NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1939 PAGE TWO Recipes - THE MODERN WOMAN ** Society In Ontario— I Mr. Williams is 23 years of age. Move to Town— ruin. Only to find that for which that anyone can make from that 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighs 170 Mrs. C. W Nicholson has moved Maxine Warren, daughter of Mr. special flour that Barney Wilson they searched was not there. from the John Wade place to a cot and Mrs. Ed Warren is visiting her pounds. He is single. In such times sane reasoning oft doest traffic in and some of that Meet The tage at Park and Hiway. gives way to emotional stress and a fresh butter they carry at that em aunt Miss Mary Warren of Ontario mass hysteria, causing unwise pro porium and a bit of their canned MISS IRENE REDETZKE Passes Away— this week. cedures from which irrevocable jam, then indeed doest one have a Miss Irene Redetzke. a graduate Babe Word was received in Nyssa the feast that wilt far surpass any damage is done of Pacific University, will teach bio first of the week of the death of Of course the commuuity swim four-and-twenty-black-bird-pie af logy and girls' health and physical the infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. ming pools would not entirely elim fair that rumor has wast set before education and a minor in science. Roy Arthurs moved recently inate this danger for an open ditch a king. While in college Miss Redetzke was from Nyssa to who Idaho. where people cross or ride beside is Sure one wilt need a bit of coffee very active in school activities. Dur Death came Council, suddenly from at any time a danger place but they too with thick cream to give it that ing her senior year she was presi pneumonia before medical aid could fine flavor. But coffee to can be dent of the women athletic associa will reduce it. obtained. And there are many ways of ob purchased fresh at that Wilson tion. She also served as assistant be Mr. Mrs. E. Beard and Mrs taining public help in building pools mart and the cream is always on swimming instructor at Pacific. Emma and Prints Beard of Nyssa attended the hand at the Gate City dairy. enough for every community, as has Miss Redetke served one year as New Teachers Things About Nyssa's Shops been already proven by the Morgan Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad funeral. leader of the recreational summer Voiles Park Garden club. If each woman's vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy program for the city of Forrest club would make this their major time and thy gas going farther. Grove. ALVIN E. TEMPLER project, to form a park association Miss Redetzke, at the present B O ISEW IN N EM U C C A Rayons Instrumental Music—English We did on Monday attend the with definite plans and aims and time, is taking advanced work at Alvin E. Templer graduated from the University demonstration and opening of the then by hook or crook, fair means S T A G ES of Washington. the University of Oregon in 1937 new cold storage locker plant Just or foul get a wee bit of land, just SIZES 14 to 52 with a major in music and a minor completed by "Doc” Marshall on to start and then present these 11:15 A. M. Leave Boise in English. For the past two years the Hiway, north. And do say that plans and definite specification to Regular $1.98 LOCAL NEWS 12:10 Noon Leave Caldwell he has been teaching music and It Is the very latest In all that is those in authority of such works, 5:15 P. M. Arrive Winnemucca English at Springfield, Ore. His Visit From Baker— new and scientific in this matter they would be suprised how quickly 10:10 P. M. Arrive Reno CLUB teaching assignment at Nyssa is Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray of Baker Arrive of keeping foods fresh over long and easily would come co-operation. CHATTERBOX San Francisco 8:05 A. M. The regular meeting of the Chat English and instrumental music. Now visited at the Sid Burbidge home periods. The walls are as spotless Wee parks tucked away in the curve terbox club was held at the home Templer is an accomplished musi on Sunday. and shining white as the wards of of a convenient road, with its swim of Katharine McGee, August 2. a hospital, and even If a fly should ming pool, an out side fireplace for The program was presented by cian and can teach all instruments. On Vacation— have the temerity to try his luck in cooking, and benches placed in the Mel Suiter under the theme of voca He was a soloist with the Univer Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Greer and of Oregon’s band and is a mem a thirty below freezing room he'd shade of trees planted. And one at bulary. A special number on the sity left Saturday on a vaca of Phi Mu Alpha, men's nation children never reach there so many are the least for every community. Tls a "Chinese Languarge” was given by ber tion trip to the middlewest. al honorary music fraternity. screen doors he’d have to pass first, legacy to leave for the next gen Violet Mussolini. from Vacation— At the present time Templer is Return We liked the looks of the berries eration and for many more to come, Luncheon was served to sixteen attending Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper Northwestern university Clean-Up Sale as red as the moment they were and as priceless as the love that members and one guest, Miss Doro at Evanston, 111., where he is work returned on Saturday from a weeks would go in the building of them. picked but frozen like a stone when vacation in the mountains. thy Massey. ing on his master's degree in public Visits Sister— Sandal S H O E S we saw them and promised to stay And 'tls not a dreamers fanatasy, school music. that way indefinitely. Should be but can easily become a reality. IF YOUR HOUSE Mrs. L. C. Noyes of Kan Templer is 32 years of age, Mr. are and house All Sizes a great boon to the farm home And how eagerly they would be FRIDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE 6 Alvin guests of Mrs. Noyes FALLS Mrs. Burnall Brown and Mrs. feet in height and weighs 170 sas Styles and maker. Just think of packing the welcomed by the children is evi George Does your FIRE INSURANCE sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. pounds. He is married. Mitchell entertained at a fruits away In neat cartons and denced by the overwhelming re Colors Policy still protect you from W. D. Holcolm. then stacking them high In the sponse this week to the Red Cross dessert bridge party on Friday aft financial loss? House Guest— WESLEY A. SHERMAN storage box against winters need. swim week program when just from ernoon at the home of Mrs. Brown. BETTER BE SAFE Mrs. Ethel Ritchie of Mullen. Journalism—Orientation High scores at cards were made No more sweating over a hot stove Nyssa alone over 50 boys and girls See Idaho, is a house guest of Mr. and in the swelteringest day of the year, were present bright and early on by Mrs. A. C. Sallee and Mrs. Ray Wesley A. Sherman who has been Mrs. Will H. Beam and on Wed Bernard Eastman teaching at Elkton, Ore., will teach nesday they all motored to Ontario. morning for the bus which Larsen. No more fooling with jars and Monday Men's and Ladies’ Wearing REAL ESTATE journalism, orientation, and book took them to Ontario for swimming —8— caps and rubbers. Except for the instruction and a morning's dunk Apparel Return from Vacation— FIRE and AUTO keeping at Nyssa. He graduated SUNDAY DINNER jams and jellies of course. For as ing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burgesser re 3rd. and Maint Sts. INSURANCE from Pacific university in 1938 with yet the Inventor has not come along And we did think on Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Les Ernst were hosts a major in business administration. turned on Friday from their vaca Phone 64 Nyssa Nyssa who can turn a box of berries into the Nyssa movie house that one at a Sunday dinner party at which This summer he has started work tion spent on the coast and at Van their guests included Miss Anna- thick red Jam without due process B. C. go far and see a lot'a pitchers beth Kearns of Caldwell, Mr. and on his master’s degree at the Uni Couver, of cooking. But with all these oth would W. C. T. U. versity of Oregon. before they would see again such a John Dougherty of Klamath er aides that too may come. The W. C. T. U. will meet on in college Sherman receiv August fine lot of ace actors in any one Mrs. Falls. Miss Georgia Dennis of Nyssa ed While But for all other food keeping given 15 at the home of Mrs. A. F. high honors. He was editor-in- picture. fresh purposes these boxes are Just The man Paul Lucas in the days and son John Ernst from Caldwell. chief of the college paper his senior Seward who lives on the Idaho side about the bugs-eye-brow of perfec of our youth was our hearts secret of the river. Devotionals will be in year. Previous to that he served as charge of Mrs. Eunice Gibson. tion. CIVIC CLUB make-up editor and managing edi sorrow, so soft and sweet seemed And this past week we did chat the words he whispered in the lead Civic club will meet at the coun tor. He was as associate editor of with a friend much interested in ing maiden's ear, and yet he was try home of Mrs C W. Barrett on the college yearbook his senior year. the development of these new lands even the he-man at heart. But then next Wednesday afternoon with Sherman is a member of Blue CREPE SOLED who has been actively associated one day we didst learn that the Mrs. Gerrit Stam, hostess. Key, a national honorary fraternity SHOES REPAIRED with most of the major reclamation beautiful brown hair on that noble All those attending are requested and is listed in Who's Who in Am projects of the west and he did pate could be put on and taken off to meet at the Nyssa City Hall at erican Universities and Colleges. When they are soiled don’t send them to cut- leave us much food for thought. at will so didst decide the one we 2:15 so that those not having trans Wesley A. Sherman is 22 years of Chief of which was the need for had already chosen was still the portation may be taken by those age, 6 feet 2 inches in height and rate or inferior cleaners and be disappointed. ample swimming facilities in this better man. But Paul Lucas can act who do have. weighs 162 pounds. He is single. land of irrigation ditches. MAIN’S CLEANERS are proud of their work all the players in every show Perhaps every mother on the at as can and proud they can command the standard this home town theatre where WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE OSCAR WILLIAMS land realizes this but it at a loss to there ist ever a good show for every The Wednesday evening bridge Oscar Williams, who graduated prices in this vicinity. know how to go about it. one at prices that doest allow the club was entertained this week by from the University of Oregon in Even the tiny open ditch running harrassed money maker to take his Mrs. Robert Thompson who Invited 1938, will teach natural science in DON’T DELAY WHOLE SOLED through the garden plot is a con flock without fear of meeting Mrs. Andrew Boersma to play with the Nyssa Union high school this or stant menace to the toddler and as entire PHONE 56-J sheriff on the way out. the members. year. Mr. Williams attended high they grow older the swift flowing the And Half Sole and Heel soon the autumn winds will Prizes went to Mrs. Klaas Tensen, school at Eugene and while there he canals will sooner or later claim one be with us when the fire hazards Mrs. Sidney Burbidge and Mrs. made an outstanding record as a or more of them—if they are long wilt be greatly increased, what with Boersma. Work Guaranteed student and athlete. He played used for swimming holes. the tinder like wild grasses and center on Eugene high school's bas And what is to happen then. Shall “Cleaning At Its Best” hay and grains. Wise in All Day Meeting— ketball team for three years. He the water be turned out Just when stacked deed wilt be the householder and graduated from the University of Atkeson Bldg. Third & Main the thirsty crops need it most while farmer who hast given heed to his In conjunction with the evangel Oregon with honors. During the Next to Nyssa Cafe a grief stricken family and their insurance istic services now being conducted I needs and availed himself at the local church of the Nazarene past school year he has been teach friends search frantically for a real Insurance at any one of the new church building at Sixth ing in the Eugene high school as a missing body, the life in it gone of Nyssa Insurance brokers. There be at Suppose the syphon were to have the Grahams near Main there will be an all day substitute teacher. at the Nyssa Realty, convention to be drained Those life giving and Frank Morgan meeting on Friday. his office also waters might be turned back for on Main street and at Bernard The W F. S. will meet in the East three weeks while millions of dol man who holds forth on Main twixt morning, the M. afternoon will be de lars in crops burned to a crisp and Third voted to Sunday school work and Fourth. a summers harvest was lost and And and we didst this past week talk problems and at 6 p. m. there will hundred of farmers face financial with our ■V^ s j good friend Bill Feinen, be a meeting of the N. Y. P. S. of the chick houses and he didst Services by evangelist Jackson with tell us how his choosy hens didst special song services following. lay more readily when the laying house had been insulated against the summer sun. And he didst test You Can Depend the temperatures therein with a trusty thermometer and didst find that insulation lowered the temper on Owyhee Drug Phone 124 ature an even ten degrees and so Prescriptions the biddies didst busy themselves CARL H. COAD in the cooler place and at eve time he wast rewarded with an extra ATTORNEY-AT-LAW number of eggs. PHONE 31 So we didst think that if a chick L. T. (Doc) Marshall and Son Nyssa. Oregon could so improve her output with 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF “Y” ON HIGHWAY 30, NYSSA a properly insulated home what couldst we humans do. L. A. Maulding, M.D. more And at Emil Stunz' lumber yard Physician and Surgeon on the Hiway south of the Y he Phone 37 doest carry a fine line of all man Hours: 10 to 13 and 1 to 5 ner of insulation wares that be Dally—Except Sunday worthy of investigation. For be not deceived. Even tho the summers Fry Building sun may not shine again with such intensity this year there are more Owyhee D r u g Co. DR. E. D. NORCOTT summers to come and in between d o e s n o t sacrifice there ist the winter time when in quality in the interest D E N T IS T sulation wilt be just as great a boon of low price. When Office Phone 35F3 for stock and fowl and human be X-RAY EXAMINATIONS ings. Proper insulation doest of a you have your pre NY88A OREOON surety save on fuel bills. filled here, And speaking of chicks that scriptions you are sure of get T H R E E BIG D A Y S Leatherneck Archie Howell and his TOWNSEND CLUB lady didst one day last week pre ting ingredients com MEETINGS sent us with a box of special Layena by a trained Meetings ot the Townsend eggs which they didst claim to be pounded experienced pharma- Club are held 1st and 3rd tops in fine flavored And in truth Thursday in the Eagles Hall we didst believe them when we had cist at a FAIR price. The Public Is Invited given them a trial. Tender wast the - - FILMS—KODAKS D. R. DeOross____ President texture and full of fine flavor. And Added Performance DEVELOPING Mrs. A. V. Pruyn Secretary Arch didst say that these lady chicks had since their incubator 20 TRAINED Cool off at our day been fed on these fine Purina NYSSA AERIE chick chows that the Al Thompson Fountain SADDLE HORSES F. O. E. NO. 2134 feed store doest sell. Most Spectacular Exhibition Ever Meets Wednesday Night But one canst not live on eggs Seen In Idaho: Owyhee Drug AT EAOLE8 HALL alone, much more than they can Our plant is the only one in this area that is equipped with a SHARP Visiting Eagles Welcome on love, but if they, the eggs of Admission Only Si Company HARRY MINER. See course art served with a bit of juicy FREEZING ROOM which is maintained at 15 degrees below zero, ta ART NARCOTT. Pres Children 2^c full flavored ham such as they do Phone 29 prepare your meats and products for storage at 10 degrees above zero. carry at the Nyssa Parking and Next to Idaho Power some fluffy crust crispy biscuits House Dresses Ye Snooper’s Column Society M.59 Atkeson’s Store YOUR CLOTHES You Paid Good Money For Your Clothes ABBOTT'S SHOE SHOP NEXT WEEK NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS CALDWELL HOUR SERVICE Th r i l l s ! Sp i l l s ! Professional Cards MAIN’S CLEANERS & DYERS Homesteaders STOCK SHOW 24 Polar Cold Storage & Locker Plant Most Modern Plant Between Salt Lake and Portland MODERN, SANITARY, STEEL LOCKERS AUGUST 17 18 ¡9 7V2 CUBIC FOOT 6 CUBIC FOOT DRAWER TYPE LOCKER TYPE $12 Per Year $10 Per Year CUTTING AND WRAPPING — All meats are Doublewrapped with Oiled Paper and Moisture Proof Paper U/2c per pound * f