NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 21, 1939 Ye Snooper’s Column Things About Nyssa's Shops ------------------------ * i • The Fall Festival is over and from every side we hear spoken the hope of a bigger and better one, come another year and praise for those who so untiringly worked for this years display and festivities. It was a happy time. The harvest almost over, when in a well-earned leisure neighbor could greet neighbor and show the rewards of his labors of the hot weeks so recently passed. We did chat with a friend, a farm ers wife, near the display booths and didst remark at the fine big symetrical melons, “Ah,” she said, "but those cauliflowers! Sure it took lots more work and worry to raise them to look like that.” A firm, white ball bursting through en circling green leaves. And so we looked again and verily they were as pretty as a prim French bouquet inbanded by stiff paper rushing. And now the windows are aglow with the red accoutrement of the forest-hunters. Already some hope ful nimrods have taken to the tall timber, that remaining from the summers fires, and ’twill be but the wink of an eye ere the lucky ones wilt be returning with the unlucky antlered ones. And the race is on among them for the widest spread of antlers. (Among the killers, that is.) Sometimes it seems a sin to kill the creatures but it must be far more pleasant to be shot into a sudden and unexpected death than to die slowly of disease or starva tion in winter fastness when feed ing grounds are so depleted as they are this season. What with the long drouth and the fire-devastated areas. But if it is ahunting that thy John wilt go, be sure that he identi fies himself plainly as a human so that even the rookiest hunter wilt make no mistake. And the accepted and proper garment 1st those red caps and shirts that Mrs. Atkeson doest have on display at such a rea sonable sum. And verily if he gives the headgear careful care it will do for a fall chapeau for the wee wifey at home after the kill hast been made. That is if she can coax It away. And Herman Towne has decorat ed the window with a fine antler head and has at his garage at Main and Third offered some first class and worth trying-for prizes. But 'tis ever a prize in mechanical work that one does get when they take the ailing heap to Herman for an overhaul. And when the kill ist made comes the question of butchering and stor age, but it need no longer be a Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___Mrs. S. B. Davis OPTOMETRIST "See MrFall and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 68 VALE OREGON DR. C. A. ABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Physio-Therapy Phone 25 Office: Next Door West of M. E. Chnrch PAGE THREE Topliff, Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and Mr. Pttkey, foreman at the Jones trip Saturday. OWYHEE question for at the Polar Cold Stor Nyssa Packing to give to their cus fishing Edna Hollock visited Pearl and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the ranch, his wife and Max Moore, age on the highway north of the tomers of the best and at prices Irene Herring in Parma Sunday. regular meeting of the Chatterbox brother of Mrs. Jack Schenk went A group of young folks from the Y, Doc Marshall hast provided ev that ail may afford, sufficient vi club held at the O. E. Cheldelin to McCall Tuesday. erything but the deer. An exper ands to sustain and maintain the ( Beverly Osborne was an overnight home Christian Endeavor held Wednesday afternoon. Vern Moore, who has been stay Owyhee ienced cutter and wrapper, a short human body in its dally activity. guest of Jean Trammell in Nyssa services at the county poor farm ing with his sister, Mrs. Schenk, left We do like the eggs that Mrs. Alva Goodell was on Ontario vis stay on the freezing plate and then Saturday. near Caldwell Sunday afternoon. for his home at Bancroft, Idaho. a permanent location In the per Archie Howell doest purvey. So 0. Z. Matthews shipped two car itor Wednesday. New pupils added to the Owyhee manently cold locker box and that clean and uniformly large they are loads of cattle from Cascade Sat Most everyone from his district Mrs. Granton Eason and children school brings their number up to worry ist ended. One can be sure and so oft contain a double yolk. urday. attended the Fall Festival at Nyssa visited her brother, Otis Tibbett of 81 in attendance. of the meat tasting as juicy and They do come from the flock raised Mrs. Dick Butcher will be oper Friday and Saturday. Nyssa, Sunday. Farmers are cutting the third fresh when taken from that box as entirely from the chick chows of Leslie Topliff and E. L. Jamison Mrs. Frank Dewey is visiting Mrs. crop on in Boise next week. of hay. though It were killed but the day the Purina mills and sold in this ated are mowing hay. Marvin Dewey and Mrs. Ed Dewey 1. L. Cooper and Ruth, Jess Calla The Van Maltsburger family before, tho it may lay there month countryside by the Thompson feed han, Jess Haroldsen and Thelma Joe Callahan was brougth home this week. on end without moving. But be sure and fuel mart at First and Good. Cooper attended the L. D. S. church from the Holy Rosary hospital af Mr. and Mrs. Bybee and son were Sunday guests of the Earnest family Sunday. to consult them there at the plant Tis tops in conditioning flocks from at Vale Sunday. ter a recent operation for appendi Wayne were dinner guests of Mr. Lunger about the cutting and wrapping and the shell to the noodle kettle. Wm. Peutz and son Wm. jr. at citis. Mrs. noyd Thompson, Mrs. Lu Edward and Irvin Topliff, and and Mrs. Ira Ure Sunday. other preparations, that the result Early and late these days doest ther tended the round-up at Pendleton. Monday afternoon Mrs. Jack Fife and Mrs. Emma Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and may be perfect. And if it be that the crew at the Pruyn garage labor, attended Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin, L.DB. union meeting Burl attended a farewell party for Downs and Mrs. Louie Belisle of James and Trula were dinner thou art among the many who getting those puddle jumping ja at Weiser the guests Sunday. Valley View visited Mrs. J. N. of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holmes. have come to these parts and in lopies ready for the autumn trek to Jake Fisher Rev. and Mrs. White Monday eve was in Meridian on ning. Hickey. adequate quarters have been pre the deer country and foolish the Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters, Mrs. Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Gorman and son Har Ellis pared to house the nice furniture Nimrod who puts forth without a business and Betty Schweizer The community lost a real friend Lorraine Fisher an d Maxine of the homestead, forget not that once over at least to the family Shelton took part in the parade in and neighbor when death took Mrs. ry, Jr., of Baker, Ore., were guests went to Walters the Owyhee dam Sunday to at the Joe Dlerksen home Sunday. call on Mrs. Rex Walters Doc hast also prepared a safe place heap by an experienced mechanical brother, Jessie Biokoiski early Sunday morn Nyssa Saturday. to store that as well. eye. For that little jerk and wiggle Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen at ing. Mrs. Biokoiski was loved by Guests at the Angelo Marostica Mr. Campbell. home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald As fine as were the vegetable dis that the even road doest not bother who knew her and will be sad Joe a L. D. S. stake meeting at all Marostica and Rena of Cliff, Homedale were evening guests at plays at the festival booths, still we may become a headache and a pain tended ly missed by friends and relatives. Sunday. Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Tony Maros of have oft seen those equaled by the in the neck on a mountain road and Weiser She was the leader of the Cloverleaf Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher and 4-H club and also belonged to a tica and family of Adrian. Mr. and Klingbacks Wednesday daily produce displayed at the Wil may turn the driver and his merry Lorraine were business visitors in local club. The relatives have our Mrs. Settino Marostica and fam Mr and Mrs. Chas. Bradley vis son grocery store where all the sum guests into grumbling hitchhikers. Caldwell Thursday. ily and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Barberic ited the Wm. Gordons in Vale Sun mer through green things are main Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad Phillip Clowers of Riverview took sincere sympathy. and June. In the afternoon the wo day. tained in their freshness neath that vertiser and ye will not waste your the land acreage in this commun men went to Weiser to visit friends. Messrs. Ray Franklin and Van cooling mist of the spray. And the time and gas going farther. ARCADIA ity this week. Monday afternoon Wanda Ure Maltsburger went to Emmett Mon price ist ever such that everyone Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst moved visited Margaret Hawkes in the day for a load of wood. may eat their fill. ALBERTA VALLEY Thurman Wagner, who has been from Alberta Valley to Nyssa on Valley View district. Miss Margaret Brock of Caldwell What with all the war news burn employed by the Southern Pacific Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and is visiting Doris Klingback this ing up the ether waves, ’tis a hardy C. M. Tensen trucked 300 feeder Thursday. Martin Osborne visited at railroad, and located at Eugene, ar family visited at the Albert Bohy week. radio set that can stand the con lambs from Summit Prairie Satur the Mrs. rived Monday for a ten-day visit 1 Frank Winkle and Dick Groot home Sunday evening. stant day and night work that most day to his feeding lots. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. Paul Moeller helped Mrs. Monday afternoon. of them are now put to. But if it Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sweet and homes Wagner. He was accompanied by George Moeller cook for threshers Mrs. Kees Vander Winkle and be a battery set that ist bending to family visited the R. H. Johnson Mrs. Chris Van Zelf of Arcadia M. Mr. Mrs. G. F. Herman and Tuesday and Wednesday. the extra chore the be-battered bat family at Nyssa Heights Wednes called at the Dick Groot home Mon Mrs. and Grant of Myrtle Point, Ore. Mrs. Mae Fleming is staying with 30ISEW INNEM UCCA teries may be re-pepped at the day. Mr. Herman is a brother and Mrs. Otis Bullard's children while their STAGES Gamble store for but a wee bit of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jensen and son day. Grant a sister of Mrs. Wagner. parents have gone deer hunting and a sum and thy news wilt come of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. Miller Those that went deer hunting 11:15 A.M. remain to help with the work Leave Boise SUNSET VALLEY again to thee clear as tho spoken Jensen visited at the Ben Ives home Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. will 12:10 Noon Leave Caldwell this fall. from the same room. Holady and sons Billy Jr. Ifhd Vir Harold Long and Lavanne Phil Arrive Wlnnrmucca Nampa Friday. 5:15 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Howard and And then our good friend “Buck” in Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and son Bob of Caldwell visited Sunday gil and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. lips visited at Charlie Bifllard’s on Arrive Reno 10:10 P.M. Giezentanner didst drop in for a Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen with Mrs. Howard's brother. Sam T. H. Holaday and daughter Mar Sunday. chat early this week and didst say and children jorie adn son Gene and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marostica and Arrive San Francisco 8:05 A.M. and Carl Beranek of Daiss, and family. that he with a wary eye out to keep Baker left Tuesday Those expect to go this week their daughter Rena and Mrs. An deer hunting to Ralph Gee and family of Apple are the that John his Nyssa theatre at the tops in Summit Prairie. Zittercobs, Charlie Marostica went to the Owyhee Valley visited Sunday with Lester performance as well as in enter Pete Tensen is putting up his Kendall and family. Bullards, Otis Bullards and Bob and gelo dam Monday. Joe Marostica left tainment, had made arrangements third crop of hay. Lay. for their Tuesday morning. Jay Howard’s parents, Mr. and Oiler» for a new and highly improved loud Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jensen and son Mrs. The county surveyor, Edwin Mr. and home $20.00 to $1000.00 Mrs. Angus Bishop have F. L. Howard of Boise, and his Johnson, speaking equipment and for adjust of Oakland, Cal., spent the week grandparents, was here looking over Im another boy born Tuesday On Your Car after Mr. and Mrs. F. H. perial Avenue. ments and improvements in the end at the Clayton Jensen home. Howard of Caldwell, He expects to have noon at the Brittlngham home in Refinancing motored to new bridges built projecting set so that come the win Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawler of Nyssa Sunday to pay their over the canals Ontario. This is the seventh boy. compli ter when everyone will be seeking Houston spent Sunday at the John ments to their new grandson and when the water goes out this fall. Those that are threshing this C. R. Butson & Son snug comfortable spots for enter Lackey home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strane and week are George Moeller, Theo Agents great-grandson at the Dixon nurs tainment he can supply his audi Floyd Thompson was in Ontario ing home and then to the Cash son of Salt Lake City visited with Matherly, Lee Dale. Elmer Stradley. Bob Butson, Mgr. ences with all that is best and new Sunday. and Mrs. Vernon Butler last Eric Boenig and Jake Groot. There Consumers Credit Co. home where they enjoyed Mr. est in modern, up-to-the-minute Rickus Van Twisk of Valley View, Turner week. Mrs. Strane is Vernon’s sister. are two machines running, one be Office Next to Postoffice the remainder of the day. cinema entertainment. and Mrs. Luther Correll of Ore Mrs. A. L. Atkeson of Nyssa, Mrs. The school board met Monday longing to Otis Bullard and the Lie. M. 265 And among our friends were some, Mr. Trail and Pete Tensen visited Grace Allquist and A1 Grubb of evening to make out a budget for other to John Zittercob. Ontario, Ore. Phone 378 who in the winter just passed, came gon at the home Sunday. Vale were Sunday visitors in the the coming year. They were served a long way from their native state Mrs. B. Dick G. Groot coffee and ice cream at the end of Bybee attended the A. Ditty home. and with them brought a horse meeting of the Chatterbox Club C. Mr. meeting. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and the Holadays which since its colthood and for a at the home of Mrs. Sheldon in daughter dug Netted Gem pota have moved to the Filer quarter of a century, had served the Richland Wednesday. toes on Ted Franklin’s place last farm where they have employment family well. Every day doing his Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews and in the bean harvest. week. share of the work on hand and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bob Newgen spent the week end Ira Ure and Wanda returned Fri more than earning his bit of daily Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. Darwin with Arlie Scott in Apple Valley. day from Ogden and Salt Lake City. hay. Fat and sleek he was in his afternoon Beverly Ann in Vale Sunday. Mrs. Grover Cooper had the mis Ure Thursday t o w n e ag a r a g e old age and not put to chores above Kibby went to Mitchell’s birth Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hollock and fortune to misplace a vertebrae in his strength. But times here were Rev. and Mrs. Herring of Parma her back last week. Dr. Kerby was day party in Beth Kingman Kolony. not as they had planned and hoped. Sunday afternoon guests at the Paul Herring at the Boise called. FOR LARGEST SPREAD The change more and more seemed visited Dewey home were Mrs. Everett Mat- hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Landreth of unwise. Work was as scarce as a Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trammell and Ontario called Friday evening at lock, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simianer 1st Prize *7*50-2nd Prize *3.50 reliable European war story and Jean of Nyssa visited Mr. and Mrs. the parental L. B. Landreth home. and family, and his mother, Mr. and sickness came. So that the old home Martin Osborne and family Sunday Mrs. Annie Gregg and family Mrs. Ben Lutes and son Gilbert, and FOR SMALLEST SPREAD they had left didst seem the better evening. and Mrs. Fran Dewey. Sunday dinner guests in the Mr. Audrey place till finally the urge to return Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson and were Dewey is staying in town Klingback home in Owyhee. was too great for further resist Hunting Knife her sister, Mrs. Matlock, and of Parma visited at the Ger- Martha In the afternoon the Gregg and with ance. But the old friend they had Annie going to high school. rit Groot home Thursday. Klingback families accompanied brought so far was too old to re Joe Woodard was taken to the the Owyee Christian Endeavor to Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hickey and NOTHING TO EiUY — NO ENTRY CHARGE make the journey. The summer too Ontario Hazel visited at the Louie Belisle hospital Monday and Is Simply call at Herman Towne’s Garage (next Caldwell where the C. E. held a de home in Valley View district Sun had not gone well with him, sick seriously ill. service at the county poor day afternoon. to Nyssa Theatre) get your Safety Sticker be ness had been his guest. So it seem E. Gaston was over from Red votional farm. ed best that the promise they had mond, Ore., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fleming and fore you hunt. Ed Gonnason. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black are now daughters, Beverly and Carla June made to the husband and father Pete Tensen was in Vale on busi occupying their new house that has who has passed on, never to let the ness Monday. from Little Valley, Ore., visited recently completed. beastie fall into other hands, even Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sewell and been with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davenport Mrs. Grace Allquist, Miss Tressa if it meant death to him, be carried granddaughter of Nampa and Mrs. Ditty, Mrs. Boyd Query and Mrs. from Friday to Sunday evening. out. So it was that they put him Mary Jensen and son of Nyssa were Schneider and family were Sunday Charley Splawn and Mr. Sparks to sleep painlessly and so deeply Sunday dinner guests at the Clay afternoon visitors in the Henry went fishing Sunday and had fine that never again will his old feet luck, bringing home several nice home. NYSSA PHONE 48 Hintz home. pull the plow or cart on this plane, ton Mr. Jensen fish. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam visited Mr. Wright, of near Adrian, mov and all that remains was burled and Mrs. Case Muntjewerff in ed his cement mixer to the Cash deep and left to remain in this Mr. Big Bend Sunday. farm and mixed and pour strange new home and they sorrow Klaas Tensen is remodelling his Turner ed cement for the basement of their ing turned their faces East, to the house. old home. May the Gods bring them Mrs. Sid Flannigan of Sunset new house Tuesday. peace and plenty. a Friday evening dinner And all who saw the parade on Valley of was Mrs. BUENA VISTA Stanley Goulet. In Saturday dist admire the wee bride guest the evening they attened the fall and groom atop the wedding cake Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma on the Nyssa Bakery float. But so festival. and children of Nyssa Heights Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling and do all those who taste the bread Fred Koopman were Sunday dinner called at the S. B. Hoffman home and goodies baked in that estab guests at the Z. Davidson home in Sunday afternoon. lishment admire their skill and Parma. The Richland and Beuna Vista ability to concoct and merchandise Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher and Youths Ass’n. held a party at the such toothsome dainties as one may Thelma were in Boise on business E. L. Jamison home Tuesday eve purchase there every day. ning. Friday. Now that winter is sneaking up Bill Snader left on a hunting and Mrs. E. L. Jamison, Mrs. Leslie ever closer and closer most of us wilt hunt a cozy corner with a fine LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT book or a bit of dainty sewing to pass the long cold evenings again. And what is cozier or more to be desired than the whole family clos ed in warm and tight 'gainst winter blasts reading, chatting and work DISTRICT NO. 26 ing in the soft light of correctly shaded lamps. And at the Idaho Notice Hereby is Given, That a special school Power company store they do sell meeting has been called and will be held at the scientifically correct lights just district school house at Nyssa, Oregon, on Sat made for night reading of close needle work. Tis a wise parent who urday, the 30th day of September, 1939, at 2 :00 provides early the proper light for P. M. at which school meeting there will be sub evening study for their offspring. mitted to the qualified voters of the District the For besides insuring a perfect vision proposition of whether the District School for the children in their life, they do save themselves the expense of Board shall be authorized to expend the balance early eye correction and glasses for of proceeds of fire insurance on gymnasium in overtaxed optics. the amount of $678.64 together with $127.00 But who can sit in a straight, un cushioned chair in comfort for long proceeds from sale of 2-room building for the regardless of how interesting the purpose of constructing and purchasing equip tale or the work at hand. Tis a ment for the gymnasium, consisting of bleacher back-breaking business not long to be endured. But a trip to the Nor- Join tho^Sholl SH A R E -T H E -R O A D dale furniture store will eliminate Polls will open" at 2:00 o’clock P. M. and will this necessity for there Tom doest C lob— G e t FREE em b lem for, y o u r close at 7 :00 o’clock P. M. carry a full line of comfortable ov erstuffed rockers and chairs and at ALICE WILSON, car a t y o u r Sh e ll d e a le r’s such modest prices as will surprise Chairman, Board of Directors the uninitiated. Show y o tir ^colors as a Share-the-Road Club mem Attest : Were among the fortunate to ber! Help thin crusade against “Screwdrivers” and feast upon the steaks from the fat B. B. LIENKAEMPER, their traffic boners. Leading authorities say it can ted beef that the Nyssa packing District Clerk bought at the fair. Verily they were i l cut our StopHantfc-Go 25%. " Share th e R oa d ” and Dated and first published, Sept. 14, 1939. more delectable than any of that Sooar-Shm lU b otti g a v e o n S to p -a n d -Q o . much-touted nectar of the Gods Last published Sept. 21, 1939.______________ But it is ever the custom of the AUTO LOANS DEER PRIZES YOU MUST REGISTER FIRST TOWNE GARAGE Leading TrafficAnthoritiesA SHWtmtWD^lliwdwe ST0Nnd-G0dnvmf25 h Notice O f School Meeting q û q F o o rjfl In p k p r Q