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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1939. TR AIL P. T. A. PLANS CARNIVAL STATE CAPITOL NEWS A. L. LIN DRECK State Capitol News Bureau SALEM — Governor Charles A. i the state system of higher educa- Sprague this week appointed A. A. 1 tion. Rogers, a republican and former president of the firist national Labor Still At War bank of Eugene, to succeed Mark A conference at the statehouse Skinner as state banking superin | this week to attempt a settlement tendent. Tlie news of the appoint of the long labor deadlock in the ment came as a surprise to the Vtrnonia mill resulted in the form- capital political observers who had | ing of a basis for negotiations which expected Fred S. Lamport, Salem, | the labor unions later rejected. The former banker and close personal | proposal would have compelled non- friend of the governor, to get the CIO members to pay a monthly tax $5,000 a year job. of 50 cents for permission to work. The move was looked on as a The AFL members rejected the plan compromise measure because the while the dominant CIO member independent bankers were known to ship voted for it almost unanimous hold for the retention of Skinner, ly. but, on the other hand, rcpulbican pressure on the board was strong. Hears Nebraska Tax Authority Candidates for the position were Western Oregon taxpayers, more numerous aird political gossip was voluminous since Skinner's term ex I than 200' strong, gathered in Salem ihis week to hear Frank Arnold, pired October 1. I Nebraska tax authority, blame an Next in line for the axe, it is be apparent lack of public interest in lieved, is Hugh Earle, state insur : government for the ever-increasing ance commissioner. He is one of the i lax burden. Arnold said theie was few old-line democrats still holding a need for militant citizens' organi down oire of the $5,000 a year jobs zations to take an active part in and it is felt that, republican re j reducing the tax burdens and, act placements ' having gone as far as ing on the suggestion, preliminary they have, Earle will be replaced steps were taken to form an Oregon with little compunction. Daniel J. taxpayers' league. Claude Buchan Fry. state purchasing agent and a an, former Benton county legisla democrat, holds down one of the tor, was elected chairman of the best jobs on the state list. Fry is group to organize the league. Bu also secretary to the republican chanan was authorized to appoint board of control and draws a $5,340 one or more representatives from a year salary which should provide each of the nine counties repre a fine target for republican office- sented at the meeting to serve on seekers. the committee to complete organi Indications that liquor establish zation of the group. ments operating as private clubs are in for some tough sledding ahead ADRIAN SECOND were seen here this week when Jo TEAM PLAYS seph J. Hague, liquor administra tor, and Governor Sprague had a ADRIAN—Adrian’s second string long talk together. The day follow ing the conference Hague and sev football players played Nyssa’s sec eral Salem churchmen met on the ond string Monday, with a no-score invitation of Cecil Edwards, private tie. secretary to the governor. Hague, Adrian played Ontario’s second using a local private club-bar estab string last Saturday. The score was lishment as the specific example, 6-7 in Adrian’s favor. said that as long as the establish Reverend Tetwiler and Mrs. Tet- ments refrained from selling liquor wiler visited their son in Weiser they were outside the authority of last week. the Knox liquor law and that their A 4-H club meetig was held at regulation was purely a local mat the Adrian grade school last Sat ter. Most of the clubs have the urday. "members'’ furnish their own liquor Bobbie Parker underwent a minor and charge a fee for mixing drinks operation last Thursday. and in some cases a cover or en Gordon Toomb of Nyssa visited at trance fee. The administrator’s the Vernon Parker home Friday meeting here was the first of a afternoon. series throughout the state all with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher and the same purpose in mind. The day Erma Points were business visitors following the meeting of the min at Ontario Saturday. isters and Hague. Governor Sprague Ellen McConnell, Mrs. Max addressing the state W. C. T. U. Schweizer and Mrs. Barnett and convention here, suggested that the children were in Boise Sunday and members seek closer regulation of had a picnic dinner in the park. establishments that operate as pri Mr. Patch’s mother Is visiting vate clubs as part of their cam with him and his family. Mrs. Patch paign against liquor. They later gave a party to introduce her guest passed a resolution to that effect. to some of the ladies Saturday eve ning. Insurance For State Autos Lee Aucker of Nampa visited his The state board of control this brother John Aucker Sunday. Dennis Patch and family visited week issued a second call for bids for insurance on the state-owned at Weiser over the week end. Vernon Parker and family had fleet of motor vehicles. The first award, made to a Portland insur dinner at the E. E. Parker home on ance firm, was thrown out by the Sunday. Mrs. Bill Olson was visiting in state insurance commission on the grounds that the bid had been im Caldwell Monday. Mrs. Garret Muntjewerff was in properly submitted. The board de cided to call for bids and for only Payette on business Friday. Mrs. H. R. Otis and Mrs. John a six months period so as to bring the policy into line with the fiscal Holly attended Book club at the year. The policy amounts to about home of Mrs. Frank Morgan in Nyssa last week. $20,000 a year. Mr. McPartland was ill Monday Bond Extension for Power Company and school wasn’t held at Adrian Public Utilities Commissioner Or grade school. Joyce McGinnis has been sick in mond R. Bean, announced comple tion of a 10-year bond extension bed. Mrs. Howard Hatch attended Jol plan this week to meet the ma turity of over $ 12 , 000,000 in bonds ly Janes at Sypes' Thursday. Mrs. Dan Holly and family visit of the Portland Gas and Coke com pany. Bean’s plan includes a pro ed her brother who was in the hos vision that $ 600.000 of new capital pital at Boise, Friday. The John Holly family and Ellen be put into the company by the parent oranization, the American McConnell attended the Rubinoff Power and Light company. The violin concert. Mrs. Rohland. Mrs McConnell Portland company would issue 6.000 and Ellen and Mrs. McKee attended shares of stock to be used to fi nance by-product expansion. The the show in Caldwell Wednesday security and exchange commission evening. will hold a hearing soon on Bean's proposal. Too Much Politics Governor Charles A. Sprague de nied the request of John D. M. Hamilton, chairman of the repub lican national committee, to pro claim October 22 as “Peace-maker's Sunday” on the grounds that he did not deem it advisable. Hamilton, in his request, stated that the repub lican party endorsed the peace move which was sponsored by ministers and church leaders throughout the country. OREGON TRAIL—The Oregon Trail P. T. A. met Friday evening. Plans were completed for the an nual Halloween carnival Friday eve ning, October 27. The carnival will fellow the same plan as was used last year. There will be several booths fer amusements such as games and the white elephant fish pond. Refreshment booth will in clude pop corn, doughnuts, cider, hot dogs and hamburgers. The girls 4-H sewing club plan to sell candy. Mrs. F. G. Holmes gave a report on the county council held at On tario, October 14th. Mr. Stokes explained the new form of report cards and grading system that is being used this year. Group singing completed the pro gram The Meiry Matrons club met on Wednesday afternoon, October 18, at the home of Mrs. Gladys Davis with Mary Savage assisting. Roil call was answered by "My Secret Ambition." Ten members were pres ent. A quilt was tied for the hostess during the afternoon. In guessing games Anna Whitman and Gladys Byers won prizes. The next meeting will be Nov. 1st at the home of Margaret Mitchell with Agnes Knowles assisting. Refreshments were served at the close of the j meeting. Fred Poston, Herman and Ott 1 Kernipple and Dick Hope of Here ford, Colo., spent several days at the B. F. Rookstool home. They were heie looking for a location. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris and family of Eldorado. Kan., are visit ing with her brother, L. Knowles and family. Mr. and Mrs Ray LaPieie of Yakima. Wash., are here looking over property interests and visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wallace Gregg. They have remodeled the house on their farm where Mr. and Mrs. Her- shel Gregg live. Mrs. Geo. McKee and Mrs. W. S. Jones visited with Mrs. Lillian p ien n Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Gene visited at the Torvald Olson home Saturday. Honoring the ninth birthday of their son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers entertained at dinner Sun day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes, Roy, Gilbert and Junior. Robert Holmes went deer hunt ing Saturday near Hereford, Ore- returning Sunday evening with a fine four-point buck. Group pictures were taken at the school last week. Parents may order from the teachers. The proofs were unusually good. Plan to meet your friends at the P. T. A. Halloween Carnival Friday evening, October 27 at the school house at 8:30. Mrs. Irva Fivecoat and Larry, who have been staying at the Wal ter Benson home, left for Unity, Ore., last week to join her husband, who has work in the woods there. Economic Council An economic council to study marketing and industrial conditions in Oregon will be appointed by Gov ernor Charles A. Sprague so that it will have time to make a study of the Oregon situation and make a report to the next legislature. The Visit in Caldwell— Mr and Mrs. Leslie McClure vis governor said that the education in marketing and the research Involv ited with relatives In Caldwell on ed would be placed In the hands of Sunday. Mrs. W A. Dutton, Mr. Arthur Dut ton and Mr. Hugh Mackie of Ev erett. Wash., are visiting with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dut ton and family at Overstreet Siding. Visits Parents— Mr-, tommy Russell left on Fri day for Houston. Texas, where she will visit her parents for the next month. SAT. OCT. 28 BIG T W O HOUR STAGE SH OW Plus FREE DANCE TO PATRONS MUSIC — DANCING — COMEDY — DRAM A ‘ The Ro.-e City Flayers” of Portland, Oregon - resent the that is Shocking the Nation "RELIEF BE HANGED" A 3-ACT MODERN MELO-DRAMA PLUS 5 Acts Professional Vaudeville 5 Ccme Early and Enjoy Musical Prelude By TAYLOR'S TROUBADORS Sponsored by Nyrsa Townsend Club Adm. under 12 10c; high school 25c; adults 35c Tilt Surrounding Merchants Made This Ad Possible __ Patronize Them! They're Boosters! Special AiiRouncement T HIS striking painting of a Red Cross nurse keeping the symbol of mercy flying is the keynote of the 1939 appeal for membership In the American Red Cross. Faced with the need for strengthening dally Red Cross services in 3,700 Chapters, and with Its chartered obligation to aid In some measure In meeting the distress of the men, women and children refugees in war-torn coun tries across the sea, the Red Cross asks every man and woman In the nation, able to do so, to join as a member this year and support America’s official voluntary relief agency. Ruskln Williams, a distinguished artist, is creator of this ideal con ception of the nurse heroine. The roll call for members will be held November 11 to 30 — Join through your local Chapter. Help your Red Cross help others by be coming one of the millions who will add their names to the roll of mercy. Mrs. R. L. Haworth went to On tario Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. M. E. Rogers, She also attend ed at Book club meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Morgan near Nyssa. home were Elmer Parker and daughter Geraldine of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and chil dren of Adrian. R. L. Haworth and Babe Hamil ton left Saturday on a deer hunt Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were ing trip above Owyhee Lake. shopping in Caldwell Saturday. Mrs. Clyde Riggs and children of O. A. C. Instructor Here— Parma were guests of her parents, On Tuesday, October thirtieth, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Roberts Satur Miss Joan Patterson from O. A. C. day. at Corvallis will preside at an all Misses June Clark and Daphne day meeting to be held at the Par Molstrum were shopping In Cald ish hall well Saturday. Miss Patterson comes from the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of extension division of the college and Arena Valley were guests in the will talk this year on home plans. Brumbach home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George and sons of Glendale. California, arrived Satur day for a visit in the Walter Bishop home. BIG BEND — Mr. Wicklander, state Grange deputy, of La Grande, was calling on Grange members in this vicinity Wednesday. He was planning on organizing a new Grange in the new community south of Snake river. Mrs. E. Eskew spent Wednesday visiting Mrs. P. B. Anderson and Mrs. Della Bunnell. Mrs. Dixon of San Francisco is visiting her aunt. Mrs. L. Eachus. Arch Parker was honor guest at a family dinner party held at the E. E. Parker home Thursday eve ning, the occasion marking another birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and Carl Thomas were also guests. Homer Brewer is recovering from slight Injuries he received when he lost control of the Brumbach threshing engine ms he was pulling up Bockus hill. N. S. Phelan transacted business in Ontario Tuesday Mrs. P. B. Anderson went to Eoise Saturday for a visit in the Price home. Mrs. E. Eskew and Mrs. Della Bunnell spent Sunday visiting Mr. Eskew and Kenneth on their home stead near Homedale. Mrs. B. G. Roberts and Mrs. Dyrc Roberts were Caldwell visitors Tues day. Sunday guests in the E. E. Parke " U T A H ’S LOW EST ASH COAL NOT A CLINKER IN A CARLOAD EVEN BURNING— LESS ASH MORE HEAT Per FUEL DOLLAR Order now for Immediate Delivery! AL THOMPSON 6- SON CO AL— GRAIN — FEED Phone 26 by an EXPERT W A T C H M AKER Bring your watch and $2.50 to MORRIS Jewelry ^ and it will be repaired, REGARDLESS OF CON- ( DITION and G UARAN- i TEED. WE BUY OLD JEWELRY or anything containing Gold or Dental Gold FOR CASH MORRIS JEWELRY Atkeson Bldg. 287 W . Main St. and luxury. . . first again in performance with economy. . . first again in driving ease, riding ease and safety . . . first again in high quality at low cost among all cars in its price range! N EW R O Y A L CLIPPER" STYLING N EW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS GORDON CREEK COAL WATCH REPAIRING FIRST A G A IN in modern features . . . first again in beauty BIGGER INSIDE A N D OUTSIDE W ITH THIS WEEK ONLY 'Chevrolet's First A g a in !" NEW FU LL -V IS IO N BODIES BY FISHER • • • • home lighting and home decorating. There will be a covered dish luncheon at noon and each one is re ted to bring her own dishes as v. -11. Eveiyone, whether living in th town or on the land, is invited a r.! welcome to attend, and are pr::niscd some useful and usable advice on the problems of home dr lotion. R< I ttives Visit— E AGLES H ALL— NYSSA— 8 :0 0 P. M. TO ORGANIZE NEW GRANGE NEW HOUSE BEING BUILT —RIVERVIEW—a new house is be ing built by Jim Armstrong and Bib Fisher on the Armstron farm In Gem Avenue. Reta Johnson of Columbia Ave nue spent Monday night with Kathleen Loe. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blackburn and son Harold motored to Baker on Wednesday. Mrs. Levard Boyle is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Gerald Hibbert, for a short time. Mrs. Hazel Fellen and father, Gerald Hibbert are expected to ar rive soon. The Community Sunday School will meet at the Frank Graham home Sunday. kEEP YOUR RED CROSS READY PAGE THREE W ITH SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS THE RIDE R O Y A L * NEW EXCLUSIVE ; VACUUM- POWER SHIFT Vît M l 85-H.P. VAIVE-IN-HEAD SIX *659 AND UP, of Flint, Mich. Transportation based on rail rates, stato and local fanas (if a n y ), optional equipment and accessories — entra. Prices subject to rbange without notice. Bumper g uards— entra on Master 8 5 Series. A G o m m i Motori Value SUPER-SILENT VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES LARGER T IP T O E - M A T I C CLUTCH CHEVROLET HAS MORE T H A N 175 IM P O R T A N T MODERN FEATURES ♦On Spoetai Do lux* and Matter Do Luxa Sorter. lleui 1940 (HEVROUT Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ont$urio, Oregon