NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1939 PAGE POUR T h e Gate City Journal / f / « —« ¿ e * 0 R f GI o ^HN S(fÄiP E R PUB LI S H[f Ky A ^ s V c i a t i o n WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS F. THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIOION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO 8ERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ...................... *1.50 Six Months .....................*1.00 Single Copies ................. .05 (Strictly In Advancei ADVERTISING RATES Open rate, per Inch............ SOc National, Per Inch ............ SOc Classifieds, Per word ___ Ole Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. NYSSA G ATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM -------+ ------- Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan OPPOSTITION FROM OUR WASHINGTON BENEFACTORS (? ) whole program (Sugar Act of 1937) of T HE protection and benefits is based upon a fair division of the United Statets market. It would not be to the interest of either American farmers as a whole, or o f American consumers to reduce Cuba’s share of this market. Cuba has long been one of our most important foreign markets for agricultural and industrial products. The republic normally takes about 40 per cent of all our agricultural exports to Latin American counties, and chief among her purchases of farm products are wheat flour, potatoes and other vegetables, lard and other meat products, rice, and fruits and nuts. The large decline in our imports o f Cuban sugar from 1928 to 1932 is estimated to have been accompanied by a re duction in the Cuban market for American agri cultural products from more than 800,000 arces of our land. Between 1933 and 1938, however, Cuba’s purchases o f all kinds from us rose from $22.074,000 to $75,152,000, an increase o f more than 230 per cent. •‘If more sugar is used by American consum ers the present program provides for a corres ponding increase in the quota o f the beet area. Unless the market expands, however, the quota o f any one group of producers cannot be en larged without lowering the quotas of other groups and thus destroying the balance o f the whole system.” The above Mr. and Mrs. American Farmer, is the last two paragraphs of a pamphlet issued by Secretary of Agriculture Wallace and his sugar section. This pamphlet was withdrawn from circulation after 600 copies had been sent out. Not only was this pamphlet withdrawn from publication, but those who received the first issue were asked to return them. Those two paragraphs (printed at government expense) show the attitude of Wallace and his sugar section toward building up the income of the American fanner. It forecasts the opposi tion that the American sugar beet and sugar cane grower can expect at the next session of Congress when the new draft o f the sugar act comes up for consideration. Wallace harps on our exports to Cuba, yet fails to have any part in bringing our trade bal ance with Cuba to somewhere near balance. In 1938 we purchased from Cuba $105.840.000 while the value of Cuba’s purchase from us was $76.329,000 or a balance in favor of the Cuban’s of about $30.000,000. We wonder if that sort of business is to the benefit of the American farm er or the American consumer? Cuba, at the be ginning o f the World war produced 10 per cent o f the world's consumption of sugar, which dur ing the war jumped up to 25 per cent and. to quote the magazine Time, "T o move the sugar crop, American banks opened subsidiaries in Havana, with the Chase National bank and the National City bank o f New York taking the lead." We wonder just how much of those banks influence is still down in Cuba? The lament about the loss of sales to Cuba amounting to 800,000 acres is pure buncomb— if Cuba lops o ff their purchases by that much, then the American sugar beet grower can put this amount into sugar beets, which will take exactly this amount of acreage out o f the grain producing market. Even by doing this, the American sugar beet grower would not be able to produce enough sugar to meet the demands of American consumer. And right at this point we want to make our selves clear— we ask that every Oregon Senator and Congressman, o f whatever political com plexion, when he gets back to Washington at the II Williams; Herbert C. Williams. Kathryn Jones; J. N. Jones; Alice Garden Club to Meet— Laurence L. Williams; Alian T. B. Jones; Wm. Jefferson Jones; Morgan Park Garden club held Williams: Frank T. Morgan, Ad Alice Annette Jones; Marjorie ministrator of the Estate of its regular business meeting Aug Marie Jones; A. Robinson, W. D ; ÍÁ / ¿ L'nanes D. Williams, Deceased. Sherwood; Melissa Smith, Edith 9 at the Jamison home in Beuna W. B tloxle; Lulu L Hoxie; H. F. Allen; Ruth Talbot; J. R. Jolly; Vista with Mrs. John Ridder as hos- | E. Brown; Winifred Brown Tnomas. Florence Jolly; P. J. Gallagher; tess. A social hour followed the ] Mabel Judge Kester; Mildred Louis P Thomas; A. O. Hmsch. Albert Hinsch; Loring Tayloi. Rester; Randall Kester; Barbara business session and luncheon was Guardian of the person and estate Kester, Bank of Malheur, a bank served to 35 guests and members. of Albert Hinsch, an insane per ing corporation; Michael Joyce; It was decided that hereafter the son; the unknown heirs, if any, United States National Bank of Ministers or others Interested in church publicity are Invited to use regular meeting day would be of Lennox B Boyle, Deceased; Portland, a national banking as the columns of the Journal to carry important message* and notices Thursday. The next meeting will and also all other persons or per sociation; Fred Haines; Gem Irri to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of son unknown claiming any right, gation District, a municipal cor be August 24 at the Kurtz home. each week. title, estate, lien or interest in or poration; Owyhee County, a muni to the real property described In cipal corporation; National Sure METHODIST COMMUNITY FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST the complaint on file herein, De ty Company, a corporation; High Legal Advertising CHURCH SCIENTIST fendants. & Fritchman Company, a corpor To Nyssa Improvement Company, ation; Crawford Moore, Trustee; Floyd E. White, Pastor 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION a dissolved corporation; C. C. Wil and also all other persons or per Sunday school 10 o’clock. A place Department of the Interior, Gen A branch of the Mother Church, son unknown, claiming any right, son; W. A. Teutsch; Alida B eral Land Office at The Dalles, the First Church of Christ, Sclent- for everyone in the school Lesson title or interest in anti to the real Teutsch; David Canham; Elizabeth Oregon, July 26, 1939. property described in the appli Canham; Clara Canham; Charles topic, "What Beverage Alcohol C 06 ts test, in Boston, Massachusetts. NOTICE is hereby given that cation on file herein, Defendants. Canham; Charles H. Williams; Her The Wednesday evening meeting, Our Community.” Walter Mellville Thompson, of To: Owhee County, a municipal bert C. Williams; Laurence L. Wil Morning worship 11:15. Sermon Nyssa, Oregon, Rt. No. 2, who, on at which time testimonials of Christ corporation; National Surety Com liams; Allan T. B. Williams; A. O. lan healing and remarks on Christ Theme “Gods Answer to the World.” July 8, 1936, made Original Home pany. a corporation; High & Fritch Hinsch; the unknown heirs, if any, Epworth League 7 p. m. Idelene stead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. man Company, a corporation; Bur- of Lennox B. Boyles, Deceased; and ian Science are given. Is held at 030325, for N W '.N E 'i or Farm Unit bridge & Bales, a co-partnership; also all other persons or person un Maw leader. eight o'clock. "B” , Section 23, Township 19 S., Ellen Marie Doolittle; D. E. Baird known claiming any right, title, Junior League at the same hour Range 46 E . Willamette Meridian, and T ie Reading Room Is located in Sarah A. Baird, husband and estate, lien or interest in or to the has tiled notice of intention to make wife; J. T. Bales; F. M. Cole; F. L. real property described in the com the Church Building, where the in the basement of the church. Evening worship 8 p. m. Sermon final Proof, to establish claim to the Lilly; L. A McBride; Harry T. plaint on file herein, of the above Bible and authorized Christian land above described, before Geo. K. Lackey; Ruth DeNise; C. R Emi- named defendants: Science Literature may be read, bor topic “Bowing Down'". IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, Ontario, son. Trustee; W D. Sherwood; On Friday evening at 8 p. m. Dr. Oregon, on the 8th. day of Septem Melissa Smith; Edith F. Allen; Ruth OF OREGON, You and each of you rowed or purchased, and Is open hereby are required to appear and every day from two to four p. m„ ex Hamilton will be here to hold the ber, 1939 Talbot; J. R. Jolly; Florence Jolly; Claimant names as witnesses'. Mildred Kester; Randall Kester; answer the complaint filed against fourth quarterly conference. This cept Sunday and holidays. Blackburn, Arthur Rouse. Rob Gem Irrigation District, a munici you in the above entitled court and The public Is cordially invited to is the business session of the church Earl ert Vest, Clarence Barrett all, of pal corporation; Crawford Moore, cause within four weeks after the attend our services and make use o! where reports of the year's work Nyssa, Oregon. Trustee; and also all other persons first publication of this summons, W. F JACKSON. or person unknown claiming any which date of first publication Is are made and also plans for the the Reading Room. Register. right, title or interest in and to the August 10., 1939, and if you fail so new year are made. First published August 3. 1939. real property described in the appli to do. and for want therof, the Last published August 31, 1939. cation on file herein; of the above plaintiff will take a judgment and PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH decree against you and each of you: ASSEMBLY OF GOD GOSPEL named defendants: A. A. Schmidt, Pastor You and each of you hereby are (1) Requiring you and each of you NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TABERNACLE that the Owyhee Irrigation to set forth the nature of your claim There will be no morning services Sunday school will be held here Department of the Interior, Gen notified claims, and determining all ad eral Land Office at The Dalles District, is the owner and holder of or ! on August 20. In the absence of the at 9 a m.. the next two Sundays, Certificates of Delinquency num- verse claims that you may have in | pastor the services will be held at instead of the regular hour of 10 and to Lots 3 to -12, both inclusive, NOTICE is hereby given that ??re<i,? 881 7888 a,55L 7882' of Block 6, Teutsch’s Addition to 8:30 p. m.. conducted by Rev. Kel a. m. David Eugene Brady, of Nyssa, Ore- day °J Fe? r?,ary>,198?' Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon; lermann of Emmett. A cordial in- There will be no morning meeting gon, who, on June 30, 1938, made the Tax Collector of the County of (2) Determining and adjudging that I vitation is extended to all to attend or evening meetings here August Original Homestead Entry, A ct MMheur t o the mtal ai^ u n t of excepting Malheur County claim for June 17, 1902, No. 031216, for Farm Eighteen Dollars <*1800,1 the same the services. 20 and 27 as everyone is going to Unit “C” or S '-N W 'i, Section 12. being the amount then due and de- unpaid taxes, you and each of you have no interest, estate, lien or the snake River Valley camp meet Township 19 S„ Range 46 E . Will- linquent for irrigation district as- claim whatever in or to said des amette Meridian, has filed notice of sessments. and interest thereon ac- ing, at the Gala Gardens CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE intention to make final Proof, to i erued and1 accruing .u p o n the real cribed property, and decreeing that Everybody welcome. Sixth near Main establish claim to the land above I property ?£***?£}„ tg,„~ u„ri ,ridf!L ^ the plaintiff has a good and valid The camp meeting will last 10 described, before George K. Aiken. Bales, of the above named defend: fee simple title thereto superior in Vern W. Martin, Pastor to each and all of your claims; U. S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Ore ants, the owner of record, situated right days. Beginning August 18 to 27 (3 > Excepting Malheur County claim Ed Wild, Superintendent gon, on the 7th. day of September, in said County anod State, more for unpaid taxes, that you and eacii particularly described as: Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. 1939. of you shall be forever enjoined An undivided one-half inter SUNSET VALLEY REVIVAL Claimant names as witnesses; Come and bring the family. and debarred from asserting any est in the NEHSW 'i, the NW*4- Meetings each evening at 8 oclock Ellis Warner, Mrs. Ellis Warner. claim whatever in or to said land NW'-i, and the SE ^N W ii all of Morning worship 11:00 a. m. at the Charles Ditty ranch. Every Olin Lay, Robert Lay, all of On and premises adverse to the plain Section 36, Township 18 South N. Y. P. S. 7:30 p. m. tario, Oregon. Rt. No. 1. tiff, and for such other and further of Range 46 E. W. M. one welcome. W. F. JACKSON, Prayer meeting every Wedneesday relief as to the Court shall seem Said defendants, and each of Sunday school at 10 a. m. Register. them hereby are notified further meet and equitable in the premises, I at 8 p. m. First published July 27, 1939. and for the plaintiff's costs and that the Owyhee Irrigation District W. P. M. S. meets every second Last published August 24, 1939. KINGMAN COMMUNITY will apply to the Circuit Court of disbursements in this cause made I Thursday of the month. the County and State aforesaid for and incurred; and (4) Cancelling CHURCH NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION a decree and judgment foreclosing transfer Certificates of Title Nos. Ernest Tetwiler. Pastor Department of the Interior,^Gen- j au cia¡ms and interest of the above 221. 253, 266, 285, 299 and 337 as to Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G eral Land Office at The Dalles named defendants and each and said Lots 3 to 12 inclusive of Block ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Oregon. July 25, . 1939. I every thereof and also foreclosing 6 of Teutsch’s Addition to Nyssa, Osborn, superintendent. Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor NOTICE is hereby ‘ . given tha, the Hens against the property above and directing H. S. Sackett, Regis Morning worship II a. m. Church and Sunday School at Marion L. Kurtz, of Nyssa. Oregon.; described and mentioned in said trar, of the above named defendants Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. who. on July 11, 1936. made Original certificates, and quieting title of to issue transfer certificate of title 9:30 Sunday. Evening worship 8:30 p. m. Homestead entry. Act June 17. 1902. the piaintiff in and to the N E 4- in lieu thereof upon filing of cer Communion the second Sunaa/ of No. 030329. for W -vN E V E ‘ : N W , SW ‘ !. the W ' , N W ' „ and the tified copy of decree of the court the month. or Farm Unit "A ”. Section 8. Town- sEUNW 1* of Section 36, Twp. 18 S. and original deed from the defend L. D. S. CHURCH Guild meets second Wednesday of ship 21 S. Range 46 E.. Willamette R 46 E w M . Malheur County, ant Loring Taylor, defendant and 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Meridian, has filed notice of mten- Oregon, against each and every of Guardian, dated July 6, 1939. each month at 2:30 p. m. ,malce final Proor. to estab- the above named defendants, and 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. This summons is served on you lish claim to the land above des- you hereby are summoned to appear under order of the Honorable 8:00 p. m. Evening services. cribed. before George K. Aiken, U. within 60 days after the first pub- NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society S. Commissioner, at Ontario. Oregon. iiCation of this summons, exclusive Charles W. Ellis, Ctircult Judge of said County and State, which order was Wm. K. Hoag. Pastor on the 7th. day of September, 1939. 0f the day of the day of first pub- made the 9th day of August, 1939, meeting. Claimant names as witnesses: lication, and defend this action or directing that the summons herein Sunday school 10 a. m. 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary Jess Sugg, M. L. Judd. D. L. Ander- pay the amount due as shown be published for four successive Devotional service 11 a. m. children's meeting. son. Tony Zubizaretta, all of Nyssa. above, together with costs and ac- weeks, including five publications, Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Oregon. Rt. No. 1. _________ crued interest, and in case of your in the Nyssa Gate City Journal Bible reading Tuesday evening. W. F JACKSON. failure to do so. or to establish valid published at Nyssa, Oregon. KINGMAN KOLONY L.D.S. _ ^ claim and title therein and thereto Midweek prayer and worship CARL H. COAD. SUNDAY SCHOOL First published July 27. 1939. a decree will be rendered foreclos- Attorney for Plaintiff, Thursday evening. Meets In Kingman Kolony school Last published August 24. 1939. mg all of your claim and interest in Residence and Address: Nyssa All are welcome to our services. house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. “ ____ _____ ____ " _______________ and to said property, and also fore- Oregon. s i MMONS FOR PUBLICATION closing the lien of said taxes and First publication August 10. 1939 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF the costs against the land and prem- Last publication Sept. 7, 1939 ; ous bread down at the Nyssa hos THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR ises above named and described, AR CADIA THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR and quieting title of the plaintiff pital was called home. A trained NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF A. L. FLETCHER. Plaintiff in and to said entire land and FINAL ACCOUNT John Zittercob is digging his po- j nurs* looking after Mr. Witt. vs. premises, against you and each of IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ! taoes He sold them at 65c. I Mr and Mrs. B. T. Osborne have ELLA B ALLEN TINE, otherwise ^ol!’ and for plaintiff's costs and STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL known as Ella Ballantyne and disbursements in this proceeding J. M Wagner has a sick horse moved into one of the houses on the HEUR COUNTY. Witt place and are looking after Mr. John Doe Ballantyne, her hus- with brain fever. This summons is published pur- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE band; Malheur County, a political Little Bettie Bullard is on the sick and Mrs. Witt. OF ZINA I. RAMBAUD, Deceased subdivision of the State of Oregon. L 0™ , Q3he,v,H j ble NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN Lafe Kenneman of Indiana visited list tills week. and all other persons claiming S 1 ¥2^!, 1 qto IS 4 thfu9th Sfi5 that Lewis F. Rambaud, executor of some right, title, lien or Interest °f,August. 1939. directing the publi- Mrs. Tuttle of Nyssa called on at the C. D Vertrees home Sunday. the estate of Zina I. Rambaud. de in or to any of the lots or parcels £-at!?n,4?,r. j N' s‘,a Mr and Mrs. Keyes and family Mrs. Chas. Bullard Thursday eve has rendered and presented of real property described in this C?i™ 'i1 ?,urna ’ Publlshed at ceased. of Caldwell called at the J. L. ning. for settlement and filed in said complaint, and also all other per- NY**8- Oregon Court his first and final account of CARL H. COAD. Mr and Mrs. Theo Matherly went Sparks home on Monday. sons or parties unknown claiming his administration of said estate, to Attorney for Plaintiff, Mr and Mrs J H. Correll. Gor- any right, title, estate, lien or in to the mountains to get a load of gether with a petition for distribu Residence and Post-office terest in the real property herein poles to fence the school yard Fri den and Betty were Boise visitors tion; Address: Nyssa. Oregon. described or any part thereof, De Tuesday. day And that Saturday, the 9th day First published August 10. 1939. fendants. of September. 1939, at the hour of Last published Sept. 7. 1939. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Bullard and Mayme Rucker will entertain the TO: Ella Ballentine. otherwise _____________________________ 10:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bohy attended the Apple Valley young folks who at the Court Room in the City of Vale Nebraska picnic in Boise Sunday. tended the Wallowa Lake institute ! ^ WBalfantyneB herhi2bandd M a i slM M O N S FOR PUBLICATION Malheur County, Oregon, has been heur Countv, a political subdivision COURT OF THE duly appointed by the Judge of said Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Orris were at her home Wednesday evening. STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL Court as the time and place for the of the State of Oregon, and all oth- dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Dick Mrs. Wm Sample who has been er persons claiming some right, HEUR COUNTY settlement of said account and Smith Sunday visiting her sons at Pine Valley was title, lien or interest in or to any of L. E Fry. Plaintiff. hearing of said petition, at which vs. time and place any person inter taken to the Nampa hospital and is the lots or parcels of real property Nyssa Improvement Company, a ested in said estate may appear and described in this complaint, and reported seriously ill. dissolved corporation; Malheur also ail other persons or parties un file exception in writing to said ac APPLE VALLEY County, a sub-division of the count and contest the same Mr and Mrs. James Correll of known claiming any right, title, State of Oregon; H S. Sackett, LEWIS F RAMBAUD. New Meadows were Sunday guests estate, lien or interest in the real County Clerk and Registrar of property herein described or any Melvin Wallace was released from at the J. H. Correll home. Executor of the Estate of Zina I Titles of Malheur County, Ore part thereof—Defendants. Rambaud. the Caldwell sanitarium and is at gon: C. C. Wilson; W. A. Teutsch; ..D a te of first publication. August Jules Keyes of Caldwell has been IN THE NAME OF THE STATE the home of his sister. Mrs. Martha visiting her cousin. Irene Sparks. Alida B. Teutsch: David Canham; 10th. 1939 , OF OREGON: You are hereby re Elizabeth Canham; Clara Can Norland Date of last publication. Septem Bobby Gee spent last week at the quired to appear and answer the ham; Charles Canham; Charles ber 7th. 1939. Arthur Kinneman of Ontario Lester Kendall home and Lois went complaint on file in the above en called to see Ralph and Ross Sum- back with Mr and Mrs. Kendall titled suit within four weeks fol ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT lowing the first publication of this my Saturday evening M SSA-ARCADIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT Sunday to stay with them this summons, to wit: within four weeks August 5. 1939 of July 27th, 1939. and if you fail Bill Hild was called to Missouri week. TRIAL BALANCE so to appear and answer said com- the past week by the illness and Mrs Margaret Lackland is quite Plaint the plaintiff will apply for Bonds outstanding death of his father who visited here ill with neuritis. * 27,000 00 the relief demanded in said com- Bills receivable * 70.00 last year Yulah Vertrees is spending this t0„ ' I 1 . . Bond coupons paid 80.535.00 That all claims of the defendants Bond & Interest Fund Ralph Summv came down from week at home 883.20 _. „ ., ... , adverse to the plaintiff be deter- Land sale contracts Boise Saturday afternoon and at 2.811.64 Edwin Hobbs, son of Mr and Mrs mined and the UUe of the plain- Taxes due 1934 to 1939 inclusive Lee Hobbs and w i— v I m o he ---- , — . . 1 »*». inclusive 1302305 tended the reunion of his class of Miss Eva Filey of 1 tiff be declared to be good and valid County, taxes delinquent prior to 1934 n ra T T ■37 at Parma Saturday evening. Boise were married ied August 5 and 3 Tnd ^ r w I * ? , 26 ^ ,dh Lots g e l'^ t o n t tax certificate* 1 828 87 Mr Harry was in Caldwell and are living in Boise se 5 the L W & 5 RE!!?*?* Tax Record .total taxes levied, : ': 828 87 253.201 08 Teutsch Addition to City of Drainage system Nampa on Saturday reco VfalVtAii«- _____ r\ ~ *’ .. Mrs. Norland and family visited V 88.163.76 Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. Drainage wells 2,894.44 Mr and Mrs Carl Pielstick called in Emmett on Sunday. and the plaintiff's title thereto be Interest & Discount 5 .533 24 on Dr and Mrs Daniels at Wilder Mrs. Quindora Leonard of Denver. 149 62 su m m on s is published by O ^ S f o n ^ ^ i n t e ^ c ? " ' dUf 0,1 Sunday afternoon Colo , and her two children visited ^ 72.360.87 order of the Hon. Charles W. Ellis. Operation A- Maintenance Fimri Mr and Mrs. Dave Magee were in her parents. Mr and Mrs 83 27 Lee Circuit Judge, made and entered Real Estate ow?ied Pwd 587 71 Council Monday afternoon, called Hobbs and her brothers Edwin and 1 200» day of July. 1939. prescrib- there by the serious illness of her Geraldand their wives in Boise the j ^ l i ^ U o n I h ^ T Z ’ ce^e^h wrek *280,201 08 *280.201 08 father past week. tor four successive and consecutive Mrs Landes Durto of Nampa Lee Hobbs and George finished t week in the Nyssa Gate City Jour- RECEIPTS spent the week end with her moth digging 8 acres of potatoes for Mr n,al * weekly newspaper of general August 6. 1938. cash in bank * 1.608 36 1 circulation published at Nvssa. Mai- Taxes paid er Mrs. Lenis Wilson. Stephens Monday 4.063 48 heur County Oregon Delinquent Tax Certificates Mr. Witt is very sick. Mrs Witt, 75855 Bills Receivable A. L FLETCHER. who was being treated for a nenr- 44.25 USE JOURNAL WANT ADS. Land Sale contracts In his own proper person. 375.50 Attorney for the Plaintiff 29 02 ä ä D“ trtct p-1“ °n warrants First publication July 27. 1939 next session of congress, to work aggressively RIS Tax refund .................. ...... Last publication August 24. 1939 19.34 for the ^enactment o f the Senate bill amending Total receipts SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION the 1937 Sugar Act. There can be no excuse for * 6 894 25 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE e x p e n d it u r e s a defeatist attitude on this matter— it is too Bonds paid I COUNTY OF MALHEUR t 1.500 00 interest paid much of a vital matter for our American fanner. O W Y H E E IRRIGATION DIS- Bond 1.880 00 Attorney fees ^ TRICT. A Municipal Corporation. 4250 And here is a word to sugar beet growers— Plaintiff Rîüd .redeemed from County 288 18 Operation and maintenance certain progressive growers in this district have 2.437 10 taineur county, Malheur County, a Municipal Cor Total expenditures formed an association, the prime motive of poratior Burbridge A Bales, a: * 5.927 7* co-partnership. Bessie E. Doo which is to protect the interest o f the grower. little: Helen ____ OooUt little. Ellen Marie Bond * Inter*« ptSTIUBUTTr», OF CASH Doolittle. William Doolittle: Paul- OwrstHm A », 8*350 \N ith this motive guiding them the association D E Baird and X S T l í r c ^ í T . * ^ " - *3 27 will take up the fi^ht for you to lend the weight Sarah A. Baird husband and August 5. 1939, total cash In bank 1.47 wife: J T Bales. F. M Cole: F o f numbers to their arguments in favor o f pro L_LUly. L. A McBride: Alwena Total expenditures and cash in bank ( «*9 4 2 5 Burbridge Stevie E. Lackey; Fred tecting the American farmer. Every beet grow itfully subi O Lackey: Sheila Duncan, Herb- P TENSEN er in this section o f the country should belong to Harn T Lackey: Ruth Dehise Gilbert Hunter: Bessie GERRIT OROOT that association— the politicians are organized Hunter: C R Emison Trustees. CORRECT ATTEST Auditing Committee W E. Lees: H. C. Boyer. V B why not the farmers? FRANK D HALL. Staples: Mary Jones: Ben Jones: Secretary-Treasurer HUnCH % rage