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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1939)
r* of, and > against lem veri- ithin six lblleation ecutor at er in the same be- for the pertain- SOD. estate of Deceased 17. 1939 I. 1939 NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1?, 1939 T were Sunday visitors at the itiative in thought and action. In ALBERTA VALLEY Nyssa LaVere Fife home. America, on the other hand, edu Mr and Mrs. Clifton Neilson spent cators seek to develop a community Marjorie Groot spent the week cf individual souls who are intelli j end at the Jim Kakebecke home in func'ry at the C. A Matlock home in Nampa. gent. truth-loving, unselfish and co ; Ontario. Anne Johnson of Richland and operative. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn left Saturday for Garden Valley where Ray Graham of Nyssa spent Friday STOKERS. IT MUST BE | they will visit Mr and Mrs B K evening with Mr and Mr:,. Clifton Neilson When Dr. W. D. McNary, superin Prestel. , Mrs. Jack Rosenburg and chil tendent of the Eastern Oregon state Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bybee and hospital at Pendleton proposed that Ellen were Sunday dinner guests at dren of San Diego. Cal., Mrs. Effie automatic stokers be omitted from the D. E. Mitchell home in King- Minton of Boise. Mattie Tomma- son of Oregon Trail and Mrs. John improvements at his institution the man Kolony. A. L. LINDBECK Mr. and Mrs. Elden Jensen of Ray of Nyssa visited at the George board of control refused to approve State Capitol News Bureau Board members insist that the stok Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests at Ray home Monday. The Community Sunday school ers must be installed in any event, the Clayton Jensen home. John Ray of New Ploymouth call will meet at the Ed Wolfe home regardless of what other improve ments might have to be omitted be ed at the George Ray home Mon next Sunday. Fred Koopman returned Tuesday SALEM—President Roosevelt mas NYSSA COULD USE ONE day morning. cause of lack of funds. Calling attention to the fact that visit Oregon's new capitol when he Gilbert Klinkenburg and Dan from a months trip to the coast. comes to the Pacific coast in Octo of the 3218 grade crossings in Ore Corbett of Nyssa Heights left Sun He visited John Kekebeeke in Sea ber, according to Frederick A. Del- gon only 221 are equipped with day for Baker. Those who attended side and Harry Francis at Depot no of Washington, D. C., uncle of automatic protection, Public Util the American Sunday school con 3ay. Eleanor Abbl calebrated her fifth vention will return with them. Andy Boersma is driving a new the president, who called on Gov ities Commissioner O. R. Bean is Garden Oxnam of Ogden, Utah car. ernor Sprague this week, Lelano asking the co-operation of the mo birthday anniversary Sunday with a party. Kathryn Kelly of Weiser who has visited over the week end at the B was in Oregon as chairman of the toring public in reducing crossing Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fleshman G. Bybee home. Mrs. Bybee re been visiting Patsy Gwynn left national resources committee plan accidents. Last year there were 152 grade took their sons Keith and Carl to turned Monday with him to Ogden Sunday for her home. ning board. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bybee. Ellen, crossing accidents in Oregon, 46 of the Sarazin Clinic Tuesday and had to visit friends and relatives there. their tonsils removed. Florence Rus Wayne and Mrs, Clara Oxnam and these at crossing with automatic sell A 9 pound son was born to Mr. NEW CROP OF LAWYERS accompanied them. Leland were business visitors in On Sixty-one of the 95 applicants for signals, Bean points out. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson and and Mrs. Bill Findling at the Dix tario Saturday. In the past three years, or since on Nursing home Friday morning admission to the Oregon bar passed family of Nyssa and Miss Eileen Gerald Jensen of Salt Lake spent their tests successfully according to federal funds became available for Slippy of Newell Heights visited in with Dr. Kerby in attendance. The the week end at the Clayton Jen this purpose, 40 grade crossings boy has been named William Fred the report released by the state the Bend Sunday. son home. supreme court this week. Only two have been eliminated in Oregon at Mr and Mrs. Chas Trembly of and mother and son are reported Mrs. John Lackey, Mrs. J. J. of the 61 were women. The per a cost of approximately $4.000,000. Adrian were visitors at the Cecil to be doing fine. Whalen of Payette, Patsy Gwynn Melvin Thompson and Joyce centage of successful applicants was Case home Sunday. and Kathryn Kelly motored to much higher this year than last STANDING ON HIS OWN FEET Mr. and Mrs. Harry RUssell were Chambers attended the swimming Boise Saturday. party of the L. D. S. Sunday school State Treasurer Walter E. Pear business visitors in Nyssa Sunday. when much criticism was leveled Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenburg was an | class at Weiser Monday. at the board of bar examiners for son may be a democrat but he overnight guest at the Ed Wolfe Mr. and Mrs Brooks of Valley the heavy casqalties inflicted in doesn't propose to take any dicta View callled at the Floyd Thompson home Sunday. tion from New Deal bureaucrats, grading the examination papers. Mrs. Eva Qulnley received injur home Monday. especially as to the operation of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor re ies Wednesday when she fell over Evan Gheen of Ontario and New his office. So when one of them NO BORDER STATIONS ell Heights went to Winnemucca turned Friday from a trip to Idaho the fence. Mrs. Pete Tensen. Mrs. Gerrit California, which has abandoned attached to the Social Security Wednesday with his daughter. Falls. its border stations for the registra board this week advised him that Carolyn. From there Miss Gheen Mrs. D. E. Mitchell and Beth of Stam and Mrs. Dick Groot called employee tion of automobiles has written Sec a treasury department took the train for Berkeley, Cal.. Kingman Kolony, Mrs. Ira Ure of at the Dick Tensen home Satur retary of State Snell suggesting that engaged in examining checks issued where she will enter the University Arcadia, and Mrs. B G. Bybee and day. Henry and Jack Gannons were Oregon take similar action. Snell, by the unemployment compensation of California as a freshman. Ellen motored to Ontario Sunday. who calls attention to the fact that commission must be replaced by one Mrs. Gerrit Groot spent Wednes in Marsing on business Saturday. Mrs. H. H. Hayman left for Hood Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huffman of this is a matter requiring legislative taken from a list approved by the River Thursday to visit relatives day afternoon with grandma Stam Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Alma White action points out that he called the Social Security board Pearson im The Kurtz family were in Boise In Oregon Trail. situation to the attention of the mediately replied that if the federal Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Boersma and and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife re last legislature but nothing was bureau did not like the way his of Maurice Judd was the guest of children were Sunday visitors at the turned Saturday from a fishing trip done about it. Snell questions the fice was run they were at liberty Clayton Morgan from Friday until Bill De Groft home in Oregon Trail. at the middle fork of the Salmon. Mrs. Maud Bogart and Woodrow, Bear Valley and Deadwood lake. value of automobile registrations to withdraw the UCC account. This Tuesday. They spent the week end which now cost this staee approxi is the third time the federal bureau at Payette Lakes with the Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bogart were has attempted to dictate to the family. business visitors in Boise Thursday. mately $10,000 a year. Oregon treasurer on this same sub Klaas Tensen was a business vis Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Williams went MAYBE "ELMER" WASN'T THERE ject on the strength of the fact that to Nampa Sunday afternoon to at itor in Ontario Monday and Tues H. H. Whitman had a narrow When it was first suggested dur the employee in question is paid tend the dedicatory services of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot visited escape last week while helping An ing the recent legislative session by the unemployment compensation L. D. S. chapel there. They were accompanied by Ralph, Mario An Mrs. J. D. Gilmore In Ontario Sun sel Rookstool hay. A sling load of that the house and senate cham commission. hay about 800 pounds fell off the derson, Layton Loftus, Doris Loftus day. bers of the new capitol be placed at Arnold Thompson returned Fri stack and completly buried him. Mr. and Junior McDemott. VETERAN EMPLOYEES the disposal of the American Legion Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet day from McCall where he has been Whitman was not seriously hurt. Every male employee of the World for their convention sessions, the Mr. and Mrs. Horrace Fuhrman with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Overstreet working in the peas. He also worked poposal met with much opposition. war veteran state aid commission and family of Kuna were Sunday two days as a ranger in the movie left Sunday for Payette Lakes where It was feared the war veterans and the vocational education de guests at the Torvald Olson home. being filmed there. might wreck the building. Now. partment is a world war veteran, they will spend the week. Walter Coinner and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Both Frank Ray and Emmett however, that the Legion conven according to a survey made by Gov Twin falls visited at the Wm. De- tion has come and gone it can be ernor Sprague. The adjutant gen Firestone have horses with brain Robert Van Gilse visited the Bar Groft home. rett rock gardens Tuesday. said that these fears were ground eral's department reported that 90 fever. They report that the horses Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holmes of Walter Thompson and C. H. Bar less. The capitol does not appear per cent of its employees were vet are improved at this writing. Zack ret of Arcadia and Mr. Kinkle of Modesto, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. L. Walker lost a horse with it. to be any the worse for Its three erans while three other depart Mr. and Mrs. M. Judd had dinner Ontario had a conservation meet E. Holmes and family Sallda, Cal., days entertainment of the Legion ments—the state engineer, banking with Mrs. Olive Judd of Parma and ing at the Pete Tensen home. visited the past week with the F. G. naires and their ladles. In fact ob department and pilot commission- in the afternoon attended the fun Henry Gannon was a Sunday din Holems family and other relatives in servers are Inclined to agree that reported that war veterans consti eral of Mrs. Eva Hamblin, who died ner guest at the Fred Jensen home this community. On Sunday Mr and Mrs. F. G. Holmes entertained the war veterans were more con tuted more than 50 per cent of their in Boise and was buried in Roswell. in Parma. siderate of Its marble halls, oak employed personnel. The survey Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schetmer also Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife and Mr. at dinner for the visitors and Mr. furniture and fine carpets than are was made at the request of J. Rich attended the funeral. and Mrs. Luther Fife heard Heber and Mrs. H. D. Holmes of Nyssa. ard Smurthwaite, veteran placement the legislators. Our roads have become so bad J. Grant speak in Nampa Sunday Monday evening they were dinner officer with the federal employment that something had to be done, and at the chapel dedication services. guests at the R W. Holmes home service. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tensen of and on Tuesday evening at the F. this week we have had two men with team and wagon strawing the Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and S. Byers home. The visitors left for PLENTY OF READING FOR worst places. This helps a great Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen were in their homes on Saturday. Mrs. E. C. Buckwalter of Lindsay, LAWYERS deal, but is a poor substitute for Ontario Monday. Mrs. J. J. Whalen of Payette was Cal., who has been visiting with The 1940 Oregon code will be pub gravel, especiall when someone drops a week end guest at the John Lack her daughters, Mrs. Frank Evans lished in 10 volumes, according to a match in the straw. ey home. Sunday she left for Mt. and Mrs. M. Evans for several Rose McGinnis entertained the a contract entered into between the supreme court and the Bancroft- 4-H Canning club at her home Peelya. Melvin Thompson returned home Whitney company of San Francisco Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shultz of Big Monday from Blackfoot where he who will compile the new code. Each volume will be supplied with pocket Bend visited at the Cecil Smith has been visiting his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Acjen Wilson of supplements to keep the publication home Sunday. Veterinarian Gary Smith has been ill the past Nyssa visited Mr. and Mrs. Klaas up to date. Price of the new code Tensen Thursday evening. will be $58.75. The state will buy week. Bob Yost will leave for Portland Mrs. Stella Holdeman and fam 1000 sets to supply circuit and su preme court judges, district attor ily of Payette spent Sunday with Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sweet were Phone 39W neys, legislators and other officials. the Vernon Rowells. The small daughter of Mr. and Sunday dinner guests at the R. H. Mrs. Charles Harris has been under Johnson home in Nyssa Heights. GOVERNOR ON VACATION Howard and Wayne Bybee, Dan the doctors care with a throat in Governor Sprague has announced fection. Moss and Mrs. Clara Oxnam .Bill WHOLE SOLED OPEN SATURDAY that he proposes to devote the last Jimmie Zimmerman of Nyssa Is and Leland left Sunday for Ogden. 2:30 to 7:30 week in August to vacationing spending a week In the country Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunn of Arcad or “some place on the Oregon coast.” with the Andersons. ALL PATRONS WELCOME ia called at the Gerrit Groot home Half Sole and Heel The governor will be accompanied Wednesday. Librarian...... Mrs. S. B. Davis by Mrs. Sprague. Mrs. Stanley Little and son of House Guests— Work Guaranteed Mrs. D. H. Curran of Richland Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests AND YET WE HAVE RADICALS had as house guests the past week at the John Lackey home. TRANSFERRING La Vonne Jensen and Henry Principles of education In Ameri two sisters and their husbands. Mr. and ca differ radically from those in and Mrs. Earl Nlzon and Mr. and Gannon were in Ontario Saturday. Next to Nysaa Cafe TRUCKING Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hand of totalitarian states, according to Rex Mrs P W. Kratzer of Peoria, 111. Phone 15 and Phone 28 Putnam, state superintendent of They left Monday morning for I education. In totalitarian states, the R. L. C. convention in Port C. KLINKENBERG Putnam points out, education is de land and will also attend the Worlds OPTOMETRIST signed to deprive the people of in- fair in California. S T A T E C A P IT O L N E W S LOWER BEND NEWELL HEIGHTS PAGE THREE months left Saturday for her home. Mrs. Lew Blazier and grandson. Wilbur Dean Born of Morland. K as. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown and Mrs Chas Brown and Elva of Lucas Kas., visited at the Ewen Chard and Wyatt Smith homes last week They left on Sunday ofr Oaksdale, Wash , to visit relatives. Mrs Wyatt Smith and sons, Mrs. Ewen Chard. Mrs. Lew Blazier and Mrs. Chas Brown visited Mrs. Mary Dalton and Chet Collinsworth near Fruitland Saturday. Wayne Ulrey vlisted his patents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ulrey Sunday. Mr. Woods threshed wheat for F G. Holmes Monday. Dale Dorman of Lucas. Kas., Is visitinng at the Wyatt and Archie Smith homes. Mrs Homer Ernest and family of Nyssa called at the Ewen Chard home Friday evening. Mrs J. M. Chard of Lucas. Kas., who is visiting with her sons spent last week at the Marion Chard home in Owyhee. Mrs F. G. Homles and Roy visit ed at the Nell Dlmmick home Sun day afternoon. Betty Rookstool cooked for hay hands at her brother Ansel's last week. Mr and Mrs. Harold Brown, Dale Dorman, Betty Peggy. Patty and Kenneth Chard and Vance Smith went to the dam Saturday. Mrs Ewen Chard and daughters Mary June Rookstool and Helen Shoop visited with MTs. Wyatt Smith Thursday. Mrs. Chas Brown. Mrs. Lew Blaz ier and Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown are BOISEWINNEMUÇCA STAGES Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Boise Caldwell Winnemuroa Reno San Francisco U:15 A. M. 12:10 Noon 5:15 P. M. 10:10 P. M. 8:05 A. M. visiting here from Kansas. Mr Ataigi is harvesting his onion crop Evening Guests— Mr and Mrs. Floyd Hurst were guests Thursday evening of Mr and Mrs Clifton Nielsen. An evening of pinochle was enjoyed. / W l FT, SURE PROTECTION for the autom obilist in case* of financial loss due to fire, theft, property damage, collision, or law suit, is the result of a w ise investment in proper auto mobile insurance. We write all forms of autom obile insurance. Come in and let us explain this necessary financial protection. Frank T. Morgan BUILD ERMANENCY OREGON TRAIL )R AIR B U IL D B E T T E R and C H E A P E R By Using Cement Blocks— Cement Brick Tile :HEBER G. JOHNSON Located North of Sales Yard CITY TRANSFER ABBOTT’S SHOE SHOP "See MrFall and See Better” W IV E S A N D C H IL D R E N DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREOON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. Chiropractic C. A. ABBOTT Physician Phrslo-Therapy Phone 25 Office: Next Door West of M. E. Church f CREPE SOLED SHOES REPAIRED NYSSA LIBRARY 3 For Professional ards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Dad likes a Chair o His Own! Most wives and children know this and have seen to it that “Dad” gets that chair he has fondly hoped for. Here’s a chance to really please him. We are well stocked on all kinds of chairs—Stop in and look them over—or bring him in and let him pick one out. You’re welcome any time. Nordale Furniture Store Phone 94 / STATE f t §in Make jour plans to attend this Grand Fair now! Don't miM a single day or a single feature! BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE • If you want to be enter tained as you have never been before . . . If you are looking for ACTION . . . SIGHTS . . . THRILLS . . . SPILLS and EXCITEMENT . . . don’t miss Idaho's great est of all Fairs. SEE the . ■. • RODEO Fanchon-M srco • • • • CIRCUS CARNIVAL EXHIBITS LIVESTOCK SHOW Phone 97 Nyssa, Oregon Aunt Beulah is a pioneer w om an... Yessir, it’s only the last few years the sheriff could persuade Auntie not to carry a gun. Came here in ’91. Raised 9 kids an’ run a cow ranch after Uncle Alf left ’em an’ went off with the circus. Well, Aunt Beulah still yells “whoa” and pulls back on the steerin’ wheel when she stops her car, like she did this p.m. in front o ’ my pumps. “ Evenin’, Gus,” Auntie roars at me. “ Git out here an’ doctor up this evil-eyed monster I ’m a-herdin’l ” So I fill th’ tank with Super-Shell and give the oil a look. “ Your oil’s low an’ dirty,’’ I says. “ One o ’ them kids musta poured sand—” she starts, but I shake my head. "N o, Auntie, now calm yourself I : : you do a lot of stoppin’ and startin’ an’ jammin’ around in traffic. You need a tough oil to stand all the strains of your hard drivin’. And yet you got to have a fast-flow in ’ oil, too, to get up into those movin’ parts in sta n tly on cold starts.’! “ Can’t afford none of them fancy ideas,’! Auntie sniffs. “ Gimme some good plain two-bit oil.’! “ But, Auntie—this G olden S h ell O il I’m de scribin’ costs only 25* a quart. Shall I drain it? ” V Go ahead—an’ give me some of your Golden Shell Oil. But if you’re tyin g to me about it, I ’ll turn you over my knee like I used to.” She w ould, too. Sincerely, k J iiiL c i p i y , ^