Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1939 COW HOLLOW By The Happy Farmer dder Is getting to be quite a pest in Cow Hollow. At least three peoplt- in the Hollow sowed seed that was infested with dodder, tlios,. three especially are paying for it now and the dodder is rapidly fpreading all over the Hollow. We all had to haul so much hay at first and we hauled in lots of dodder fed in our hay too. j T h e r e is not so much tumble feeds in the Hollow as last year, bough there certainly is a plenty. Jim Trummel last spring put out a piece of wheat and seeded alfalfa in it. He has waited for a com bine until the thistles got higher that the wheat, so last week he went in and cut it with the mower. The ijllisUes has ruined part of the Wheat but he had to get them off to save his new seeding of alfalfa. JACKET SWEATERS Dude Parker is hauling the worst of Jims weedy wheat and piling it in his hog pen. He says, "the hogs can dig the wheat out alright." Chet Sage’s father who owns a dairy farm over near Nampa sent over last week a truck load, (20 head) of dandy Holestein heifers for Chet to feed the balance of the summer, fall and winter. It would be mighty fine if more of we farm ers that have so much feed could get some stock to feed. Bill and Neola Parker are the proud parents of a son. Mother and son are doing nicely. Bill brought them home Sunday. Clarence Niccum is getting quite anxious for his wife to get home as he says that his overalls need patch ing and the garden needs hoeing, he has lost all the dishrags and can't find any more handkerchiefs either, he has about traded all the veget ables off and is afraid he is going to have to make biscuits. Cow Hollow has all its second cutting of hay in the stack now. They think they are the first dis trict in the country to get all their hay up. Most everybody in Cow Hollow Is talking about the new alfafla mill that is going up in Nyssa. They say "guess they can’t keep us from shipping hay now.” Chuck Share has two fresh cows He says “ we will soon have a cream check now.” Frank Parker brought home a fresh cow Saturday that he has had These Knit Sweaters are of the latest pull- i over style, with cute , puff shoulders, short sleeves. *1 to *1.98 Homecoming! Is made h a p p i e r when you own your own home. Wash Frocks $ 1.98 Atkeson’s Store Albert Heldt Men's and Ladies' Wearing Apparel 3rd. and Maint Sts. Nyssa Contractor—Nyssa "Builder of Fine Homes” We Build to F.H.A. Pains G A M B L E S- MANAGER’S SALE Begins FRIDAY, A U G . 18 Store= Wide Bargains Truck and Tractor Oils in Dale Limbaugh's pasture. Elza Niccum had a fresh cow last week and Geo. Gabriel one the week before and Clarence Niccum has just bought a new cow so the cream business should pick up in Cow Hollow. We are now being served by a cream route from Nyssa, one from Vale and one from Pay ette. The Ladies club (the wife being gone we can't spell the name) met at tlie Hazel Wixon home last Thursday with most all members present and Mrs. Howard as a vis itor. Mrs. Hentz could not be present but she sent a note saying that she would be expecting them to meet at her home for their next meeting. So the next meeting will be held at the Hentz home in Sun Set Valley. Doc Raffingtons were very much surprised and pleased a week ago last Saturday when his brother-in- law and wife and son of New Mex ico drove in. The brother-in-law is dean of an Indian school and the son is a mil itary student at West Point, had just completed his second year and got his first and only vacation. Lieut E. E Cloninger's cow barn burned down Monday night. T ’was only a pole and straw barn so the damage was not so great but the Lieutenant is milking several cows so he just has to have a barn. The Lieutenant and family spent Sunday afternoon with the Frank Parkers and while freezing and eat ing ice cream they were discussing cows and barns and he remarked, “ I will have to get up into the hills pretty soon and get some more poles and make my barn larger." Pete Cloninger had a pen right near the barn with his 4-H contest steer in it. The pen burned up too but the steer jumped over the gate and got to safety. Dale Limbaughs two miles away happened to be up and saw the light and drove up and called the Clon- ingers out of bed at 1 o’clock and told them their barn was afire. It is very nice to know that the farm security administration offi cials have $14,116 of Uncle Sam’s money to buy farms at $8000 apiece for 18 Oregon farm tenants or rent ers. With $4116 left over for admin- trative expenses. Possibly that will be sufficient as they are all on a salary anyway. Of the thousands of farmers in Oregon almost 22% of them are renters and now the F.S.A. in the coming year is going to buy 18 of them $8000 homes. There should be at least 18 well pleased farmers in all of the state of Ore gon. This makes many people wonder which can spread the most joy to the world? One farmer with a fine $8000 farm, mortgaged at par value, or 16 ambitious farmers trying to get “on their feet” and have just received a $500 loan from the F.S.A. Gambles Cup Grease The finest 100% pure Penn sylvania Oil that you can put in your car! 1 lb. Can. Sale Price ............. 5 lb. Can. Our Reg. Price 69c Sale price 1 n r (J ., 0«7 L HIGH PRESSURE Grease 5 lbs....... 65c Axle Grease 10 lbs. vS\i 00c 1 qt. Sealed can SECOND Qt...... 2 for - HAY AND GRAIN INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY Bonds 37c l u kJk *7.87 Increase Your Profits! Only with proper diet— Scientifically blended— Can you expect to get a profit from your flock. No. 20 family size. Has 3 Grinder Knives Our Regular Price $1.10 W e offer two LEADING MASHES to help you Get that Profit - - - Sale Price ..................... KITCHEN UTENSILS AUTHORIZED 100 pounds AGENCY ' AN D Phone 106 Nyssa - - / .v .v .w .v Rates lc per word* per issue. Minimum charge 25c. CASH IN ADVANCE For Sale Farm Produce For Sale MISCELLANEOUS RED RESPBERRIES and strawber NEW QUART jars complete with ries. 30 cents a gallon. Bring con rubbered tops 69c per doaen. Pints tainers. Pick them yourself. Earl 59c per dozen. Unfinished kitchen Anderson, Rt, 2 Nyssa. 17A3xp chairs 89c. Brooms 29c. The Nyssa CANNING TOMATOES, one cent Trader main highway north at Al • 17Alxc per pound. Bring container. Mrs. berta Ave. Neil Dimmick. 1 mile south C.C.C. GOOD 9x12 RUG and dining room camp. 17Alxp suite. Inquire Texaco Service Sta tion. 17Alxc For Sale or Trade Musical Instrument WASHING MACHINE in this vi cinity, for balance due. Popma Music Co., Boise. 3A4XC FOR SALE OR TRADE RADIO OR PIANO for gentle rid NEW BOY'S and men’s shoes, a bar ing horse. Popma Music Co., gain if you wear sizes 6, 6t4, 7, Boise. 3A4xc 7V4, 8 or 11. The Nyssa Trader, main SMALL BUNGALOW piano for highway north at Alberta Ave. 17A1XC balance due. In this vicinity. Terms Popma Music Co. Boise. 3A4xc For Sale or Trade Autos and Trucks For Rent CITY PROPERTY 3-ROOM Furnished modern house. Call Journal office. lOAtfc MODEL "A” 1929 Ford truck. Bruce ROOM and BOARD Pinkston, Cotton ranch, Phone 02R5. 27JtfC ROOM AND Board. Star Hotel. 3 blocks north of Main on First St. lOAtfc For Sale SEPTEMBER FIRST the dining MACHINERY room at the Western Hotel will DELAVAL CREAM separator in open under the management of Mr. good condition, price $5.00. Also and Mrs. A. L. McClellen. House strawberry plants for fall planting keeping apartments are available. 50 cent per 100. Drop a card. Will 17AIxp deliver in Nyssa. John E. Reffett. 17Alxc Miscellaneous For Sale Poultry BREEDING COCKERELS New Hamshire reds, Christie strain, Earl Andesron, Rt. 2 Nyssa. 17A4xc FOR SALE For Sale STOCK JERSEY COW’S some now milking and coming fresh. Carman Jersey Farm, adjoining Vale. 17A4xc Wanted NYSSA PLUMBING Sc HEATING 2nd house north Star Hotel Dealers for Advance-Hydro Ejector Pressure Pumbs lSJtfc CUSTOM HAY CHOPPING AND GRINDING D. G. Bamberry Baok of Texaco Station Nyssa. 15J4XC WANTED TO RENT, a farm with option of buying. State price, F U R N I T U R E UPHOLSTERINQ and Repairing. All Work guaran terms, acreage. Box 1, Journal. 17A6xp teed. Canvas. Dalton Tent and Awning Co. Payette. Phone 157-J 4 HEAD OF Cattle to pasture. $1.50 16Mtfe a month. Prefer dry milk cows. J. Local nnd Long Distance T. Long. I7Alxc HAULING GARBAGE HAULING. Also odd Phone 72W jobs by hour day or week. Prices Lawrence and Barnett reasonable. Call J. G. Coll, A1 4Mtfc Thompsons feed store. 20Atfr GARBAGE hauling of any kind. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your Call E. J Stelnke. Phone 47. car or truck brakes in first class 23Ftfc condition. Special equipment und trained men at your service. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W. LOCAL NEWS Picnic To Be H e ld - All former residents of Jerome and Twin Palls counties are invited to attend a picnic to be held at the Gala Garden park August 20. Lunch to be spread at 1 o'clock. Long and Short Distant Trucking Dick Smith Phone Nyssa 43 2F10XP Attend Dance— Those attending the dance at WANTED—All your welding Jobs. Frultland on Saturday night from We promise good work and fair Nyssa included Mr. and Mrs. Art prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone Norcott, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fllsher 56W. and Mr and Mrs. Sid Flannlgan. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLing from near Emmett also attended. Buys Top Ranking Ram— Bert B. Burroughs, rancher at Napton Siding purchased the top breeding Suffolk ram of the Univer sity of Idaho for $500.00 at the Filer ram sale held on August 9 at Filer, Idaho. Mr. Burroughs also sold some first class rams at the sale, his pens being among the top four In their class and which brought an average of $70 per head. A U TO LOANS $20.00 to $1000.00 ¿ jlfto U N O W W e s t ’s Leading BEAUTY SUHIIUL Sjicciul I nil io) l Send for FREE catalog E X -C E L -C IS Jl>£uutlf -School On Your Car Refinancing C. R. Butson & Son Agents Bob Butson, Mgr. Consumers Credit Co. Office Next to Postofflrr Lie. M. 265 Ontario, Ore. Phone 378 MAIL COUPON NOW Excelcls Beauty School. 113-115 So. 9th St. Boise, Idaho Please send free catalog. Name ____________________ — Address ...... .....................— City ........................ State........ CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING 30^ L\jO & A' *2.20 Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lb&. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! COAL— GRAIN— FEED Phone 26 w C L A S S IF IE D A D S Nyssa Is the Bargain Center. AL T H O M P S O N 6« SO N Q F I » A T I D_________________ Geo. C. Henneman, Owner Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Gaston called at the C. C. Wyckoff home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell and children were among those present at the annual picnic of the Chatter box club which was held at the Vale park Sunday. Mrs. S B. Hoffman accompanied her mother and brother-in-law who are visiting here from Nebraska on a trip to the coast. Miss Alma Day left for Wilder Sunday where she has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and boys. Ramona and Winona Hender son called at the L. E. Goodell home near Vale Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell and children spent Sunday evening at the Loyd Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scott and Dick were Saturday visitors at the H. L. Day home. Oliver and Roger Stephen are much Improved from their recent illness of typhoid fever. E. L. Jamison was an Ontario vis itor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs John Savage were charivarled at the Haroldsons Tues day evening. o^> Mixed under License from Purina Mills this MASH is a completely Balanced Laying Mash GAMBLE STORES O W N I O A bridal shower for Mrs. Verle Landreth was given at the home of Mrs. Russell Patton Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeGoede, son John and dauhgter Jean, of Ogden Utah are visiting at the parental Kygar home. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Mitchell left Friday for Cedar Edge, Colo., for a visit with Mrs. Mitchell’s parents. They will go on to Utleyville, Colo., where they will teach school. Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon moved to Vale Thursday where they will operate a service station and grocery store. Mrs. Ted Williams and daughter, Mitzle, spent several days this week with her brother. Howard Evans. They returned to their home in Twin Falls Friday. The Owyhee P T. A. will meet with Mrs. T. M. Lowe at Mitchell Butte Friday afternoon, August 25. Reports of 4-H club members are to be given at this time. A birthday party was given for Henry Mitchell Tuesday evening, August 8 at the J. B. Mitchell home. Cake and lemonade were served at the close of a pleasant evening spent playing games and visiting. Byrd Walters and Helen Jones re turned to Boise Sunday after a weeks visit at the W. E Walters home. Mrs. Martha Klingback and daughters. Doris, Margaret and Louise, and son Freddie. Juanita Franklin, and Ray Strickland re turned Sunday from the American Sunday school union conference in the Wallowa mountains. While there Mrs. Klingback was called to Walla Walla by the death of her mother, Mrs. Lillie A. Tufts. C H O W -M IX LA Y IN G MASH 7c Everything from Graters to Basting Forks OWYHEE O W Y H E E LA Y IN G MASH 100 pounds *1.75 FOOD PRESS Sale Special 8 5 c I N D I V I D U A L I ? Notary ■ w , 25c 12c FOOD GRINDER -1 Phone 53 for a location. It should have read. A. C. Jones and son William of Oklahoma arrived Saturday to vis it another son. A. L. Jones and to look for a location. The Hudd Robb and Roy Geuck families were among those who at tended the Nebraska picnic in Boise Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Flashman enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Owyhee dam Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bob Kloudt and family of Zap, N. Dakota, arrived Wednesday evening to visit her sis ter, Mrs Henry Hintz and family. Tire tent evangelecal meetings are continuing. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Flashman of Weeping water, Nebraska came Fri day to visit her sister, Mrs. Roy Warren and family. Mrs. John Case is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen and family spent Sunday in Boise attending the Nebraska picnic. Mr and Mr s Bob Kloudt motored to Ten Davis Thursday to visit her niece, Mrs. Earl Seiber and family. Those enjoying the birthday din ner at the Charles Ditty home hon oring Charles Ditty, Mrs. John Case and Charlotte Ditty were Mr. and Mrs Marvin Woolard. Joe Woolard Mrs. ,G. W. Bell and daughter, Glenda Jean of Nampa the Leslie Ditty and John Case families and Mrs. Grace Allquist of Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kendall are enjoying a visit with his mother from Lincoln, Neb. BUENA VISTA D O N ’T G A M B LE -S ee Us About Case of 24 Sealed Qt. Cans $5.25 SECOND CASE $2.62 2 Cases — e r u S Safe or Small deposit for returnable container Pennsylvania OIL SALE SUNSET VALLEY The Wahine club will meet Aug. 24 wiht Mrs. Henry Hintz. There will be an election of officers and each member is requested to pay up their dues at this meeting. A group of Sunset Valley farmers conferred Friday with Judge Gra ham at Vale in the interest of the Monday Visitors— Mrs. Charles Powell and her road work in this vicinity. Correction of item in last week’s daughter of Ontario called on Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Beam on Mon news which read, A. L. Jones from Oklahoma arrived Saturday to look day afternoon. 55c per Gal. PRICES CUT ON GREASE! Community Sunday school met at the El E. Botner home Sunday witn 4» present. Sunday. August 20 they will meet at the E. J. Wolfe home. Mr. and MrarfCprl Roth and Mr. Roth's mother of near Nyssa called on Mrs. Dan Corbett Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gaston and vis iting relatives went on a trip over the week end in the vicinity of Red wood, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiman and son Miss Lila and Delcie Burns of Paw nee, Okla.. was house guests several days last week of the E. L. Lunger family. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker and children spent Sunday In Nampa. Mr and Mrs. Glen Suiter drove to Caldwell Tuesday with a load of sweet corn to be custom canned. Mrs. Glen Suiter. Mrs. V. P. Mus solini and Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and sons attended the regular meeting of the Morgan park garden club Wednesday evening at the E. L. Jamison home in Beuna Vista district. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keyser and family visited in Boise and Eagle Sunday, Lawrence remained in Eagle' with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Keyser. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitchell and daughter Barbara Jean of Melba spent Wednesday with the O. J. Kurtz family. Miss Alma Westerfield of Nyssa spent the week end with Lola Lee Gaston. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiman, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lunger called on the Van Maltsberger family Thursday after noon. Mrs. Carl Sebum and Jackie of Alberta Valley called on Mrs. Dan Corbett Monday. Miss June Webster is assisting Mrs. E. R. Anderson with her house work. John Stafford is reported ill this week. Sunday dinner guests at the Glen Suiter home were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hamilton of Wilder. Tommie Ridder of Richland dis trict spent Sunday and Monday with the Corbett brothers. Webb Pennie has a job in On tario. Neal Nichlson is running his tractor and plow. Mr. and Mr. O. J. Kurtz Edwin and Harold were guests in the O. A. Mitchell home near Nampa Sun day. Dan Corbett accompanied Gilbert Klinkenburg of Nyssa to Baker Sunday evening. Seven delegates of the community convention returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McElroy of Lincoln spent Sunday at the E. R. Anderson home. From Cascade Idaho— Edith and Robert Lewis are visit ing at the O. Z. Mathews home and are house guests of Mrs. Frank I Mathews near Vale. 100% Pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil Permit No. 316. In 15-30 gallon lots. Our regular price 60c. Sale Price NYSSA HEIGHTS PAGE FIVE . NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Phone 7JW N y» NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6