This summons is published by tanner, owner of the Nyssa theatre. to exhibit them In interest of the order the Hon. Charles W. Ellis, Hal Evans returned Sunday night newly organized Malheur County Circuit of Judge, made and entered to the home of his sister, Mrs. Glen Jersey club. the 23rd day of August, 1939, pre that this summons be Suiter, after attending the round-up Mrs. Mary Nichols, James and scribing Dy publication thereof once Nadine, were callers in the Wade served at Pendleton. each week for four successive and home Sunday. consecutive weeks in the Nyssa Gate Joe Woodward is quite ill at the Nichols Miss Jeanette Martin spent the City Journal, a weekly newspaper Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, week end at home with her par of general circulation published at under the care of Dr. K. E. Kerby. Oregon. On Saturday she and Mrs. Nyssa, Malheur A. County, Om g 1 o ^P)H ito sfp/Sip i r m Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson were ents. L. FLETCHER, Conrad Martin accompanied by _________i pi Attorney for the Plaintiff. transacting business in Ontario and the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices Nyssa Friday. Miss Agnes of Wilder, spent the day First publication September 14, PUBLISHER'S/ A S s V c i A T I ON each to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of 1939. Boise. week. a» Mrs. F. J. Cahill was hostess to in The Last publication October 12, 1939. Mary and Martha Circle met members of Just-A-Mere club at with Mrs. METHODIST COMMUNITY 14 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST John Auker in Adrian NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner her home Tuesday. Mrs. Orren SCIENTIST FINAL ACCOUNT CHURCH for their September meeting. Mrs. Choat entertained with games. The LOUIS P. THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher r IN THE COURT OF THE Ernest Tetwiler led the devotionals 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho next meeting will be held with Mrs. and Mrs. M. M. Greeling had charge STATE COUNTY OF OREGON FOR THE A branch of the Mother Church, Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Choat on October 6 at 2:30. of the program. After the meeting IN THE MATTER OF THE ES INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC the Plrst Church of Christ, Sclent- Morning Worship at 11:15 A. M. Orren is due to our committee the hostess served refreshments. TATE OF GEORGE O. GLAS lest, In Boston, Massachusetts. IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE Subject: "The Christian Gospel.” for Thanks the work and interest taken in The COCK, Deceased. regular meeting will be NOTICE The Wednesday evening meeting, Evening Worship at 8:00 P. M. EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY the booth and float present at the held next IS HEREBY GIVEN, at the home of Mrs. Robert that at which time testimonials of Christ Subject: "The Purpose and Founda Fall Anna J Glascock, administra Festival in Nyssa Friday and Clark on the second Thursday in lan healing and remarks on Christ tor of the estate of George O. Glas of Government.” ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES October. All women of the com cock, deceased, has rendered and ian Science are given, Is held at tion Epworth League at 7:00 P. M. Saturday. Open rate, per Inch.......... 30c The Anderson, Lnuger, Quigley presented for settlement and filed One Year -------------- $1.50 eight o’clock. munity Interested In the work are Dwight Wyckoff, president. National, Per Inch ...........30c in account said Court first and final Six Months ..... *100 and Suiter hay crews have begun urged to come. The Reading Room Is located In Junior League at 7:00 P. M. Classifieds, Per word ---- 01c of her her administration of Single (Strictly Copies in _________ .05 the cutting of the third cutting of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers and said estate, together with a peti the Church Building, where the Gladys Bratton, advisor. Minimum 25c Advance) alfalfa. distribution; Mrs. Wade Nichols who are picking tion for that Bible and authorized Christian Saturday, the 14th day Eldon Morris with his sister, Miss prunes for Frank Hall, are about of And Science Literature may be read, bor KINGMAN COMMUNITY October, 1939, at the hour of June, called at the Dan Corbett finished. rowed or purchased, and Is open Eleven o’clock A. M. of said day, CHURCH Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. home Friday. Eldon is returning to every day from two to four p. m., ex and the Court Room in the City of Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Ernest Tetwiler. Pastor Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has college in Salem after completing Leaves For Home— cept Sunday and holidays. through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G. been duly appointed by the Judge his summer work at Rochester, 111., The public Is cordially Invited to Osborn, superintendent. Miss Evra Phillips, who has spent the act of March 3. 1879. said Court as the time and place for the Mayo brothers. He stopped the summer at the Keith Bailey of attend our services and make use of Morning worship 11 a. m. lor the settlement of said account in Luray, Kan., his boyhood home, the Reading Room. and hearing of said petition, at home, left for her own home in Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. and Miss June accompanies him. Colorado on Saturday. which time in and Evening worship 8:30 p. m. interested said place estate any may person ap Wendel Webster, who underwent PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH pear and file exception in writing NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S a tonsllectomy at the Sarazin clinic A. A. Schmidt, Pastor to said account and contest the House— L. D. S. CHURCH on Friday, is reported improving. Open same. PROGRAM XVI Trinity. Kingman Grange will hold an 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. ANNA J. GLASCOCK, Alan, Jimmie and Johnnie White If you have no church-home, we 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. open house on Friday, September Administrator --------+ -------- of the Estate of of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests bid you come and worship with us. 29th and everyone is invited to at' George O. Glascock. p. m. Evening services. Co-operative Marketing Association of Mont and Jimmie Joe Corbett. We assure you that in our services 8:00 Date of first publication, Septem tend. 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society Mr. and Mrs. Van Maltsburger for Malheur Farmers ber 14, 1939. and Sunday School you will find meeting. Date of last publication, October the one thing needful, the Bread of 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary and family of the Owyhee district A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp 12, 1939. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Legal Advertising Life and the Water of Life. Your A City Park E. L. Lunger. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION soul needs this heavenly nourish children’s meeting. OF RECEIVER'S SALE DEPARTMENT A Comprehensive Street Improvement Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Anderson and NOTICE OF THE INTER ment. Notice is hereby given that in IOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE babies spent the day Sunday at the pursuance of an order of the Cir AT SUNSET VALLEY 10:00 A. M.—Divine services with Plan Jake Herget home at Nampa. Ditty's Corner the celebration of Holy Communion. Court of the State of Oregon Sept. THE 8, 1939. DALLES, OREGON, Mr. and Mrs. John Stafford mo cuit in and for the County of Malheur, NOTICE Sermon subject: What Is true re is hereby given Ore that Grace Allquist, Pastor made on the 12th day of September, Wesley J. Browne, of Nyssa, tored to Caldwell Snuday. pentance. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. 1939, in the matter of the receiv gon, who, on July 2, 1936, made Mr. and Mrs. Glen Suiter spent ership in the pending suit where Homestead entry, Act June 17, 1902, 11:00 A. M—Sunday School for Classes for all. THE FIRST ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL in Caldwell on business. in Scribner-Adams Motor Company No. 030310, for Farm Unit "C” or aU. Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. Thursday Corporation is Plaintiff and H. EMiSW‘/4, Section 22, Township 19 YSSA’S first annual Fall Festival is over. Changing "A Changeless Christ for a Evangelistic Service at 8:00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett and a Larsen is defendant, your under S., Range 46 E., Willamette Merid called on Mr. and Mrs. Rees signed Receiver World.” Prayer meeting In the homes sons And already those on the committee are will sell at private ian, has filed notice of intention to Byram Sunday evening. Wendesday afternoon at 2.30. sale in one parcel to the highest make Proof, to establish claim looking forward to next fall, to the second an Earl H. Weaver from Pocatello, bidder upon the terms and condl to the final CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Evangelistic Service Friday at 8 Ida., was an overnight guest Tues tions land above before hereinafter mentioned and Geo. K. Aiken, U. S. described, Commissioner, nual Fall Festival. Sixth near Main p. m. subject to confirmation by said at Ontario, Oregon, on the 24th day day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Circuit Court on or after October of October. 1939. Vern W. Martin, Pastor Everybody welcome. Compliments from every side on the excel Leon Wright. Ed Wild, Superintendent 4, 1939, at 10:00 o’clock A. M. of Claimant names as witnesses: lence of the farm produce exhibits, needle and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Suiter visited said day the following real pro James Malloy, Frank Graham, I. B. Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE perty, to wit: at the Harlan Maw home in the Allen, artcraft, flowers and cooked and canned foods, Come and bring the family. Lots Twelve (12) and Thirteen Oregon, Glenn Rt. 1. Suiter, all of Nyssa, II. B. Talbot, Minister Richland district Sunday. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. (13) of Block Twenty (20) is the reward to the entire committee for the W. F. JACKSON, Ferris Sweet, who is attending the Teutsch Addition to the City Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. N. Y. P. S. 7:30 p. m. Register. four months of planning and hard work that College of Idaho in Caldwell, spent Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. of Nyssa, Malheur County, Ore First published Sept. 14, 1939. Prayer meeting every Wedneesday Evange%listic Service, 8:00 p. m, the week end at the John Quigley gon. Last published Oct. 12, 1939. was put into the affair. at 8 p. m. Said sale and conveyance will be Midweek services, Tuesday and home. CITATION made of of said and IN THE COUNTY W. F. M. S. meets every second Thursday It was the honor of this writer to have been Thursday Folks greatly enjoyed the Fall at 8:00 p. m. clear all premises taxes and free other COURT OF THE of the month, Terms and conditions of COUNTY OF MALHEUR, STATE In these distressing and perplex Festival and were glad to see the charges. elected as chairman of the Fall Festival com OF OREGON sale: Cash in lawful money of the ing times, everyone needs a refuge fine products from the other dis United States; Twenty-five per cent IN THE MATTER OF THE ES mittee, and there is this to say of those who serv 8T. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH from the nervous tension which re tricts, especially the new landers. (25%) of the purchase price to be TATE OF SARAH A. WHIPPLE, Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor ed—nowhere will a person find a harder work sults from these conditions. There Tessie Olson, Melba Davis, Kath paid at the time of the sale, bal erine Church and Sunday School at Rust, Sylvia ance on confirmation of sale and is only one such refuge and that is ing, more conscientious group. No one shirked 9:30 Sunday. LOWER BEND Dripps, Moore, Jennie Bessie Stopplecamp, Juan delivery of deed. in the personal knowledge of the sub-committee work, a most important function, ita Pierson, Daisy Whipple, George All Bids must be in writing and Communion the second Sunday of God of the Bible, who is ready to Whipple, Laura Rust, Violet Huff may be left at either the office of month. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fleshman the Receiver in Nyssa or the office man, and all other heirs or persons rather did the members of the committee take the Guild give relief and peace in the heart were hosts to a dinner Sunday. meets second Wednesday of Interested in the above entitled es of A. L. Fletcher, his attorney at each task in stride with an eagerness and enthu each month at 2:30 p. m. and mind. There is a statement In Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Duke Nyssa, Oregon. tate—GREETING. the Bible which reads as follows: siasm that merits only the highest of praise. Rohland and sons of Adrian, Miss Dated this 14th day of Septem By order of the County Court of •Thou wilt keep him in perfect Icle the County made and ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL peace, Collins of Napton Siding and ber, 1939. That the committee made some mistakes, OSCAR C. OLSEN entered whose mind is stayed on the of 5th Malheur day of September, Miss Mildred Fleshman of La TABERNACLE Receiver, 1939, you are hereby cited and re Thee.” Come and worship with us there can be no gainsaying, but few if any of the First published Sept. Sept. 21, 14, 1939. 1939. quired to appear before said Court and we will try and help you solve Grande. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Last published Miss Mildred Fleshman arrived members had had any previous experience in at the County Court Room in the Morning worship at 11:15 a. m. your perplexing problems. City of Vale, State (28) of days Oregon, Wednesday from LaGrande to work putting on an affair of this kind, and those few NOTICE OF MEETING Young peoples meeting at 7:30 in from with the for her brother and wife, Mr. and BIG BEND IRRIGATION DIST date Twenty-eight KINGMAN KOLONY L.D.S. of the first publication of this mistakes will serve as a guide around the pit- p. m. RICT. MALHEUR COUNTY, Mrs. Dwight Fleshman. citation, to writ: within twenty-eight SUNDAY SCHOOL Evangelistic meeting at 8:00 p. m. falls for next year’s Nyssa Fall Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Fisk of OREGON. (28) days from September 7th, and NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, show Mid-week meeting Wednesday at Meets in Kingman Kolony school Burns cause, if any exists, why visited at the Will Cummins That the Board ot Directors of the Credit, too, must go to those Nyssa merchants 8:00 p. m. George E. Whipple, the administra house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. home Sunday. Big Bend Irrigation District, sitting tor of said estate, should not be li Everyone welcome. who helped, both with monetary contributions a Board of Equalization, will Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stephenson as censed and of authorized to sell, meet 'on Friday, the 13th day of an order be made for and the and daughter of Marsing visited and hours of work, to make our Festival the suc Mrs. Bud Williams arrived Sun Sunday at the Reuben Baskett and October, 1939, at the residence of N sale of the sale following NEWELL HEIGHTS described S. Phelan, in the district, at 8:00 premises, to wit: day from San Francisco to spend Synor Carrol homes. cess that it was—for an affair of this kind can clock P. M., for the purpose of re two weeks at the H. B. Williams Miss Mary Ann Schneiter spent o’ All of Lots 15 and 16 of the not be staged without money, and a surprising viewing and correcting its assess Irrigated Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Stanley of home. Lands Corporation, ment and apportionment of taxes Homedale were dinner guests Wed Miss Prouty took dinner with the Saturday and Sunday in Ontario for the next ensuing fiscal year. a subdivision of W. Section T. amount. 19, S. R. 47, E. M„ in 31, Mal at the T. H. Rogers home. Lanes in Kingman Kolony Sunday. with Mrs. H. C. Young and Emma. The assessment list and record may heur County, Oregon, as the As an illustration of the enthusiasm that has nesday Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz took Bill to In the afternoon they dorve to the Eloise Russell, who has been quite be inspected at the office of the same is shown by the plat of Secretary at Nyssa, Oregon by any said subdivision now of record Mont., on Friday. Bill is been built up over the success of the Fall Festi Missoula. ill and under the care of Dr. Kerby. interested person. in the of office the County entering the university to take for Tallman farm. returned to school Friday. val, one Nyssa merchant has advanced the sug estry. By order of the Board ot Direc Clerk Malheur of County, Ore Mr. and Mrs. Doner of Deer Flat Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Witty and tors. gon, together with five shares gestion that we should put up permanent build were dinner guests at the Fay Corn family were business callers in Par CARL H. COAD, Mrs. M. L. Judd and children of the capital stock of the Owy Secretary, Big Bend Irrigation hee Ditch Company and ten Sunday. ings to house future Festivals. It could be done, and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet home ma Monday. District. shares of the Knob Hill Pipe and Mrs. Tetwiler were din Miss Irene Springer of Napton Dated and Mr. and Mrs. John ner Rev. but it takes money and the suggestion is given accompanied first published Sep^ Line; guests Sunday at the Alvon Mc Siding and Clarence Pullen were tember 14, 1939. Holly to Boise Sunday for Book club prayed Court. for in his petition on file here for whatever action the merchants may at the Peck home. Ginnis home. Last publication October 12, 1939, as married in Caldwell Saturday. in said care to take on it. Hoyt Warwick of Colorado, son WITNESS the Hon. David F. Lower Bend teachers reception The Modern Pioneer club booth Mrs. Carl Hill, spent Tuesday FOR PUBLICATION Graham. Judge of said County will be held Sept. 30th at the school IN SUMMONS won first prize at the Nyssa Fall of THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE The athletic and novelty events, and the pa Festival. Court, this 7th day of September, night at the Hill home. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE house, under the direction of the Much credit is due Mrs. 1939. rades on Friday and Saturday, the latter espe OF MALHEUR Mr. and Mrs. Scheimer spent local P T. A., with Mrs. Teter. Mrs. COUNTY H. S. SACKETT, Anderson, Mrs. Stanley Hill, Sunday CITY OF NYSSA, A Munici County Clerk cially, was one of the best that has been staged D. Mrs. L. Lester Goulet and Mrs. Jake Bend. at the Elfers home in Big King and Mrs. Quick on the com THE pal Corporation, Plaintiff, A. L. FLETCHER. mittee. vs. Borge. Mrs. Carl Hill, Mrs. M. L. in Nyssa in a long time, according to the old- Kurtz and George Scheimer, who Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Howell and S. T. Calhoun and Jane Doe Cal Attorney for the Petitioner. publication Oct. Sept. 5, 7. 1939. 1939. timers, and special mention should be made of were his wife; C. L. Lindsey and First Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goulet left family of Nyssa were dinner guests houn, Last publication on the fair committee from Tuesday Jane Doe Lindsey, his wife; John the committee in charge of this phase of the Fes Newell Heights, are also to be com on a deer for hunt. the Steen mountains Russell. Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Ray and Jane Doe Ray, his wife; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Don M. Graham C. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER tival, for it was their job to see that the parades mended. Graham, his wife; and J. Jessie Blayney IOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE There will be a special school Boydell, a single man; Sam Y AT were organized and started out on time. Credit meeting at Kingman school to de DALLES, OREGON, NYSSA HEIGHTS West and Jane Doe West, his KINGMAN KOLONY wife; Chas. C. Bright and Jane NOTICE August THE 30, 1939. for this fine accomplishments goes to Mr. M. W. cide whether children should be is hereby that who, Roy Bright, his wife; and also F. Perry, of Adrian, given Oregon, hauled within one mile of the Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Sweet of Twin On Thursday of this week Mrs. Doe Osborne, Mr. Art Neeley and Mrs. A. V. Cook. school all other persons or parties un on August Home or not. Every legal Falls. Ida., were house guests a few Dave Mitchell entertained in honor known claiming any right, title, stead As a further mark of co-operation, wasn’t it voter is house entry, 12, act 1936, June made 17, 1902, No. days last week of Mr. and Mrs. urged to turn out. estate, lien or interest in the real of her daughter's birthday anniver 030364, for Farm Unit “A”, or SM.- fine of the Payette county marching band to en herein described or any SW!4 Sec. 15, N>4NW%, Section 22, Several won prizes at the Fall John Quigley. sary. About twenty of her friends property part thereof. Defendants. 21 S„ Range 46 E„ Wil from Newell Heights and Mrs. Wesley Browne’s “Jolly were invited to help her celebrate To: ter the parade Saturday afternoon and the mass Festival S. T. Calhoun and Jane Doe Township lamette Meridian, filed notice Janes” 4-H sewing club completed those who attended all had a good the occasion. After an afternoon of ed band concert, with our own city band, that time. Calhoun, his wife; C. L. Lindsey of intention to make has final Proof, to their work and exhibited it at the and Jane Doe Lindsey, his wife; games. Mrs. Mitchell served re establish claim to the above evening? That next year’s Festival is headed for John Ray and Jane Doe Ray, his described, before George land K. Aiken. Those living on Mendiola road Fall Festival in Nyssa. All received freshments. Don M. Graham and Jessie U. S. Commissioner, at Ontario. even better success, can be foretold by the re are very thankful to Carl Hill for their show tickets to the Saturday Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. wife; Graham, his man; wife; Sam J. Y. Blayney Oregon, matinee, awarded by J. B. Giezen- Davis of Payette were callers in the Boydell, a single 1939. on the 6th day of Octo West ber. marks of every exhibitor that we talked to. All the grading of the road. and Jane Doe West, his wife; Chas. Claimant names as witnesses: Ray Holton home. Their two grand C. of these enterprising farmers said that they and Jane Doe Bright, his Elmer L. Dutton, of Nyssa, Oregon. children. Tommy and Ethel Lee wife; Bright the type of all dictators, Stalin. Monday sent his and also all claiming other persons or Rt. 1; Harry Russell, of Parma, would be back next year with larger farm pro Wortman also visited with them. parties unknown any right, Idaho. Rt. 3; John Jarvis, of Adrian aimed horde into Poland, which, if a person can duce exhibits. title, estate, lien or interest in the Miss Prouty was a Sunday din believe ANY of the news either by radio or Oregon. Everett Points, of Adrian’ real property herein described or Oregon; ner guest in the J. G. Lane home. thereof, Defendants. But back of all this success, credit must go to W. F. JACKSON, Martin hade a business any IN part newspaper, coming out of Europe, means the trip Conrad THE NAME OF THE STATE . published ... to Ontario on Thursday this one organization that really got things rolling— OF OREGON: You are hereby re First September Register. 7. 1939 end of a nation recreated some twenty years week. quired to appear and answer the Last published October 5, 1939. the Nyssa Civic Club, for it was through that ago. Which makes us ponder the question of just Complaint on file in the above en Mr and Mrs. Frank Newbill spent suit first within publication four weeks of follow club’s desire to enlarge on their annual flower NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank titled what sort of an excuse Stalin is offering to the ing the this DEPARTMENT THE OFFICE INTER Hendricks of Nyssa. show that prompted others to appoint commit summons, to wit: within four weeks IOR. GENERAL OF LAND Russians for this imperialistic invasion of Po of September 14. 1939. and if you Mrs Conrad Martin. Mrs. Ray AT THE DALLES, OREGON tees to formulate the plans for the Fall Festival. so to appear and answer said August 24. 1939 land. There seems to be no apparent reason for Holton. Mrs Robert Clark adn Mrs fail the plaintiff will apply NOTICE is hereby given that Here’s looking forward to next year’s Nvssa William Toomb spent Monday in Complaint, this aggression on the part of Stalin, except the for the relief demanded in said Vernon Wilson, 3. 1936, of Nyssa, Oregon Fall Festival! Boise Complaint, to wit: who. on Sept. made Original acquisition of more territory. That the upon plaintiff a first and Entry, act June 17 Mr and Mrs. Loren Miller. Ro- prior the have following de Homestead 1902. No. 030376. for Farm Unit D— and Oarth. called at the Will scribed lien Such an about face on so-callled national poli gene property: Lots 7 & 8, Block or S1>SE14, Section 24, Township home Sunday. THE LEOPARD CHANGES HIS SPOTS 26; Lot 8, Block 27; Lots 11 & 12, 20 8., Range 45 E.. Willamette Mer cies is not surprising on the part of any man that iam On Toomb Friday Mr. and Mrs Ray Block 27; Lots 6 & 7 Block 30; Part idian. has filed notice of intention OT so many years ago Dictator Stalin was is a dictator. r. It has been so since the begi beginning Holton attended the funeral for T. of 12, Lots I to 5. Block 30; Lots 11 & to make final Proof, establish 31, Lots 1 to 5 Block 32; claim to the land above to described, loud in his condemnation of those nations of Huntington. Oregon Lots Block of time and will ill be so unto the end. And we J. The Wortman 6 to 12, Block 32. all in Teutsch before George K Aiken, U. S. Com- funeral was held in Weiser. Ida Addition to the City of Nyssa. Mal missioner. at Ontario. Oregon, who embarked on wars of what he called im on should not overlook the fact that ALL dicta County, Oregon, fo r the the 6th day of October. 1939 Mr and Mrs. Oris Dearborn of heur perialism. He condemned any acquisition of tors start gaining their power by promising “re Ontario amount and to the extent of the Claimant names as witnesses: and family were Sundav ney Barney George Sid- dinner due fees: with that interest, „ Wilson. John * Vanderpool. 1 » Daley, _________ land by armed force, promised the world that lief’ and “protection" to the great common home dinner guests in in the »on Ray Tin»«- Holton I ass««ments antj attorney's the costs said "fy Fiai Flanagan. all his government would not fight unless attacked. lots be sold by the Sheriff of Mai- I of Nyssa, Oregon, masses, only to crush the last vestige of liberty heur County in the manner provid- | W. F. JACKSON, C. M. Beaumont. William Toomb Notwithstanding all this high-sounding mor from this same class when the dictatorship is and Robert Clark took some of their of ed by mortgages: law for the and sale that on foreclosure the plain- 1 First published Aug. 31, Register, 1939. alizing to the nations of the world, and true to fully established. Jerseys to the Fall Festival in Nyssa tiff's lien thereto be foreclosed. | Last published Sept. 28, 1939. T h e Gate City Journal It& e& unty HURCH a. N T 4 V * A # N -