PAGE FOUR NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, TH U R SD AY, AU G U ST 10, 1939 T h e Gate City Journal e r v AdsVpi a t i o n W IN IFR ED BROWN THOM AS - - - - Owner LOUIS P. THOM AS - - - - Editor end Publisher INDEPENDENT IN P O LIT IC S AND R E LIG IO N, O P T IM IS T IC IN D IS P O S IT IO N —W IT H NO INTERESTS T O SERVE EXCE PT THOSE OP M ALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year ....... .......... ..... *1 50 Six Months ................... $1.00 Single Copies .................. .05 (Strictly In Advance) AD VE R TIS IN G RATES Open rate, per Inch........... 80c National, Per Inch ........... 30c Classifieds, Per word ......Ole Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County. Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1379. NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM -------- + -------- Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Fanners A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan R U R A L FIRE PRO TECTIO N E FFORTS of Oregon Trail Grange and Nyssa business men to establish a rural fire district should meet with the approval of every farmer around Nyssa. Within the past two weeks the writer had occasion to help, with other members o f the Nyssa Fire Department, in moving household furniture from a nearyby farm house, while the department stood helpless as about 200 tons of hay was lost by fire. Luckily and sensibly the farmer had insurance. It is on the latter subject, that farmers should give their serious consideration. To have fire protection for farm districts would lower fire insurance rates. And to those of us who live in town, the fact that we would have at the dis posal of our fire department, additional equip ment, would mean also a reduction in our insur ance rates. The establishment of a rural fire department is nothing new, but is something that is sorely needed. It is most disheartening to have fire fighting equipment, yet forced to leave it in the fire station when one of our farmer neighbors home is being consumed by flames. To take our city equipment out of the city limits under our. present set-up would abrogate every fire insur ance policy in the city. And this rural fire department idea brings up the thought of the sense of neighborliness that exists between the business men of Nyssa and the farmers in our trade area. Let’s hope that the contemplated fire district is established which will further this fine sense o f co operation. C O U N TY FINANCES ISCUSSION last week during the meeting D of the county court led to the subject of a special levy in order to carry on necessary road work. The situation of the finances of the county are somewhat similar to that o f our school dis trict 20>. The county has outstanding warrants of somewhere around $100,000 with about $4000 in interest. Part of this contemplated levy would he used to retire some of these warrants, but the largest portion would be used to con tinue road work. There will be some objection to voting a special levy, but if this levy is used for what the taxpayers want it spent for, reduc ing interest and continuation of our road build ing program, there should be no objection. There is another side to this special levy and that is that if the voters of the county vote for three years (last year would not count, it is un derstood) then this increase or special levy to gether with the budget could be used as a base for future budgets. We might suggest, humbly, to the members of the county court that, in any event it is hoped that the court will find some way out of our monetary doledrums, which seems to be wishful thinking, and this special levy seems to be about the only way we can start to come out o f the woods. / ÍÁ j ¿ HURI ORfG|0(T)N ÎW s(PÀPER P ublish Dorothy Tarr and Maxine W ar ren spent Thursday with Mrs. Henry Gannon. Mr and Mrs. Dean Fife left F ri day on a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. LaVere Fife visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hand ir. Nyssa Sunday. Clyde Jensen of Weston was a Ministers or others interested in church publicity are invited to use Saturday evening dinner guest at the columns oi the Journal to carry Important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of the Henry Ganon home. Mrs. I. L. Cooper and Thelma each week. visited M r and Mrs. Dick Butcher M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY F IR ST CHURCH OF C H RIST in Vale Monday. CHURCH SC IEN TIST M r and Mrs. Stanley Goulet were Floyd E. White, Pastor 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho Sunday visitors at the Sid Flannl- A branch of the Mother Church, Sunday schol 10 o’clock. Lesson gan home in Sunset Valley. the First Church of Christ, Sclent- topic: Practicing Helpfulness. Scrip Verna Ruth Findling of Nyssa lest, in Boston, Massachusetts. ture: 2 Kings 5. 1-27. spent Monday at the Bill Findling The Wednesday evening meeting, Morning worship 11:15. Sermon: home. at which time testimonials of Christ The Rich Young Ruler. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loller of Hous lan healing and remarks on Christ Epworth league 7 p. m. Joe Coun- ton were Sunday evening visitors ian Science are given, is held at sil, leader. at the John Lackey home. eight o’clock. Junion league 7 p. m. Ten classmates gave a shower for The Reading Room is located in Evening worship 8:00. Sermon; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst Wednes the Church Building, where the Bible and authorized Christian God and the Realm of Nature. day. Ruth Flannary and Velma Fox Monday evening a meeting of the were hostesses. Science Literature may be read, bor nominating committee to nominate rowed or purchased, and is open G. H. Ragsdale spent the week every day from two to four p. m., ex the officers of the new church year at Ontario. will be held in the church. cept Sunday and holidays. O. Z. Matthews left Friday for Wednesday evening the finance Portland. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and make use of committee will meet to plan for the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trammell and new budget. the Reading Room. Jean of Nyssa visited at the Dick Groot home Wednesday evening. PAR M A LUTHERAN CHURCH ASSEM BLY OF GOD GOSPEL Mrs. Gerrit Stam attended the A. A. Schmidt, Pastor TABERNACLE H. E. C. of the Oregon Trail grange In the absence of the pastor no meeting at the home o f Mrs. M ar Three blocks South of Main on services will be held at the Luther tin Osborne in Nyssa Thursday. an church on this Sunday, August First street. Mr. Winters and Billy and M ar Ernest C. Knull, Pastor. 13. The next service will be held on garet of Adrian were Sunday din Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mrs. August 20. The Rev. M. Kellermann ner guests at the E. B. Laird home. will be in charge of the services at Gene Honey, superintendent. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Classes for everyone, and every 8:30 p. m. Pete Tensen home were Rickus Van A cordial invltaiton is extended to one welcome. Twisk and Kees Blocker of Valley Morning worship at 11:15 a. m. all to attend. Young peoples meeting at 7 p. m. View and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Mrs. Andy Boersma and Mrs. Miss Mary Brotzman is our young CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE people's leader. All the young folks Dick Groot attended a meeting at Sixth near Main are urged to come, and be on time. time A1 Thompson home in Nyssa Vern W. Martin, Pastor Friday. Ed Wild, Superintendent Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolfe and Glenn K IN G M AN C O M M UNITY Sunday scholo 10:00 a. m. and Mrs. Eva Quinley visited Mr. CHURCH Come and bring the family. and Mrs. Earl Sager and fam ily in Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor Weiser Sunday. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G N. Y. P. S. 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Pete Tensen attended the Prayer meeting every Wedneesday Osborn, superintendent. needlework committee meeting in Morning worship 11 a. m. at 8 p. m. Nyssa Wednesday. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. W. F. M. S. meets every second Mrs. Maud Bogart and Woodrow Evening worship 8:30 p. m Thursday of the month. visited Mr. and Mrs. Tommie John son and family at Vale Sunday EVANGELIST R. W. JACKSON L. D. S. CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller of 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. Caldwell were Sunday afternoon 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. visitors at the Henry Gannon home. 8:00 p. m. Evening services. Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen and 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society Gene were in Boise on business meeting. Friday. 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary Marvin McCulla is spending the children’s meeting. week visiting W. E. Shepard in Vale. M j. and Mrs Bill Toomb and NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE daughters of Kingman Kolony, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toomb and children Wm. K. Hoag, Pastor of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ver Sunday school 10 a. m. non Parker of Adrian were Sunday Devotional service 11 a. m visitors at the Robert Toomb home. Evangelistic service 8 p. m. Moreen Conor of Vale is spending Bible reading Tuesday evening. Midweek prayer and worship the week with Winifred McCulla. Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit and All are welcome to our services. Ida of Apple Valley visited at the j Dick Tensen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen and SUNSET V ALLE Y R E VIVAL children were Thursday evening Meetings began Sunday night visitors at the Maurice Overstreet with a good attendance. Mrs. All- ohme in Valley View. quist an experienced evangelist will Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Williams of be speaking on “The Second Com Rev R. W. Jackson will continue ing of Christ," “ Battle of Armaged- Washington left Friday for Cody, this week at the church of the den." The Jewish Problems." and Wyo. The children are stayingat their grandparents home, Mr. and Nazarene. There will be special “ The World Dictator". Mrs. E. A. Wimp. Lester Keizer who singing and all are welcome. Meetings each evening at 8 oclock has been visiting his brother is ex at the Charles Ditty ranch. Every pected to return with the Williams. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH one welcome. Mr. and Mis. Glenn Ralph of Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rockland, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John Church and Sunday School at Thorp and Mrs. Cora Jensen of 9:30 Sunday. K IN G M AN K O LO N Y L.D.8. Weston, Idaho were week end guests Communion the second Sunaay of SUNDAY SCHOOL the month. at the Luther Fife home. Guild meets second Wednesday of Meets in Kingman Kolony school Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk and each month at 2:30 p. m. house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. family visited at the M. Hart home in Oregon Trail Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst were in Boise were Sunday dinner guests Council, Saturday. of Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey. ALBERTA VALLEY Mrs. George Doyle from Burney, Cal., was a week end guest at the Rock Shelton home. Mr and Mrs. Luther F ife were in Weiser on business Monday. Henry Gannon was a business visitor at Caldwell Sunday. Mrs. Harry Shelton and Howard Fisher who have been visiting at the Rock Shelton home left Friday for their home in Boise Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laird were F ri day evening dinner guests at the I. L. Cooper home. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenburg left Sunday for Joseph, Ore. Joe Gilmore of Ontario called at the Skinny Tensen home Monday. Ruth Matthews is working in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black of Yakima are visiting at the E. A Wimp home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor and Lillie Matthews is working for children left Wednesday for Black- Mrs. Martin Osborne Jr. foot. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher and Emma Troph of Vale were week end guests at the I. L. Cooper home Mr and Mrs. George Cooper and Charles Gross of South Bend. Lucille and Leona Calvert. Marie Seabum and Marjorie Groot are Ind.. Junior Maxwell and Mrs. attending the swim week in On Frank Mercer and daughter of tario. Wilder were overnight guests at the Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Barrett of Jake Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. V. Bunch and fam Boise and Jack Barrett were week end guests at the Oeorge Ray home ily and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mawerson C M. Tensen left Monday for and son motored to Emmett Sun day. Summit Prairie. Mrs. Maud Bogart and Woodrow Miller and Lyle Jensen of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bogart were spent Thursday at the Clayton Jen business visitors in Payette and On sen home. tario Saturday. Jake Fisher is driving a new car. Mae Osborne of Nyssa was a Sun Mrs. Albert Jensen of Western Idaho was an overnight guest of day dinner guest at the Martin Osborn home Mrs. Henry Gannon Friday. Mr and Mrs. Osa Starts of Dead- A group of friends gave a shower and charivari for Mr. and Mrs wood dam spent Monday at the John Lackey home. Floyd Hirst Friday Mr. and Mrs Brooks of Arcadia T. N Ragsdale of Star visited at the O. H. Ragsdale home Sunday. called at the Floyd Thompson home Cecil Gibbons o f Lakeview. Ore., Sunday was a Monday afternoon visitor at the Carl Seabum home. Mr. and Mrs Rock Shelton and Maxine motored to Boise Friday. Gwendolyn Fagan attended the Colorado picnic at Big Bend park Sunday. Mr and Mrs Luther F ife were business visitors in Parma Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Thor p of Logan. Utah visited at the Oeorge Jensen home Saturday. Mrs Leo Fife Is well again after her recent Illness Mr and Mrs. Jake Fisher spent Sunday at the Geo. Schetmer home in Big Bend. Mrs Dick Groot entertained Mrs Dick Tensen and Louise. Mrs. Orant Rinehart and children. Mrs. Betty LaFrens of Nyssa and Mrs. Pete Tensen in honor of Mrs Wm Both- omley who was visiting here from California M r and Mrs Gerrit Stam visited Orandma Stam and Klass and Mr and Mrs Jake Relk and family Sunday Mr and Mrs. Oliver Chambers of MITCHELL BUTTE Ernestine Watson was an over fam ily of Kiltner. N e b . are visiting night guest of Lucille and Leona Calvert Monday. Dick Groot was a business visitor Wright of Kiltner. Neb . visited at in Ontario Friday. the Russell Talbot home Saturday B. O. Bybee and Wm Hedman Richard McGinnis was an over planted a large acreage in lettuce night guest at the W illie McGinnis this week home Sunday. Mrs. C. M Tensen and Mrs. Petr Vance Smith of Oregon Trail vis Vander Oort took their children to ited with Bob Talbot over the week the clinic held in Nyssa Friday end Kathryn Kelly of Weiser is Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvas of spending the week with Patsy Adrian were visitors at the Donald Gwynn at the home of her grand McOinnis home Sunday parents. Mr and Mrs. John Lackey Harold Fivecoat is haying at the Mrs Rosa Goodrich and Mr. and Walter Benson place and Mrs Ftve- Mrs Neil Goodrich o f Nyssa were coat is helping cook Sunday guests at the Floyd Thomp- j Russell Talbot helped Fred son home. \ Snlvely put up his hay last week Mr and Mrs. Henry Gannon were , Mr. and Mrs Frank Halman and business visitors at Oreenleaf Sun- j sons visited at the Marion Chard daT- | home in Owyhee Sunday NOTICE OF ELECTION SCHOOL D IS T R IC T NO 26, M A L HEUR COUNTY, OREGON NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, That an election has been called anu will be held in School District No. 26, Malheur County. Oregon, on Monday the 14th day of August. 1939. at the District School house at Nyssa, Oregon, in said District, i ________ . t, .. L n , o , n r-.( O , n n n ’/iln/ilr D between the hours of 2:00 o'clock P M and 7:00 o'clock P. M., at which time the polls shall close, and that at said election there will be sub mitted to the legal voters of the dis trict the proposition of contracting a bonded indebtedness in the sum of $36,000.00 for the purpose of re financing and 1 unding warrants No. 188 to No. 543, both inclusive, and interest thereon accrued, of the issue and series of 1938-1939, the oldest of which warrants was issued November 1, 1938, and all of which warrants were Issued prior to July 26. 1939. The vote will be by ballot upon which there shall be the words “Bonds ----- Yes" and the words "Bonds ----- No", and the voter shall indicate his choice by plac ing a cross (X ) between the word "Bond” and the word “ Yes" or be tween the word “ Bonds" and the word “No,." whichever indicates his choice. The polls will be open from 2:00 o’clock P. M., until 7:00 o’clock P. M , on said day, when the same shall be closed, for the reception of ballots cast for or against th traction of such indebtedness. This notice is given by order of the District School Board, made the 26th day o f July, 1939. ALIC E W ILSON, Chairman, District School Board. Attest : B. B. LIENKAEM PER, Distrit Clerk. First publication July 27, 1939. Last publication August 10, 1939. also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property heieln described or any part thereof—Defendants. IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint on file in the above en titled suit within four weeks fo l lowing the first publication of this summons, to wit: within four weeks of July 27th, 1939, and if you fail so to appear and answer said com plaint the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said com plaint, to wit: That all claims of the defendants adverse to the plaintiff be deter mined and the title of the plain tiff be declared to be good and valid in and to Lot 4 of Block 26 and Lots 13 and 14 of Block 31, both in Teutsch Addition to the City of Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon, and the plaintiff's title thereto be quieted. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Charles W. Ellis, Circuit Judge, made and entered the 20th day of July, 1939, prescrib ing that this summons be served by publication thereof once each week for four successive and consecutive week in the Nyssa Gate City Jour nal a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Nyssa, M al heur County. Oregon. A. L FLETCHER, In his own proper person. Attorney for the Plaintiff. First publication July 27, 1939. Last publication August 24, 1939. SUMMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N IN THE C IR C U IT C O URT OF THE STA TE O F OREOON FO R M ALH EUR CO UNTY. Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District, a Quasi-Municipal C o r p o r a t i o n , P laintiff vs. Tri-State Investment Company, a \ corporation: Ogden Trust and De velopment Company, a corpora I NOTICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N tion; Fred W. Kiesel and Jane B. Department of the Interior, Gen Kiesel, his wife; Wllhelmlne Paul eral Land Office at The Dalles, ine Kiesel Shearman and W. H. Oregon, July 26, 1939. Shearman, her husband; ner nusoanu; r Fred rea J N O TICE is hereby given that ite, a co-partnership; Kiesel Estate, Walter Mellville Thompson, of W. A. Bishop lop and Vera Bishop, Nyssa, Oregon, Rt. No. 2, who, on nd also all other . per- his wife; and July 8. 1936, made Original Home sons or person unknown claiming stead Entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. any right, title or interest in and 030325, for N W ',N E !4 or Farm Unit to the real property, described in “B ” , Section 23, Township 19 S., the application on file herein, De Range 46 E , Willamette Meridian, fendants. has filed notice of intention to make To Ogden Trust and Develop final Proof, to establish claim to the ment Company, a corporation; Fred land above described, before Geo. K. W. Kiesel; Jane B. Kiesel; W llhel- Aiken, U. S. Commissioner, Ontario, mine Pauline Kiesel Shearman; W. Oregon, on the 8th. day of Septem H. Shearman; Fred J. Kiesel Estate, ber, 1939. a co-partnership; W. A. Bishop; Claimant names as witnesses: Vera Bishop; and also all other per Earl Blackburn, Arthur Rouse, Rob sons or person unknown claiming ert Vest, Clarence Barrett all. of any right, title or interest in and to Nyssa. Oregon. the real property described in the W. F. JACKSON, application on file herein, of the Register. above name defendants: First published August 3. 1939. IN TH E N AM E O F T H E STA TE Last published August 31, 1939. OF O R E G O N : You hereby are notified that the Nyssa-Arcadia NO TICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N Drainage District is the owner and Department of the Interior, Gen holder of Certificates of Delinquency eral Land Office at The Dalles, numbered 7981, 7982, 7983, 7984 and Oregon. July 24, 1939. 7985, issued on the 13th day ay of August. i NOTICE is hereby given that 1938, and Certificate of Delinquency Dellni David Eugene Brady, of Nyssa, Ore numbered 7987 issued on thé 16th gon, who, on June 30, 1938. made day of June, 1939, by the Tax Col Original Homestead Entry, Act lector of the County of Malheur. June 17. 1902, No. 031216, for Farm State of Oregon, for the total Unit “ C " or S O T 1,, Section 12. amount of Four Thousand Six Township 19 S.. Range 46 E„ W ill Hundred Six and 89/100 dollars amette Meridian, has filed notice of ($4606.89) the same being the intention to make final Proof, to amount then due and delinquent establish claim to the land above for drainage district assessments described, before George K. Aiken, | for the year 1932, 1933-34, 1935, 1936 U. S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Ore 1937 and 1938, respectively, togeth- gon. on the 7th. day of September. er with interest and costs thereon 1939. accrued and accruing, upon real Claimant names as witnesses: property assessed to Fred J. Kiesel Ellis Warner. Mrs. Ellis Warner Estate, of the above named defend Olin Lay, Robert Lay. all of On ants, the owner of record, situated tario, Oregon. Rt. No. 1. in said County and State, described W F JACKSON, as: Register. The East half o f East half of First published July 27. 1939. Southwest quarter (EHEV4- Last published August 24, 1939. SWV4), the Southeast quarter (S E ti, the South half of North NOTICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N east quarter S tà N E ti), the South half of North half of Northeast Department of the Interior, Gen quarter (S ü N H N E ti), the eral Land Office at The Dalles Northeast quarter of Northwest Oregon. July 25, 1939. quarter of Northeast quarter N O TIC E is hereby given thai (N E liN W tiN E ti), the North Marion L. Kurtz, of Nyssa, Oregon, west quarter of Northeast quar who, on July 11, 1936. made Original ter o f Northeast quarter ( NWVi- Homestead entry, Act June 17, 1902, No. 030329, for W ' - N E ' i , E'^NWV* NE14NEt4), and the South half of Northeast quarter o f North or Farm Unit “ A ” , Section 8, Town east quarter of Northeast quar ship 21 S.. Range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten ter (S>4NEV4NEt4NEt4). all of Section seventeen (17) Township tion to make final Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above des nineteen (19) South o f Range cribed. before George K Aiken, U. forty-seven (47) E. W. M.. the S. Commissioner, at Ontario, Oregon, East half of East half (E14Et4), on the 7th. day of September, 1939. of Section eight ( 8) Township Claimant names as witnesses: nineteen (19) South of Range Jess Sugg, M. L. Judd. D. L. Ander forty-seven (47) E. W. M.; th e son, Tony Zubizaretta. all of Nyssa, East half of Southeast quarter Oregon, Rt. No. 1. (E léS E H ), and the Southeast W. F. JACKSON, quarter o f Northeast quarter (S E tiN E li) of Section five (5) Register. Township nineteen (19) South First published July 27. 1939. Last published August 24, 1939. of Range forty-seven (47) E. W. port' M.; A ' l ll l that portion of the AD VERTISEM ENT FOR BIDS West half of West half (W H t t- - Sealed bids will be received at the W14) of Section four (4) Town office of the Clerk of the Board of ship nineteen (19) South of School district 18, Route 1, Nyssa, Range forty-seven (47) E. W. Malheur County, Oregon, until 8:30 M., lying West o f the right of p. m., August 11. 1939. for the con way of the Oregon Short Line struction of a frame school building, Railroad; A ll that portion of the and will then and the be read aloud. West half o f Northwest quarter Plans, specifications and form of (W H N W V l) and o f the North contract documents may be exam west quarter of Southwest quar ined at the office of the clerk of the ter (N W U S W ti), and of the board. Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter (SW t4SW t4) of Section Each bid shall be accompanied by nine (9) Township nineteen a bank draft or certified cashiers (19) South of Range forty-seven check made payable to the owner (47) E. W. M , lying West of the in an amount not less than 5% of right of way of the Oregon the bid. Short Line Railroad; all in School District 18, in Malheur Malheur County, State of Ore County, Oregon reserves the right gon. to reject any or all bids and to Said defendants and each of them waive informalities. hereby are notified further that the No bidder may withdraw his bid District after the hour set for the opening, Nyssa-Arcadia ___ , . .. Drainage - _— r— - will a r - ’ to *- the Circuit — thereof, or before the award of con- 1 ??' npply Court of tract unless said award is delayed I th® County and State aforesaid for for a period exceeding 30 days. I a decree and judgment foreclosing -------- District — ■ 18 - « i all " claims and interest of the above School Malheur County, Oregon. named defendants and each and E. E. CROCKER. Chairman. every thereof and also foreclosing the liens against the property above First published July 27. 1939. described and mentioned in said Cer Last published August 3. 1939 tificates of Delinquency, and quiet ing the title thereto in the plaintiff SUMMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N against each and every one of you. IN THE C IR C U IT C O URT OF And you and each of you hereby are THE S T A T E OF OREGON. FOR summoned to appear within 60 days TH E C O U N TY OF MALHEUR. after the date of first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of vs. first publication, and defend this ac ELLA B ALLEN TIN E , otherwise tion or pay the amount due as shown known as Ella Ballantyne and above, together with attorney’s fef John Doe Ballantyne, her hus and costs incurred, and in case of band; Malheur County, a political your failure so to do, decree will be subdivision of the State of Oregon, rendered foreclosing all of your and all other persons claiming claim and interest in and to said some right, title, lien or interest property and also foreclosing the in or to any of the lots or parcels lien of said certificates of delin of real property described in this quency and the said attorney’s fee complaint, and also all other per and costs incurred against the land sons or parties unknown claiming and premises above named and des any right. tlUe. estate, lien or in cribed. and quieting title against terest in the real property herein you and each of you as to said described or any part thereof. De property above described. Tnis summons is published by fendants. order of the Honorable Charles W TO : Ella Ballentine, otherwise Ellis, judge of the above entitled known as Ella Ballantyne and John ™ort. made the 6th day o f July Doe Ballantyne. her husband; M al heur County, a political subdivision C A R L H. COAD. of the State of Oregon, and all oth Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence er persons claiming some right and Post-office Address: Nyssa title, lien or interest in or to any of the lots or parcels of real property First publication July 13, 1939 described in this complaint, and Last publication August 10. 1939. " « “« T r £ n „ , * vw easa^sas: 1 f ♦ it , «