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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, PAGE SIX URGES COURTESY CLASSIFIED ADS Rates lc per word*per issue. Minimum charge 25c. CASH IN ADVANCE Help Wanted Lost USED 620 TIRE and rim between B. P. Rookstools and Nyssa Find er please return to Journal office. 2602 xp For Sale STOCK GIRL TO stay nights with child for board and room. Call 04R2. 2601xp GIRL OR WOMAN for general housework. Steady place for right person. Mrs. Rock Shelton. 2601xp Work Wanted 15 HEAD A -l Milk cows, springers and just fresh. Ed Paynter, just SUB-SOIL PLOWING. Have own south of Payette on old highway. equipment. Tommy Russell. Nyssa Phone 580J5, Payette. 2602xc Box 286. 260tfc For Sale Farm Produce CITY ORESTAN ALFALFA S e e d . J. Fischer, Alberta Avenue. 1902xp 2 For Sale PROPERTY CHOICE LOTS, well located. Leonard Huseby, Nordale's 1909xp For Sale FARM LANDS Miscellaneous 80 ACRES good land, improved, some buildings, good well. Inquire Journal. 1202xp For Sale PETS FINCH AND Parakeets, $3 a pair. Roller Singers $3, Females 50 ROOM AND Board. Star Hotel. 3 cents each, until November 1 only. Smiths Second Hand Store, Cald blocks north of Main on First St. 1902xc lOAtfc well, Idaho. ROOM and BOARD For Rent ROOM, MEALS if desired. Garage available. Call Journal. 2603xp For Sale or Trade FURNITURE POTATO STORAGE. C. P. Over- street, 5 miles North Nyssa. 190tfc DON L U I S , Spiritual Advisor. FURNITURE, RUGS, Kelvinator. Readings daily. Advice on all John Kakebeeke. 260tfc problems. Message circle Sunday, WASHING MACHINE and Heating Thursday, 8 p. m. 216 12th Ave. So., 1902xp Stove. Harold Fletcher, across Nampa. from Texaco Service Station. 2601xp REMEMBER THE Thrift Sale of the St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild For Sale each Saturday beginning Septem Musical Instrument ber 9th at the Parish Hall. Used useful household articles and wear FAMOUS PIANO Manufacturer has ing apparel sold at a fraction of two spinet pianos stored near their original cost. 24Atfc Nyssa. Rather than reship, will sell at a tremendous discount. Terms if desired. Write or call Dennie Dewel, BRAKE WORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes In first class Washington Hotel, Weiser, Idaho. Special equipment and 1203xp condition. trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W. For Sale MISCELLANEOUS GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd Jobs by hour day or week. Prices NEW COOK stoves—ideal for small reasonable. Call J. G. Coil. Al houses or trailer. The Nyssa Trader, Thompsons feed store. 20Atfc main highway north at Alberta Ave. Highest prices paid for hides, wool, NYSSA PLUMBING & pelts, metals. 2501xc HEATING WHITE WATER Heater. Call 89J. 2nd house north Star Hotel 190tfc Dealers for Advance-Hydro Ejector Pressure Pumbs CREOSOTE FOR treating hen lSJtfc houses and posts. Nyssa Plumbing and Heating Co., 451 North First St. 190tfc FOR SALE in your vicinity for bal ance due, almost new A. B. C. washer, easy terms. Pompa Music Company, Boise. 1904xc LINOLEUM RUGS, $3 95. Genuine felt base 9x12. Present supply lim ited. Prices going up. Buy now and save. Will take orders for future de livery at this price. This week only. The Nyssa Trader, main highway north at Alberta Avenue. 2601xc FOR SALE in your vicinity, small spinet piano for balance due, easy terms. Popma Music Co., Boise 1904xc RIVETED, WELDED Range Boilers, (7.50. Nyssa Plumbing and Heat ing Co., North 1st St. SOtfc GENUINE HICKORY ax handles. 23c. New unfinished chest of drawers $4.75 and (6.50. New "Fam ous Name" bed and springs priced so low that the manufacturer will not permit us to advertise. The Nyssa Trader, main highway north at Alberta Avenue. 2601xc Wanted CITY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KLINKENBERG Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and Barnett 4Mtfc Long and Short Distant Trucking Dick Smith Phone Nyssa 43 2F10XP AUTO-BOHY REPAIRING Fritz is back at the Towne Gar age. First class auto-body repair ing. painting and upholstery work Need Glass? Fritz has it. 260tfc WANT TO Borrow $80000 at 8%, for three years years. Will give mortgage on 160 acres, 70 improved. Call Journal 1903xp WANT TO Rent or Lease 80 acres good land. Have stock and equip ment. Experienced. Ben W. Korn, Rt. 2, Nampa 1204xp WANTED—All your welding Jobs. We promise good work and fair prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 58W. LIVESTOCK BUYER and shipper. Call O. Z Matthews Phone 06R1 14S9xp WE OFFER 90c per cwt. for barley delivered in the bulk Amalgam ated Sugar Company. Phone 80 I90tfc CITY For Rent PROPERTY 2 UNFURNISHED, Clean rooms for light housekeeping. Water Just outside door. On gravel street. Suit able for two adults. Rent (11.00. lights and water included Call at Journal office. 260tfc 3 - R O O M Fumtahed Swan Apartments Apartment. I NOW W e s t ’s Leading BEAUTY SCHOOL Special Tuition Send for Jbeuutu. School M AIL COUPON NOW Excelcls Beauty School. 113-115 So 9th St. Boise. Idaho Please send free catalog. SUte H ouse G ueaU — Mr and Mrs. B. T. Brooks of Boise were house guests Saturday 6-ROOM modem house, except heat. and 8unday of Mrs. Emma Qulnby Inquire Star Hotel. 120tfc. and Mr and Mrs. Herbert Fisher 1902XP NW’iSWVi Sec. 25-31-41. 9-30-39. help with the clover threshing on with the flu. Sunday dinner guests at the Glen the Downing ranch. Mr. and Mrs. $87.96. G. H. DeCoursey to Elsie DeCour- Davis returned to their home Sun Suiter home were Mr. and Mrs. Manford Stimmel and family and sey—SE 'i Sec. 36-22-46. 6-21-39. day. Miss June Webster assisted Mrs. Art Parker of Homedale. and Mrs $1.00. <Q. C. Deed» Dudley Barker et ux to Mary E. R. Anderson with her household John Lake and children of Gridley Calif Mrs. Lake and children re Pierce—SW UN W ‘ i and NWU- duties Saturday. mained for a few days visit. SWU Sec. 4-20-40 10-6-37. $315.00 The R. C. Smith menfolks attend Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodward, Dale Ivan M. Gibbons et vir to K. A. ed a farm auction sale near Nampa and Gale and Mr. Woodward’s Morgan—NUSE1* and S U S 'jS U - Friday. brother Raymond were entertained NEU Sec. 18-18-47. 10-10-39. $1,200. H. E. Hite and Rodney Smith Janie V. Carter to Oma Hale i mowed and raked hay for Joe at the Dan Corbett home Sunday evening. Turner—SW USE USE U Sec. 8-18- Woodward the past week. 47. 8-4-39. $10.00. Colby Poage spent Sunday with C. W. Glenn. Sheriff to A. H. Dean By ram. In Portland— Keck—Lets 9 and 10, Block 40, Park Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson were J. R. Hunter left Sunday for Add. to Nyssa 10-10-39. $216.18. ! aliens at the F. J. Cahill home on Portland on business where he will Marriage Lisenees Issued I Thursday evening. remain until the end of the week. William Gell Shunn and Peggy Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma Mae Hon. 10-13-39. j called at the Silas Hoffman home C om plain ts F iled in C ircu it Court I in Buena Vista community Thurs Charles W Furst et al vs. A F. day afternoon and they accompani Burr et al. 10-9-39. Fecovery on ed by the Hoffmans drove to Par contract. $247.27. ma. Idaho. Eastern Oregon Federal Savings Carl Seburn's hay chopper is & Loan Assn. vs. Walter Shimp et chopping hay for James Malloy and al. 10-9-39. Foreclosure of mortgage. Wesley Browne. — SAVE $1,747.06. Mr. Harris is threshing beans. ON COST E. E. Mayer vs. N. L. Howard et Mrs. Dan Davis and children of ux. 10-11-39. To quiet tile. Homedale visited Mrs. Dan Corbett Maudie Phillips vs. Frank Phil Saturday afternoon. lips, 10-11-39. Divorce. Clarence Hite received his premi SHOES! Agnes M. Tudor vs. Juan Jaca et um checks Monday, one for $20.00 al. 10-13-39 Action in restraint. on his pen of four fat hogs and one Boise-Payette Lumber Co. vs. J. for $4.00 for showing one of the F. Rasmussen. 10-13-39. Recovery hogs as single fat hog, and he has Have them Repaired on note. $1,050.00. now purchased a registered sow for R. A. Harland vs. Eileen Harland. next year’s show. 10-13-39. Divorce. Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds were Sunday dinner guests at the SHOE SHOP ATTEND GOLDEN Roger Tucker home. Next to Nyssa Cafe Joe Byram is confined to his bed W EDDING PARTY NYSSA HEIGHTS—Mr. and Mrs. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT V. L. Kesler and family attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Kesler's parents in Salt Lake City, Utah, last week. They re turned by way of Burley and visited friends and relatives there. Mr. and Notice hereby is given that an election of the Mrs. C. R. Kesler of Burley accom legal voters of the City of Nyssa, Oregon, will panied them home and will visit be held on the 31st day of October, 1939, be here for a few days. tween the hours o f eight o’clock A. M. and eight Mrs. Orren Choate has been con fined to her bed with an attack o’clock P. M. of said day, at which election of appendicitis. there shall be submitted to the legal voters of Donald Ford, Dannie Pennie and said City the question as to whether or not the Mont Corbett practiced football at the H. V. Maw home in Richland Common Council shall be authorized to levy district Saturday afternoon. and raise by general tax levy the sum of Just-a-Mere club met for their $4,269.85, in excess of the amount legally levi regular meeting Friday, October 19 at the home of Mrs. John Stafford, ed in the year 1939, plus six per cent, and ex 17 members answering roll call with clusive of the amount authorized by special vote their disliked household duties. of the people. Guests of the club were Mrs. Dan Davis and Mrs. Glen Wright of The vote will be by ballot, upon which shall Homedale, Idaho. After the busi appear the proposition to be voted upon, and ness session, Mrs. Leon Wright had upon which said ballot shall be the words “ Ad charge of the program. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Glen Suiter, Mrs. ditional levy in the amount of $4,269.85” — E. E. Botner, Mrs. Dan Davis and “ Yes” and “ Additional levy in the amount of Mrs. J. E. Keyser. $4,269.85” — “ No” , and the voter will place a Neva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Malloy, celebrated her ninth cross between the amount in figures and the birthday Saturday by inviting a few word “ Yes” , or between the amount in figures of her friends In for the afternoon. and the word “ No” as he may wish to indicate After several games were played, refreshments were served to Jerry his choice. and Bernita Tucker, Thanuel Bot The polls for the reception of the ballots cast ner, Jerry Browne and Neva Malloy. for or against said levy will, on said day and at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodward and the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of family, accompanied by his brother, Raymond, of Texas, were Sunday eight o’clock A. M. and remain open until the dinner guests of the Ernest Johnson hour o f eight o’clock P. M. o f the same day, family in Riverview vicinity and when the same shall be closed. attended Sunday school at the Johnson home in the afternoon. By Order of the Common Council of the City Web Pennie finished cisterns for of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, this 18th J. E Keyser and himself the last of day of October, 1939. the week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis and fam M. F. SOLOMON, ily and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wright City Recorder. of Homedale came up Friday to of I - - ’. i.i crowded harbors would not be possible, says C*pial*l Coorje S:ii£;tsn3, famed mariner and former captain of the y sch t "Seutriarn C ro c ., ” without the courtesy code which reqo res that rseh »••ip kesp In i 3 own lane and give proper signals. T h i s same code < La j urged far motorists by the Shell “ Shar e- Th e-Roa d” Club and Captain Scheltens •hii.ks IL v, I -,rcntly improve traffic e c r . 'i ’ iors. BEND P. T. A. TO HOLD SALE LOWER BEND—Big Bend P. T. A. will hold a white elephant sale Saturday, October 28 at the school house. A program by the school children begins at 3:30 o'clock. Come and bring the whole family. There will be fun for young and old. Abbert Abbl, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Abbl, suffered two broken bones in his foot while playing football at school Friday noon. He Is under the care of Dr. Maulding. Mrs. Harry Russell and Mrs. Ed Abbl attended Jolly Janes club at the Harry Sipes home In Owyhee Heights Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fleshman and sons, Miss Icel Collins, Miss Mary Ann Schneiter, Don Stewell and Tony Oclmica picnicked at Succor creek Sunday. Chas. Wicklander, state Grange deputy, was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Teter and son Dale, Miss Icel Collins and Misses Florence and Eloise Russell attended church In Caldwell Sun day evening. Those deer hunting the past week are Harry Russell, Allen Nickelson, Kie Scott, Dwight Fleshman. Miss Edna Wilson Is staying at the Harry Jergen home and at tending Adrian high school. Mr. and Mrs. Webb Eldridge of Nyssa were hunting in the Bend Portland and Mrs. Betty Forbes of Thursday and called at the Harry Russell home. APPLE VALLEY PIONEER DIES APPLE VALLEY — Mrs. Jesse Baker, pioneer matron of Apple Valley, died at her home Sunday afternoon, October 22. after a lin gering illness of more than a year. During her life, Mrs. Baker had been a friend to many, doing be yond her strength to help others and never too busy or too tired to give a word of praise and encour agement where deserved. After marrying Jesse Baker, they lived at Roswell, later coming to Apple Val ley. Florence Copley Baker was born at Genesee. 111., July 19. 1872. She was one of a family of eight, two of whom survive: Frances M. Cop ley and W. J. Copley of Mitchell- ville. Iowa. She was a member of the Eastern Star, the Mt. Olive chapter, and al so a member of the Universalist church. Funeral services were held at the Peckham mortuary in Caldwell, on Wednesday. Interment was In the Parma cemetery, at which the East ern Star conducted the service. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz re cently celebrated their wedding an niversary with Mr. and Mrs Kelly of Roswell. Mr and Mrs. Nelson of Boise and Virginia Schultz of Boise surprise guests at five o'clock din ner. at which covers were laid for the guests, the host and hostess. Mr and Mrs. Schultz, her brother, Henry Polzin. Charles and Ruth Schultz. Mr and Mrs. Ura Robinson spent I Thursday evening with friends in Payette. Ross Summy left Wednesday and was assigned to the CCC camp at Chatcolet. Junior Birkes was sent to Alexander Flats camp near Boise. Miss Norma Stout spent the week end at the parental J. S. Stout home. Mrs. Carr Barker and Mrs. Elsie Gray took Helen Gray to Caldwell for a tonsil and adenoid operation. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz en joyed a trip to Murphy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson and Star were shopping in Boise and Nampa Saturday. Several boys and girls were guests of Bobby and Eloise Smalley at a party at the Waldo Smalley home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Van Cleef of Wilder spent Monday afternoon at the Carl Pielstick home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hobbs and Carol Anne spent the week end at the Lee Hobbs home. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Rucker call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cald well Sunday evening. Miss Carrie Coryell and Charles Callison of Lebanon, Oregon, have been visiting their cousin, Mrs. C. H. Higgins the past week. Donnie Nichols, son of Clarence Nichols, accompanied his mother’s sister to her home in California last week, trusting the change of climate will be beneficial. Donnie Is the twin who was burned in the fire which took his mother’s life. Mr. and Mrs. Birkes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher. Mrs. Martha No land and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier plan to attend a convention in Pay ette beginning Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz mo tored to Vale Monday. ( Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Parkinson and baby are moving into the cot tage at the Whistler place. Beets, potatoes and lettuce will bring a good deal of money in to the pockets of growers this year as well as give work to a great many local and transient workers. Ray Huffman returned from his work at Powell, Wyoming, and is helping his father get his crop in. NEW S OF RECORD Pete Dear to Pedro Salazar—Lots 1 to 10, ine., Block 85. Westerfield Add. to Nyssa. 6-29-39. $200.00. A. W. Quast et ux to Charles P. Fiegei et ux—Lots 47, 48 and East Half of lot 46. Block 5, Villa Park Add. to Ontario. 10-6-39. $6,000.00. Howard N. Graham et ux to John D. Thomas—Lots 14 and 15, Block 65: Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block 189. On tario. 4-13-39. $1.00. C. W. Glenn. Sheriff to Arthur H. Bone—Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 15, Eldredge Add. to Vale. 1-2-37. (37.80. Paul Grondona to Arthur H. Bone —West 69 feet of Lots 7 and 8. Block 18. Vale 4-11-39. $3.800 00. Swlgart F. Miller et ux to State of Oregon—road right of way over SE’ .N W 'i Sec. 5-32-41 9-23-39. $185.40. Russell F. Lunde et ux to Charles E. Lannlng-W 'ïSE1* and EHSWH Sec. 21-30-42. 10-7-39 $6.000.00. I. Blatt et ux to State of Oregon— road right of way over S 'n S W ',- NW>, Sec. 15-32-40 10-2-39. $147.24. Fred J. Palmer et ux to State of Oregon—road right of way over SW ’ .S W li Sec 11-29-46 9-29-39 $5 00. J Julia C. Strawn to State of Ore gon—road right of way over N S - ABBOTT’S Notice O f Special Election NYSSA JOURNAL ADS - Do Bring Results Here is one o f the many UNSOLICITED letters that keeps coming to the NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. Mrs. Andrews advertised an 80-acre Farm for Rent in two issues— then sent us the following letter— RESULTS FOR THE ADVERTISER C*' A? ,X //V CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. ^ . CPV > >V if FREE catalog E X -C E L -C IS Name Address City 1939. V» A ' V / « T V - satisfaction FOR THE BUYER Let us do your work! USE the Nyssa Gate City Journal NYSSA PACKING CO. for ADVERTISING RESULTS PHONE 6 <