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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1939)
PAGE TWO NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Society EASTERN STAR Monday evening was the social meeting of the Eastern Star at which a both thirty members were present. Following the business meeting, the entertainment com mittee consisting of Mrs. William DeOrofft, Mrs. Hettle Walsh and Mrs. Ernest Wilson and Mrs. Charles Drewitz presented a program and refreshments were served. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. Hershel Thompson was the honored guest at a dinner party on Sunday complimenting her birthday anniversary and given by her moth er, Mrs. H B. Earp near Emmett. Besides Mr and Mrs. Thompson and -5 - Ronny, guests included Mr and FAMILY DINNER PARTY Mrs W P. McLing and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and - 5 - SECOND OP CARD SERIES their son attended a family dinner The second in a series of evening party given in Caldwell by Mrs. card parties sponsored by the Odd Buchner's parents, Rev. and Mrs Fellows will be held at the Legion E. P. Lawrence on last Sunday Hall on the evening of Tuesday, - 8 - November 28th. Everyone is invited PAMILY DINNER to attend and there will be tables Mr. and Mrs A. C. Sallee will be for pinochle, auction and contract hosts at a large family dinner party as at the last party. at their home on Thanksgiving Others to entertain at family din WELL, IT’S LIKE THIS-- ners will be Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell, Mr and Mrs. R. J. Hunter and Mr and Mrs. Charles J Newbill. Mrs. Stella Butler will also | entertain her family at Thanksgiv- l ing dinner. j JUNIOR FELLOWSHIP The Junior Fellowship league met at the Sarazm home on Monday evening with most of the members present There was a short business meeting and then games and re freshments were enjoyed —^ 1 CONTRACT PARTIES On last Friday afternoon and evening Mrs. Emma Quinby. Mrs. Harry Miner and Mrs Herbert H. Fishe entertained at an afternoon and evening of dessert contract at Mrs. Fisher's home. Four tables were in play at each party and prizes were won in the afternoon by Mrs. Arthur Boydell and Mrs. Frank Hall and In the evening by Mrs. Burnall Brown and Mrs. Joe Butte. THURSDAY CONTRACT Mrs. Leslie McClure was hostess to the members of the Thursday evening contract club and invited Mrs. Ernest McClure, Mrs. Carl Coad and Mrs. Harold Fletcher to play with the members. Prizes were won by Mrs. Coad. Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Mrs. Ernest McClure. - 8 - Mr and Mrs. Ira Williams and Evelyn and Mrs. Ruth Williams of Payette were Sunday dinner guests at the W E. Brown home. After noon callers were Win and Hanna Brown. Mr and Mrs. Coy Brown and lamily and Mr and Mrs. Chas. Christeson of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Ena Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fry of Meridian visited Mr. and Mrs Dad Armstrong Saturday Mrs. Geroid Goodiellow enter tained with a farewell party Wed nesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bohey and sons. Melvin Spitze and Gladys Bratton motored to Grove Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hauser. The oc casion was the 4-H achievement program. Mrs. J. B. Atherton of Ontario visited Mrs. Martha Amidon on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Oft has their house painted this week. H. C. Se- coy of Ontario did the work. Mrs. Clara Kinney and neice of Emmett visited Mrs. Vira Rees on Sunday. Mrs. Rees returned home with them for a visit with friends. George Stewart took a load of pupils to the library Wednesday. This week is book week in this coun ty. WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE The Wednesday evening bridge PINOCHLE CLUB club was entertained on Tuesday Mrs. Hazel Pounds and Mrs. Marie evening by Mrs. John Stafford at I Rose were hostesses to the after* her country home in Nyssa Heights R1VERVIEW noon pinochle club on Thursday with all members present . High j afternoon. l scores were made by Mrs. Harry Jack Farmer, Earl Farmer and Prizes weer won by Mrs. Kath Miner and Mrs. Stafford. Don Van De Bogart made a busi leen Hirst. Mrs. Harold Fletcher ness trip to Enterprise over the TUESDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE I week-end. "and Mrs. Nina Lowe. The Tuesday afternoon bridge Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clutter were | club met with Mrs. George J. afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Conference Held— Mitchell this week and Mrs. Ken- | Edwin Gonnason and family Sun First quarterly conference was I neth Cottle was invited to play with day. held at the Methodist Community the members. Sunday school will meet at J. E. -my nealtn depends on church last Sunday night by Dis Prizes for high scores went to Wolfe's with a covered dish lunch trict Superintendent Doctor Harry Mrs. A. C. Sallee and Mrs. J. J. eon that will celebrate the anni plenty o f good Milk— so S. Hamilton of Nampa, Idaho. On Sarazin. versary of one year of the Com Mother insists on Monday morning, Dr. Millard Scher- munity Sunday School of River- - 8 - ich, the local pastor, took Dr. Ham MERRY MATRONS MEET view district. GATE CITY DAIRY ilton to Frtiitland. Dr. Hamilton and The Merry Matrons club met with Don and Gerald Hibbert, who Milk and Cream Dr. Scherich had dinner and were Martha Rood, hostess and Emma have been working at a gold mine Morning and Evening Deliveries entertained Sunday afternoon at Pitkins, co-hostess. Eleven members on the Boise river, arrived at the Phone 104W the home of Mayor A1 Thompson. and three visitors were present. Gerald Hibbert home Saturday The afternoon was spent in piec- evening. Don Hibbert will return to I ing quilt blocks. Two games were the mine Monday, but Gerald Hib j played, Nova Glenn and Minnie bert will stay here until spring. Mitchell winning prizes. Delpha Osbum, who was out of ' The next meeting will be with school the latter part of last week Nina Boness hostess and Vinnie due to illness, returned Monday. Smith, co-hostess at the Boness Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gonnason home were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moss in Nyssa Saturday evening. and Judge Improves— Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst, Mr. W. J. Williams, who has been ill and Mrs. Wiley Clowers and son, the past several weeks, is now re and Ralph Church were dinner cuperating and is able to be up sev guests of Mr. and Mrs. George NEW REDUCTIONS on P. D. & P. L. Insurance eral hours each day. His son and his Clowers Sunday evening. Thurman Englesby of Meridian, wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams • You cannot afford to be without of Boise, visited with Mr. Williams Idaho, was a week-end visitor of this new low cost protection and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Marshall Frank Lewis. Miss Dorothy Lewis, who has been last week. working at Shelton’s Dairy, was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phone 97 Nyssa COMMENCES W ORK Lewis Sunday. Announcing a New Service 23, 1939 V ola and Alma Hintz were dinner Mr. and Mis. Lester Zurcher of Udlinek. Pat and Jack Sweaney. Eris Jamison. Roy Pierce, Ann and ! Homedale visited her parents, Mr. guests of Tressa lDtty Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Carl Allquist of Jean Johnson, Russell Orcutt, and Mrs. Chas. Wilson Friday. Mrs. Madeline and Idaleen Maw, Ra Wilson accompanied her daughter Vale called in the Chas. Ditty home Monday morning. A. M. Grubbs ac mona Henderson. Ed and Ervin home for a weeks visit. companied them home after having Topllff and Burl Wyckoff were Arlie Scott of Apple Valley spent spent the past several weeks here. other guests. the week-end in the L. E. Newgen The boys 4-H club met at the | home. ohme of Mrs. John Ridder Satur Dinner Guests— Don Nottingham's well drill has day. Mr. and Mrs R. A. Thompson had been broke down for several days. Ila Botner of Nyssa Heights John Case is threshing for James as their Sunday dinner guests the spent Sunday night with Lois Pow Kirkland, Kay Hunter and several Rev. Harry S. Hamilton of Nampa ell. and Rev. Millard Scherich of Nyssa others. Mrs. G. C. Fretwell of Portland, Mrs. Ben Anderson of Cathalamit and Henry Maw of Roswell septn the week-end at the home of H. V. Maw. F. Rookstool and family and Lor In Oregon to drive an Auto with broken wind- raine Ridder were dinner guests Sunday at the home of John Ridder. shield or window glass. Mr. and Mrs. Crane and family were Sunday dinner guests at the AUTO GLASS REPLACED F. A. Powell home. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. DeGross and Bob spent the week in Washington. Tom Johnson was an Ontario K. M. Newell visitor Thursday. IT’S AGAINST the LAW NYSSA AUTO CO. North of the “ Y ” ______ _ Nyssa WORTHWHILE CLUB TO MEET NOV. 30 SUNSET VALL'.iY—Fifteen mem- bers of the Worthwhile Club met with Maud Cooper Thursday. The afternoon was spent playing games and visiting. Mrs. Cooper gave the members some flower bulbs. The club will meet Nov. 30 with Rebecca Daiss. Barney Ver Wolfe, well-known young man here, left last week for his former home in Montana to spend the winter. A. M. Grubbs spent Saturday aft ernoon at the Ira Foster home and helped butcher a hog. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Query mov ed to Nampa Sunday, where he has employment for the winter. Grover Cooper built a cow barn last week. Lloyd Landreth Is doing some fall plowing for Lester Kendall. Sid Flanagan has rented some land of H. Terra and John Vander- pool and has started plowing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Veryl Landreth in Ontario Sunday. j | j The Winter Months I — Prepare for them >1 v ► 4 Are Danger Months REGISTERED PHARMACIST IN CHARGE! You can't do anything about the weather, of course, but you can do something about the results of the weather! You can keep your medicine c a b i n e t well-stocked with remedies for head colds, chest colds, sore throats, and kin dred winter-weather ailments. Drop in at our store today! OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY Phone 29 Next to Idaho Power ' Nyssa $ 5 Automobile Accident Policy $ 5 Medical Reimbursement Policy FRANK T. MORGAN ON NEW HOUSE SERENITY AND PEACE | VALLEY VIEW—Wendel Richman ANNIVERSARY has commenced his new house. It CELEBRATED will be built of native stone. RICHLAND—Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mrs. Leonard Brown and sons of j Ontario visited Mrs. Blaine May one Udlinek of Homedale celebrated their second wedding anniversary day this week. John Derry of Mecca, Idaho, vis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R ited home folks over the week-end. William Davis fell off his horse Wednesday and broke his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bohey and sons left this week for Nebraska where they will make their home. Loss Snow, who has been 111 with pneumonia, was taken to the On tario hospital Sunday morning. Dr. Kerby of Nyssa is his physician. Alva Amidon called at the Brat ton home Tuesday morning. Mrs. Naomi Wright of Nampa vis ited her sister, Mrs. Martha Amidon a few days last week. T. H. Brewer and son Homer went to Unity Friday to get some wood. Virginia and Paul Alexander en tertained a few of their little friends Saturday with a party. Mr. Noah has a band of sheep pasturing his new land farm. T R I-P L E X Cleaning is Olen Bunch is 111 with pneumonia not just ordinary cleaning at the H. E. Noah home. A. A. Bratton and Ted Rogers of — it actually Revitalizes Adrian motored to Boise Friday on your clothes— yet is so business. Lester Colley, the small son ot Mr. gentle on fabrics that the and Mrs. R. L. Colley, ran his right most dainty fabric can be arm into the washing machine cleaned with safety. wringer Wednesday while his moth er was washing. It was bruised but no bones were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Oft of Cre scent. Oregon, arrived at the Hans Oft home Wednesday for a visit DELIVERY SERVICE over Thanksgiving. PHONE 74 TRI PLEX CLEANING Through the medium of our services, we always try to make families feel serene, confident and at peace with the world. We accomplish this through exceptionally skillful and understanding direction of every funeral service. We act not only as ad visers, but as friends helping willingly! NYSSA FUNERAL HOME PHONE 73W NYSSA Phone 2 6 YOU WATCH HIS HEALTH hat about his Eyes? I N S T A L L I.E .S . B E T T ER S IG H T LAMPS! NYSSA TAILOR SHOP GORDON CREEK COAL Utah *s Lowest Ash Coal Get full value for your fuel dollar Not a clinker in a carload Order now for Immediate Delivery! AL TH O M PSO N 6- SON COAL— GRAIN— FEED Phone 26 • Growing children need pro|> er light, just like they need Public Sale wholesome food and exercise. IES Better Sight Lamps give 7 Miles Southwest of Vale on Sand Hollow Road adequate light, properly dis TUES. NOV. 28 5 HEAD OF GOOD HORSES 18 HEAD OF GOOD DAIRY CATTLE 95 HEAD OF HOGS A GOOD LINE OF FARM MACHINERY POSTS, HOG WIRE and so forth Also HOUSEHOLD GOODS Lunch served by L. D. S. Ladies SALE STARTS AT 12:00 NOON TERMS: CASH PAGE JEFFORDS, Owner Col. Bert Anderson Auctioneer Boyd McMurchie Clerk t tributed throughout the room. ST€P DOWN RATES MAKE BETTER LIGHTING CHEAP Your low step-down elec tric rates make proper lighting In your home cheap! IES lamps can be operated in the low brack ets o f your electric rate. Reading and homework are easier. Ask for a free lighting survey of your home, and find out how easy it is to have proper lighting at ail times! IDtAy t ° ^ P O W E R Do«} So MUOfrCosts Sa UTT^ t > V 4