Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1939)
y A M i The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUM E X X X IV , NO. 45 JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE Fastest Growing City In Oregon N YSSA, OREGON, TH URSD AY, NOVEMBER 16, 1939 Nyssa Looses To Nyssa Bulldogs Least Scored Ontario In On Team In S.R.V. Conference Last Game Morgan Attends Reclamation Convention $1.50 PER YEAR Sugar Beet Payments Sent To Fanners Total $619,074 Games listed below are conference games only. Nyssa lost the traditional "big Frank T. Morgan, president of Pet. Pts. For Pts. Against T w L TEAM game" of the season last Saturday the Oregon Reclamation Congress, Price of $4.05 Is .900 34 12 1 0 Vale* .............. .......... 4 800 to Ontario, 6-0. This was a non is a delegate to the National Recla 60 25 0 2 3 Weiser Based On $3.15 .700 conference game. A pass early in mation Congress being held this 60 7 1 1 NYSSA ...... 3 For Sugar .600 the second quarter, receive».' by Mil week in Denver, Colo. He is expect 83 20 0 2 Ontario 3 .500 ligan was the only score of the ed to return to Nyssa Friday. 28 49 2 1 Parma ........ 2 .400 game, but fans were brought to 0 28 52 Checks for the initial payment for 3 .......... 2 Representatives from the 15 west Payette Voters of School District 26 1 8 .100 their feet when late in the fourth ern states attending the conven (Nyssa) will go to the polls this the 1939 sugar beet crop were mail 74 0 4 Fruitland 0 .000 the same play was used, but Milli tion were to discuss policies that 18 79 5 0 Emmett .......... coming Saturday. November 18, to ed to 921 growers on Tuesday, by •Conference Champions. gan could not hold onto the ball. would affect the future possible cur re-vote on a $36,000 bond issue. This the Amalgamated Sugar company. for them -< The above figures speak On a field that apparently had tailment of federal funds as affect revoting being made necessary The total amount of the checks selves and makes one wonder where been recently plowed, the Nyssa ing reclamation projects. through the decision of bond at was $619,074, and represents pay Washington, D. C. News Bureau of the editor of the Observer in On threats, Ray, Holmes and Taylor, This is the eighth annual con torneys that the first election was ment for sugar beets delivered to the Nyssa Gate City Journal tario got the idea of relegating the had little chance of displaying their vention of the congress and will not valid or the reason that the the Nyssa factory during the month Nyssa school to a class B (pardon WASHINGTON, D. C.—Govern close today after a three-day ses notice did not segregate the amount of October. speed. Figures reveal the payment is for ment economists are painting a the yawn) conference league. Es Ontario showed a good pass de sion. to be used for the retiring of war pecially is this true when the Nyssa brighter picture for farmers for fense when oh*three occasions they CHAMBER OF COMMERCE rant principal and warrant Interest. 152,857 tons of sugar beets at the 1940. According to these experts, team topped Vale in scoring and OFFERS PRIZES TO GROWERS pinned Holmes behind the line of The amount to be used for retiring rate of $4.05 based on a refined tht income of farm families will be tied for second place with Weiser, scrimmage when he attempted to the warrant principal is $34.659.35 sugar price of $3.15 per hundred. The next payment for beets de higher than in 1939; government and had fewer points scored on while $1340.65 is the amount nec The annual county corn show will pass. livered in November will be set payments will be about the same as them than any other team in the officially open here, in the lobby of The game ended the season for essary to retire interest. this year; purchasing power will be conferense. This, despite the fact the First National Bank, next Fri the conference and with it goes the Voters of the district on the first ahead of the usual date of Decem greater and more money will be that the Nyssa Bulldogs were out day, for two cjaysj November 24 memories, for the Nyssa fans, of election held August 14, voted in ber 15. The Amalgamated Sugar weighed by most of the would-be company plans to have the checks available for farm home conven and 25. Prizes totalling $40 are of one of the best football teams turn favor of the bonds, 32 to 3. iences. Other predictions: There will Class A conference. Both the ex fered the competitors ha the sen ed out o the local school in a num Emphasis is made by the board to growers in the mails on Decem ponents of this (pardon the yawn) County committeemen under the of directors that this election means ber 1. Based on a yield of 235,000 be a further decline in farm em ior and junior division. Two classes ber of years. Stellar attraction of ployment, and decrease in horses, class A and B conference idea have will be shown, Yellow Dent and in- the Bulldogs was Stanley Ray, one agricultural conservation program only that the voters are asked to tons of sugar beets, when the De because of greater use of mechan overlooked the facts that Nyssa bred Hybrid, according to George of the sweetest broken field run will remain the same for 1940 as re-vote on the original issue. It does cember payment is sent out an ap ized equipment, although prices will came near to taking the Vale game J. Mitchell, chairman of the com ners that will be found in any high in 1939 and previous years, accord not mean an additional bond issue. proximate total of 952,000 will have be higher for farm machinery; feed (Statistics show that Vale was out mittee. All prize money has been school and not a few colleges. His ing to results of elections held at It was further pointed out that been paid by the company this year prices will be up, ditto fertilizer played in every department of the put up by the Nyssa Chamber of speed counted for many of the a county convention on November the school district may perhaps be for the sugar beet crop. It is also learned from authorita prices, and prices paid by farmers game) and that (plowed field) On Commerce. scores against opponents. Ray has 8. P. Tensen, Nyssa, was relected able to dispose of the bonds at a for seed will be higher. On the tario could muster only one touch The local committee is being as one ability and that is not often chairman and C. M. Beaumont, less rate of interest than at the tive sources that the government down lead over the Bulldogs. will make every effort to make an whole, the economists figure next sisted in gathering the corn by R. found in a player and that is he can Kingman Kolony and N. S. Phelan, time of the first election. The Nyssa Bulldogs have proved year will be substantially better for M. McKennon, county agent, and take off down the side lines and Big Bend, were re-elected regular The warrants have been carrying early payment to growers, probably farmers than the current year, with themselves fast enough company his assistant, Endicott. In addition, yet keep from stepping out of members of the committee. Alter an interest rate of six per cent, the as early as February, 1940. This an abundance of money available for any opposition that they met E. M. Hauser, club advisor for the bounds—most of his long runs were nate county committeemen elected sale of the bonds as originally voted payment, it is further learned, will this year, and there are good pros were C. P. Yundt, Oregon Slope, was to have been in the neighbor be approximately $1.85 per ton to for short term loans. 4-H clubs and Robert Sawyer, local accomplished through this ability. pects of this situation being im Of no less importance to the team and E. M. Carter, Harper. hood of four per cent, while it is the growers. Oregon F. S. A. Leads C. S. Smith-Hughes instructor and lead proved on next year. The crop yields this year It is Under the by-laws of the Malheur expected that a further saving of er of the Future Farmers of Ameri is Harold (Missouri; Holmes. Here Rural rehabilitation keeps tabs on ca, Nyssa chapter, will assist their is a lad that mikes fans rear up County Agricultural Conservation interest rates may be made on this estimated, will be slightly In excess the 232,000 clients of the Farm Se of 15 tons per acre, with the sugar respective club members in select on their hind legs and yell them Association, community elections to issue, if it is favorably passed. curity Administration. These clients HIWAY COMMISSION selves mute. When Missouri gets his which all members of the associa ing corn for the Nyssa show. produce foods for home consump The polls will be located at the content being somewhere between tion, and the national average per TAKES OPTIONS Prizes in each class are: For first, hands on that ball and starts tion are invited, are held where Nyssa grade school building and will 16 and 16.25 per cent. An average of 2500 truckloads of committeemen a r e open at 2 p. m„ closing at 7 p. m. family is 465 gallons of milk, 120 $10; second, $5; third, $3; fourth through the line something is going community beets are being delivered to the C. W. Parker, right-of-way agent $ 2 . to give. He keeps his legs driving elected. At this same meeting, a dozen eggs. 376 pounds of meat, 221 local factory. quarts of canned fruits and vege for the Oregon State Highway de The judging of the exhibits will like pile drivers, has what it takes, delegate from each community is Should the price of retail sugar tables, and 27 bushels of fruits and partment, was in Nyssa Monday and take place Saturday, the names of and has shown throughout the sea elected who attends a county con TRANSIENT LABOR rise, thus giving the company a potatoes. Now, with the exception Tuesday of this week taking options the judges not having yet been son that he has brains and grid vention for the purpose of electing CAMP CLOSES higher price for the wholesale price, the county committee. The coun iron generalship. cof milk, the clients in Oregon, on all property in the Emerson ad made public. the growers will also benefit. Ken Lewis, who has filled the cen ty committee then elects a secre Washington and Idaho greatly ex dition, and that property abutting This show will be a prelude to the The FSA transient labor camp ceed the national average, and in the right-of-way through which state-wide show to be held in Cor ter position, has also been one of tary adn treasurer of the associa located southwest of Nyssa. closed .the canned fruits and vegetables the underpass is to be located. Not vallis. November 28 to December 2. the mainstays of the Bulldogs. Up tion. Delegates to the 1940 county Wednesday of this week, just one and the potatoes, the northwest is all of the property owners could be The premiums for the state show on his blocking and tackling much convention who elected the county day more than a month from the fa r in the lead. The average fam contacted before Parker left for are donated by the First National of the success of Nyssa was built. committee were B. L. Johnston. Big time that it opened. ily (client of rehabilitation) in the Portland Wednesday, but he will Bank of Portland and it is expected Ken has another trait that has Bend; Geo. Kaylor, Kingman Kol The late date of the opening of Oregon-Washington section has 317 return the latter part of the month that many of the exhibitors at the sparked his teammates on more ony; P. Tensen. Nyssa; John Mo- the camp, the short beet topping quarts which have been put up at to finish the taking of these options. Nyssa show will send their corn on than one occasion—the ability to lenaar, Ontario; C. P. Yundt, Ore season, according to Archer L. Mc- Last Thursday Nyssa business to the state show. Full details on put the fighting spirit into his fel gon Slope; Harry Wells, Vale; and home, and 55 bushels of spuds and Murran, was partly responsible for men met with J. M. Devers, attor the state show may be obtained low players. On defense, where he E. M. Carter, Harper. Officers of the fruits. the small number of families that C. A. Marshall, president, and A. ney, C. B. McCullough, assistant at the local branch of the bank, ac played roving center, Ken was al association serve for the calendar Oriental Travel On Columbia availed themselves of the facilities L. Fletcher, secretary of the Nyssa year beginning January 1, 1940. chief engineer, C. W. Williams, di ways in on the kill. cording to George J. Mitchell, man United States Maritime Commis of the camp. The largest number Factory Sugar Beet Growers asso Harry Choate, being a lineman." sion is advised that Portland people vision engineer and Parker, all of ager. of occupants was 21 families, while ciation, were in Boise Tuesday in Those in charge of the local show left end, perhaps was not out in the .me willing to initiate negotiations the highway department, and dis the average stood at 15. conference with representatives cussed the proposed subway. are George J. Mitchell, J. B. Glezen- fans eyes so much, but many a pass ,af establishing a service to the ori- The camp will be reopened some from beet growing sections of Idaho Upon the completion of the tak tanner. E. D. Norcott. Lucian Wray heaver learned that he’d have to ■with the commission with the view time in March of next year, Mc- for the purpose of considering the pass in a hurry if he didn't want ent out of the Columbia river. The ing of options, from property own and Robert Sawyer. Murran said. advisability of forming a central ers by the highway department, to be smothered back of the line. I commission has already arranged The camp facilities ai> available association for the purpose of unit they will be submitted to the high In going down on punts. Harry, dur fo r private operation of an oriental to families only, who may live in ing upon all important matters con All Nyssa firms will be closed way commission, who will then de ing thè last part of the season, service from Puget Sound and San cerning the beet growers in localities next Thursday, November 23, the tents or their own trailer houses. cide whether the prices asked are stopped many a safety man from Francisco. where the Amalgamated 3ugar com getting far. Dale Bingham, a guard, date set by President Roosevelt and Visible evidence of the extent to too high, thus precluding the ad- pany has a factory. If present plans was one of the topnotch linemen Governor Sprague for the State of AAA PROGRAM •which American flag ships are han visibility of constructing the subway are approved by the beet growers, for Nyssa. it was through his posi Oregon, as Thanksgiving day. dicapped as a result of neutrality or not. the central organization will be To accommodate their customers CLOSES NOV. 30 Three courses are open to the tion that most of the lino plays law restrictions is consolidating sup known as the Lower Snake River all Nyssa merchants will keep their commission—they may buy the from the Nyssa side were keyed. And port for a demand that negotiations The books of the 1939 agricul Beet Growers Association and will on defense it was very few if any stores open until 9 p. m. Wednesday toe hastened in the drafting of a property from the owners at the tural conservation program in Ore function as a unit in negotiating The Nyssa high school smoker yards that were made through him. night. asked price, or may proceed with new trade treaty with Japan. It is gon will be closed on Noember 30, with the company concerning the will feature 30 or more rounds of These five players have played pointed out that Pacific coast ship the structure without considering boxing, according to John Young, according to a decision of the state terms of the contracts for the their last game for Nyssa, and we ping does not come under the re the property owners, placing what coach. AAA committee, and any farm prac growing of beets and such kindred will venture here a prediction that strictions which have closed ports ever legal action necessary for the tices completed after that date will important matters of common in The date of the smoker is next in belligerent countries to American collection of damages upon the Tuesday. November 21 (it was re some college has five bang-up play apply on the 1940 program. terest to all, but the formation and ■vessels and that Japan and the en owners, or may abandon the project ported last week as in December). ers waiting for them, five real he- The early closing date is neces operations of the central associa altogether. men who will make their mark in tire orient offer a more profitable sary so that county conservation tion will not in any manner inter The funds from the smoker will college footballdom. field than can be developed in offices will have time to submit all fere with the local associations. be for the benefit of the athletic Four other players, all seniors, South America for many years to UP SPECIAL POTATO applications for 1939 AAA payments The matter of authorizing the fund, according to the Lettermen's earned their letters on the squad come. club, who has charge of the affair. this year, being Herb Boren, Joe Twelve red clover seed growers by March 31, 1940, said Will Steen, directors to unite in the proposed United States trade with Japan TRAIN TO BE IN central association will be submit The first boxing match will start Counsil. Charles Short and Everett in the Vale community last week state committee chairman. has always been profitable and in NYSSA JAN. 24 Specifications for the 1940 con ted to a vote of the individual at 8 p. m. became members of the Blue Moun Heldt. recent years the favorable trade bal tain Seed Growers Association and servation program in Oregon have members of the Nyssa factory dis The Union Pacific Potato Demon ance has been in the ratio of two consigned about one carload of seed been drawn up, Steen said, and it trict and in their respective com to one; in other words, for every stration train will be in Nyssa from LIONS WIN GAME Schoolmasters To Meet to that organization for marketing is expected that the new hand munities on November 25, 1939. It dollar’s worth of goods imported 1:30 to 5 p. m. January 24, it was The Schoolmasters Club of the under their co-operative marketing books explaining next year's prac is desired to perfect the organiza BY FORFEIT that country purchased two dollars' announced by Joe Jarvis, agricul Snake River Valley will hold a din system. This action came following tices will be ready for distribution tion in sufficient time for it to worth of American goods and ma tural agent for the Union Pacific serve as the bargaining agency pri The members of the Chamber of ner meeting in the domestic science two meetings held at Vale where by the first of January. terials. Japan is America's third Wednesday at the noonday meeting or to the acceptance of the con Commerce failed to show up (ex room of the local high school on H. G. Avery, secretary of the Blue best customer in the foreign trade of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce. tracts for 1940 tendered by the cepting Butch Burbidge and Doro- Monday night at 7 p. m. Mountain Seed Orowers, appeared The train will consist of 14 cars field and, under normal conditions, N. O. Richards, president of the at the request of the growers to YOUTHS ARREST company. game Sunday and the Lions Club the volume has shown a steady in in which every phase of potato thy) for the scheduled baseball club, will preside. A general assem explain the marketing set-up of the CLEARS THEFTS planting, growing and shipping will crease from year to year. declared that they won the game bly will open the meeting following association and the basis on which be demonstrated, and will be in President Still Plans Visit the dinner with Robert Sawyer, lo that organization would accept MARKETS The arrest last Thursday of two by forfeit. War and the special session of charge of Erie Read, supervisor of Those who did show up to emu cal Smith-Hughes instructor, speak membership ffrom Malheur county. Nyssa youths, and their hearing congress prevented President Roose agricultural and industrial develop late the feats of Casey Jones, ing on vocational and agricultural Thursday Quotations The Blue Mountain Seed Growers Monday in Vale, before County velt from visiting the Pacific north ment for the Union Pacific. While played one o' cat for about an hour training. Following the general as Association, organized in 1935. by a Judge David F. Graham, cleared up By Wiley Clowen in Malheur county the demonstra west in September, but the trip has series of thefts that had taken Cream, Orade A ____________ — 30 —the tally of runs at the end of the sembly the meeting will be divided group of alfalfa and grass seed tions will be in charge oí R. M. not been cancelled entirely. Some growers in Union county, who were place within the last four months. Cream, Grade B ........................ .28 game looked like the war debts not into departmental meetings. time next year, possibly while con McKennon. county agent for Mal paid the United States. CASH PRICE interested in improving selling con The arrests were made by state gress is holding its regular session, heur county. Mother Visits— .10 ditions for their seed, now has police, who located brass bushings, Hens, heavy ........................ A committee of farmers and Nyssa the president intends leaving the Mrs. L. L. Rickman of Salem is membership in eight eastern Ore wire, sundry brass and copper ma Hens, light and Leghorn .......... .00 business men were appointed t LIONS FOOTBALL (Continued on Page 6, Col. 6) visiting with her daughter, Mrs. gon counties and a few members in terial, a shotgun, .23 calibre rifle, Springs .10 i make arrangements for all local Heinz Sonnekes and Mr. Sonnekes. southeastern .06 Washington and bicycle and other miscellaneous ar Stags DINNER TOMORROW farmers and potato growers to visit .03 northwestern Idaho. Since organ ticles. Some of the stolen property Cockerels Move To Country— j the train during its stay in Nyssa. The Nyssa Lions club will hold Trade-In Eggs ized in 1935 the association has had been sold to local dealers, the Dennis Toomb, who has leased This committee appointed by Ber n grown rapidly and has been very police found. Large ... the Clara Linders farm southwest nard Frost, president of the Cham their annual football dinner for the 24 successful in marketing the seed of After an all morning hearing. Medium of Nyssa, moved his family from ber of Commerce, will consist of members of the Nyssa high school its members. A few Malheur county Judge Graham and District Attor football team tomorrow night in the their home in Nyssa on Tuesday. George J. Mitchell, J. B. Giezen- TURKEYS Hear Malcolm Crawford's gun growers have previously consigned ney Max Taggart called In the par domestic science department. tanner, E. D. Norcott, Lucian Wray, shot an elk—with Artie Robertson alfalfa and grass seed to them, but Prime young hens, dressed ----- .17 ents for a private hearing. At ths Each Lion member will have as Robert Sawyer, S. E. Flanagan. An on the busy end of it . . . . wheth this is the first time that any Mal end of the hearing, the case was Prime young toms, dressed ......... 14 THE WEATHER his guest for the evening one or drew Boersma. Dale Garrison and er to let it grow or not, aye that's heur red clover seed has been Prime old hens, dressed ----------- .15 continued for an indefinite period Following is the weather report as more of the boys on the team. the question—with Don . . . . Mrs. handled by the association A few and the youths, 15 and 16. were Prime old toms, dressed -------- .13 L. P. Thomas. given by the local office of the U. Movies, still pictures and slides Choice Andy Boersma lending her voice to alfalfa and Ladlno cloer seed grow turned over to the custody of their Grows Large Carrot— S. Reclamation. with lectures will be shown during All birds 2 cents under above quot Nyssa's cheering section at the Sat ers also joined the association and relatives. Low High J. W. Hayes, living in Ward ad Date the stop in Nyssa, all showing va urday's game . . . . wonder if it’s consigned their seed at the Vale ed prices. 54 .... 26 dition in Nyssa proved that city Nov. 8 rious phases of the potato industry Second Grade a tree or turk that Wiley Clowers meeting. 54 16 “fanners" can live up to the repu Nov 9 Return From Vacation— was after with that shiny new All birds 9 cents per pound 56 ..... 21 tation of their country cousins when Nov 10 Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Haycock re Live Birds hatchet . . . . Hershel Thompson ...... 16 56 Sister Visits— it comes to raising unusual crops. Ladies AM— Nov 11 turned on Tuesday from a three- All grades 4c under dressed price 56 Mrs. Ed Beam of Ironside spent Hayes grew a carrot, in his gar qualifying as an A -l window wash ...................17 Nov. 12 The next meeting of the Method weeks vacation on which they vis er . . . . hope George Benson loses Custom dressing ... 14 cents per bird 57 Tuesday night visiting with her sis- den. that weighed 114 pounds. Hayes ...................16 Nov. 13 ist Ladies Aid r ill be on Friday. ited in Utah and Idaho and enjoy 56 ter. Mrs. Will H. Beam and Mr didn't reveal how the feat was ac that weather bet. 16 14 Noember 34th at the home of Mrs. ed a motor trip to Orand Canyon DUCKS AND GEESE Beam. 54 complished. Nov. u .......... ................... 15 R. A. Thompson. and through a portion of Ariaona Per P o u n d ................... ....... 9 cents R e-vote On Bonds This Saturday County Corn Show D ates N ov . 24-25 County Farmers Elect A.A.A. Committee Beet Growers Plan Central Association Firms T o Close T hanksgiving Highschool Smoker To Feature Boxing Seed Growers Join Market Co-op ROUND TOWN