= NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 21, 1939 PAGE SIX Hunting— E. D Norcott, Malcolm Crawford, Mr and Mrs. Luther E. Fife, Mr. Infant Dies— and Mrs Walter Nye and Vash The Infant bom prematurely to Fields are among those from Nyssa who left for deer hunting in the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall of Parma mountains this past week. at the Dixon nursing home on Sat­ In Juntura— urday night, lived only 48 hours, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell were despite the fact that It was put Im­ business visitors at Juntura on mediately Into the incubator. Dr. Brother Visits— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson K. E. Kerby was the attending phy­ of Emmett visited on Sunday at the sician. Mrs. Hall Is convalescing R. A. Thompson and Jesse Thomp­ at Mrs. Dixon's. son homes. J. OCAL NEW S *50 REWARD! FOR TURNING IN YOUR OLD SPREADER* ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW OLIVER Also Two-Wheel Tractor Model. * S e o LIs for Com plote Inform ation NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. On Goode Avenue, V 2 Block West Post Office Phone 4 Nyssa Oregon STORAGE The POLAR COLD STORAGE AND LOCKER PLANT announces a new department— a Fur­ niture and Household Goods Storage. No longer is it necessary for those in this vicinity to store furniture or household goods in unsuitable places. ASK US ABOUT OUR REASONABLE RATES Official Game Tagging Station 26 POLAR COLD STORAGE and LOCKER PLANT • IMPORTANT— Price Change • WRAPPING — Single lc lb.— Double l '/ j c lb. SAVE Through Scientific Refrigeration PHONE 124 Summer Delicacies on Your Table All Winter ;! V li"-"" 3 Blocks North of “ Y’ I ( i t t NYSSA t i 1 ( Phone 108 1 t ( t ( i c V greater than in 1938, so much great­ In Senaca— QUARTER MILLION er that the FSCC has Just been Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Fox left on authorized to buy surplus dried Monday for Senses where they will TREES PLANTED prunes in Oregon, Washington and visit with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Hoare and Mr. Hoare and the two (Special from Washington Bureau) California under a program design­ nlen will hunt for deer. WASHINGTON, D. C —Oergon ed to improve marketing conditions Odd Fellows To Hold Open House— farmers planted 145,550 trees last for growers. Yet People Go Hungry On the evening of September year for shelter belts and the same On account of market conditions 26th, the Gate City Lodge No. 214 number, exactly, for wood produc­ of the order of Odd Fellows will tion. The plantings were under the last year Oregon wasted, by not hold open house for all Odd Fellows Clark-McNary law, which provides picking, 22,200 tons; Washington, in this area. There will be a pro­ for the allotment of federal funds 3900 tons and California 60.000 tons, to states matching such appropria­ a total of 90,100 tons of food. gram and refreshments. tions for carrying on fire protection Chip Off the Old Block Move To Ontario— work in forests and for furnishing No hit with the administration Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White and forest tree seedlings to farmers. The their family moved to Ontario the tree distribution is made by state was the radio appeal of Charles A. first ot the week. Mr. White will forestry agencies and the trees are Lindbergh urging retention of the begin his services there at the used only for forest planting on mandatory arms embargo, although Lindy is not the popular idol he Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. farms. was a few years ago (talk of run­ White was attending to business in Oregon farmers planted the trees ning him for president after he flew Nyssa on Wednesday. 50-50, half for windbreaks to pro­ the Atlantic). Lindbergh's father Attends Class Re-Union— tect crops and soli, livestock, farm was a member of congress just be­ Mrs. Herbert Fisher attended a buildings and gardens from dam­ fore America entered the war. He class re-union for graduates of her aging winds. Farmers report a sav­ printed a book opposing Uncle class at the College of Idaho, given ing in fuel in houses sheltered by Sam sending troops overseas, re­ in honor of Mrs. John Thompson trees and a saving in feed when sulting in his defeat for re-election, of Roswell at Parma on Wednes­ windbreaks are used around feed and the government seized his day. lots. books and destroyed them. Lindy is In Washington state 62,100 trees following in his father’s footsteps Guild Sales— went for windbreaks and 20,700 on this issue. The Thrift sales sponsored by the were planted for wood production. Guild of St. Pauls Episcopal church Oregon Timber for Bomb Shelters The Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, which started two weeks ago, have England has been making in­ Idaho and Colorado made their been well patronized on both Sat­ plantings for windbreaks. Nevada, quiries for heavy timbers, such as urdays. The sales room is open supplied by Pacific northwest mills apparently, did not plant a tree. during all of Saturday afternoon. to mines, to be used In construction Hunting— of bomb-proof hide-outs. One Brit­ ish vessel with a cargo of Douglas Barney Wilson and Huston left ATTACKS ORIGINAL fir, sailing from British Columbia, Tuesday for Summit Prairie where 1931 P.U.D. ACT has already been sunk by a U-boat. they hope to bag at least one deer. Huston plans to leave for Ore­ SALEM—It Is the original PUD gon State at Corvallis on Saturday act of 1931 as amended by the ses­ ADRIAN where he will begin his studies in sion of 1933 that is under attack engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Tetwiler were busi­ by opponents of a peoples utility Operated Upon— district In Hood River county, at­ ness guests in Nampa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch went Nadine Crocker was operated torneys in the state engineer's o f­ to Nyssa Monday. upon at the Holy Rosary haspital fice point out. Mrs. Howard Hatch attended a One of the points under attack is in Ontario on Wednesday morning handkerchief shower in honor of by Drs. Sarazin and Kerby. She is that which authorizes the hydro­ Miss Helen Hatch's birthday during reported to be doing nicely. Her electric commission to arbitrarily grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Coulter, is create a PUD out of those portions the week. Mrs. Farnworth and Ethel and of a proposed project in which the with Nadine at the hospital. vote has been favorable. It is ex­ Warren Farnworth and Dudley Daughter 111— pected that it will require a supreme Mosling were in Marsing Sunday. Miss Doris Smith, daughter of Ivan Farnworth is bedfast with court opinion to definitely deter­ Mr. and Mrs. Deane Smith, re­ tonsilitis. mine this issue. turned home the first of the week Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and suffering from an attack of appen­ Donna were Monday guests at the dicitis. It was thought at first that Frank Cahill home. CLINIC SLATED an operation would be necessary, Mr. McFate has returned home but after several days treatment FOR CRIPPLED from Jordan Valley. the inflamation has subsided. CHILDREN Yell leaders have been chosen for Young Peoples Evening— the Adrian high school. Those Dr. Floyd De Camp, director of chosen were Johnny Timmerman. Beginning on Monday evening at 7:30 the Young Peoples social eve- oral hygiene from the Oregon State Louise Hinton and Dorothy Hamil­ nings for boys and girls of high i Board of Health at Portland was in ton. Mrs. H. R. Otis entertained the school age will begin at the Parish Malheur county Monday and Tues­ Hall on Fifth near Main. There will day for the purpose of promoting lady teachers and the wives of the be games and light refreshments dental education in the schools. A men teachers Wednesday. Bud Sweitzer and Iola Parker and a charge of 10 cents will be puppet show illustrating the need of made for each evenings entertain­ dental education was presented by were Sunday dinner guests at the the state board of health at the Ashcraft home. ment. Nyssa and Vale schools on Monday Mrs. Dennis Patch entertained at Daughter Born— A daughter weighing 8 pounds and in the Ontario schools on a shower held in honor of Mrs. Frank deLesplnasse Saturday. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tuesday. Boy Scouts will hold their first Green at the Brittlngham home in 1 Miss Margaret Simpson, field su­ I Ontario on Monday, September 18. pervisor from the Crippled Children meeting of the year Monday eve­ Tlie baby has been named Ida Mae. service at Portland, was also in ning. the county on Monday and Tues­ Mrs. Dan Holly went to Silver | Visit From Seattle— Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Burnham day making pans for the crippled City Sunday. Mrs. Duke Rohland went to Nyssa of Seattle are this week's house children's clinic to be held on Oct. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. 16th. Mrs. Dorothy Burgher, ad­ to meet her sister, Miss Mildred ministrator of the Malheur county Fleshman, who arrived on the train Thomas. welfare committee, and Mrs. Ger­ Wednesday. To Present Speaker— Mr. and Mrs. William McFate and The Nyssa Civic club and the aldine Betts, public health nurse, Morgan Park Garden club will are assisting with plans and will daughters and Erma Points were in Caldwell and Nampa Saturday aft­ jointly present a program on Wed­ announce complete details later. ernoon and evening. nesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Mr. and Mrs. Tetwiler and Mr. Parish hall to which all who are To School— and Mrs. James McGinnis, Joyce interested in community parks and Ted Morgan and Ed Boydell left and Junior, were Sunday guests at welfare work are invited. on Tuesday for Eugene to resume the Alvin McGinnis home. The principal attraction on the their collegiate work there. Jack McKee was a Sunday dinner program will be an illustrated talk guest at the Charlie McConnell on state garden club activities by Washington News home. Mrs. H. O. Mansfield, of Freewater. (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Garret Muntjewerff Mrs. Mansfield is regional vice crop is, for the present, unknown, and Marie visited her folks. Mr. and president of state garden clubs and but it will be something. In 1938 Mrs. Ed Newton of Oregon Slops. has taken a leading part in the England imported from America Sunday. development of the municipal park 43.3 million pounds of dried prunes. Mrs. Duke Rohland and Mrs. and swimming pool at Freewater. A few day* ago the British issued Garret Muntjewerff went to On­ an order placing all stock of dried tario Thursday. fruit in the hands of the foods de­ Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rohland and Vets Thank Nyssa fense department. Indicated prime family were Sunday guests at the The Disabled American Veterans crops for Oregon is 157.1000 tons; home of Dwight Fleshman, Mrs. of the World war through O. A. Washington 36,200 tons. The Ore­ Rohland’s brother. Duke Rohland took a group of Stengel, commander of Caldwell gon and Washington crops are far chapter, expressed thanks to the people of Nyssa and surrounding territory, who so kindly helped the Ladies Auxiliary in making their Forget-Me-Not sale the success that it was. held Saturday, Sept. 16th. "The money derived from this sale is used in the rehabilitation of our unfortunate buddies whose health has been impraired or de­ stroyed in the service of our coun­ DOUBLE FEATURE try.” Stengel said. Nyssa’s Leading Shop for women! I NEVÉÆ HtARPOf A RECICLES* p r iv e r , w ho COULD OUT-RACE TROUBLE c c t c s t PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY— Sept. 22— 23 Oliver Hardy, Harry Langdon, Billie Burke and Alice Brady in “ ZENOBIA” Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in ‘MOUNTAIN RHYTHM” Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10e-25e Evening 10c-30c FALL DRESSES— Come in and see our big stock o f the latest in Fall Dresses. In all the shades dictated by fashion leaders. Sizes 12 to 44. SUNDAY and MONDAY— Sept 24-25 Bette Davis, George Brent and Humphrey Bogart in “ DARK VICTORY” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee I0c-25c Evening 10c-30c FALL WOOL FLANNEL SLACK SUITS Full Tailored Jacket and Slacks. We believe that these suits are the finest ever offered for sale in Nyssa. Be sure to see them! A* GENUINE DEERSKIN GLOVES A T K E S O N ’S ST O R E MEN S AND LADIES’ WEARING APPAREL Third and Main Streets Nyssa PA L N IG H T — but you can keep out o f engine trouble by bring­ ing your work to us— Pruyn’s Garage Phone 56W 2nd and Main Sts. Wiley Clowers TUESDAY— Sept. 26 Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in “THE STORY OF VERNON AND ______________ IRENE CASTLE”______________ WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY— Sept. 27-28 Erroll Flynn, Olivia DeHavilland Anne Sheridan and Bruce Cabot in “ DODGE CITY” Admission 10r-30e football players from Adrian high school to Wilder Friday. Vernon Parker and Duke Roh­ land went to the jamboree in On­ tario Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toomb were guests at the Vernon Parker home Monday. Guests at the Howard Hatch home Tuesday were Mrs. Ed Wy- mcr, Mrs. Hatch’s mother and Mrs. Jack Wymer, her sister-in-law from Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. McFate, Lorraine, Ardis, Shirley and Joan were din­ ner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Goodyear of Kingman Kolony. Louise and Lavone Hinton rode their horses in the Nyssa Fall Fes­ tival parade. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker, Bobby and Janet Marie visited Mr and Mrs. Toomb of Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and family were guests of the E. Park­ ers of Big Bend Sunday evening. The P. T. A. will meet Friday, Sept. 22, at 2:30 in the Kingman Kolony school. Garret Muntjewerff and Richard Holly went fishing and hunting on Monday morning to stay until deer season opened. Howard Hatchs were guests at the Heckathorne home of Arena Valley Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Halderman and boys left Saturday for Buhl. Those attending the Fall Festival at Nyssa from Adrian were Bill Olson and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ashcraft. K. I. Peterson and fam­ ily and John Auker and family. Mrs. K. I. Peterson. Arlene and Donna, accompanied Mrs. Claud Eachus, Betty, Dolores, Patricia and Mrs Eachus, Sr., of Big Bend, to the homemakers picnic in Ontario Sunday. Your Business Appearance Is SO Important! Look your best with TRI-PLEX Cleaned Clothes! N YS S A T A ILO R SHOP PHONE 74 DELIVERY SERVICE Here’s Real HEATER VALUE! NEW 1940 DUO-THERM “ TH R IF T” OU save two ways when you buy this new Duo- Therm fuel oil heater—you save when you b u y it and you save when you put it to work! Y Its p a te n te d B ia s -B a ffle Burner is the most efficient made —gives you the utmost heat from every gallon o f oil! Bums cleanly, silently—from pilot light to full flame. Handy front heat control. Its s p e cia l W a s t e - S t o p p e r will save you dollars—it keeps heat from rushing up the chimney, sends more heat into the room! You can regulate this heater— have as little or as much heat as you want. Radiant door gives in­ stant flood of extra heat when you need it. See this new heater today! This model heats 1 to 6 rooms. Nordale Furniture Store Phone 94 FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Sept. 22 and 23 27c 15c Baking Powder L c 50oz' 35c W ax Paper & £ & * 17c _ Soiree 79c Salad Dressing 23c Kraut ^ 23c 23c Rinso 22c Toilet Soap 19c Hamburger 7 15c melons choice each y°ur 15c Cake Flour iS S T L S CORN FLAKES or POST TOASTIES Large size, 2 for f f _ Golden West 3 ib. cans ? au" ‘ 2 C _ «J O a p “ “ Crystal White, large giant bars, 6 for p X a, o liv ' ^ M c ln n c Lar*e size’ ? b *ro" " d I