/ / NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1939 Ye Snooper’s Column Things About Nyssa’s Shops y> v And this week comes the tale of a family who pulled up stakes In the night, shook the dust of this country side from o ff their feet, and returned to the land from whence they came. They hoped that none wouldst know where they had gone for they owed much monies to townspeoples for many kind­ nesses to them. Rent to one who had more than befriended them, bills to merchants for supplies which these same men will now have to pay. And ’tis not as though they had been unable to work. The husband held a government job with a regular pay check, and ’tis not that they went unprepared or hurriedly. Instead they had planned to do just this thing evidently for several weeks. A ll during the time that they built a trailer in the back yard, sold their cow and made oth­ er necessary preparations for a long trip. Then when the last nail hadst been set, like the Arab, pulled up stakes in the night and as silent­ ly departed. Such persons as these are as def­ initely robbers and thieves as the man who sticks up the traveler and relieves him of his wallet or the em­ bezzler that obtains monies under false pretenses. Only in these latter cases the law steps in and demands a retribution and these men expect just what they get. When they are ■caught. But for these others, smirk­ ing under the mantle of honesty, there is no retribution to halt them in their crimes. Instead they pro­ ceed merrily on their way, free to mulct other merchants and home- owners of their due. T is no wonder that soon all men in business life become as suspicious of newcomers as a bird on the bough is of the cat lurking at the bottom of the tree. And none are honest in their sight until they are proved so. But if one were to tell such scamps that they were as big moral offenders as an A1 Capone or a Ponzi, their indignation would sizzle an iceberg quicker than the fumes of Satan’s dwelling place. Smug they are and consider themselves a bit smarter than the poor dubs they have outdone. And while we are not among those who believe in old-fashioned imprisonment for debt, still we do believe that there should be some redress for merchants in such cases as this where, the man has had a regular pay check, particularly one paid from public funds, and then side-steps rightful payment for the maintenance of life in his family. Certainly those who are so lacking in gratitude and manliness can nev- ■er walk with dignity among their fellowmen, regardless of how many times they move nor where their •wanderings may lead them. True it is that scarcely ony one born less than a Pierpont Morgan or Barbara Hutton does not at some time or other need credit and need it badly. But the average person is so weighted down with the thought of inability to pay that they sacri­ fice all else till their obligations have been met. T is these latter Professional Cards Dr. Francis S. Weir Dentist O ffice: Sarazin Clinic Bldg. Phone 30W CARL H. COAD A T T O R N E Y - A T -LA W PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Eagles Hall A. L. McClellan ___ President Don Graham ......... Secretary The Public Is Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAGLES H A LL Visiting Eagles Welcome H A R R Y M IN E R Sec. C L IF F GREER. Pres. PAGE THREE that proves the worth of mankind And surely with autumn crispness Schneider, Denzil Lee, Alta Loma Refreshments were served at the Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCullough F ife home, close. as a whole and keeps the spark of putting pep in lazy muscles a juicy Howell. and family visited at the Mutt Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Campbell of Mr. and Mrs. Schneider and fam ­ faith for his brother in the heart slice of the stuff with a slice of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot visited Ewing home in Parma Thursday [ Oregon Trail spent Sunday after­ crisp bacon is a real palate teaser. ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kollen Mr. and Mrs. J. D Gilmore in On- evening. of the business man. i noon at the W. H. Fox home. T is a fine autumn that the And at the Nyssa packing com­ and family were Sunday visitors in trio Thursday evening. Mrs. Ed Bionic of Lincoln Heights weather man hast sent along so far. pany store they do ever have a sup­ the Otto W olfe home. Jim Kakebeeke and Kathryn of called on Mrs Dick Groot Friday Verbal Wolfe, who is employee at What with the nip of frost in the ply of liver, fresh and tender. T is Ontario and John Kakebeeke were afternoon. Teacher Moves— a purse-saver as well. the Bill Stewart home at Cairo early morn and the warmth of a Sunday dinner guests at the Dick O. Z. Matthews was a business Junction, spent the week end at the T is strange how so many of the golden sun at midday, sure ’tis a Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tempter mov­ Groot home. visitor at Vale Monday. grand place in which to be alive. foods that are best for what ails Otto W olfe home. ed from the Thomas house on Boy Scout Troop No. 58 had a Mrs. Pete Tensen visited Mrs. Fourth and Locust to one in the The leaves are still clinging green to us or aid to keep us from ailing are taffy pull at the home of their lead­ Betty LaFrenz in Nyssa Friday. the branches in many places and those lowly root and green leafy Kelly group. er, Dean Fife, Wednesday evening. bright blossoms yet linger in shel­ vegetables that we were raised on Mrs. Darwin Kibby and Mrs. Clifford Kelly of Bums, Oregon, tered places. And a good friend and our pioneer grandparents be­ arrived Saturday to visit his sister, Frank Matthews and daughter of didst say that violets blossom at fore us and are among the cheapest Vale were week end guests at the Mrs. Archie Howell. O. Z. Matthews home. her doorstep. But many there be edibles that can be purchased. And BUENA V IS T A —Edward and Ir ­ Mrs. R. H. Johnson and Leona especially on the land that long to at the Wilson food emporium at vin Topliff, two of the Future Farm­ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and of Nyssa Heights were Sunday din­ see the snow hip deep this winter Main near Second they do have a er boys, each purchased a register­ Marjorie visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe ner guests at the Guy Sweet home with many weeks of sub-zero wea­ vegetable counter just given over to ed Duroc-Jersey gilt. Stam in Oregon Trail Monday eve­ Marjorie Groot attended the Com­ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brandt of Ore­ ther. The destructive insects have them. Always crispy fresh and tasty ning. mercial Club banquet at the Moore been too encouraged the past two as the morn they left mother earth gon Slope spent Sunday at the J. Rickus Van Twisk of Valley iVew, hotel Thursday evening as an out­ years and have increased in num­ to become food for man. And at W. Jennings home. ( Mrs. Jim Kakebeeke of Ontario, bers past all reasoning and the land prices that even the largest family Mrs. Mary Pierce called at the standing 4-H club member of the Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen spent county. owner doest know that a good old- canst afford to stock up and fill up. Ralph Boyles home Thursday. Sunday afternoon at the Dick Groot Andrew Jensen and son, Howard Comes the day of the Armistice. Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Mrs. Alva fashioned winter will do more good home. of Weston, Idaho, visited at the than tons of insecticide towards T is fast losing its meaning with a Goodell attended the H. E. C. at Alfred Mughan of Idaho Falls their eliminiation. And if the wish­ new generation now in manhood. the Dale Garrison home Thursday. Dean Fife home Saturday evening. Ed Hedman took his family to spent Tuesday evening at the Dean Helen Poiplin and Mr. and Mrs. es come true, as they are most apt And with a world at war again. Ex­ to do, then some morning we wilt cept that so far the peace promised Jim Ritchie and Garnet Belle were their home in Graze. Idaho, Sun­ wake to a shivering frozen world then is still with this, nation. A l­ Sunday dinner guests at the S. B. day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lankford and with an ardent wish that we though unless everyone makes it his Hoffman home. Geraldine Jennings of Weiser and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lank­ hadst not waited nor tampered with own personal business to keep it so providence so long in filling the and to forestall the propaganda and spent the week end with her par­ ford of Emmett visited the Dean SHOE SHOP family motor vehicle with anti­ mess-making incidnts of the war ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings. Fife family Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot, Mrs. Bill Savage spent Monday in freeze. Sure 'tis an expense, more block which undoubtedly exists at Next to Nyssa Cafe Gerrit Stam, Mrs. Andy Boersma, so than free water at least, but not the nation's capital, we will find Caldwell. the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff call­ Mrs. Ben Calvert attended nearly so much as replacing a froz­ ourselves knee deep in the muck of en radiator ere the old blankety- this sorry affair and the best of ed at the Dave DeGross home on teachers’ reception in Nyssa W ed­ nesday evening. blank thing can be made to show these fine youths nothing but pawns Sunday afternoon. John Kakebeeke moved Monday S. B. Hoffman is building a barn life again. And not nearly so cost­ in the European political scheme. to Seaside. Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hunt But Saturday we can at least for Carl Sebum. ly as one might believe when the Glenn Boyles was absent from j rented his place. anti-freezing lotion ist purchased celebrate peace once more. Some Mr. and Mrs. Mikfe McCullough at the Gamble store in the Atkeson there be who served shoulder to school Monday because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Polin of and family visited the W. E. Shep­ block on Main just east of third. shoulder ovr there and who though Falls spent Thursday ard family in Vale Friday evening. 'Tis a lasting anti-freeze in sealed the years have celebrated together, Klamath Pete Tensen and John Lackey a happy, care-free day it is when night with Mrs. Frank Savage. cans. Leslie T op liff is building a hog sold their clover seed to A1 Thomp­ And surely all do know that it worry wilt be forgotten and the son. takes extra lubrication and care for man of today will pull in his pasture. Bertha Sweet was an overnight Fred and Joe Stephen purchased the family omnibus in cold weather paunch, brace back the drooping guest of Leona Johnson of Nyssa lest it fall into bad repair, and shoulders and feel again the touch a new Ford. Heights Friday. equally so ist it requisite that the of youth. They’ll sing “ Madelon" The Jitterbugs Cooking club met human machine be kept at top re­ and "Tipperary’’ and “Parley Vous.” at the home of their leader, M ar­ pair to withstand the sudden win­ Some there be, a great many too jorie Groot, Friday with nine mem­ ters attack of germ and cold. And many who will be there only in bers present. Leona Calvert and no surer way is there to build a memory. But the singers will re­ R IV E R V IE W —The Silket thresh­ Marie Sweet demonstrated the body resistance in all the family member them too. But to have died ing machine overturned Sunday, making of deviled eggs. Catherina from grandpap to newest infant gloriously, to feel the thrill of life ’s while going to thresh on the Clowers Van Twisk was elected song and than via the fresh milk route. P ro­ sacrifice for an ideal. Perhaps they brothers’ farm. It was not badly yell leader. Refreshments were serv­ vided of course that the cows along had the lesser share. T o live dully damaged. ed at the close of the meeting. this way are tested and inspected day after day doing ones bit as best Earl Farmer and Elm van de Mrs. Ethel Lankford and Mrs. for their own healthy condition and they can in an upside-down world Bogart motored to Baker Thurs­ Nancy Gannon returned home from as this hast been so much of the the proceeds from their lactic glands day. a visit with friends and relatives handled with the nth degree of time since and still to smile and sing Mr. and Mrs. John Kreiter, who at Fort Collins, Colo., Monday. and forget the worst. That is hero­ sanitation. And all these things are have been working and living on Edna Hallock spent Sunday with sured one when the milk they buy ism too. All we can say is, like the the U. G. Sebum farm on Gem Esther Sweany in Richland. I t s s p e c ia l W a s t e - S t o p p e r OU save tw o ways when is from the Nyssa Gate City Dairy. song “ God Bless America, the land avenue, have moved near Ontario Edward Beryl left Sunday for And now comes the time when that I love.” And not to have let to top beets. will save you dollars—it keeps you buy this new Duo- Portland. pies and fruit cakes do taste the them suffered in vain but keep us heat from rushingup the chimney, The community Sunday school Therm fuel oil heater—you save Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ward of best. Juicy mince meat pie with the at peace. sends more heat into the room! will meet at the E. C. Johnson home Prairie City are visiting in the com­ when you b u y it and you save Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad­ fine flavor of fresh suet and lean Sunday. munity this week. vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy when you put it to work! You can regulate this heater— beef, with not only the flavor but Dorothy Lewis, of Gem Avenue is O. Z. Matthews spent the middle have as little or as much heat as with chewy pieces of it as well. Well time and thy gas going farther. I t s p a te n te d B ia s - B a ffle working at Shelton’s dairy. of the week at Cascade on business. that ist the kind that the McClure you want. Radiant door gives in­ Burner is the most efficient made Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Ashburn of Marie and Bertha Sweet visited boys make at the Nyssa bakery. stant flood o f extra heat when Ontario visited with the Tom Os- Billie and Bonnie Post in Nyssa — gives you the utmost heat from Now also comes the time when burn family Sunday, you need it. See this new heater Thursday. every gallon o f oill Bums cleanly, feet big and little better be kept in burn family Sunday. Mr. Osburn re­ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen of today! This model heats 1 to 6 silently— from pilot light to full snug dry, non-leaking shoes if the turned to Ontario with them, where Shelly, Idaho, moved on the Idan- rooms. SUNSET V A L L E Y —Mrs. John flame. Handy front heat control. ever ready to pounce upon one he is working. ha Friday. germs of cold and flu are to be put Case entertained the Worthwhile Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hill were din­ Mr. and Mrs. C. M Tensen and to route in the body of mankind. club Thursday. There were 16 mem­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Neil called on Mr. and Mrs. Charlie And ’tis not such a task nor expense bers present and four visitors and Gonnason Sunday eevning. McConnel in Nyssa Friday after­ if they are taken to the Abbott shoe 10 pre-school children. Sewing was John Zittercob is threshing clover noon. PHONE 94 NYSSA fixing emporium on M ain near First done for the hostess. Refreshments seed for Ernest Johnson. were served and the club adjourned for a frequent overhauling and re­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson • #// pair job. A shoe well kept wilt last to meet Nov. 16 with Mrs. Maud left Sunday morning for California Cooper. thee a great deal longer and be where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bolitho and | The Rouse brothers have harvest- i be much easier on the hoof. visited Mr. Bolitho's ed their first cutting of lettuce. And not only must the human daughters machine be kept in tip top germ- mother near Melba, Idaho, Friday. They are the only ones in this dis- [ Mr. and Mrs. I. Foster and Virgin­ trict who raised lettuce this sea- j resisting order by intelligent feed­ ia left Sunday morning for K lam ­ son. ing, but ’tis a wise stock owner Klaas Tensen is ill with the flu. ! who doest give his animals on the ath Falls as stated in last week’s Harper ranch, including old Fido the faith­ paper, but upon nearing they burned out the generator in ful, rations balanced for winter feeding. And at the A1 Thompson their car, making it necessary to feed store they have the tops in return home and remain here till that line. Purina chows for beast Wednesday, when again they set A LB E R TA V A L L E Y — Frederic and fowl, or they wilt mix a fine forth upon their Journey. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner, Mrs. Fife entertained at a Hallowe’en animal fare, according to their party Monday afternoon. Games proven formulas. T is a happy Fido Jay Howard and children and Paul were played with prizes going to indeed that is treated to those Pu­ Gilbert transacted business in Vale Friday and also visited Bert Turner Ruth Bingham and Lynn Taylor. rina dog cakes. and family near Vale. Art all of a dither with Christ­ Rev. and Mrs. L. Carlsen, Lola C LEA N , STEA DY H EAT mas dashing towards us full speed Mae and Mrs. O. L. Brown of La ahead and the pocket flattening out M O N EY-SA V IN G F U E L Grande were Wednesday night vis­ with doubled rapidity? Where, oh itors in the Chas. Ditty and Leslie where are the shekels to come from Ditty homes. They returned home that wilt bring happy laughter for WHENYOU ^ Thursday. Mrs. Leslie Ditty and the little folk on that occasion? children accompanied her mother, Perhaps in the old trunk in the at­ Mrs. Brown home. tic or packed away in seldom-in­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Plank of Nam ­ spected places there ist some old pa visited John Case and Charles jewelry, unused things just taking Ditty families Sunday. up space and with never a promise Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen of of future use. Then why not bundle Wilder weer Sunday dinner guests them up and tote them over to Mr. in the L. E. Newgen home. Mr. and BEST IN Morris at his jewelry store on Main Mrs. Henry Meier and Mr. and Mrs. THE WEST near Third and what thy pocket- Fred Osterkamp were afternoon book gains in that transaction wilt callers also. go far in assisting Santa on his Helen R effett was hostess at a yearly stop at the fam ily manse.. NOWHERE ELSE— FEATURES UKE THESE 1 The M a iler 89 Sport Sedan. 9740* handkerchief shower in the J. A. Forget not that Saturday ist a Black home Saturday honoring Miss NIW "RO YA L CUPPER" STYLING • BIGGER Fro m fr o n t o f g r ille to r e a r o f b o d y — fo r holiday and one that should this Bonnie Newgen. Those attending WILLIAMS COAL CO. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE • NEW FULL-VISION year be remembered more than ev­ were the Misses Donna, Lucille Phon* 47 Nyuo. Oregon length w h ere length counts — Chevrolet for BODIES BY FISHER • NEW EXCLUSIVE VACUUM- er. 'Tis right that it should come Chadd, Lilly Mae and Bernice POWER SHIFT • "THE RIDE R O Y A L " -C h e v - so near Thanksgiving this year. We 1940 is the longest of all low est-priced cars I roU t'i Perfected Knee-Action Riding System* • have a double cause for gratitude. SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE • PER­ U 'lW W iify In addition to being the streamlined And Nyssa’s stores are remember­ FECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES e AU-SILENT SYNCRO-MESH TRANSMISSION • LARGER ■ ““iB B r“' beauty leader of “ Automobile R o w "— in ing. And wilt on Armistice day be I TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH • NEW SEALED BEAM addition to being the ablest a ll-ro u n d p e rfo rm e r In its closed. And among them wilt be the HEADLIGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING [ field— Atkeson's apparel shops at Main 1 LIGHTS • IMPROVED SHOCKPROOF STEERING* and Third. But there is still time to This new Chevrolet for 1940 is also the lon gert of • NEW CRYSTAL-CLEAR HI-TEST SAFETY PLATE purchase there that new frock for all lowest-priced cars— bar none! OLASS • NEW SAFE-T-LOCK HOOD Saturday’s party and smart are the Chevrolet hat more than It’s a whopping 181 Inches long from the front of new ones that they have just re­ 173 im portant modern fetrturet. its fashionable grille to the rear of its beautifully ceived. And coats too that are sold curved body . . . which means it has length where •On Special De Luxe end M atter De Luxe Seriee. quicker than they canst get them length counts . . . which means It’s the longest auto­ on the hooks. One in fuschia tones mobile in the lowest price field I IS M P V A IV I IM-MIAO SIX and nubby weave with a bit of a *At Flin t. M ichigan. Trans­ All tests will tell you “ Chevrolet’s FIRST Again,” fit at the waistline we didst long portation based on rail so eye it . . . try It . . . buy if— today! for ourselves, but when tried on was rate*. state and local ta«e* if any . optional equipment a bit on the too-littlish side. and a c c e s s o r ie s —s t i r a And when even ist come and the Through the medium of our services, we always Prices sub|ect to change soldier boy of a decade since wouldst without notice try to make families feel serene, confident and at ease his tired doggies, then take peace with the world. We accomplish this through him to the Nyssa Theatre where in the comfort of an overstuffed chair | exceptionally skillful and understanding direction and the peace of dim lights he may of every funeral service. We act not only as ad­ relax and enjoy the show and for­ visers, but a« friends helping willingly! get for a moment that the price he paid is being demanded again. And in the diet sheets thispast week much mention hast been made Ontario, Oregon PHONE 73W NYt»SA of the life-saving and body-sustain­ ing qualities of just plain old liver. FFA BOYS BUY REGISTERED GILTS DON’T THROW YOUR SHOES AWAY— WE BUY Anything Containing Gold MORRIS JEWELER Atkeson Bldg. Nyssa -have them repaired at ABBOTT’S H e r e ’s Real HEATER VALUE! THRESHING MACHINE IS OVERTURNED N E W 1940 DUO-THERM Y WORTHWHILE CLUB IS ENTERTAINED Nordale Furniture Store "Chevrolet's FIR S T A gain , Among the Lowest-Priced Cars Heres ENTERTAINS AT HALLOWE’EN PARTY THE LONGEST OF THE LOT! 181 inches- \BURN ABERDEEN ® COAL L I SERENITY AND PEACE Eqe It ••Toil It ••Bull It! NYSSA FUNERAL HOME / *659 Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62