NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1939 rt on irian high 7 th g to i S T A T E C A P IT O L N EW S A. L. LINDBECK State Capitol News Bureau as net SALEM—Cash on hand in the state treasury shows a decline oi approximately »7,000,000 in the past 18 months, according to a report by State Treasurer Walter a Pearson. From the all-time peak oi $16,- 096,089 reached in May, 1938, de posits and short term investments of inactive state funds had dropped to $9,099,854 on November 10, 1939, Pearson’s report shows. This heavy shrinkage in the cash balances in the treasury are explained by Pear son as due to huge expenditures for relief and to the retirement of out standing bonds. The state’s bonded debt after payment of bonds due on October 1, last, was $38,718,085. Interest paid to date on state bonds issued since 1917 amounts to $46,667,941.57, or $8,000,000 in excess of the remaining indebtedness. ;man ; the mber Mary pro- pro be a >hong atur- The motor transport division of the Public Utilities Commission paid a total of $1,113,923 into the state highway fund during the first ten months of 1939, according to Commissioner O. R. Bean. More than 12,000 motor trucks are li censed by the department. -V - lg is ning lizes i * ( SO ; the n be I iS *- i « LS While it yet remains for the su preme court to speak the final word Circuit Judge Lewelling this week probably pointed the way to solu tion of the controversy over the 1939 tax foreclosure act when he held the time element in the mea sure to be directory and not man datory. County courts have held up foreclosure suits pending a court ruling on the act which many fear ed fixed a specific date on which the suits must be filed, leaving the counties no leeway in the matter. Possibility that the huge area contained in the so-called Tilla mook burn in Tillamook, Washing ton and Clatson counties may be ultimately converted into a public reserve was hinted at in discus sions at the forestry board meeting here Saturday. Timbermen ac quainted with the situation in that area declared that it would be ex tremely hazardous to permit of scat tered settlements throughout the burned-over district as new growth begins to spring up. It is understood that private owners of the land in the area plan to turn it over to the counties as soon as they have com pleted salvage operations now un der way. Oregon industries hit a new high ■since 1929 during October, accord ing to records of the State Indus trial Accident Commission. The Oc tober payrolls of industries in this Professional Cards DR. J. C. B O W M AN Veterinarian t state totalled $15,983,573, according to reports filed with the commis sion. This represents an increase of $1.664,284 over the payroll figures for October, 1938. The state forestry board is pre paring to bring a friendly suit to test out the validity of its claim for some 200,000 in delinquent fire pa trol assessments owing the state by a number of counties. Just what county will be used as the defend ant in the suit has not yet been de cided. County officials are under stood to be ready to pay the claim if and when the court holds it to be valid. Budget Director David Eccles is hopeful of trimming nearly $500,000 from the budgeted expenditures of state activities during the current biennium. Offers of co-operation in his request for a 7& per cent cut in departmental and institution budgets received by the director, he says, give assurance of a saving of $466,849. Of this amount $353,779 will come out of the budgets of state institutions. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart of Oregon Trail and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Case Munt- Jewerff in Big Bend. Rtckus Van Twisk of Valley View, Kees Blocker of Ontario and Pete Tensen were Sunday afternoon vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sager and daughter of Weiser and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenburg and son of Nyssa had Thanksgiving dinner at the Ed Wolfe home. Marjorie Groot attended Barbara Browne’s birthday party in Nyssa Heights Sunday afternoon. Cooper and Thelma Kelch had Mrs. I. L. Cooper and Thelma Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Dick Butcher at Vale. Mrs. Luther Fife was a business visitor in Ontario Saturday. Melvin Jensen bought 28 head of cattle in Weiser Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolfe and Mrs. Eva Quinley visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sager in Weiser Sunday. Floyd Rogers of Nyssa had Thanksgiving dinner at the Grant Hallock home. Mrs. Ethel Lankford and Mrs. Luther Fife were business visitors at Letha, Idaho, Sunday. Reverend Scherich visited at the O. Z. Matthews home Monday eve ning. Mrs. Ed Wolfe and Mrs. Eva Quinley spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenburg in Nyssa. Virgil Johnson called at the O. Z. Matthews home on business Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen and Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot helped Mrs Pete Tensen celebrate her birthday on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Howell and family of Nyssa, Clifford and B. B. Kelly had Thanksgiving dinner at the Archie Howell home. Mrs. Lawrence Jensen and son of Twin Falls have been visiting with Mrs. Christine Jensen last week. O. Z. Matthews was in Cascade on business Tuesday. dren, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and baby, Mr and Mrs. Claude Smith and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis and children of Adrian. Mike Woods and M. L. Kurtz were Nyssa and Ontario business visitors Wednesday afternoon. 8TH GRADE PUPILS PRESENT PLAY Wm. Fretwell and sons transacted business in Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Higgins were Ontario visitors Saturday. Mrs. H. R. Hatch spent Thanks giving day at the CCC camp with Mr. Hatch. Miss June Clark left for Pendle ton Wednesday evening to spend her Thanksgiving vacation with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheimer and children of Newell Heights were Thanksgiving guests in the Elfers home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma and Mr. and Mrs Hart of Owyhee were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Case Munt jewerff. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mauer and his parents of Wilder and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prosser and children were guests In the George Swigert home Sunday when Mrs. Swigert was honor guest at a birthday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson and children of Apple Valley were Sun day dinner guests in the Hatch home. The Jolly Janes prepared a sun shine box which they presented to Mrs. Harry Russell Wednesday. Mrs. Russell has been confined to her home several weeks with infam- matory rheumatism. Miss Melba Fisher, who spent the past two weeks visiting relatives at Culver City, Calif., returned home Friday evening. E. H. Brumbach and Joe trans acted business in Caldwell Wedy nesday. State employees and officials will have to continue breathing the germs, if any, that gather on the telephone mouthpiece. The board of control this week turned thumbs down on the offer of a company which specializes in cleaning and fumigating telephone equipment. Not eiien the argument that the state of Washington had subscribed to the service served to move the Oregon officials, who figured that most state employees, having en FIRE DESTROYS dured these little disease carriers CHICKEN HOUSE for, lo, these many years without BIG BEND—A chicken house con serious consequences were probably taining about 300 chickens was immune by this time. destroyed by fire early Wednesday MUCH ENTERTAINING ON THANKSGIVING Interest in the state land board's morning on the Hofstetter ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brumbach and plan to block large areas of grazing NEWELL HEIGHTS—Mr. and land in eastern Oregon has been re children of Pendleton arrived Wed Mrs. Roy McNeal of Lincoln Heights nesday to spend Thanksgiving in vived by announcement o f a con were dinner guests at the Cecil ference to be held in Salem De the parental E. H. Brumbach home. Smith home Sunday. In the after cember 16 to be attended by mem Other guests at the Thanksgiving noon both families visited the bers of the recently appointed ad dinner were Mrs. Irene Nighingale Glenn McGinnis home at Mitchell visory committee and R. H. Rut of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Butte. ledge, director of grazing in the fed Phelan. Mr and Mrs Rex Brum Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Collins of bach returned home Saturday. eral department of agriculture. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch and Nampa and Otis Kurtz of Middle- Merle of Bend arrived Thursday at ton were Thanksgiving dinner guests ALBER TA V A L L E Y the Harvey Hatch home for a visit. at the M. L. Kurtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Woodruff and Mr. and Mrs. Case Muntjewerff Mr. and Mrs. Louis Recla and were Thanksgiving guests of their son Bill of Union visited Sunday afternoon at the H. B. Williams daughter of Kingman Kolony and son Gerrit and family in Adrian. Ed and Phillip Schwer helped the Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts and home. Mrs. Woodruff is a sister of Frank Winkel family celebrate daughter of Baker spent last Sun Mr. Williams. Mrs. Tom Lowe of Mitchell Butte Thanksgiving. day visiting his parents, Mr. and visited at the Overstreet home Sun Mr. and Mrs. John Brood, who Mrs. B. G. Roberts. have been visiting at the home of Miss Virginia Miller, who attends day. Viola McGinnis of Nyssa visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete the university, spent her Thanks Tensen, left Friday for their home giving holidays visiting her parents, over the week-end with her sister in Yreka, California. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller and re Rose McGinnis. Club meets Tuesday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen en turned to Eugene Saturday. tertained Mrs. Mary Jensen, Miller, Mrs, W. F. Hamilton and little son of Mrs. H. B. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh were guests Vera and Lyle, and Mr. and Mrs. left for Knox City, Missouri, to at the Earl Osborne home in King- C. M. Tensen and Neil at Thanks spend a month visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harris and chil man Kolony for Thanksgiving din giving dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ray and son dren of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. E. Es- ner. Mrs. H. B. Williams visited Mrs. visited at the Jim Armstrong home kcw and Kenneth and Mrs. L. in Riverview Thursday. Eachus were Thanksgiving guests in Geo. Kaylor Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis en Geo. Ray attended the sale at the Claude Eachus home. Ontario Wednesday. Members of the Wade In club tertained at a Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burbank, Mr. spent Friday evening roller skating for relatives Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and chil- and Mrs. J. H. Hill and Thermon, in Nampa. and Joe Buchner had Thanksgiv ing dinner at the Melvin Jensen home. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Nell and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jen sen and family visited Mrs. T. M. Beranek and Carl at Baker Sunday. Mrs. Gerrit Groot visited Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs. Betty La and Frenz in Nyssa Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. John Brood N EW REDUCTIONS on P. D. & P . L. Insurance were in Nampa Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs Earl Post and fam • You cannot afford to be without ily of Nyssa visited at the Guy this new low cost protection Sweet home Tuesday. C. M. Tensen attended the horse sale at Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Loftin of Phone 97 Nyssa Norwood, Idaho, arrived Wednes day to spend the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mrs. Pete Tensen and Mrs. John Brood called on Mrs. Betty LaFrenz in Nyssa Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen en tertained at Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Johnson, Leonard Glascock and Ruby Bogart Don’t hesitate any longer to get the of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Les Bogart best dessert in town. Come in and and Earl and Mrs. Maud Bogart and choose right now! Woodrow. Gerrit Stam celebrated his birth ♦ PUMPKIN and MINCEMEAT day Tuesday with many friends and Pies that will please every relatives of the surrounding com taste! Fresh baked, each munity calling. Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews and ❖ OUR FRUIT CAKES family had Thanksgiving dinner at Have a delirious Fruit Flavor . . the Joe Matthews home in Payette a dozen tasty fruits go into the Sunday. rich fruit cakes. ___ Edna Hallock and Esther Sweaney APPLE VALLEY—The play given by the eighth grade pupils at the M E. church on Friday evening was well attended. Again the need for a suitable place for school plays and community get-togethers was emphasized. The play was coached by Mrs. Poage. Ike Fritts returned from a short stay with his son, Luther Fitts and family near Ontario Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Van Landing- ham and family have moved into the Apple Valley hotel building. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McIntyre were business visitors in Caldwell Mon day. Mrs Erick Peterson enjoyed sev eral days visit with her brother, William Marckel from Mesa Or chards. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen left for Portland Sunday taking Mrs. Newgen’s sister. Miss Ezma Harri son home. Miss Harrison has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. Newgen and Mrs. Sherman Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson and Star were shopping in Caldwell on Saturday. Lawrence McCrory heard recently from his sister, Mrs. Mayfield, who is now somewhat better after a long illness after leaving Idaho and re turning to Illinois. Mrs. Poage and Mrs. Waldo Smalley spent Tuesday in Nampa, guests of Mrs. Poage’s daughter, Mrs. Floyd Scott. John Peterson spent from Thurs day until Sunday noon visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Erick Peter son. He returned to Riggins Sun day evening. The farm known as the old Ruck er farm, sold recently for $700. it is reported. Dave Magee, who rented the place last year, has been look ing for a location, but like many others, Mr. Magee finds good farms are scarce and are held at a pre mium. The Fred Osterkamp farm, according to reports, was also sold and several changes in this locality are expected. Everett Fritts and Reuben Hen- shaw were business visitors in On tario recently. Mrs. Howard Jones is giving a shower Saturday afternoon compli menting Mrs. Lawrence Cornell, who before her marriage was Miss Edna Baker. Mrs Charles Huffman entertained at dinner Sunday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Miss Irene Weeks and Miss Thelma Root of Nyssa, Mr. Dudley King of Ros PAGE THREE well and Ray and Jesse Huffman and Mr. and Mrs. Huffman. J. S. Stout and Leo Wood have been sawing apple wood the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Landing- ham were callers in the community Sunday. A surprise miscellaneous shower was given Mrs. Allen Reed Tuesday afternoon at the Emil Vertrees home where Mr and Mrs. Reed are staying during Mr. and Mrs. Emil Vertrees absence. Mrs. Reed was called to the Apple Valley packing house one day last week where the crew presented her with a combina tion electric toaster. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Leigh of Parma spent Sunday with his moth er, Mrs. Howard Jones. Lawrence Cornell is hauling wood from the hills for sale as fuel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller spent Sunday afternoon at the Leon Mor gan home in Ten Davis. Grandma Barker and Mrs. L. Cornell were guests of Mrs. Howard Jones Thursday. Miss Mayme Rucker was an over night guest at the Pettit Bailey home Sunday. DeWayne Conyers and Albert Baxter, who are enrolled in the same CCC camp as is Ross Summy called at the E. A. Summy home on Sunday evening as they were going back to Chatcolet. Mrs. Levi Stephens was on the sick list last week. Correcting an error in last week’s news: The Christmas party of the Ladies Aid will be Thursday, Dec. 21st at the J. H. Correll home in stead of Dec. 23 as it appeared in the last issue. A gift exchange among children present as well as adult aiders is to be part of the program. Visit Pastor- Last Sunday morning six young people from Kuna, Idaho, were guests at the local Methodist Com munity church. They had brought a lunch with them, which was warmed up in the basement of the church, where they ate with the pastor, Rev. Millard Scherich. UnUl about two months ago, Dr. Scherich was pastor of the Methodist church at Kuna. la Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Wray spent Thanksgiving day in Boise. LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK PROPER INSURANCE PROTECTION Assures you of money when you need it the most. TA L K OVER YOU R INSURANCE NEEDS W IT H — Bernard Eastman REAL ESTATE FIRE and AUTO INSURANCE S. B. Davis Phone 64 Nyssa Hot FUDGE SUNDAES Made with the famous W H IT M A N ’S Chocolate and O W YH E E -M A ID Ice Cream— Energy-building - delicious — Other Fountain Service» HOT CHOCOLATE HOT COFFEE SOUP CHILI-CON-CARNE SANDW ICHES PIES W H I T M A N ’ S CHOCOLATES O W Y H E E DRUG COM PANY Phone 29 Next to Idaho Power Announcing a New Service * Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___ Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST “See MrFall and See Better“ DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON W YCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. C A . ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Office: 331 West Main St. Phone 25 $ 5 Automobile Accident Policy $ 5 Medical Reimbursement Policy \ F R A N K T. MORGAN Delicious Pies and Cakes For Real Enjoyment! PERSONAL AND FHA HOME LOANS AND LOANS FOR O THER H E E D S ! 30c spent Sunday with Vivian Higby in Apple Valley. Don Toomb spent the week-end at Emmett with his folks. Mrs. W P. Sewell of Nampa spent the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Clayton Jensen. Mr and Mrs. Buster Hawkins had Thanksgiving dinner with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hawk ins. ■Qntj of 4 2 ßtdnckti first nnnonnii brrk OF PORTLAND PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR ONE NOW T H I I f A D IR IN O R IO O N IN FIN A N C IN O T H I CRID IT R IO U I REMINTS OF TRADÌ, C O M M IR C I AND INDUSTRY McClure Bros. Bakery Phone 20 All Kinds of Plea—Cake»—Pastries—Cookies M I M Nyssa