PAGE FIVE family spent Sunday afternoon with in Ontario Tuesday. in the Ontario hospital, is doing well Mitchell Butte, Mr and Mrs. Jim his aunt, Miss Mina Smalley, at Mrs. P B Anderson returned and expected home this week. Chard of Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Roswell. Miss Smalley and her home Tuesday from a visit in the Reports from O. R Hite, who is Marion Chard and family, Mrs. brother are moving to a place near Price home in Boise. nom at his home recuperating from Frank Holman and sons and Earl NYSSA HEIGHTS—A pinochle Wilder next month. Caldwell visitors from here Tues a burn, is that he is doing well. Rates lc per worcUper Issue. Minimum charge 25c. Chard. party was given at the O. L. Kessler day were Mrs. B G. Roberts, Mrs Mrs. Mary Hicks celebrated her CASH IN ADVANCE Sunday callers at the Wm. Peuiz home on Saturday night at which birthday Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Mrs. Della Bunnell, Miss Allen entertained at a Hal : home were Mr. and Mrs. John Jar lowe’en party Monday afternoon for Mrs. Harry Johand was hostess. Roy Gee of Roswell, Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop. Present were Messrs and Mesdames Fred Miller and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Misses Daphne Molstrum and vis and daughters of Adrian, Mr. her room. Games were played and Lost Wanted and Mrs Ellis Walters and Mr. and refreshments of cookies, cocoa and Roger Tucker, J. E. Keyser and McIntyre were surprise guests, June Clark spent Saturday shopping Mrs. John Cooter of Salem. Mr. and candy were served. On Tuesday aft A PAIR of gold-rimmed glasses in WANT TO Borrow $800.00 at 8%, John Stafford. High scores were bringing with them the dinner. The in Boise. made by -Mrs. Kessler and Roger day was spent visiting. ernoon Miss Stein gave a party for blue case on Sunday night, in Joe and Oscar Perez of Arena Mrs. Cooter are here hunting. for three years years. Will give Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Brewer her primary room. theatre or on Main street. Reward mortgage on 160 acres, 70 improved. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert and daugh Valley transacted business in Bend and Roy Brewer of Ontario were Mrs. Glen Suiter and Mrs. John ters spent the week end at Boise Saturday. offered for their return to First Call Journal. 1903xp Mrs. Frank Holman and sons are Lake visited their sister, Mrs. Man- where he attended the I. B. A. dis National Bank. 2Nlxc Mrs. R. L. Haworth attended dinner yuests at the Howard Evans visiting her mother, Mrs. Marion teachers institute in Boise Friday home Sunday. ____ _______________________________ I WANT TO Rent or Lease 80 acres ford Stimmel in Homedale on Sat trict convention. Chard for a few days. Mrs. S. D. Bigelow attended the USED 620 TIRE and rim between I good land. Have stock and equip- urday. The local school held a Hallow and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cahow of The Jolly Janes will meet with W. C. T. U. meeting at Nyssa Tues B. F. Rookstools and Nyssa. Find- ment. Experienced. Ben W. Korn, Alfred Evans left Saturday for e’en party Tuesday afternoon. Ogden, Utah, visited Friday with er please return to Journal office, j Rt. 2, Nampa. 1204xp his home at Mountain Home, Idaho, Games were played and refresh- Mrs- Arch Wright Thursday in an day afternoon. her son. Marsden Stokes. all-day quilting party. A covered 2602xp after spending the summer with his ments served. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell McMillan Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry were shop j WANTED—All your welding Jobs. sister, Mrs. Glen Suiter. Hal Evans Guests for the week end at the luncheon will be served at noon. were dinner guests of the Kllngback Donna and Joyce Ashcraft of family and in the afternoon they, ping in Caldwell Monday. We promise good work and fair arrived on Monady for a visit with C. D. Vertrees home were their TAKEN — WINCHESTER Pump Mr. Gillmore and Mr. Ritchie of Shotgun, 12 guage. Stock has been prices. Pruyn Auto Repai* Phone Mrs. Suiter. daughter, Miss Yulah of Caldwell Adrian were dinner guests of Iola with Mrs. Klingback and daughters, changed to be fired from right 56 W. were callers at the T. M. Lowe and Baker visited at the F. G. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma and her friend, Miss Arlene Myers Parker Saturday. home Sunday. They came to hunt the Earl Strickland homes. shoulder, but using left eye. Reward were Sunday supper guests at the of Caldwell and Bowman Vertrees, if returned to Journal office. 2Nlxc LIVESTOCK BUYER and shipper. Silas Hoffman home in Buena also of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawkins of pheasants. Call O. Z. Matthews. Phone 06R1 Vista. Baker were guests of Mrs. Hawkins’ Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Rucker at P. T. A. HALLOWE’EN Chas. Jones and Dwight Johnson 14S9XP sister, Mrs. Mildred Hite, over the of Ontario were Sunday dinner For Sale Rev. Sherich of Nyssa was a vis tended the funeral services of Mrs. PARTY HELD FRIDAY week end. guests at the F. C. Fry home. itor in the Bartholoma home on Jesse Baker at Caldwell and later STOCK LINCOLN—The Lincoln P T. A. transacted business in the county WE OFFER 90c per cwt. for barley Monday evening. Mrs. F. C. Fry took school cen seat. assisted by the school, had their delivered in the bulk. Amalgam sus last week. 15 HEAD A -l Milk cows, springers Mrs. Orrin Choate, Mrs. Wood- j Mr .and Mrs. Halton Stephens annual Hallowe'en party at the OREGON TRAIL P. T. A. and just fresh. Ed Paynter, just ated Sugar Company, Phone 80. ward, Mrs. Jess Ford and Mrs. Bar 190tfc tholoma were those from this dis left Monday morning for their home school Friday night. It was well at CARNIVAL HELD south of Payette on old highway. in Portland after a months vaca tended and a big time was enjoyed Phone 580J5, Payette. 2602xc trict who attended the home in Wanted To Rent by all. tion spent here and at Boise. CABIN CAMP OREGON TRAIL—The Hallow terior and lighting demonstrations Mr. and Mrs. A1 Grimes of Cald Mrs. Everett Norman visited Mon e'en carnival sponsored by the Ore WANT 20 or more acres on crop at the Parish hall in Nyssa on Mon For Sale well called at the Waldo Smalley day at the John Buerman home in FOR SALE share or rental basis. Have ALL day. gon Trail P. T. A. which has be Farm Produce home Sunday. the White Settlement distdict. I necessary equipment, experienced come an annual event, was well at Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker en Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones start Miss Lorraine Blanton and Miss irrigator. Write L. E. Robbins, tertained Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wright tended Friday evening. Games of Has average monthly income APPLES, PEARS, Potatoes. A. M. ed to Ontario Monday but got only Lorraine Farley were joint host chance, beano, a fish pond, noise Nyssa. 2N2xp at dinner on Friday. Highsmith ranch. 2N4xp as far as the Junction where they esses at a Hallowe'en party given makers and whistles helped to make of $10«. Cabins almost new. Mrs. Dan Corbett left on Thurs had car trouble. at the Blanton home Friday eve it a real celebration. Hallowe'en eats day last for a visit of ten days at Help Wanted On Highway, in City Limits For Sale Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Summy went ning. Refreshments were served of hamburgers, hot dogs, coffee, Fall River, Kans. to Boise Monday morning. Fog was alter enjoying a treasure hunt. FARM LANDS MARRIED MAN to work by day. Write or Call doughnuts and cider weer plentiful. very bad until about nine o ’clock. Bill Leavitt in company witl* O. Fresh buttered popcorn and a 4-H Place to live. Enquire Journal. 78 ACRES with six shares of Riv A heavily loaded truck went into the Fairbanks made a trip to Westfall NYSSA JOURNAL 2Nlxp VISITOR FROM club booth where home made candy erside water all paid. $50.00 an ditch near Mrs. Warrantje’s. Apple Sunday and purchased some horses was sold, rounded out the refresh HONOLULU acre. Box 81, Adrian, Oregon. 2N3xp Valley had a heavy fog until noon. of Pink Becker. ments. During the evening numbers MAN AND wife to work on ranch Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison and were drawn for the 4-H club quilt, for share in crop. Apply Journal VALLEY VIEW—Mrs. Durward family spent Friday in Caldwell. daughter Joanne of Nyssa visited which had been made and donated ROOM and BOARD office. 2Ntfc Deery, wife of the chief pilot of the The snow seemed to be very good the DuPre home Sunday. by Aunt Mattie Thomason. Bernard > £ [ AL OTO? PEúflE ROOM AND Board. Star Hotel. 3 U. S. Naval Land Base in Pearl for the lettuce. Every grower was Oren Kaylor returned to his home Eastman of Nyssa won the quilt. FCCC-IT All AKUT For Sale blocks north of Main on First St. Harbor, Honolulu, arrived Saturday busy cutting through most of the in Klamath Falls Sunday after vis 1 HE. íWTfcCV Mrs. Geo. McKee and Aunt Mattie evening to visit her husband’s fa storm. lOAtfc CITY PROPERTY iting for several days at the home Thomason visited school Tuesday. UNTIL IÎS"C€AD’ ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Herbert Nelson and Molly of Everett Norman and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and ROOM, MEALS if desired. Garage 2 CHOICE LOTS, well located. Henry Deery and brother Vernon. Jean and Andy left last Thursday Frank McCarty hulled his clover Estelle were Sunday dinner guests available. Call Journal. 2603xp Leonard Huseby, Nordale’s 1909xp All went to Boise Sunday to see Mr. for her parent's home in Missouri, last week. at the F. G. Holmes home. and Mrs. Rosco Palmer and chil where she will spend about a month Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toll, Jr. and For Sale or Trade For Rent dren. Mrs. Palmer is a sister of visiting. son of Fruitland were Sunday din ATTEND EXTENSION Durward Deery. Mrs. Durward FURNITURE Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson and POTATO STORAGE. C. P. Over- ner guests at the home of his sis Deery left on Tuesday for San Mr. Allspaugh of Payette left on PROGRAM IN NYSSA street, 5 miles North Nyssa. ter, Mrs. R. W. Holmes. FUMIGATED USED Mattresses, Francisco, Calif., from where she Thursday for a hunting trip. 190tfc Mrs. Geo. McKee visited Bonna size, $2.75; Tea Strainers, 4c; Kit- OWYHEE—Mesdames Ellis Wal will sail for Honolulu on Friday. Miss Star Robinson was one of a en Table, 75c. The Nyssa Trader, ters, Earl Strickland and Martha Rea Franklin at the hospital in Boyd Neilson is boarding at Ger- trio of violin players at the dedi Miscellaneous main highway north at Albert Ave. old Goodfellow’s and driving to his cation of the Nyssa high school on Klingback and daughter Doris at Ontario Thursday. The Willing Workers club met 2Nlxc REMEMBER THE Thrift Sale of work at the sugar factory. tended the talk and demonstration Wednesday evening. on home furnishing given by the with Mrs. Archie Smith Thursday, — a lot of battery troubles Melvin Spitze and Ruth Bratton the St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild WASHING MACHINE and Heating extension service in Nyssa Monday October 26. General sewing was Stove. Harold Fletcher, across each Saturday beginning Septem are staying at Bratton’s and driv done for the hostess. A pot luck can be traced to the gen- afternoon. ber 9th at the Parish Hall. Used ing to their work at Nyssa. Melvin WADE STUDENTS from Texaco Service Station. 2601xp dinner was served at noon. Several Mrs. Delva Wall arrived from useful household articles and wear is working at Wilson's grocery and PRACTICE MUSIC erator— Let our EXPERT Creston, Oregon, Monday morning visitors were present. OVERSTUFFED TAPESTRY Dav ing apparel sold at a fraction of Ruth at the bakery. Gilbert Holmes has work in the to assume her duties as teacher of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Williams and 24Atfc enport and chair, $22.50. The their original cost. BIG BEND—The lower grades in MECHANICS check yours the upper grades in Owyhee Heights beets at Ten Davis. Mrs. J. A. Williams of Payette call Nyssa Trader, main highway north Wade school are practicing on Mrs. Ewen Chard entertained at at Alberta Ave. Highest prices paid BRAKE WORK—Let us put your ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. rhythm band and the upper grades school. car or truck brakes in first class Will Brown Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Dr. Walter Meyers, field secretary dinner Sunday honoring the birth lor hides, pelts, wool, metals. Special equipment and J. A. Williams remained there to are practicing on harmonicas. The of Christian Endeavor, spoke to the day of her sister, Mrs. Glenn Mc 2Nlxc condition. teachers and pupils thank the P. T. trained men at your service. Pruyn spend the week. Owyhee C. E. members Sunday eve Ginnis. Other guests besides the A. for furnishing the instruments. Phone 56W $6.50 UNFINISHED six-drawer Auto Repair. Phone 56W. ning at the Owyhee school house. Ewen Chard family Included Mr. The Bratton young folks attend The pupils in Mrs. Welsh’s room are and Mrs. Wm. A. Mettlen, Mr. and chests. Prices are going up, pres District President Ellis Roberts was ed a Hallowe’en party at Nyssa on 2nd and Main Sts. working on an Indian project, mak also present from Caldwell. Mrs. Earnest Smith and family of ent supply limited. This may be the GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd Monday evening. jobs by hour day or week. Prices ing bead belts and hat bands, also last time these new chests of draw Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy and Mr. and Mrs. David Rees were ers can be sold at this price. The reasonable. Call J. G. Coll, A1 hosts at a Hallowe’en party Satur tanning a deer hide. daughter Carol were dinner guests 20Atfc Wade pupils on the honor roll in of the Chas. Culbertsons Sunday. Nyssa Trader, main highway north Thompsons feed store. day evening. The guests wore their the lower grades are Fern Cameron. at Alberta Ave. 2Nlxc Bonna Rea Franklin, who is still clothes backward or wrong-side-out. Cecelia Sillonis, Ricks Gale, Car- Games were played, after which a NYSSA PLUMBING & mon Sillonis. George Gale, Mildred For Sale weiner roast was enjoyed. HEATING Sparks and Donald Hatch. F U E L S A V IN G S P A Y Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wright and MISCELLANEOUS 2nd house north Star Hotel In the upper grades, Raymond family of Vale visited Mrs. Martha Cartright, Pedro Sillonis, Wilford 1 ^ FO R Y O U R S T O K E R Dealers for Advance-Hydro WHITE WATER Heater. Call 89J. Amidon Thursday. Ejector Pressure Pumbs Beef for the Hide Prosser, Bernice Chaney, Mildred 190tfc Dr. Kline of Ontario was phea Higgins and Lily Steiner. >r i ~i 13Jtfc Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 WHENYOU sant hunting in this neighborhood CREOSOTE FOR treating hen The 8-20 club met with Mrs. Arch Cutting 1 cent per lb. the last of the week. houses and posts. Nyssa Plumbing Parker Friday afternoon. The club A. A. Bratton and Oscar built Grinding 1 cent per lb. and Heating Co., 451 North First had stopped their regular meetings CITY TRANSFER fences Saturday. St. 190tfc during the busy season. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. TRANSFERRING Virgil Belisle is doing some road The Jolly Janes entertained their work for Mr. Moore, west of Mal and FOR SALE in your vicinity for bal husbands at a Hallowe'en party at TRUCKING heur Butte. ance due, almost new A. B. C. the home of Mrs. L. Eachus Mon David Brown and Harold Buell of day night. washer, easy terms. Pompa Music Phone 15 and Phone 28 | McMinnville, Oregon, arrived at the Company, Boise. 1904xc C. KLINKENBERG Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eachus took i/ m tW ¥ h EWEST Will Brown home Thursday evening Dolores to Ontario Saturday to con FOR SALE in your vicinity, small after a month’s trip which took sult a doctor. Dolores has been out spinet piano for balance due, them to the San Francisco fair and Local and Long Distance of school several weeks suffering PHONE 6 easy terms. Popma Music Co., Boise Detroit, Michigan, where they each with asthma. HAULING 1904xc purchased a car to drive home. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and Phone 72W Buell left Friday for his home, but children of Roswell were Sunday RIVETED, WELDED Range Boilers, Lawrence and Barnett WILLIAMS COAL CO. Mr. Brown stayed until Monday vis guests in the B. G. Roberts home. $7.50. Nyssa Plumbing and Heat 4Mtfc Nyaaa. Oregon Phono 47 iting relatives and friends. ing Co., North 1st St. 50tfc Wade P. T. A. will meet Friday Leroy Smith and Mrs. George afternoon, Nov. 3, at the home of Stewart attended a church conven Mrs. Dan Holly in Adrian. Mrs. For Rent tion in Payette, Idaho, Thursday, Elsie Welsh will have charge of the Long and Short CITY PROPERTY Friday, Saturday and Sunday. program. Distant Trucking Nellie Stewart is employed at the 2 UNFURNISHED. Clean rooms for The pupils in Mrs Anna Sparks' Dick Smith Earl Gray home in Nyssa. light housekeeping. Water just room held a Hallowe'en party Tues APPROVED Phone Nyssa 43 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse May from day afternoon, Oct. 31. The parents APPROVED outside door. On gravel street. Suit 2F10xp PURINA New Mexico are visiting at the Watches Repaired and friends were invited to share able for two adults. Rent $11.00. PURINA Blaine May home. GRAIN the games and enjoy the lunch of lights and water included. Call at We repair and clean all makes Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton and MIXING cake, codkies and doughnuts. The Journal office. 260tfc expertly and inexpensively. BALANCING family motored to Mr. Kralik’s upper grades in Mrs. Elsie Welsh's AUTO-BODY REPAIRING SERVICE SERVICE All Work south of Ontario Sunday afternoon. room held their party in the eve MODERN 6-ROOM House and Fritz is back at the Towne Gar A nice crowd attended the Hal- ning. garage in Parma. $20 per month. Guaranteed age. First class auto-body repair lowe-en program at Arcadia Friday Call Jesse Baker. Parma exchange, The Bend high school pupils en MORRIS JEWELRY ing, painting and upholstery or Nyssa 113. 2N4xc evening. joyed a Hallowe-en party at Adrian 287 W. Main St. work. Need Glass? Fritz has it. Eulah and Gladys Bratton spent high school Friday evening. 6-ROOM modern house, except heat. \tkeson Bldg. Nyssa 260tfc the week end at their home N. S. Phelan transacted business Ir ;uire Star Hotel. 120tfc. W. W. Brewer of Buhl, Idaho, spent the week end at the T. H. CARD OF THANKS Work Wanted The members of the 4-H clubs of Brewer home. A. K. Johnson. Mrs. L. H. Sill BY AMERICAN man and wife, Oregon Trail wish to thank all their steady work on farm for room friends and everyone who helped and Mrs H. A. Lake of Ontario vis FORMULA NO. 62 and board and some wages. Man them dispose of their quilt, recent ited Mrs. Will Rees Monday. In attractive box, with mailing envelopes Gerald Goodfellow is digging his 1000 lbs. Coarsely Ground Wheat ly displayed at the Nyssa Realty o f ndentands general farm work with seed potatoes and storing them at 100 lbs. PURINA 3 6 % Chowder horses and tractors, woman good fices. Chas. Overstreet’s. milker, good cook, good worker in Grinding and Mixing, $1.10 Purina Chowder, $4.55 CARD OF THANKS field or house; honest and reliable We wish to thank all of our I and real stay-at-homes. Opal Coop er, Nyssa, Oregon. 2Nlxp neighbors and friends for their CRADLE ROLL DEPT, many kindnesses and for their gifts DEDICATED SUNDAY FORMULA NO. 66 _____ SUB-SOIL PLOWING. Have own [ to us since the fire destroyed our j equipment. Tommy Russell. Nyssa home. 400 lbs. Coarsely Ground Wheat APPLE VALLEY—A special serv Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wolfe. Box 286 260tfc ice dedicating the cradle roll de 200 lbs. Ground Bariev 300 lbs. Ground Oats partment was held Sunday at the 100 lbs. PURINA 3 6 % Chowder M. E. Sunday school. Gene Vertrees Grinding and Mixing, 90c Purina Chowder, $4.55 played a violin- solo; Mrs Wood's (Larger Quantities in Proportion) class of girls sang a special number; Robert Wood read the scripture les son and Mona Gee gave a reading, ( All grains furnished by fanner) after which Mrs Poage sang a solo. Five names were placed on the Order your Christmas Cards N O W , pay for cradle roll. them in December. Mr and Mrs Levi Stephens were COAL— GRAIN— FEED hosts Sunday at dinner for Mr. and Mrs Halton Stephens of Portland. Phone 26 Mrs C. C Meltvedt and daughters of Boise and Mr and Mrs Forrest Phone 53 Reed of Parma 542 W eit Main Phone 19 Notary Bonds Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Smalley and CLASSIFIED ADS PINOCHLE PARTY IN NYSSA HEIGHTS DIST. Pruyn's Garage CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING BURN» ABERDEEN COAL Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. Let Us Grind Your Grain— and mix it with PURINA Balancers for M O R E Pork, Milk and Eggs 20 CHRISTMAS CARDS WITH YOUR NAME IMPRINTED Safe or Sure- O O N ’T G A M B L E -S e e Us About H A Ï AND GRAIN INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY ORDER NOW NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL P O M LAVING ALL MASHES 1100 lbs Laying Mash for Only $5.65 1000 lbs Laying Mash for Only $5.45 AL THOMPSON 6> SON A V W W .W