NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1939 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Zutz of Vale Utah. They de-horned and branded COUPLE MARRIED spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. them Monday. AT CALDWELL Chas. Splawn. Mr. Zutz, Mr. Splawn Glen Dowers helped John Smlt PAGE TWO PARK CLUB PARTY Members oi the Morgan Park Garden club and their families en joyed a pot luck supper and Hal lowe’en party in the C. C. C. mess hall on the evening of November 2. The evening was spent in visiting with a short business session fol lowing the supper. The next meeting will be Thurs day evening, November 16, at the Mussolini home In Nyssa Heights near Columbia avenue. CIVIC CLUB Civic Club will hold its next meeting at the Parish hall on Wednesday afternoon, November 15 at two-thirty o’clock. The program will be a 4-H achievement under the direction of Mrs. H. R. Sher wood. Mrs. C. C. Hunt is in charge of the tea service. All ladies interested in civic de velopment and the 4-H club ac tivities are invited to be present. SATURDAY PARTY Mrs. Carl Coad on Saturday aft ernoon entertained with three tables of dessert bridge, complimenting Mrs. James Bushong. Prizes for high scores went to Mrs. Bernard Frost. - 8 - - 8 - SUNDAY SUPPER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Lienkaem- per were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McClure. 8TORK SHOWER Mrs. Norvllle Leuck was honored guest at a stork shower given by the members of the pinochle club on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. WlllardHunt. Following the presentation of gifts, the husbands, who had been having a card party of their own, Joined the ladles for a late supper. - 8 - SUPPER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson. - 8 - JUNIOR GOOD FELLOWSHIP Miss Phyllis Schlreman enter tained 16 members of the Junior Good Fellowship league at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam E. Schlreman on Monday eve ning. A business meeting, house games and light refreshments made up the evening’s entertainment. — 8 - THURSDAY EVENING BRIDGE The members of the Thursday evening bridge club were entertain ed by Mrs. Bert B. Lienkaemper, who invited Mrs. Carl Coad, Mrs. Willard Jackson and Mrs. Charles Leuck as guests for the evening. Prizes weer won by Mrs. Leuck and Mrs. Omer Adklnson. DINE WITH PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill of Kingman Kolony were Sunday din ner guests at the parental Charles Garrison home. 8 - - TUESDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE Mrs. Bernard Frost was hostess to the members of the Tuesday after noon bridge club this week and in vited Mrs. Ray Larsen, Mrs. Dewey Ray, Mrs. Carl Coad and Mirs. Heinz Sonnekes to play with the members. High score for the guests was made by Mrs. Larsen and for the members by Mrs. George J. Mitchell and Mrs. George Sallee. - 8 - DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Les Ernest enter tained at dinner on Sunday Mrs. Guy Sperry of Caldwell, Miss Georgie Dennis and Mrs. Leona Bingham. - 8 - GUESTS FROM NAMPA On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Frost of Nampa visited with E. P. Frost and all were dinner guests of Mrs. Stella Butler. SUNDAY DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ostrom en tertained at dinner on Sunday in viting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. John Poulsen, Mr. and Mrs. Elnor Johnson and Mrs. Hutchison, all of Boise, and Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mellman of Nyssa. STORK SHOWER 8 Mrs. Ed Stelnke and Mrs. John Murphy were hostesses at a stork shower complimenting Mrs. Charles Meyers of Owyhee at Mrs. Stelnke’s home on Tuesday afternoon. The guest of honor, due to the unex pected arrival of the stork, was un able to attend. Coffee was served by the hostesses in the late after noon. - § ~ - - DAUGHTER BORN TO LOWER BEND COUPLE LOWER BEND—Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Gaynor Looney a baby daugh ter on Tuesday, Oct. 31. The little miss has been named Artlss Nadine. Both mother and daughter are do ing nicely under the care of Dr. K. E. Kerby. Mrs. Will Cummins has returned from Los Angeles where she visited her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King attended a state Grange meeting at the Bou levard Grange hall last Tuesday. Don Case almost lost the first finger on his right hand with a corn knife Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abbl and son were shoppers in Ontario Saturday. Mrs. Wright of Nampa is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Cartwright and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Witty enter tained Mr. Witty’s mother from El gin over the week end. On Sunday they visited the Owyhee dam. Mrs. Wesley Browne and Mrs. Doug McDonald of Nyssa called on Mrs. Harry Russell who Is sick, on Thursday. On Sunday Mrs. R. E. Servass of Nyssa visited her daughter, Mrs. Harry Russell, her sister, Mrs. Wm. Lowe and sister-in-law, Mrs. Ar thur Servoss of Nyssa also called on her. Miss Mary Ann Schneiter spent the week end in Ontario. Sunday afternoon Raymond Stradley celebrated his sixth birth day. All the little folk of the neigh borhood were invited to spend the afternoon with him. Delicious re freshments were served. The Idaho Power company was in the Bend Saturday and signed up a number of people who want electricity on their places. from the Kolony attending Grange at the Boulevard Grange on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols and Miles Wallace were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Nichols on Sunday. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft entertained at a one o’clock luncheon on Thurs day. The afternoon was spent play ing pinochle. Mrs. Conrad Martin and Mrs. Charles Newbill tied for high score. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Over- street and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Otis and Emily were dinner guests on Sunday of Miss Mary Beaumont and C. M. Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin. PUPILS ENTERTAINED BY TEACHERS OWYHEE—The teachers in the Owyhee school entertained their pupils at Hallowe’en parties Tues day afternoon of last week. Games and refreshments furnished the en tertainment. Rev. R. G. Chandler, Sunday school missionary of Caldwell, was an overnight guest of the S. D. Bigelows and attended Sunday school at Mitchell Butte Sunday morning. Bonna Rea Franklin, who is re cuperating from an appendicitis op eration, was brought home from the hospital Thursday and is doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley and Mrs. A. C. Bradley visited Mrs. M. Mathesen in Emmett Sunday after noon. Mrs. Mathesen had recently burned her foot quite badly. Mrs. Elwood Anderson and baby from Arco, Idaho, are visiting at the D. J*. Pullen home. Mrs. Martha Klingback and daughters Doris, Margaret and Louise and son Fred were dinner guests at Mrs. Annie Gregg's on Sunday. The Owyhee Parent-Teachers will meet at the school house on the regular date, Friday evening, Nov. 10. All patrons interested in the school should be present. Margaret Klingback and Juanita Franklin attended the football game between Halfway and Adrian at Halfway Saturday, and returned proudly saying. "We won". Mrs. Martha Klingback and daughter Doris were business visi tors in the Owyhee Heights district Friday. Orville Conn and Albert Smeltz of Frultland were Sunday afternoon callers at the Ray Franklin home. Mrs. Earl Strickland will be host ess to the Owyhee community club on the regular date, Thursday, Nov. 16 . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peutz and grandson Billy of Payette were Sun day guests of the Wm. Peutz family. Mrs. Delva Wall, who is teaching in Owyhee Heights, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe at Mitchell Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald of Homedale were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Mc Millan. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coulter enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Salem, Thursday. ML LINCOLN HEIGHTS — Melvin Reed and Orvilla Vertrees were married in Caldwell Tuesday, Oc tober 31. They visited around Boise for a few days. They are now at home on West Lincoln Heights. Emil Frank, Jack Pettit and Ju lian Houston have rented their fields to a sheep owner. Chris Rookstool has a new chick en house, which he built last week. Fritz Hied, who is a teacher at Eagle, Idaho, spent the week end with his family here. Lincoln P. T. A. met Thursday afternoon. Mr. Richards, teacher in the Ontario schools, was the speak er. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Blood of Meridian spent Sunday at the Emil Frank home. Miss Alice Pettit is visiting at the Jack Pettit home. Feme Rookstool spent Monday night with Fay Smith in Ontario. John Pennington recently sold his farm. At present Mr. and Mrs. Pen nington are visiting friends in Klamath Falls and have no definite plans where they will next locate. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feldtman and son plan to move to their new home soon. They recently rented a tract of land from Ralph Winslow. At present a well is being dug on their farm. Ruth Branora visited Ellen By bee Tuesday evening. They attend ed a Halloween party In Nyssa that evening. Twin calves seem to be prominent in this community. Twin calves were born on the Ralph Barnes farm recently, which made the fourth pair born in this locality in the last year. Several farmers have been back to work in the fields since the weather has been more settled. Chris Rookstool and Lee Smith threshed clover the past week. SUNSHINE CLUB HOLDS MEETING ARCADIA—The regular meeting of the Sunshine Club met last Thursday at the school house with Mrs. A. Heiter and Mrs. Snader as hostesses. The next meeting will be held Nov. 23 and Mrs. Ellis Warner will be hostess. The W. T. Holaday family have gone elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs. John Molenaar of Ontario spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duyn. Visitors Sunday at the Vern But ler home were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grames of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Butler of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Williams of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van- derpool called in the afternoon. The Arcadia Sunshine club called a special meeting Wednesday to de termine the characters for a play, "Aaron Slick from Pumpkin Crick” to be given sometime in the near fu ture. Mr. and Mrs.Elmer Stradley call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilmore of Ontario Saturday. Don van do Bogart, Earl and Jack Farmer took a truck load of pota toes to Baker last Thursday. The potatoes belonged to Mr. Bogart. and Mr. S. Jones went fishing in the Owyhee river in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Buel Clement of Ontario called on Mr. and Mrs. El mer Stradley and family Wednes day evening. Ralph Jones’ are building a large chicken house on his sheep ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Splawn went to Weiser Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nickel- son of Weiser spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schenk. Mary Lou and Laura Schenk went home with Lucille Hill after school Monday evening to help Lucille celebrate her birthday. Ben Eason, Mrs. Granton Eason and daughter Erlene went to Cald well Saturday. Ethel Mae Stradley stayed with the Schenk’s children Monday night when Mrs. Schenk went with Lu ther Fifes to a church meeting at Weiser. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wilson of Caldwell called at the Granton Eason home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stimpson and son Neil from Huntsville and Ogden, Utah, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure and family. Mrs. A1 Thompson of Nyssa call ed at the J. T. Long home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Hugh Glasgow of Harper, visited in the J. Simmons home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burris, who have been visiting F. L. Russell and family, returned to their home at Burley, Idaho, Monday. Cassell Callahan spent Sunday afternoon at the Ira Ure home. Mrs. Ellen Browers of Nyssa call ed on Mrs. Jack Schenk Saturday | evening. Jean Snader helped Mrs. Frank j Morgan with her flower beds Sat- | urday morning, and tended Mrs. Simmon's children Saturday eve ning. Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Hipp and Mrs. Brady visited the smaller grades at school Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davenport spent Saturday at Vance Amily’s near Cairo Junction. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirksen went to Wilder Sunday to visit his broth er, Dick Dirksen and wife, Wilma Bullard celebrated her birthday last Friday evening. The guests were Louise, Margery and Pearl Orris and Genevieve Hipp. The evening was spent poking corn and playing bingo. R. M. Cochrum is doing the masonry work on the new pump house on the Caldwell place. Mrs. John Kreiter went to George Simmons’ at Ontario to stay a week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vander- pool of Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith of Nyssa spent Wed nesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris and family. Bill Hipp had two carloads of cattle shipped in for the feeding pens last Friday. The gopher control, under the di rection of Clarence Barrett was fin ished Monday. Those helping were Mr McGinnis, Ralph Graham. Glen Dowers and John Smit. A. H. Bishop had a hundred head of cattle shipped in last Friday from SAVE F O O D — through SCIENTIFIC REFRIGERATION MEATS — VEGETABLES — FRUIT Can all be kept as Fresh as the day they were put in the POLAR COLD STORAGE & LOCK ER PLANT. Our scientifically engineered FRIGIDAIRE PLANT makes this possible, through the QUICK FREEZING PLATE and maintaining an EVEN STORAGE TEMPERA TURE ! Herschel Thompson. 24 H O U R £ SER V IC E WRAPPING—Single, lc lb. — Double, V/2c lb. OFFICIAL GAME TAGGING STATION 26 Polar Cold Storage PHONE 124 £r Locker Plant 3 Blocks North of “Y” AUTO GLASS We are now equipped to replace any auto glass you may need. Grover C. Cooper FOR ANY MAKE CAR NYSSA AUTO CO. K. M. Newell North of the “Y’ Nyssa The O L D H O M E looks swell POLLYANNA CLUB HOLDS MEETING KINGMAN KOLONY—PoUyanna club met at the home of Mrs. Rob ert H. Clark on Wednesday. The afternoon was spent playing Hal loween games. At the close of the afternoon Mrs. Clark served re freshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. C. Cotton on No vember 15. Mrs. Lilly Bach returned home Saturday after spending the sum mer with her daughter. Mrs. Chester C. Stallings at Sandpoint. Idaho. Walter Bach of Prairie City, Ore gon stopped for a short visit on Saturday with his sister. Mrs. J. G. Lane and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill. Mrs. Frank Fredericks returned home this week after spending the past two months with her daughter In Phoenix. Arizona. Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mrs Robert Clark and Mrs. William Toomb were In Cald well on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wilson and family of Meridian. Idaho, spent Sunday with their daughter. Mrs. Don Clark. Mr. i nd Mrs. Dale Ashcraft. Mrs. Conrad Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton were among those Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenig's son Bobby has been ill this last week with a severe cold in his lungs. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marostica fix his pump Tuesday. went Sunday. A. H. Bishop and family moved Mr. to and Weiser Mrs. Roy McIntyre and to the old Burr place Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bohy returned from Mrs. Vernon Butler returned from their trip east last Thursday. Mc- Ogden last week with her mother Intryres visited in South Dakota and sister of Ontario. and Bohy’s in Nebraska. Mrs. Ada Butler of Caldwell is visiting with her son Vern and Visit From Parma— family. Angelo Marostica and his beet Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frost of crew finished topping and hauling Parma visited on Sunday with Mr. Jack Schenk's beets Wednesday and Mrs. Bernard Frost. morning. T. H. B7ewer and his beet crew started on Rarrell Williams' OLD JEWELRY beets Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duyn called on BOUGHT FOR CASH Mr. and Mrs. Henk Van Egmond of MORRIS JEWELER Vale Monday. Orville Clack will work a few Atkeson Bldg. Nyssa weeks for Sam Henry. D I S P O S I T I O N S ARE BETTER WI T H I. E. S. BETTER SIGHT LAMPS'' IM A G I N A T \O ty made Ichabod Crane into a ridiculous coward, but imagina tion will serve us well if it pic tures vividly in the minds of our clients the consequences of neglecting insurance protec tion. Insurance will save hours of unnecessary future worry, if you will worry now just long enough to put this agency to work on your particular insurance needs. May we serve you? • Frank T. Morgan Phone 97 ____ Nyssa, Oregon____ A F E W Dollars A Month Is Easy To Pay An old home brought up-to-date does look fine. There’s a real joy in making improvements that seem to work magic not only to the appearance but A .B.C also add to the comforts of MONTHLY the home. PAYMENT Under the ABC MONTH- PLAN THLY Payment Plan the _________ monthly payments are small enough to be easily made. NYSSA LUMBER CO. John E. Ostrom. Prop. Goode Ave. & Hiway 201 Phone 118 You'll be surprised when you learn how much dispositions improve by installing I ES Better Sight Lamps in your home! I ES lamps help protect against eyestrain, nerv ous fatigue and indigestion . . . all of which can come from improper lighting. Install Better Sight Lamps in your home now. Help guard your family's eyesight! LOW S T E P - D O W N RATES MAKE BETTER LIGHT CHEAP With your low-step-down elec tric rates. Better lighting is a cheap servant for of your home. Take advantage Its low op erating cost, now! i d a h o ¥ powea