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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1939)
7/ieNYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, ___________________________________ VOLUME XXXIV NO. 34 GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE ____________________________ NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1939 Malheur County Shows Debt Increase WARRANTS CAUSE FOR 512,352.50 DEBT BOOST SALEM — Three more Oregon counties managed to shake off their burden of debt during the past year. Washington county paid off $39,- 843.67 in outstanding warrants to qualify for a place on the honor roll. Sherman county $48,927.37 in outstanding bonds and Tillamook county cleared its books of $47,000 in bonded debt which were out standing a year ago. Seven other counties which were reported as debt free in a survey by State Treasurer Walter E. Pearson a year ago continue to maintain that position today. They include Clatsop, Columbia, Douglas, Lake, Linn, Marion and Umatilla. Only two of the state’s 35 coun ties show an increase in their debt load during the year. The are Mal heur whose indebtedness has grown to $12,352.50 since July 1, 1938, through an increase in outsanding warrants, and Union county whose net debt is $6,543.81 larger than it was last year. All told the counties whittled $2,- 279,534.07 off their net debt during the year, reducing the total from $20,030,167.21 as of July 1, 1938, to $17,750,633.14 as of July 1, 1939. The present indebtedness of the Oregon counties includes $17,040,180 in outstanding bonds, $532,474.78 in road warrants, and $1,432,951.22 in general fund warrants, against which total there are assets in the form of sinking funds aggregating $1,254,972.86. A summary prepared by State Treasurer Pearson shows that none of the counties approach the six percent constitutional debt limita tion. In fact only three counties— Coos, Grant and Wheeler—have a net debt in excess of four per cent of their assessed valuations. Approximately two-thirds of the debt load of the several counties is carried by Multnomah county whose totale net debt amounts to $11,904,410.23. Next largest item is that of Coos county, totalling $1,- 125,351.82. with Clackamas county’s $922,980 ranking third. Polk with a net debt of only $26.- 735.92, and Jackson county with a net debt of $69,426.81 have the low est debt ratio of the several coun ties still in the “red” column. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Washington, D. C. News Bureau of the Nyssa Gate City Journal WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 31- Like a mirror, the countenance of President Roosevelt reflects his feel ings. No poker face is his and the gravity With which he regarded the European situation was expressed by the absence of his customary smile. In this national capitol the top- bracket officials have been under severe tension, not knowing what the next hour would bring forth; but perfecting plans to meet any emergency in a given 24 hours. Mr. Roosevelt has displayed less con cern over the man-handling of some of his pet legislation at the hands of congress than the whirling events abroad. He has not sought relaxa tion with his stamp collection, as is his custom. After the Munich scare the ad ministration decided to blueprint a program in the event a climax was reached. For practically a year the problem was studied theoretically from every angle; how to bring home Americans caught in the war zone; what to do with the stock ex change and stabilize the market; the steps necessary to prevent sa- hotage to industrial plants; counter espionage; the matter of surplus food supplies; revision of the agri cultural policy. The purpose of this planning was not for war with the United States as a belligerent, but to deal with conditions naturally resulting In this country when there Is a conflict in Europe. In its position as a neutral the United States must be alert. Chief danger is from foreign agents at tempting to sabotage industrial plants where war supplies (which Includes almost everything i, are be ing manufactured, in particular, es tablishments making airplanes and airplane engines. Long before the United States entered the world war saboteurs were busy; they blew up a barge of explosives in Puget Sound; destroyed “Black Tom” ter minals in New Jersey; handicapped GRAND JURY ENDS wherever possible sources of supply 3 DAY SESSION and means of transportation. At strategic points in the United The county grand jury concluded States and its distant possessions, their of cases brought FBI and its associated agencies are before consideration it Wednesday with - “not conducting counter-espionage; they true” bill and 4 indictments, are on the watch for saboteurs and cording to Max Taggart, district ac at not for spies, for the damage is done torney. not by purloining “the papers” for a The not true bill was that against new armory, but by clogging a feed Deurock, who was charged line in a plane, leaving a tool where Hort with involuntary manslaughter it will ruin gears, starting a fire in a growing an accident between forest or sawmill, damaging a power the truck out he of was diving and a car plant—things of that sort which are owned by G. E. Stubbs more vital than stealing plans of day. Stubbs and two of on his Memorial daugh new anti-aircraft equipment. ters were killed in the accident. Cached away in a steel file, ready Of the 4 indictments, 1 was on a moment’s notice, are the drafts against Leroy Case, Weiser of a series of bills to be offered to salesman Alvin a charge of contribut congress for enactment whenever ing to the on delinqeuncy of a minor. this country reaches the verge of The other indictments were war. Through this chain of mea Those serving on the grand secret. jury sures the life and habits of Ameri were Aden Wilson, B. C, Blakesley, can citizens would be changed over M. D. Clough, C. W. Eachus, R. L. night and the president would be in Kirby, Walter S. Keele. and Guy vested with the same dictatorial Farnsworth. powers as have been delegated to —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16- Prime Minister Chamberlain, the umbrella man. and Deladier. the FOOTBALL TRYOUTS Frenchman. Doing Something About The Coach John Young announced Weather Wednesday that those Nyssa high How much would it be worth to school students who want to tryout the nations of the world to know for the football squad must report what the weather would be two to him Friday and Saturday of this weeks in advance? Dr. C. C. Abbott, week at the gymnasium. of Smithsonian Institute asserts Suits will be issued to all those re that the forecast can be made if ten porting on Tuesday at 3 p. m. properly equipped observatory sta Practice will begin at 4 p. m. and tions can be scattered at certain will continue each day in order to places on the globe. Three stations get the squad into shape for the are now operating, but it would Snake River Jamboree to be held in cost several million dollars to estab Ontario the evening of September lish the others and this would have 15. to be borne by foreign countries in —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— which the stations are required for the network. Incidentally the CITY TO NUMBER scientist predicts the "dust bowl” of ALL BUILDINGS the midwest will not occur again (Continued on Page 6. Col. 2) city recorder was instructed —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— this The week to buy 500 sets of 3 num ber house numerals for all resi THE WEATHER in the city. Following are the temperature dences Owners of the residences will be readings for the week as given by given the numbers, when they are the U S. Reclamation office. Low High received, on paying their water bills asked to put them on a August 24 ......_.................. 59 97 and will be place on their houses. August 25 ..........._ .............52 98 conspicuos City Recorder Solomon has pre August 26 ...........................51 Vi pared a complete map allocating the August 27 ........... 54 96 for all of the dwelling and August 28 _____________ «2 89 numbers buildings in the city. August 29 _____________-*9 89 business are also under way August 30 _____________ *2 89 to Arrangements have the street sign post erected, Acre feet at Dam naming the various streets. 422.710 ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE QUEEN Theatre Tickets For Journal Subscribers Beginning with this issue, and continuing for an indefinite period, the Nyssa Gate City Journal will give away each week four tickets of admission to the Nyssa theatre. Here are the simple rules govern ing the giving away of the tickets: (1) Each week for an indefinite period, the names of two subscribers to tile Nyssa Gate City Journal will appear in two display advertise ments appearing in the Nyssa Jour nal. (2) Each subscribers name ap pearing in the advertisements will be entitled to two tickets of ad mission to the Nyssa theatre. THESE TICKERS OF ADMISSION WILL BE GOOD ON ANY DAY EXCEPT TUESDAY, provided that rule Three (3) is complied with. (3) To validate these tickets, sub scribers must bring to the office of the Nyssa Gate City Journal, a sales slip, either cash or charge ac count, from any local merchant or firm whose advertisement appears in that current weeks issue. (4) Tickets must be claimed prior to the close of the business day of Saturday of each week. (5) All names appearing in the advertisements will be properly spelled. There is no trick or catch to this offer. JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR =r= MORE HORSE RACES ADDED TO PROGRAM Transient Camp Three more horse races have been Construction added to the program for th 30th Under W a y . Malheur county fair which opens Saturday, Sept. 2. Eleven races are CAMP GOES IN OVER now included on the program. The coronation of Miss Malheur PROTEST OF FARMERS County will begin the program at 1:30 The fair queen will be selected The FSA transient labor camp at at a banquet Friday evening at the the Felton Duncan ranch south of Moore hotel at 7 o’clock to which Nyssa is now under construction, which was started Monday. It is the public is invited, Sept. 1 Queen's banquet at 7 p. m. estimated that it will take about 10 days to complete the construction at the Moore hotel. Sept. 2, 12:45 High dives and of the tent floors and other neces trapeze in the midway; 1:30, crown sary work. ing of the queen; 2:00, shot race 4 The establishment of this transi mile for $25 purse; 2:30, Malheur ent labor camp is going in over the county colt race 3/8 mile for $50; protests of farmers who held a 3:00, packhorse race 4 mile for $25 meeting Tuesday night at the Ore purse; 3:30, free for all g mile for gon Trail school house. A delegation 4-H CLUB HEALTH Sprague W arns $55; 4:00, pool hall derby 4 miles of Nyssa business men also at CONTEST WINNERS for $75; 4:30, saddle horse race for tended the meeting. kids only, 4 mile for $10; 5:00, mer G. H. Harrington, with the labor Committee O n Thirteen club members partici chants 4 mile for $90; 5:30, division of FSA and whose office is pated in the 4-H health round-up free acts derby in midway; Carnival and in Portland appeared before the Extravagance held at Ontario last week, where circus and open air dance. and explained the aims and they were given physical examina Sept. 3. 1245 High dives and group purposes program of the farm FREE FEDER FUNDS tions to select the Individuals to trapeze; 12:45, band concert; 1:00, ton said of the the remarkable NO INCENTIVE FOR DEBT compete in the 4-H health club baseball Vale vs. Ontairo; 3:15, fram the middle west in migration the past contest at the state fair on Wed saddle horse race 4 mile for $50; three or four years, was back of the SALEM — The state emergency nesday, Sept. 6. for all race % mile $65; program of establishing these labor board meeting here this week at the Dr. Roderic Belknap conducted the 3:45, free merchants derby 4 mile for camps, of which there is the tem request of the board of control went examinations and selected Mary 4:15, 4:45, free for all non-winners porary and permanent type. The on record as emphatically opposed Todhunter of Mountain View, and $90; 4 mile $55; 5:00, slaughter house one on the Duncan place is to be a to extravagance in the expenditure Dick White of Willow creek as the derby mile $30; 5:30, free acts in temporary camp. of public funds. ones to represent the county in the midway, 4 Carnival Frank T. Morgan opened the and dance. Requests totalling $18,500 pre state contest. meeting introducing W. N. Young, Sept. 4. 11 a. m. Grand parade; sented by the board of control were Mrs. Geraldine Betts, county 12:45, high dives and trapeze; 1:30. county director the FSA who In pared down to a mere $666 by the health nurse, arranged for the livestock parade; 2:30, Jalloyp race turn introduced of Harrington. emergency board which refused to round-up, and assisted Dr. Belknap 100 miles $300 purse. At the close of the meeting Har be tempted by offers of free federal in conducting the examinations. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— rington asked the audience if there funds in order to approve expendi Mrs. E. O. Brooks and Mrs. C. E. were any questions. tures for items not of an emergency Eliot, 4-H local leaders, helped in Of the number of questions asked nature. Nyssa Lions Club preparing the individuals for their Plan To Rent a picture can be pieced together Most of the items requested by examinations and in totaling the which brings out. substantially, the the board of control were for com scores of those competing. Entertains Park School Band following story. The camp of tent- pletion of the capitol program— Those examined last week were: house construction, will accommo shrubs for the sunken garden, side Mary Todhunter, Mountain View; Instruments date some 200 families. It is the pur Garden Club walks across the capitol lawns, Joyce Palmer, Grove; Barbara Fors- pose of the FSA to open the camp bronze cuspidors and jardiniers and dick, Jefferson; Peggy Chard, Ore 15 of this year, NEEDS OF MORGAN PARK INSTRUCTOR HOPES TO about September marble benches for the capitol cor gon Trail; Mavis DeLeMare, Grouse NEW it about November 15. Re OUTLINED MONDAY ridors. and bronze flagpoles. The Creek; Mildred Funk, Willow Creek; CONCLUDE DEAL WITH FIRM closing it next spring in May. emergency board held that the need Clayton Eddy, Grouse Creek; Teddy With the intention of rebuilding opening The Nyssa school district will be The Nyssa Lions club members for of these Items should have Todhunter, Mountain View; Harold the high school band and orchestra expected to accommodate esti were hosts to the officers of the been all apparent ago when Reitz, Jefferson; Erie Parker, Jr., from the ground up, Instrumental mated 360 children (based the on Har Morgan Park Garden club at their the legislature six was months in session and Grove; Kirk Olson, Park; Keith figures of 1.8 children per Alvin E. Templer has an rington's Monday noonday meeting. have been presented at that Cameron, Wade and Dick White, Instructor family under the supervision of his nounced that negotiations are un Mrs. E. L. Jamison, president of should Willow Creek. department!. The FSA has no funds der way to establish a rental sys the garden club outlined what has time. An item of $6000 for two bronze —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— tem on Instruments for Nyssa high to reimburse the school district for been accomplished by her club up flagpoles on the capitol site was additional cost of educating these school students this fall. to the present time and some of the trimmed by the emergency board although Harrington said “Since there are probably not children, needs for the immediate future. $500 with a suggestion that a fir Council Accepts that “he hoped to be able to confer Among these needs is the financing to enough musicians available this fall with pole, typifying Oregon’s lumber in of the schools in to organize a full band or orches regard the to principals of the roof, floors, windows and be provided for display of the Sewer Job A s the matter." tra," commented Templer, “it will doors of the contemplated club dustry flag rather than the two bronze will be established re be necessary to start an entirely The camp house to be built on the park poles recommended by the capitol Complete of the wishes of the com new organization. We are now ne gardless grounds. The building, it is con architects. Harrington also advised gotiating with a Chicago concern to munity. templated will be of log construc —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— BIDS FOR DISPOSAL PLANT those present that another similar rent us moderaly priced instruments tion, the logs for which have been HEALTH OFFICER camp would be established next CALLED FOR SEPT. 8 arranged for through the bureau of at a low rate.” year, with the possible location be "This is the logical school year WILL ATTEND reclamation. The city council Monday night for children to begin on band and ing somewhere between Nyssa and Plans for the building call for a CONVENTION accepted from the contractor, orchestra instruments. The new Ontario. size sufficient to accommodate var Lind, Portland, the recently group will be started immediately Farmers who have FSA loans will ious city and rural clubs, according Dr. J. J. Sarazin, city health of George be required to hire labor from sewer laterals, and by the opening of school. Every not to Mrs. Jamison, who said that al ficer left last night to attend the completed the camp. Nor will the employers at the present clarifier. The on child joining during the first month ready there were eight womens state convention of city and county pass total cost of these two jobs was will have an opportunity of winning be required to pay minimum wages, clubs and four youths organizations health officers, to be held in Port $24.682.73 45 per cent of which was a regular chair in the new band according to Harrington. taking' part in the promotion of land, September 1 and 2. Harrington pointed out that ma furnished P.W.A. grant. orchestra." the club house. health and sanitation will The final under jority of the people who would be unit of the disposal or Templer further stated that com In conclusion Mrs. Jamison asked be Public the topic of consideration of the plant is being advertised for bids in plete details of the proposed rental accommodated at the camp would that all clubs and organizations convened health officers. this issue of the Nyssa Journal. The system would be made public as come from a radius of about 39 take an active part in the develop Under the state law the expenses bids be opened in the city hall soon as the plan was aproved in de miles. ment of Morgan park. the health officer to and from at 8 will p. m. 18. tail by James W. Bushong. principal —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Those attending the meeting from of convention must be borne by With the September completion of this dis of the Nyssa high school. the garden club were, Mrs E. L. the the city, the city council acting un posal plant Nyssa will be among —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— LAST BAND CONCERT Jamison. Mrs. Bennett, O. J. Kurtz, der this law voting the necessary the few smaller cities that can Mrs. James Stephen, Mrs. Virgil funds. Last night concluded the Wednes I. O. O. F. TO MEET boast of a modern sewer system. McGee, Mrs. John Rldder and Mrs. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— —Nyssa day night concerts given by the Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— STATE OFFICER Chadwick. Nyssa pity band, for this season. Operation— Family Party— —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept 15-16— Emergency local band during the season On Friday night Joe Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goodier en- Announcement was made this has The played 14 concerts. underwent an emergency appen tained 33 relatives Sunday at a pic week by the Nyssa lodge of Odd Fel Residents of U. S. HAS NINE and surround dectomy performed at the Holy nic dinner, honoring Mr. and Mrs. through M. F. Solomon, sec ing communities Nyssa, NEW CITIZENS have enthus Rosary hospital by Dr. L. A. Mould Clarence Cassel and sons of Van lows, retary, that Elmer E. Pyne grand iastic in their praise been in the fine ing, who reports the patient to be Nyes, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil warden of the Orand Lodge of the concerts that the band has offered. Out of a naturalization class of Kimhurllng of Long Beach, Cal. Oregon I. O. O. F. will pay his of Particular 22 aliens the United States of Am recovering nicely now. has been made by erica has nine new citizens. Out —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— ficial visit to the Nyssa lodge on many on the note improvement in the Receives Sad News— Tuesday, October 8. of this class, nine failed in their Baby Daughter— band, which is under the direction examinations before Judge Charles On Sunday a daughter was born Mrs. Will H. Beam received word —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— of Jay Stoner of Payette. W. Ellis, and four failed to appear. to Mr. and Mrs. James Zimmerman this past week that her nephew, HEALTH ORDINANCE —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16- Harry Keyes, had passed away at at the family home with Dr. K. E. Those receiving their citizenship In Burley— Marysville, Calif. AMENDMENT ASKED Mr and Mrs. G. B. Giezentanner papers were, Philip D. Williams, Kerby in attendance. The infant Marinus Smit, Paula W. Smit, weigher 8 pounds and has been The boy’s mother, a sister of Mrs. in Burley. Beam, visited in Nyssa last year. Councilman McClure has under spent Sunday George Yturri, Paul Lehman, Dick named Barbara Kay. Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Groot, Cornelia Vooys, Bill F. El —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— consideration the advisability of —Nyssa Returns From Summer School— amending the city health ordin W. C. T. U — Sunday Visitors— fring and Maaike E. Smit. The next meeting of the W. O. T. This is the largest class ever to Sunday afternoon visitors at the On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leo ance. will be held in the basement of appear in Malheur county for cit J. T. Long home in Arcadia includ Hollenberg returned from a sum McClure will ask the council, If U. vacation at Corvallis where he decides to propose the amend the community church with Mrs izenship papers. according to ed Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, mers in charge of the after David F. Graham, county judge. Mrs. Ralph Beutler and Sharen Lee, Mr. Holllenberg attended classes in ment, to lower the costs of the medi A. V. Pruyn program and Mrs. Vem Mar —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson advanced school administration pre cal examination from $1.50 to $1 noon and Ronny and Mrs. Clyde Long of paratory to taking a masters de and to change the requirement of tin leading devotlonals. Anyone is Married in Weiser— the examinations from once every welcome to attend. Mrs. S. P Davis and a friend gree. On August 19 Mrs. Jean Burrell Nyssa. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— six months to once each 12 months. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— from Caldwell. of Vale and A. L. Fletcher of Nyssa —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Dixon Nursing Home— —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Thursday Callers— were married at Weiser. W A. Tuetsch of the extension At the Dixon Nurting Home on NYSSA CANDIDATE Health Association— Mrs. Fletcher has taken an apart The next meeting of the Health Thursday a 10 pound daughter was department of Oregon State college ment In Vale temporarily while she Association executive board will be born to Mr. and Mrs. Avers of Nyssa READY FOR FAIR called at the H. R. Sherwood home is employed at the court house, but held at the Moore hotel at Ontario with Dr. L. A. Maulding attending. Thursday. expects to join Mr. Fletcher here in at 12:15 p. m September 9, at which Paul Stockton of Parma was a 8ally will go to On —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— Nyssa at an early date, where they the NYSSA MARKETS county nurse, Mrs. Geral patient at Mrs. Dixons for a few tario tomorrow night to attend the will establish their permanent home. dine new Thursday Quotations days and under the care of Dr. K. E. dinner at which the eight candi Betts will be Introduced. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Kerby. dates for the title of Malheur By Wiley Glower» —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16— county fair queen will parade before Cream, Grade A .............. __ 24 Attend Annual Convention— __23 the Judges. Cream, Grade B Club Meets— Several from this district attend ’ROUND TOWN Garden This affair which will be attended CASH PRICE Morgan Park Garden club met at ed the annual county convention Meanies accusing hizzoner A1 of the O. J. Kurtz home Thursday for by dignitaries from Idaho, and Mal .......16 of the W. C. T. U. held in Vale on slipping down for expert regular business meeting heur county will be the prelude to Hens, heavy .12 Wednesday at which time officers bike instruction to . Salem friends giv Plans for participation in the three days of what is claimed as Hens, light and Leghorn ____ 08 were elected for the coming year. ing Art Norcott the and latest car Nyssa Fall Festival and the con the best fair ever to have been of Springs Mrs. 8. D. Bigelow was chosen for sickness cures . . orchids to in Ore struction of their community hall fered to the residents of Malheur Colored, under 4 lbs............ .........11 the new president. Trail for their civic mindedness were the main topies of interest to county. Heavy, 4 lbs and up ............ ___ .13 Those attending from here were gon . . heard Mrs. Frank Parr spoke her be discussed. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-1$— Light and Leghorn --------- .........10 Mrs. Ben Thompson and Mr and “piece" also . . and speaking of The next meeting will be Sept 7 Attend Pioneer Picnic— Cockerels .......................... .... 04 Mrs. Vem Martin in one group and mindedness the man Jesse at the E. J. Jamison home, with the Mr and Mrs J. C Beam and Mrs Egg Market another was composed of Mr. and civic ( Trade In Price) men treating the ladles to the re W. H. Beam attended the Pioneer Mrs. A. V. Pruyn, Mrs. Dave Haw Thompson is among the tops. picnic in Vale. .. . .18 freshments. Eggs kins and Mrs. Meyers The queen and her fair court will be entertained royally during their stay in Ontario, host city for the Malheur county fair. Friday one of the eight district winners will be chosen queen by a group of out of county judges. After the banquet they will be the guests of the Ontario dancing club at a dance at the women's club house. Saturday morning Casey’s Flying Service will give them all airplane rides. At noon they will have a luncheon at the Moore hotel. At 1:30 the queen will be crowned at the fair grounds and then from the royal box preside over the show. In the evening they will be guests at the Roxy theatre then the carnival and dance. They will take a tour of the ex hibition hall and grounds Sunday morning. A luncheon is being given at noon at Taylor’s Coffee Shop. In the afternoon they will see the show then go to the Pix theatre in the evening and follow it with the carnival and dance. Labor day they will lead the parade on a float built by the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Attend a luncheon then see the big Jallopy race in the afternoon, and in the evening see the carnival and dance. The queen will be presented with a lovely Elgin watch and the mem bers of the court with engraved compacts, gifts from the fair board. While in Ontario they will stay at private homes. —Nyssa Fall Festival—Sept. 15-16—