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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1939. PAGE EIGHT Malheur County to State of Ore the management, realize that the gon—road rights of way over SE!4- spurt is only good for the duration NW1* and NEVA Sec. 15; SMiSEtt of the war unless congress takes I Sec 11-32-40; SW!4NE>4 Sec. 5-32- action. A Democratic Headache (Special From Washington Bureau I ¡41; N tiS ti Sec. 33; NEtANWV, Sec. WASHINGTON, D. C.—Forests of 35; SHSE14NWK Sec. 25; and NVa- Democratic congressmen of the the Pacific northwest are used for SW '.N Eti Sec. 25-31-41. 8-6-39. *1. Pacific northwest, who will recom ■ n e w ag g ; other purposes than lumber for C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Nyssa- mend the district supervisors and housing, mining timbers and fuel. Arcadia Drainage District—BE (4. enumerators for the census, are al Forest service of the department of S ‘4NE‘4 SV j NE'ANE1,. part of E 'i- ready realizing that patronage is no agriculture lists 4,500 uses of trees, EHSWK, part of SW.NWKNEI4, blessing. Census patronage was a and they range from sausage cas NE V* NW % NE1,, N W14 NE14 NE ‘4, concession made while the admini ings to linoleum and phonograph SgNEtANE1!NE14 Sec. 17; part of stration was rounding up votes in records. From a chemico-lndustrlal E'4Et4 Sec. 8; part of E>/4SE)4. the house of representatives for re standpoint, cellulose is the most im SE‘iE ‘4 Sec. 5; part of W‘4WV4 peal of the arms embargo. Under portant part of wood, says the for Sec. 4; part of W‘iNW‘4 and Wh i- the Hatch act no census worker can est report. It Is the common raw SW ‘ 4 Sec. 9-17-47. 10-7-39. *5,411.68. be a member of a political organi- ; - material from which paper is made, O. K Clark tn E. R Riggin— | zation—whether it is Democratic or and also rayon. For paper consump- NEVA and NW'.SEV, Sec. 29-17-46. Commonwealth Federation. Repub tidn alone there were 225 pounds 3-5-38. *20.00. licans need not feel disturbed as In 1936 for every man, woman and Sylvester J. Turley et al to James few, if any, will get these jobs. child In the United States. Propaganda? Ernest Locey et al—N E'.N E1, Sec. Explanation why so many motion 13; NW'ASEIA and S14SE'4 Sec. 12-13-39. 2-6-39. *100. (Q. C. Deed). picture stars are visiting the n a NEWS OF RECORD William Sell et al to James Er tional capital and being photo nest Locey et al—NEIANE'A Sec. graphed with lawmakers is this: Ingall Rood to Reba M. Terteling 13; NW'ANW!. and S*ASE>4 Sec. Big shots of the movie industry —Lot 1„ Sec. 28-17-47. 7-39. *1.00. 12-13-39. 9-21-39. *1.00. (Q. C. Deed) want to kill the legislation which <Q. C. Deed). Albert S. Gill et ux to State of would abolish bloc booking. It has Floyd N. Williams et ux to Reba Oregon—road right of way over passed the senate and is now in the Old-faihioned luxuries!?) are replaced by modern conveniences. M. Terteling—Lot 1, Sec. 28-17-47. NW'/ANWiA Sec. 35-31-41. 10-6-39. house. Bloc booking compels an ex 9-19-39. $1.00. <Q. C. Deed) hibitor to take punk films in order isfy every human and animal need *162.87. By IRA MILI.ER Cecil Rood et ux to Reba M. Ter to rent the features which are can be electrically supplied for two A. E. Nichols et ux to The Trus popular. Every cinema palace not Rural Electrification Bureau teling—Lot 1, Sec. 28-17-47. 9-25-39. to five cents per day. tees of the Pentecostal Assembly of But a pressure water system ECOND only to electric lights, an *1.00. <Q. C. Deed). owned by the producers is interest automatic pressure water system brings other savings both real and J. D. Thomas et ux to Myrtle A. God—Lots 1 to 5, inc., Block 69, On ed in the measure. Is the greatest boon that electricity potential. Plenty of fresh water will Conway et al—East Half of Lots 9 tario. 8-30-39. *10.00. City of Ontario to A. Louise Hig- can bring not only to the farm home increase profits from livestock—ani and 10, Block 189, Ontario. 10-7-39. mals wifi finish better, cows and inbothom—West 48 feet of Lots 6 UTILITIES TAX but also to the farmstead. True, a chickens *30.00. will produce more, and modern all-electric radio outranks horses and mules will' do more work. to 10, Inc., Block 258, Ontario. 9- SHOWN IN an electric water system in the pop 19-39. $300.31. (Correction Deed). When drought occurs, ample wa REPORT ular choice of the average farmer. ter to irrigate small or large truck Charlie P. Crosby to Nancy Ellen But the latter contributes so much gardens can be pumped from wells, Odell—6)4 acres In SW',iSE‘i Sec. SALEM—The average charge for to his comfort, health, safety, streams, springs or pools—and the 3-18-47. 3-4-39. *1.00. (Q. C. Deed). electric energy for domestic use in more convenience and profit that it is diffi profit on or saving of such crops will Donald M. McKenzie to Nancy Oregon was reduced during 1938 cult to understand why such is the more than pay for the electricity Ellen Odell—6 V4 acres in SWtASEtA from $.0285 to *0273 per kilowatt case. required. Actual studies show that the typi Sec. 3-18-47. 3-31-39. *1.00. <Q. C. Water under pressure is a definite hour, among the lowest in the Unit Styled in Box cal farm home uses 20 to 30 tons of safety precaution in that it provides Deed). ed States, according to an an Back and Form water per year, In the kitchen alone, means of saving the home or build Marriage Licenses Issued by Ormond R. Bean, and that the farmer and his wife a ings in event of a fire, especially if Fit. Fur Trims, Robert Ruchard Butson and Mar nouncement public utilities commissioner of take more than 200,000 steps in car it is caught in the early stages. P l a i n Wools, garet Mary Ryan. 10-16-39. Oregon, based on a report just com rying it. The time required Is equiv Even more important than the Filed in Probate Court pleted by his department of the alent to 30 eight-hour days each savings it yields, an automatic wa T w e e d s i n Petitions Estate of Marion H. Larsen. 10- state government. Bean said the na year. As much additional water is ter supply guards the family's for washing clothes and for health by providing clean, fresh w i d e assort 18-39. tional average is * 0423 per kilowatt needed bathing, It Is probable that the final water at all times. It raises the ment. hour. figures are more nearly double those standard of living and promotes Taxes paid by each utility is just given. pride of ownership, as it makes pos Washington News 12 to 44 Nor does this revised estimate In sible not only a modern bathroom shown, and it is interesting to note (Continued from Page 1) water which often must be with its many conveniences but also ed most of its raw cotton from In that taxes paid in Oreon by Class clude carried for the livestock, the total kitchen sink and laundry tubs. dia, but the larger part of its sup A, B and C electric utilities, those quantity of which frequently will be a With the installation of an electric ply is now purchased in the United utilities having an average annual much greater than that required for heater, hot as well as cold water is States and accounts for an impres gross operating revenue in excess of the home. available at the turn of a faucet. In labor savings alone, an elec Although the value of an electric sive percentage of the American *10,000 within the State, amounted to *3,374,863.88 in 1938, an increase tric water system will pay for itself pressure water system on the farm cotton export. many times over. For, although op is apparent the year 'round, it is Despite the unfortunate China of 6.94% over 1937, which Is over erating costs will naturally vary perhaps most marked when snow, Newest Crea "incident" Japan's foreign trade in 16c of every dollar of gross revenue with the amount of water used, the sleet, ice and winter winds make 1938 was 14 per cent greater than collected, and amounts to *13.32 per depths from which it is pumped and each one of the seemingly endless tions from Hol- the cost of power, on the average trips to well, spring or cistern, a the previous five-year average, with customer. farm all the water necessary to sat cold and often dangerous journey. l y w o o d ! In the United States as its best cus tomer both in volume of Japanese NYSSA PLAYS shades of Stop- Seneca. Long Creek, Dale, North exports and imports. Last year the EMMETT TODAY ELK SEASON TO United States was responsible for Powder, Austin, Troy, Sumpter, Red, Moss OPEN SUNDAY 34.4 per cent in volume of Japanese Drewsey, Juntura, Starkey and John The Nyssa Bulldogs hauled out Green and Av Imports and 15.8 per cent of the ex their snowshoes today and trekked Day. Sunday, October 29, marks the ports, and with definite prospect to Emmett where they will play the iation Blue. Se It is unlawful to hunt elk with opening of the seventh consecutive that commerce between the two n a Emmett eleven. quins and Jew season on elk in northeastern Ore guns smaller than 30 caliber, except tions would steadily increase. The After having lost to Vale last Fri normal rate of increase would be day, the local boys are looking to gon, since the season was first when using cartridges with bullets el trimmed. opened in 1933 after a long period of not less than 1,400 foot pound enormously multiplied by an early ward a victory this afternoon. ft of closure. The 1939 season will re energy at 100 yards distance or end of the conflict between Japan The game with Vale was a hard 12 to 52 main open to and including Novem weighing not less than 150 grains. and China. one to lose. Vale coming out on top ber 12, 1939. Hunters will be required to have The Paper Industry Asks F'or Help by a 7 to 6 score. Vale, going into Employees of the pulp and paper the game a top-heavy favorite, were The bag limit is one bull elk hav sufficient equipment to transport Industry of the northwest are urg lucky to come off with the game, ing horns; however, 500 special per and take care of any elk killed. ing congress to curtail foreign com Nyssa outplaying them in every de mits have also been issued to take In order to keep the meat from petition. Since the war began im partment of the game. adult cow elk in the same area and spoiling, an elk immediately upon ports have decreased, with a conse It was a pass from Ray to Choate during the same period that the being killed, should be bled and the quent activity in Oregon and Wash that accounted for the lone tally season is open for bull elk. entrails removed. The carcass ington plants and the re-openlng of of Nyssa. Vale's score came after a The open area includes Baker should then be skinned the day of Men’s and Indies’ Wearing Apparel mills which had been closed for fumble on the Nyssa 20-yard line. county, Morrow county, Grant the kill and be left hanging until several years. Employees, as well as Third and Main Streets The win over Nyssa puts the Vale county, that part of Wallowa coun thoroughly cool. It is important team well out in front for the Snake ty north of the baseline and west that a carcass should not be trans of the Imnaha River, and all of ported until the cooling out process River Conference championship. Nyssa has only 2 games left in Union and Umatilla counties ex is complete. the conference, in addition to the cept the Mt. Emily game reserva one being played this afternoon. tion. In accordance with provisions of ONION GROWERS TO Next Friday, November 3, Nyssa plays Parma at Nyssa. and to wind the legislative act, hunters will be MEET SATURDAY up the conference,. Nyssa will play required to report at a checking Ontario at Ontario on Armistice station before entering the elk area (Special From Washington Bureau) WASHINGTON, D. C.—Secretary day, although there is some talk of and likewise check out at a check the game being held in Ontario Fri ing station upon leaving the area Wallace has announced a meeting regardless of whether or not any of onion growers in the high school FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY — Oct. 27-28 day evening. elk was killed. Checking stations, at Nampa, on October 28 at 9:30 a. which will be open by noon on Fri m., to consider a marketing agree ENTERTAINED CONTRACT r | Idaho Ace day, October 27, will be located at ment. Malheur is the only Oregon CLUB ■ lO U r 49 lb. Bags Mrs. Herschel Thocpson enter the following places: Pendleton, county invited, the other onion tained the Thursday evening con Milton. Pilot Rock, Ukiah, La growers being from Idaho. Best Ever Egg, 1-lb. tract club at her home last week Orande. Baker. Enterprise, Heppner. 1 ^ ( 0 0 0 IG S cellophane pkgs., each and invited Mrs. Melvin Davidson and Mrs. Ernest McClure as guest players. , « h 2/2 “ n* LUNCHEON GUESTS Mrs. Herschel Thompson had as her luncheon guests today her mother. Mrs. Earp and her sister, L™ Mrs. W. F. McLlng from near Em mett. It was Mrs. McLlng's birth C Amaizo Golden day anniversary. WIDE USE SHOWN FOR N. W. FORESTS LOCAL SALES TOPS RECORD SATURDAY Electric Farm Water System Promotes Comfort and Health NEW PIPE LINE AT DUNAWAY The local sales yard, the Nyssa Commission company, set a record last Saturday, according to Alton Dixon, auctioneer for the yard. It was one of the best attended and the largest volume, since the yard was started, according to Dixon. Feeder cattle brought a good price, selling for *7.80 per hundred, with fat stock moving exceptionally well. Fat hogs were also good sell ers. Dixon said. For the sale this Saturday the Nyssa Commission company will have another special lot of very good dairy cattle and brood sows, with a good lot of light feeders. The Bureau of Reclamation start ed the final phase of the work of replacing the old wooden pipe ex tending west from Dunaway with new concrete pipe. Monday, a drag line was moved in on the Job of digging the trench for the new pipe. Minor repairs to the drag-line, however, made it necessary to hold up the work until the repairs were made. Work was to have started to day. Reconstruction of the waste way at the Malheur syphon, also on the schedule for the Department has been started. This will mean the in stallation of blind baffle plates to take care of debris that has been Attend Recital— Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bailey and causing some trouble, although not Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trent and Mr. of a serious nature. Bailey sr., attended the concert in Nampa on Friday of the U. S. Navy Nyssa IS the Bargain Center! band. ETTER. WORK S at J&tveT Tfoicei EXPERT JOB PRINTING NEW FALL COATS Skilled crafstmen can give you the best printing service. All our printers and designers are experts on jobs of all kinds. If you want the best for least— call us! LETTER HEADS — ENVELOPES — MENUS BILLHEADS— INVITATIONS— CIRCULARS ANNOUNCEMENTS— PROGRAMS— CARDS Telephone 19 For Our Representative The NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL $10.90 to $16.90 FALL DRESSES A WINTER SUGGESTIONS WOMENS COATS j $ 5 QO $4.90 to $7.90 TWEEDS Atkeson’s Store $1.13 18c 15c 25c 69c Apricots Peanut Butter ^ y i* U p 1 1 ■ ■ O n ey r lO U r 10 lb cans Foster, 10 lb. cans Dewey Thomason 10 lb. Pickett Pancake, each iLSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON THEATRE New woolens in Sizes 14 to 40 • 1 1 Quilts /N Make yours now. You will need BATS Cotton and wool 15c to $1.98 Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in Plain, stripe and pat- KAYSER and NOLDE & HORST HOSIERY Buck Jones and Helen Twelvetrees in tern “UNMARRIED” I 2 V 2 C to 19c Ginger Rogers, David Niven and Charles Cobum in Prints TUESDAY—Oct. 31 Regardless of where your letter goes— it should possess the quality that will impress the recipient as coming from a busi ness house o f high standing. Lupe Velez and Leon Errol in PAL NIGHT “THE GIRL FROM MEXICO” Jack Holt in first quality. Two, three, 11c to 19c four and seven thread weights. New fall and Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Evening lOc-.lOc Admission Matinee 10c-25c G Artistically p r in te d Full fashioned Plain and pattern “BACHELOR MOTHER” U1 QO ooc Regular $1.00 SUNDAY and MONDAY—Oct. 29-30 Let Us Have Your Next Order SILK HOSE Outing Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Evening 10c-30c Admission Matinee 10c-25c ^ wvjfSiiwB if y i* en lettcrheadi printed by m on * \ l \L popular tweed patterns. DOUBLE FEATURE “COLORADO SUNSET” 2c 23c Bacon Squares KT 14c Hamburger ¡TtST 4 15C ted backs. FRIDAY and SATURDAY—Oct. 27-28 19c 10c P. & G. giant bars, 6 for Sport styles with belts or fit w>os',*M Phone 108 79c 33c Cookies J X Candy Bars f t “ " * C _ . F o r baking. Banana oquasn and Hubbards, lb. Q O O ap NYSSA Brown and Gray Women’s Cotton Hose Sizes 9 to IOV 2 winter colors. Ellis Buckland. Sizes 8y2 to 10 y2 lOc Pair ___________“HIDDEN POWER”___________ Richard Green, Brenda Joyce, Richard Dix, Robert Young and Gladys George in GOLDEN RULE “HERE I AM A STRANGER” “MAKE IT RIGHT STORE” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY—Nov. 1-2 Movietone News Admission l#e-30e Ny**a Oregon