NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 7,1939 PAGE FIVE WITH THE MALHEUR COUNTY FARMERS ONION GOOD ARCADIA (Special)—The onion crop in this community is well un­ der way and there have been some especially fine yields reported. At the Joe Dirkson ranch in a patch of less than three acres there have been 1115 sacks of onions over three inches in diameter. _Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— pullets. I R1VERVIEW ‘‘Allowing 4 inches of hopper | space per bird, or one Purina all- metal feeder for every 20 birds, will Anne Johnson will attend the enable pullets to eat enough mash College for steady growth and maximum year. of Idaho at Caldwell this development. Of course, plenty of | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perkins and fresh, clean drinking water must be Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers of supplied to help the birds make Nyssa were dinner guests of the proper use of the mash they eat. George Clowers Monday evening. “The feeding of growing mash in Kathleen Loe returned Monday checker form on top of the regu­ from and Homedale, Idaho, —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— lar mash is another big help to­ where McCall has been visiting and ward getting enough feed into the working she this summer. pullets,'’ this feed merchant says. “Made of compressed, growth pro­ Mrs. Jengertz of Oakland, Calif., ducing mash, Growena Checkers is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. promote a faster feed intake. These Wilbur McGinnis. - - A n d Its Care checkers should be fed both morn­ Mrs. Gerald Hibbert and son Ned ing and evening—all that the birds were callers Monday of Mrs. C. W. S chool can clean up in about an hour. Barrett of Alberta Valley. When scattered over the regular Clowers accompanied Give growing pullets plenty of mash late in the evening, they en­ Mr. Mr. and Phillip ARE THEIR SHOES Mrs. Harold Perkins and eating and drinking space all dur­ able the birds to go to roost with Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Clowers to the IN GOOD REPAIR? If not. bring them to Owyhee dam Sunday. ing the summer months, recom­ full crops. us. mends A1 Thompson and Son, lo­ “To further increase summer The community Sunday school QUICK SERVICE cal distributor of Checkerboard feed consumption, plenty of shade will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin LOW COST feeds. on clean, well-drained ground Gonason next Sunday. ABBOTT’S should be provided for the pullets —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— “Summer is the important time SHOE SHOP in a pullet’s life—the time when and their feed hoppers; and the Next to Nyssa Cafe she develops her body to be in drinking water should be kept be­ RICHLAND shape for the fall egg harvest," fore them, right where they spend says this feed merchant. “To do most of their time during the day." Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nielson drove this she must have plenty of hop­ —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— to Enterprise Sunday. per space and the mash hoppers Mrs. Catherine McGee’s 4-H club BUENA VISTA from which she eats must be kept had the honor of winning three filled with a growing mash that is known to produce large, sturdy Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoffman and prizes at Ontario. Mesdames Lloyd Adams, T. C. children of Calloway, Nebr., left Johnson, Ed Nielson, H. V Maw, O. last week after spending several E. Cheldelin, E. C. Terhune, Henry days at the home of his parents, Orcutt, Pat Beimett, Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman. Virgil McGee, Wallace Gregg a t­ Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell ac­ tended the Chatter Box club at Mrs. companied Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson E. L. Jamison's D O N ’T G A M B L E - S e e Us About in Buena Vista. to Meridian Tuesday. Mrs. Frazier Hewitt San Le­ Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff and andro, Calif., Robert of Fretwell Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Ed­ Big Bend, Mrs. Henry Maw of Ros of ward finished picking prunes at the well and Livingston Larkin of San Deery orchard Friday. Diego, Calif., were callers at the H. The Chatter Box Club held its V. Maw home Friday. regular meeting at the E. L. Jami­ Mr. and Mrs. David Orstlen of Phone 53 son home. Roswell were callers at the O. E. The Best Yet 4-H Club held its Cheldelin home Friday. ice cream social at the E. L. Jami­ Mr. and Mrs. Orville Molton and son home. two sons of Harper were Sunday Mrs. H. L. Day returned home dinner from Wilder last week after spend­ home. guests at the H. V. Maw ing several weeks with her daugh­ The Cloverleaf club met at the ter, Mrs. A. J. Sorenson. home of their leader, Mrs. Jessie - - Eris - Jamison left Wednesday for Biokioski. Idaleen and Aloha Maw the state fair. Eris was fortunate in Powell are new members. winning at the style review in On­ and Mr. Lois and Mrs. Ed Nielson and Mr. tario last spring. and Mrs. Alva Goodell drove to —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Meridian Tuesday. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Leaves For School— ■r«m, A I Ir 4its ■ a Bob McCoy left Saturday for To Mr. Ogden— and Mrs. Lawrence Brown Portland where he entered the . m l ' * * ;.u* * j White Leghorn Flock owned by Mrs. A. Nyssa W. Howell Authorized Producer of Guaranteed Layena Eggs > Producers License No. 15730 Hatched Feb. 22, 1939 On the Nest July 6,1939 Feeding Program Purina Startena to 6 wks. old Chow-Mix Growing Mash to 16 wks. old Layena Laying Mash to present time Production F IR S T E G G W H E N P U L L ET S W E R E 134 D A Y S O L D Now Producing Above 63$> Purina Products Do Produce Results At Less Cost! AL THOMPSON & SON COAL—GRAIN—FEED r W CLASSIFIED ADS Mrs. A1 Baker and her mother both of Nyssa, spent Sunday at the Rates lc per word*per Issue. Minimum charge 25c. home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker. CASH IN ADVANCE Mrs. Jesse Baker is not so well, but it is hoped a few days of complete rest will set her again on the road For Sale to permanent-recovery. Wanted Farm Produce Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hobbs and HAVE TWO cash buyers for Owy­ Carol Anne of Boise spent Sunday hee lands—80 acres each. W. J. IMPROVED EARLY Alberta and at the Lee Hobbs home. Pinney, Ontario, Oregon. 7S2xp Hale Peaches, from young or­ Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Whitlow of chard. Also medium sized sorghum Yakima visited her brother, Ralph WANTED TO RENT O. D. Mason, 4 miles south of SMALL Gee and family tile past week. They mill. PLACE for a home and a Wilder, 2 east oiled highway Cen­ few cows, were returning to their home from tral close to Nyssa. Charles Cove. 24A3xp a visit in Nebraska. Glaze, Rt. 1, Eugene, Oregon. 7S3xc Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pielstick, for­ FRESH Tomatoes, 40 cents WANTED TO RENT, a farm with merly of Apple Valley now of Ha- FIELD bushel. Jumbo Cantaloupes, option of buying. State price, german, Ida., spent labor day at $1 per per crate. Other vegetables. A. terms, acreage. Box 1, Journal. the home ot his brother, Carl Piel­ H. Keck, 1 mile South ol Dunaway. 17A6xp stick. 24Atfc Mr. and Mrs. Schultz, who rented GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd the Arthur Mauser place this spring, ELBERTA PEACHES—Good sec­ jobs by hour day or week. Prices have moved to Nampa, where he is onds 40c per bushel. Bring your reasonable. Call J. G. Coll, A1 working at his trade as a plumber. containers. Walter French, 21st St. Thompsons leed store. 20Atfc He is said to have sold his stock and 1st Ave. South. Tel. 575J2. and sublet the place to a Mr. Rob­ Payette, Idaho 24A3xp For Rent erts. CITY PROPERTY Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mayes of Buhl For Sale are visiting at the Nicholayson SLEEPING ROOM with twin beds Autos and Trucks in strictly modern home. Continu­ home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hathaway '38 MODEL DeLuxe Chevrolet ous hot water. Reasonable. Call 7Slxc have moved their trailer house to Coupe. Perfect condition. Inquire Journal office. the Forrest Whisler place and Mel­ Journal. 25A2xp Miscellaneous vin is helping with the work Mr. and Mrs. Severt Fox and her REMEMBER THE Thrift Sale ot ROOM and BOARD brother are helping with the prune the St. Paul’s Episcopal Guild harvest at the Wamsted fruit farm MRS. DEAN Oeder, prices reason­ each Saturday beginning Septem­ Peach harvest in this community able. Second street near Park. ber 9th at the Parish Hall. Used 31Atfc useful household articles and wear­ is practically finished. The yield was not so good but fair prices were NICELY FURNISHED Room in ing apparel sold at a fraction of received. Most of the fruit was sold modern home. Phone 78-J. 31A2xc their original cost. 24Atfc at the orchards. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your Gene Reed of beyond Nyssa. call­ ROOM AND Board. Star Hotel. 3 car or truck brakes in first class ed at the Carl Pielstick home Mon­ blocks north of Main on First St. condition. equipment und day. lOAtfc trained men Special at your service. Pruyn Mrs. Crosswhite, Sr., of Caldwell, Auto Repair. Phone 56W. whc, is a former resident and still For Sale a landowner here, is visiting her STOCK son and daughter, Tom Crosswhite NYSSA PLUMBING * and Mrs. Lenis Wilson. 2-YEAR-OLD Guernsey male. In­ HEATING 31A2xp Mr. and Mrs. Ura Robinson and quire Journal. 2nd house north Star Hotel Dealers for Advance-Hydro daughter Star visited Caldwell, JERSEY COW'S some now milking Nampa and Boise Saturday. Ejector Pressure Pumbs and coming fresh. Carman Jersey lSJtfc Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harrison are Farm, adjoining Vale. 17A4xc visiting their daughter, Mrs. Sher­ man Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Harri­ For Sale son are former Apple Valley resi­ CITY TRANSFER Poultry dents, living for many years on the TRANSFERRING farm now owned and operated by CHRISTIE STRAIN New Hamp­ and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meier. They shire red pullets. Beginning to lay. TRUCKING now live near Portland, Ore. Phone 15 and Phone 28 Mrs. Lee Hobbs received word Mrs. Glen Suiter, Nyssa Heights. 7S3xp C. KLINKENBERG Thursday of the death of her brother-in-law, Sidney Percival of BREEDING COCKERELS New Hamshire reds, Christie strain, Madras, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cunningham Earl Andesron, Rt. 2 Nyssa. 17A4xc CUSTOM HAY CHOPPING of Star spent Sunday at the Will­ AND GRINDING For Sale iam Harry home. D. G. Bamberry Back of Texaco Station CITY PROPERTY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoover and Nyssa. her daughter Irmagene Shoemaker, WHY NOT Buy Now, and enlarge 15J4XC visited Mrs. Sherman Wilson and later. A small house, nice and FOR OLD family the past week. clean with fenced yard, good cellar, MANURE Mrs. M artha Norland and Axella shed, water and sink In Local and Long blstanee SPREADERS visited at Halfway, Oie., last week. chicken kitchen, big built in cupboard and HAULINO Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harrison clothes closet, trees started and Phone 72W called on Mrs. Molly Nelson, Mrs. lawn planted. Can be bought with Lawrence and Barnett Norland and Mr. and Mrs. H. Fish­ small down payment on easy terms. 4Mtfc er, Mr. and Mrs. Iiams and at the Eastman Realty Company. 7S4xp Meier home. Their daughter, Mrs. Austin and her daughter are here For Sale with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and are MISCELLANEOUS Long and Short taking them to see all their old ac­ Distant Trucking quaintances. BROWN SHOE polish, paste and Dick Smith Miss Yulah Vertrees of Caldwell liquid in set 25c size—5c. Exten­ Phone Nyssa 43 visited the home folks Sunday sion dining room tables—hard wood y SENSATIONAL NEW 2F10xp morning and was a guest in the $4.50. Kitchen tables 75c. The Nyssa home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boston Trader, main highway north a t Al­ TRACTOR SPREADER at Ontario for Sunday dinner. The berta Ave. 7Slxc Boston family were present. TENTS, NEW—with pins, stakes, We offer $50 trade-in value on it pays to ow n a ru b b e r-tired entire were laid for Mr. and Mrs. toggles. 8x10 $8.45. 10x12, $10.75. your old spreader, regardless of spreader. Get the most modern Covers J. I. Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Used make or condition, on the pur­ spreader built a£ our low intro­ and or 16x16, $12.50. The NOW of Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa 14x16 chase o f this new, m odern Oliver ductory price. Come in and see Earl son Trader, main highway north Boston and family of Apple Superior No. 7 T ractor Spreader. us today for details of our 781xc Valley, Miss Mary Boston of Boise, at Alberta Ave. B rin g in y o u r o ld ra ttle -tra p money-saving offer. Roy Boston of Mountain City, Nev., HIDES, PELTS, wool, metals. The spreader and let us show you why W e s t > L ea d in}» and Miss Yulah Vertrees and Mr. highest cash prices paid. The Nyssa and Mrs. Henry Boston and family. Trader, main highway north at Al­ BEAUTY Snidili, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wood, Imogene 7Slxc and Leonard spent Sunday with berta Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Noah House. WANTED- -All your welding jobs. S e c c i a i 1 u it iin i On Goode Avenue, Vi Block West Post Office Apple Valley School district No. We promise good work and fair prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 40 opened this morning. Mr. John Phone 4 Nyssa Oregon S e n d for F R E E c a ta lo g Rupert teaches the 7th and 8th 56 W. grades and manual training; Miss Visits From New Jersey— Hichey, 5th and 6th grades; Miss Julius Prati of Asbury, New Jer­ E X - C E L - C I S Underkofler, 3rd and 4th grades, sey, visited last week with his cou­ LET STUNZ HELP YOU and Miss Anderson, 1st and 2nd sin, John Prati, and left on Satur­ 'J b t i u d i i - V / ’c ' i ' / grades. Tom Ferguson will do the day for a trip to San Francisco. janitor work and drive the school Visits From Nampa— M A I L C O U P O N NOW bus. Excelcls Beauty School. Miss Edna Burt, former operator Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McIntyre and at the Journal, was a weekend guest 113-115 So 9th St. Mrs. Tegustrand, Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kelser. Boise, Idaho Wade Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Move To Grand Coulee— Please send free catalog. Roy Gee were callers at the home Mrs. Orville Glenn, who has vis­ .............. of Mrs. Mary Hicks Sunday. ited in Baker for the past month, Name Address .......................... Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stephens and joined her husband at Grand Cou­ City State Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McIntyre were lee last week. guests of Mrs. Bertha Morris re­ —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-1S— Both immediate and long run cently at a cafeteria dinner. Quality Siding At the school election Tuesday savings are yours when you afternoon, 15 ballots were cast. Jed Roofing Needs buy building supplies from Goring received 11 votes and Ernest CUSTOM BUTCHERING Plaster and Cement Stunz! Our prices are lower, I Norman 11 votes, J. A. Pettit, six the quality higher, so you save votes and one ballot was not mark­ Lumber, Millworfc and CUTTING in every way! Free building ed.Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. McIntyre are Flooring Joists and remodeling advice with­ j enjoying a visit from their daugh­ Brick and Tile Beef for the Hide out obligation. ter, Mrs. Edith Tegustrand of Port­ Insulation Hogg 200 lbs. $1.50 Blue Print Service land. Cutting 1 cent per lb. John Metzen is at home visiting Silentite Windows parents alter visiting the New Grinding 1 cent per lb. BUILD or REMODEL | his York fair. He and his mother will All At Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. go to John Day to visit Bill Metzen, UNDER F.H.A. Jr. Lowest Prices! Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kinney left FINANCE PLAN Wednesday morning for their home at Corbett, Ore Mr and Mrs. Tom Ferguson and CO. Mr. and Mrs Kinney were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and “Satisfaction With Every Transaction” PHONE 6 Mrs C. D. Judd. Southwest of “Y” Phone 110 Nyssa —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept 15-18— 50 REWARD of the W APPLE VALLEY Phone 26 W W -V - (jif ic M NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. SAVE & i» î STUNZ LUMBER Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. "