .and protest at moving as jackets of rose petal pink, fine table Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad Mrs. E. R. Anderson spent Sun Monday Georgine Bixby of Nyssa was an and ye wilt not waste thy day evening with Mrs. Raymond overnight ithe bones of a dinosaurus must at linens in cellophane protected boxes vertisers guest of Norma Suiter Invitation to Y O U itts reincarnation. Which didst cause warm, servicable leathern jackets time and thy gas going farther. Sager in Nyssa. Thursday. as to remark a few days ago to our for males of all sizes and shoes to Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Loevland of Mr. and ___ »— Tucker -------------- Mrs. — Roger and to visit our Store permanent Usten-inner: "According fit the hardest to fit tootsies. And Emmett, Idaho, were Sunday guests j family and Mr. and Mrs. Leon to my feet, we'U have a storm before undies too, in dainty shades and KINGMAN H. E. C. at the J. E. Keyser home. I Wright motored to Kuna. Idaho. and See O ur Display Jong." But he with that wise-male with flattering cut. ELECTS OFFICERS Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nowell and Sunday and spent the day at the attitude didst but glance at the new Surely the egg-laying biddies are sons Donnie and Dale from Twin home of Claude Tucker. and shiny barometer which recent a kantankerous lot these days, dilly KINGMAN KOLONY—The H. E. Falls, Idaho, who were on their way Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill were ly came to grace and gather dust held their annual election at Seattle, Washington and points visitors at the John Quigley home along on the laying busi club at his desk, a bit uppiahly didst re dallying an all-day meeting at the home of in to California, ness or stopping all together. But overnight guests J Sunday and in the evening all at- ply “the barometer doesn’t say so.” a meal or so of that good laying Mrs. Conrad Martin. The following at the Leon were Wright home. Mrs tended the picture show in Nyssa. Of course our pedal extremeties are mash officers were elected: Mrs. Conrad that A1 Thompson doest mer Martin, chairman; Mrs. Robert ! Nowell and Mrs. Wright are sisters ! Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett and not to be considered as fit weather chandise at his feed and fuel store Clark, vice-chairman; and Mr. and Mrs. James Malloy and : sons were among the twenty that ptpphets to be put up against a will pep them up a bit and start | John Auker, secretary-treasurer, Mrs j family had Thanksgiving dinner on | enjoyed the Thanksgiving turkey nej» barometer, so we didst hold our them _ along again to 1 peaee. But still thought that a do their daily dozen with in a a desire big way. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark were storm yould be in the offing ere And this past week we didst pause guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark long. And on Sunday morn didst by the roadside to watch the flames Thanksgiving day. . awake to find the surrounding of a bonfire leaping gainst the on Mrs. Frank Fredericks called on ; landscape well moistened and fast darkening autumn sky and didst Miss May Beaumont Friday after (getting more .go. But long since think what a cheerful sight. The red noon. (didst learn that ’tis the height of of the flames breaking the dusk and Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark were wfiaij .folly to say “I told you so”, sending out a welcome warmth and guests of Mrs. Clark's parents in from IOC up so opefl jiot our mouth on the sub the sage scented smoke curling out Meridian on the 19th. The occasion ject. on the breeze, the bronze-skinned, birthday. Another as almost infallible meth- leather-coated man tended it, light was Mr. her and father's Q I Imitation Mrs. Charles Newbill en iu O we have of telling the weather is ened and darkened with the play of DOOKS Leather Covers tertained on Thanksgiving for the by the smoke as H pours out of the the flames. We felt like paging an following guests: Mr. and Mrs. big stack at the factory and drifts artist to set it to canvas, but if he Frank Mr. and Mrs. Chas. out over the home scene. And nev had failed in portraying the spirit Garrison Newbill, Miss Vera of Nyssa, The Ideal WHEN YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBES MEDI er in our lives nor any place have it would have been but wasted en and Mr. and and Mrs. Dale Garrison we seen the stuff shift so quickly ergy anyhow. Such scenes etched on and daughter Home Gift CINE, he uses drugs or chemicals particularly Joan. about the compass. Sometimes it the memory are not forgotten. suited for your ailment. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure and fam i<ars high into the air and loses Also this past week we didst chat Grille<S*Waffle Combination $8.95 Our store carries an adequate supply of these ily of Nyssa weer guests in the it». If going up and up. Often it with our friend Doc Marshall. He blows from west to east and the who with his smiling-eyed wife do Dave Mitchell home on Thanksgiv drugs and chemicals and our pharmacists are Lady Dover Mixer $M.79 long, /eAthery black ribbon of it own the Polar Cold Storage plant ing day. adequately trained and experienced to render Our ELECTRICAL GIFT Department is Toomb spent Thursday stretches cut to the bluffs beyond on the highway north of the Y. and Dorothy complete prescription service on a moment’s in Meridian with her loaded with FIRST GRADE MERCHANDISE the river, again it comes itireotly he didst tell much of this new aunt. Friday Miss Jeanette Martin. notice. Mrs. Earl Anderson. opposite, ft Js then that Nyssa folk And freezing and storage business they and Mrs. William Toomb vis hold their atpees and hope for a «wry on at all hours of the day ited Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert DAY OR NIGHT sudden change Jn wind drift. Before and And not the least among Toomb in Nyssa on Wednesday. the last rain the wind whipped the their ydght. Bring your prescriptions to us with confidence. many activities connected with Miss Agnes Nichols of Wilder, Ida., smoke earthward ,ere it had a the business __________n __________ is that of smoking the spent the week-end with her moth You will be sure of getting only the finest and chance to get loosed irom the high j meats and j£e rendering of lard er, Mrs. Mary Nichols. freshest ingredients. up chimney top. Afterwards the | trom tjje fat porkers ere they are A U T H O P I / i L) A G E N C Y 1 ---- and Mrs. Charles Newbill and "wind blew these furnace wrlchings [ ready for final freezing and stor-: Mr. Mr. and William Toomb at Ifrom south u> north for a short age. A special smoke house with all tended the Mrs. dance NYSSA PHARMACY ways and then the upper current the latest smoking gadgets hast been Thanksgiving evening. In Nyssa on (annJVt it and sent it back the same completed and has been ready many Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and Your Rexall Store waj ijte’ame. a week for all manner of curing Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft called Phone 14 And jie.-haps the barometer is not and smoking with someone always vieo. C. Henneman, Owner Loren Milter Sunday afternoon altogether to blame for getting in attendance who understands the on NIGHT PHONE—Mr. Adkinson—71 Phone 106 at the Nyssa nursing home. Nyssa mixed up vp this weohter business work at hand. Bo ’tis no longer nec when our in .garden a lilac bush is essary to take tjie fresh kill far rail turned aroui d with the days be afield for proper preserving. If its ing balmy with ."he feel of spring smoke that it takes they have when instead the ground should toe And what with the evenings get-a 'frozen stiff with winter frosts. It is ting colder and one’s "doggies" ¡full budded with new peeping weary with much shopping or Just through. protesting gainst a change in On Sunday we didst peruse the weather, surely sighs with re tunny papers and didst think how lief when one they remember the snug much of late they belie the name warmth and solid comfort of the “funny” for very few are left that at the Nyssa Theatre and hold even a mild giggle, let alone chairs fine shows always provided a good, old-fashioned belly laugh. the there for their patrons enjoyment. Orphan Annie did for a long time Always and best and be our favorite but this past year enough of the a newest diversity to satisfy the even she has gone "Diamond Dick" whole family with episodes so long drawn out that And as we didst chat with a friend ones interest wanes In waiting for this week ’bout this and that of the end. Till we scarce glance at household needs we were reminded her lately. And what became of what truly friendly place this "Skippy” and his antics? That merry Nyssa a branch of the Idaho Power little lad we have missed now a long hast become. One needs an appli time. their ance and immediately And now do our thoughts turn thoughts turn to this Iriendly store for already they have learned that what the employees tell them there can be relied upon and none of this high pressure stuff trying to get one to buy more than they can af ford. And there is always a fine stock to select from and an easy payment plan to pay. And many are the things there now from an electric dishwasher to a toaster that will make some little housewife Dr. Francis S. Weir happy on Christmas day, if only someone is wise enough to purchase Dentist It. Office: Sarazin Clinic Bldg. With cold weather keeping the Phone 30W youngsters inside and with the little mother busy about so many things and cooking going on full pace, the CARL H. COAD possibility of little ones being burn ed is increased mightily and ’tis ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon -1 Ye Snooper’s Column GAMBLE STORE MERCHANDISE TOYS PRESCRIPTIONS -O UR MOST IMPORTANT BUSINESS 10cto25c ELECTRICAL GIFTS 5 USE OUR LAY-AW AY PLAN GAMBLE STORES I__ ■ I N O I V I E U A l L Y___ ■ N i D___ A N U S ïlsæ â Your Good Electric Service Doesn t J u s t HAPPEN! Professional Cards L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday Fry Building CAM CAR. AS NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Sec. CLIFF GREER, Pres. Simple, isn't it? BUT IT D O E S N T JUST H A P P E N ! Trained employes background o f years of experience wire . . . millions of dollars in equip ment . . . constant research . . . A L L Pruyn’s Garage Phone 56W 2nd and Main Sts. of this is necessary to bring to you IDAHO J P .. 4 />>< U _ electricity and dependable service because, over the past, W E H A V E G A T H E R E D TOGETHER, C O -O R D I N A T E D A N D PUT TO W O R K THESE E SSE N T IA L S FOR G O O D ELECT RIC SERVICE. And the average cost of . . . thousands of miles of poles and against serious I troubles. Bring your car to us for a complete tighten ing up job—the cost is nominal. GO O D ELEC T R IC SERVICE, at low rates! Our customers enjoy cheap efficient electric service instantly! . . . loyal to their jobs and with a TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Eagles Hall A. L. McClellan___ President Don G raham _____Secretary The Public Is Invited A flick of the switch, and you have domestic kilowatt hours in the terri tory we serve it among Hie lowest in the United States. V POWER Does So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE ! O f t W A T ( Ü___ _____