NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL- THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1939 and Mrs. Earl Farr of Nyssa Miss Irene Weeks of Nyssa, Miss daughter, Mr. and Mis. John Quig T ALBERTA VALLEY | were Mr. Monday evening visitors at the Esther Huffman of Caldwell, Fred ley, Mr and Mrs. Jim Moss and STATE CA PITO L NEWS A. L. LINDBECK State Capitol News Bureau NEW UNIFORMS SALEM — Within the next few weeks all units of the Oregon Na tional guard will be supplied with the new style long trousers and canvas leggings to replace the breeches and wrapped leggings which have been the regulation issue for enlisted men of the army heretofore. Major General George A. White announced this week that orders have been placed with the war department for enough of the new style trousers to supply the 1500 men of the 186th infantry and the 218th field artillery who have not yet received them. LIVESTOCK THEFT ARRESTS Twenty-two arrests were brought about through efforts of the live stock theft investigation division of the state department of agriculture during the first half of 1939. Nine teen of the arrests resulted In con victions, one defendant was acquitted and three cases are still pending. Penitentiary terms aggregating 17 years were meted out to six of the defendants but five of them were paroled from the bench and only one of the number actually went to prison. FAIR TRADE IS NO ROBBERY A private elevator may be a great convenience but it does not afford much relief from the heat as Gov ernor Sprague has discovertd during the past week. When the capitol architects designed the new build ing they made provision for shower baths in the offices occupied by the secretary of state and state treas urer but not in the executive suite, thinking, no doubt that he should be content with a private elevator. Offers by the governor to trade his elevator for a shower bath have failed to interest his board of con trol colleagues although both have graciously consented to allow the governor to indulge in a cooling shower during the hot weather in exchange for an occasional ride on his elevator. A PLAQUE FOR MARTIN A bronze plaque honoring former governor Charles H. Martin is soon to be placed in the new capitol. The plaque, the work of George B. Clau sen, Portland sculptor in bronze, has been financed through contribu- Professional Cards DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian___Mrs. S. B. Davis CITY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KLINKENBERG OPTOMETRIST "See Mt-Fall and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON tions from some 50 prominent Ore gon business men all admirers of the former governor. OREGONIANS INSURE Oregon residents paid out a total of $43,526,444 in insurance prem iums upon all classes of Insurance during 1938. according to the annual report of Hugh H. Earle, state in surance commissioner. NEW PRESIDENT FOR E. O. C. R. J. Maaske, just elected to the presidency of the Eastern Oregon College of Education at LaGrande, was formerly assistant state sup erintendent of public instruction under C. A. Howard whom he suc ceeds at the LaGrande institution. A graduate of the Universiay of Kansas, Maaske began his teaching career at Irrigon in eastern Oregon. ENTERTAINING ANGELS One evening last week a kind hearted motorist travelling along the highway down in Coos county picked up a couple of youthful hitch hikers. The grateful hitch hikers explained to the kind hearted mo torist that they had been kept in after school and had missed their bus. They also regaled the kind hearted motorist with tales of their numerous pranks at school at the expense of their teachers most of whom, in the opinion of the youth ful hitch hikers were deaf, dumb and blind—especially dumb. All of which interested the kind hearted motorist immensely for he had once been a boy himself, and as a boy had attended school and may have played jokes on his “dumb” teachers even as did these modem hitch hiking youths. Arrived at their destination the boys thanked the kind hearted motorist profusely for the “lift” and he in turn thanked them for their entertainment and as he prepared to “step on the gas” he presented each of his guests with his card. Ie read: “Rex Putnam, state superintendent of public in struction." ORDER OF THE ANTELOPE Official Oregon was well repre sented at the annual gathering of the Order of the Antelope on Hart Mountain last week. Among those making the pilgrimage to the cen tral Oregon shrine were State Trea surer Walter E. Pearson, who holds the title of Keeper of the Canteen, in the organization; Secretary of State Earl Snell: Dan J. Pry, state purchasing agent; Jerrold Owen, secretary to the world war veterans state aid commission, and Lewis Griffith, secretary to the state land board. KILLERS GET THEIR DUES A total of 5472 perdatory animals were killed by hunters in Oregon during the first six months of 1939. according to J. D. Mickle, stae di rector of agriculture. The list In cludes 4944 coyotes, 496 bobcats. 23 bears and 10 mountain lions. LIQUOR PROFITS INCREASE Oregon’s liquor monopoly did a $8.361.561 business during the year ending June 30 last, according to a report by the liquor control com mission. Profits for the year were reported as $2,864,861, an increase of nearly $140.000 over the previous year. MORE NEW CARS If the automobile business is any criterion the people of Oregon are more prosperous than they have been for many years. Statistics compiled by Secretary of State Snell show thtat 15,732 new cars and trucks were sold by dealers in this state during the first half of the year. This is an increase of 35 per cent over new car sales for the same period in 1938, Snell said. PRIVATE OWNERS WARNED Private automibles operating as “for hire” carriers are in violation k BOISE-W IN NE M U C C H I" of the state law. warns O. R. Bean, I STAG ES public utilities commissioner in de J claring war on this practice. 11:15 A.M. Leave Boise 12:10 Noon Leave Caldwell At Payette Lakes— 5:15 P.M. Arrive Wlnnemucca Mayor and Mrs. R. A. Thompson 10:10 P.M. Reno were among the Sunday visitors at Arrive Arrive San Francisco 8:05 A. M. i the Lakes. BUILD ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DRTCATABBOTT Chiropractic Physician Physio-Therapy Phone 25 Office: Next Door West of M. E. Church home. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Thompson of | Henry Gannon Lackey dug spuds Tuesday. Ontario visited at the E. E. Laird John Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot and home Monday. visitors at the Gerrit Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Kroff of Chris of Arcadia were Thursday Nebraska were Monday dinner Joe Shelton Walla ar guests at the Conrad Krotzman rived Monday of to Walla sepnd the sum home. at the Rock Shelton home. Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Mathews vis mer Bonnie Neilson was a Thursday ited Frank Mathews and family in dinner guest of Nancy Gannon. Vale Monday. Mrs. Vivian Anhder, Mrs. Lucille Marie Seabum, Ellen Bybee, and Cummings, Mrs. Annie Egan Lloyd Marjorie Groot returned Monday Egan and Lawrence Chambers and from Payette Lakes. family motored to the dam Tues Mr. and Mrs. George Scheimer day. and family of Big Bend were Mon Mr. and Mrs. John Lowe of Owy day evening visitors at the Jake hee were Sunday visitors at the Van Twisk home. home. Mrs. LaVere Fife and Mr and Andy Boersma and Richard McLaughin Mrs. Geo. Jensen were in Boise of Archie California are visiting Mrs. U. G. Tuesday. Seaburn. Maurice Overstreet of Newell Lila and Vivian Fife returned Heights was an overnight guest of from Donald Jensen Saturday and Sun day. a visit in western Idaho Tues day. Mrs. Harry Shelton and Mrs. Bob Trammell and Jean of Mr. and Fisher of Boise are spend Nyssn visited at the Dick Groot and Howard ing the week at the Rock Shelton Martin Osborne homes Tuesday. home. Leona Johnson of Nyssa Heights Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hildbraut of was an overnight guest of Marie Vale spent Sunday at the E. B. and Bertha Sweet Tuesday. home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Green of Nyssa Laird Mary Gardner returned Tuesday visited at the John Lackey home from a visit at Pocatello. Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Crockett and family Mrs. Andy Boersma and family of Glenns Ferry. Mrs. Frank Hall motored to Boise Sunday. of King Hill. Curtis Osborn of Mid Warren Larsen of Twin Falls vis and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ited a the Jake Groot home Satur dleton Crockett of Mountain Home were day. Sunday visitors at the Luther Fife Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fife and Mr. home. and Mrs. La Vere Fife were pic Mrs. Luther Fife entertained 32 nicking at Weiser Canyon Sunday. guests at dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. Vivian Anhder of Hyrum, Christine Jensen’s birthday. Utah and Mrs. Lucille Cummings. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gannon were Mrs. Anne Egan of Logan and Lloyd business visitors in Caldwell Tues Egan of San Francisco spent the day. first of the week at the Lawrence Chambers home. Jack Gannon left Monday for APPLE VALLEY southern Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chambers of New steps have been built at the Boise and Mrs. Laura Starcker and north entrance to the school house. friend of Parma spetn Sunday at Besides the combines working in the John Lackey home. this locality we have three thresh Mrs. C. W. Barrett o f Arcadia ing outfits that are kept busy. Hay and Mrs. Robert Vest of Riverview ing, threshing, potato digging and visited Mrs. Gerrit Stam Monday. lettuce planting seem to have come Rikus Van Twisk of Valley View all at once. was a Sunday visitor at the Jake Mrs. Emma Auker of Grants Pass, Van Twisk home. Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. John Auker Mrs. Luther Fife and Lila and and children of Adrian spent Sun Mrs. Geo. Jensen and children mo day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tored to Boise Friday. Fred Fisher. Mrs. Martha Norland Mrs. Vivian Anhder, Mrs. Lucille was also a guest for dinner. Cummings, Mrs. Annie Egan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey spent Lawrence Chambers and family Sunday at the McDermott home were in Weiser Monday. near Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Sewell and Donald Harry went to Wilder granddaughter of Nampa spent Saturday and came home Monday. Sunday at the Clayton Jensen Mr. and Mrs. James Correll Jr., home. down from New Meadows to George B. Cropp representative of were spend Sunday with his folks, Mr. the San Francisco Sulphur Co., of and Mrs. J. H. Correll. Portland was a Tuesday dinner Charles Van Cleef of Wilder came guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen. over to look over the radish seed Jean Trammell of Nyssa was an being raised on the Lee Johnson overnight guest of Beverly Osborn place. Tuesday. went to Boise Sat Mrs. Andy Boersma and Mrs. Ross to Summy spend a few days with his Dick Groot attended the flower urday Ralph. show committee meeting for the brother, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson and Fall Festival at the home of Mrs. children spent at Big Bend. C. W. Barrett in Arcadia and formu Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Ed Hartman and late plans for the festival to be held Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Whittom and Sept. 15 and 16. little daughter of Parma aft Pete Tensen was a business visit ernoon callers at the J. H. were Correll or in Ontario Wednesday. Sunday. Mrs. Ai Thompson and Mrs. W. home Norman Sparks is visiting his un W. Foster of Nyssa and Mrs. Joe cle, T. J. Sparks at Big Bend. Woodard of Nyssa Heights called Miss Yulah Vertrees down at the Andy Boersma home Tues from Boise Saturday and came returned day. Stanley Goulet is on the sick list Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sackett of this week. Yakima, Wash., visited his mother, Mrs. Orville Glenn underwent an Mrs. Charles Huffman on Wednes operation at Baker Tuesday. Mrs. Leo Fife is on the sick list day. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz. this week. Henry Schultz, Charles and Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Don Lankford of Schultz and Ontario called at the Jack Gannon Boise Sunday. Patricia Nelson went to home Saturday. Boston was home from Moun Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam were Roy City, Nev., for the week end. Sunday visitors at the Z. Davidson tain Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sparks and home in Parma. family were among the guests at a Judge Downing of Pocatello and party Sunday at the Jesse Dan Davis of Homedale visited at birthday home. the Pete Tensen home Monday. Lowe Mona Gee was a guest for Sunday Mrs. Stanley Goulet attended a dinner J. A. Pettit home. lawn supper given by the Newell Mrs. at Levi the Stephens was ill last Heights Women’s club at the An week. derson home Sunday. Huffman has been help Mr. and Mrs. Bill Findling visited ing Dorothy Mrs. Charles Huffman the past Grandma Stam Sunday. Boy Scout troop No. 58, under the week. crew from Boise was inspecting leadership of Dean Fife will leave the A Idaho Power lines here Monday. Friday for Camp Billy Rice. Mrs. D. A. Rogers and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Rock Shelton and Mrs. Howard Rogers helped Mrs. Mlaxine were business visitors in Earl Boston enjoy her birthday din Boise Monday. ner Thursday. For -<&4 ERMANENCY BUILD BETTER and CH EA PER By Using Cement Blocks—Cement Brick Tile HEBER G. JOHNSON Located North of Sales Yard Piowhead and Jesse Huffman en joyed a chicken dinner at the Char les Huffman home. Roy Boston was a dinner guest at the C. D. Vertrress home Sunday E. A. Summy went to Fruitland Monday afternoon. BIG BEND Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sclser and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Key- ser and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wright and visiting relatives. The honor guest was presented a three- tie rd birthday cake. Refreshments were served. Miss Veral Dean Goodfellow of Burley visited last week with her sister, Mrs. V. L. Kesler. Glenn Wright of Homedale while helping his brother Leon hay Fri day was kicked by a horse. Dr. Ker- by was called. Benny Haki and Leo Schmitt of Kansas were visitor at the E. Gas ton home last week. Miss Lola Lee Gaston was Sunday dinner guest of Miss Alma Wester- field of Nyssa. Just-A-Mere club will meet at the home of Mrs. V. L. Kesler Fri day, August 4. Sunday guests at the Glenn Suit er home were Mr. and Mrs. Marford Stimmell and children. Art Parker of Homedale and Mr. and Mrs. J. IV Mussolini. Miss Floy Byram is suffering from a misplaced hip and is taking treatments from Dr. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Davis and chil dren of Homedale spent the week at the Leon Wright home. Mr. Davis was helping with the haying. Mrs. Al Thompson and Mrs. W. W. Foster of Nyssa were calling on Mrs. E. Gaston Wednesday after noon. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Dan Corbett attended Ladies aid at the Aunt Mattie Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma and children went to Caldwell Fri day. The community Sunday school met at the FYank Graham home Sunday with 41 present. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wright and brother, Virgil Lloyd Atkin of Twin Falls and Mrs. Harris and Dee vis ited in Caldwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma called at the Silas Hoffman home in Buena Vista Sunday. Mrs. Glenn Suiter visited Mrs. Mary Thorp in Payette Thursday. Miss Martha Smith is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Dan Corbett was taken ill Thursday night and Dr. Kerby was called Saturday. Mrs. Jess Ford and sister of Free water spent Saturday with Mrs. E. L. Lunger. Claude Parker arrived Thursday for a visit with his brother. Ernest and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller, Vir ginia and Jim left Friday for a trip to Glacier park. Mrs. Vernon Parker of Adrian was honor guest at a birthday din ner at the E. E. Parker home Thursday. Mrs. Wilmer Haworth and two daughters of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, were guests of the Ralph Haworths Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Margaret Place of Marsh alltown. Iowa is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Roberts. Miss Marjorie Farris of Parma was an overnight guest of Eleanor Haworth Friday night and attend ed the Girls Scout play with her at Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop and three children of Osaga. Kas., ar rived Saturday for a visit with their son Virl and family and Walt Bish op and family. Miss Evelyn Haworth entertained Misses Melba Fisher and Marjorie Smith of Parma. Messrs Foster and Donald Robertson and Hugh Sutton of Roswell at a dinner party at her home Saturday. Mrs. Mary Burpee and son of Portland arrived Thursday for a visit with her brothers, Joe and John Saner. Roger Watt returned to his home in Parma Saturday after an extend ed visit with his grandmother. Mrs. M. E. Rogers at the Haworth home. The Girl Scouts left Monday for a camping trip at McCall. Members of the Case and Powell families enjoyed a picnic dinner at Big Bend park Sunday in honor of Myron Case and family of Nevada. Ohio. Ray Nickens returened home Tuesday from a Nampa hospital. Misses Mary and Betty Weir were guests of Miss Margaret Place at the B. G. Roberts home Thursday. The Harvey and LeRoy Bennett families enjoyed a picnic in Cald- ARCADIA welll Sunday. Mrs. Floyd Higgins left Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob and for a month’s visit with her mother family went to Payette Lakes Sun in La Marr, Colo. day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet and Mr. Mrs. Al Bohy entertained at din- and Mrs. Clyde Riggs and sons were guests in the B. G. Roberts home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Tuning of Ros- weil were business visitors in Cald well Thursday. Mrs. Claude Eachus and children and Mrs. Elmer Eskew were in Nampa and Caldwell Wednesday. Donald Gibson had his tonsils re moved last Thursday at Parma. Donna and Joyce Ashcraft of Adrian were dinner guests of Iola Parker Friday evening. Claude Eachus, Betty and Keith were fishing at Owyhee dam Sun day. Homecoming! Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Bobbie of Adrian were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker Is made h a p p i e r Tuesday evening. when you own your NYSSA HEIGHTS I The "Jolly Janes” 4-H club met at the home of Ferris Ford Tuesday with 9 present and their leader, Mrs. Wesley Browne. The next meeting will be at the Lola Lee Gaston home Tuesday, August 8. Mr. and Mrs. Roger. Gwen and Lawrence Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholoma and family en joyed an ice cream supper at the the J. R. Mussolini home Thursday evening. Leo. J. Wright’s brother Virl and cousin Lloyd Atkin of Twin Falls are visiting here. Mrs. Harry Gahan was surprised on her birthday July 30, at her home. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Kesler and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Botner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Staffor and ner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bullard and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris and family. Otis Bullard is combining grain for George Stewart this week. George Moller and John Zittercob are getting their ground ready to plant lettuce. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Orris went to Burns Monday with a truck load ol barley. Theo Matherly is hauling the J. M. Wagner and George Campbell grain to Ontario for storage. Mr and Mrs C. W. Long of Nyssa were visiting relatives in Ar cadia Sunday. Mrs. Pearl Richard and Maydeon Maynard were business visitors in Payette Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dewey and family of Scotts Bluff, Neb., are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dewey on the Newton place. They expect to locate here. Miss Evelyn Zittercob spent last week with Miss Betty Stevens on Oregon Slope. own home. Albert Heldt Contractor—N yssa “Builder of Fine Homes” We Build to F.II.A. Pains t«* - tOW-COST AN D YOU OPEN CREDIT for PERSONAL and FHA HOM E LOANS Pieces Which W ill B E C O M E H E IR L O O M S If you would have your children praise your vc thoughtfulness later, select only furniture from firt our complete selection. Nordale furniture is built to last three lifetimes, it is not expensive, and is for sale exclusively here. Come in today and make your selection from our displays. PAGE THREE ANY BRANCH first nRTionnii bark of poRiinno TH I H A M R IN O R IO O N IN FINANCING TH* CRIOIT * IIQ U M IM IN T S O f TRAOI. COM M IRCI ANO INOU4TSV Nordale Furniture Store Phone 94 fdM ( M i l ■ \ f l D ( R A t OlFOtIT INSURANCI CORPORATION