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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1939)
' / The Gate City Journal HURCH Rue home. Mr. Bert LaRue has been very ill the past week. Mrs. W ill Ashcraft and daughters of Adrian and Elmer Parker of Nyssa were Sunday guests in the E. E. Parker home. Mrs. F. A. Miller called on Miss Lessie McDonald of Parma Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Roberts were Sunday guests in the W ill Sweet home. Miss Elaine Hickman and Everett Ulmer were married Thursday morning by Rev. Buote at Payette. They were accompanied by Miss Angela Hickman, Cyrus Bishop and Gerald Hickman. The wedding par ty were dinner guests in the par ental Walter Hickman home upon their return from Payette and were entertained the same evening at the Walter Bishop home. The 8-20 club and their families enjoyed a covered dish lunch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop Sunday. Twenty guests were pres ent. A fter a pleasant afternoon all went to the show at Parma in the evening. A large number of Wade P. T. A. members and guests attended the regular meeting held at the home of Mrs. Dan Holly in Adrian F ri day afternoon. Mrs. Elsie Welsh gave a review of the teachers in stitute at Baker. Mrs. Brumbach spoke about the county council at Ontario and all joined in guessing games. Mrs. Elsie Welsh and Mrs. Anna Sparks weer assistant host esses. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hickman left early Sunday morning for Montrose, Nebraska, where they were called by the serious illness of the latter’s father. Nov. 5 to 11 is American Educa tion week and will be observed by a special program each day in the Wade school. Pupils in Wade school with per fect attendance are Emery Camer on, Donald Hatch, Mildred Sparks, George Gale, Carmen Sillones, Pern Cameron, Cecelia Sillones, Ricks Gale, Iola Parker, David Gale, Lily Steiner, Raymond Cartright, Pete Timmerman, W ilford Prosser, Pedro Sillones and Carroll Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and children were dinner guests in the E. E. Parker home Monday evening. Kenneth Timm of Fruitland was a guest in the Sweet home Satur day. Mrs. E. E. Parker was honor guest at a birthday dinner party given by Mrs. Arch Parker on Thursday evening. Alfred and Ed Crossley of Owyhee Heights were Sunday guests of Keith Eachus. Mrs. Claude Eachus took Dolores to Ontario Saturday where she is under the care of a doctor for a se vere case of asthma. George Elfers was very ill with intestinal flu last week. tories. The Adrian Commercial club is sponsoring a banquet for the foot ball boys and their fathers Thurs day evening. The Adrian Boy Scouts meet reg ularly on Monday evenings and have elected Claris Case as their patrol leader. The K. I. Peterson family were dinner guests at the Martin home in Kingman Kolony Sunday. The H. R. Otis family were dinner guests at the Beaumont home in Kingman Kolony Sunday. Recorder, City of Nyssa Dated and first published. Novem ber 9, 1939 Last published December 7, 1939. NO TICE OF F IN A L H E AR IN G The undersigned has filed her Final Report as administratrix of the estate of Bert Alford, deceased. The County Court of Malheur County, State of Oregon, has set November 18th, 1939, at ten o’clock Ministers or others Interested in church publicity are invited to use in the forenoon, as the time when the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices said Final Report will be heard by to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday ot the Court and all the acts of said each week. administratrix approved unless such M ETH O D IST C O M M U N ITY be not proper. A ll persons having F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST W IN IFR E D BROWN THOM AS - - • - Owner objections to such ratification and CHURCH SC IE N TIS T discharge will then present the LOUIS P. THOMAS - - - - Editor and Publisher Millard Sherich, Pastor same to said Court. 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho Regular meetings as follows: Dated this 5th day of October, A branch oi the Mother Church, 1939. Sunday INDEPENDENT IN P O L IT IC S AND R E LIO IO N, O P T IM IS T IC the First Church ot Christ, Scient- VALE GRANGE 10 a. m.—Church School. L E T T IE ALFORD, IN D IS P O S IT IO N —W IT H NO IN TE R ESTS T O SERVE iest, in Boston, Massachusetts. Admx. of the Est. o f Bert Alford, 11:15 a. m —Morning Worship. By Mrs. Kile H. Parker EXCEPT THOSE O P M ALHEUR C OUNTY Dc’d. The Wednesday evening meeting, 7 p. m.—Junior and Senior Ep- The animal election of officers First publication, Oct. 12, 1939. at which time testimonials ot Christ worth League. was held at Vale Grange last F ri Last publication, Nov. 9, 1989. AD VE R TISIN G RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES lan healing and remarks on Christ 8 p. m.—Class study of special day night The following Grang Open rate, per inch........... 30c ian Science are given, is held at topics. One Year ......... 11.50 NO TICE FO R PU B LIC A T IO N ers were elected: Worthy Master, National, Per Inch ........... 30c Six Months $100 D E PAR TM E N T O F T H E IN T E R eight o’clock. Thursday at 8 p. m —Choir prac Herb Purvis; Overseer, Harrison Classifieds, Per word -----01c IOR, G ENERAL LA N D OFFICE Single Copies --------- 05 The Reading Room is located in tice. Russell; lecturer, Erie H. Parker; A T TH E DALLES. OREGON. Minimum 25c (Strictly In Advance) Second and fourth Thursday a ft Sept. 30, 1939. the Church Building, where the steward, Gordon G riffith ; chaplain, N O TICE is hereby given that Bible and authorized Christian ernoons of each month—Ladies Aid. Alice Fifer. assistant steward, Ross First Tuesday of every month at Arthur A. Rouse, of Nyssa, Ore., Rt. Science Literature may be read, bor Harvey; treasurer, Marion Charles; 2, who, on Sept. 17, 1936, made Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. 8:00 p. m.—General official board rowed or purchased, and is open secretary, Lucy Johnson; gatekeep Homestead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission every day from two to tour p. m., ex meeting. er, Sam M cKinney; Ceres, Mrs. No. 030393, for Farm Unit “ A " or through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under Special Announcements cept Sunday and holidays. John Faw; Pomona, Mrs. Henry NE'/iNE1,, Sec. 23, N W V iN W ii, Sec the act of March 3, 1879. The quality of mercy is human— tion 24, Township 19 S., Range 46 Jordan; Flora, Mrs. Ray Kittinger; E., Willamette Meridian, has filed The public is cordially invited to but it is also divine. For where love assistant stewardess, Mabel Harvey. notice of intention to make final attend our services and make use ol is, there is God. A joint installation of officers Proof, to establish claim to the laud the Reading Room. I t is not surprising, therefore, with neighboting Granges will be above described, before Geo. K. Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, at On that where Christ has been pro held on December 1 at Vale. tario, Oregon, on the 24th day of claimed the door has been opened PA R M A LU TH E R AN CHURCH November, 1939. Fifty-nine Vale Grangers attend to the spirit of tenderness and mer A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Claimant names as witnesses: ed the state officers conference at cy. Christianity is God’s love made Groot, Robert Vest, Clarence Much has been said and written Boulevard. Twenty-one candidates Dick manifest among human kind. Barrett, Gerritt Stam, all of Nyssa. of a war to end war. Although the Co-operative Marketing Association from Vale were initiated in third Oregon, Rt. 2. Among the fruits of the Christian world does not know it, that war and fourth degrees. W. F. JACKSON. gospel, few movements in modern for Malheur Farmers is a war which must be fought with Register. Mabel Harvey will have charge of times deserve the honor we accord A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp First publication, Oct. 12, 1939. in the human heart. Earthly peace the lecturer’s program at the next Last Publication, Nov. 9, 1939. to the American Red Cross, which is only an armistice unless the A City Park meeting on Nov. 17. this week is making its annual drive. hearts of men have been conquered NO TICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N A Comprehensive Street Improvement N o one will ever know the thou and subjugated by the dynamic D E PAR TM E N T OF TH E IN T E R sands of people of all races and of Plan IOR. G ENERAL L A N D OFFICE power which God sent to earth in all levels of society to whom this A T TH E DALLES, OREGON the person of Jesus Christ and worthy body has given aid. I t has Oct. 10. 1939. which brings with all Its regen NOTICE OF H EARING not been asked, “ Is help deserved,” N O TIC E is hereby given that erating power into the heart of man IN THE C O U N TY C O U R T OF THE Mildred E. Williams, formerly M il but only, “ is it needed?” Truly here C A N ’T H APPEN HERE? — B U T IT HAS STA TE OF OREGON FO R M A L dred E. Burroughs, assignee of through the Gospel of the cross and is the spirit of Christ, who said, HEUR CO UNTY. Meryl V. Napton, of Boise, Idaho, the blood of Calvary. W e invite you L O T of us in Oregon have been giving “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto In the Matter of the Estate of Er who, on Nov. 15, 1920, made Desert to come and hear this peace-giving one of the least ef these, ye have California and Ohio residents the well Land Entry, Act June 17, 1902 No. ma R. Wade, Deceased. Gospel. done It unto me.” Notice Hereby Is Given, That 025536, for N 'iN E V i or Farm Unit known “ Bronx Cheer” as the incubator o f hair 10:00 A. M.—Divine services. Ser Carl H. Coad, Administrator with "A ”, Section 12, Township 22 S., brained old-age pensions. The one in California, W ill Annexed of Estate of Erma R. Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, mon: The Christian’s Duty Toward L. D. S. CHURCH filed notice of intention to make Wade, Deceased, has filed in the has Proof, to establish claim to and perhaps better known to those of us on the An Erring Brother. Sunday above entitled Court for final set final the above described, before tlement, his account and report of Carl land 11:00 a. m.—Sunday school for all. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. Pacific coast, is popularly called the Ham and H. Coad, Notary Public, at administration, with petition for Nyssa, Oregon, 1:15— "The Lutheran Hour” over 11:30 a. m. Priesthood Meeting Eggs. We have had a lot of fun at California’s distribution, and that hearing upon November, 1939. on the 23rd day of KFXD. 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Service. the same has been fixed for the 9th Claimant names as witnesses: expense— The Ham and Eggs is o f such fantas Monday day of December, 1939, at 10:00 Leonard 8 p. m. Meeting of the Walther King, of Homedale, Idaho; o'clock A. M., at the County Court Henry Stahlecker, o f Homedale, 7:30 p. m. M. I. A. Meeting tic idealism that it has been hard for any of us League. room in the County Courthouse at Tuesday Idaho; Homer C. King, of Adrian, to take the thing seriously, but Californians Saturday 1:30 to 3:30—Bible Vale, Oregon, where all persons in Oregon; Edna May King, of Adrian, 2:00 p. m. R elief Society Meeting terested in said Estate are notified Oregon. school for children. Send them. have, or at least enough of them to cause the to appear and show cause if any 7:30 p. m. Genealogical Meeting “A Changeless Christ for a W. F. JACKSON, they have why such account should Thursday measure to be placed on the ballot and upon Register. Changing World.” not be allowed and settled and dis 4:00 p. m. Primary Meeting. First published October 12, 1939. tribution of the estate made to the which the state o f California voted Tuesday. Last published November 9. 1939. Effective at once persons entitled thereto. At the time of our going to press there is con “ THE LU TH E R AN HOUR” NO TICE OF ELECTION C AR L H. COAD, clusive evidence, from the returns in California, N YS SA GOSPEI, TABERNACLE Administrator with W ill Annexed. SCHOOL D IS T R IC T No. 26 ) Sunday, November 12th, at 1:15 ) H. B. Talbot, Minister Dated and first published Nov. 9, Malheur County, Oregon to insure the defeat of the Ham and Eggs pipe- p. m., “The Lutheran Hour” one NOTICE H EREBY IS GIVEN, 1939. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. of the most popular of radio pro That an election has been called dream, as well as Ohio doing the same thing Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Last published Dec. 7, 1939. and will be held in School District grams, which has been heard from with their “ Big Loaf” idea. Evange'clistic Service, 8:00 p. m. No. 26, Malheur County, Oregon, on coast to coast over a national net Midweek services, Tuesday and Saturday, the 18th day of Novem NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS FOR work for the past few years, will be The Ohio old age pension is a little less am Thursday at 8:00 p. m. VAC ATIO N OF STREETS AND ber, 1939, at the District School heard for the first time in Idaho House at Nyssa, Oregon, in said ALLEY bitious, but back of it is the same idea— some over two local stations. District, between the hours of 2:00 N O TIC E H E R EB Y IS GIVEN, o'clock P. M. and 7:00 o’clock P. M . ASSEM BLY OF GOD GOSPEL The Lutheran Hour is a remark thing for nothing, with the working and salaried That the Common Council of the at which time the polls shall close, TABERNACLE City of Nyssa on the 6th day of and that at said election there will able enterprise in the field of mod man carrying the biggest share o f ildeness. The Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. November, 1939. adopted a Resolu submitted to the legal voters of ern evangelism established by the Classes for all. We have some very tion Declaring Intention and Com be scheme there being that the beneficiary, if the district the proposition of con noted Lutheran theologian, Walter mencing Proceedings, to Vacate the tracting a bonded indebtedness in interesting lessons taken from the single, will receive every month only $40 if A. Maier, Ph. D., member of the following described streets and alley sum of $36,000.00 for the pur New Testament this quarter. Come A D R IA N —The A. H. S. is spon in the City of Nyssa, Malheur Coun the faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. pose of refinancing and funding single, $80 if married. and enjoy them with us. ty, Oregon: soring a carnival to be held at the warrants No. 188 to No. 542, both Louis, Missouri. Morning Worship at 11:15 a. m. gymnasium Nov. 17. In the ticket That portion of Eighth Street ex inclusive, and interest thereon ac But just in case that we get to thinking that The Lutheran Hour is sponsored Young People meet at 7:15 p. m. sale there is a competition between tending from the South line of crued, of the issue and series of by the Lutheran Laymen’s League Bower Avenue, South a distance 1938-1939, the oldest of which war all the “ nuts” hibernate in California— just look Junior meeting in the basement the four classes. So far the fresh of approximately 298 feet to the rants was issued November 1, 1938. with the co-operation of the Inter at 7:15 p. m. man class is leading. The tickets at what popped into our mail box the first of the South terminus of said Eighth and all of which warrants were is national Walther League, a young Evangelistic meeting at 8:00 p. m. that they are selling have many Street. sued prior to October 21, 1939. The w eek! A pamphlet, a card (which sounds inter people's organization. These lay or amount of principal of warrants Mid-week meeting Wednesday at uses besides being good for the That portion of the unnamed ganizations have the co-operation 8:00 p. m. No. 188 to No. 542, both inclusive to esting from a monetary standpoint) and a letter street that extends East and West be refunded is $34.659.35 and the raffle, in which the prize is a $10 of the Lutheran Synod of Missouri. along the South Side of Block 84, accrued interest thereon to be re You are welcome. set of dishes. — all o f which came from Ham and Eggs, Inc., Ohio and other states. Locally the Westfield Addition to Nyssa, funded is $1340.65. The Farm Mechanics shop for (he from the East line of Ninth Street not from California, mind you, but from Cor program is sponsored by the Lu K IN G M A N K O L O N Y L.D.S. The vote shall be by ballot upon A. H. S. is expected to be ready tor East a distance of approximate theran congregations of Southwest vallis, Oregon. SU ND AY SCHOOL ly 293 feet and to the East ter which there shall be the words use next week or in the near fu "Bonds ----- Yes ’, and the words Idaho and can be heard over station minus of said unnamed Street. Meets in Kingman Kolony school ture. The alley extending East and "Bonds ----- No", and the voter K FX D . Nampa. This card that we mentioned informs us that house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. Some of the Adrian girls visiter: ! West through the center of Block shall indicate his choice by placing it is for precinct workers information and that 84, Westfield Addition to Nyssa. a cross (X ) between tne word at the Rev. Tetwiler home Monday ST. PAU L’S EPISCO PAL CHURCH evening and were shown through from the East line of Ninth Street "Bonds" and the word “ Yes” or be “ until such time as a county manager has been CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE East to the West line of Eighth tween the word "Bonds" and the Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor the shop where Mr. Tetwiler dots word "N o ”, whichever indicates his street. appointed in your county, YO U (note the capi Sixth near Main choice. his wood work. They were shown All as shown by the Revised Map Prayer and sermon 9:30 a. m. each Vern W. Martin, Pastor tal letters) may retain 20 cents from the amount The polls will be open from 2:00 some examples of his work, which and Plat thereof on file in the o'clock P. M. until 7:00 o’clock P. M. Sunday except the fourth. included tables, lamps, tie racks, Ed Wild, Superintendent office of the County Clerk of M al on said day, when the same shall be paid b f each NEW member that you receive and At 7:30 p. m. the fourth Sunday. and desks. Also many other small heur County, Oregon. closed, for the reception of ballots Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. send in to the secretary . . . . ” Now just why Junior Y. P. F. first and third novelties. All interested persons are noti cast for or against the contraction Come and bring the family. Mondays. we were selected to act as a come-on to any The James McGinnis family were fied that said resolution and mat of such indebtedness. Senior Y. P. F. second and fourth guests at a birthday dinner for ter will be heard by the Common Morning worship 11:00 a. m. This notice is given by order of sucker that would fall for this breakfast dish, Council on the 11th day of Decem the District School Board, made the Mondays. Joyce at the Alvin McGinnis home ber, 1939, at the hour of eight 21st N. Y . P. 8. 7:30 p. m. day of October, 1939 is beyond us. Guild second Wednesday. in Newell Heights Wednesday. o'clock P. M. at the Councilpoom Prayer meeting every Wedneesday ALICE W ILSON, in the City Hall, at Nyssa, Oregon, The Wade P. T. A. met at the Chairman. District School Board. at 8 p. m. But we suppose that there will be enough peo at or before which time written Attest: SUNSET V A LLE Y CHURCH Dan Holly home Friday. remonstrances or objections to such W. F. M. S. meets every second SUNSET V A L L E Y GOSPEL TE N T ple in Oregon who will be in need of money to Mrs. Payden of Newell Heights vacation of streets and alley may be B B. LIENKAEM PER. District Clerk. Thursday of the month, A. M. Grubbs, in charge was the dinner guest of Rev Tet- presented and filed. take on this 20 cent commission to take advan First publication October 26. 1939 Ditty’s Corner wiler's Sunday. M. F SOLOMON, | Last publication November 9, 1939. tage of the offer and their acquaintances who Rev. and Mrs. Tetwiler had din Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Classes K IN G M AN C O M M U N ITY still believe that you can get something for for all. ner with their son Raymond in CHURCH Weiser Sunday. nothing. Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor D. A. Emerson, supervisor of sec Evangelistic Service, 8:00 p. m. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G. ondary education of the state de This Ham and Eggs is naive to say the least, Bible Study Tuesday 8:00 p. m. Osborn, superintendent. Evangelistic Service, Friday. 8:00 partment of public instruction at the idea being that every person 50 years or Morning worship 11 a. m. Salem, Dr. Woods of the state de p. m. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. over will receive, each 'Thursday, state war Come and worship with us. Ev partment and Dr. Macomber of the Evening worship 8:30 p. m University of Oregon visited the rants amounting to $30, which can, so the au eryone welcome. Adrian high school Friday morning. thors of the idea claim, be used to pay public SECTION 9. All such tolls and charges shall Alvin McGinnis and Howard employees and debts. With this we take issue— Mrs. Clyde Riggs and children of Hatch spent Monday making bas be due and payable on the First day of each Parma spent Saturday visiting her kets and backboards for the bas for in the first place the warrants are not “ legal month, and if same shall not be paid on or be parents Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Roberts ketball season. money of the United States” and for that rea fore the Tenth day o f the month for which the Mrs. Elmer Eskew spent the past Mr. and Ms. Duke Rohland. son could not be used to pay federal income charges are made, shall be deemed delinquent. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker, Mr. B IG BEND—A first aid course is week with Mrs. P. B. Anderson. Miss Daphne Molstrum moved to and Mrs. Gerrit M untjewerff and taxes, F. H. A., H. O. L. C. loans or any other offered to all in the community Said rates shall be due and payable at all events with no cost, the meetings to be Parma Saturday where she rented M r and Mrs. Arch Parker attended negotiable paper on which payment is based on and regardless of whether a statement shall an apartment and will ride to her the dinner given by the 8-20 club at held Monday and Thursday nights United States money. Another claim of the pro have been rendered therefor, and if the same at Wade school house. The course work at Adrian with Ms. Alva Watt. the Verle Bishop home A special school program will be The Duke Rohland fam ily were in ponents is that these warrants would not be liq will last ten weeks. shall not be paid on or before the Tenth day of Mrs. Patten of Tw in Falls and held Friday afternoon in honor of Caldwell on business Thursday. uidated from taxes receipts, but from profits of the month for which said service is charged and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Webster are ( Mrs. DeLapp of Boise arrived on Armistice day, Nov. 11. new business— to which we ask, is the Ham and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Steelman and enjoying a visit with his sister from for which the amounts so become delinquent, Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Eggs planning on opening the new businesses? Mrs. W ill Sweet. On Saturday eve daughter were Caldwell visitors Sat California. This is their first visit in then it shall be lawful for the City of Nyssa, its 20 years. ning Denim Patten arrived from urday. For certainly no person contemplating entering officers and employees to discontinue said wa Miss Eleanor Haworth was a din Emily Otis attended the banquet ' Twin Falls and all went to Boise into business would think of coming into a state ter service and shut o ff the same, and when so ner guest of the Orion club at the at Ontario, given by the Ontario Monday to attend the Baptist con that used warrants that had no value outside College of Idaho in Caldwell F ri commercial club for outstanding vention. shut o ff and discontinued, the delivery o f water club members of the county. Mrs. Walter Bishop and Mrs. day evening. that state. shall not be resumed until all such delinquent Misses Dorothy Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stryker and Verl Bishop were shopping In Cald charges against the consumer are paid, together Louise Hinton yell leaders for Adri son Bill Stryker and Archie Ross I well Monday. The idea of starting this hocus-pocus in Ore- Mr and Mrs le e Fisk of Parma an football team, attended the game of Nebraska were visitors at the J with a fee o f One Dollar for turning on said on is, we surmise, because the field in Cali- were calling on Bend friends Satur at Halfway Saturday In which the W. McFate home Thursday evening ; water. omia is now worked otit, and the next move Adrian boys were the winners. This football season ended very day. Iola Parker was an overnight favorably for Adrian high with their Buddy Holly received the prize is into Oregon. As to what success the movement pencil for receiving the most gold guest of Donna and Joyce Ashcraft victory over the Halfway Wolves will have, we have little doubt, our bet being by a score of 7-6. stars in spelling and Eudora Lea In Adrian Saturday. Recorder. that it will have the same fate as that in Cali M r and Mrs. Arch Parker spent This defeat o f Halfway ended the j I Higgins received the prize for hav- I lng the most stars In arithmetic. Monday In Vale helping In the La Wolves’ record of 15 successive vie- I fornia. 0 R E GlO(fP)N ÍW S(iÄP E R PUBLISHER'S/ ASS V o l AT I ON NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM ------4*------ IT A Legal Advertising HIGH SCHOOL TO SPONSOR CARNIVAL NOTICE TO WATER USERS ORDINANCE NO. 259 Amended FIRST AID COURSE TO BE GIVEN ? M. F. SOLOMON,