NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 7,1939 PAGE TWO R e c ip e s - THE MODERN WOMAN - Society I LOCAL NEWS soon can cease to "run down" to get our fruit too. Mrs. Cloninger "brought up” peaches for herself. Mrs. Rookstool and Mrs. Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage "brought back" peaches for themselves, and some for Elza Niccum and Frank Parker. Dude Parker w e n t out and "brought back” peaches. K a r y Hunter "brought back” about a ton of prunes just for hog feed but the neighbors soon got them all for can­ ning so Mrs. Hunter said she thought Kay would go back and get a whole truck load. Sunday a man at a filling station at New Plymouth told us that the large prune growers around there had quit picking because they were so cheap that they were not worth picking. Too bad we can’t send them over for Hitler to throw at the Poles. Clarence Niccum says he is hav­ ing a heck of a time trying to cut his Ladino clover seed. Dude Parker is the first one in Cow Hollow to get his third cutting hay up this fall. Over in Sunset Valley Roy Rook­ stool, Johnnie Hamilton and Gilbert Anderson who all hay together all have their hay down and are now stacking it. Between getting the kiddies clothes ready for school to start, canning fruit and cooking tor har­ vest hands, the women folks are about as busy as tis possible for them to be. Bill Parker is about finished up with building a little farm house for Mr. Black just over in Sunset Val­ ley. We were mistaken about Sam Cates going to Oklahoma. Sam says “I almost went, but the last minute I gave it up for a while” he like all the rest of us has too much to do. He was building a pond, which is now finished, his third cutting of hay to put up, irrigating to do. We are glad that we live in Cow Hollow now and not in Europe. King George says "God is with us.” Herr Hitler says "God will help us for He knows we are in the right.” and the “nigga" in the song in his desperation lifted up his eyes and said “Lawd, if yo’ cain’t help me please don’t help dat grizzly beah.” —Nyssa Fail Festival—Sept. 15-16— In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Omer Adkinson were Sunday visitors in Boise. Seriously III— TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mr. O. E. Langford is seriously ill Mrs. Frank Morgan was hostess at the family home with pneumonia for the season’s first meeting of the and Dr. Maulding is caring for him. Tuesday evening contract club. In Boise— STATE C A P IT O L N E W S Prizes for the evening’s play were Mrs. Emma Quinby visited with won by Mrs. Arthur Boydell and her sister in Boise over the week A. L. LINDBECK Miss Eva Boydell. end. — j_ State Capitol News Bureau To Wallowa Lake— WHITE ELEPHANT PARTY Mrs. Edward Nielsen, A fair sized group was entertain­ Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Nielsen and ed by Mrs. Emil Paulus and Mrs. Elver Nielsen Clifton enjoyed SALEM—Real Estate Commis­ veterinarian to succeed Dr. R. J. C. J. Keiser at the home of Mrs. C. Wallowa Lake Sunday. a trip to sioner Claude Murphy is warning Green, resigned. McCormack is the Klinkenburg on last Thursday eve­ Returns Home— all real estate brokers who were In son of former state senator E. A. ning when the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church held their annual Edwin Brown of Pasadena, who business prior to enactment of the McCornack. white elephant party. Everything has been visiting his aunt and new law that they must get their Poor Public Employees! was sold and after an evening of uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Don Morgan, registrations in before September 11 If they want to avoid the examina­ Employees of the public utilities games refreshments were served by left on Tuesday for home. tion and the additional penalty of commission are no longer to be per­ the hostesses. Sunday Guests— a $10 examination fee. mitted to sip their morning and aft­ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Howard and ernoon tea in leisurly fashion. Com­ KIBBY-MATTHEWS Miss Kate Skillem of Boise visited More Lawyers missioner O. R. Bean has decreed On Friday, September first, Miss at the R J. Davis home Sunday. The 61 law school graduates who that the morning and afternoon re­ Luella Matthews, daughter of Mr. Arrives— passed the recent bar examination cess periods shall be reduced from and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews of Nyssa, Daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Wilders an­ 15 minutes to ten minutes. became the bride of Darwin Kibby are scheduled to appear in Salem nounce the of a new daugh­ of Vale at a quiet ceremony per­ ter, born on arrival Thursday of this week to receive Thursday, August 31, their certificates as duly qualified Back To Work—For A Change formed at the Baptist church in at the family home with Dr. L. A. attorneys at law. The oath of office With the Labor Day holiday sig­ Payette, with only members of the Maulding in charge. will be administered by John L. nalling the end of the vacation bride's family present. Rand, chief Justice of the Oregon period business in state depart­ Following the ceremony, the wed­ In Hospital— supreme court and the new lawyers ments was getting back to a nor­ ding party returned to Nyssa where Mrs. Kenneth Cochran was in the will be entertained at a luncheon mal basis this week. Governor a dinner was served to twenty-nine hospital at Ontario for a few days this week for observation and treat­ arranged by the board of governors Sprague who took last week off for guests at the Matthews home. ment under the care of Dr. K. E. of the Oregon bar. a short rest at an Oregon beach She chose as her wedding dress a Kerby. resort was back at his desk Tues­ simple street costume of dark blue. Tongue Point Dedication day. Members of the state supreme Mr. and Mrs. Kibby are now at Daughter Bom— Official Oregon was well repre­ court who have been on vacation home to their friends at their new A daughter was born to Mr. and sented at the dedication of the since July were also back in their home in Vale. Mrs. John Stam at the family home Tongue Point naval base on the offices prepared to wade into the on September third with Dr. K. E. lower Columbia river last week. grist of appeals that have accumu­ SURPRISE PARTY Kerby in attendance. So far the Governor Sprague was one of the lated during their absence. On Tuesday evening eight of Mrs. newcomer has not been named. speakers at the dedication ceremony Aden Wilson’s friends surprised her Return— and both Secretary of State Snell with a party in compliment of her Visitors Flag Pole A Problem Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Davis and and State Treasurer Pearson were With a deficiency appropriation birthday anniversary. who have been visiting at among the numerous "admirals” at of $500 at his disposal Secretary of Bridge and pinochle were played children the home of his parents, Mr. and the regatta, of which the dedication State Snell is now pondering the throughout the evening and at the Mrs. R. J. Davis, left last Saturday was an outstanding feature. location of a flag pole for the new close the guests served a lunch. for their home in San Francisco, capitol. Numerous suggestions have Calif. New N. Y. A. Board Member been made in this connection. One GUILD Operation— O. D. Adams, state director of involves a pole set at a 45-degree The first meeting of the new sea­ Undergoes Jake Groot, who underwent an vocational education, has just re­ angle from the roof of the capitol son of the St. Paul's Episcopal abdominal on Tuesday at ceived notice of his appointment as immediately above the main en­ Guild will be entertained at the Holy Rosary operation in Ontario, is a member of the Oregon state ad­ trance. Another provides for two home of Mrs. Dick Tensen by Mrs. reported by his hospital physician, L. A. poles, one on either wing of the visory board of the national youth Betty LaFrenz and Mrs. Grant Maulding, to be making a Dr. nice re­ building. Still another calls for a administration. Rinehart, on Wednesday afternoon, covery. tall fir pole to rise from the lawn September 13th. Daughter Born— In front of the building. In addi­ Finishing Touches On Sunday, September third, a to the $500 made available for CLUTTER-HANSON Leo Frledlander of New York tion daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. this purpose by the State Emergen­ ARCADIA City, sculptor of the statuary that cy Board, Governor Sprague has an­ Miss Jennie Hanson, third grade Verle Landreth on the same guards the entrance to Oregon’s nounced that he would make avail­ teacher in the Nyssa school, and day a daughter and was born to Mr. new capitol, has been here the past able a fund of $294 raised by volun­ Mr. Ray Hill Clutter, son of the and Mrs. Earl E. Crocker with Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams week supervising the finishing tary subscriptions shortly after the Reverend and Mrs. Edward Clutter J. J. Sarazin caring for them all. and daughter left Tuesday for Sa­ lem, Ore., to visit his parents, Mr. touches to the huge granite pieces, old Wichita, Kansas, were united in Visit Parents— burned and which Is of and Mrs. Williams. While there work on which is now completed. now capitol marriage September 1 at the First On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Russell in his possession. they will take in the state fair. Christian Church in Vancouver, Rodes and son, with Mr. and Mrs. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Washington. Mrs. Clutter will re­ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Holady vis­ Highway Fatalities Increase Leslie McClellan and their daugh­ turn to Nyssa to teach for the com­ ter visited with Mr. McClellan’s ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fatalities as well as injuries in CITY LIBRARY last Sunday. ing year. traffic accidents on Oregon high­ GETS NEW BOOKS parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mc­ Birds Mr. Mrs. Otis Bullard and ways this year are ahead of the 1938 Clellan at the Western hotel. In family and and and Mrs. Theo. record, according to figures compil­ Several new books have been SUNSHINE CLUB afternoon the party visited the Matherly and Mr. family went to the ed by Secretary of State Snell. added to the shelves at the city li­ About twenty members of the the dam. hills Wednesday. They returned Sunshine club enjoyed the enter brary during the summer. Son Born— Saturday. Another Pension Scheme Proposed Following is a list of them: tainment arranged by hostesses A Mr. Thane Langford of School has started. All the pupils The Oregon Pension Federation Children's books: — “Airplane,” Mrs. Harold Fletcher and Mrs. Rob­ Marslng and are Mrs. announcing the arri­ weren’t there the first day, but will has addressed a letter to Governor Henderson; “The Oregon Trail,' ert Martin, at the Legion Hall on val of a 9 H -pound son born on get started soon. There are several Sprague urging his support of a Parkman; "Robin Hood", Sterling Friday afternoon. Tea was served Sunday, September 3rd, with Dr. L. beginners this year. The Bratton program providing for a retirement “Air Pilot," "Chicken Little" "Three at the close of the social hour. A. Maulding caring for the mother girls, Gladys and Eula, are the pension of $40 a month for all citi­ Little Pigs,” “Pied Piper of Hamlin, and infant. Mrs. Langford is at the teachers. Miss Eula teaches the first zens of 65 years of age or over who "Picture Scripts," Children Come FAREWELL PARTY would agree to refrain from all and Sing," “Fire, Fire,” “The Pic­ The Epworth League gave a fare home of her mother, Mrs. Hendricks. four grades and Miss Gladys the older grades. gainful pursuits. The proposed pen­ nic." "Matilda," "Poems of Today,' well party at the Ed Wolfe home Attends Conference— Rev. Floyd White of the M. E. T. H. Holadys are now living in sion would be financed out of state "Trains.” for Lola Lee Gaston, who is moving left on Tuesday for Baker a house oh the Sleep’s ranch. They and federal funds. Adult reading—“Wind Without to Redmond, Ore. Thirty-five guests church where he will attend the district have been living in the little house Rain” Krause; "Dr. Norton’s Wife,” were present. They spent the eve­ conference. in the school yard, but had to move Another Appointment Walker; "The Runaway." Norris; playing lawn games. Refresh­ J. A. Pettit of Apple Valley is al­ out the new teachers, who will Rod C. McCormack of Eugene "Orapes of Wrath,” Steinbeck; ning ments were served at the close. so attending as delegate from the keep for house while teaching school. has been appointed assistant state “Starry Night,” Bower. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Nyssa-Apple Valley charge. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brockus and "Next to Valour," Jennings; CHATTERBOX CLUB baby spent Saturday with her par­ Will Resume Practice— "Death Answers the Bell” Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Holady. “Wimon Daughters,” Honoré’ WiU- The Chatterbox club held its Dr. C. A. Abbott, local chiroprac­ ents. George Moeller had several ex­ sie Morrow; "The Patriot," Pearl regular meeting at the home of tic physician, who has been in the hibits at the Ontario fair. Jack Buck; "Seasoned Timber,” Canfield; Mary Jamison Wednesday, August Veterans hospital in Boise for the Zlttercob. Duke Hipp and Jerry "Grandson’s Adamic”; “The Bor­ 30. There were 18 members pres­ past two weeks. Is recovering suffi­ Marostica had steers on exhibit. der Trumpet," Haycox; "Rebecca,” ent. Following the business meet' ciently from a nose operation that Jerry's steer placed third and Jack's Wauphne du Maurier; "Lantern in ing everyone enjoyed the entertain' he will resume his practice Satur­ fifth. Her Hand," Streeter: "Miss Bish­ lng program arranged by MajJe day. Mrs. Wm. Holaday and his moth­ op," Streeter: "A City of Bulls,” Maw. A special number was pre­ Son Born— er went to Payette Thursday. At the Dixon nursing home an Gonge; "Land of the Burnt Thigh"; sented by Orma Goodell. Luncheon the morning of September seventh Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Long from CARL H. COAD "The Seventh Hour," Hill. Ors., came Sunday noon an 8%-pound boy was born to Mr. Lebanon. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept 15-16— was served by the hostess. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW to visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. —Nyssa Fall Festival— Sept 15-16— Daughter Visits— and Mrs. J. E. Haws, who live north PHONE 31 of Vale. The youngster has been Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewellen and In Goading— Nyssa, Oregon their children of Bonita are house Mr and Mrs. A. C. Sallee and named Joseph Paul. Dr. Sarazin is guests of Mrs Lewellen's parents. their daughters spent the week end caring for mother and babe. and Mrs. C. Klinkenburg. in Gooding. L. A. Maulding, M.D. Mr. COW HOLLOW leaves For School— In Portland— Physician and Surgeon By The Happy Farmer On Friday Miss Katherine Mit­ Joe Butte left on Monday for Phone 37 chell left for Eugene where she Is Portland for a medical examlna Tis canning time in Cow Hollow Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 employed in the schools. t ion. again. Most every woman here is Dally—Except Sunday Devotion to a canning now. against next winter’s Fry Building needs peaches, pears, plums, prunes, Sacred Duty Has No pickles, tomatoes and the many oth­ Price Tag er perishable foods for winters use. DR. E. D. NORCOTT REMEMBER We are ready to Of these fruits we must run down DENTIST to the "old tracts" to get them, but help you in your time of need— Office Phone 35F2 of the vegetables, we Just run out to Phone 73W the gardens. Cow Hollow can raise X-RAY EXAMINATIONS gardens with anybody and there Is Nyssa Funeral Home NY88A OREGON little family orchard on every Nyssa farm growing and doing fine so we TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held 1st and 3rd Thursday In the Eagles Hall. The Public Is Invited D. R. DeGross..........President Mrs. A. V. Pruyn Secretary NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, 8ec CLIFF GREER. Pres HOT LUNCHES Soup — Sandwiches -- Chili Hot, nourishing food, prepared under the most sanitary conditions — and MODERATELY PRICED, TOO! JUST ACROSS FROM SCHOOL GROUNDS SLOAT’S SANDWICH SHOP FORMERLY MEI.LMAN’S Right at the “Y” Wilhelmina Hoffman Pianist Accredited Teacher Of Piano and H arm o n y Northwestern Chicago Curtis Institute of University. Music. Philadelphia Miss Hoffman will resume teaching in Nyssa the week of Sep­ tember 11. lesson Students desirable periods. should make arrangements earlv to secure For appointm ent phone Nyssa 35-R or P arm a ltt-W Address correspondence to Mias H offm an a t Parm a. Idaho S o c ie t y Long. D. H. Long is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Long. They left Tuesday morning for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sunchrist, of near San Francisco, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long Sunday. Frank and Dale Dewey and Jack Schonks are working at the sugar beet factory. Mrs. Granton Eason was in On­ tario Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Schonks little brother, Vernon Moore, is staying with her this winter and going to school at Arcadia. He has been living near Salem with their father. Chester Eason of Kingman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Eason, spent last week with his uncle and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Granton Eason. Mrs. Granton Eason’s nephew, Ken­ neth Tibbett, is visiting with them. Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Tibbett of Nyssa. Last Friday Robert Long came through Nyssa from Jordan Valley going to Bums. He brought his CCC ball team in a big truck with him. There were 20 boys. They stop­ ped in Nyssa and bought a hundred pounds of watermelons, took them to J. T. Long’s and ate them on the lawn. John Flandery spent several days last week with Angelo Marostica Jr Mrs. Eric Boenlg entertained sev­ eral relatives and friends Sunday afternoon in honor of Mr. Boenig’s birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gotsch and two sons of No- tus, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stuhr from Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs Stoltenberg and three children of Parma. Adolph Stanke of Meridian, and Anton Dledrtckson of Payete. Sandwiches, Cake, ice cream and coffee were served. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept 15-16— HOW’S YOUR HOME FOR RELAXING Perhaps a small Re­ modeling Job would do the trick. Ask for our estimate TRI-PLEX Cleaning Helps You Always Look Your Best! NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Albert Heldt Contractor—Nyssa "Builder of Fine Homes” We Build to F.H.A. Pains PHONE 74 DELIVERY SERVICE Keep Jack Frost OUT! WINDOW GLASS REPLACED Loss of heat from , broken glass in your home costs money. L. W. Dierking LET US INSTALL THAT NEW GLASS NYSSA LUMBER CO. John E. Ostrom, Prop. Goode Ave. & Hiway 201 Phone 118 NOTICE! HOUSE NUMBERS May be obtained FREE at the Recorders office. Residents are requested to bring a descrip­ tion of property occupied in order that proper numbers may be given. M. F. SOLOMON, City Recorder FALL TERM OPENING DATES Are M O N D A Y , SEPT. Nth And M O N DAY, SEPT. 18th i DISCOUNTS from our regular tuition rates are still AVAILABLE i FREE “Book and Supply Credits” to those who ENROLL NOW for our FULL TRAINING— Scholarship Plan iLINK’S GUARANTEES Positions to Graduates of their COMPLETE COURSE Call. Phone or Write TODAY for Full Information OF BUSINESS LINK’S SCHOOL -Phone 806