PAGE SIX N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L , T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 24, 1939 Dixon Nursing Home— This week the stork called twice • t the DU on nursing home and each time the precious bundle con­ tained a wee daughter. On Monday a four and a half pound daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of Ontario who has been named Mildred La Vone. Dr. L. A. Maulding is In charge of the case and the babe Is being cared for In an Incubator. On Wednesday an eight and a half pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Haye of Nyssa with Dr. Maulding in attendance. The newcomer has been named Lenora Joyce. Wathington News (Continued from Page 1) whose income Is now so small that they are not subject to this par­ ticular tax. will be compelled to contribute. This will cause more ar­ gument than adding another cent to the tax on cigarettes—the most heavily taxed article on the sched­ ule. Uncle Sam Is In the hole 40 billion dollars and needs money and the only way he can get it Is from you, and you, and you and your grandchildren. A ll the bil­ lions spent for W PA, grants under PW A, etc., must be repaid as it was borrowed money. A Chance For Oregon Lumbermen Douglas fir, pine and other lum­ ber Is needed In Spain for recon­ struction but this business must wait until the Spanish government Is prepared to consent to importa­ tion. Only basic raw material is permitted for the present and all manufactured articles are prohibit­ ed. Inquiry by the bureau of for­ eign commerce discloses that when Spain allows lumber to be Imported It will draw the line at plywood products, such as doors. For years Spain held 13th position as market for American lumber. The market CARD OF TH AN KS We wish to thank our many pa­ trons who called at the ice cream store since its beginning, and hope that they will continue their pat­ ronage under the new management. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mellman ■ «»S S E LIX RÏÏx LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP UFE6U0Y R«-*. 10c Large 23c 3 for 19o A L L VEGETABLE , , h 0 0 SHORTENING 1 ID‘ ¿ O C STAYS SO FRESH 3 lb . C Q r AN D SWEET m G O L D E N R U LE Is expected to open probably next winter; the far east inaiket when hostilities quiet down. Each coun­ try will require billions of feet of lumber from the United States, most originating in the Pacific Northwest. A delegation of Jap­ anese business men recently visited the Northwest and made tentative plans to purchase a huge amount of Pacific Coast products. Generous Uncle Sam Pay of the survivors of the Squalls was cut $15 a month, dating from May 23 when the submarine failed to come up. Sailors on sub­ marines receive $15 a month extra because of the hazardous work and as their ship went out of commis­ sion they were automatically cut the $15. - OW YHEE Vernon Warn was In town on Lake were in Newell Heights Sat­ week at the San Francisco hospital business from his ranch on Soldier urday. After inspecting his prop­ In the children's ward, two days a erty here. Mr. Barlow planned to week at the Marina playground, Creek. go to Grand Coulee, Wash., and and two days at the veteran's hos­ from there to Berkeley where Mr. pital teaching handicraft. V A L L E Y V IE W Barlow will be at the University of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson en­ California, having a leave of ab­ tertained at dinner Wednesday for Mrs. Homer Oft, Mrs. Bernice sence of one year from the Univer­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bingham, Mr Everett of Crescent, Ore., and Ilene sity of Utah, where he is a mem­ and Mrs. Malcolm Crawford and Paulson of Salem arrived Saturday ber of the faculty. their familys of Nyssa. to visit for two weeks at Mrs. Ofts Carolyn Sheimer suffered a pain­ Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet re­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Oft. ful injury last Monday when she turned Saturday from a stay at Virginia and Jerry Alexander was bitten by a dog. The dog be­ Payette Lakes. spent three days last week with longed to John Jarvis and has nev­ Duane Anderson accompanied their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. er been vicious, but when Carolyn Luther F ife to Welser Sunday. Will Rees. reached out her hand to pet it, the Mrs. Edith Snyder, Clyde Deder- Melvin Spitze helped W ill Brown animal sunk its teeth in her cheek. hay last week. The injury was treated at the Sara- ickson accompanied Delawn De- Clarence Davis returned home zin clinic in Nyssa, and the dog derickson and family to Trenton. Utah. Thursday. They returned this week from California, where held for observation. he has been working. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray are do­ Saturday. Bethel Brown is ill with the sum­ ing some remodeling and also put­ mer flu. ting in extra bracing and support M S S Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bohy and for their home. sons and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bull­ Reg. 10c Mr. Ray’s mother, Mrs. Annie ard of Arcadia district, motored to Norris is here for an Indefinite vis­ Large 23c Boise Sunday to attend the Nebras­ it. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and ka picnic. 3 for I9o family also are visiting with Mr. Virgil, Lou Belisle and Gerald and Mrs. Ray. A ll are from Hutch­ Goodfellow finished their hay and inson. Kansas. 3 for 19c TOILET Gerald has the hay choppers now. Good news has been received by «OAF Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cozier and son Mrs. H. B. Williams from Pearl JO R D A N V A L L E Y A L L VEGETABLE 1 lb. O i , Leroy motored to Payette Wednes­ SHORTENING ‘ JC Williams, now of San Francisco. day to the Frank Cozier home to STAYS S O FRESH S lb - 5 9 c M r Ike Crosley of Rome was in Pearl has been hired by the City of AN O SWEET visit Mrs. Abbie Croft of Portland, Jordan Thursday afternoon and San Francisco as play supervisor. who is visiting there. Mrs. Croft evening. THE FOOD M AR T Her work consists of two days a is Mrs. Cozier’s aunt. Mr. Ole Seamier of Juniper Mt. Glen Winegar of Wood Cross, was in town a few days last week. Utah, is visiting at the Earl Wine- Mr. Clyde Stults of Cow creek gar home to help with the harvest. was in town Thursday most of the The Dick Davis fam ily rave been day. ill with the summer flu. Miss Amelia Telleria who has The W ill Brown young folks and been in Boise working, is home this A. A. Bratton spent a pleasant eve­ last week. ning at the H. E. Noah home Mon­ Hales and Albertas at the L. P. Dorathy Ranch Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Arritala day evening. were down from De Lamar Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Claude Christianson 2 miles South, V 2 mile West of Fruitland and they took in the rodeo in Cald­ and children of California, visited well Friday and Saturday nights. PH O N E 153 Mr. and Mrs. Alva Amldon and J. L. Pierson, who has been em­ family Friday evening. Mrs. Chris­ ployed at De Lamar was through tianson is Mrs. Amidon's cousin. town on his way to Nevada last Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lakey visited week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bohy and fam ­ Leonore Madriagia spent last ily Thursday evening. week visiting her sister in DeLamar. Leroy Cozier and Bob Pitland ex­ Arthur Lee is employed at Sam changed visits a few days this week. Scott’s store while Mr. Scott Is Oscar Bratton and Melvin Spitze O P E N IN G away on an extended visit. OUR picked potatoes for Mr. Saito Sat­ DATES Lawrence Del Grossi is helping at urday. Gusman's during haying. Mrs. Earl Winegar went to Boise Joe Telleria went down to the Sinclair ranch last week to help Wednesday with Just-A-Mere club. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Amidon were harvest. Sunday dinner guests of the Beul And John Connors returned to his Hickey family in Lincoln district. home Thursday evening from work Mrs. L. L. Huber spent Friday at the Calzacarta ranch. with Mrs. B. Becker. D. P. Connors and fam ily moved Ruth Bratton spent the weekend back to their home Tuesday from Prospective Students in Boise. DeLamar where Mr. Connors has SHOULD BE G E T TIN G T H E IR IN F O R M A TIO N Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kelso and been working. family and Edward Putnam of Cal- W ill Maher and his wife went to ! ifornia and Mrs. Ruth Williams of Caldwell last week for a visit. And Enrolling At An Misses Margarite and Lucille Ontario were guests of Mr. and Maher and Mr. Mark Morgan spent Mrs. W ill Brown and family Sun­ E A R LY D A T E day. The occasion was honoring last Sunday in DeLamar. In Order to Take Advantage of Our Mrs. Kelso's and Mrs. Brown’s B ill Helm is sporting a new sedan. Mrs. Parks visited at the Gluch birthday anniversaries. Bert Bratton and son made a home Tuesday afternoon. Miss Sola Zatlca went to work at short call at the Chris Wyckoff the Deerings in Danner last Sun­ ranch in Buena Vista Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Patterson of Caldwell spent Saturday and Sun­ day in the T. T. Elliott home. Their daughter Joy returned with them after having spent a week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pierce have just returned from a week visiting relatives In Burley. While there they attended a convention of the Moose lodge held in Montpelier. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols James and Agnes Nichols were dinner guests In the J. G. Lane home Sat­ urday evening. Mrs. Mary King and Mrs. Nor­ man Webb and baby daughter ar­ rived Friday noon to spend a few days with their mother, Mrs. C. C. Cotton. Miss Aynes Nichols came home Wednesday evening after spending the past two months working in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tetwiler were Sunday afternoon and evening guests In the Wm Toomb home. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lane called on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston and baby son Sunday. Mesdames Charlotte Kygar and Bertha Culbertson were hostesses to the Owyhee Community club at the Klingback home Thursday. Birthday showers were given for Mesdames Dorothy Fox, Charlotte Kygar and La Vone Culbertson. First prize on the game went to Mrs. Skinner while Mrs. Klingback re­ ceived the consolation. Refresh­ ments were served. Mrs. Inger Huffman is ill and was taken to the hospital at Ontario Wednesday for observation. Prince Hardesty and Hoy Snyder of Jordan Valley brought Norman Douglas, who had been working, to his home, as Norman has to take an enforced vacation due to an Injury to his leg. Doris Klingback spent several N E W P L A N T P O P U L A R days last week visiting her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth The new $12,000 cold storage plant McDonald, at Homedale. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Culbertson, owned and operated by L. T. (Doc) Marshall and his son Earl Is prov­ daughter Betty and son Larry, and ing popular with persons having Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Slippy and daughter Carol left Saturday for a use for cold storage lockers. Marshall asked the Journal to visit to friends and relatives in thank the many customers that Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Van Maltsberger have taken lockers and to those who have signified their intention and family were dinner guests in of taking a locker later in the sea­ the Ben Lutes home near Nyssa. Sunday. son. Mesdames Fred Hite, Jessie Skin­ A ll commodities coming into the Polar Cold Storage and Locker ner and Martha Klingback and Plant are put over what is called daughter Margaret were delegated a freezing plate. This is done to from the Owyhee P. T. A. to a Insure the proper preparation of meeting in Adrian called for the the foodstuff for storage. There Is purpose of making plans for the no charge for this service, It being dedication of the new high school the Intention of Marshall to give and the teachers reception Mrs. Mildred Hite and two chil­ his customers the best service pos­ dren returned to their home Satur­ sible. day. Mrs. Hite has been attending school in La Grande M IT C H E LL B U T T E Guests at the Wm. Peutz home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. Harold Connaughay and Peutz and grandson Billy of Pay­ chUdren spent the week end with ette and Mr. and Mrs. W illie Me Mrs. Jane McGinnis at the Don­ Ginnis of Mitchell Butte and Miss ald McGinnis home. Mrs. Jane M c­ Georgia Dinnls of Nyssa. Ginnis gave a birthday dinner for O. R. Hite was very seriously her daughter, Mrs. Glayd Con­ burned Friday evening when he lit naughay Saturday afternoon. Mr a lantern that had been filled with Louis Llnvllle, Ray a n ^ Charllne gasoline by mistake. He is in the were Invited guests. Ontario hospital. One arm is es Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvas and pecially badly burned. daughters Virginia and Betty Lou Howard Evans has as weekend of Adrian visited at the Donald guests from Twin Falls, his par McGinnis home Sunday. Virginia ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evans and remained to visit with her grand­ his grandmother, Mrs. Evans. mother and uncle. Orville Conn and Albert Schmaltz Mrs. Clyde Mitchell was taken to o f Fruitland were callers at the Ray the Dixon nursing home In Nyssa Franklin home Sunday. Saturday afternoon. She is im­ HJalmer Scott, who is working at proving very nicely. Charlie Bradleys, was visited by his Mrs. John W all and James are brother Richard from Connacopia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Sunday. Tom Lowe. James had his tonsils Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow at­ removed in Ontario by Dr. Palmer. tended the recital given by pupils of Mrs. W all will return to Creston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson of Ore.. Thursday. James will remain Payette in Nyssa Friday evening till Monday. Farmers are busy irrigating and Clyde Mitchell went to the vet­ some are putting in new seeding of eran’s hospital In Boise Sunday. alfalfa. Mrs. Ruth Schanon, Charllne Anyone interested in school of Llnvllle and Mrs. Houston Dun­ 4-H work is cordially invited to at away attended the night rodeo In tend the Parent-Teacher meeting at day. She arrived back in town Caldwell Friday. the home of Mrs. T. M. Lowe In Saturday afternoon. Mitchell Butte, Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. John Mallear are Aug. 25 at 2 o’clock. the proud parents of a 6H lb. baby boy born last Friday at the home of Mrs. M allear’s parents. K IN G M A N K O L O N Y Mr. Scott and family went to The P. T. A. executive board held Eugene last week to visit Mrs. a meeting at the home of Mrs. Clar­ Scott's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Averil Palmer and ence Elliott. This board consists of the new officers elected for the family just returned from a trip winter of 1939-40. They are Mrs. M. to northern Idaho and on to Se­ L. Kurtz, president; Mrs. Charles attle, Wash. Those attending the Caldwell ro­ Newbill, vice president; Mrs. Mary Nichols, secretary; Mrs. Clarence deo included; Sabino Madriagia and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Palmer, Elliott, treasurer. The following committee chair­ the Gluchs, the Staples family, men were appointed for the year: John Connors, Dick Staples, Bill Mrs. W. E. Pierce, social; Walter Helm, Joe Zatica, the Yturris, Ju­ McPartland, legislative; Mrs. J. G. lia Zatlca, Mary Zatica and the Martin, magazine; Mrs. Earl Osborn Ambrose Maher family. A fleet of C.C.C. trucks from San Lane, founders day; Mrs. Conrad publications; Mrs. Duane Anderson, Francisco came through Jordan program. Mrs. W alter McPartland, Saturday on their way to Boise. Misses Alice and Margaret M or­ publicity; Mrs. R. R. Overstreet, hospitality, and Mrs. Stanley Hill, gan. former residents o f Jordan, were in town Saturday to visit their summer round-up. mother. There were several proposed pro­ Everltt Fretwell of Arock was In jects discussed at this meeting, the main one being a dental clinic, with town Saturday afternoon. ,T LOW'COST AND YOU OPEN C R E D IT for PERSONAL and , FHA HOME LOANS ANY BRANCH first mmonnii brrk OF PORTLRnO I N I L IA M I IN OatOON IN FINANCING m i CMOiT M Q UIIIM INTS O f T U M , COMMIICI ANO INDUSTRY M IM III FIOIIAl DIFOSIT TW O A. B. C. M O N T H L Y PAYM EN T PLANS FOR Y O U R C O N V E N IE N C E • $30 to $2500 U p to 3 Y ean • $1000 to $5000 Up to 5 Years • T H E M ODERN W A Y TO PAY INIUIANCI CORPORAT I ON Its purpose to be to put dental care for grade students within the reach o f all parents. Mrs. J. G. Lane and Mrs. Duane Anderson were put in charge of this work. Mrs. Elsie Boren has returned to her home in Boise after spending several days here visiting In the homes of her parents and sister, M r and Mrs. Lee Thrasher and Mrs. Bruce Pinkston. The Mary and Martha Circle met with Mrs. Elmer Dutton this week. The next meeting will be held on September 14th at the home o f Mrs. John Auker. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton spent the weekend vacationing at Sun Valley. , Repairs Alteratons, A d ­ ditions Improvements On , Existing Property , ... PEACHES Ready August 28 th FALL TERM M ONDAY, SEP T. 4th M ONDAY, SEPT. Ilth NOW Alsa Our N E W E L L H EIGH TS Tuesday the M odem Pioneers met in a special meeting at Mrs. Carl Hills. I t was voted to purchase the land under consideration for our park. Mrs. D. L. Anderson was also appointed chairman of a com­ mittee for arranging a booth for the Fall Festival. A t the close of the business meeting the hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs. D. L. Anderson and Mrs. Geo. Sheimer. The next regular meeting of the Modern Pioneer club will be with Mrs. Maurice Judd Tuesday, Aug. 29th. The George Elfers fam ily from Big Bend had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stamm Sunday. Mrs. Anna Macabee from Kerney, Nebraska, is visiting with her son and family, Stanley Macabee. A sister, Mrs. J. M. Keyser and two daughters. wrere guests of the Mac- abees Wednesday and Thursday when they left for Washington. M. C. Barlow and fam ily of Salt PROGRAM NYSSA THEATRE Phone 108 DOUBLE FEATURE F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y — August 25-26 The Three Mesquiteers in “P A L S O F T H E S A D D L E ” “B U L L D O G D R U M M O N D ’S SECRET PO LIC E ” Movietone News Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-30c S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y , August 27-28 Robert Young, Ann Sothem, Ruth Hussey, Ian Hunter and C liff Edwards in March o f Time Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10e-30c T U E S D A Y , August 29 Your Home or Any Other Building May Be Put in Good Repair, Remodeled, Redecorated and paid for In convenient monthly Installments. N o red tape. No delays. We handle all details for you. Let us explain this complete service. i’ * NYSSA LUMBER CO. John E. Ostrom, Prop. Goode Ave. & Hiway 201 P A L N IG H T Douglas “ W rong W ay” Corrigan and Paul Kelly in _________ “TH E F L Y IN G IR IS H M A N ” W E D N E S D A Y and T H U R S D A Y , August 30-31 Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett, Warren William, Joseph Schildkraut and Alan Hale in “T H E M A N IN T H E IRON M A S K ” Phone 118 DISCOUNTS Credit “Book and Supply” Remember L IN K ’S Guarantee Positions to Graduates of their Complete Course Call, Phone or Write for Full Details LINK’S S C H O O L OF BUSINESS Boise, Idaho FOR F R ID A Y A N D S A T U R D A Y , A U G . 25-26 Vinegar £r,.Sder Crackers2 pound packages 1 pound packages Starch corn or gloss, 2 for 18fi 15s 25c 23c Peanut Butter?Ib jars Salad Dressing Quart Jars Grape Fruit J u ic e ^ r “ “ 19c Shrimp 2 cans John Howard and Heather Angel in “MA1SIE” can now be made through our A.B C. Monthly Payment Plans which cover a wide variety of trork. Improvements, and equip­ ment. You can make no better Investment. SPECIAL Free Movietone News lOc-JOc / Carstens per lb. Bacon Squares ground Hamburger 2 fresh lbs. 4 1b. Lard p ackag es^ C antaloupes Tomatoes large size 6 for for canning basket Sweet Potatoes "Z. 22c 12c 27c 25s 25s 23c O PEN U N T IL 9 P. M. E V E R Y D A Y W ilson G rocery wivcox A Dependable Food Store *YSSA________ OREGON