Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1939)
! PAGE TWO mmm N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL, TH U RSD AY. NOVEMBER 2, 1939 Demands For Red Cross Services F rompi Greatest Roll Call in 20 Years M ASONS E N T E R T A IN On Monday evening the members oi the Masonic lodge treated the Eastern Star members to a venison dinner, which was entirely prepar- ed by the hosts, school principal Leo Hollenberg, being the ruling chef. Besides the excellent food, a special program was also arranged, Solos were sung by Miss Marzene Hollenberg and Miss June Marie Wilson, the high school girls oc- tette rendered selections, and a skit with Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mrs. Her- bert H. Fisher and Mrs. William E. Schireman, performers, all receiv ed teh applause of the audience. A contest for the telling of the oldest joke was won by high school principal James Bushong. TEACHERS’ RECEPTION One of the largest and most en- j joyed affairs of Its kind this sea- i son was the teachers' reception and j high school dedication given by the civic club at the high school on Tuesday evening, The program, under the direction j Qf Herbert H. Fisher, was given m me comfortable and beautifully lighted auditorium. Following the program the reception and coffee service was held in an especially prepared room off the home econ- onpcs kitchens. Coffee service was from two lace-draped tables presid ed over by Mrs. Andrew Boersma, Mrs. Garret Stam and Mrs. E. D. Norcott. Cut flowers from many gardens and an especially beautiful bouquet of roses from Mrs. Siam's TU E SD AY E VENING BRIDGE garden made a graceful and color The Tuesday evening bridge club ful decoration against the white was entertained this week by Mrs. wall of the room. Bernard Frost who invited Mrs. Bert Refreshment service was directed B. Lienkaemper and Mrs. Carlos by Mrs. Bernard Frost with Mrs. R. Buchner as guest players. A. Thompson, Mrs. E. D. Norcott High scores weer made by Mrs. and Mrs. Artie Robertson members E. D. Norcott and Mrs. Leo Hollen of the committee. berg. - C H ILD REN'S P A R T Y Joy McClure was hostess on Tues day evening for a Hallowe’en party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McClure. Games and stunts and Hallowe’en refresh ments made up the evening's en tertainment. 8 - H ALLO W E ’EN P A R T Y I t was into the goblin-infested and Jack-o’-lantern- lit land that eight friends of Miss Vera Garrison were Invited to make merry at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Garrison, on Tuesday eve ning. Games and a late supper were enjoyed. Half Million Workers lleutly fo r Membership Drive B ill Parker is building a porch for M ort Wixon. A birthday dinner was held at the] Dude Parker home honoring Don SUNSET V A L L E Y —Bonnie Mae Parker’s 19th birthday. Those pres Newgen entertained some of her en weer Frank Parkers, Bill Park friends with a dinner on her 13th ers, Glenn and W inifred Harver of birthday Sunday. Those attending Eventon, Mo., and Edna M cGarvln were Misses Donna and Lucille and George Morgan of Hood River, Chadd. Georgia and Marjorie Hillis Oregon. and Mabel Roberts. Miss Edna McGarvln and George Attorney J. D. Lane and Mr. Rob- Morgan of Hood River are visiting | ertson of Ontario enjoyed a phea at the Frank Parker home. Miss sant hunt and dinner at the Chas McGarvin is a niece of Mrs. Frank A. Ditty place Sunday. Parker. Vern Howard of Caldwell visited Mrs. P. A. Limbaugh and sons | his brother-in-law, Sam Daiss and Bob and Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. [ family Sunday. O. E. Limbaugh of Emmett visited Mr. and Mrs. David Cochran and at the Dale Limbaugh home in Cow | Emory Davis of La Grande were Hollow Sunday. Saturday night and Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Russell Howell took in the Chas. Ditty home. a hike to Cow Hollow springs, about Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderpool 15 miles above the syphon. and two children attended "The A Hallowe’en party was given at I Truth” camp meeting last week the C. C. C. camp Tuesday. A very | near Payette. enjoyable time was had by all. At A. M. Grubbs papered a room for a late hour pumpkin pie and cider Mrs. John Case Thursday. was served. The thermometer reaching 22 on Glen and Winifred Harver, cou Wednesday night and the snow we sins of the Parker brothers, are vis had on Thursday was a change iting here from Evenston, Missouri. from the usual nice weather we had Mrs. Rob. Thompson and Mrs. Ira been having. Up to that time there Chadd attended the home demon had not been enough frost to kill stration meeting in Nyssa on Mon tomatoes and peppers. day. Jack and Dick Parker gave a H al Mr. and Mrs. Ira Foster were called to Klamath Falls Sunday by lowe’en party on Saturday night for the serious illness of their grand 24 of their friends. Refreshments were served at a late hour by Mrs. child. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ditty and Mr. Mort Wixon and Barbara Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson of and Mrs. John Case were in Boise Tuesday on business and stopped In Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. McCon __ Nampa to see Mr. Case’ sister, Mrs. nell and Otto Schweitzer of Owy hee were Sunday callers at the - j Geo. Plank. Chuck Share home. ; „ „ ___, t u t 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Landreth, , w . ,, T. . T Saturday evening guests at the Charles. Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Lan- Chuck Share home were Mr. and I dreth and Sharon K ay were supper j Mrs. Chet Sage and Mr. and Mrs. | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verle Lan j Archie Eastman. dreth in Ontario Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Share were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson visited | Boise visltors> Wednesday o f last j their daughter, Mrs. Lester Zurcher I weejc at Homedale Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Eastman GIVES BIRTHDAY DINNER PARTY 'T 'H E American Red Cross embarks -*• on its greatest membership Roll Call in two decades November 11 when a half million volunteers work ing In virtually every community in j the Ballon, will seek increased mem- berehfp strength to meet growing demands for Red Cross services, __ , , Chairman Norman H. Davis has an- nounced. Increased membership support has been prompted by an urgent need for extending Red Cross serv Ices not only in this country, but as a result of appeals from Red Cross societies in war-stricken European nations, Mr. Davis said. "Although the Red Cross must meet the cries from war-stricken UPPER SUNSET Europe, we of America must not Jim Trammell's sister has been slacken our effort to reduce the peace-time forms of human suffer | visiting him this pase week. ing found in this country,” Mr Mrs. Dude Parker suffered a heart Davis declared. attack last Thursday night. Mrs. _____________________________________________________ _____________________“ The 6,700,000 American men E. E. Cloninger was called in to help I and women who enrolled as mem care for her. She is up and around BABY CLOTHES, FLAGS AND FOUNDER, A L L S P E L L RED CROSS— bers o f the Red Cross last year en at the present time. A t top, left, Red Cross volunteer packs Infant’s layette fo r European war abled the organization to meet the Elmer Himes of Emmett is visit vic tim s: right, No. 1 Roll Call got under w a y at W ashington, D. C., when needs of sufferers in 157 disasters Legion honor guard raised flags; low er, M rs. Peter DeGraw , 90-year-old ing with his daughter, Mrs. Dale during the year, as well as to train W ashingtonian and only s u rvivin g fou nd e r of Am erican Red Cross 5E Limbaugh of Cow Hollow. years ago, rem inisces w ith Secretary of W a r W oodring, two of the firs hundreds of thousands in First Aid Dude Parker and Dale Limbaugh Life Saving and health education.” citizens to Join th e ir local chapter. took a load of pigs to Ontario on W E IN E R R O A ST The affair was a surprise party About seventy-five of the Sunday complimenting the birthday anni school pupils of the L. D. S. church versary of Miss Sabina Caldwell, with their teachers enjoyed a wei- who before the evening’s games were ner roast in the Bishop grove on started, received some lovely gifts last Thursday evening. from the guests. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage. Prizes for the evening were won D IN N E R P A R T Y Chet Sage is topping beets for by Mrs. Grant Lewis, K en Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ostrom en and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Weinike. E. L. Jamison in the Buena Vista tertained at five o’clock dinner with A Midnight supper was served by district. bridge following at their home on the hostess when the games ended. Russell Howell’s “ white angels” Sunday evening. Guests included took a stubborn streak the other day - 8 - , and upset V lo a d 'o7 corn Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Y. Gwilliam. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson and their EVENINO B RID G E P A R T Y daughters Ruth and Neoma and Mr. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. A. and Mrs. Charles Ostrom of Em V. Cook entertained the Wednes mett and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mell- day evening bridge club and invited man of Nyssa. guests for an extra table of pinochle. - 8 - Besides prizes for the evening's 8U R PRISE P A R T Y high scores, Mrs. Cook had table On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. high score prizes as well. Those | Sam Caldwell entertained with four winning the evening's high scores Those present, were Mr. and Mrs. bureau meeting Thursday evening. | Wednesday. tables of bunco at their country were Mrs. J. E. Bowen at bridge Ralph Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Vern W H IT E ELEPHANT Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd gave home in Arcadia. and Mrs. Warren Blodgett at pi Smith and son and Robert DeGross. SALE A SUCCESS a birthday dinner in honor of their nochle, second highs went to Mrs. son Maurice, Jr. George Ward and Roscoe Bran- G U IL D T H R IF T B RID G E P A R T Y Klaas Tensen and to Mrs. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tatum from am returned from a deer hunting LOW ER BEND—The white ele- In spite of the rain and bad Solomon. trip Friday. They reported that six phant sale at Big Bend school house Caldwell were guests in the Jess weather on last Friday, a fair-sized inches of snow fell in the territory proved quite successful. $26.00 was Sugg home last Sunday. crowd attended the T h rift party Mr and Mrs. Stanley Goulet and ! which they hunted. George brought taken in. given by St. Paul’s Episcopal guild C IV IC CLUB home a deci Albert Abbl returned* to school on family spent the week end in the [ at the Parish hall that afternoon. The next meeting of the Civic Roscoe Findley of Nyssa spent I Tuesday. His foot, which is in a cast Lester Goulet home this week. The The dessert and card tables were club will be on its regular date, men were building a new chicken decorated in cut chrysanthemums November 15th at the Parish hall, Sunday with relatives at Lincoln b improving nicely. house, which is expected to be com and large vases of the blossoms were instead of November 21st as an Heights’ ! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rains were pleted this week. m ade Ichabod Crane into a Glen Ward has been appointed i hosts at a Sunday dinner. Guests massed about the room. nounced previously. This will be an ridiculous cow ard, but imagina- Prizes for the afternoon's play unusually interesting meeting as it janitor for the Lincoln Sunday | were Mr. and Mrs. James Young of . . tion w ill serve us w ell if it p ic went to Mrs. Denney Hogue and to will be a 4-H club achievement pro school. Wilder, Mrs. Elmer Young of Tim - SUFFERS FROM Mrs Kenneth Cottle. Mrs. Lee Smith spent Wednesday past, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. M. J. INSECT BITE gram under the directorship of tures v iv id ly in the minds o f at the Joseph Johnson home in O ’Dell of Jamieson. Mrs. H. R. Sherwood. our clients the consequences B IR T H D A Y P A R T Y Ontario visiting her daughter Faye. BUENA V IS T A — Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Joe King attended o f neglecting insurance protec Eveleen Towne, daughter of Mr. an all day meeting of the Grange Boyles was bitten by an insect of tion. Insurance w ill save hours and Mrs. Herman Towne, was the MRS. K E IT H B A ILE Y some kind which caused her so at Boulevard hall Tuesday. BOULEVARD GRANGE honored guest at a birthday anni E NTE R TAIN S much pain she was taken to the o f unnecessary future w orry, if Boulevard Grange met in regu Mrs. Harry Russell, who has been versary party given at the home of On Wednesday Mrs. Keith Bailey you w ill w o rry now ju$t long lar session Thursday, October 26 tit i ill the past week, is confined to her doctor for treatment. T R I - P L E X Cleaning is her aunt, Mrs. E. J. Powell, this entertained at a bridge tea with two Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff and 8:30 with Worth Master John Lein bend and under the care of Dr. enough to put this agency to week. boys, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell not just ordinary cleaning tables of contract in play. hard in the chair. Kerby. w ork on you r particular Eighteen guests were present with and family attended a fam ily din — it actually Revitalizes Thursday night was initiation The afternoon was originally A new coal and wood shed is be Eveleen's two grandmothers, Mrs insurance needs. planned by Mrs. Kenneth Butte, and the following candidates took ing built at the Napton school house ner at the L. E. Goodell home near your clothes— yet is so Mary Morris of Ontario and Mrs. Vale Sunday. M a y w e serve you ? visiting here from Ogden with her first and second degrees: Art and this week. Mary Towne of Eagle, Idaho among Donna Belle and Alva Goodell jr. gentle on fabrics that the husband, but Mr. Butte was unex Jack Roy. Dorothy Neilson, Mr. and those from out of town. I t was A special meeting of the Big Bend were among those present at a most dainty fabric can be Mrs. Jack Pettit. Mr. and Mrs. pectedly called back to the sugar Eveleen's ninth birthday. P. T. A. was held in tHV school Hallowe'en party and weiner roast company offices at Ogden that a ft FSnil Frank, Mr and Mrs. Delbert house Tuesday evening. It was vot given by their 4-H leader Mrs. John cleaned with safety. - 1 - ernoon and Mrs. Bailey became Clement. These will receive third ed to send the state dues in. Ridder, given at her home Tuesday and fourth degrees at the confer emergency hostess. evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. George ence which will be held Tuesday, I Mrs. Leslie T op liff attended the Phone 97 n n n r c c r c 01m J. Mitchell and Mrs. Clarence October 31st at Boulevard Grange regular meeting of the Chatterbox hail. ADDRESSES GIRL Brewster. PHONE 74 _____ Nyssa, Oregon club at the Jesse Ford home Wed Mrs. C. H. Hoffman gave a re- SCOUTS AT ADRIAN - 8 - D ELIVERY SERVICE nesday. port on saving your sales slips. J. -------- Mrs. C. C. W yckoff and Barbara HALLOW E'EN P A R T Y D. Fairman talked on the experi N EW ELL H EIG H TS—Mrs. Gerrit Lee Hoffman. Jean Cleaver and Mr. A party for the young people of ment station. Stam gave a talk to the Girl Scouts and Mrs. Alva Goodell were On the community was given at the Mrs. J. D. Fairman gave a report at their regular meeting held in the tario visitors Wednesday. Grant Hallock country home on on the H. E. C. and cleaning hall. Adrian auditorium Saturday after Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff were Saturday evening. House games and The hall is finished, kalsomined Dr. Francis S. Weir noon. She spoke on the war condi Vale visitors Saturday. refreshments furnished the fun for painted and new curtains up. tions in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jennings and the guests. Nominations for new officers were Dentist George Scheimer took a group of family were Ontario visitors Satur Thursday night. Everyone is urged - 8 - | f Newell Heights men to a farm day. O ffirr: Sarasin Clink Bldg. to attend the meeting on Novem K IN G M AN P. T. A. ber 9th as this will be election of Phone 30W About forty persons attended the officers. regular meeting of the Kingman Those on the refreshment com CARL H. COAD Kolony P, T. A. Friday. The topic mittee were Mesdames Art Conner. for the meeting was "Teaching. Oliver Conner. E M Hauser. M ar A T T O R N E Y -A T -LA W Then and Now." A demonstration tha Amidon and C. H. Hoffman W A R R A N T Y B ON D PHONE 31 of the modern way of teaching first grade reading was given by Mrs. Nyssa. Oregon Hite and some of the first grade WITH GAMBLE’S BONDED A completely dena- WELL, IT’S LIKE THIS-- youngsters. ANTI-FREEZE TRI-PLEX CLEANING /MAGI N A T \ O A / NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Frank T. Morgan WINTER NEEDS FOR YOUR CAR BAKERY L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Eagles Hall A. L. McClellan President Don Graham ........Secretary The Public Is Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAOLES H A LL Visiting Eagles Welcome H A R R Y M IN E R Sec C U F F GREER. Pres The article, "Teaching, Then and Now", found in the August- Sep tember issue o f the Parent-Teach er magazine, was reviewed by Mrs. McPartland with the help of some of the sixth grade girls, who drama tized parts of the article The pro gram was concluded by a free dis cussion period. As part of the business of the day the group decided to help the teach ers of each room give the school children a Hallowe'en party on F ri day. October 27. The November meeting will be in the evening and it is hoped that there will be a large crowd of fathers as well as mothers attend ing. BIRTHDAY DINNER AT LEE SMITH HOME LIN C O LN H E IG H TS—A birthday dinner was given at the Lee Smith home. The occasion honored Mr. 8mith and his daughter Pay« Delicious Pies And Cakes For Real Enjoyment! Don’t hesitate any longer to get the best dessert in town. Come in and choose right now! Les Ernest V PU M P K IN and M INCEM EAT Pies that will please every taste! Fresh baked, each 30c v OUR F R U IT CAKES depends on of good Milk— so insists on GATE CITY DAIRY Milk and Cream Horning and Evening Deliveries« Phone 104W Have a delicious Fruit Flavor! . . . a dozen tasty fruits go into these rich frnit rakes. PI.ACE YO UR ORDER FOR ONE NOW! McClure Bros. Bakery Phone 20 FR E E *100 DENATURED ALCOHOL Insured pro tection against freezing dam- Sealed Can Per Gallon ured A l c o h o l in Sealed Cans TIRE CHAINS S & G Case Hard- sned C h a i n s will -lit the hazard of Ainter driving. R. Cornell. FLEX-O-GLASS s- Yd 25c \\ ill last for years on porches and farm buildings —1 A U T H O R I Z E D AGENCY l~ — GAMBLE STORES Geo. C. Henneman, Owner Phone 106 Nv**a