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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1939)
N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL. TH U RSD AY, AU G U ST 24, 1939 PAGE SIX In Notus— The Gate City Journal O re 6| o ( î (S n îws ( îâ p e r P ub l i s he r ^/ A ss V c i a t i o n W IN IF R E D BROW N TH OM AS • - LO U IS P. T H O M A S - - - - Owner - - Editor and Publiataer IN D E P E N D E N T IN P O L IT IC S A N D R E L IO IO N , O P T IM IS T IC IN D IS P O S IT IO N — W IT H N O IN T E R E S T S T O SER VE E X C E P T T H O SE O P M A L H E U R C O U N T Y S U B S C R IP T IO N RATES One Year --------__________ 11.50 $1 00 .............. .05 Single Copies (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postolflce through the United States the act A D V E R T IS IN G RA TE S 30c Open rate, per inch...... 30c National, Per inch ...... 01c Classifieds, Per word . Minimum 25c at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan Mrs. H. E. Highl of Albert Val ley spgnt the weekend with the Lloyd Hight family in Notus. And Eugene visited with his cousins, Clarence and Francis Hight of Nyssa Heights. viunËH Legal Advertising I Ministers or others interested in church publicity are invited to use NO TICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of Department of the Interior, Gen eral Land Office at The Dalles, each week. .1 Oregon, July 26, 1939. NOTICE is hereby given that Walter Meliville Thompson, of Nyssa, Oregon, Rt. No. 2, who, on Floyd E. White, Pastor July 8, 1936, made Original Home Sunday School at 10 o’clock. Les stead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. son subject: “The Perils of Pros 030325, for NWTNEV* or Farm Unit “B ’’, Section 23, Township 19 S., perity.” Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, Morning Worship at 11:15. Ser has tiled notice of intention to make mon subject: "Working for God.” final Proof, to establish claim to the Church Training class at 6:00. land above described, before Geo. K. Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, Ontario, Epworth League at 7:00 p. m. Oregon, on the 8th. day of Septem- Junior League at 7:00 p. m. Evening Worship at 8:00 p. m. Claimant names as witnesses: Sermon: "Strength for Every Day.’’ Earl Blackburn, Arthur Rouse, Rob Monday evening, Aug. 28, Church ert Vest, Clarence Barrett all, of Nyssa, Oregon. board meeting. W. F. JACKSON, Wednesday evening, Aug. 30, Sun Register. First published August 3, 1939. day school board meeting. Election Last published August 31, 1939. o f officers. M E T H O D IS T C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH F IR S T C H U R C H O F C H R IS T S C IE N T IS T 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho A branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scient- lest, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Wednesday evening meeting, at which time testimonials of Christ lan healing and remarks on Christ ian Science are given, is held at eight o’clock. The Reading Room is located in the Church Building, where the Bible and authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, bor rowed or purchased, and is open every day from two to four p. m., ex cept Sunday and holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and make use of the Reading Room. P A R M A L U T H E R A N CH U R C H A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Since the pastor is guest preach er at the Mission D ay services in Tillamook, Oregon, on August 27th, there will be no services at the Lutheran Church this Sunday. The pastor will return next week. Regu lar Sunday School and Services will be resumed next Sunday. W e in vite you to come and hear a mes sage on the subject: “Looking U n to Jesus." Sunday school will be held here at 9 a. m., the next two Sundays, instead of the regular hour of 10 a. m. There will be no morning meeting or evening meetings here August 20 and 27 as everyone is going to the snake River Valley camp meet ing, at the G ala Gardens. Everybody welcome. The camp meeting will last 10 days. Beginning August 18 to 27. S U N S E T V A L L E Y R E V IV A L C H U R C H O F TH E N A Z A R E N E TH E RED TIG ER STA LK S A G A IN E ACH day brings forth more headlines of the continued ravagings of the Red Tiger — forest fires. Within the past month we have read o f death and hundreds of thousands o f acres o f timber lands being destroyed by fire. To the deaths there can be no monetaiy value set, to our future lumber supply it runs into many millions o f dol lars. Varying causes are given for these fires— lightning, combustion, incendiarism, but the most prevalent is that o f the careless smoker and camper. Reams could be written admonishing care on the part of the smoker and camper, all o f which would avail nothing unless each one of us takes it upon himself to do his share toward keeping the possibilities of forest fires down to a mini mum. Forest fires indirectly cost everyone of us money, for it is not alone the loss o f our future lumber supply that we lose, but there is the loss of the protection from floods that the timber af fords. These all affect our pocketbook in one form or another. W e have funds for the extermination of predatory animals, but let’s all combine to get rid o f one of the worst— the Red T ig e r! C. C. C.s NEEDED ERHAPS it took their removal to make this P community realize the necessity and great need o f a permanent C. C. C. camp in this area for the next few years for the hue and cry to have our camp re-established is growing strong er each day. But in order to assure ourselves o f their re turn there must be some definite outline made for needed programs. Every one, of course, has his or her pet plan, but there has so far been no concerted effort to obtain the camp again. First among the requisites will be a definite and outlined program presented to the depart ment for their approval. And perhaps the best way of arriving at something approved by all would be for the various organizations, women’s clubs, garden clubs, H. E. C., Granges and P. T. A. to form a central club where each would be represented and have them draw up the plans to present to the powers that be. Following are some of the objectives needed by the whole district on which no doubt would be a favorable action if presented with the as surance that the district also stood ready to do its share. W e cannot expect the C. C. C. to do our work and then lay down on the job our selves. We must show our willingness and abil ity to do our share when the request is made for their return. But badly needed in the district as a whole is a rehabilitation program for laterals, weed and ditch roads and cattle rodent control, guards, and then what lies nearest to the hearts o f most at present is an outlined program of rural parks and community centers. These are but a few. operating But whatever it is, let us stick together and ’et the Nyssa camp re-established. We need it. Sixth near M ain Vern W . Martin, Pastor Ed W ild, Superintendent Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. Come and bring the family. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. N. Y. P. 8. 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedneesday at 8 p. m. W . F. M. S. meets every second Thursday of the month, ST. P A U L ’S E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor Church and Sunday School at 9:30 Sunday. Communion the second Sunday of the month. Guild meets second Wednesday of each month at 2:30 p. m. NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE Wm. K. Hoag, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Devotional service 11 a. m. Evangelistic service 8 p m. Bible reading Tuesday evening. Midweek prayer and worship Thursday evening. All are welcome to our services. Meetings each evening at 8 oclock at the Charles Ditty ranch. Every one welcome. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Department of the Interior, Gen eral Land O ffice at The Dalles, Oregon. July 24, 1939. NOTICE is hereby given that David Eugene Brady, of Nyssa, Ore gon, who, on June 30, 1938, made original Homestead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. 031216, for Farm Unit “ C” or S 'a N W 1,*, Section 12, Township 19 S., Range 46 E., W ill amette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before George K. Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Ore - gon, on the 7th. day of September, 1939. Claimant names as witnesses: Ellis Warner, Mrs. Ellis Warner, Olin Lay, Robert Lay, all of On tario, Oregon, Rt. No. 1. W. F. JACKSON, Register. First published July 27, 1939. Last published August 24, 1939. N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Department of the Interior, Gen eral Land Office at The Dalles. K IN G M A N C O M M U N IT Y Oregon. July 25, 1939. CH UR CH NOTICE is hereby given thai Marion L. Kurtz, of Nyssa, Oregon, Ernest Tetwller, Pastor who, on July 11, 1936, made Original Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G. Homestead entry. Act June 17, 1902, No. 030329, for WHNE14, E liN W 1/* Osborn, superintendent. or Farm Unit “ A ’’, Section 8, Town Morning worship 11 a. m. ship 21 S., Range 46 E., Willamette Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Meridian, has filed notice of inten Evening worship 8:30 p. m. tion to make final Proor, to estab lish claim to the land above des cribed, before George K. Aiken, U. L. D. S. CH URCH S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Oregon, on the 7th. day of September, 1939. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Claimant names as witnesses: 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. Jess Sugg, M. L. Judd, D. L. Ander 8:00 p. m. Evening services. son, Tony Zubizaretta, all of Nyssa, 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society Oregon, Rt. No. 1. W. F. JACKSON, meeting. Register. 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary First published July 27, 1939. Last published August 24, 1939, children's meeting. S U M M O N S FO R P U B L IC A T IO N IN THE C IR C U IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE C O UNTY O F MALHEUR. OWYHEE IR R IG A T IO N D IS TR IC T, A Municipal Corporation, Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Plaintiff. Classes for all. vs. Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m. Malheur County, a Municipal Cor poration; Burbridge & Bales, a Evangelistic Service at 8:00 p. m. co-partnership; Bessie E. Doo Prayer meeting in the homes little; Helen Doolittle; Ellen Marie K IN G M A N K O L O N Y L.D.S. Wendesday afternoon at 2.30. Doolittle; William Doolittle; Paul S U N D A Y SCH O O L Evangelistic Service Friday at 8 ine Doolittle; D. E. Baird and Sarah A. Baird, husband and Meets in Kingman Kolony school p. m. wife; J. T. Bales; F. M. Cole; F. house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. Everybody welcome. L. Lilly; L. A. McBride; Alwena Burbridge; Stevie E. Lackey; Fred G. Lackey; Sheila Duncan; Herb ert Lackey; Harry T. Lackey; Ruth Sunday at the E. L. Lunger home. DeNise; Gilbert Hunter; Bessie Joe Hawkins of Adams. Ore., was Hunter; C. R. Emison, Trustees; W. E. Lees; H. C. Boyer; V. B. Friday afternoon Just-A-M ere an overnight guest of the Glen Staples; Mary Jones; Ben Jones; club met at the home of Mrs. Jess Suiter family Monday. Kathryn Jones; J. N. Jones; Alice Mrs. E. E. Botner and daughters Ford. Ten members answered roll Jones; Wm. Jefferson Jones; call with place of birth. Mrs. John Ilia, Mrs. Roger Tucker were in Alice Annette Jones; Marjorie Marie Jones; A. Robinson; W. D. Nampa Wednesday. Stafford entertained the group with Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Edith very interesting games after which Honoring the birthday anniver E. Allen; Ruth Talbot; J. R. Jolly; Mrs. Luzetta Fuhrman of Kuna, sary of their eldest son, Gerald, Mr Florence Jolly; P. J. Gallagher; Mabel Judge Rester; Mildred Ida., and Mrs. Otto Dickerson of and Mrs. Carl Sebum gave a pic Kester; Randall Kester; Barbara Ontario gave a posture demonstra nic dinner in the park at Caldwell Kester; Bank of Malheur, a bank tion. Prizes were awarded to Mrs Sunday. Guests included Mrs. Jen ing corporation; Michael Joyce; F. J. Cahill. Mrs. Jess Ford and Mrs nie Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cor United States National Bank of Portland, a national banking as John Bartholoma. bett, Mont and Jimmie Joe, Alan sociation; Fred Haines; Gem Irri Miss June Webster Is spending White, Chester Counsll and Lloyd gation District, a municipal cor the week with Miss Faye Smith of Cleaver. poration; Owyhee County, a muni cipal corporation; National Sure Ontario. Alice Reiley of Boise visited the ty Company, a corporation; High Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stute and two weekend at the J. E. Keyser home. & Fritchman Company, a corpor daughters and Mrs. Stute’s brother, Miss Reiley and Mrs. Keyser are ation; Crawford Moore, Trustee; and also all other persons or per Raymond Sampson of Haiger, Neb., sisters. son unknown, claiming any right, spent several days In this vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Manny Evans of title or interest in and to the real looking after business and visiting Haibe. Neb., were callers Monday property described in the appli at the Orren Choat and John B a r morning at the John Bartholoma cation on file herein, Defendants. To: Owhee County, a municipal tholoma homes. home. corporation; National Surety Com Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cahill spent Vivian Malloy spent Sunday a ft pany, a corporation; High & Fritch the evening Sunday at the Jack ernoon with Leona Lunger. man Company, a corporation; Bur Simpson home. Joe Hawkins of Adams. Oregon, bridge & Bales, a co-partnership; Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker and was a business caller Monday at the Ellen Marie Doolittle; D. E. Baird and Sarah A. Baird, husband and family and Mrs. V. L. Kesler and Frank Graham home. wife; J. T. Bales; F. M. Cole; F. L. children enjoyed a swimming party Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz, Edwin Lilly ; L. A. McBride; Harry T. and watermelon feed with the H a r an Harold spent the day Sunday lackey; Ruth DeNise; C. R. Emi D. Sherwood; ry O raham family Sunday after with the C C. Coldiron family at son Trustee; W Melissa Smith; Edith F. Allen; Ruth noon. Nampa. Talbot; J. R, Jolly; Florence Jolly; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Suiter and Kester; Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kesler and Mildred Kester; Randall family and M r and Mrs. V. P. Mus- fam ily and Joe Decker enjoyed a Gem Irrigation District, a munici slltne attended the rodeo in Cald watermelon feast at the Harry Ga- pal corporation; Crawford Moore, Trustee; and also all other persons well Thursday. The Suiter family han home Saturday night. or person unknown claiming any returned Saturday night. Mrs. Roger Tucker and Mrs. E. E. right, title or interest in and to the Over weekend guests of the O r Botner went to Nampa Friday and real property described in the appll- cation on file herein; of the al ibove ren Choat family were Mrs. M. E. returned Saturday. named defendants: Oliver of Albion. Ida., her son and Miss Floy Byram spent the week ,anc* each ° f you hereby are wife, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Oliver of end with Miss Joyce Ashcraft of notified that the Owyhee Irrigation District, is the owner and holder of Kimberly. Idaho Adrian. > Certificates of Delinquency num Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Allen enter M r and Mrs W . H Spires J of bered 7884. 7883 and 7882, issued on tained M r and Mrs. Frank G r a Nampa visited Sunday afternoon the 6th day of February, 1937 by the Tax Collector of the County of ham and family Sunday evening. with the Joe Woodward family. Ice cream was served. S in .1?.* ,i? t0a^ a7Lount of Dick Scott, who is working in a D o a r s . Hi®:®®? the same Leroy and Nelson Henman of mine at Cornucopia, bycicled here being g the amount then due and He- de South Dakota are locating in our and visited the Frank Graham fam linquent for irrigation district as sessments. and interest thereon ac vicinity. Leroy expects to move his ily. S U N S E T V A LL E Y Ditty’s Corner Grace Allquist, Pastor NYSSA HEIGHTS wife and children here this fall. They are seeding a large pasture and expect to move a dairy herd here. M r and Mrs. John Davis of San Bruno. Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cahill were dinner guests at the John Quigley home Tuesday evening. M r and Mrs Joe Woodward spent Sunday evening at the Fred K ra ft- berg home near Nyssa Mrs. Wendell Webster's parents. Mr. and Mrs Fred Lindner of Lu. ray, K an s, arrived at the O. W Webster home Sunday They plan to make their home in Oregon. Mrs Jess Ford spent the day S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N A S S E M B L Y O F G O D G O SPE L T A B E R N A C LE Th e Jolly Janes. 4-H sewing club, met at the home of Lola Lee G as ton Tuesday with seven members present. A new member, Ruby Boersma. was added to their group. The next meeting will be August 22 at the Ilia Botner home M r and Mrs. Wayne Stewart and daughter Phyllis of Portland were overnight guests Friday at the O. J Kurtz home. Mrs. Dan Corbett and Jimmie Joe were dinner guests that evening Mr. Stewart is a post office clerk in Portland He with his fam ily were on their way to a post office clerks convention at Huston. Texas going by way of Colorado and K a n - S W ‘,4, the N W V iN W 1/*, and the S E 'tN W 'i of Section 36, Twp. 18 S. R, 46 E. W. M . Malheur County, Oregon, against each and every of the above named defendants, and you hereby are summoned to appear within 60 days after the first pub lication of this summons, exclusive of the day of the day of first pub lication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as shown above, together with costs and ac crued interest, and in case of your failure to do so, or to establish valid claim and title therein and thereto a decree will be rendered foreclos ing all of your claim and interest in and to suid property, and also fore closing the lien of said taxes and the costs against the land and prem ises above named and described, and quieting title of the plaintiff in and to said entire land and premises, against you and each of you, and for the plaintiff's costs and disbursements in this proceeding made and incurred. This summons is published pur suant to order of the Honorable Charles W Ellis, made the 9th day of August. 1939, directing the publi cation for four weeks in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. C AR L H. COAD, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Post-office Address: Nyssa, Oregon. First published August 10, 1939. IN THE C IR C U IT CO URT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE CO UNTY OF MALHEUR. A. L. FLETCHER, Plaintiff. VS. ELLA B ALLENTINE, otherwise known as Ella Banantyne and jon n Doe Ballantyne, ner hus band; Malheur County, a political subdivision of tlie Slate of Oregon, and all other persons claiming some light, title, lien or interest in or io any ot the lots or parcels of real property described in this complaint, and also all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest m the real property herein described or any part thereof, De fendants. T O : Ella Balientine, otherwise known as Ella Ballantyne and John Doe Ballantyne, her husband; M al heur County, a political subdivision of tne State of Oregon, and all oth er persons claiming some right, title, lien or interest in or to any oi the lots or parcels of real property described in tnls complaint, and also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property herein described or any part thereof—Defendants. IN THE NAM E OF THE STATE O f OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint on file in the above en titled suit within lour weeks fol lowmg the first publication of this summons, to wit: within four weeks of July 27th, 1939, and if you fail so to appear and answer said com plaint tne plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said com plaint, to wit: That all claims of the defendants adverse to the plaintiff be deter mined and the title of the plain tiff be declared to be good and valid in and to Lot 4 of Block 26 and Lots 13 and 14 of Block 31, both in Teutsch Addition to the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, and the plaintiff’s title thereto be quieted. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Charles W. Ellis, Circuit Judge, made and entered the 20th day of July, 1939, prescrib ing that this summons be served by publication thereof once each week for four successive and consecutive week in the Nyssa Gate City Jour nal a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Nyssa, M al heur County, Oregon. A. L. FLETCHER, In his own proper person. Attorney for the Plaintiff. First publication July 27, 1939. Last publication August 24, 1939. S U M M O N S FO R P U B L IC A T IO N IN THE C IR C U IT C O URT OF TH E S T A T E OF OREGON FO R M A L HEUR COUNTY. L. E. Fry, Plaintiff. vs. Nyssa Improvement Company, a dissolved corporation; Malheur County, a sub-division of the State of Oregon; H. S. Sackett, County Clerk and Registrar of Titles of Malheur County, Ore gon; C. C. Wilson: W. A. Teutsch; Alida B. Teutsch; David Canham; Elizabeth Canham; Clara Can- ham; Charles Canham; Charles H. Williams; Herbert C. Williams; Laurence L. Williams; Allan T. B. Williams; Frank T. Morgan, A d ministrator of the Estate of Charles D. Williams, Deceased; W. B. Hoxie; Lulu L. Hoxie; H. F. Brown; Winifred Brown Thomas; Louis P. Thomas; A. O. Hinsch; Albert Hinsch; Loring Taylor, Guardian of the person and estate of Albert Hinsch, an insane per son; the unknown heirs, if any, of Lennox B. Boyle, Deceased; and also all other persons or per- son unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint on file herein. De fendants. T o Nyssa Improvement Company, a dissolved corporation; C. C. W il son; W. A. Teutsch; Alida B. Teutsch; David Canham; Elizabeth Canham; Clara Canham; Charles Canham; Charles H. Williams; Her bert C. Williams; Laurence L. W il liams: Allan T. B. Williams; A. O. Hinsch; the unknown heirs, if any, of Lennox B. Boyles. Deceased; and also all other persons or person un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real property described in the com plaint on file herein, of the above named defendants: IN TH E NAM E O F TH E STATE O F OREGON. You and each of you hereby are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the aboviT entTtled~court~and cause within four weeks after the first publication of this summons which date of first publication is August 10„ 1939, and if you fail so crued and accruing, upon the real to do. and for want tnerof, __ . - . ( hp -operty assessed to Burbridge & les. of the above named defend ants, the owner of record, situated in .s,al<5 ? ounty »nod State, more particularly described as: An undivided one-half inter est in the N E tiS W t», the N W ' , . N W t«. and the S E '. N W 1, all of Section 36. Township 18 South of Range 46 E W . M th ? r Ä plaintiff will take a Judgment and decree against you and each of you: (1) Requiring you and each of you to set forth the nature of your claim or claims, and determining all ad verse claims that you may have in and to Lots 3 to 12, both inclusive, of Block 6, Teutsch’s Addition to Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon (2i Determining and adjudging that daan£ - notifiedeafChth °f that t h T 0 ^ h ? e reir?i0Ä District n o ^ n te rS " T r win apply to the Circuit Court of claim whalever in or to s i d des ‘Ä u g K h Ä c Ä Ä Ä U " p B y ftg y w gïa; g; a s Ä f e l and premises adverse to the plain tiff, and for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem meet and equitable In the premises and for the plaintiff’s costs and disbursements in this cause made and incurred; and *4) Cancelling transfer Certificates of Title Nos. 221 253, 266, 285, 299 and 337 as to said Lots 3 to 12 inclusive of Block 6 of Teutsch’s Addition to Nyssa, and directing H. S. Sackett Regis trar, of the above named defendants to issue transfer certificate of title in lieu thereof upon filing of cer tified copy of decree of the court and original deed from the defend ant Loring Taylor, defendant and Guardian, dated July 6, 1939. This summons is served on you under order of the Honorable Charles W . Ellis, Cllrcult Judge of said County and State, which order was made the 9th day of August 1939. directing that the summons herein be published for four successive weeks, Including five publications, in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. C A R L H. CO A D , Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Address: Nyssa, Oregon. First publication August 10, 1939. Last publication Sept. 7, 1939 N O T IC E O F S E T T L E M E N T O F F IN A L A C C O U N T IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E STATE O F O R E G O N FOR M A L HEUR COUNTY. IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E E S T A T E O F Z IN A I R A M B A U D , Deceased N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , that Lewis F. Rambaud, executor of the estate of Zina I. Rambaud, de ceased. has rendered and presented for settlement and filed in said Court his first and final account of his administration of said estate, to gether with a petition for distribu tion; And that Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1939, at the hour of 10:30 o’clock A. M. of said day, and the Court Room in the City of Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, has been duly appointed by the Judge of said Court as the time and place for the settlement of said account and hearing of said petition, at which time and place any person inter ested in said estate may appear and file exception in writing to said Re count and contest the same. L E W IS F. R A M B A U D , Executor of the Estate of Zina I. Rambaud. Date of first publication, August 10th, 1939. , Date of last publication, Septem ber 7th. 1939. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E OF O R E G O N , F O R T H E C O U N T Y OF M ALH EUR. In the Matter of the estate of Fred Marshall, Deceased. - The Undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, Executor of the estate of Fred R Marshall, deceased, and having qualified as such, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them veri fied as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Executor at the office of A. L. Fletcher In the City of Nyssa, Oregon, the same be ing the place designated for the transaction of all business pertain ing to said estate. August 17, 1939. H. R. S H E R W O O D , Executor of the estate of Fred R. Marshall. Deceased. First publication August 17, 1939. Last publication Sept. 14, 1939. N O T IC E O F P R O P O S A L T O SELL. $36,000.00 O F F U N D IN G BONDS O F A N D B Y S C H O O L D IS T R IC T NO. 26, M A L H E U R C O U N T Y , O R E G O N , A N D I N V IT IN G B ID S THEREFOR N O T IC E H E R E B Y IS G IV E N , That sealed bids will be received by the District School Board of School District No. 26, Malheur County, Oregon, by B. B. Lienkaemper, Clerk of said District at Nyssa, O re gon, until 8 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of September, 1939, for the pu r chase of an issue of funding bonds of said School District No. 26, M a l heur County, Oregon, in the amount of $36.000.00. Said bonds will be negotiable cou pon bonds; will be reglsterable as to principal only at the option of the holder; will each be designated “Funding Bond”; will be dated as of October 1, 1939, and will bo in de nominations of *500.00 each; will be numbered consecutively from 1 to 72, both numbers inclusive; will m a ture serially in numerical order in the amount of $4500.00 on the 1st day of October in each of the years 1940 to 1947, both years inclusive; will bear interest at a rate of not to exceed four per cent (4% ) per a n num. payable semi-annually on the 1st day of April and the 1st day of October of each year until m atur ity; will be payable both as to prin cipal and interest in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the County Treasurer of Malheur County, at Vale O re gon; and will be callable after O c tober 1, 1940. Said bonds are issued by virtue of a majority vote of the legal vot ers of said School District No. 26. M alheur County, Oregon, voting at an election duly called and held on August 14, 1939, and by virtue of a resolution of the District School Board of the said School District No. 26. duly passed and adopted on the 14th day of August, 1939, and pui ursuant to the Constitution and La tory thereof and sup emental thereto, and Sec. 56-2308, Oregon Co5e J,935 Supplement as amended, and Ch. 505, Oregon Law s 1939. Each bid, except when made by a state or government agency, must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) payable to the order of School District No. 26 M a l heur County, Oregon Checks of u n successful bidders will be returned upon the awarding of the bonds, and the check of the successful bid der will be retained to be applied toward payment for the bonds or for the security of School District No. 26, M alheur County. Oregon In case of default by bidder. All bids must be in writing, must be unconditional, and must be for not less than par and accrued in terest. Approving legal opinion to be at cost of purchaser Bids will £ ° e en<£ Properly Immediately a ft er the final hour hereinabove set forth for submitting bids, at the office of the District School Board at Nyssa. Oregon T he District School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to re- advertise the sale of said bonds if the bids are not satisfactory By order of the District School Board of School District No. 26 Malheur County. Oregon. B B. L IE N K A E M P E R . Clerk. School District No. 26 Malheur County, Oregon. First publication August 17 1939 Last publication August 31. 1939