NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1939 PAGE SIX Father Visits— 11*0 Week End Guests— Miss Luc del. Benton and ClyHc J. N. Bailey of Eckert, Colo., ar­ rived on Wednesday evening for Benton of Rupert were week end a visit with his son. Keith and Mrs. guests at the Geo. Benton home. Douglas Benton of Baker visited | Bailey. at the Oeo. Benton home Leave on Vacation— Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Abbott left on Washington News \t Lakes— Wednesday morning for their sum­ (Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Wray are mer vacation and will not return guests this week at the Payette until August 19 Dr. Abbott's of­ mortgage system of FHA. These Lakes. fices will be closed during their ab­ government agencies have reduced interest from 5 to 4 Vi per cent. In­ sence. Visit from Homedale— terest rates prevailing in Oregon Mr and Mrs. Elbert Strom of Children Party— and Washington (all types), range Homedale were visitors at the Ed On last Friday Verla Jean Blod­ from 5 to 8.5 per cent, the average Nielsen home Thursday night. gett celebrated her birthday anni­ being 6.3 per cent. In Oregon alone 8700 loans are versary by inviting twenty of her School House Cleaned— young friends to a lawn party at the benefitted by the reduced interest In preparation for the resumption home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. by HOLC. It is estimated that 6.7 of fall classes, the school house at Warren Blodgett. per cent of the urban families are Arcadia is being cleaned this week Mrs. Herschel Thompson and paying off debts on homes through by some of the ladies of the com­ Mrs. Will Beam assisted Mrs. Blod­ this agency. Henceforth interest munity. gett in entertaining the small guests will be saved on one-half of one per at lawn games. A birthday cake and cent on approximately $13,000,000. Brother Visits— No Shipbuilding for Oregon Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. ice cream were served at the close Efforts to develop the shipbuild­ Reiser last week were Mrs. Reiser's of the party. ing industry on the Columbia river brother Jeson Robinson and Mrs Patients Improving— and Puget Sound have received lit­ Robinson and their four children of Dr. L. A. Moulding reports that tle encouragement from the Federal Seattle. Wash. The visitors left on Vern Linderman who has been con­ Maritime Commission and it has Sunday. fined to the hospital since June 19 awarded contracts for five cargo Sunday in Mountains— following an automobile accident carriers to be constructed in south­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and in Adrian is making a nice recovery ern California. Every proposal sug­ Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor and but is still unable to be removed gested for the establishing of yards north of San Francisco bay has Jean spent Sunday as guests of Mr. to his home. and Mrs. L. S. Fahenstock at their Also E. M. Spencer who was ser­ been discouraged by the commis­ mountain lodge, Pine Tops, near iously burned with ignited gasoline sion and where there are no fa­ Idaho City. two weeks ago is recovering but is cilities the oemmission declines to Visiting New York Fair— still at the hospital, according to his award bids. This N That Colleen Towne who with her par­ physician, Dr. Maulding. One of the essentials in war is ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne tin. The administration favors ex­ visited in San Francisco two weeks Injured in Wreck— ago remained with her grandmoth­ While reporting on a case in ploring the United States in the er Towne and with her is now on a Apple Valely on Saturday morning hope of developing a supply. Gov­ trip to New York and the fair Miss Sue Reiser was hit by a truck ernment officials say traces have loaded with brick, and while the car been found in Waahington, Idaho, there. was knocked across the road and Nevada and California—all around Niece Visits— Oregon, but no trace in Oregon. Miss Doris Wilson of Aurora, badly damaged, Sue escaped with­ Politics played a large part in the Neb., who has visited with her aunt out serious injuries. She was taken to the Sarazin recent congress, but when some­ and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mc­ thing affected the country and was Connell for the past two weeks Is medical clinic by Dr. K. E. Kerby not tinged with politics. White spending this week in Payette with who was preceding her on tile trip and found to have a broken nose House and Congress were as united her cousin, Mrs. Forrest Moore. as Siamese Twins—the 2 billion dol­ Miss Wilson plans to leave from and other head injuries. She is re­ lars voted for national defense, as Nyssa on Saturday for her home. ported to be improving. an instance. Trip Through Park— To Renew Thrift Sales— Although congress has adjourned Mrs. John Poage with her son The ladies of St. Pauls Episcopal one man's job continues. He is the Colby her daughter Phyllis of Apple Guild have announced that early chap whose duty it is to see that all Valley and Helen Boydell left on in September they will begin their the clocks in the capitol. senate and Tuesday for a trip through Yellow­ regular Saturday thrift sales which house office buildings keep running stone park and then will visit with proved so popular last year. and also keep time even though no relatives of Mrs. Poage In Powell These sales offer those of the city one sees them but the janitors and Wyoming. They expect to be away and country an opportunity to pur­ charwomen. two weeks. chase used clothing that is clean Sunday Clients— Mr. and Mrs. Jas Pee of Payette and Mrs. J. E. Marmon were Sun­ day guests of Rev. and Mrs. Floyd E. White. Returns From Vacation— On Saturday Mrs. Wiliam Gard­ ner returned to her duties at the telephone office atfer a two weeks vacation which she spent in the mlddlewest. Leaves for Visit— On Monday morning Mrs. Arzilla Pauchier left on the Rose for Ro­ chester, Ind., where she will visit with her four brothers and attend a family reunion. The date of her return Is indefinite. Tonsils Out— On Tuesday morning at the Sara­ zin clinic Kenneth Richard, son of Mr and Mrs. J. P. Richard of Ar­ cadia and Derrell Steinke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steinke of Nyssa had their tonsils removed. Visits Family— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Colby of Santa Anna, Cal., have spent the last week visiting with her family, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Towne and Mrs. Mary Morris of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Moore o f Ontario. They will leave on Friday for their home. Returns From California— Mrs. 8. B. Davis returned the latter part of the week from a two weeks trip to California where she visited a son In Portola and another who Is 111 at the Marine hospital in San Francisco While away Mrs. □avis also saw the world fair and made a short stay at Lake Tahoe. Guild Postponed— The regular meeting of St. Pauls Episcopal guild will be postponed this month, but there will be a guild and Sunday school picnic held at the Caldwell park on August 27. All those interested in these organiza­ tions and wishing to go may get further Information from Mrs. J. J. Sarazin of other guild members. '- í á UNCLE SI S A Y S : "Who'd a thnnk ol’ Missis Colley's furniturr'd fetch a nickel? But seems it was early Andrew Jackson er sumpthin’ 'n she got $295.00 fer it through a Journal want ad.” Japanese Baseball— A good crowd turned out on Sun­ day afternoon to watch the double header of baseball played on the Ontario diamond by the old Asahi team of Hood river and a second team of the Hood River N. A. C. and two teams picked from the J. A C. C. of Eastern Oregon and the Boise valley. Three home runs were made dur­ ing the game of the first two teams. On by the visitors and two by the home team. Scores for the after­ noon were for the first teams. Hood River 7, J. A. C. C. 5. For second teams. Rood River 4. J. A. C. C. 24. On Saturday evening the visitors were tendered a dance at the new Japanese hall in Arcadia. FOR FRIDAY and SA T U R D A Y — August 11-12 W h e a t Flakes u£s£.n C o rn Flakes SffT fa"”’ W h e a tie s C o ffe e L pkg‘ Brite Star, 1 lb. pkgs. Ground Fresh Pork & Beans ^ S a la d D re ssin g 2 S tJ‘" Honey 1 ° Bacon Squares H am burger O ra n g e s 19C 23C 75C lb. Ground Fresh lb. 15c 37c 13c 2 Dozen Cucum bers 3 Lyo«; Slic "«Si" Large Jumbo Size C a n ta lo u p es 3 for C an talou pe s 4 Size *r0gre CHECK PASSER HELD FOR JURY E. E. Emory, Monday was bound over to the county grand jury by Justice of the Peace Williams, on a charge of issuing a fictitious check. The check was passed on a local merchant, who notified the Nyssa police. Emory was arrested and the charges were presented Monday to Judge Williams by District Attorney Taggart. CROP YIELDS GOOD BUENA VISTA (Special) — Two Buena Vista farmers have reported good averages on their wheat crop this year. Charles Wilson and Paul Wilson harvested 62 and 70 bushels of wheat to the acre. NYSSA Phone 108 SUNSET VALLEY The Worthwhile club met Thurs­ day at the home of Mrs. Ruth War­ ren. With 23 members and three visitors present. The club was di­ vided into five groups and doll dressing contest followed. Mabel Gueck's group winning first prize and Doris Chapin’s group winning second. A double shower was an­ other feature of the afternoon. The club will meet Sept. 7 with Mrs. Annie Gregg. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Knoedler and baby of Eustis, Neb., visited last week with his cousin Hudd Robb and family. Asa Roberts Jr. has- employment with the city of Caldwell for a few weeks. Pulling a bicycle behind a horse proved dangerous sport for Bob Newgen Sunday when he was thrown from the bike receiving sev­ eral bruises and a badly wrenched knee. A. L. Jones arrived from Okla­ homa Saturday looking for a loca­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knoedler are staying at the Ira Foster farm look­ ing after things while Mr. and Mrs. Poster are visiting their daughter on the coast. Harley Warren of El wood, Neb, Is visiting his brother, Roy Warren and family and his sister, Mrs. Roy Oeuck and family. PROGRAM THEATRE I SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIS­ TRICT. A Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff. vs. Malheur County, a Municipal Cor­ poration; Burbridge & Bales, a co-partnership; Bessie E. Doo­ little; Helen Doolittle; Ellen Marie Doolittle; William Doolittle; Paul­ ine Doolittle; D. E. Baird and Sarah A. Baird, husband and wife; J. T. Bales; F. M. Cole; F. L. Lilly; L. A. McBride; Alwena Burbridge; Stevie E. Lackey; Fred G. Lackey; Sheila Duncan; Herb­ ert Lackey; Harry T. Lackey; Ruth DeNise; Gilbert Hunter; Bessie Hunter; C. R. Emison, Trustees; W. E. Lees; H. C. Boyer; V. B Staples; Mary Jones; Ben Jones; Kathryn Jones; J. N. Jones; Alice Jones; Wm. Jefferson Jones; Alice Annette Jones; Marjorie Marie Jones; A. Robinson; W. D. Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Edith E. Allen; Ruth Talbot; J. R. Jolly; Florence Jolly; P. J. Gallagher; Mabel Judge Kester; Mildred Kester; Randall Kester; Barbara Kester; Bank of Malheur, a bank­ ing corporation; Michael Joyce; United States National Bank of Portland, a national banking as­ sociation; Fred Haines; Gem Irri­ gation District, a municipal cor­ poration; Owyhee County, a muni­ cipal corporation; National Sure­ ty Company, a corporation: High & Fritchman Company, a corpor­ ation; Crawford Moore. Trustee; and also all other persons or per­ son unknown, claiming any right, title or interest in and to the real property described in the appli­ cation on file herein. Defendants. To: Owhee County, a municipal corporation; National Surety Com­ pany, a corporation; High & Fritch­ man Company, a corporation; Bur­ bridge & Bales, a co-partnership; Ellen Marie Doolittle; D. E. Baird and Sarah A. Baird, husband and wife; J. T. Bales; F. M. Cole: F. L. Lilly; L. A. McBride; Harry T. Lackey: Ruth DeNise; C. R. Emi­ son, Trustee; W. D. Sherwood; Melissa Smith; Edith F. Allen; Ruth Talbot; J R. Jolly: Florence Jolly: Mildred Kester; Randall Kester; Gem Irrigation District, a munici­ pal corporation; Crawford Moore. Trustee; and also all other persons or person unknown claiming any right, title or interest in and to the real property described in the appli­ cation on file herein; of the above named defendants; You and each of you hereby are notified that the Owyhee Irrigation District, is the owner and holder of Certificates of Delinquency num­ bered 7884. 7883 and 7882. issued on the 6th day of February. 1937. by the Tax Collector of the County of Malheur for the total amount of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) the same being the amount then due and de­ linquent for irrigation district as­ sessments. and interest thereon ac­ crued and accruing, upon the real property assessed to Burbridge & Bales, of- the above named defend­ ants, the owner of record, situated in said County anod State, more particularly described as: (2) Determining and adjudging that excepting Malheur County claim for unpaid taxes, you and each ol you have no interest, estate, lien or claim whatever in or to said des­ cribed property, and decreeing that the plaintiff has a good and valid fee simple title thereto superior in right to each and all of your claims 1 3) Excepting Malheur County claim for unpaid taxes, that you and eacn of you shall be forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any claim whatever in or to said land and premises adverse to the plain­ tiff. and for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem meet and equitable In the premises and for the plaintiff’s costs and disbursements in this cause made and incurred; and (4) Cancelling transfer Certificates of Title Nos 221, 253 . 266, 285, 299 and 337 as to said Lots 3 to 12 inclusive of Block 6 of Teutsch’s Addition to Nyssa, and directing H. S. Sackett, Regis­ trar, of the above named defendants to issue transfer certificate of title in lieu thereof upon filing of cer­ tified copy of decree of the court and original deed from the defend­ ant Loring Taylor, defendant and Guardian, dated July 6, 1939. This summons is served on you under order of the Honorable Charles W. Ellis, Ciircult Judge of said County and State, which order was made the 9th day of August, 1939, directing that the summons herein be published for four successive weeks, including five publications, in the Nyssa Gate City Journal published at Nyssa, Oregon. CARL H. COAD. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Address: Nyssa, Oregon. First publication August 10, 1939. Last publication Sept. 7, 1939 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL­ HEUR COUNTY. L E. Fry. Plaintiff. vs. Nyssa Improvement Company, a dissolved corporation; Malheur County, a sub-division of the State of Oregon; H. S. Sackett, County Clerk and Registrar of Titles of Malheur County, Ore­ gon; C. C. Wilson; W. A. Teutsch; Alida B. Teutsch; David Canham; Elizabeth Canham: Clara Can- ham; Charles Canham; Charles H. Williams; Herbert C. Williams; Laurence L. Williams; Allan T. B. Williams; Frank T. Morgan, Ad­ ministrator of the Estate of Charles D. Williams, Deceased: W. B. Hoxie; Lulu L. Hoxie; H. F. Brown; Winifred Brown Thomas; Louis P. Thomas; A. O. Hinsch; Albert Hinsch; Loring Taylor, Guardian of the person and estate of Albert Hinsch, an insane per­ son: the unknown heirs, if any, of Lennox B. Boyle, Deceased; and also all other persons or per­ son unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint on file herein. De­ fendants. To Nyssa Improvement Company, a dissolved corporation; C. C. Wil­ son; W. A. Teutsch; Alida B Teutsch: David Canham; Elizabeth Canham; Clara Canham; Charles Canham; Charles H. Williams; Her­ bert C. Williams; Laurence L. Wil­ liams: Allan T. B Williams; A. O. Hinsch; the unknown heirs, if any. of Lennox B. Boyles, Deceased; and also all other persons or person un­ known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the CANNING CORN T real property described in the com­ In 5 Doz. Lots plaint on file herein, of the above named defendants: 6c Dozen IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You and each of you WATER MELONS hereby are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against GROWN FOR FLAVOR by growers you in the above entitled court and who specialize in Melon Growing. cause within four weeks after the first publication of this summons, which date of first publication is CANNING APRICOTS August 10., 1939, and if you fail so New Load Just Arrived to do. and for want therof. the plaintiff will take a judgment and decree against you and each of you: (1) Requiring you and each of you to set forth the nature of your claim or claims, and determining all ad­ verse claims that you may have in I North o f the “ Y” and to Lots 3 to 12, both inclusive, of Block 6. Teutsch’s Addition to Nyssa Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon; I FOX CABINS Interest Rate Reduced to -Lut Hie Building Bug Bite You DOUBLE FEATURE The Three Mesquiteers in 5C 25c & Rita Johnson and Tom Neal in ILSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON on New-Home Contracts at Boise Payette “TH EY ALL COME O U T” Movietone ffews Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee ISc-tSc Evening 10c-30e SU N D AY and M O N D AY— August 13-14 Claudette Colbert, Don Ameche, Francis Lederer, John Barrymore and Mary Astor in “ MIDNIGHT” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee ISc-Uc Evening lSe-SSc vnsNmwwmmMmMNiiimiMwiHHHHmiMiHHmimni TU E SD A Y— August 15 PAL NIGHT Deanna Durbin, Jackie Cooper and Melvyn Douglas in W ED N ESD AY and TH U R SD A Y— Aug. 16-17 Cary Grant, Jean Arthur and Melvyn Douglas in “ ONLY ANGELS H A V E W IN G S” Movietone News i ISe-SSe Get complete “Budget Building“ information trom: ©@D DWIGHT SMITH Manager LUM BER COMPANY Phone 15 Nyssa “There’s a yard near you" i# I' NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL­ HEUR COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ZINA I. RAMBAUD, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lewis F. Rambaud, executor of the estate of Zina I. Rambaud. de­ ceased, has rendered and presented for settlement and filed in said Court his first and final account of his administration of said estate, to­ gether with a petition for distribu­ tion; And that Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1939, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A M. of said day, and the Court Room in the City of Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, has been duly appointed by the Judge of said Court as the time and place for the settlement of said account and hearing of said petition, at which time and place any person inter­ ested in said estate may appear and file exception in writing to said ac­ count and contest the same. LEWIS F. RAMBAUD, Executor of the Estate of Zina I. Rambaud. Date of first publication. August 10th, 1939. , Date of last publication, Septem­ ber 7th. 1939. FRIDAY and SA T U R D A Y — August 11-12 ___________ “T H A T CERTAIN AGE”___________ NYSSA Legal Advertising An undivided one-half inter- est in the N E 'iS W 'i, the NW14- N W V and the SE'.NWU all of Section 36. Township 18 South . of Range 46 E. W. M . Said defendants, and each them hereby are notified fath er that the Owyhee Irrigation District will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aioresaid for ., decree and judgment foreclosing all claims and interest of the above named defendants and each, and every thereof and also forecl the liens against the property described and mentioned in Certificates, and quieting title of the plaintilf in and to the NE V s w 11 the N W ' i N W ' i , and the SE ' i N W ' i of Section 36, Twp. 18 S. r 46 E. W M Malheur County, Oregon, against each and every of the above named defendants, and vou hereby are summoned to appear whhiTeO days after the first pub­ lication of this summons «elusive of the day of the day of first pub- lication. and defend this action or pay the amount due as shown above, together with costs and ac­ crued interest, and in case of your tailure to do so, or to establish valid claim and title thereto and thereto a decree will be rendered foreclos- ing all of vour claim and interest in and to said property, and also fore­ closing the lien of said taxes and the costs against the land and Prem­ ises above named and described, and quieting title of the plaintiff in and to said entire land and premises, against you and each ol vou, and for the plaintiff s costs and disbursements in this proceeding made and incurred. This summons is published pur­ suant to order of the Honorable Charles W. Ellis, made the 9th day of August. 1939. directing the publi­ cation for four weeks in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa. Oregon. CARL H. COAD. Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and Post-office Address: Nyssa. Oregon. First published August 10, 1939. Last published Sept. 7, 1939. “OVERLAND STAGE RAIDERS” 4 lb. packages Each Lard 18c 15C 23c and still in good repair at a very reduced cost. The funds derived from the sales are used to defray the expenses incurred in the various activities of Guild work, and any­ one having good used clothing and household goods of any kind for which they have no furter use can be sure of it finding a needy and useful place if they will call Mrs. J. J. Sarazin. Mrs. Artie Robertson, Mrs. E. D. Norcott or other Ouild members. C. M. Vance of Bethnay, Mo„ Is visiting his nephews, Roy and Frank Rooks tool Mr. and Mrs Ira Chadd enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R. W Bolitho. Mrs. Grace AUquist of Vale is staying in the C. A. Ditty home this week and conducting special tent meetings. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Newgen, Bob and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ward and son Vernon were Boise callers Saturday. Mrs. A. R. Roberts and Mabel vis­ ited in the L. E. Newgen home Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Markham of Ontario visited the Owyhee dam Sunday and on their return called in the Hillis home. L. E. Newgen and family and D. F. Ward and family picnicked on the Owyhee river Sunday also viewed the bad place in the canal. Miss Bonnie Mae Newgen visited Marjorie and Georgia Hillis Sun­ day. ft