PAGE SIX NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, f7,1939 NEWS OF RECORD LOCAL NEWS Teaching At Owyhee— Mrs. Ellis Buckland Joined the teaching stall at Owyhee where she will have the fourth, fifth and sixth grades for the coming year. Sunday Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Egland and their family of Boise were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Beam. Visit On Sunday— Mr. and Mrs. <3. Webster and daughter June and son and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam. Visits Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Beam from Bend, Ore., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Beam. Real Estate Transfers Recorded Inland Feeding Co. to Ted Ber- reth et ux—I«ot 11 and No. 21 feet of Lot 12, Block 146, Ontario. 5-22- 39. *10.00 T. H Moore et al to City of On­ tario-N orth 15 feet of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 18, Block 12, Villa Park Add. to Ontario. 8-19-38. Exchange of property. Fred Stephen to Malheur County —road right of way over NViSW1/. Sec. 21-20-46. 8-19-39. $1.00. Winifred Brown Thomas et vir to Charles B. Letts et ux—West 8.6 feet of Lot 9, Block 18, Teutschs Add. to Nyssa. 2-25-38. *100.00. Charles B. Letts et ux to H. F. Watts et ux—West 8.6 feet of Lot 9, Block 18 Teutschs Add. to Nyssa. 3-7-39. *100.00. Don Smith et ux to George W. McCreary—Lots 7 and 8, Block 187. Ontario. 7-15-39. *175.00. United States to Anna Wakerlig -NEJ4SEV4 Sec. 9; N 4 S W 1. NW ‘4- SEU, W'iiNE14, and EViNW'4 Sec. 10-19-40. 7-10-1919. John E. Reffett et ux to Malheur County—road right of way over SW!4NE*4 Sec. 24-20-45. 8-29-39. * They're Glad To Eat This! Ice Cream contains essential vitamins vital to body build­ ing. And children love to eat this delicious food! It’s a hit with everyone. Fountain Treat Sundae with one scoop of Ice Cream. Grand after school. Buy them ie one today, only ___ I w C Special Agency for Whitman’s Candies Prescription’s Compounded as your Doctor Prescribes. W E D O N O T SUBSTITUTE. OWYHEE DRUG COMPANY Orren Choat PHONE 29 Next to Idaho Power 1 . 00 . I. J. Tanner et ux to Malheur County—road right of way over N14NW14 Sec. 16-20-46. 8-29-39. *1. D. M. Cox et ux to Fred Scott— N'/4SE'4NE14 Sec. 25-31-41. 12-22- 38. *275.00. J. R. Blackaby et ux to Orris D. Dearborn et ux—NV4 of Lot 8, Block 9, Riverside Add. to Ontario. 5-6-39. $25.00. J. F. Doty et ux to Floyd Schima —Lot 2, Tract A, Bartons Tracts. 3-31-37. $100,00. John E. Holly et ux to John Jar­ vis— N%N%NEWSWy. Sec. 14-21-46 8-29-39. *10,00. (Q. C. Deed). Thomas J. Connolly to William Connolly — SEViNEU, SEV4NW14, NE14SW14, SEViSW'/i, SE',i Sec. 26- 16-37; NE14NE14, SEViNEti, and SE!4 Sec. 35-17-37; Lots 1 and 2, Sec— 17-37. 8-30-39. $1.00. C. W. Glenn, Sheriff to Angus Maclvor—SW!4 Sec. 34-27-46; W '-l- NWt4, SE14NW14, NE14SW14 Sec. 21-20-46. 12-14-33. $83.10. James Stephen et ux to Malheur County—road right of way over W ‘,4NW(4 Sec. 21-20-46. 8-31-39. $ 1 . 00 . Richard D. Proebstel et al to Mar­ tha D. Wilcox—Undivided 4-5ths interest in E'iSEV* Sec. 20; W !S- SW',4 Sec. 21; and N'iNEW. Sec. 29-17-47. 8-14-39. $1.00. Oregon & Western Colonization Co. to Walter F. Barkley—20.8 acres in SE'iNEVi Sec. 35-18-44. 5-3-39. $65.00. Mary Frances Naylor to R. W. • Start your building plans with a visit to— th c IMMl l?OTWB LOMBERfírfecOMPANY "There’s a yard near you” GcuitQffUhuntqcHTJuse TY Thompson et al—E 14 NE 14 NE '4 NE '4 Sec. 8-18-47. 8-24-39. $1,000.00. Jessie F. Lias to Joe Holcomb— Lots 1, 2, 3. and S W ^ N E * 8ec 3- 17-47. 4-17-39. $100 Nyssa Branch Land Co. to I. J. Tanner et ux—0.91 acres in N(4- NW‘4 Sec. 16-20-46. $100. Complaints Filed In Circuit Court State Industrial Accident Com­ mission vs. Kepley Harris. 8-28-39 Recovery of money. $30.52. Alex Handley vs. Stanley Mallett, Watermaster. 8-28-39. Mandamus. Officials are conducting an un­ dercover search for industrialists In Oregon and Washington to act as key men In the skeleton organiza­ tion to be created by the war re­ sources board. Legal Advertising CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR, STATE OF OREGON IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF SARAH A. WHIPPLE, DECEASED. TO: Maud Birks, Bertha Cole, Tessie Olson. Melba Davis, Kath­ erine Moore. Bessie Rust, Sylvia Dripps, Jennie Stopplecamp, Juan­ ita Pierson. Daisy Whipple, George Whipple, Laura Rust, violet Huff­ man, and all other heirs or persons interested in the above entitled es­ tate—GREETING. By order ol the County Court of the County of Malheur made and entered the 5th day of September, 1939, you are hereby cited and re­ quired to appear before said Court at the County Court Room in the City of Vale, State of Oregon, with­ in Twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the first publication of this citation, to wit: within twenty-eight (28) days from September 7th, and show cause, if any exists, why George E. Whipple, the administra­ tor of said estate, should not be li­ censed and authorized to sell, and an order of sale be made for the sale of the following described premises, to wit: All of Lots 15 and 16 of the Irrigated Lands Corporation, a subdivision of Section 31, T. 19, S. R. 47, E. W. M„ in Mal­ heur County, Oregon, as the same is shown by the plat of said subdivision now of record In the office of the County Clerk of Malheur County, Ore­ gon, together with five shares of the capital stock of the Owy­ hee Ditch Company and ten shares of the Knc Cnob Hill Pipe Line as prayed for in his petition on file in said Court. WITNESS the Hon. David F. Graham, Judge of said County Court, this 7th day of September, 1939. H. S. SACKETT, County Clerk A. I,. FLETCHER, Attorney for the Petitioner. First publication Sept. 7, 1939. publication Oct ‘ Last .................. _ :t. 5, 1939. Home Again— Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bailey re­ turned home the last of the week from a vacation spent in Canada and at San Francisco. At the latter place they were met by Mrs. Bailey’s son Allen Donaldson, who Is in the quartermasters corps aboard the U. S. S. North Hampton. Allen is now In Nyssa on a 30-day furlough. Librarian Visits— County Librarian Miss Tressa Hofstetter of Ontario spent Thurs­ day of this week visiting the vari­ ous schools in the district meeting the new teachers and arranging for the placement of books as needed from time to time from the coun­ ty and state library. Miss Hofstetter also stopped a short time in Nyssa. Relatives Visit— Week end guests at the Will H. Beam home included Mrs. Beam’s sister, Mrs. Valeria Plughoff, her son Noel and Mrs. Plughoff with their family, of Pendleton. Also Mrs. E. J. Beam and Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleave of Jamieson. Mrs. Plughoff has moved from Pendleton and is now living in On­ tario with a son employed there. Adrian Girl Scouts— The Adrian and Kingman Kolony Girl Scouts under the leadership of Mrs. M. L. Judd now have an en­ rollment of thirty-seven and are taking an active interest and part in the new park being sponsored by the Modern Pioneer club of New­ ell Heights. The girls will build and maintain a bird sanctuary on the park as NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION their first objective and a commit­ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ tee with Ellen McConnell as chair­ IOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE man, has already been appointed to AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Surprise Dinner Party— On Wednesday evening friends of Mr. Nick Rudlick complimented his birthday anniversary with a sur­ prise birthday dinner given at his home. Following dinner Tripoli was played. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rudlick, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Solomon. August 30, 1939. NOTICE Is hereby given that Roy F . Perry, of Adrian, Oregon, who, on August 12, 1936. made Home­ stead entry, act June 17, 1902, No, 030364, for Farm Unit “A”, or 8(4- SW(4 Sec 15, NHNW14, Section 22, Township 21 S., Range 46 E., Wil­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before George K. Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Oregon, on the 6th day of Octo­ ber, 1939. Claimant names as witnesses: Elmer L. Dutton, of Nyssa. Oregon, Rt. 1; Harry Russel, of Parma, Idaho, Rt. 3; John Jarvis, of Adrian. Oregon; Everett Points, of Adrian, Oregon. W. F JACKSON, Register. First published September 7, 1939. Last published October 5, 1939. ÜíA NIH& Main's Can Do It Better! You don’t have to pay more for MAIN’S better cleaning, so send in your Fall clothes today. Thorough workman­ ship and guaranteed methods produce work that is sure to please you! DON’T DELAY—PHONE 56-J Main’s Cleaners “ CLEANING AT IT’S BEST” Atkeson Bldg. 3rd & Main Sts. Make a $2.99 purchase of any of these Fuller Paints and the combination m agazine- end table is yours for only more: Fuller Pure Prepared ' House” Paint— Porch & Deck Paint— Decoret Enamel— Ful- lerwear Floor Enamel — Lin- Bar, Speedite, Fullerspar and Speedflat Varnishes — Fuller- glo — Pure Prepared Primer. BAND INSTRUMENTS TO BE SHOWN An interesting display of band and orchestra instruments will be on exhibition at the high school to­ morrow evening. Parents and chil­ dren are cordially invited to come to the high school and look the instruments over. Information on the instruments and the new rental plan adopted by the high school, whereby a boy ir girl can try out on instruments at the lowest possible cost will be made public. More careful selection of boys and girls, best adapted to vari­ ous Instruments as revealed by sci­ entific tests, plus minimizing of the financial burden for parents are the two important features of the new plan of renting instruments. Mr. Templer, new music teacher for the high school, will be avail­ able for conferences with parents and children at the school during school hours and tomorrow night. Kellogg’s CORN FLAKS Corn Flakes2LFo7' Si” 15c Salmon J t c *” Pink 25c _ ff _ _ Gold Bar l»Olree I lb. Cans, each 26c _ f f __ Brite Star \~Ottee I lb. Can., each 13c Ginger Snaps K t r 1 crU' ’23c Salad Dressing ?aurr 23c Honey m t ' c L " 0" ” Fo‘ ' " 79c Post Toasties 2' ! * ' Si" 15c Tomatoes L k e i T S n>,. 60c Green Peppers iolbs 25c Lettuce ^ “ lid h~ d* 15c Melons ¿ T -" 15c w ILSON G r o cer y A Dependable Food Store NYSSA OREGON NYSSA FALL FESTIVAL FRI. - SAT. Sept. 15-16 FARM EXHIBITS 4-H CLUB PROJECTS CANNED-COOKED FOOD FLOWER SHOW NEEDLEWORK ARTCRAFT PROGRAM |4-H CLU B D A Y ) 1:00 P. M.— Exhibition of 4-H Club Stock All-States Registration Judging of All Exhibits Tug o’ War— Farmers vs. City Men Athletic Events for Children Hildebrands United Shows — Free High Dive Act Smart, useful, cleverly designed . you won’t be able to resist this com- - bination m agazine-end table, when’ you see it. But you’ll have to act fast"* to get it, because our offer holds only as long as our limited supply lasts. Come in today. Offer applies only to retail purchases — and only one to a customer. 4:00 P. M.— Stock and Pet Parade— Nyssa City Band EVENING — Hildebrands Shows Nyssa Theatre (Continued from Page 1) To administer thc program In Ore­ gon it cost $149,556 and in the state of Washington $93.774. Every coun­ ty In Oregon received benefits, the lowest being Clatsop, with $5053; the highest Linn, with $218,971. In Washington the range was $2717 In Mason county to $244,820 in Whit­ man. Oregon To Share In National Defense Upper bracket officials are rush­ ing a program extending the na­ tional defense and appropriations will be requested of the next con­ gress early in January for another billion dollars. It will include one million, at least, for Tongue Point, at the mouth of the Columbia river; other millions to increase the num­ ber of airports and expand the air­ ports now existing, and funds for building highways capable of stand­ ing up under the pounding of mo­ bile artillery, and wide enough to permit brigades to be transported quickly. This ’N That War in Europe has changed the picture in Washington. Such topics as relief, WPA. spending-lending, congressional probes, have all been relegated while the administration, from President Roosevelt down to the messengers, discuss nothing but "the situation". So carefully had the administration formulated plans that the shock was cushioned and the financial market, always the first to be upset, was not disturbed. No cabineteer Is watching develop­ ments more Intently than Secretary of Agriculture Wallace for the con­ flict Is expected to furnish a market for some of America's surplus food products. Approval has been given for a WPA project which is to make copies of official records In all Ore­ gon counties and transcriptions of historic articles In newspapers prior to 1891. A similar compilation Is planned for Washington State. Come to the . . . FRIDAY-SEPT. 15 Washington News FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 8 & 9 ■Macis, O Baldridge Implement Co. Phone 113 Nyssa PROGRAM NYSSA Phone 108 THEATRE DOUBLE FEATURE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY— SEPT. 8-9 The Jones Family in “ QUICK MILLIONS’’ Roy Rogers, Smiley Burnette and Mary Hart in “ BILLY THE KID RETURNS” s a t u r d a y - s e p t . ió 1:00 P. M.— Hildebrand Shows Free Act Special Matinee to 4-H Exhib­ itors by Nyssa Theatre 4:00 P. M.— GRAND PARADE Kids Organizations Commercial 4:30 P. M.— Special Exhibition of Band Drills by Payette School Band 8:00 P. M.— Combined Band Concert— Payette and Nyssa Bands Hildebrands Show Nyssa Theatre Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25e Evening 10c-30c SUNDAY AND MONDAY— Sept. 10-11 Robert Donat, Greer Garson and Terry Kilbum in “ GOODBYE MR. CHIPS” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10e-30c PAL NIGHT TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer in _____________ “ LOVE AFFAIR”_____________ WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY— Sept. 13-14 Paul Muni, Bette Davis, Brian Aheme and Claude Rains in “ JUAREZ” Admtaalon lSe-3Se ALL PRIZES TO BE AWARDED HAVE BEEN DONATED BY NYSSA MERCHANTS FLOWER SHOW PRIZES BY CIVIC CLUB