NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER PAGE FOUR The Gate City Journal t4cst 0 R l GlO(P)M P u b l i s h i V v S(fÄ P £ R Agso'ci a t i on WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS P. THOMAS - - - - Editor »nd Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ..........................*1.50 Six Months ....... $1.00 Single Copies _________ .05 (Strictly In Advance) ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per Inch............30c National, Per inch ............30c Classifieds, Per word ___ 01c Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING? HE following editorial from the New York Sun, was used by Senator Lewis B. Schwel- lenbach, in an address before the Senate on Oc­ tober 2. We believe that in this editorial is a prayer of Thanksgiving that every American should read on Thanksgiving Day. (From the New York Sun of September 4, 1939) HE IS AN AMERICAN “He is an American. He hears an airplane overhead, and if he looks up at all, does so in curiosity, neither in fear nor in the hope of seeing a protector. His wife goes marketing, and her purchases are limited by her needs, her tastes, her budget, but not by decree. T He comes home of an evening through streets which are well lighted, not dimly in blue. He reads his newspaper and knows that what it says is not concocted by a bureau, but an honest, untrammeled effort to present the truth. He has never had a gas mask on. He has never been in a bombproof shelter. His military training, an R. O. T. C. course in college, he took because it excused him from the gym course, and it was not compulsory. He belongs to such fraternal organizations and clubs as he wishes. He adheres to a political party to the extent that he desires—the dominant one, if that be his choice, but with the distinct reservation that he may criticize any of its policies with all the vigor which to him seems proper—any other as his convictions dictate, even, if it be his decision, one which holds that the theory of government of the country is wrong and should be scrapped. He does not believe, if his party is out of pow­ er, that the only way in which it can come into power is through a bloody revolution. He converses with friends, even with chance acquaintances, expressing freely his opinion on any subject without fear. He does not expect his mail to be opened be­ tween posting and receipt nor his telephone to be tapped. He changes his place of dwelling and does not report so doing to the police. He has not registered with the police. He carries an identification card only in case he should be the victim of a traffic accident. He thinks of his neighbors across internation­ al borders—of those to the north as though they were across a State line rather than as foreign­ ers—of those to the south more as strangers, since they speak a language different from his, and with the knowledge that there are now mat­ ters of difference between his Government and theirs, but of neither with an expectancy of war. He worships his God in the fashion of his choice, without let. His children are with him in his home, neither removed to a place of greater safety, if young, nor, if older, ordered ready to serve thè state with sacrifice of limb or life. He has his problems, his troubles, his uncer­ tainties, but all others are not overshadowed by the imminence of battle and sudden death. He should struggle to preserve his American­ ism with its priceless privileges. He is a fortunate man. He is an American.’’ I < 2, 1939 hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Haney and daugh­ ter of Nyssa called at the J. N. Hickey home Monday afternoon. A pleasant time was enjoyed by a large attendance at the Arcadia school house Friday night. Miss Hazel Hickey stayed with her friend, Mrs. Herman Johnson of Nampa Friday night after the teachers institute in Boise and called on G. M. Brown’s of Nampa Saturday. Earl Avery of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr. Ness from Chehomis, Wash, have been hunting on Bodmer’s is­ land. Mrs. Jake Bodmer helped prepare a dinner for about 200 people at the Boulevard Grange hall for the state convention Tuesday evening. Mr .and Mrs. Angelo Marostica and family of Santa Barbara, C alif, and Misses Ava and Vivian Maro­ stica of Pasadena, Calif., came last Wednesday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Marostica and family of Nyssa. They left for their homes Tuesday morning. Miss Louise Zanoglio spent Sun­ day at the Marostica home and call­ ers in the evening were Mrs. Zan­ oglio and Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Set- tlno Marostica and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kris Knudsen and Matt Scheaffer. Wallace Goodrich from New Ply­ mouth was hunting at Bodmer’s on Tuesday. Mary Smit spent Monday eve­ ning with Vivian Marostica. Legal Advertising NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING The undersigned has filed her Final Report as administratrix of the estate of Bert Alford, deceased The County Court of Malheur County, State of Oregon, has set November 18th, 1939, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, as the time when said Final Report will be heard by the Court and all the acts of said administratrix approved unless such be not proper. All persons having objections to such ratification ana discharge will then present the same to said Court. Dated this 5th day of October, 1939. LETTIE ALFORD, Admx. of the Est. of Bert Alford, Dc’d. First publication, Oct. 12, 1939. Last publication, Nov. 9, 1939. I Ministers or others Interested in church publicity are invited to use 1 the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices ! to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of I each week. METHODIST COMMUNITY FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST CHURCH SCIENTIST I 215 North 9th Street. Payette, Idaho Millard Shericb, Pastor A branch of the Mother Church, Regular meetings as follows: the First Church of Christ, Scient- Sunday lest, in Boston, Massachusetts. 10 a. m.—Church School. The Wednesday evening meeting, 11:15 a. m.—Morning Worship. FFA BOY BUYS at which time testimonials of Christ 7 p. m — Junior and Senior Ep- DUROC-JERSEY GILT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ian healing and remarks on Christ­ worth League. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ ian Science are given, is held at 8 p. m.—Class study of special IOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE ARCADIA—To the interest of the eight o’clock. AT THE DALLES, OREGON topics. Future Fanners of America, Bob Sept. 30. 1939. The Reading Room is located in Thursday at 8 p. m.—Choir prac­ Dewey purchased two thoroughbred NOTICE is hereby given that | the Church Building, where the tice. Arthur A. Rouse, of Nyssa. Ore., Rt. Duroc Jersey gilts last week. Bible and authorized Christian Second and fourth Thursday aft­ 2, who, on Sept. 17, 1936, made Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenig and Science Literature may be read, bor­ ernoons of each month—Ladies Aid. Homestead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, family attended a birthday party at rowed or purchased, and is open No. 030393, for Farm Unit “A” or First Tuesday of every month at N E hN E 'j, Sec. 23, NW14NWV4, Sec­ every day from two to four p. m., ex­ 8:00 p. m.—General official board the home of Paul Stuhr in Caldwell tion 24, Township 19 S , Range 46 in honor of Mrs. Stuhr’s birthday. cept Sunday and holidays. meeting. E., Willamette Meridian, has filed Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and The public is cordially invited to notice of intention to make final Special Announcements Proof, to establish claim to the land Mrs. Joe Dirksen were Mr. and Mrs. | attend our services and make use ol above described, before Geo. K. We live in an age of dawn, in an Bill Van Zelf and daughter and Mrs. the Reading Room. Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, at On­ age of new ideas, of new ways of Qurina Van Zelf, Nick and John. tario, Oregon, on the 24th day of doing things, new styles of archi­ Mrs. Jake Groot and Mrs. Lee November, 1939. PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH tecture, new kinds of transporta­ Davenport spent Friday afternoon Claimant names as witnesses: A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Dick Groot, Robert Vest, Clarence We invite you to come and wor­ tion, new means of communication, at the home of Mrs. W. E. Holoday Barrett, G erritt Stam, all of Nyssa, new ways of regarding politics and popping corn for the entertainment Oregon, Rt. 2. ship with us. 10:00 a. m.—Divine services. The government, and even new modes at the school house last Friday eve­ W. F. JACKSON, sermon dwells on the question, of expressing the religious impulse. ning. Register. In such an age there is always a Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bishop went First publication, Oct. 12, 1939. "What It Costs to be a Christian.” temptation to cast the old aside Last Publication, Nov. 9, 1939. to Emmett Sunday afternoon to a t­ Come and hear what God expects of those who would be followers of with a sneer of swaggering con­ tend a Sunday school union meeting KINGMAN GRANGE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tempt. "How could out forefathers of the L. D. S. church. HOLDS MEETING the Lord Jesus. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ with their long beards and ox teams Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans and IOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE 11:00 a. m.—Sunday School with have said anything worthy of the daughter Ann had dinner with Mrs. AT THE DALLES, OREGON. KINGMAN KOLONY-The King- classes for all. Oct. 10, 1939. attention of our stream-lined age?” Darrell Williams Monday. In the man Kolony Grange held their reg­ Saturday 1:30-3:30—Bible School NOTICE is hereby given that for children ages five to thirteen Such is the typical view of the afternoon they went to Ontario to ular meeting at the school house Mildred Williams, formerly Mil­ twentieth century. see Mrs. Ernest Barker, who is in Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe dred E. E. Burroughs, years. assignee of the Holy Rosary hospital. Mrs. Bar­ But such contempt, while it re­ Meryl V. Napton, of Boise, Idaho, King and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Rob­ If you have no church home, we who, on Nov. 15, 1920, made Desert veals a wholesome self-assurance, is ker is a sister of Mrs. Evans and erts, members of the Big Bend earnestly and cordially invite you Land Entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. to become a regular attendant at hardly mature. For every new thing Mrs. Williams. They report that she Grange, were visitors. Mrs. K. I. 025536, for NV4NE14 or Farm Unit is built upon an old foundation. is improving from her operation as Peterson and Mrs. Roy Perry serv­ “A”, Section 12, Township 22 S., our services. ed refreshments at the close of the Range 46 E , Willamette Meridian, “A Changeless Christ for a Our modern world with its neon well as can be expected. has filed notice of intention to make M. and Mrs. Lee Davenport spent meeting. signs and radios is not the result Changing World." final Proof, to establish claim to of one sudden stroke of genius. The Saturday evening at William But­ The H. E. club held a special the land above described, before roots of every step of progress reacn ler’s in Ontario. Carl H. Coad, Notary Public, at meeting at the home of Mrs. John CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Oregon, on the 23rd day of far back in the distant past. Miss Donna Chard is taking Dor­ Auker. The club made arrange­ Nyssa, November, 1939. Sixth near Main And the student of history finds othy Lewis’ place at A. A. Bishop’s. ments to hold an all-day meeting Claimant names as witnesses: Vern W. Martin, Pastor at the home of Mrs. Dale Ashcraft that most, if indeed not all, of our Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duyn and fam­ Leonard King, of Homedale, Idaho; Ed Wild, Superintendent Henry Stahlecker, of Homedale, on Tuesday, November 7. Mrs. Roy so-called "modern” ideas—both the ily attended a birthday party Sun­ Homer C. King, of Adrian, Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. bad among them and the good—are day evening at Mac Schram’s in Perry served refreshments at the Idaho; Oregon; Edna May King, of Adrian, Come and bring the family. very old. Materialism, for instance, Ontario in honor of Mrs. Schram’s close of the afternoon. Oregon. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mrs. Dale the philosophical fad of the disil­ birthday. W. F. JACKSON, N. Y. P. S. 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burris from Ashcraft and Mrs. William Toomb lusioned, in its disbelief in God, and Register. Prayer meeting every Wcdneesday in its consequent regard of man as Burley, Idaho, are spending a few were in Caldwell Tuesday morning. First published October 12, 1939. at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holton were in Last published November 9, 1939. subject to the merest whim of fate days hunting at F. L. Russell’s. W. F. M. S. meets every second and thus without a soul, is very old Vernon Butler went with the Bul­ Ontario and Payette on business NOTICE OF ELECTION Thursday of the month, —not new. Such views are the old­ lards elk hunting and Bill Duyn Wednesday of this week. SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 26 > C. M. Beaumont was in Ontario Malheur County, Oregon ) est and crudest of them all. They is doing his chores. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, KINGMAN COMMUNITY are the common possession of sav­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Larson and on business on Tuesday and Thurs­ That an election has been called CHURCH family of Nevada spent Sunday and day of this week. age tribes. and will be held in School District Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor Due to Mr. McPartland’s being ill, Monday at the F. L. Russell home. No. 26, Malheur County, Oregon, on In proportion as men have held Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G a higher faith they have made Mr. and Mrs. John Maroney, Mrs. there was no school for the seventh Saturday, the 18th day of Novem­ Osborn, superintendent. achievement. And the modern woild Robert Paulson and daughter, cou­ and eighth grades on Monday. ber, 1939, at the District School at Nyssa, Oregon, in said Morning worship 11 a. m. will forsake its crude philosophy or sins of Mrs. Glen Dowers, from Some of the girls and boys spent House District, between the hours of 2:00 Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. it will lose the urge th at has given Grand Island, Nebraska, and her the day visiting the lower grades. o’clock P. M. and 7:00 o’clock P. M., Evening worship 8:30 p. m. The Mary and Martha society at which time the polls shall close, us our material prosperity itself parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ross that at said election there will Man is not a mere cog in the so­ of Greenleaf, Idaho, spent Sunday met at the home of Mrs. Ernest and SUNSET VALLEY CHURCH Tetwiler on Friday afternoon for a be submitted to the legal voters of cial wheel; and life is vastly more at the Glen Dowers home. the district the proposition of con­ Grace Allquist, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Barrett left special meeting to make plans for tracting a bonded indebtedness in than the chemicals that form his holding a bazaar jointly with the Monday for Seattle, Wash., to visit the sum of $36,000.00 for the pur­ Ditty’s Comer physical nature. H. E. club of the Kingman Grange. pose of refinancing and funding Sunday school, 10:00 a. m. Classes Every generation produces new her relatives. warrants 188 to No. 542, both Glen Dowers has been ill several It was decided to have a short pro­ inclusive, No. for all. and interest thereon ac­ things. But the next generation gram and lunch on Friday, Decem­ days with the flu. Van Ure missed crued, of the issue and series of Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. soon finds these "new” things very ber 8th. The H. E. club will have 1938-1939, the oldest of which war­ Evangelistic Service, 8:00 p. m. stale. Our children—and theirs— school because he was ill with flu. a fancy work booth. rants was issued November 1, 1938, A baptismal service will be held will regard our stream-lined ideas J. T. Long has been ill eight days. all of which warrants were is­ Mrs. J. G. Lane, Mrs. Mary and Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and fam­ Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the and achievements as just as quaint sued prior to October 21, 1939. The Nichols and Mrs. William Toomb amount of principal of warrants ily spent Wednesday evening at the Hot Springs. as we regard the "one hos chaise." met with committees from the No. 188 to No. 542, both inclusive to Bible Study, Tuesday, 8:00 p. m. But fortunately there are some Lloyd Orris’. be refunded is $34,659.35 and the Those on the honor roll in the Adrian grade school on Wednesday accrued Prayer meeting in the homes ideas that are permanent. They interest thereon to be re­ to help plan their Hallowe'en par­ higher grades this last six weeks Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. funded is $1340.65. are new to every generation, yet ty for Friday evening. were Gloria Marostica, Eunice Ann Evangelistic Service Friday, 8:00 they are so old that the wise are The vote shall be by ballot upon Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark. Mr. and which there shall be the words p. m. ashamed that they seem so new. Brady and Beverly Ann Ure. “Bonds ----- Yes”, and the words Mrs. Robert Clark and Jean were Duane Bishop has been absent Come and worship with us. Ev­ They are the ideas presented in the dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. “Bonds ----- No”, and the voter from school several day s with a sore eryone welcome. shall indicate his choice by placing Bible, which is truly the Book of foot, caused by stepping on a nail. and Mrs. William Toomb. a cross (X) between the word Life. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Otis and "Bonds” and the word “Yes” or be­ Mr. and Mrs. William Stradley If you don’t think much of the HOLDS SERVICES AT and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stradley Emily, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin tween the word “Bonds” and the Bible, is it not because you have- of Big Bend spent Sunday at the and Dorothy Toomb drove to Boise word “No”, whichever Indicates his NAZARENE CHURCH choice. not read it—or because someone has Elmer Stradleys. Sunday and spent the day with Mr. The polls will be open from 2:00 prejudiced you against it through a and Mrs. C. E. Peck. Ellis and Elmer, twins from Ban­ o'clock P. M. until 7:00 o’clock P. M. crude and puerile interpretation? Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols were on said day, when the same shall be croft, Idaho, came Monday to spend The sermon Sunday morning will a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and closed, for the reception of ballots cast for or against the contraction Mrs. Ernest Tetwiler. be quite old-fashioned in its na­ Schenk and Max Moore. of such indebtedness. ture. It will be on one of the sel­ Mrs. C. C. Cotton returned home Mrs. Elmer Stradley and family This notice is given by order of dom heard of, though among the were guests of Mrs. Clifford Farmer Monday after spending three weeks the District School Board, made the 21st day of October, 1939. noblest of the characters of the at a duck supper Wednesday eve­ in Burley. Idaho. ALICE WILSON, Bible—Nehemiah. J. G. Lane was in Nyssa on busi­ ning. Chairman, District School Board. Max Moore, brother of Mrs. Jack ness Saturday afternoon. Attest: Schenk, moved to his ranch up on B. B. LIENKAEMPER, L. D. S. CHURCH District Clerk. the bench last Friday and is going Riverview Sunday School— Sunday First publication October 26, 1939. Riverview Sunday school, which Last to batch this winter. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. publication November 9, 1939. Wanda Ure spent Monday and met at the Ed. Wolfe home on last 11:30 a. m. Priesthood Meeting Tuesday with Mary Graham in Sunday, had 42 present. Nyssa is the Bargain Center. 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Service. Nyssa. Monday Mrs. Granton Eason called at the 7:30 p. m. M. I. A. Meeting Otis Tibbett home in Nyssa Sunday Tuesday 2:00 p. m. Relief Society Meeting afternoon. Morris Farmer spent Friday night 7:30 p. m. Genealogical Meeting and Saturday with Billy Stradley. Thursday ORDINANCE NO. 259 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure went to D. 4:00 p. m. Primary Meeting. E. Mitchell’s Sunday and bought Effective at once Amended home a pig already butchered. Mrs. Granton Eason is under the SECTION 9. All such tolls and charges shall NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE doctors care and Mrs. Floyd Eason be due and payable on the First day of each H. B. Talbot, Minister is staying with her until she is bet­ REV. D. C. VAN SLYKE ter. Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. month, and if same shall not be paid on or be­ Reverend Van Slyke will speak at Word was received by Jack Scnenk Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. fore the Tenth day of the month for which the the Nazarene church beginning on Evangellistic Service, 8:00 p. m. Tuesday morning that his cousin. charges are made, shall be deemed delinquent. Sunday. Nov. 5. Midweek services, Tuesday and Woodrow Larsen, was killed in an auto wreck near New Plymouth on Rev. J. Franklin Fisher of Boise Thursday at 8:00 p. m. Said rates shall be due and payable at ail events calls this man "Modern Miracle No. Monday evening. and regardless of whether a statement shall Mrs. Ira Ure and Mrs. Bybee at­ 1." ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL have been rendered therefor, and if the same tended the home decorating meet­ “His life," he said, ‘‘is a dramatic TABERNACLE ing at the Parish hall in Nyssa on setting forth of the way down, shall not be paid on or before the Tenth day of Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Monday afternoon. down into the depths of sin. mis­ the month for which said service is charged and Mrs. Edith Brown and Mrs. Chad- j ery. degredation and despair, and Classes for all. We have some very for which the amounts so become delinquent, then the way out and up into the interesting lessons taken from the wick of Weiser called on Mrs. Jack glorious heights of salvation, hap­ New Testament this quarter. Come Schenk last Tuesday evening. then it shall be lawful for the City of Nyssa, its Mrs. Bybee and family went to piness and ambassadorship for and enjoy them with us. officers and employees to discontinue said wa­ Morning Worship at 11:15 a. m. Caldwell Saturday to do some shop­ Christ." ter service and shut off the same, and when so Young People meet at 7:15 p. m. ping. Rev. Van Slyke is a commissioned Junior meeting in the basement Mr. and Mrs. Willis Faubin of evangelist in the Church of the shut off and discontinued, the delivery of water Vale called on Mr and Mrs. J. T. Nazarene. the Lord having wonder­ at 7:15 p. m. shall not be resumed until all such delinquent fully used this man. having given Evangelistic meeting at 8:00 p. m. Long Sunday afternoon. charges against the consumer are paid, together Mid-week meeting Wednesday at Mrs. Jack Schenk and Mrs Mai- : him over 600 souls at the altar in colm Crawford went to Weiser Sun- j his first year of the ministry 8:00 p. m. with a fee of One Dollar for turning on said day afternoon to attend a meeting I You are welcome. water. of the M. I. A. of the L. D. S. church. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH J. N Hickeys called at Buel Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor KINGMAN KOLONY L.D.8. M. F. SOLOMON, Hickeys Sunday afternoon. On the fourth Sunday of every SUNDAY SCHOOL Robert Long stopped at J. T. month services will be at 7:30 p. m Recorder. Meets in Kingman Kolony school Longs Friday evening on his way to Instead of the usual hour of 9:30 house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. a. m. the North Powder country to go elk NOTICE TO WATER USERS