NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1939 PAGE THREE vet will tell one that if the Allies Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fifte at­ family and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ro- ing in the field a short distance elly ground on the north side of the after the last war, had done what tended a social of the L. D. S. senbund and family were Sunday from the barn. Next morning she Hollow to hold water, so Elza made Pershing wanted, there would not church in Emmett. dinner guests at the Charles Mc­ found one hen, two pullets and a his pond large and deep, about 12 now be a Germany lifting up its Miss Doris Hart of Malwich, Ore., Connell home. rooster dead They had just bitten deep He thought it would hold head to threaten peace again as it spent Wednesday afternoon with Arlene Piercy of Kingman Kolony the rooster through a few times feet for a while anyway. He is well has done so many centuries past. Freida Leinhart. just to kill him. hadn't completely pleased with it. He says it has only spent Monday night with Jean But the Powers did not want that. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma and eaten any of them. They are getting went down about a foot as yet. of Adrian. It would have interfered with their Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam attend­ Thrasher altogether too domestic to suit us. Dude Parker lost a cow with bloat Erma Points stayed at the Elmer "balance" again. So Pershing was ed the meeting of the Oregon Trail Dutton home in Kingman Kolony Our Cow Hollow ponds are not Friday. Jack took the hide in and out and the Allies had their way, Grange Wednesday evening. holding too good this year. We all sold it Saturday. The lady that night. And today we have another war to Emmett Parker of Nyssa was a Tuesday they should have been made bought it says: “I see there is no Millard Heckathorne family knew save democracy from another mad­ Sunday evening dinner guest at the of The early in the summer so as to have hole in it. Did you not stick it?” Arena Valley and the Fisher man and his schemes. And will have Andy Boersma home. sort of sealed before the wa­ Jack answered, "No, we have lots of from Big Bend were at the gotten again and again, until mankind has Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulet family ter went off but of course we just cows to bloat but we never stick Howard Hatch home for an oyster increased mightily in spiritual stat­ put it off. spent the week end at the Lester supper Saturday evening. one. If you can get to a cow while ure. Goulet home in Adrian. Sam Cates’ pond has been full she is still on her feet, so you can Mr. and Mrs. J. W McFate and Things About Nyssa’s Shops Grandma Stam and Nelda Cham­ daughters Joanne, Ardis and Lor­ for three or four weeks, but he said get her to a ditch or steep hill, you But Lindberg was right. Each berlain of Oregon Trail spent Tues­ raine and Erma Points were busi­ Saturday that it already was about don’t need to stick her.” man and each woman must be afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. ness visitors in Caldwell Saturday. dry. neutrally minded to see clearly the The little lady says “Oh! Tell me On Sunday our winter visitors whole picture and to strive always amounts, whether it be to build a day Doc Raffington built his pond j how you do it so I can tell others, Bill Findling. The Christian Endeavor of King- didst arrive alter a summer's so­ for the underlying truth, must look coal box or a ten-story hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John Stam and man Kolony had their Hallowe'en early in the summer but it washed too.” journ in unknown lands. Feathered behind the surface and search for And at the Golden Rule store, daughter Oregon Trail and Mr. party at the M. L. Kurtz home in through the dam and he didn’t get Jack explains, "You see a cow’s iolk they are, wee fellows who the truth. For a nation can be no they, too, have been preparing for and Mrs. of Pete Vander Oort and Newell Heights Tuesday evening. it repaired until just before the paunch hangs on an angle with the perched on the ridge rows and chat­ more neutral than the thought of old man winter in all his glory and children were Sunday afternoon vis­ The junior high school of Adrian water went off. Naturally it was the intake hole in the end and below tered and scolded till we came out her people. A few more ships taken at his worst for many months. itors at the Bill Findling pond in the Hollow to go dry the water level. When she is bloat­ held their Hallowe'en party Fri­ first to see what the commotion could with the American flag aloft, Even when old Sol still rode high, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson home. of Par­ Frank s pond has been ed, get her front feet up on some­ day evening. be and recognized them as the whether she be carrying contra­ the minds of their buyers were on ma and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot Mrs. H. Hatch spent Monday eve­ completed Parker’ and filled for about two thing high so as to raise the intake flock who nested nearby through band or not and played up by one­ their customer’s winter needs and spent Tuesday in Boise. months, but it is going down pretty hole in her paunch above the water ning in Parma. last year’s cold spell and took their sided propagandists, and all will now they have a fine stock of all Mr. and Mrs. E. Hobson and chil­ The junior high school practices fast now. and watch her belch. It won’t meals from our daily offerings in have forgotten the cost of white manner of wearing apparel. Their dren of Sunset Valley spent Sunday basketball in the high school gym­ Clarence Niccum’s pond never went level be long until she is ready to cat the back yard. So didst hunt up crosses on Flanders fields again, in selection of men’s warm coats and at the Grant Hallock home. dry last winter at all, but this sum­ some more.” now. some crumbs and they wasted no the wild race for revenge. sweaters ist unusually fine and at Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife were in nasium along in August he decioed he Clarence Niccum says “being a Saturday Adrian played football mer time getting their Sunday dinner. And surely Lindberg has the right most reasonable prices. And if thou Fruitvale on business Sunday. wanted it deeper so he plowed the bachelor is bad, but being a bache­ against the Ontario second team. The robin which joined them last to speak what is in his heart and were not among the fortunate ones Mrs. Andy Boersma attended the Adrian played her second string bottom of it up and dragged it out lor with six kiddles and three of spring was missing. who took advantage of their Aug­ Thrift card party at the Parish hall part of the time, too. The score was and put it on the dam to make it them to catch the school bus by mind on these questions even as the ust Perhaps no other hero has paid President higher. The pond when finished eight o’clock isn’t funny at all.” blanket sales and now the need Friday. 31-0 in favor of Adrian. and first lady have their so dearly for his popularity as the right or even as you and I, each of for additional bedding ist of “must and filled, was about three or four man Lindberg. We were not among us an American citizen, and not be get" proportions, they still have at 4-H CLUB MEETS feet deeper but now when the water COW HOLLOW DON’T THROW those who, when he completed that branded “traitor" and “Nazi". To us, that Golden Rule “Make It Right” WITH LEADER has just been gone a little over a By The Happy Farmer first successful flight across the Lindberg shows greater courage now emporium, a full line of comforters week, the water in the pond is al­ YOUR SHOES Atlantic, thought him greater than to speak as is his right against and blankets and at such reasonable RICHLAND—The Cloverleaf 4-H The water is gone in the canals most half gone. AWAY— other men. For many other brave those things he believes will turn prices. Niccum built a pond early in met at the home of Mrs. F. once more. We are reminded of con­ the Elza spring on the north side of the and adventurous souls had tried the this country to war in spite of pub­ And how ist the old time-piece club Ridder Saturday. Those attending ditions in Cow Hollow a year ago. Hollow. Nobody expected that grav- same thing before him. And because lic opinion in high and low places doing? Hitting on all four or does from district were Bernice Just last year when the water went they had failed, Lindberg’s success than it took to sail through an un­ it these cold morning, slow down Whipple, this Mary McGee, Aloha and off there was only one well and one made him no greater than they, ex­ known skyway in a little ship call­ to a walk, what with the grease and Idaleen Maw. Winona CASH FOR pond in the Hollow. Two days after cept that he lived to receive the ed the "Spirit of St. Louis”. Per­ dust accumulatings these many Lois and Eunice Powell. Henderson, the water went off many Cow Hol- obsequious adulations of the masses. haps it was the spirit of the man years without interference. Then a The Chatterbox members attend­ lowites hauling water for to the Morris Jewelry store in ed club in Nyssa Heights at Mrs. stock and were From the day that he married Anne who made it possible, as it trip house use. Now this year the Atkeson building at Main and Morrow and attempted to live a himself is the spirit in the man now which Third wilt serve it well. For when Jess Ford's. there is no more than two homes sane and ordinary life even as oth­ gives to carry on Mr. Morris hast overhauled it and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and that do not have at least some er men do, tragedy and misunder­ despite him his the loss courage of place in public family were dinner guests at the water stored for winter use. There all the little wheels up for O. standing has dogged his steps. At May this country be given brought -have them repaired is now five stock ponds and four Highest Prices Paid E. Cheldelin home Sunday. air again, ’twill hum as pretty a no place and at no time was he ev­ opinion. many more patriots with equal tick as it did the day thou didst Mrs. D. R. DeGross spent Satur­ deep wells and a large number of For Jewelry, Watches er allowed the privacy even of a courage. day afternoon with the A. V. Pruyn cisterns in the Hollow. own it. goldfish bowl. The loss of that first and Dental Gold Mort Wixon isn’t having any luck family of Nyssa. didst again cast an inquisi­ first ABBOTT’S And in that same building ist the son has never been forgotten and tive We eye MORRIS JEWELRY The Girl’s League members at­ getting his cistern to hold water. over the paper’ s menu SHOE SHOP at every drop of the hat is brought lists, hoping that some one hadst Atkeson apparel shop where just tended a Hallowe’en party at the He finished digging it a short while 287 W. Main St. forth for an airing. Surely a straight lit upon a reducing diet whereby this week they received a new ship­ school house Friday. Next to Nyssa Cafe Nyssa and gave it one coat of plaster Atkeson Bldg. of the latest in women's and Mr. and Mrs. Pheifers were Boise ago stab in an old wound always. and two coats of cement and water may eat their fill and yet at­ ment misses’ coats and dresses. As fine He lived in Europe. Stories re­ one then filled it and it leaked right out, this new waspish waistline the a lot of silks and woolens as can visitors Saturday. turned to this country of his ac­ tain so he got Clarence Niccum and Jim Arthur Brewer spent Sunday at fashion goofs have stirred up. Just be founa anywhere and at prices tivities. He returned home, as any when all things were set for a Trummel to put another coat of the home of Ray Wilds in Nyssa. that wilt beat them all. American would when Europe show­ bear exterior for feminine But when day is done and thou Lloyd Adams and family went to plaster and another cement wash ed signs of approaching turmoil. teddy at Oregon Trail Friday. and upon filling it again, it still they would do that. wearied trying to find a fit-to- the carnival And as any other Ameircan who pulchritude, and Mrs. D. R. DeGross and leaks. But the reducing writer-uppers still are be-listened-to program on the radio Bob Mr. attended had been given the opportunity to cling the Townsend play in Last year there was no where to this lettuce leaf with a dash and art wearied of the continual see the inside workings of the po­ of lemon near enough feed in the Hollow to vinegar and a pinch of war news, then put on thy bonnet Nyssa Saturday evening. litical wheels over there, spoke what salt twice or daily feed the stock, but this year there an apple, not and hand thy John his and hie thee he had in mind when he was ask­ too large, and a with is two or three hundred tons of hay cup of black cof­ STATE SUPERVISOR to the Nyssa Theatre wnere there ed to do so. more than we can use. fee for breakfast, as the first and is sure to be a fine picture and a And now because what he said last commandment in this main­ VISITS SCHOOL There is not quite as much grain few laughs sandwiched in. When ’tis does not coincide with many others taining the girlish figure business. the Hollow as last year, but there including the residents at the White We wonder if they ever try it them­ ended, the show wilt leave thee with ADRIAN—Mrs. Forester of the in will be much more alfalfa and clov­ cheerful thoughts and prepare thee House, he is branded by all the for­ home economics department er seed than last year. The sheep or just let nature take its for a restful slumber and perchance state eign “isms" at their tongues com­ selves was a visitor at the Adrian high men are bidding a fair price for our with their anatomy, as most a happy dream to awaken thee school last week. mand. And what has he done? course pasture that has grown on our rest of the world does. Any­ when morn is come again. Only to warn this nation to stay of way, the with Joyce McGinnis, who has been ill, green fields since cutting the third cut­ pheasant season still on And with Christmas so soon to be out of the European troubles. To and the mince and pumpkin pie here thoughts are turning to what is on her way to recovery. ting of be truly neutral and perhaps show season just coming up to say no­ to buy for whom on that happy Mr. Patch, the principal of the There hay. are many more dairy cows a little that the war is not alto­ thing of the roast turkey and goose day, And at the Nordale furniture Adrian high school, has returned in the Hollow ever before. gether one-sided. That it is in no from Salem, where he attended a Dale Limbaugh than and Earl Heaton to break into the headlines, store we didst spy out some lovely principal's sense another crusade to save de­ about convention. WITH ten cows now. we gave up and if our exterior doest tables, coffee, occasional and end. Mr. Morgan, a representative of are Jim milking mocracy. But a war for economical seem started digging his to be second cousin to a “Big One particularly nice, was a Dun­ the state vocational department, spuds Trummel supremacy. One in which the Bertha" decided they were too it’s the fault of these can Phyfe glass-covered coffee table visited at the Adrian high school green so then would European economic scheme is apt to dietetic guys wait a while long­ who cannot think up one that can be tucked in any place be changed. But even so if we did anything original in reducing and 'twill add a new graciousness during the week. er. and Mrs. Everett Points and Chet Sage is the first one In Cow go in and save another generation menus. to the room. And useful, too, and Ray Mr. Thrasher were business visitors Hollow to pump water from a deep for democracy, this eternal struggle Which reminds us we have been easily • UTAH’S LOWEST ASH COAL to keep dusted. will not be ended, for any oversea asked for a recipe of an old country Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad­ in Caldwell Friday. well with electricity. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols of • NOT A CLINKER IN A CARLOAD With the coming of electricity cheese cake and while that ist al­ vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy Kingman Kolony were Sunday din­ there • EVEN BURNING—LESS ASH has been several radios in­ so one of our favorite dishes time and thy gas going farther. ner guests at the home of Rev. Tet- stalled in homes that had never • MORE HEAT Per FUEL DOLLAR which ist always lopped off the wiler. before. skimp menus, we have never learn­ HALLOWE’EN PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and had The one portable feed grinder was out ed how to make it. If any there be family were visitors at the Toombs to Russell Howell’s Monday and who read this and have the recipe, HELD AT ALBERTA home in Nyssa Sunday. ground a lot of grain for him for Order now for Immediate will they please send it to us that Mrs. Ed Wymer of Parma visited hog feed. This portable hammermill we may pass it on. We have an idea ALBERTA VALLEY—Edna Hal- her daughter, Mrs. Howard Hatch sure is an added asset to a farm­ Delivery! it’s made of cottage cheese and lock entertained 28 guests at a Hal­ Friday. community. cream and graham crackers, but lowe'en party Saturday night. Mem­ Mrs. Richard Wright and daugh­ ing Chuck Share, Cow Hollow's math­ they get it together to taste bers of the N. Y. P. S. and their ter Georgia Ann of Notus are vis­ and philosopher, who has DR. J. C. BOWMAN how as it does, takes expert advice. But guests were present. Arlene Seward iting her sister, Mrs. Howard Hatch. ematician no grain this year, but has a bunch when ’tis done rightly ’tis a most of Nyssa received the prize for the Ellen McConnell spent the week hogs, says "I have it figured out Veterinarian delectable concoction. Aye verily. best masquerade outfit and Don end with Mrs. Max Schweizer of of COAL—GRAIN—FEED that if I sell half of my hogs now And soon wilt come the time to Seward received the prize for guess­ Oregon Trail. Phone 26 and buy grain for the other half cull the flocks again so that the ing correctly the most disguised James McGinnis, who has had the and when it is gone sell half and biddies food bill may be kept to the guests. gas pumps for his store taken out, grain and continue by the first Phone 39W minimum and the family exchequer Pete Tensen attended a conserva­ has had them restored under a new buy of March I will just have one pig at the maximum and many a fat tion meeting in Ontario Thursday. brand of gas. If he is fat I can butcher him and aging cock and his consort wilt Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Matthews Barbara Hatch has been slightly left. and have some meat for next sum­ their way to the noodle kettle. and son Joal Matthews of Payette ill, but is recovering nicely. NYSSA LIBRARY find And truly 'tis a fine dish and a and Edwin Lynch of Vale spent The sophomore class of the mer. OPEN SATURDAY nourishing one in these snappy Sunday at the O. Z. Matthews Adrian high school furnished re­ Arch Eastman, who also has no 2:30 to 7:30 autumn And now tis no task home. freshments and entertainment for grain, has already taken most all ALL PATRONS WELCOME at all to days. prepare since one can pur­ Ed Wolfe is the proud owner of the Hallowe’en party given for the his hogs down to the sale yard and Librarian___Mrs. S. B. Davis chase such delicious prepared a cow that presented twin calves students and teachers of the Adrian sold them. noodles at the Wilson food mart on Friday. high school Friday night. The par­ Cow Hollow would certainly wel­ Main near second, all done up in Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen and ty ended rather early so the foot­ come some coyote trappers any time OPTOMETRIST for long and perfect family attended the Hallowe’en ball players were able to attend. now We go to sleep by their music "See McFall and See Better" cellophane storing. Just dunk a package of party at the Grant Hollock home An all-day quilting bee was held every night which isn’t so bad. Then them in the kettle when the proper Saturday. at the Howard Hatch home Friday. they crowd in closer and the dogs INSULATE— time arrives and they wilt dress up Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were Eleanor Dutton of Kingman Kol­ bark and howl at them all night, the old bird with their yellow lus­ in Ontario on business Monday. ony was a Sunday night guest of which isn't so good. Sunday night Insulate y o u r h o m e they raided a bunch of Mrs Helen ciousness to a dish fit to grace the Mrs. Anna Sherman and Kathryn Erma Points. presidential table. And at this Wil­ of Weiser were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ray McConnell and Niccum's chickens which were roost- against the loss of heat son food emporium they do carry guests at the John Lackey home. with WALLBOARD—we at all times the things it takes to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Gwynn left out nourishing and tempting Thursday for their home in Taft. DR. J. A. McFALL turn have a large stock in a va­ dishes. Condiments, and vegetables, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST spices and flavors. Canned and in riety of thicknesses and and Mrs. Gerrit Groot, and Mr. ONTARIO OREGON the bulk as the buyer wishes. and Mrs. Dick Groot were Sunday prices. And this week we didst chat with afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. CELOTEX WYCKOFF our good friend John Ostrom who Z. Davidson in Parma. REROOF— Dave Hawkins and Grand­ JEWELRY STORE doest hold forth at the Nyssa lum­ son Mrs. spent i/> and % inch Sunday evening at the ber yard and there doest have the Don’t put up with a leaky Official Time Inspector for things that it takes to make the Ed Wolfe home. • Klaas Tensen finished digging his roof this winter! You’ll be Union Pacific family manse a snugger and more CELL-O-WALL comfortable place for winter living. spuds Monday. ONTARIO OREGON surprised how much you Tis scarcely a taste so far that we Virgil Johnson and family of % inch can save on shingles at have been treated to in winter Nyssa spent Sunday evening at the True, it may hold off and O. Z. Matthews home. ROBT. D. LYTLE weather. our yard. • not put in an appearance at all as Mrs. R. H. Johnson of Nyssa ATTORNEY Through the medium of our service*, we always Heights visited Mrs. Ouy Sweet Fri­ it hast so obligingly done the past • CERTIGRADE And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW years. Then again the weather day afternoon. try to make families feel serene, confident and at First National Bank Building two C. M. Tensen was a business vis­ SHINGLES REPAIR and REMODEL man may get a grouch and turn on peace with the world. We accomplish this through Ontario Friday. Phone 66 the works as has happened before. itor Pete in and with FHA LOANS exceptionally skillful and understanding direction Dick Tensen got three VALE OREGON Even to the point where stock nast of every funeral service. We act not only as ad­ ¡frozen stiff overnight in an open carloads of cattle from Juntura on field. And tis only sensible to pre­ Friday. visers, but as friends helping willingly: STUNZ LUMBER CO. DR. C. A. ABBOTT pare Pete Tensen attended a farm for the worst for both man bureau Chiropractic Physician meeting at Adrian Monday and beast and then enjoy the best, “Satisfaction With Every Transaction” Office: 331 West Main St I if it be our lot, without worry. And evening. Nyssa Mr and Mrs. Gerrit Stam vis­ Southwest of “Y’ Phone 110 j at this lumber store on the highway ited Orandma Stam and Klaas in Phone 25 NYSSA PHONE 73W just south of the “Y" John doest Oregon Trail Sunday afternoon. carry everything in Urge or small Ye Snooper’s Column GORDON CREEK COAL Professional Cards AL THOMPSON & SON GET READY FOR WINTER REPAIR or REMODEL NOW! SERENITY AND PEACE NYSSA FUNERAL HOME