Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1939)
has scared tourist* contemplating Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Wray re an Alaska trip. Unpublished is the turned on Saturday from a trip to hint that Mr. Roosevelt was inform ed fishing for salmon and steelhead Portland. in Oregon is not good hi August, Returns to Montana— but is better in September He will A. L. Atkeson returned to Dillon, test this report in September. . . . Mont., on Tuesday after a ten days Congressman James W. Mott's visit in Nyssa with Mrs. Atkeson daughter is to be queen of the As and the family. toria regetta, so as a compliment to Sunday Visitors— Mott the entire naval affairs com On Sunday Mrs. Bob Llchty and mittee of the house will attend. two children of Sabetha, Kas., with Committeemen planned flying to her son and wife, M r and Mrs. Bob but cancelled the air voyage because Lichty of Wilder visited with Miss their wives insist on accompanying Nadine Maynard. them and women are not permitted Shower Dance— in army or navy planes. . . . G ov Mr. and Mrs. John Savage are ernment payments to farmers for giving a shower dance at the L. D. the first six months of this year S. church on next Wednesday to were 414 million dollars, compared which all of their friends are in with 257 million for the same period vited. last year. Return from Portland— LO C AL NEW S VimiU in Baker— Miss Vera Garrison is visiting this week with friends in Baker. In The Dalles— J. R. Hunter is on a short visit at The Dalles. Son Visits— John Ernest of Caldwell spent Tuesday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Ernest. In Weiser— M r and Mrs. Herschel Thompson visited in Weiser on Monday eve ning at the Wayne French home. In Payette— Verna Ruth Findling is visiting with relatives In Payette and W ei ser this week. Visits Son— Mrs. Charles Garrison motored to Jamieson on Monday and visited with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrison and Lenny. Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and children were dinner guests on M on day of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Deffers of Adrian. At Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Keiser and Mrs. Ethel Crawford and Miss Charlene Crawford spent Sunday at the Lakes. Relatives V i s i t - Guests at the Roy E. Ellibee home this past week included their daughter, Mrs. M ilo Bohon and her son Roy of Neppel, Wash. Mrs. John Forbes, a niece of Mr. Ellibee’s from Rupert, Idaho has al so visited with them this week. And on Saturday night Mr and Mrs. Leo Ellibee and their two daughters of Rupert arrived for a visit with his sister and parents. Mrs. Bohon returned to her home by bus on Monday morning and the others returned to Rupert Sunday evening. Burns Hand— Washington News Miss Nadine Maynard suffered a (Continued from Page 1) painful but not severe burn on her left hand when she accidently poured hot grease over it while theat 13.4 million can be used in cooking on Tuesday. Oregon and Washington, mostly in Carls In Nebraska— Washington. There could be used Word has been received from Mr. from this fund $1,000,000 for Des and Mrs. Henry Carl, who were chutes project (which will cost $8, transferred to Nebraska by the 400,000 to complete) ; $1,500,000 for $10,000,000 Tertelllng construction company Yaklma-Roza project; last week, that they are getting for Grand Coulee, and $900.000 for the Modoc division o f the Klamath settled in their new home. project. G irl Scouts Return— (Editors Note; This bill was de Completing a week’s encampment at Kiwanls camp at Payeet Lakes feated in the House Tuesday.) the Nyssa troop of G irl Scouts un der the leadership of Mrs Grant Rinehart returned on Monday a ft ernoon. reporting a happy and ex citing week. The weeks activities included daily swimming and boating. Camp fires in the evening and lessons in handicraft, given by Miss Margaret Olsen. On July 27th was blrdthday anni versary day at which time the birthdays o f all members falling in the months of June, July and Aug ust were celebrated. On that day there was a launch ride which took the girls to some of the scenes be ing "shot” at “ Northwest Passage.” Those girls whose birthdays fell on these days Included Phyllis Schlreman. Phyllis Poage, Leona Ray, Karleen Smith. Ellen Bybee, Cleda Nusser. Helen Shelley and Louise Tensen. Assisting Mrs. Rinehart at the camp were Mrs Dick Tensen. Mrs. Nusser. Miss Margaret Olsen and Miss Vera Jensen. Too Late to Classify FO R R E NT MODERN FU R NI8H ED house. For information call Barney Wilson. , 3Alxc Another Pork Barrel The new schedule of power rates for Bonneville are intended to en courage use of the energy which has been going to waste for going on two years. The rates were submit ted to the federal power commis sion and that body rushed its ap proval in four days in order to ad journ for the summer. Senators of Oregon and Washington have been advised to notify the commis sion by August 15 if they have any suggestions to make. Meanwhile Secretary of the Interior Ickes is asking legislation to hire a flock of officials for Bonneville at $9000 each. I t would require the sale of 620 kilowatt years on “ at site” rate to pay one salary for one year. T o date only 200 kilowatt years have been sold. (Editors Note: This bill was in troduced in the House by Congress man Pierce, a like bill in the Senate cutting the salaries to $8000 was passed. This Senate bill was Intro duced by Senator McNary. Repub lican of Oregon.) This -N That Mr. Roosevelt is being condemned again He said he would not visit Alaska this summer as planned, be cause there are dense fogs In that region at this time of year. This FOR FRIDAY and SA T U R D A Y — August 4-5 1 lb- P » c k a 8 e8 7c Crackers Tib! 15c C— . Opam 26c Flour 82c Cheese |b 17c Peanut Butter Lch 23c Fryers lb 10c 1 o J 4,b 36c Bacon Squares ST" Le,n 12c Veal Steak »*>• 17c Pork Roast ,b 18c Hamburger ZtSZi. 15c Biscuits 3(1',°” who1' Whe*‘ 27c O tarcn Coen or Gloss, pkg. Hormels each packages W ILSON N EW ELL HEIGHTS Another year has come and gone for the folks of Newell Heights. For four years all the neighbors on the new land have gathered annually for a picnic. Out o f the first of these gatherings the Modem Pion eer club was bom. and for two years has directly sponsored the picnic. Sunday afteroon 70 neighbors and friends visited and generally en joyed themselves on the Anderson lawn. A t 6 o’clock a bounteous table, made doubly attractive with sum mer flowers was spread. Walter Jensen and Mr. Parrot, state shipping point inspectors with Mrs. Jensen were unexpected guests, having known the Ross Healy and Ted Rogers families in western O re gon. Mr. Jensen and Mr. Parrot have been inspecting potatoes in this vicinity for three weeks. A t the short business meeting a park board was elected to facilitate the purchase of land for a com munity park serving Newell Heights, Kingman Kolony, and Adrian. This project has been under consider ation for some time, and now that a few difficulties are being solved, it seems very likely that our park will become a reality. George Shie- mer will act as chairman, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill. Mrs. Maurice Judd, and Mrs. Sheimer making up the board. The Girl Scouts left early Monday morning by bus for Payette Lakes where they will be at the Kiwanis cabin on Sylvan beach. Mrs. M. Judd in charge assisted by Mrs. Ralph Haworth, Mrs. E. Cloninger went as nurse and to teach first aid. Evelyn Haworth, a senior life saver, will be in charge of the water front, she will be assisted by Hinemoa Cloninger. The Girl Scouts held a covered dish lunch and all day handicraft meeting Wednesday. Friday evening they presented “ Here Comes Charley” in the new high school at Adrian to an appre ciative audience. Amos Broulette of Yakima came Sunday to look after his Interests here. Glen McGinnis painted the Alvon McGinnis home Wednesday. Mrs. Alvon McGinnis and Mrs. W. W. Smith were hostesses for a stork shower Wednesday honoring Mrs. William Wright. Luncheon was served to 30 ladles. Mrs, G. W. Cummings of Big Bend, and Mrs. Otis Fisk of Bums. Ore., visited the Cecil Smith home last week. Stanley Hill has been quite ill the past week and is still under the observation of Dr. Maulding. Here are some figures, while they look small compared with the na tional debt, still seem like lots of barley to us. Evan Gheen, one of our large scale farmers, has finished combining and the yield was 250.000 or one quarter of a million bushel. M. L. Kurtz will finish digging potatoes this week and is putting in fall lettuce. George Scheimer is combining grain at the McCunes place. NYSSA Phone 108 Mrs. O. E. Butler is recovering and the Ernest Smith and Russell Talbot families Thursday. from a serious illness. Wayne Ulrey spent Sunday at the home of Harrison Ulrey of Oregon K ING M AN KOLONY Trail. Mr. and Mrs. Fivecoat were call The 4-H clubs of Kingman en joyed an evening at the sand hills ers at the Walt Benson home in this past week. A fter playing games Oregon T rail Thursday. for awhile they carried fuel to the top of the hill and toasted marsh ADRIAN mallows. Besides the local lead ers, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hauser of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pounds went Ontario were present. to Vale Saturday evening to spend Mrs. Mary Nichols and daughter Sunday with Mrs. Hart. left for Portland Tuesday morning. Mrs. Harvey Otis spent Friday in They will spend the month of Au Boise visiting Mrs. C. E. Peck. gust with Mrs. Nichols' sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parker of George Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Big Bend were dinner guests Tues Ernest Tetwiller and Mrs. Wade day at the Vernon Parker home, Nichols took her to Ontario to meet Mr. DeCoursey of Nampa came the bus. Monday to start drilling the well at Mrs. T . T. Elliott accompanied the high school. Mrs. Conrad Martin and Miss Jean The play “ Here Comes Charles” ette Martin to Caldwell Wednesday was given Friday evening by the afternoon. Mrs. Elliott visited her Girl Scouts. Eighteen of the girls daughter, Mrs. Sandy Patterson. left Monday for Payette Lakes. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft spent Mon Richard and William Holley were day in Caldwell fishing at the dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark of Don Points of Nyssa spent the Salem are visiting in the Robert Clark home. They expect to make week end with his brother Everett their home in the Kolony this fall. Points. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch and The Pollyanna club met with Mrs. Muntjeweriff were John Thiel on Wednesday. A fter Mrs. G errit an afternoon of visiting the hostess in Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell served delicious refreshments. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. spent Sunday in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher and Clyde Bowers on August 9. Mrs. Conrad Martin and Miss Jeanie, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points Jeanette Martin were in Boise on and Don were fishing Sunday. Mrs. Art Sparks of Dixie spent Monday and Friday this last week. On Monday Mrs. Ray Holton ac Monday visiting Mrs. Howard Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker, Mr. companied them and on Friday Mrs. Harvey Otis went along and and Mrs. Archie Parker of Big spent the day with Mrs. C. E. Peck. Bend spent Wednesday at the Ver Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tetwiller non Parker home. Mr. and M!rs. James MoGinnis were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. and fam ily were Sunday guests at Wade Nichols Tuesday. C. M. Beaumont was in Ontario the Alvon McGinnis home in New ell Heights. on business Wednesday. Glen Pounds went to Caldwell The Chas Wilson fam ily spent Wednesday in Ontario. Monday to see his parents. On Friday E. M. Hauser and sev Ray Hall o f Nyssa spent the past eral local leaders from nearby week with his cousin Donald Hatch. communities brought the boys and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toomb and girls who belong to the 4-H cattle Gordon of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. N. judging teams out to judge the E. Hatt of Owyhee were Sunday Beaumont-Toomb herd of Jerseys. guests at the Vernon Parker home. They judged both milk cows in pro Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch were duction and young heifers. shopping in Nyssa Saturday. Charles Wilson took sick Satur Mr. and Mrs. Haldaman moved day morning while helping hay on last week into the Web Otis house. the Elmer Dutton ranch. Sunday it Everett Points is running the feed was necessary to call Dr. Mauld store while Freddie Jurris is work ing. ing in Parma. E. G. Osborn is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trembley this week. are the parents of a son born July Mr. and Mrs. E. Tetwiller were 26. dinner and supper guests of Mrs. Ralph and Fred Reed returned E. Elliott Sunday. from Arkansas last week. They are Nadeen and Forestlne Wilson living in one of Arthur H olly’s were Sunday dinner guests of Shir houses. ley Price. Sherman Blakely of Oklahoma and, Mr. and Mrs. Stroupe of Boise O W YH E E were guests in the T. T . Elliott home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst were W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. J. G. Sunday visitors at the Klingback Lane on Thursday. There were a home from Nyssa. good many out at this meeting. Mrs. Laurence Peutz who has been in Walter Pinkston led the devotion- bed with trouble with his leg since als. his appendicitis operation went back M ITCHELL BUTTE Russell Johnson of qaldwell is visiting at the Harold Fivecoats and is working for Russell Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat en tertained at dinner for W alter Ben son and lone. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams and Mildred, Loretta Mitchell and John Knottlngham Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jennie Talbot and daughters of Nyssa visited in this district Sat urday. Albert McGinnis is able to be up again. Loretta Mitchell returned home Sunday from Oregon Trail. Mr. Lowe was a business visitor in Caldwell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard and family and Mrs. Jim Chard of Lu cas. K a s . visited with her son. Leo G rocery OREGON to the hospital Tuesday for ob servation. Mrs. T. M. Lowe from Mitchell Butte called at the Chas. Bradley home Thursday afternoon. Mesdames Ellis Walters , Wm. Peutz, Werner Peutz and Martha Klingback attended a shower for Mrs. Vivian W right at the Alvon Edward G. Robinson Francis Lederer and Paul Lukas in “CONFESSIONS OF A N AZI SPY” Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10e-30e T U E SD A Y — Augu.t 8 P A L N IG H T Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy and Paul Lukas in “LETTER OF INTRODUCTION” John Clements and C. Aubrey Smith in Alexander Korda’s FOUR FEATHERS” Photographed in Technicolor Movietone News Admission lOe-Me The Merry Matrions club met at the home of Tessie Olson Wednes day afternoon. Gladys Byers assist ed. Seventeen members and two guests were present. Roll call was answered by suggestions for future roll call. The afternoon was spent quilting for the hostess. A guess ing contest provided entertainment with Norma Pitkin winning the prize. Refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon. Roland, Willard and Homer W hit man returned Saturday from a trip to Kansas City, where they visited the past two weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins moved their furniture from the teacherage to Imbler. Ore. Mr. and Mrs. W yatt Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith made a business trip to Halfway, Ore., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wilson, Har old and Bobbie returned Friday from a two weeks trip in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Torvald Olson vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Shirk Thurs day. Mrs. J. Chard arrived from Lucas, Kas., last Wednesday to visit with her sons. * Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Byers were Sunday dinner guests at the F. G. SUNSET V A LLE Y The youngest son of W. T. Buf fington had the misfortune to break his arm above the elbow, Sat urday. Sunday visitors in the Chas Ditty home were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones, Mrs. John Vanderpool and Miss Nona Browning. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones and chil dren and Sam Cates and family of Cow Hollow spent Saturday night with the Homer Cates family Miss Nona Browning of Emmett is staying with her aunt, Mrs. John Vanderpool during the busy season. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Atheson and family visited in the C. A. Ditty home Monday evening. Miss Tressa Ditty visited several days last week with friends in Nampa. H. Terra had the misfortune to turn his hay derrick over Saturday. Not doing much damage but loss of several hours of stacking. Mrs. A. L. Atkeson, Elizabeth and Wandalee of Nyssa, C. A. Ditty, John Case and Miss Tressa Ditty visited Robert Ditty at Nampa Tuesday evening. Robert Ditty was brought home from the Mercy hospital in Nampa Sunday. Elizabeth K rell of Seattle, Is vis iting in the Oce Schwelzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schwelzer were New Plymouth callers Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ward and son are visiting in the L. E. Newgen home. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Newgen, Bob and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward and Vernon enjoyed a picnic in the hills above Unity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Markham and family of Ontario visited in the Hillis home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Newgen and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. Ward and Vernon attended the Co-op picnic near Cairo Junction Tuesday. Sure-- Safe or D O N ’T G A M B LE -S e e Us About HAY AND GRAIN INSURANCE NYSSA REALTY Phone 53 Bonds Notary L. T. (D oc) Marshall and Son 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF “Y ” ON H IG H W A Y 30, NYSSA M ost Modern Plant Between Salt Lake and Portland 400 MODERN, SANITARY, STEEL LOCKERS Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O ’Sullivan in “T A R Z A N FINDS A SON” S U N D A Y and M O N D A Y— August 6-7 OREGON TRAIL Each with capacity of 300 pounds of Meat or Food Stuffs The widespread use o f refrigerated lockers, replacing the old methods of home canning and cold packing, have proven a tremendous benefit to residents of cities, towns and farms, and many million pounds o f food are now being stored in lockers all over the country. Imagine being able to have your own sweet corn, berries and other vegetables served with garden freshness on your Christmas table! Or the finest qualities o f your own meat fresh whenever you want them. Truly, this is an amazing w’orld in which we live, and this new industry, according to those who are in close touch with it, is destined to be one of the nations largest. LECTURE-DEMONSTRATION 8 p. m. A w » Holmes home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schwelzer have moved from the Geo. Schwelzer home to the small house across from the tile plant. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Rose and Mrs. George 11a Rose of San Francisco visited several days last week at the Wyatt and Archie Smith homes. They left early Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Brockman and fam ily of Missoula. Mont., are visiting with her father, W. A. McNall. On Sunday a dinner was given in honor of the visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Austin McNall of Boise were guests. Mr and Mrs Archie Hovey of The Dalles, Ore., visited at the F. C. Fry home last week. POLAR COLD STORAGE & LOCKER PLANT FRIDAY and S A T U R D A Y — August 4-5 Movietone News Matinee Saturday 2:30 p. m. Admission Matinee 10c-25c Evening 10c-30c McGinnis home in Newell Height* Wednesday. Doris Hite was an overnight vis- otor of Juanita Franklin Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leigh and Mrs. Lois Leigh of Parma were supper guests at the Chas. Bradley home Friday. Grace Ernest and Georgia Dennis o f Nyssa were lunch guests at the Wm. Peutz home Sunday. Margaret Klingback returned home from Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith spent the week end in Long Valley huckleberrying. Neil Dimmick took a group of 4-H members on a livestock judging trip to Kingman Kolony Friday. The Owyhee P. T. A. has been postponed until August 25, when it wil lbe at the T. M. Low home at M itchell Butte. The Frank and Earl Crocker fam ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner and Betty Jean and Nig Culbert son were dinner gueste of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coulters Sunday. Leslie and Nadine Crocker, Verna Mitchell and Russell Patton were supper guests of Betty Skinner Sun day. In the afternoon Nadine Crocker and Betty Skinner called on Clara Skinner who is working at the Sid Flannigan home. OPEN ^ MONDAY AUGUST 7 pl>OG“*u THEATRE W ED NESD AY and T H U R SD A Y— August 9-10 A Dependable Food Store NYSSA ■ir NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL' THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1939 PAGE SIX Air. W. K. Worsley Sales Engineer will deliver a Lecture and Demonstration o f this modern Sanitary Storage and locker plant at 8 p. m. BE SURE TO COME T h e P U B L IC Is I N V I T E D