Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1939)
NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL, TH U R SD A Y, A U G U S T 17, 1939 PAGE TWO Miss Stevens has had two years experience teaching home economics at Imbler O re. where she had much success MISS HELEN STEVENS Miss Helen Stevens has been sel ected by the board of education to teach home economics in the Nvssa Union high school this year Miss Stevens is a graduate of Linfteld college where she took an active part in collegiate activities with major emphasis in music She re ceived a minor in home economics and Is this summer taking addition al work at Oregon State oclelge to wards her master's degree CARL H. COAD A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W PHONE SI Nyssa. Oregon L. A. Maulding. M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone S7 Hours: 10 to 12 and ! te 5 Dally—Except Sunday Pry Building DR. E. D. NORCOTT DENTIST O ffice Phone S5F2 X -R A Y E X A M IN A T IO N S N YSSA OREGON TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of the Townsend Club are held 1st and 3rd Thursday In the Eagles Hall The PablK Is Invited D R DeGross _ President M rs A V Pruyn Secretary NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night A T EAGLES H ALL Visiting Eagles Welcome H A R R Y MINER. Sec A R T N A R C O T T Pres f t f n ü e $Uge >«ou.y Mimi !! HOW ARD PARENT Howard Parent will teach social science and public speaking when school opens this fall He is a grad uate of Linfield college and has H AYNE S-LEW IS W EDDING taken additional work at the Uni A T T W IN FALLS versity of Washington. While in col Miss Virginia Margaret Haynes lege his extra-curricular work cen of Twin Palls became the bride of tered around forensics and drama Grant Andrew Leais of Nyssa. at a tics In forensics his record is as ceremony charming in its simplic fololws 3 rears participation in in ity last Saturday morning at the tercollegiate exempt speaking. 2 home of the bride's mother. Mrs years in intercollegiate debate. 1 F E Haynes. 514 Third avenue west \ear in impromptu and symposium The bridegroom is the son o f Mrs and 4 years as judge in the Oregon May Lewis of Twin Falls high school debate league. In dra The couple chose to be unattend matics he had 4 years of participa ed. The nuptial rites were wit tion in major productions. 4 years of nessed by the members of the im participation and direction of one mediate families only. President act plays. 3 years work on stage in D. R. Langlois of the Cassia slake. scene construction and received the L.D.S church, came from Burley four year award in dramatics. j to read the service M r Parent's work received na Marriage vows were exchanged be tional recognition in his selection fore an improvised altar, marked on to two national honorary frater either side by tail Watteau baskets nities The Alpha Psi Omega in j of summer garden flowers dramatics and the Phi Kappa Delta For her wedding gown, the bride in forensics selected a chartreuse crepe model, M r Parent is 24 years of age. 5 fashioned with a full, street length feet 10 inches in height and weighs skirt and a high neckline Her only 145 lbs He is single ornament was a triple strand of pearls. She carried a corsage of ADRIAN Talisman rosebuds Mr and Mrs Glen Pounds and Mr and Mrs. Lewis received the daughter. Gloria spent Sunday in felicitations o f their relatives at an Vale informal reception following the Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Roberts of marriage. Roswell and Duke Rohland were The bride cut and served the tier Sunday dinner guests at the Char ed. decorated wedding cake in tra les McConnell home ditional style Refreshments were Elmo Stryker and family from served buffet style from a table dec Nebraska visited with J. W Mc- orated with a mixed bouquet and Fates and E G Osborns last week illuminated by lighted white tapers Lucille Tootnb o f Nyssa is visiting M r and Mrs Lewis will be at in the Vernon Parker home home after August 20 at Nyssa. Gloria Pounds is visiting her where M r Lewis is in the agricul grandparents. Mr. and Mrs L C tural department of the Amalga Pounds at Caldwell this week. mated Sugar company Duke Rohland and Charles M c Connell attended the Dokey parade WALSH-M EDESKER in Boise Wednesday evening Mrs Nettie Medesker announces M r and Mrs Henry Hatch and Merle spent Monday evening at the the marriage of her daughter Hetty to Andraw J. Walsh of Portland Leonard Smith home in Owyhee The wedding ceremony was held The new Holly house was com pleted the first of the week by God at the First Christian Church in Vancouver Wash frey Johanson and son of Parma Mrs Walsh will return to her Mr and Mrs Vernon Parker vis ited Sunday in the E E Parker teaching in the Nyssa schools with the opening of the fall classes while heme and Robert Toomb home Frank Freel is confined to his M r Walsh will remain in Portland home with an infected eye. Mrs. A. Larson. M r and Mrs Parley Larson and family of Mar- sing and Dudley Mausling of Big Bend were (Sunday guests at the Prank Farnsworth home Miss Etheln Moss of Peora 111. was a guest the past week of an old school mate. Mrs Harvey Otis. M r and Mrs Albert Wade and Margaret of Lewiston are visiting her sister and family. Mrs Harvey Otis They »¡fended the funeral of Miss Hamblin at Roswell Sunday. Mrs Frank Farnsworth. Leo Warren and Ethel spent Thursday at Marsmg visiting relatives Mrs Duke Rohland and children are visiting this week at LaGrande with her parents. Mr and Mrs Reshman. and his w ood of Mrs C E Peck of Boise, which was held in Roswell Sunday Mrs. Dale Ascrafl attended a shower at the home of Mrs Charles McConnell in Adrian given in hon or of Mrs Ray Drown The Pollyanna club held their regular meeting with Mrs Clyde Bowers on Wednesday The after noon was spent visiting The hos- C IV IC CLUB ■ teas served refreshments at the The last meeting of the Civic club was held on Wednesday afternoon close of the afternoon The next meeting will be a “ Pick-up" on at Mrs C. W Barrett’s country August 23 at the home of Mrs Wm home, with Mrs. Gerrit Siam in Toomb charge of entertainment. Mrs. W L. Schafer. Leslie Schaf The u utstanding business of the er. Mike Elliott and Mrs Zessiger day was the setting of the date for spent Monday in Boise Mrs. T T. the teachers reception and dedica- Eliott accompanied them as far as j lion of the new high school build- Caldwell and spent the day with '• mg which will be on the evening j her daughter. Mrs Sandy Patter- of September 20. at the new high i son. school building The affair will be The Charles Wilson family have given with the Nyssa Civic club and i been entertaining company from the Oregon Trail P. T. A acting as | Arapahol. C o lo . this week Mr and hostesses. i Mrs H McClaskey and daughter The next regular meeting of the and Mr McClaskey s brother stop club will be on the third Wednes ped over for a few hours on their day in September and wil^ be held way home from the San Francisco at the Parish hall. fair. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Stemper. Mr P IC N IC P A R T Y and Mrs Wm McMellin and two A no host picnic party compli children stayed over for several menting Mr and Mrs John Davis days. They had been visiting in of San Bruno. Cal., who are now in I California and the fair. Nyssa caring for property interests Mr. and Mrs Peter Jurney of was held on Sunday at the Payette I Payette were callesr in the Prank park. Fredericks home Saturday Included in the group were Messrs Mrs Frank Fredericks left M oc- and Mesdames Davis. A1 Heldt. Jim ! day for Phoenix. A n x. to visit her Moss. Ed Gahan. Harry Gahan. F daughter. Mrs Elsie Hilxe J. Cahill. K I Peterson. Jack Simp Rev Walter Bach of North Pow- son. Howard Salaer. Carl Salzer. i der visited his sister. Mrs J G. John Quigley and M r and Mrs Lane one day this week Auker and their families B IR T H D A Y D INN ER Complimenting the birthday an niversary of Mayor Thompson Mr and Mrs Herschel Thompson en tertained at dinner on Friday eve ning. Guests included the mayor and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long of Arcadia. TU E SD AY BRID G E The Tuesday afternoon bridge club was entertained by Mrs Geo J. M itchell this week and Mrs. Arthur Boydeli. Mrs. George Sallee. Mrs. Bert B Lienkaemper and M rs Herbert Fisher played as guests High scores for the afternoon were won by Mrs Lienkaemper and Mrs Fisher C H ATTE R B O X CLUB -4 - Sixteen members of the Chatter F R ID A Y EVENING M USICALE Box club and their fam ilies making On Friday evening M r and Mrs a total of 55 held their annual pic Charles Wilson of Payette will pre nic at Vale. Sunday August 13 sent a musicale by their violin and Everyone enjoyed the picnic dinner piona pupils i t the L D S church and ball game in Nyssa One of the numbers of special in terest will be a violin ensemble com KINGM AN KOLONY posed of children between the ages of 9 and 12 years. On Thursday T R Warren a t Those taking part in the eve Portland who is fieidman of the ning's entertainment both in the American Jersey Cattle club for ensemble and in solo renditions will nine northwestern states called to be Twila Crawford. Vivian Fife see the Beaumont-Toomb and Rob Jean Morrison Melbourne Wirth. ert Clark herds He was especially Carol M allet;. Otheile Wiseman interested in one of the bulls in the M ym a Phippen Bernice Gunder Beaumont-Toomb herd, stating he son Dick Harrigan and Charles was as Tine an animal as he had Craghan seen anywhere. Those featured in piano solos and Mr and Mrs Wade Nichols and duets are Betty Jean Taylor, Bar : James Nichols were Sunday dinner bara and Martha Young and Bar j guests in the E E WaUace home bara Olsen : In the aiteroor. they all enjoyed a There will be no admission and swim in the Owyhee river all interested in music are cordially C M Beaumont attended the invited. funeral of Mrs Eva Hambim. sister Here From Canada— Miss Dunsmore of Brooks Alberta Canada is visiting at the home of ! Miss Jarjorie Gahan. hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them veri fied as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Executor at the office of A. L. Fletcher in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, the same be ing the place designated for the transaction of all business pertain ing to said estate August 17, 1939 H R SHERWOOD, Executor of the estate of Fred R Marshall, Deceased First publication August 17. 1939 Last publication Sept. 14, 1939 __uant to the Constitution and purs: ws of the State of Oregon, in Law; cluding Chapter X X Title 35. Ore gon Code 1930 and laws amenda tory thereof and supplemental thereto and Sec 56-2308. Oregon Code 1935 Supplement as amended and Ch 505. Oregon Laws 1939. Each bid. except when made by a state or government agency, must be accompanied bv a certified check in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ■ »lOOO.OOi payable to the order of School District No. 26. M al heur Countv. Oregon Checks of un successful bidders will be returned upon the awarding of the bonds, and the check of the successful bid der will be retained to be applied toward payment for the bonds or for the security of School District No. 26. Malheur County. Oregon, In case of default by bidder, All bids must be in writing, must be unconditional, and must be for not less than par and accrued In terest Approving legal opinion to be at cost of purchaser. Bids will be opened properly immediately a ft er the final hour hereinabove set forth for submitting bids, at the office of the District School Board at Nyssa. Oregon. The District School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to re advertise the sale of said bonds If the bids are not satisfactory. By order of the District School Beard of School District No. 26, Malheur County, Oregon. B B LIENKAEM PER. Clerk. School District No. 26 Malheur County, Oregon. First publication August 17. 1939 Last publication August 31. 1939 NO TICE TO CREDITORS IN THE C O U N T Y C O U R T OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE C O U N TY O F M ALHEUR In the Matter of the estate of Fred Marshall. Deceased. The ilhdersigrsed having been ap- pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. Executor of the estate of Fred R Marshall, deceased, and having qualified as such, notice is ] ; , i | I | — Legal Advertising NOTICE OF PRO PO SAL TO SELL $36.999.90 OF FUND ING BONDS OF AND BY SCHOOL D IS T R IC T NO. 36. M ALHEUR C O U NTY. O R E GON. AND IN V IT IN G BIDS THEREFOR N O TICE HEREBY IS G IVEN. That sealed bids will be received by the District School Board of School District No 26 Malheur County. ! Oregon by B B Lienkaemper. Clerk of said District at Nyssa. Ore gon until 8 o clock P M or. the 8th day of September. 1939. for the pur chase of an issue of funding bonds of said School District No 26 M al heur County. Oregon, in the amount of 936 000 00. Said bonds will be negotiable cou pon bonds, will be reeisterable as to principal aciv at the option of the holder: trill each be designated Funding Bond"; will be dated as of October 1. 1939. and will be in de nominations o f 9500 00 each: will be numbered consecutively from 1 to 72. both numbers inclusive; will ma- uire serially in numerical order in the amount of 94500 00 on the 1st dav of October in each of the years 1940 to 1947. both years inclusive: will bear interest at a rate of not to exceed four per cent > 4 '»' per an- I num. parable semi-annuallv on the 1st day of April and the 1st day of . October of each year until matur ity. win be payable both as to prin- i cipal and interest in lawful money 1 of the United States of America at the office of the County Treasurer of Malheur County, at Vale. Ore gon and will be callable after Oc tober 1 1940 . Said bonds are issued by virtue of a majority vote of the legal vot ers o f said School District No. 26 Malheur County. Oregon, voting at an election dulv called and held on August 14 1939. and by virtue of a resolution of the District School Board of the said School District No 26. dulv passed and adopted on t2ie 14th dav of August. 1939 and The easy digestability of Gate City Dairy Milk promotes a restful relaxation sleep and easy Enjoy a glass before retiring. Morning and Evening Deliveries Fresh— Even In The Heat Of A Summer Afternoon— With TRIPLEX CLEANED FROCKS NYSSA TAILOR SHOP Gate City Dairy PHONE 74 D E LIVE R Y SERVICE PHONE 104W T R A V E L IN to the WORLD'S FAIR Enjoy delightful relaxation on cod, clean, air-conditioned , „ NOW OPEN FOR BOSINESS 24 HOUR SERVICE Union Pacific trains. Delicious dining car meals . . restful sleep . . freedom from highway hazards! You'll arrive refreshed, ready to see more and do more at the Fair. Q o U U f Z G A i -V /. then take advantage of overnight you can spend a day and continue East that evening. e e e Polar Cold Storage & Locker Plant pleasures of a visit in glamorous South L. T. (D oc) Marshall and Son ern C a liforn ia ! You can go to San 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF “ Y " ON H IG H W A Y 30, NYSSA Francisco via Los Angeles at little or no extra rail fare. Convenient departures f t W Most Modern Plant Between Salt Lake and Portland MODERN. SANITARY, STEEL LOCKERS 7 Vi CUBIC FOOT 6 CUBIC FOOT DRAWER TY PE LOCKER TYPE $12 Per Year $10 Per Year CUTTING AND WRAPPING — All meats are Doublewrapped with Oiled Paper and Moisture Proof Paper P/fec per pound SUNDAY and MONDAY, Aug. 20-21 D e n v e r, Streamliner service to Chicago where Phone 124 Playing at NYSSA THEATRE L it Our plant is the only one in this area that is equipped with a SH ARP FREEZING ROOM which is maintained at 15 degrees below zero, to prepare your meats and products for storage at 10 degrees above zero. _ e n fo y the e x t la from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles LOW FARES TO NEW YORK $116.20 R o u n d T r i p in Standard Pullman? —Berth Extra ££ $106.25 $83.40 R o u n d T r i p in Challenger Sleeping Cars: Berth Extra Round Trip In Comfortable Coaches i l 3* at Pullmans for curie tnp to both the New \ ark and San Francisco Pairs and ituim. To SAN FRANCISCO via LOS ANGELES $5*1.50 R o und T r i p in standard Pullmans Berth Extra $50.85 R o u n d T r i p in Challenger Sleeping C arv Berth Extra $45.95 Round T rip In Comfortable Coaches <ee RoaMer Dam rn route to Southern California Conven ient low-oost ride trips from Las Vegas. Net For further details consult F C CR AND 411 St X oss. Ore PACIFIC RAILROAD